单词 | vetoed | ||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | vetoed是veto的过去式
复数:vetoes 现在分词:vetoing 过去式:vetoed vetoed 显示所有例句
例句释义: 否决权,拒绝认可,禁止,行使否决权,拒不接受,被否决的,被拒绝 1. He did not approve the plans as proposed by Clay. Tyler vetoed two bills calling for the creation of a national bank. 但泰勒很快就向克莱表现出了他的独立性,他没有批准由克莱提出的建议,他两次否决了要求建立国家银行的法案。 www.bing.com 2. The first time I vetoed the Republican welfare reform proposal, it had been a part of their budget. 我第一次否决福利改革法案时,也正巧是共和党预算案的一部分。 www.bing.com 3. There was an enormous row in the 1960s, when Charles De Gaulle's France vetoed British entry, which eventually took place in 1973. 上世纪六十年代,在夏尔·戴高乐领导下的法国否决英国加入(欧洲经济共同体)的要求引发了大规模的骚动,最终,英国在1973年加入了。 www.bing.com 4. But the president did not agree. He said this second bill would also be vetoed unless changes were made in it. 但总统仍然不同意,他说,如果这第二部法案不进行修改的话,他仍将否决。 www.bing.com 5. But the opposition Democratic Party (PD) vetoed the plan, so the new government has no political figures at all. 但是反对派民主党否决了这个计划,因此新政府将没有政治人物。 www.ecocn.org 6. When it got to the White House, President Tyler vetoed it. 当这项法案送到白宫等候总统签署时,泰勒总统否决了此法案。 www.bing.com 7. He would not accept Tyler's "exchequer system, " and Tyler vetoed Clay's bill to establish a National Bank with branches in several states. 克雷不接受泰勒的“国库体系”,而泰勒也对克雷的建立国家银行并在各州建立支行的法案进行了否决。 www.bing.com 8. But it also fuelled resentment at the bank and in 1832 President Andrew Jackson vetoed the renewal of its charter. 但这愈发激起银行怨恨不满的情绪。1832年安德鲁.杰克逊总统否决了第二央行的特许执照。 www.bing.com 9. So it will never get through the Senate, and if it did, it would be vetoed by Mr Obama. 所以该议案定遭参议院否决,如果确实通过,那奥巴马总统也会否决该议案。 www.ecocn.org 10. Really an about face since they vetoed the last resolution against Syria, along with Russia . Those two usually side with Iran as well. 在他们和俄罗斯一起否决上一份制裁叙利亚的决议后,中国真的完全变卦了。他们俩总是站在伊朗那边。 www.chnqiang.com 1. There was not a companion measure in the House of Representatives and the White House would probably have vetoed any bill that did emerge. 美国众议院没有相应措施,而任何议案即便通过了国会,也可能被白宫否决。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Even when a deal with Barclays seemed within reach, the British Financial Services Authority vetoed it. 它与巴克莱的交易似乎已接近告成,却遭到了英国金融服务管理局(FSA)的否决。 www.ftchinese.com 3. But the Republican governor angered some Democrats when he vetoed several additional spending items before he signed the budget. 但是共和党的州长对一些民主党很生气,当他在签订预算之前否决了一些额外的花费项目。 voa.hjenglish.com 4. Despite retiring soon, but Schwarzenegger in 2010 vetoed a year to 29% off the Act of Parliament. 尽管很快就要卸任,但阿诺在2010年一年中就否决掉了29%的议会法案。 www.englishtang.com 5. The United States has vetoed a draft United Nation resolution calling on Israel not to exile Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat. 联合国希望通过一个呼吁以色列不要驱逐巴勒斯坦领导人阿拉法特的决议草案。但是,美国却对此投了反对票。 learning.sohu.com 6. And the White House vetoed Republican budget bills because Republican reductions in corporate subsidies were deemed too large. 而且因为在企业的补助金的共和党员减少太大大地被认为,白宫否决了共和党员预算帐单。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Debates on legalisation are vetoed by consumer countries, which fear an increase in addiction were drugs to be made more freely available. 毒品消费国在合法化的辩论中持反对态度,他们害怕使毒品更易获得将在现有基础上进一步增加对毒品的依赖度。 bbs.ecocn.org 8. A similar initiative was just vetoed by Gov. Donald Carcieri (R) in Rhode Island, prompting talk of an override by the legislature. 一份类似的提案却遭到了罗德岛州州长DonaldCarcieri(R)的否决,这也促使该州进行了由立法机构主导的对话。 www.bing.com 9. Former president Bill Clinton vetoed similar bills twice because they did not include an exception to protect the health of the mother . 前总统克林顿在此事上连续获得相同的投票,就是因为他的法律也没有包括保护母亲的健康。 www.bing.com 10. Uruguay's president, Tabare Vazquez, vetoed a bill that would have legalized abortion up to the 12th week of pregnancy. 乌拉圭总统巴斯克斯否决了一项提案,该提案旨在使12妊娠周内的堕胎合法化。 www.ecocn.org 1. Unlike Security Council measures, General Assembly resolutions cannot be vetoed. 和安理会的议案不同,联合国大会决议不能被否决。 www.tingroom.com 2. The sacking was vetoed by the president, Ram Baran Yadav, with encouragement from almost every other political party. 否决是拉?巴?亚达夫总统作出,而其他各方政治党派所支持的。 www.ecocn.org 3. The United States has vetoed a UN Security Council resolution, condemning the recent Israeli military offensive in the Gaza Strip. 美国否决了联合国安理会的决议,并谴责以色列最近向加沙进攻的军事行为。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. But Jackson, after consulting with advisers, defied the council and vetoed the ordinance -- his first use of that power as mayor. 然而,杰克逊咨询了顾问后无视议会而否决了这项条例---这是他首次运用市长否决权。“很难执行违反宪法的条例,”杰克逊接受CNN采访时说。 www.bing.com 5. A more likely Congressional response would be to revive the legislation Mr. Bush vetoed. 国会更多的反应是使被布什否决的立法再次复活。 www.bing.com 6. The FDP, which reluctantly gave up the idea of further tax cuts, vetoed increases in income and consumption taxes. 自由民主党勉强放弃了进一步减税的想法,否决了对收入和消费税负的增加。 www.ecocn.org 7. If his only answer is a US-vetoed Security Council resolution, it will trigger further disillusionment in his already tarnished presidency. 假如他唯一能给出的答案就是一项被美国一票否决的安理会决议,巴勒斯坦民众对他本已乏善可陈的执政将产生进一步的幻灭感。 www.ftchinese.com 8. More recently they both vetoed a Security Council Resolution that would have condemned Syria's violent crackdown on protestors. 更晚近的时候,两国联合否决了安理会关于谴责叙利亚当局暴力镇压示威民众的决议。 cn.wsj.com 9. He even vetoed cash for the Special Olympics, arguing that government should not pick favourites among charities. 他甚至否决给特殊奥林匹克的拨款,并为此争辩到,政府不应该在各种慈善团体差别待遇。 www.ecocn.org 10. Irene's verbal ability showed in her self-defense. The jury vetoed the charge against her. 艾琳的口头表达能力在她的自我辩护中展现出来,陪审团否决了对她的指控。 www.ebigear.com 1. Clearly they are unhappy with the Presidents change of heart. They expected the Vice President to make sure the President vetoed that bill. 明显地,他们对总统改变主意不是很满意,他们期望副总统能够想办法使得总统否决那个法案。 www.bing.com 2. He warned there could be violence if the bid went ahead and was vetoed by the US. 他警告说如果提案如期进行,并遭到美国否决的话可能会引起暴力事件。 www.2muslim.com 3. America continues to run a deficit, and Mr Bush has vetoed only three bills in his whole tenure. 美国政府依然在经历着财政赤字,而总统在整个任期内也只动用过三次否决权。 club.topsage.com 4. The Soviet delegation vetoed any definition of genocide that might include the actions of its leader, Josef Stalin. 所有可能令斯大林所做所为落入种族灭绝定义的草案都遭苏联代表否决。 www.bing.com 5. President Bush vetoed legislation approved by the House and Senate earlier this year that tied war funding to a timetable. 总统布什今年初否决了两院通过的含有从伊拉克撤军时间表的战争拨款法案。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. He is keener to talk about almost anything else and vetoed a televised leaders' debate on the subject. 他更热衷于谈论除此以外的几乎一切话题,他甚至拒绝就经济问题进行电视辩论。 www.ecocn.org 7. Russia and China are no longer our enemies. This past week they vetoed and stopped NATO from waging war against Syria and Iran. 俄罗斯和中国不再是敌人了。过去的一周,他们动用了否决权并且阻止了北约发动对叙利亚和伊朗的战争。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Acts requiring literacy tests passed Congress, but President Grover Cleveland, and later President William Howard Taft, vetoed them. 要求文化测试的法案由国会通过,但是格罗夫·克利夫兰总统以及后来的威廉·霍华德·塔夫特总统对此予以否决。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. An attempt to change the system power state was vetoed by another application or driver. 改变系统供电状态的尝试被另一应用程序或驱动程序否决。 www.fan6.net 10. But at the last minute, Gen Than Shwe vetoed the agreement, and Gen Khin Nyunt was later purged and put under house arrest himself. 但在最后关头,丹瑞大将否决了上述协议,连钦纽将军本人后来都遭到了清洗和软禁。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Yet any action to help the unemployed is vetoed by the fear-mongers. 然而任何帮助失业者的行动却被恐惧制造者所否决。 www.bing.com 2. But Rubinstein thought that would be "astronomically" costly and delay the project for weeks, so he vetoed the idea. 但是Rubinstein认为这要付出的成本是“天文数字”,而且将导致结项延迟数周,所以否决了这个创意。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Twice in the past two years Minnesota's governor, Tim Pawlenty, has vetoed transport bills that included tax increases. Minnesata的州长TimPawlenty在过去的两年中两次否决了包括增加课税在内的交通法案。 www.ecocn.org 4. Just last month, Russia vetoed sanctions against Zimbabwe's government, a move seen as a slap at Washington. 就在上个月,俄罗斯就否决了美国试图对对津巴布韦政府的制裁,这个举动被人们看做是俄罗斯给了华盛顿一记耳光。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. President Harry S. Truman vetoed it, but was overridden by the required two-thirds congressional majorities. 尽管该法案被哈里.S.杜鲁门(HarryS.Truman)总统否决,但仍被国会以三分之二多数票强行通过。 www.america.gov 6. The mayor vetoed it, saying that El Paso would be a laughing-stock. 市长提出否决,并称埃尔帕索将会因此成为一个笑柄。 www.ecocn.org 7. Last month the Netherlands vetoed (with Finland) the accession of Romania and Bulgaria to the EU's Schengen passport-free travel zone. 上个月荷兰还(和芬兰一起)否决了让罗马尼亚和保加利亚加入欧盟申根无边检旅游区。 www.ecolion.cn 8. Congress passed several bills to support prices and subsidise exports, but all were vetoed by Calvin Coolidge, Hoover's predecessor. 当时国会通过了若干法案,意在维持价格、补贴出口,但是全被胡佛的前任卡尔文?科立芝(CalvinCoolidge)否决了。 www.ecocn.org 9. Ideals be damned for the President who vetoed the ban on partial-birth abortions. 总统否决成型胎儿流产禁令才是其受反对的原因。 www.bing.com 10. The minister's plan to reduce defence spending was vetoed by the president. 部长有意削减防务费用的计划遭到总统否决。 www.hotdic.com 1. The reason of this reelection is that the chancellor's vote of confidence is vetoed which results in the dissolution of the Parliament. 此次改选的原因是总理的信任案被否决,因而导致了众议院被解散。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Senior administration officials vetoed the plan, saying he wasn't a valuable enough target to risk angering the Pakistanis. 高级行政官员否决了该提议,说他作为目标的价值还不足以让美国冒险激怒巴基斯坦人。 chinese.wsj.com 3. On the day of Ron Browns memorial service, I vetoed a bill that banned a procedure its proponents called partial-birth abortion. 在参加罗恩·布朗的悼念仪式那天,我否决了一项法案,该法案禁止一项被其支持者称为“部分分娩流产术”。 www.bing.com 4. President Bush says he's vetoed the bill that would have banned the use of certain interrogation techniques like water boarding. 布什总统称他已经否决一项将禁止使用水刑之类的某些审讯方式的议案。 bbs.putclub.com 5. Citing national security concerns, they've vetoed two Huawei purchases of US technology firms. 处于国家安全考虑,他们已经两次否决了华为对美国企业的收购。 www.bing.com 6. The president vetoed the bill, but congress override his veto. 总统否决了议案,但国会将它推翻。 www.hxen.com 7. When the OECD proposed an agreement to restrict bank secrecy, the Bush administration vetoed that initiative, too. 当经合组织提出限制银行保密协议的时候,同样未能逃过被布什政府否决的厄运。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The jury's verbal verdict utterly vetoed the vicious veteran's version of the proposal. 陪审团的口头判决彻底否决了那个邪恶的老兵所提出的建议。 zzws.blog.163.com 9. Last month, he vetoed a congressional bill to allow the financing of such research. 上个月,他再次否决了议会关于允许资助此类研究的提案。 www.ecocn.org 10. Some governments are deeply unhappy at carving an India-sized hole in the nuclear rules. But none has yet vetoed it. 虽然一些成员国政府对于在核规则范围内给印度量身定做豁免权感到非常不满,但是还没有哪个成员国投否决票。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. Therefore, the use of imidacloprid nearby mulberry field and the region of bee life must be vetoed. 因此必须禁止在桑园附近及蜜蜂活动区域使用吡虫啉农药。 www.chemyq.com 2. President Bush says he's vetoed a bill that would ban the use of certain interrogation techniques like water boarding. 布什总统表示他否决了一项议案,它将禁止某些审讯手段诸如。 bbs.putclub.com 3. The ECB and the other members of the European Union have vetoed this idea, fearful of contagion. 欧洲央行和其它欧盟(EU)成员国出于对危机蔓延的担忧,否决了这种构想。 www.ftchinese.com 4. How did it happen that the proposal was vetoed at the Security Council? 这项提案在安理会遭到否决是怎么搞的? www.websaru.com 5. In order to indicate that civil codification is not Germany's certainly choice, Savigny vetoed jurist's argument for civil codification. 通过对法典编纂派论据的反驳,萨维尼意在表明,制定民法典并非是当时德国的当然选择。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. In the end, he vetoed Ariyoshi's ideas and tried to sign a political agreement with the Nationalist government. 他最终否决了有吉的构想,并试图与国民政府签订一个政治协定。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. In response, legislators passed a bill requiring a warrant, but the bill was vetoed by Gov. 作为回应,立法者通过了一项要求事前警告的法案,然而该法案被州长JerryBrown在本月驳回。 dongxi.net 8. Plans for space weapons were vetoed by the Clinton cabinet. 部署太空武器克林顿内阁被否决。 iask.sina.com.cn 9. On April 18th the governor of Arizona, Jan Brewer, vetoed that state's bill to allow "concealed carry" on campus. 4月18日,亚利桑那州州长简?布鲁尔否决了允许在校园秘密携带枪支的提案。 www.ecocn.org 10. The president last week vetoed the tax cut. 总统上个星期否决了减税法案。 www.wwenglish.com 1. Columbs'sscheme was vetoed by Queen Isabella, who ordered that the Indi-ans be returned to Haiti. 哥伦布的计划被伊莎贝拉女王否决,她命令把那些印地安人送回海地去。 www.bing.com 2. Palin said she vetoed it because the Alaska Supreme Court deemed it unconstitutional, not because she supports gay-marriage rights. 佩林表示她行使否决权是因为阿拉斯加最高法院认为该法案不符合宪法,而不是因为她支持同性婚姻。 www.bing.com 3. The people of Kapatovo, a village near Sofia, named their hooch "Borisovka" after he vetoed higher alcohol duties. 在博里索夫否决了高额的酒精税之后,临近索非亚的卡拉托弗村的人将他们酿造的酒命名为“博里索夫加”。 www.bing.com 4. When the Republican governor vetoed the renewal, Luz went bankrupt. 当共和党州长否决了继续实行这一豁免时,这家公司破产了。 www.bing.com 5. vetoed a bill that would have permitted only the most innocuous forms of fireworks, such as sparklers. 否决了只允许销售无毒无害的烟火的议案,比如电光花。 www.ecocn.org 6. In 2006, their daughter Jang Keum-song took her life in Paris - because her parents vetoed the man she loved. 2006年他们的女儿张琴松在巴黎自杀--因为她父母不同意她与相爱的人交往。 www.bing.com 7. Facing an unconstitutional budget deficit in 2004, he vetoed 106 pork-barrel spending items in the state budget. 2004年,面对着违宪的预算赤字,他否决了州财政预算中的106项分肥拨款。 www.ecocn.org 8. Her children vetoed the idea, saying Mr. Diez just wants her money. 她的孩子们反对这一想法,说迪亚兹不过是想要她的钱。 chinese.wsj.com 9. He vetoed it. This second veto caused a crisis in Tyler's cabinet. 总统第二次否决国会通过的国家银行法案导致了泰勒内阁的危机。 www.bing.com 10. Taiwan also wants to buy submarines -- another item vetoed by the Bush administration. 台湾还想从美国购买潜艇,这一要求此前也曾被布什政府否决。 www.bing.com 1. His first Muscle Shoals bill was pocket-vetoed by President Warren Harding in 1928. 他的马斯尔肖尔斯法案1928年被总统沃伦哈丁搁置了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. I didn't need to remind him that on the day we met Bush vetoed legislation to ease the path for stem- cell research. 我们见面这天,正赶上布什(Bush)否决了放宽干细胞研究的法案,这一点无须我提醒。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Bush has vetoed four other bills, three of them this year. 布什还曾否决过其它四项法案,其中三项都发生在今年。 www.21food.cn 4. When I vetoed the bill, I stood with five women who had undergone partial-birth abortions. 当我否决这项法案时,五个做过这样手术的妇女和我站在一起。 www.bing.com 5. So I vetoed the bill and told its sponsors I wouldn't fight their efforts to override it. 所以我否决了这个议案,但告诉提出该议案的议员,如果他们试图推翻我的否决,我不会坚持抗争。 www.bing.com 6. But Mr Bossi vetoed the plan, hinting that it could tear the government apart. 但伯希先生否决了这一计划,并暗示这可能会使政府分裂。 www.ecocn.org 7. Triggered after the lock mode change is vetoed. 修改文档的锁定模式被禁止后触发。 www.01vb.com 8. On May 28th he vetoed the bill allowing guns in bars and restaurants. 5月28日,他否决了允许在酒吧和餐馆携带枪支的议案。 www.ecocn.org 9. Wilson vetoed measure on March 3, 1921, warning that farmers needed new markets for their products, not futile tariff protection. 1921年3月13日,威尔逊否决此法案,警告说,农民需要的是农产品的新市场,不是无用的关税保护。 10. "The first applicant Angie vetoed has a degree in child development, speaks 3 languages and knows how to box, " a source revealed. 一知情人士透露,朱莉拒绝的第一个保姆拥有儿童教育学位,能说3门语言,还会拳击。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. As soon as the legislature went home, I vetoed the bill. 在州议会散会之后,我立即否决了这个法案。 www.bing.com 2. The Chinese government, however, vetoed the deal. 然而,四川腾中重工没有得到中国政府的批准。 www.bing.com 3. Many of the delegates vetoed the plan. 许多代表否决了这项计划。 www.ebigear.com 4. I haven't vetoed the bill yet. 我还没有否决那个议案。 www.jukuu.com 5. The plan was vetoed by the government. 这个计划被政府否定了。 www.hxen.com 6. His parents vetoed his plan to buy a motorcycle. 他的父母反对他买摩托车的计划。 www.hxen.com 7. His parents vetoed his plan to buy a new motorcycle. 她的父母否决了他买摩托车的计划。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. He vetoed her plan of finding a job in the south. 他否决了她想去南方找工作的计划。 www.bing.com 9. the president last week vetoed a cereal price cut 总统上周否决了谷物价格的削减。 www.ichacha.net 10. The governor vetoed the bill on security grounds, 州长以安全为由,否决了这项议案。 www.tingroom.com 1. her parents vetoed her plan to buy a motorcycle 她的父母否决了她买摩托车的计画。 www.ichacha.net |
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