单词 | treat to | ||||||
释义 | treat to
例句释义: 款待,招待,请客 1. I apology to what I have treat to you, It's unsuitable, and childishness, I promise it would not happen again. 我为我以前对待你的方式感到抱歉,那是不适当的,而且很孩子气,保证不会再发生了。 home.ebigear.com 2. With so much bad news emanating from the nation's courts, it is a treat to see a court get it right for once. 在国家法院传出许多坏消息的同时,某个法院做了一件正确的事情无疑是让人高兴的。 www.fyjs.cn 3. He never took more than two slices of bread and butter to eat in the pit, so an apple or an orange was a treat to him. 他在井下最多只吃两片黄油面包,因此有个苹果或桔子对他就是件难得的高兴事。 www.jukuu.com 4. Now, we consider it a rare treat to stay home and cook. 而如今,我们觉得呆在家里煮饭反倒是件很稀奇的事了。 www.elanso.com 5. Belle Glade's treat to other Americans, like that posed by homosexuals a few years ago, at first seems easy to dismiss. 贝尔格雷德带给美国人的威胁,就像几年前同性恋者带给人们的威胁一样,开始时似乎很容易被忽视。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. As promised, it really was a "treat" to take a train across this great country. I'd happily sit down and go all the way back. 乘火车游历这个伟大的国家确实是一种享受,我愉快地乘火车走上了回程。 www.bing.com 7. Back in the era of scarcity, they were a rare calorie-rich treat to fill the chronically hungry belly. 在物资稀缺的年代,因为月饼富含热量,通常被用来填饱肚子。 www.bing.com 8. Be a real treat to see them all the second hand of the three full blessing. 算是一饱眼福二饱口福三饱手福了。 zhidao.88n.org 9. It's a treat to do some stretches to the music on the radio. We are stuck at the desks all day long . 配合收音机里的音乐做操真有趣,我们整天都得困在办公桌前。 www.bing.com 10. It is quite a treat to hear you talk about friendship. 听你谈起友谊,真叫人满意。 1. It's such a treat to have a home-cooked meal like this. 能吃到这种家常饭菜真是好福气 www.tingroom.com 2. Food psychologist Dr Christy Fergusson believes people view cakes as an innocent treat to be shared. 食物心理学家ChristyFergusson表示,人们将蛋糕认为是一种单纯的分享。 gb.cri.cn 3. Certainly never before had I had so much in my fist at one time. It was a treat to break a thousand franc note. 以前我当然从来没有一次装过这么多钱,破开一张一千法郎的大钞真是一种享受,我先把它举到亮处观察它漂亮的透明花纹。 www.bing.com 4. It was a treat to hear his good lecture. 听他精彩的演讲是一乐事。 bbs.enfamily.cn 5. Any kind of foreign matter in cotton can cause a real treat to the required high quality standards of yarn- and fabric production. 对高质量标准的纱线和纺织产品,棉花中任何形态的异型纤维都值得高度重视。 www.texindex.com.cn 6. That's true, but it sure is a treat to see something different and as beautiful as Holland. 没错,但是看看不同于纽约而且和荷兰一样美丽的事物确实是件愉快的事。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 7. It could be a nice treat to fuse into the local culture and enjoy the traditional cuisine and local delicacies . 最好的款待方式就是融入当地文化,品尝传统菜肴和当地美食。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The disassembled corpses are even mixed with flour and milk for a tastier treat, to make sure every bit leaves the Earth for good. 他们甚至拆解了的尸体里混合了面粉和牛奶来吸引秃鹫,以确保尸体的每一点都能永久地离开地球。 www.bing.com 9. It's a real treat to have the opportunity to meet Dr. Gambol . 有机会见到甘博博士真的很难得。 dict.veduchina.com 10. It is the perfect treat to savor at any time of the day, wherever you may be. ' 在一天中的任何时候,无论你身在何处,这款鸡尾酒都是一种可供细细品味的完美享受。 chinese.wsj.com 1. is other treat to disease: Include spasmolysis acetanilide, stop spit, aid digestion, resist angst, improvement anaemia. 其他对症治疗:包括解痉止痛、止吐、助消化、抗焦虑、改善贫血等。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Jonah wrote a very nice review of Eragon back in 2003, and so it was a treat to finally meet him. 乔纳在2003年为《龙骑士》写了一篇出色的书评,遇到他也是一件幸事。 iask.sina.com.cn 3. It was a treat to get into the country after living for so many months in the town. 在城里住了好几个月以后,到乡下来真是一种享受。 www.adultedu.tj.cn 4. Emperor Qianlong liked it very much and had a poem inscribed on it. Now placed in a glass shelter, the fossil tree is a treat to sightseers. 乾隆很喜欢这块化石,曾赋一诗刻于石上,现已装上玻璃护罩,供游人观赏。 www.showxiu.com 5. The website is a health health care knowledge that relevant herb medicine treat to Spasmodic Torticollis. 网站是有关草药治疗抽筋斜颈方面的健康保健知识。 nmip.cnmedline.com 6. To the problem 2, handed over to treat to synthesize performance target model and line programming methods beg the solution. 对问题2,交待了综合效益目标模型及线性规划法求解。 www.lunwen315.net 7. These performances are a great treat to me. 看这些表演节目对我来说是一大乐事。 www.kekenet.com 8. When her birthday came round, her students needed special permission from the head teacher to bring her the treat to celebrate. 当格拉布斯的生日临近时,学生们需要获得校长的特别许可,才能给她带来胡椒博士以示庆祝。 www.ftchinese.com 9. What disease is kidney stone? How should treat? To what effect will there is henceforth ? 肾结石是什么病?该如何治疗?对今后有什么影响? dictsearch.appspot.com 10. He states his points so clearly that it's a treat to have them. 他陈述要点时总是清清楚楚,听起来真过瘾! 1. Honest to be a man, enthusiasm treat to others and the job, be good at communication. 品格为人诚实,对人热情,对工作充满激情,善于与人沟通。 job.01hr.com 2. But it can be a special treat to get a gift or a card on an ordinary day . 但是在平常的日子里收到一份礼物或一张贺卡将是一份特殊的款待。 iask.sina.com.cn 3. Wouldn't it be a treat to have your own personal assistant? 如果你有私人助理的话这待遇岂不是很好? www.hjenglish.com 4. She was following a tradition: women teach their sons how to treat to next generation of women wll. 她遵循了一个传统:如何好好对待下一代的女性。 wenwen.soso.com 5. "It is a treat to have so few machines, " says Mr Rice, hermetically. “不怎么使用机器,这是一件乐事,”赖斯离经叛道地表示。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Yeah, for us book lovers, it's a real treat to "bo lan qun shu" here. 大牛:对,像我们这些爱读书的人,到这里来博览群书也是一种享受啊。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. It is a great treat to have a jovial, easy-going fellow on a business trip. 出差时,有个风趣随和的人做伴真是一种享受啊。 www.kekenet.com 8. It is the western media who claimed that China is a superpower in order to label China is dangerous and a treat to the world. 中国是超级大国仅仅是西方媒体的报道,他们是害怕中国太强大进而危害到他们的利益。 ltaaa.com 9. He's such a treat to learn the spirit of each of us to set an example. 他的这种对待学习的精神,给我们每个人树立了榜样。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. treat To act or behave in a specified manner toward. 对…以某种特定的方式行动或表现 home.hjenglish.com 1. The performance is a great treat to us. 演出使我们高兴极了。 www.108teacher.com 2. The operating system is a mix of elegance and whimsy that's a treat to use. 这个操作系统集雅致和奇趣于一身,让人使用时乐在其中。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Treat to change our destiny according to schedule , want to change the track of the heart first . 如期待改变我们的命运,首先要改变心的轨迹。 www.bing.com 4. The fictional world of Pandora was a treat to the eyes. 潘多拉这个虚构的星球也让人们饱了眼福。 www.elanso.com 5. The sports meet is a great treat to us. 运动会对我们来说是一件天大的乐事。 www.chinaedu.com 6. If you want other people take seriously for you the way they treat to the adults, you should be more mature. 如果你想让别人象对待成年人一样认真对待你,你就应该更成熟点。 bbs.ebigear.com 7. Instead, we are treat to fine hypocritical spectacles, which now more than ever seem in ample supply. 相反,我们似乎目睹了比以往任何时候都多的虚伪景象。 blog.163.com 8. WHO DID I TREAT TO BE MY ONLY ONE WHEN I WAS IN COLLEGE? 大学那会儿我对谁专一了? blog.sina.com.cn 9. our host stood treat to a late supper. 观看演出之后,主人又请我们吃了一顿夜宵。 www.jukuu.com 10. Here are some amazing examples of nature photography that are a real treat to eyes. Hope you would like them. 下面这些令人惊叹的自然摄影冲击着我们的视觉,希望你会喜欢。 www.bing.com 1. so an apple or an orange was a treat to him. 或者橘子对他来说是件难得的高兴事。 www.bing.com 2. What a fair treat to get into the peace and quiet of the country! 置身于安静的乡间多么令人愉快啊! www.kekenet.com 3. What a treat to get into the peace and quiet of the country. 进入这乡间和平和宁静的环境真是难得的乐事。 www.peilian365.com 4. What a treat to get into the peaceful and quiet country. 到宁静的乡下来真是一大乐事。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. It's a great treat to live in the country. 住在乡下是一大乐事。 bbs8.ruiwen.com 6. Of course not. It's a treat to have you. 当然无妨。接待你是我的荣幸。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 7. In my opinion, we should go to the countryside. What a treat to get into the peace and quiet country. 依我之见,我们应该去乡村。进入乡间的平和、宁静真是一件难得的乐事。 www.chinaedu.com 8. The clinical research of microwave treat to bronchial tuberculosis checked with fiberoptic bronchoscopy 经纤维支气管镜微波治疗支气管结核的临床研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Significance of Nutrition Support in Inner Intestines and Stomach to Treat to Serious Cerebral Patients During Early Treating time 早期肠内营养支持在神经外科危重患者治疗中的意义 ilib.cn 10. How Young Cadres Treat to Be Promoted 年轻干部如何对待职务升迁 www.ilib.cn 1. Dilated cardiomyopathy treat to realize 扩张型心肌病的诊治体会 www.cjcm.org.cn 2. Intractable insomnia treat to realize 顽固性不寐治疗体会 www.pjcm.org |
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