单词 | can take | ||
释义 | can take
例句释义: 能经受 1. The method can take a rest eyes closed, doing eye exercises, or to walk outdoors, etc. , which will help to eliminate eye strain. 休息的方法可采取闭目养神,做眼保健操,或到室外走动等,这样有利于消除视觉疲劳。 www.citynoon.com 2. Sorry. the international does not work here. i can take you to the bank. 不好意思,我们这里不能刷国际卡~~我可以带你去银行!! iask.sina.com.cn 3. You think you can take care of him for me? 你认为你可以帮我照顾好他吗 www.kekenet.com 4. And every second i waste is more than i can take. i've become so numb i can't feel you there. i've become so tired so much more aware. 我浪费的每一秒多过我能承受的。于是,我变的麻木,不能感觉到你在那里,比我意识到的累很多。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. She said: "I'm taking my dad. Hopefully, if I can squeeze a few more tickets, I'm going to see if I can take my brother and my mom. " 她说:“我的父亲随同我一起去,如果我能拿到更多的入场券,我将带上我的弟弟和母亲一同前往。” www.elanso.com 6. These statements can take the form of two equal sides, like an equation, or the statement "A spinster is female and unmarried" . 对这些知识的叙述表现为一种两边等价的形式,像一个方程,如“‘spinster’就是未婚女子”。 www.bing.com 7. It has two bombs, and four of these planes can take out a War Factory at the current balance levels. 它有两颗炸弹,以目前的平衡设者,4架这样的飞机可以干掉一个重工。 game.ali213.net 8. Supercapacitors are meatier versions that are able to hold a reasonable amount of energy, and can take it in and release it quickly. 超级电容器是有能力储存相当多能量的更丰满的版本,并且能很快的充电和放电。 www.ecocn.org 9. Even so, the idea that consciousness seems to be an emergent property of the brain can take us somewhere. 即便如此,意识似乎是大脑的自然属性这一认识也能对我们有所启示。 www.bing.com 10. When you arrive at one of them, you can take a bus or taxi to any place in New York. 当你抵达了其中的一个,你可以乘公共汽车还是坐出租车到任何地方在纽约。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Our main means of communion will be your television services, until we can equip you with a personal unit that you can take with you. 我们主要的沟通手段将是你们的电视服务,直到我们能够给你们配备一个你们可以随身携带的个人装置。 a52xyo.blog.163.com 2. Often, however, the business model needs as much rapid development as the feature set, and can take quite a while to emerge. 但商业模式常常需要和特性集合一样快的发展,可能过很长时间才能形成。 www.bing.com 3. The process of rebuilding all the walls of your cells can take up to a year, so there's no time to lose. 重新建造你所有细胞壁的过程能花上一年度时间,因此没有多余的时间可浪费了。 www.bing.com 4. We watch the events in wonder and awe and applaud all who believe that change can take place in a peaceful and determined manner. 我们以好奇的,敬畏的和称赞的心意观察着这些事件,所有人都相信这个改变能够在一个和平和坚决的方式中发生。 apps.hi.baidu.com 5. They should save their money, and many lives, and accept the fact that if China wants to, she can take their island in a few days. 他们应该节约用钱,珍惜生命,然后接受现实:如果中国想要这么做,她可以在几天之内解放他们的台湾岛。 www.ptfcn.com 6. No one can see under the mask of me, no one can take advantage of these secrets to threaten me, destroy my life. 没有人能看到面具下的我,也没有人能够利用这些秘密来威胁我,破坏我的生活。 www.dota123.com 7. If you are still unsure, I can take a look at it for you. 如果你仍然不能确定,我可以带一个你看它。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. You are not going to be able to avoid paying a lot for your wedding, but you can take steps to find affordable wedding dresses. 你可能打算避免为你的婚纱礼服发费一笔钱,如果这样,你就有必要采取一些措施,找到一个实惠的婚纱礼服。 www.bing.com 9. "I wanted people to understand that you can take the same data and have it tell lots of different stories, " he said. “我希望大家理解,你可以从使用同一个数据,让它描述大量不同的故事”。 www.suiniyi.com 10. Sometimes you just need to get the blood circulating. Sitting at your desk all day can take a lot out of you. 有时你得让血液循环流畅,整天坐着会让你丧失很多。 www.bing.com 1. If you can take some of the pressure off of us, we might be able to solidify our position. 如果你能帮忙减轻点压力,我们就能巩固现在的战果。 bbs.ngacn.cc 2. On Sunday night, Hsing seemed to agree. "Maybe I can take a year off and play the professional tour, " she said. 邢延华周日晚上似乎认同这一观点。她说,“或许我可以休学一年,去参加职业巡回赛。” cn.nytimes.com 3. Whenever you can, take the train-providing' you ain't got to be nowhere on time. 尽可能以火车为交通工具-如困你不赶时间的话。 yam.nnmtv.com 4. According to normal practice, a judge can take a few days to reach a ruling which is then "handed down" in court. 按照惯例,法官会在几天内在法庭上给出最后达成的裁决。 www.lfcbbs.com 5. Strength: This represents how much damage the ship can take before it sinks. 力量:这是该船在沉没前所能承受的损伤。 bbs.kuankuan.com 6. and I can take care of new family member also, at least for some time even if I lose my current job. 我也可以照顾我的家庭新成员,至少在我丢掉现在的工作后还能坚持一段时间。 www.dltcedu.org 7. Technology, he said, can take some of the unease and guesswork out of finding what lies between the stops. 他还说道,有了科技,人们在寻找站与站之间的某个地点时,就不再需要不安地猜测它到底在哪里。 dongxi.net 8. Almost all memory overhead is done away with, and all allocations can take place in a small amount of (amortized) constant time. 几乎所有的内存开销都没有了,且所有分配都可以在一个很小的(分摊)常量时间内完成。 boost-doc-zh.googlecode.com 9. You know that the higher cost of credit, you can take the demand draft just as a one-off precedent. 你也知道信用证成本较高,你方能否接受即期汇票,我方下不为例。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. If you can write up a charter for your fan club we can take a look at it and let you know if it needs any adjustments. 如果你能提交你们的影迷会发展章程我们会查阅后告诉你是否需要进行相关改动和调整。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. You can take luggage with you, and if I'm not mistaken I heard the max you can have is two pieces. 可以随身带的行李,听说最多只能有两件,我没听错吧。 quizlet.com 2. Here. I would like to ask you reflected. in the hope that you can take some of my recommendations. 在这里我想向您反映出来。希望您能够得采取我的一些建议。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. This can take a week, a month or even a year. 这可能要花上一周,一个月甚至一年。 www.bing.com 4. You know, to be here at an age where I can take in that sort of love and be at an age where I can embrace it is a tremendous feeling. 在我现在这个年龄,还能得到大家如此的厚爱,这种感觉是无与伦比的,让我永生难忘。 gb.cri.cn 5. ' In a statement on its Web site, the company said, 'a review process like this is fluid, and it can take quite a bit of time. 雅虎在其网站上的一份声明中说:“这样的审查程序是随时变化的,可能需要相当长的时间。” www.neworiental.org 6. The body can take quite a bit of other bacteria in our ingestion. 我们的消化系统是可以平静的接受一些细菌的。 www.bing.com 7. There are other directions that your race can take, and I'm trying to point out those directions to you. 你们的族类有其他可以采取的方向,我将试图我你们指明。 aideqijikecheng.blog.163.com 8. Only when you realize this point and begun to cherish, not just a pile of feathers before heavy burden, it can take us fly in the sun. 只有当你意识到这点时并开始珍惜时,羽毛才不只是一堆重重的负担,它可以带着我们在阳光下翱翔。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! 你能承受多少就尽量承受并能继续前进。这就是取胜之道! www.yappr.cn 10. I hoped that boy can take to me to be joyful, he will prepare food, understands humorously, and can build a romantic love together with me. 我希望那个男孩能带给我快乐,他会做菜,懂幽默,并且能和我共同营造一份浪漫的爱情。 www.chineselovelinks.com 1. It is a form of entertainment that we can take with us on the train or bus, on holidays, and we can take it to bed with us. 这种娱乐形式可在火车或汽车上进行,在假期,我们还可以在床上享受阅读。 www.bing.com 2. Vaginal discharge, or how much XingChouWei amount, check at the same time the doctor can take a routine test. 阴道分泌物有无腥臭味,量多少,检查同时医生会取分泌物做常规化验。 www.99inf.com 3. One of my goals might be to get all of my work done by Thursday so I can take Friday off, or use Friday to work on a personal project. 我的一个目标可能是周四把所有的工作都完成,这样我就可以在周五休息休息,或者周五的时候干干自己的事情。 www.bing.com 4. How much you can take and keep moving forward. 而是你能承受多大的重击…却能继续向前走。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The best ones can take a good idea and use it to transform themselves from embryos into giants in a few years, as Amazon and Google have. 最好的公司可以依靠一个好主意在几年从萌芽成长为巨人,就像亚马逊和谷歌做过的那样。 www.bing.com 6. Culture can take behaviour out of the general moral context and define it in a particular way. 文化可以使行为脱离其一半的道德语境,并以特定的方式对其定义。 www.bing.com 7. You can take what I'll show you here and with just a few minor tweaks adapt it to almost any situation. 你可以带我来你这里与几个次要的改变它适应几乎任何情况。 technet.microsoft.com 8. If your flight is leaving so early, I can take you to the airport and see you off. I'll still be able to make it into the office by 9. 如果你坐那么早的航班的话,我能送你去机场,给你送行。这样我在9点之前还能赶到办公室。 talk.oralpractice.com 9. Kieran: I don't know how much more I can take of this! 基兰:我真不知道还能忍受(这份工作)多长时间! www.hao1111.cn 10. Who can take the place of him when he is out? 他不在时谁能代替他? blog.sina.com.cn 1. We could send Norbert to him. Charlie can take care of him and then put him back in the wild! 我们不妨把诺伯送给他。查理可以照料它,然后把它放回野生环境里。 www.kekenet.com 2. All can take any sequence, not just a set of nodes, as long as the values of the sequence are of compatible types for the operation. 这些函数的参数可以是任何序列,而不仅仅是节点集,只要序列的值和操作相适应即可。 www.ibm.com 3. But his wife, whose attitude about her husband's risky enterprise touches all extremes, decides that they can take the child. 但是他的妻子(她对丈夫冒险事业的反应总是很极端)决定他们可以把婴儿接回家。 www.bing.com 4. The Father can take care of the whole universe so just a bunch of you is nothing. 天父照顾了整个宇宙,照顾你们一小群人对祂并不是问题。 sm2000.org 5. For the left of the team, you can take a look at the PPT file, I guess you are familiar with it already, some part is not completed yet. 对于离开团队的,你可以看一下PPT文件,我想你已经对这个很熟悉了,一些部分还不完整。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Why? I'm afraid that no one can take care of him in the future. 为什么?我担心将来没人会照料他。 bbs.enfamily.cn 7. This month will ask for quite a bit of patience from you, so at this point, if you can take a few days off, do. 这个月将要求相当多的耐心你,所以在这一点上,如果您可能需要数天时间了,这样做。 www.douban.com 8. Perhaps you are trying to prove to someone that you can take the heat without being affected by it. 也许你是想向人证明你可以忍受那种热度,而不受它影响。 hi.baidu.com 9. Now that you understand how the widgets interoperate on the page, you can take it a step further and create a more complex situation. 现在您了解了widget如何在页面上交互操作,可以进一步创建一个更为复杂的场景。 www.ibm.com 10. And because many of the networking tools can take input from a file, you can use the length of such a file as an argument to --size. 因为许多网络工具可以从文件接收输入,可以使用文件的长度作为--size选项的参数。 www.ibm.com 1. Once you're looking at an encyclopaedia page, hyperlinks can take you to any other informating in there. 你在查看百科全书页面时,高级链接可以让你查找其他信息。 www.tiantianbt.com 2. If you can take a little vacation - even just a few days - then do. 如果你能进行一段小旅程——即使短短几天——就请你出发吧。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Performance of the resulting system should improve as the kernel can take better advantage of the hardware than is possible in user mode. 改进后的系统性能将得到提高,因为内核比起用户模式能更好地利用硬件的优点。 mxtctp.sourceforge.net 4. I'm glad to hear that you will come to Beijing, but I am not sure if I can take off from work to see you in Beijing. 知道你要来北京,很高兴,但我不知道到时候能不能请到假期到北京看你。 iask.sina.com.cn 5. This article introduces you to the location awareness feature, describing how it works and how you can take advantage of it. 本文介绍位置识别,说明其工作原理、您能如何利用它。 www.ibm.com 6. Though you fail the final exam , don't get down on yourself . because you can take the exam again at the beginning of the next term. 即使你没有通过期末考试,也不要自责,因为下学期开学时你还可以再考一次。 www.wxwabb.com 7. There has been no third world war, but how much credit the UN can take for this is, at best, debatable. 第三次世界大战并未爆发,但联合匿究竟在这方面起到了多少作用,从最乐观的角度来看也是一个有争议问题。 www.ecocn.org 8. If you can, take just a second out once you have made your selection to ask yourself, "Does this toy, even innocently, condone violence? " 如果可以,一旦你已经决定要选什麽,花一点时间到外面去,问问自己:「这个玩具是纯洁的、谴责暴力的吗?」 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 9. Can take you to your dream place, as if personally felt the same. 可以带你去到你梦想的地方,好像亲身感受过一样。 wenwen.soso.com 10. This can take a little bit of time but usually can take no longer than a few weeks. 这可能需要花费一点点的时间但通常不会超过几个星期。 www.bing.com 1. However, traditional therapeutic methods can take months to years to do so and can be very challenging in the process or not really work. 然而,传统的治疗方法会有几个月甚至几年的时间去完成,而且道路充满艰辛,却不一定有效果。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. I don't know how much more I can take. 我不知道我还能憋多久 www.bing.com 3. Sitting at your desk all day can take a lot out of you. Get up, walk around, go outside if you can. 整天都做在椅子上会让你感到疲倦,站起来,走一走,如果可以的话,你可以出去走走。 www.bing.com 4. Form elements can affect how much room pull-down menus, text input fields, and other form elements can take up. 表单元素会影响下拉菜单、文本输入栏和其他表单元素所占据的空间大小。 www.ibm.com 5. 'The fact that you can take strands of thread and basically make something out of it, that's awesome I think, ' he said. “你可以将一股股的线织成一件东西,我觉得这太棒了”,他说。 www.voa365.com 6. In spite of the loss, not a bad effort by the team. If they can take it a notch higher, they should have no trouble beating Houston at all. 这场失败对于这支球队并不是完全没有好的意义。如果他们能把自己的水平再度提高,他们应该能够毫无障碍的最终打败休斯敦。 bbs.hoopchina.com 7. Though receiving the compass, he said he wouldn't comply with her order, However, he can take some comprised action. 虽然收下了罗盘,但是他说他不会听命于她,但是可以采取一些这种的行动。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Building a rooftop extension from prefabricated units is less disruptive than constructing it on site, which can take up to a year. 用预制单元盖屋顶房比就地盖房破坏性要小得多,而且后者工期要花上一年时间。 www.ftchinese.com 9. I don't know how much longer I can take this. 我不知道我还能承受多少 www.tingclass.net 10. she's got a goat as well, so she can take mine out with hers and I won't have to go on wearing myself to a shadow like this. 她有一只山羊一样,所以她可以带着她我出去了,我不会去穿自己这样的影子。 www.youeredu.com 1. There's a lot of plastic stuff in the kitchen, so you can take it out with the three bags of garbage. 厨房里还有很多塑料类制品,你可以顺便把那些回收垃圾一起拿出去倒。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. I don't know how much more the Lakers can take. Why can't we make this a good clean basketball game? 我不知道湖人还能使出多少阴招。为什么我们不能打一场干净的篮球比赛? club.learning.sohu.com 3. The question for Yahoo's board is how much of this it can take. 摆在雅虎董事会面前的问题是,它能忍耐到什么程度? www.ftchinese.com 4. She has an interested buyer, but transferring property in The Gambia requires ministerial consent and can take up to a year. 她找到了一位有意向的买主,但要在冈比亚转让财产,必须要获得政府部委审批,而且耗时可能长达一年。 web.worldbank.org 5. However, up to now, it can take a few minutes for an image to be produced, and this had to be done in a hospital or specialist care centre. 然而,直到现在,它能够花几分钟来产生影像,并且这必须在医院或专科护理中心进行。 www.dxy.cn 6. In such a case, it is not unusual that a simple rule that evaluates only a few number of records can take 10 minutes or more to complete. 在这种情况下,只有少量记录需要评估的规则,很可能要执行10多分钟。 www.ibm.com 7. Paul: Good! Then will you and Jill be able to have lunch with me? After lunch I can take you to the airport. 保罗:好啊!那麽你和吉儿能够和我一起吃午餐吗?午餐后,我可以开车带你们到机场。 8. Just because you're unhappy doesn't mean you can take it out on me. 你心里不舒服,并不表示你可以拿我出气。你只有一张嘴。 blog.163.com 9. So Mr. Summers favors tighter rules on how much debt financial firms can take on. 因此,在金融公司能够承担的债务额度这一问题上,萨默斯赞成制定更严苛的规则。 www.bing.com 10. As the children get used to the requirements of restaurants you can take them to increasingly "fancy" places. 随着你的孩子逐渐适应了这些餐厅礼仪,你可以把他们带到一些更高级的餐馆。 www.bing.com 1. As the children get used to the requirements of restaurants you can take them to increasingly "fancy" places. 随着你的孩子逐渐适应了这些餐厅礼仪,你可以把他们带到一些更高级的餐馆。 www.bing.com 2. Training will require about a week each for one or two laboratory personnel and can take a month or more to schedule. 每一个或两个实验室工作人员的培训需要一个星期的时间,也可以采取一个月或一个月以上的时间表。 str.ausbio.com 3. And a week's worth of 10-minute exercises are described on the Fitness Cards, so you can take your exercise plan with you, wherever you go. 在保健卡片上印有长度为10分钟,为期一周的健身计划,您无论走到哪里,都可随身携带。 www.jschem.com.cn 4. Lady: Don't try to be funny. I mean to ask if I can take this train to New Delhi. 女士:别开玩笑了。我是想问是否可以坐(带着)这列车去新德里。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. So far, we have seen that an XSS attack can take place in a parameter of a GET request that is echoed back to the response by a script. 到此为止,我们已经看到XSS攻击可以出现在用脚本回送响应的GET请求的参数中。 www.ibm.com 6. Building a brand can take years and pots of money; buying an established one is often cheaper. 创立一个品牌需耗费数年时间和大量资金,购买现成品牌通常比较划算。 www.ecocn.org 7. Note that this technique can take a while to perfect, but practice makes perfect. 这个技巧需要练习,熟能生巧。 www.bing.com 8. Third, what gushes forth can take on a life of its own, even if it's not true. 第三,捅出来的信息有自己的生命力,即使信息不是真实的。 www.socialbrain.org 9. The loans allow Chinese gamblers to get around currency controls limiting how much money they can take abroad. 借钱赌博使内地赌客可以避开对带到海外资金额进行限制的外汇管制。 c.wsj.com 10. See if you can take it out, without my feeling it. Just as you saw them doing it when we were playing. 试试看,你是否能在我不知不觉中将它拿走,就像你刚才看到他们做的那样。 www.kekenet.com 1. You have no idea how much pain I can take. 你根本不了解我能承受多大的痛苦。 www.hjenglish.com 2. Garment association chairman Aung Win says reaching U. S. compliance requirements can take up to a year and can be expensive. 服装协会的昂温说,可能最多要用一年的时间才能达到美国标准,而且成本不低。 www.24en.com 3. Food allergy can take the form of a sudden life-threatening reaction known as anaphylaxis, as well as eczema or an itchy rash. 这些食物容易引起肠道的过敏性反应、湿疹、以及发痒性皮疹等等。 www.ebigear.com 4. Detox can take a year or more but the end result is a relatively stable historic artefact that would otherwise have been lost. 排毒可以采取一年或以上,但最终的结果是一个相对稳定的历史遗物,否则将被丢失。 www.bing.com 5. When the plants grow out of the meshes, you can take it as a green decoration. When it's not in the rainy season, it still can be useful. 当植物长出铁丝网时,你可以把它当成绿色装饰物。这样,即使不是雨季,它依然能发挥它的作用。 www.bing.com 6. I can take a spring like this one and stretch it to the point that it no longer behaves like Hooke's Law. 像这样一个弹簧,将它拉伸到,它不再能遵循胡克定律的点。 open.163.com 7. If you think this size does not fit, you can take it back for an exchange but it must be before any washing and with the label intact. 如果你觉得尺寸不合适可以拿过来换,但是在过水和拆牌子之前。 iask.sina.com.cn 8. Secondly, it needs to be easy to understand and interpret the metrics so you can take action when you see something is wrong. 第二,需要很容易理解并解释度量标准,这样当您看到有什么出错时,可以采取行动。 www.ibm.com 9. You can take our examinations at the end of every course at all Goethe Institutes in Germany. 您的培训班结班时,您可以在任意一所德国国内歌德学院参加我们的考试。 www.goethe.de 10. RunCodeRun is still in a private beta, but you can take a look at various open source projects that are being built or apply for an invite. 目前RunCodeRun仍为私有的beta版,但你可以瞧瞧正在构建的各种开源项目或是申请一个。 www.infoq.com 1. China limits each to working on no more than two deals at a time, and deals can take a year or more to complete. 中国限定1名保荐人同时处理的交易不得超过两桩,而每桩交易可能要花费一年甚至更长的时间才能完成。 chinese.wsj.com 2. I can take her to dinner. That's fine with me. But I can't buy her everything, Know what I mean? 我可以带她吃饭,那对我没什么,可我不能什么都给她买,懂我的意思吗? www.suiniyi.com 3. Just a warning though, doing an SNMP walk of the whole . iso tree can take quite a while, so you might want to just take my word for it. 尽管只是一个警告,但对整个.iso树的SNMP遍历可能会花费较长的时间,因此您可能会接受我的观点。 www.ibm.com 4. "You've got to take care of your turtles, so they can take care of you, " he said in a priestly way. “你必须好好地照顾你的龟,这样它们才能照顾好你。”他说这话的时候,有一种神父一样的语气。 dongxi.net 5. Any one of us can take the train (or even fly) directly to Orlando, at any time, decoupling the dependency to the rest of the family. 任何时候,我们中的任何人都可以坐火车(甚至坐飞机)直接到奥兰多,摆脱对家庭其他人的依赖性。 www.ibm.com 6. When it's hung on a movable stand, you can take it with you to the bathroom or on a stroll down the hall. 当它被挂在可移动的架子上时,你可以带上它去洗手间或者在大厅里漫步。 www.bing.com 7. Journey can take place in more than just a geographical dimension. Many of the journeys of Harry Potter are journeys of the mind. 旅程可以发生在地理空间,也可以发生在心田之中。哈利波特的许多旅程,属于心灵之旅。 formosamba.com 8. Fernando can take the fight to Lewis - as there is a bit of friction there, whereas Kimi is the sort of guy who just gets on with it. 费尔南多可以采取的斗争,刘易斯-因为有位有摩擦,而雷克南的那种家伙谁得到的只是它。Itcouldbefascinating。这可能是令人着迷。 tieba.baidu.com 9. Many women don't pay attention to the price of proper clothes. Although these clothes can take a real bite out of the bank account. 许多女同胞并不在意她们中意的衣服价格,尽管这些衣服可能会花掉银行存款的好一部分。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. Therefore the final piece of advice is to plan ahead, because you can take a business with you. 因此,最后一条建议是提前规划,因为你可能会连企业一起“带走”。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Except for the limitations described below, you can take a backup from any big-endian server and restore it to any other big-endian server. 除了以下限制外,可以为任何big-endian服务器做备份,然后将它恢复到另一个big-endian服务器。 www.ibm.com 2. Ships can take a lot of pounding. But just a few torpedoes will sink you. Watch out for submarine and torpedo bombers. 舰船很容易被鱼雷击沉,注意潜艇和鱼雷轰炸。 www.write100.com 3. The wizard is now ready to add the data to your partial replica. This can take some time, depending on how much data your filter selects. 现在,向导将数据添加到部分副本的工作已准备就绪。添加过程所需的时间取决于筛选数据的多少。 www.jukuu.com 4. Paths enrich landscape access, turning a simple yard into a special place to which you can take a latte for a perfect mid-morning break. 访问路径丰富景观,使其成为一个特殊的位置,以一个简单的院子里,你可以采取一个完美的上午10时左右休息一杯咖啡。 www.cfli.cn 5. This can take a few minutes, so it might be a good time to get a refill on your coffee. 这可能需要几分钟,所以可以趁此机会喝杯咖啡。 www.ibm.com 6. So efficiency tends to decrease with increasing size once firms have passed the point where they can take full advantage of mass production. 所以当一个企业越过了它能获得的规模效应的最高点后,它的规模和效率则呈反比。 www.bing.com 7. Education, she said, is her only weapon. It is something, she said, no one can take away from her. 教育是她唯一的武器,是没有任何人能剥夺走的东西。 diversity.blog.hexun.com 8. can take medication at a different time, i. e. before going to bed. 可以利用药物在不同的时间,即睡前。 www.jfhuzhu.com 9. This energy can take the form of fats, cholesterol, carbohydrates or proteins, and each of these has a respective number of calories. 这种能量以脂肪、胆固醇、碳水化合物、蛋白质的形式存在,它们各自有相应的卡路里。 www.bing.com 10. In such a procedure time can take effect as a healing factor, without the patient's having to pay for the doctor's time. 在这样的程式中,时间可以起到治疗因素的效果,而病人不用为医生的时间付费。 springhero.wordpress.com 1. Spain, which after 20 years has registered less than a quarter of its groundwater structures, shows that this can take a long time. 西班牙经过20年的努力,登记注册的地下水结构还不到四分之一,这表明设置产权是个长期的工程。 www.ecocn.org 2. Stratos does have ways that you can take a sub-tenant app and turn it into a multi-tenant app, but it's not completely coding-free. Stratos的确有办法让你可以把子租户应用变成多租户应用,但是这种方法并不是完全无需编码的。 www.infoq.com 3. I need a week's vacation so that I can take my mind of my troubles. B: Yeah, maybe things will changes for the better. 我需要一周的假期,这样我可以忘记我的烦恼。乙:是啊,也许事情会有转机。甲:我正希望如此。 bbs.globalimporter.net 4. A function cannot be its own argument, whereas an operation can take one of its own results as its base. 一个函项不可能是它自身的主目,然而一个运算的结果可以成为该运算自身的基础。 tieba.baidu.com 5. I wish I can take a bath and just soak, but, ohm, well, I'm a bit long and I don't fit in my bathtub. so it just stresses me out. 我希望我能洗个澡,只是泡一泡,但是,嗯,我现在已经很大了,不适合在我的浴缸里。所以我就出去。 www.hxen.com 6. With those filters removed, you can take a closer look into yourself and ask objective questions about the universe and your place in it. 摘掉有色眼镜,你可以更真切地发现自我,询问有关宇宙以及你在其中的位置这类客观问题。 www.hicoo.net 7. Since you can think I dispensable advertisment, then I can take you to see in the eye. 既然你可以认为我可有可无丶那么我也可以不把你看在眼里。 www.tiantianbt.com 8. and we believe the time is now right to transition to a new ceo who can take the company to the next level. 我们相信现在是交接的正确时机,新任行政总裁可带领公司更上层楼。 www.stnn.cc 9. I wonder if I can take this afternoon off. My sister has had an accident and is in the hospital. 可以的话,我想下午请假。因为我的姐姐遇到意外,入了医院。 blueeleven.ycool.com 10. Give two hours, " she said. " If I don't make you better, you can take your pills. 再等两个小时,“她说,”要是没好转,你就服自己的药。 www.kekenet.com 1. The nuclear crisis also means no economic activity can take place in the 30km evacuation zone around the Fukushima plant. 核危机也意味着,在福岛核电站方圆30公里的疏散区内,不会存在任何经济活动。 www.ftchinese.com 2. you can take a look. It is a Taiwan site and I do not you can see it or not. 你可以去看一看,那是在台湾那边的,我比知道想不想看。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. If you're working on something so unusual that no one else is likely to think of it, you can take your time. 如果你是在研发一种非常特别的别人连想都想不到的东西,那你可以慢慢来。 www.bing.com 4. At this point, everything is set up and you can take a look at the query results in the output folder. 至此,一切设置完毕,您可以在输出文件夹中查看查询结果。 www.ibm.com 5. So, can we actually do things to help ourselves through bad times? As I discovered, you can take charge of your own cure. Here's how. 因此,我们实际上能做些什么来帮助自己走出困境呢?我发现,人们自己能够找到治疗的办法。下面就是如何去做。 www.zftrans.com 6. International investment can take place when a resident of one country buys land in a foreign country or any other existing asset. 一个国家的居民在国外购买土地或任意现有资产就可称为国际投资! translate.chinadaily.com.cn 7. This sound is so miraculous that it can take your pain from your heart, even if it is only for a second. 这声音是如此神奇,它可以携带您的疼痛从你的心,即使是只有一秒钟。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. All of these elements supporting an online game have the potential to break in a way that can take the game, or part of the game, offline. 所有支撑在线游戏的这些因素都有可能会出问题以致使整个游戏或部分游戏离线。 www.ibm.com 9. For the inexperienced web designer trying to develop a website that "follows all the rules" can take a long time and a lot of trial & error. 无经验的网站设计者,试图遵循所有设计规则,但往往出现许多设计错误,并且设计时间会很长。 www.w3pop.com 10. During the requirements phase of a project, analysts can take use cases to the next level by providing a more formal level of refinement. 在项目的需求阶段,分析师能通过提供一个更加正式层次的表达,把用例带入下一层次。 www.ibm.com 1. Most of the time you can take advantage of any order that makes the SQL more readable and easier to maintain without affecting performance. 大部分时间,您可以利用使SQL更具可读性、更容易维护、且不会影响性能的任何顺序。 www.ibm.com 2. When a program is finished, a new one can take its place in memory, allowing the computer to process completely different data. 当一个程序运行完后,另一个新程序就占据了它在主存中的位置,让计算机去处理完全不同的数据。 www.tingclass.com 3. I attached the file to the email so you can take a look at it before we sign the contract. 我把合约夹带在电子邮件里,以便您能在签约前先过目。 www.360abc.com 4. I need a man who can take care of me. who can worry about. who can treat me with all heart. 我需要一个能照顾我、为我而担心的人,可以全心全意对待我的人。 wenwen.soso.com 5. I have to carry them with me. That way, if I have chest pain, I can take one. 我必须带那些药片。如此一来,当我胸痛时我可以服用。 cid-4cc986eaab385a47.spaces.live.com 6. There may be a secondary fermentation which can take place in the brewery, in the cask or in the bottle. 有可能是一个二次发酵,可采取放置在啤酒厂,就在木桶或瓶子。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The name on the label of the box never changes, but you can take values out of a box and put new values in as often as you like. 盒子的名字永远不会改变,但是你可以随时把值从盒子里取出然后放入新的值。 www.bing.com 8. One of these differences we can take in at a glance from our privileged narrative altitude (higher than that of any jet). 从叙述者得天独厚的高度(比任何喷气式飞机都要高)来看,我们可以发现其中一点不同。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. Many websites offer free printable coupons you can take with you to the grocery store. 许多网站提供免费的,可打印的优惠券,你可以带着它们前往采购。 www.bing.com 10. Now i hope that you guys can take the lesson that ramadan is trying to teach, its actually a good one. 但我希望你们能吸取教训,斋月是教育人的,它其实是很好的出发点。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. When someone is terribly sick and might die without a surgery, the doctor can take out the bad things from his body and save his life. 当有人病得很严重,如果不开刀就会死,医生能把坏东西从他身体里拿出来救他的命。 wenwen.soso.com 2. This process can take a week or more, but once we have defences against a virus, we can respond to it much more quickly next time. 此过程可能需要一周或更长时间,而一旦我们建立起了对该病毒的防御系统,下次感染时我们可以更迅速地作出响应。 www.bing.com 3. Here are just a few of the foods that can take the place of the junk. . . and keep your diet in check. 下面就是几款能取代这些垃圾…的食品,而且还可控制你的饮食。 www.bing.com 4. We will discover that it is only with some restrictive conditions that the concept of "development" can take on ethical meaning. 我们会发现,必须给“发展”加上一些限定条件,它才具有伦理涵义。 www.bing.com 5. Zucchini and cucumber also grow quickly, but vegetables like cabbage take two months and lime can take up to two years. 夏南瓜和黄瓜长得也快,但像卷心菜一样的蔬菜就需要两个月,而酸橙要长上2年。 www.bing.com 6. Close to the underground and train station, which can take you anywhere in London. 靠近地铁和火车站,在这里你可以乘车去伦敦任何地方。 www.taskcn.com 7. Some of these properties can take only one user-defined value, but others can take a semicolon-delimited list of multiple values. 其中一些属性只能采用一个使用者定义的值,但其他属性可以采用含多个值的分号分隔清单。 technet.microsoft.com 8. There are quite a number of tips in this article and I think you can take advantage of this in several ways. 这篇文章里的建议不少,我认为你可以用这几种方式加以利用。 www.bing.com 9. It's not impossible: you can take out a loan that you have the money for and pay it off quickly or take a similarly roundabout route. 然而也并非不可能:你可以贷一笔款,然后迅速归还或者采取相似的迂回策略。 www.elanso.com 10. It will be interesting to talk with you as often as you can take time to teach me. 如果您能抽出宝贵时间给与我更多信息的话,我将非常乐意与您交谈。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. It will be interesting to talk with you as often as you can take time to teach me. 如果您能抽出宝贵时间给与我更多信息的话,我将非常乐意与您交谈。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. I'll get you some pillows to elevate your arm, so you can take it out of the sling. 我去给你拿几个枕头来架高你的手臂,你可以把手拿出来。 www.bing.com 3. You can take it further because you're already pushed back to the point of being somebody that you recognize. 你也可以走的更远,因为你已经不是从前那个人了。 www.bing.com 4. If the U. S. can take non-Security-Council authorized preemptive or preventive military action, then other countries can as well. 如果美国在安理会授权的情况下可以采取先发制人的或者预防性的军事行动,那么其他国家也同样可以。 www.fane.cn 5. Existence will miss something without you, and no one can take the place of you. 没有你存在将错过某些东西,没有人能代替。 www.fane.cn 6. You know as well as I do that I can take my business elsewhere, but I have chosen to give you priority. 你知,我也知,我的生意是可以与他人来做的,但我决定与你优先考虑了。 forum.drawchina.com 7. When you can take a step back and begin to understand why things are happening, you can look for the positive aftermath. 当你能够回朔过去开始能够理解为什么在发生着,你就能够找到正确的影响结果的原因。 apps.hi.baidu.com 8. eg. Departing from this notion, we can take out the concept of fictitious economic law out of the body of present economic law. 从这一理念出发,我们可以在现行经济法体系中抽象出虚拟经济法的概念。 www.hxen.com 9. People used to say to me: 'You can take revenge, you can take a knife into his cell. ' 人们常常对我说,“你可以趁这个机会复仇,你可以一刀刺死他。” www.bing.com 10. Accept it. You can take a revised team sheet in these circumstances, so allow the player to be replaced, and a new substitute to be named. 同意该教练的要求。在此情况下可以允许更改出场名单,所以允许更换球员和替补名单。 www.bing.com 1. Some brute force attacks can take a week depending on the complexity of the password. 根据密码的复杂程度,某些蛮力攻击可能花费一个星期的时间。 www.ibm.com 2. The magazine is a back number. You can take it out of the reading-room. 这本杂志过期了。你可以把它带出阅读室。 www.english88.com.cn 3. We'll tell you what you need to know so you can take advantage of that new open beta. 我们将告诉你应该知道的,这样你就可以好好利用一下新的开放测试版本。 www.bing.com 4. No matter what you make, all that you can take is what you give away. 无论你有多少成就,你最终所能得到的一切,就是你给予他人的一切。 www.kekenet.com 5. Even if you don't have the means to invest for current income, you can take a few dollars from each paycheck and save for your retirement. 即使你不知道怎么把你现在的薪水用于投资,你也可以每个月存一些钱,退休之后享用。 www.bing.com 6. She wants to retire so she can take a nap. She wants to remodel her house and garden and sit on one of the white rockers on her front porch. 她希望退休,这样就可以睡午觉了。她想重装房子和花园,也想在门前白色的摇椅上休息。 www.bing.com 7. In general, a request made by an integration interface to a target application is fairly complex and can take seconds to process. 通常,集成接口向目标应用程序发出的请求相当复杂,可能需要数秒进行处理。 www.ibm.com 8. It can take up to a year to fully hatch a revolutionary plan to alter your work life, so there's no need to hurry. 可能需要一年时间才能完整地孵化出一份革命性计划,来改变你的职业生涯。所以,没有必要着急。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. You can take that gift card your mom gave you for your birthday, and sit with your honey while you browse online for stuff for the house. 你也可以拿出妈妈在生日时候送给你的礼物卡,和爱人一起浏览网页,找找家里需要的物件。 kk.dongxi.net 10. "I can take a lot of experience from that and I have a lot to thank Roy Hodgson for as he helped me a lot as a player, " he added. “从中我收获了很多阅历,作为一个球员我想由衷地感谢霍奇森,他也帮助了我很多。”他还说道。 www.ept-team.com 1. Identify discrete values each of these parameters can take and shortlist the factors and values for which you plan to carry out the testing. 确定离散值,使每一个参数都能反映出影响性能的因素并且可以对这些值可以进行测试。 se.csai.cn 2. I can take them to a police station or other agency if you wish so they can deliver to you if you do not wish to pick them up. 如果你希望的话,我可以带他们到警察局或者其它的机构。又如果你不想取它们的话,我可以邮寄给你。 bulo.hjenglish.com 3. (Hand them your business card) If you get a chance and can take a look I'd appreciate it. (他们手你名片)如果你有机会看一看,我可以理解的。 discover.amazing-network-marketing.com 4. Please get out of my way so you can take my money as quickly as possible before I change my mind. 在我改变主意之前请别挡我的道儿,这样你就能尽快拿到我的钱了。 www.xiatao.com 5. A DNA paternity test can take a week or more in the U. S. 美国DNA亲子鉴定可花费一周甚至更长时间。 c.wsj.com 6. Your grandmother can take care of him. She's in good health and she's a very good person. 你奶奶可以照料他。她身体很好,心地又善良。 bbs.enfamily.cn 7. If you think you have the determination and perseverance to accomplish the task of the postgraduate entrance exam, then you can take it. 如果你觉得你有决心和毅力完成考研任务的,那你就去考研吧。 www.ebigear.com 8. But you know(should understand), this doesn't mean that you can take a rest in class freely. 但是你得明白,这不是说你可以上课时随便休息。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 9. Tired of switching between calendar views to see what's coming up? Touch Calendar can take care of that. 您是否已经厌倦了不断切换日历来查看接下来做什么?相信TouchCalendar会对此有所帮助。 www.bing.com 10. You know a club lead can take my heart finesse for me and I can work on making an eight. 你知道攻梅花可以帮我摆脱红桃飞牌,而我就可以着手打满八墩。 dict.ebigear.com 1. You can take your place in front if you want to see the actors more clearly. 你可以排位在最前面,假如你要看演员看的更清楚。 admin.yuntech.edu.tw 2. I love a girl you can take home to mama, but will get down in the back of a rental car. 我喜欢既能带回家见老妈,又愿意在租来的车后座跟我爱爱的女孩子; dongxi.net 3. So Apple can take its time. Heck, Apple may even come out with an actual television someday. 所以苹果可以慢慢来,在将来甚至可能生产真正的电视机。 www.bing.com 4. Adult bullying can take many forms, but the bully always uses his anger and intimidating demeanor to get you to do more than you want. 成年人之间的威慑形式多样。通常情况下,霸道者利用自身的怒气和吓人的行为,让你做一些本不想做的事儿。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. if you can take her to a place, where would be? 如果你可以带丁宁去一个地方,你会去哪里?。 hi.baidu.com 6. Needless to say, this sort of thing can take hours. 不用说,这样的工作可能会耗费几个小时。 www.ibm.com 7. This means that an expression can take any of several forms; for instance, a variable, a plus sign, and a number could be an expression. 这意味着表达式可以是几种格式中的任意一种;例如,一个变量、一个加号或者一个数字都可以是一个表达式。 www-128.ibm.com 8. Elaine looked at him, how can take ten years ago the dark, thin and short kid associate. But she was polite smile at him. 芷兰看着他,怎么都不能把十几年前那又黑又瘦又矮的小毛孩联想在一起。但她还是礼貌的冲他微微一笑。 www.bing.com 9. And, with Perl, you've got a full range of programming constructs you can take advantage of for doing even more complex text processing. 使用Perl,您可以获得全方位的编程结构,可以充分地利用它们进行更复杂的文本处理。 www.ibm.com 10. By turning up the risk dial, Mr. Buffett can take market share from competitors less willing or able to do so. 现在通过提高风险偏好,巴菲特可以从那些不太愿意或没有能力这么做的竞争对手那里夺取市场份额。 www.bing.com 1. For groups, you can take the name as the characterizing attribute, as it is the unique identifier for both repositories. 对于组,可以将组的名称作为特征属性,因为对于这两个库来说,它是惟一标识符。 www.ibm.com 2. On the contrary, if the money is not Yicijiaoqing, and developers can take advantage of the outstanding balance further representations. 相反,如果钱没有一次交清,就可凭借未付余款与开发商进一步交涉。 www.showxiu.com 3. Loves you truly the girl, can take great pains admonishes you to stop smoking, even if she knew this is not the impossible matter. 真正爱你的女孩,会不厌其烦的规劝你戒烟,即便她知道这是不可能的事情。 bbs.netat.net 4. "People can take whatever sides they want, but I did it the way I thought was best for this project, " he said. “人们可以有自己的看法,但是我要为整个项目着想,选择一种对电影最有利的方式,”他说。 dongxi.net 5. The bed can take the form of a couch, extra bedroom, or chunk of the floor depending on what your host can offer. 这张床可以是沙发,次卧,地板床等,这就看房东可以给你提供什么了。 www.24en.com 6. Welding can take place in a relay either during closing period, or during breaking period. 最后得出熔焊既可以发生在触头闭合过程,也可能发生触头分断过程。 www.wangd.com 7. And I believe that there is a strong agenda of practical action we can take together to help China realise that goal. 我相信英中两国能够共同制定出切实可行的方案帮助中国实现这个目标。 www.uk.cn 8. No request can take more than 30 seconds to run, otherwise it is stopped: Oh my god, this has been a pain in the ass all the time. 没有请求可以超过30秒,否则就被强制断掉。天啊,这是最痛苦的事了。 www.bing.com 9. If you are a Republican, you can take a Democrat to lunch, or if you're a Democrat, think of it as taking a Republican to lunch. 如果你是一个共和党人,你可以和一个民主党人一起吃午饭;又比如说你是个民主党人,那就和一个共和党人一起吃午饭吧。 www.ted.com 10. He said that once people develop compassion, more meaningful dialogue can take place which will ultimately lead to a less violent world. 他说,一旦人们形成同情心更有意义的对话,可以进行比较,最终导致暴力的世界。 blog.163.com 1. No problem. You can fly in and out of Amsterdam from New York. Then you can take ground transportation in Europe. 没问题。你们可以从纽约搭飞机往返阿姆斯特丹。然后你们可以在欧洲搭乘陆上(铁公路)交通工具。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The process of justice can take years, but in this case it seems to be moving in the right direction. 正义的过程通常需要花费数年的时间,但在这种情况下,它似乎是朝着正确的方向发展。 www.bing.com 3. "They've basically taken as much chemotherapy as you can take and survived it, " says a foreign fund manager. 一名外国基金经理称:“从根本上说,他们接受了尽可能多的化学疗法而且生存了下来。” bbs.ecocn.org 4. SNAPSHOTSIf you want a little diversion, you can take snapshots of your magnificent floral creations and share them with your friends. 快照如果你想要娱乐一下,你可以拍摄你创造的植物的快照,并与你的朋友分享。 baoku.yunduan.cn 5. Immunization is optional and parents can take the children to an appointed hospital to get the injection. 本次接种采用自愿原则,家长可以主动带孩子去定点医院接种。 www.china.org.cn 6. If you do not trust their own cleaning diamond ring, diamond ring that can take you to a professional cleaning person. 如果你对自己清洗钻戒不放心,那可以把你的钻戒给专业的人士进行清洗。 www.xiami360.com 7. By contracting with a sales representative, you can take advantage of their experience as well as their extensive list of contacts. 通过与销售代理商签约,你可以充分利用他们的经验,还有他们的广泛接触到的客户。 www.suiniyi.com 8. As you'll see there are two possible routes you can take from the start to your destination: the short and the long. 正如你所见,你前往目的地的路线有两条:一条短,一条长。 www.bing.com 9. After forty minutes you can take a five minute break, stretch, close your eyes, and walk around. 四十分钟后,你可以休息五分钟,伸展下身子,闭上眼睛,再走动走动。 www.elanso.com 10. Outside of Budapest, you can take ferries up the river to see other major Hungarian sites. 出了布达佩斯,你可以乘船去看看匈牙利其它的大城市。 qkzz.net 1. Freelancing also allows me to pick up my child immediately after school and I can take off a day to chaperone a field trip if I want. 做自由译者也让我能在孩子放学的时候接着去接他们,他们郊游的时候也能休一天假去陪游。 www.bing.com 2. Parties and tours can take it out of you, especially if you are over 65. 聚会和旅游会让你精疲力竭的,尤其是假如你过了65岁的话。 www.19gd.com 3. I believe that you can take control of your destiny through the power of philosophy. 我相信,你可以通过哲学的力量实现对你命运的掌控。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Solution developers can take advantage of a host of new integration opportunities to connect documents to important sources of information. 解决方案开发人员可以利用大量的新集成机会将文档与重要的信息源连接起来。 office.microsoft.com 5. Simply place your bike into the PIT IN table and use it as a stool. Now you can take a coffee break or check e-mails on your laptop. 只要将你的自行车停在“嵌入式”桌子中,并把自行车作为凳子,这样你就能享受你的咖啡时间或是用笔记本查查邮件。 www.bing.com 6. A. At a certain point, layoffs are out of your control, but you can take steps to minimize your chances of being hit. 无论你听到了什么,但是,你都得接受你所处的行业一片混乱,你可能会遭受影响。 www.elanso.com 7. The FDA approved fingolimod as a first-line treatment for the most common form of MS, meaning patients can take it as their first treatment. 美国食品药品监督管理局批准fingolimod作为大多数多发性硬化症的一线治疗药物,也就是说病人将使用该药物作为首选药物。 www.bing.com 8. I can take you to church, but I cannot make you believe. 我可以带你到教堂祷告,但却不能强迫你相信它。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. To help you rapidly deploy cross-platform mobile apps and websites, there's a wide range of JavaScript frameworks you can take advantage of. 这些轻量级框架使用HTML5和CSS3标准来帮助您快速开发跨平台的Web移动应用和网站。 space.cnblogs.com 10. When it comes to training the subconscious mind, you can take advantage of your reactions and have control over the way you see things. 说到训练,潜意识里,你可以利用你的反应和控制你看事物的方式。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Oh, this's easy. You can take the subway to 34 street. You'll see it as you get out. 噢,那很容易,你坐地铁到第34街,你出地铁站就会看到。 www.tingroom.com 2. if it still fails , please send a complete code sample that fails , and we can take a look at it. 如果这样仍然不奏效,请将出错的全部代码发给我们,我们会仔细核查的。 www.ichacha.net 3. But you'll learn to be happy as a prince. As for a castle, I can take care of that. 但是你可以学着做一位快乐的王子,至于城堡,我替你准备好了。 bbs.enfamily.cn 4. You just show me how I get out of this jungle so I can take him home. Deal? 你只要告诉我怎样离开这丛林,那我就可以把他带回家。怎么样?。 www.jukuu.com 5. The secret formula of a happy, life long, loving relationship is to always focus on what you can give instead of what you can take. 幸福、长寿和友善的人际关系的秘诀就在于你能付出什么,而不是你能得到什么。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. But Soderbergh and Clooney are trying to show how films can take us deeper than simple entertainment. 苏德堡与佐治古尼就是要告诉我们:电影不纯是一种娱乐,它可以给观众带来更深入的意义。 www.hkdavc.com 7. An affected creature can take a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity to scrape the sticky magma from his skin. 受影响的生物可以通过一个整轮动作把粘稠的岩浆从皮肤上刮掉,此动作会引发借机攻击。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The Dance normally takes place in late August or early September. Only childless, unmarried girls can take part. 舞蹈节通常在八月末或九月初举行,而只有未生育、未婚的女孩才能参加这个节日。 www.ecocn.org 9. To tell the truth, when the boss and a small place, can take a bath, in the kitchen, all right, we'll go to the wash. 说实在话,当时老板还有一个小地方,能洗澡,就在厨房里,没事的时候,我们就去洗洗去。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. And I love you more than I did before . Nothing's changed, no one can take your place. 我比从前还更爱你,没有什么能改变你在我心里的位置。 tieba.baidu.com |
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