单词 | travelling | ||||||||||||
释义 | travelling是travel的现在分词
复数:travels 过去式:travelled 过去式:traveled 现在分词:travelling 现在分词:traveling n. tour,trip,journey,voyage travelling 显示所有例句
例句释义: 旅行,旅游,游历,传播,流传,旅行的,巡回的,流动的,旅行用的,旅程,差旅费,带球跑 1. The Sales Manager will have to travelling intensively by his own or with the Area Sales Managers in Mainland China. 该职位需要较多的在中国大陆单独或者跟区域销售经理出差。 guangzhou.job-114.com 2. Photons travelling at any other angle within the material are reflected back inside when they reach the surface. 在材料内部以其他角度飞行的光子,只会在遇到表面时被反射回去。 www.bing.com 3. It is important to understand that this slowing down of time depends on the speed you are travelling at relative to someone else. 重要的是要明白这种时间的变慢取决于你相对某人运动的速度。 www.bing.com 4. He spends 200 days a year travelling the country, visiting markets and testing competitors' products to get a sense of what consumers want. 他每年花200天的时间巡视全国市场、测试竞争对手的产品,以了解消费者的需求。 www.ftchinese.com 5. They sat down beside a young boy who was travelling alone and began to tease and bully him. 他们坐在一个年轻的男孩谁是独自旅行,并开始取笑和欺负他。 wenwen.soso.com 6. The commander we were travelling with was hit in the chest and died. Ambulances have been racing back and forth all day from the front line. 我们一同随行的指挥官胸部中弹死亡,救护车从前线来回奔波。 www.remword.cn 7. Books in my hands have to be prepared to go travelling with me. 书到我手上,就得准备陪我“闯江湖”,到处跑。 lookingat.passingsights.com 8. Do you fancy travelling to those three places in a week and competing against the best in the world at the end of it to further your career? 你能想像得到去这样三个地方进行比赛,并且在这次旅行的最后还要面对世界上最好的俱乐部之一的那种经历吗? dict.bioon.com 9. Juve's travelling fans will be hoping their goalkeeper is in top form as their side attempt to stop Fiorentina getting off to a good start. 追随尤文的球迷希望他们的门将能够处于最佳状态,帮助球队阻止佛罗伦萨获得一个好的开局。 news.juvezone.com 10. When travelling underground in the subway, it's often easy to lose the sense of distance. 搭乘地铁时,人们很容易失去距离感,三站究竟多长? www.tumblr.com 1. One day, when he was travelling the country disguised as a beggar, he stopped at the cottage of a poor ploughman to ask for food. 一天,他化装成乞丐,来到一个穷农夫的茅舍前讨点吃的。 www.jukuu.com 2. Mr Burkle said they now spent at least 500 hours a year together, often travelling around the world in his Boeing 757. 比尔克莱说,现在他每年有500个小时和克林顿在一起,且经常一同乘坐他的波音757进行世界旅行。 www.ebigear.com 3. People looked forward to going to church, or to being visited by a travelling member of the clergy. 人们期待着去教堂,或正在访问的旅行会员神职人员。 wenwen.soso.com 4. There was no hot water and after travelling from London, a hot shower would have been nice! 我们从伦敦远道而来,洗个热水澡再好不过了,但是酒店没有热水! www.taskcn.com 5. Wouldn't we feel the earth moving if it were spinning on its axis, or if it were travelling through space in an orbit around the sun? 如果地球是在绕地轴自转,或是绕着太阳公转,我们为何一点也感觉不到呢? bbs.astron.ac.cn 6. You'd better make out how much you need before go out travelling. 在你外出旅行前,你最好弄清楚你可能要多少钱。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The customs guys would have been wondering why a girl was travelling with a suitcase half full of men's deodorant. 海关的那些家伙可能在想为什么一个女孩子会带着一只男士香体剂塞满了一半的行李箱旅行呢。 edu.qq.com 8. we were travelling across the Channel and Jane put a piece of paper with her name and address on it into a bottle. 当我们横渡英吉利海峡时,简把写有她姓名和住址的一张纸条装进了一只瓶子。 qufuwangrurong.blog.163.com 9. The church looked forbidding. Perhaps the rather strict parson would not approve of her travelling so far on a Sunday. 教堂显得令人生畏。也许那位相当严格的牧师会不赞许她在礼拜日长途跋涉。 www.kekenet.com 10. Dear USA students, I appreciate for your sincerity -- travelling so long distance to come to China for learning Chinese and its culture! 美国的同学们,欣赏你们的诚意,不远千里来到陌生的国度——中国,学习我们的语言,了解我们的文化! blog.sina.com.cn 1. Later, he became an engineer and when the communist regime fell in 1989, he took to travelling the world with his wife, Iga. 后来他成了一名工程师。1989年社会主义政权倒台后,他同妻子伊佳开始周游世界。 www.bing.com 2. Potential plans include travelling photographic exhibitions, and printing fine art copies of her work, he said. 他表示,可能的商业计划包括巡回展出莱博维茨的摄影作品,以及将其摄影作品制成精美的印刷品。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The United goalkeeper Edwin van der Sar was travelling behind Ronaldo, at the wheel of his own Bentley, at the time of the accident. 车祸发生时,曼联门将范德萨正开着他自己的宾利车行驶在C罗的后面。 www.bing.com 4. A great deal of money is spent on new and bigger aircraft and airports to deal with the vast increase in passengers travelling by air . 很多金钱在新和更大的航空器和机场上花应付在移动的乘客的浩大的增量航空。 iask.sina.com.cn 5. At age of 21, with a map and a compass in hands, he took on the harsh journey of travelling all over China in his wheelchair. 在他21岁的时候,这个年轻人竟怀揣一幅地图,手持一个指南针,摇着轮椅踏上了走遍全中国的艰难路途。 www.ebigear.com 6. spoke the truth and the other told nothing but lies, were travelling together, and by chance came to the land of Apes. 有两个人,一个总是说实话,另一个只说谎话,他们一起去旅行,偶然来到猿猴国度里。 www.qeto.com 7. If you were to ask me, "What is the single greatest part of travelling to so many places in such a short period of time? " 假如你问我:「在这么短的时间内到处旅行,觉得最棒的一件事是什么?」 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Travelling with her for a week, talking to people inside and outside the administration, I tried to find out. 我跟随她一起旅行了一周,与奥巴马政府内外的人士交谈,以求找出答案。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Anyone who has watched a speed-boat will know how the bows of the boat lift out of the water when it is travelling at speed. 看过快艇的人会注意到:当快速航行时船首翘起离开水面。 10. Colin: A young man in a sports car pulled out to overtake a bus and collided head-on with a truck travelling in the opposite direction. 科林:一个年轻人开跑车,转到另一条车道上,要超越一辆巴士,和迎面而来的卡车撞个正着。 www.yuloo.com 1. The gale was still blowing just as fiercely but now I was travelling at twice the speed . . . at least for a while. 风还在刮着,和先前一样强劲,但是至少有一段时间里我的速度提高了一倍。 www.bing.com 2. It had become used to telling the same jokes, travelling to the same bridge tournaments and treating the rest of Wall Street with disdain. 大家已经习惯于讲同样的笑话,出门参加同样的桥牌联赛,并轻蔑地对待华尔街的其他成员。 www.ftchinese.com 3. "It's good to be alive today, " said Martin Sosa, a father who had been travelling with two young children and his wife. “这是好是今天还活着,”马丁说索沙,谁的父亲已带着两个年幼的孩子和他的妻子。 www.douban.com 4. The Buick she was travelling in crashed into the rear of a tractor and went underneath it. 她所乘坐的别克轿车冲入了一辆拖拉机的轮下。 www.elanso.com 5. Dobley is often the last stop for displaced Somalis travelling to the sprawling refugee camps in Dadaab, Kenya. 这里经常是流离失所的索马里饥民,前往肯尼亚达达布散乱的难民营途中最后一站。 www.bing.com 6. And on essays, long and short, he began to pay the travelling expenses from magazine to magazine. 于是他又开始为论文付旅费,把它们往一家一家杂志寄出。 www.ebigear.com 7. She saw you in some hotel or street for a minute or two whilst you were away travelling, and accidentally heard your name. 她曾在某个旅馆或街道上见过您一两面,那时,您正要离开那去赶路,而她偶然听到了您的名字。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Shall we go to Huangshan this summer? --We went there last summer. What about travelling abroad? --Let me think about it a while. 今年夏天咱们去黄山吗?--我们去年夏天去的,到国外旅游怎样?--让我想会儿吧。 bbs.gao00.com 9. her equipage consisted of her immense travelling coach in which she had come to voronezh , and a covered trap and a waggon. 她的车辆包括她乘坐到沃罗涅得来的那辆大型公爵马车,一辆四轮马车和一辆货车。 www.ichacha.net 10. He seems to be fixated on this idea of travelling around the world. 他似乎对周游世界这一想法十分迷恋。 www.hjenglish.com 1. The trick of travelling, I guess, is to be ready to savour whatever happens. 我想,旅行的诀窍就在于随时准备领略偶然遇见的一切。 dict.veduchina.com 2. For the immigrants, identity is always floating and travelling, without a final destination, except some temporary location. 对于移民来说,他们的身份总是飘浮不定的,只有间断的“停留”,没有最后的终点。 www.fabiao.net 3. And as the train was travelling fast and moving from side to side, he decided to drink it there and not to carry it back to his seat. 因为列车车速很快,而且晃来晃去,他决定不把咖啡带回座位,就在餐车喝了它。 www.teachcn.net 4. Like a cure-all tonic prescribed by a travelling rural huckster, gold somehow seems to be good for nearly everything that ails us. 就像行走乡里的江湖郎中开出的十全大补汤,不知何故,黄金似乎与我们的几乎所有问题都对症。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Probably what I need is to go on travelling, along the direction of heart, to find BAK's happiness. 也许我要的就是继续起程,沿着心的方向,去找BAK(名字)的幸福。 iask.sina.com.cn 6. Woman: I believe so. But it's on at the Odeon, on the other side of town, so it would involve quite a bit of travelling. 妇女:我想是的,但是它在城镇的另一面的音乐厅上演,所以它需要有相当长的一段路途。 bbs.translators.com.cn 7. After eight weeks of movement, of travelling onward, staying still seems to be an indulgence. 在八个星期的居无定所和一路向前之后,能住定下来让我沉湎其中。 www.bing.com 8. I'm not that adventurous type of person but I love going to different places and I dream of travelling around the world. 我算不上非常爱冒险的人,但是我的梦想是到世界各地旅行。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. You know I always speak my mind, and I cannot bear the idea of two young women travelling post by themselves. 我说话一向心直口快,我不放心让两位年轻的小姐赶远路。 www.ebigear.com 10. The White Age of tracing your footprint by travelling with the wind, this will be gone. 不会再在那个白衣飘飘的年代,乘着风,寻找你的足迹。 wenwen.soso.com 1. It took him a week walking and travelling by bus to arrive at the place of his dreams. 一个星期的步行加上坐公交车,他才到达了自己的梦想之地。 www.ok06.com 2. By travelling like this, you suspend all experience; the present ceased to be a reality: you might just as well be dead. 通过这样的方式旅行,最总你所有的经历都将停止:这样事成为了现实,而你也将趋于死亡。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Ever hearkening to the sound of beauty, straining for the flash of its distant wings, he watches to follow, wearying his feet in travelling. 他总是倾听着美的声音,努力要捕捉它那在远方一闪而过的翅膀。他注视着,想追上去,奔走得累坏了双脚。 dict.veduchina.com 4. The lady rested her arms upon the table, and again her eyes disdained my words and went travelling by their own route direct to my soul. 这位夫人把双臂搁到桌子上,她的眼神再次对我的话表示蔑视,并且沿着它们自己的路线直通我的灵魂。 www.zftrans.com 5. While we were travelling back on the coach, I turned to say something, and was surprised to see how miserable he looked. 当我们坐上返程的长途马车时,我转身想跟他说些什么,却惊奇地发现他居然是满面愁容。 www.chinaedu.com 6. But as she was travelling with the princes, she needed the trip to be cleared by the British security services. 但是,当她旅行与王子,她需要旅行被英国的安全部门清除。 bbs.ziling.com 7. It is believed the girl lives in Marseille and was travelling with her mother to the Comoros. 确信这名小女孩住在马赛勒正准备和她妈妈一起到科摩罗斯旅行。 www.bing.com 8. Where your lives are not run by how much time you have, where travelling is no longer a chore, and you can live in your dream house? 在那里,你不需要担心这一生还剩下多少时间可活,旅行也不再繁琐,你也能够生活在梦幻一般的房子里。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The church was one of those fine old English structures worth travelling to see. 那座教堂是那些古老壮观的英国建筑物之一,值得去参观。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. We learned that you were in New York through a telegram sent by Isidore Newman, a travelling man from Denver. 我们通过一个从丹佛到纽约来旅行的人伊西多尔·纽曼发来的电报知道你在纽约。 www.zftrans.com 1. Although my master hated travelling, he did not hesitate to do as she requested. 尽管我的主人实在不愿出门,可他还是毫不犹豫地依了她。 www.hjenglish.com 2. You could leave him a sandwich or some biscuits, surely? Or maybe a brandy? The poor sod's after travelling from the North Pole. 你该给他准备一些三明治或者饼干,知道不?或者白兰地?可怜的家伙从北极赶过来。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Carol, his wife, was travelling with him and, shaken by the experience, was allowed to continue the journey to Costa Rica. 他的妻子卡罗尔(Carol)当时与他同行。受到震惊的她获准继续飞往哥斯达黎加。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Travelling in Rome, Bush said he did not agree with the ruling. 在罗马旅行的布什说,他不同意这一裁定。 www.bing.com 5. "But What, " as Alice might have asked, "is the use of a Geography without a little Travelling? " “但,”爱丽丝或许要发问了,“如果不游走一下,谈地理又有什么意义呢?” www.joyen.net 6. The Eco Club decided to carry out a survey at the start and end of the day to record how people were travelling too and from school. 生态协会决定在上学和放学的时候进行调查,记录人们是通过哪种交通工具去上学和离开学校。 www.britishcouncil.org.cn 7. Try to be cheerful now; the travelling is at an end, and you have nothing to do but rest and amuse yourself as you please. 现在要极力高兴起来;旅行已经结束了,你没有什么事要做就歇着,爱怎么就怎么吧。 www.putclub.com 8. s a new experience for her to be travelling by plane. 坐飞机对她是—次新经历。— cet.hjenglish.com 9. They are interested in leisure travel, and we're just beginning to see a huge number of Chinese tourists travelling all over the world. 他们对高端旅游也非常有兴趣。这还只是中国人出国游的第一潮,今后我们会看到更多。 www.jfdaily.com 10. One advantage of travelling with Wei Jia was that he often came up with the questions that I was too stunned to ask. 与魏佳一块出去的好处就是,他总能提出一些让我目瞪口呆难以回答的问题。 www.bing.com 1. Travelling cheaply has forced me to be engaged and creative, rather than to throw money at my holidays and hope for the best. 节俭地旅行迫使我变得投入且富有创造力,而不是挥霍金钱来度假以期得到最佳享受。 www.joyen.net 2. Such was the travelling exhibition "Agatha Christie and archaeology" that started from Germany, and I saw it at the British Museum. 发起于德国的“阿加莎·克里斯蒂与考古学”就是这样的一个流动展,而本人在大英博物馆有幸一睹。 robertnxd.blog.163.com 3. At the age of 21, he started the rough journey of travelling around China in a wheelchair with a map and a compass. 岁的时候,这个年轻人竟怀揣一幅地图,手持一个指南针,摇着轮椅踏上了走遍全中国的艰难路途。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. But, as I said before, I think the experience is going to be fun, and that travelling at such a slow pace will magnify the adventure. 不过呢就像前面说到的,这一趟会很有趣儿,速率如此之缓也会放大冒险的的成分。 www.bing.com 5. Relatively few people are prepared to sacrifice up to a third of their holidays for the pleasure of travelling on a ship. 相对地讲很少有人肯牺牲三分之一的假日,来换取船上旅行的快乐。 auto.zhishi.sohu.com 6. He said that he wished that he could have had the luxury to spend more time collecting impressions, mingling with Americans and travelling. 他说他希望自己能享有那份奢侈,花费更多时间经营自己的印象、与美国人交往和旅游。 dongxi.net 7. It might sound very obvious, but how much you enjoy your trip will depend on your choice of travelling companion. 虽然这有点老生常谈,但你在旅游中享受乐趣的程度将取决于你所选择的旅伴。 www.neworiental.org 8. Similarly, there is no point in travelling to see your boyfriend for a take-away Indian meal and an evening in front of the telly. 同样,你不会为了吃一顿印度外卖、或是为了在电视机前呆一个晚上,而大老远跑过去看你的男友。 www.ftchinese.com 9. For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods. 天国又好比一个人要往外国去,就叫了仆人来,把他的家业交给他们。 www.ebigear.com 10. When a family are travelling to the mountains or to the seaside, they can live in their motor home for a few days or weeks. 当一家人去山上或海边旅行时,他们可以在房车里住了几天或者几周。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. In radiation, the heat passes directly through space in the form of photons, tiny packets of energy travelling at the speed of light. 热量以光子的形式直接穿过空间进行传导,这种微小的能量包以光速传导。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Heavenly Beings of mighty power know of your future and guide you to it, and it is one of travelling the dimensions of Light. 强大力量的天堂存有们知道你们的未来并且引导你们抵达那里,他们在光的多维度中旅行。 tieba.baidu.com 3. travelling abroad broadens his eyes and enriches his knowledge. 3出国旅游使他开阔了视野,增长了知识。 wenwen.soso.com 4. The product is extensively used and easy to carry and suitable foruse at home, in office, while travelling or in outdoor environmnet. 本品县用途广泛,携带方便,适合居家,办公,旅行运动或野外作业等使用。 xinwenhua.net 5. Her mother, a travelling player-turned lay preacher, never thought sexy acting was of the devil, and neither did she. 她的母亲,一位由行游艺人转变成的凡俗布道者,从未认为性感表演是邪恶的,她也认同这个观点。 www.ecocn.org 6. This technology is often used travelling device PS2 with the game of Xbox at present. 此技术目前常被使用在游乐器PS2跟Xbox的游戏上面。 www.happyhome.com.tw 7. Alex White describes himself as a travelling salesman, peddling his wife's latest creations around small towns. 阿立克斯说自己是位四处奔跑的商人,去到各个镇子推销妻子的最新产品。 learning.sohu.com 8. The sun had gone behind the hill, and shadows were clinging to the earth, the sky above was full of travelling light. 夕阳已在山后西沉,大地笼罩在黑暗之中,只是高处的天穹上尚留几丝余辉。 9. John Snow went to the other extreme and functioned as a travelling salesman for policies cooked up in the White House. 接下来的约翰·斯诺(JohnSnow)则走到另一个极端,像旅行推销员那样,兜售白宫政策不遗余力。 www.bing.com 10. A two-year break travelling America on a Harkness scholarship might have resulted in a career change. 哈克尼斯奖学金(Harknessscholarship)支持的两年美国短暂旅行,给他职业生涯带来转变。 www.ecocn.org 1. A two-year break travelling America on a Harkness scholarship might have resulted in a career change. 哈克尼斯奖学金(Harknessscholarship)支持的两年美国短暂旅行,给他职业生涯带来转变。 www.ecocn.org 2. He would have tried it, but his prime minister, who was travelling with him, told the cousins to lay off. 他本可以早些体验这种感觉,但与他同行的总理,告戒他的表兄弟们不要喝。 www.ecocn.org 3. But only those that are travelling at a near-perfect right-angle to the surface of the hot material can escape and travel outwards. 但是在材料中只有近表面,以直角方向飞行的光子才能飞出来。 www.bing.com 4. He spent much of his 20s drifting, travelling widely while developing ideas about a new age of total digital transparency. 20岁至30岁之间的大部分时间他都在漂泊,到处旅行,同时酝酿开启一个完全透明的数字化新时代。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Physicists detected particles travelling faster than light, which, if the reading was accurate, means time travel is possible. 物理学家发现粒子运行速度超过光速,如果测量度数准确无误,那就意味着时间旅行是可能的。 www.bing.com 6. We were travelling twice as fast as a passenger jet at the point of take-off, but there were no seat belts. 我们乘坐这车的速度已达到喷气式客机起飞离地时速度的两倍,但列车上却没有装备安全带。 webster.wu.blog.163.com 7. Large numbers of hairy crabs travelling around the country by Learjet is definitely one of those "Only in Today's China" images. 大批大闸蟹乘商务飞机周游全国,这着实是“当今中国特有”的景象之一。 app.fortunechina.com 8. The TEL vehicle appeared to be only suitable for road travelling, with little, if any, off-road travelling capability. TEL车辆似乎仅仅适合用于公路行进,如果真具有的话,可能具有少许越野行进能力。 www.globalmil.com 9. An official travelling with Mr Wen said yesterday that the recapitalisation of the bank would happen "soon" . 陪同温家宝访问的一名中国官员昨日表示,农行重组将“很快”开始。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Before the tournament I spent a week travelling around China to promote the event and it was a great experience. 比赛之前,我花了一周左右中国旅游促进活动,这是一个体验。 tieba.baidu.com 1. Travelling around the Big Smoke, cycling is the only mode of transport where I can time my arrival more or less to the minute. 在这座被称作雾都的城市,骑车是唯一能让我准确计算到达时间的交通方式。 www.bing.com 2. He said one day he wants that kiss of me and then he's been travelling away from me. 他说总有一天他会得到我的吻然后他却离开了我 zhidao.baidu.com 3. From now on, you'll be travelling the road, between who you think you are and you can be. 从现在开始,你将在你想的和你能做到的道路上前行。 bbs.ebigear.com 4. She's had a chip on her shoulder ever since the firm wouldn't meet her expenses claim for travelling to and from work. 自从公司没有满足她上下班车费的要求,她一直气势汹汹。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Sandy, aged 27, is a traveller from England, She's travelling around the world and she had seen the weirdest thing in her life. 桑迪,27岁,是一个旅行者来自英格兰,她周游世界,她见过最奇怪的东西在她的生活。 wenwen.soso.com 6. How much do you spend on travelling every year? 您每年花在旅游上的费用是多少? www.sojump.com 7. No matter where we play, we seem to have the largest travelling support and this can genuinely be a 12th man for us. 无论我们在哪里比赛,我们多有长途追随而来的支持,这的确是我们的第十二人。 www.qieerxi.com 8. The a part of the profits were deposited fixed, while another part speculated on stocks, and the rest were used for travelling. 对于挣的钱,我们会把部分存定期,部分炒股票,然后剩下的会去旅游。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. To avoid arguing with his wife, Hou Yi spent his time travelling about the land alone. 为了避免与他的妻子争吵,他的时间花在后羿对土地单独旅行。 www.lkong.net 10. "This could take a while, " one of my travelling companions muttered. “这又要一阵子了,”我的旅伴抱怨著。 chihuahu.blogspot.com 1. As a consequence, he spent 300 thousands in 1 year, when he spent all of his money, what did Li used to pay his fees for travelling around? 结果不到一年,他的三十万就花光了,当他的三十万都散尽的时候,李白还拿什么作为路费来漫游呢? wenda.tianya.cn 2. The advantages of travelling without luggage became apparent on the first day of the journey, during a four-hour layover in London. 不带行李旅行的优越性在我上路的第一天就显示出来了。 www.bing.com 3. Three of the non-executives are insisting on travelling club class, claiming that they will not be able to work otherwise. 有三名非执行董事坚称要乘坐公务舱,否则将无法工作。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The number of Britons travelling abroad fell by 17% in June compared with a year ago. 较之去年同期,6月份海外旅游的英国人下降了17%。 www.ecocn.org 5. The process is now advanced enough for Trembling and Eriksson to be travelling to Beijing later this week on an eight-day trip. 谈判目前进展十分顺利,川博令和埃里克森也在本周开始为期八天的北京之行。 www.bing.com 6. He hates travelling by air, but this time he loves to, because his friend is going with him. 他一贯厌恶乘飞机旅行,但这一次他很乐意,因为他的朋友将陪同他。 xulei89757.anyp.cn 7. After graduating from college, I took some time off to go travelling, which turned out to be a wise decision. 大学毕业后,我休假一段时间去旅游,结果证明是一个明智的决定。 study0551.com 8. An Air China Boeing 767 travelling from Beijing to Pusan in South Korea crashed into a mountain, killing 128 of the 166 on board. 中华航空公司一架由北京开往南韩釜山市的波音767客机撞山,机上一百六十六人中有一百二十八人罹难。 www.crazyenglish.org 9. What started out as a fitting memorial to Princess Diana, staged at Althorp, her ancestral home, has descended into a travelling roadshow. 这本是一个合适的、在王妃祖籍奥尔索普举办的纪念活动,到底是怎么降为巡回路演的? gb.cri.cn 10. Paul had the gift of healing yet he had a medical doctor travelling with him. 保罗拥有治病的恩赐,但他仍然要一位医生与他同行。 blog.163.com 1. They are au fait with the latest technology, love travelling to farflung places and are happy to splash out on some of life's luxuries. 他们熟知最新的技术,喜欢远游,也乐于花钱购买一些生活奢侈品。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. However when he is not travelling the globe, Simon will often spend hours at a time snapping the local talent near his south London home. 当他没有在世界各地去旅行的时候,他会在他伦敦南部的家附近,一次花好几个小时拍摄当地的动物。 bbs.cnnas.com 3. So numerous are his portraits, driving through Chechnya feels a bit like travelling through a giant version of Kadyrov's family photo album. 他的画像无所不在,以至于开车经过车臣,就仿佛是在浏览放大版的卡德罗夫家庭相簿。 www.bing.com 4. This quasar lit up the nearby gas, and although the quasar has since gone out, the light from it is still travelling to the object. 该类星体点亮了附近的气体,虽然该类星体已经耗尽,但光仍在该物体中旅行。 www.bing.com 5. The soul is capable of travelling at a tremendous pace. And so the question of "when" becomes irrelevant. 当关于何时的问题变得不相关时,灵魂能以一个绝妙的节奏去旅行。 www.bing.com 6. The travelling itself is under a way of stepping out of dimensions, which means dematerialization and then materialization. 正在旅行的本身处于维度阶梯的路上,意味消没和然后具体化。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Travelling on my own, I can decide which spot can be skipped over to save energy or time for another spot. 旅游,我可以决定哪些风景点可不去,省下精力和时间去玩其它景点。 ezitong.com 8. Then the angel gave him some money as travelling expenses, which made him very happy, so the angel felt the taste of happiness from him. 于是天使给他银两做路费,男人很高兴,天使在他身上感受到了幸福的味道。 www.bing.com 9. In the course of his 40-year travelling life he went the equivalent of ten times round the equator, covering 6, 000 miles or so a year. 在其四十年的旅途中,他走过的路程可以绕赤道十周,每年约六千英里。 blog.ecocn.org 10. The bicycle is the traditional form of transport in China and this sustainable way of travelling is still one of the most popular. 在中国,自行车是一种传统的交通工具,这种环保的交通出行方式现在仍然非常普及。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. oh, that's a picture of me on our fourth day of travelling. I'm standing next to a famous founation in the centre of the city. 这是我在旅游第四天拍的。我站在市中心一个特别有名的喷泉旁边。 club.topsage.com 2. They were all passengers in a minivan travelling in Helmand province. 他们都是赫尔曼得省一辆小型货车的乘客。 www.24en.com 3. Travelling is one way to stimulate the brain, he said; a less adventuresome way is to do crossword puzzles. 旅游是激活大脑的一种方法,较少冒险性的方法是玩拼字游戏。 tr.bab.la 4. One of two, mutually exclusive, situations: either the neuron has or has not a spike travelling down its axon. 神经元所处的两种互斥的状态之一:沿其轴突发放或不发放冲动。 www.jukuu.com 5. Turns out that was the year when the London Underground experimented with scenting the air to create a more pleasant travelling environment. 原来那年伦敦地铁公司尝试通过空气除臭来制造一个更为舒适的旅行环境。 www.ftchinese.com 6. During travelling outside of your home, do not go fishing or swimming at unfamiliar water ponds for vacation. 在游玩时请注意安全,不要到不熟悉的水域捕鱼、垂钓和游泳等活动。 uic.edu.hk 7. This was a slower pace of life, and travelling long distances was an accepted part of living here. 这里的生活节奏缓慢,长途跋涉已被生活在这里的人们所接受。 www.who.int 8. Jack Junior always seemed to have lots of money, though. That was important. He also seemed to be travelling a lot. 小杰克看来一直挺有钱的他似乎去了不少地方旅行。 www.bing.com 9. Two friends were travelling together through a forest. One of them said: "If we meet any wild beasts, I'll help you and you'll help me. " 两个朋友在一道旅行,穿过一座森林。其中一人说:“要是碰到野兽,我就帮助你,你也要帮助我。” www.hxen.com 10. Good communication and coordination skills, good sense of responsibility, and can be travelling on business. 善于沟通和协调,适应出差,具有高度的责任心; www.renhe.cn 1. I told Musole that I had spent more than a month travelling across northern Zambia as well, trying to learn more about the killing. 我告诉穆索莱,为了了解射杀事件更多的信息,我也曾花了一个多月的时间跑遍了赞比亚的北部地区。 www.bing.com 2. The planet is so far away, spaceships travelling close to the speed of light would take 20 years to make the journey. 这颗行星过于遥远,以接近光速飞行的宇宙飞船都要花费20年时间才能抵达。 www.bing.com 3. If I were you, I would not work. Instead, I would do body-building, reading and travelling. 如果我是你的话,我就不工作了,我会健身,看书,旅游。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. But their measurement seems to show the neutrinos arriving early - travelling faster than the speed of light. 但他们的实验似乎显示中微子到早了-传播速度比光还要快。 www.bing.com 5. I told you Colin and I would spend a few weeks travelling before he goes to university. 我当时跟你说,科林和我想在他上大学之前外出旅游,玩上几个星期。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. I live across the Pacific, in San Francisco, but I spend much of my time travelling the globe. 我住在旧金山,但我大部分时间都在世界各地。 sports.hexun.com 7. As the woodman was travelling through the forest one day, he saw a fine old oak tree. 一天,当樵夫从森林中走过时,他扑看见一棵长得茂盛的老橡树。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. She was in a travelling dress; she fixed upon me an earnest look of extreme anxiety, and pressed an unsteady hand to her bosom. 她穿着旅行的衣着,脸上表情极其热切焦急地盯着我,随后一手颤抖着按向胸脯。 www.zftrans.com 9. Still, we are travelling out there so much these day that it might be worth investing in a place there in the future. 不过,我们来了这里了这么多天,在将来这可能是值得投资的地方。 tieba.baidu.com 10. She would be married in a day dress and an ordinary hat , which could double afterwards as her travelling outfit. 她宁愿做一套家常衣衫,戴普通的帽子参加婚礼,这样日后还能作为她的旅装。 dict.veduchina.com 1. if i fail in the exam , my mother will not take me to xinjiang for travelling . 如果我考试不及格,我妈就不带我去新疆旅游了。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Welcome the domestic and international travelling trader and have the sample made to order , XingDa wishes to create brilliance with you . 欢迎国内外客商携样品订做,兴达愿与你共创辉煌。 www.bing.com 3. Travelling in the north end of the British isles , you must remember look up when the sun sinking. 在不列颠群岛北端旅行时,一定记得在日落时向上看。 cul.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Trains travelling on the line will have to have carriages that are sealed like aircraft to protect passengers from altitude sickness. 为了防止乘客的高原反应,行进这条线路的火车,必须像飞机一样采用密闭坐舱。 www.kuenglish.info 5. Life is like travelling, ideal is its route without whitch, one has to stop. If life has no aim, energy will be exhausted. 生活好比旅行,理想是旅行的路线,失去了路线,只好停止前进了。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. Life is like travelling, ideal is its route without which, one has to stop. If life has no aim, energy will be exhausted . 生活好比旅行,理想是路性的路线,失去了路线,只好停止前进了.生活既然没有目的,精力也就枯竭了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. According to the Khan family, he was at a bus stop travelling back to Kuza Bandai when he was given a lift by a local politician. 据亚汗的家人回忆,他当时在车站等车回库扎,顺便搭了当地官员的便车。 www.bing.com 8. Infection spread from the man to his travelling companion and a nurse at the hospital. 感染从该名男子扩散至他的旅行同伴和医院一名护士。 www.who.int 9. Sacrifice Relatively few people are prepared to sacrifice holiday time for the pleasure of travelling by sea. 没有多少人会为了享受坐船旅行的乐趣而牺牲假期的时间。 www.xycai.com 10. Travelling by plane usually conjures up images of a few too many hours spent twiddling thumbs in chairs with unsettling stains. 乘飞机旅行常常使人浮现出种种画面:不断摆弄拇指,在座位上左扭右扭打发漫长的时间。 www.ecocn.org 1. The use of travelling is to regulate imagination by reality, and instead of thinking how things may be, to see them as they are. 旅行的价值在于用显示校正想象,目睹事物的本来面目,而非臆想它们可能如何。 www.hjenglish.com 2. Mr. Kirk is dedicated to his hobby, often travelling up to 500 miles a day to capture storms on film. 作为一名孜孜不倦的摄影爱好者,柯克经常要一天驾车行驶至500英里去捕捉和拍摄风暴。 www.elanso.com 3. He spent a week travelling around the country. 他用了一周的时间在这个国家里旅行。 eduabc.com 4. The second had its 12 hours of light delayed by six hours once a week, replicating the jetlag experienced after travelling west. 第二组的白昼时间会每周延迟6小时,以模拟向西旅行后造成的时差。 www.ecocn.org 5. I don't think it will be difficult for you to do the maintenance work for this travelling block, for its construction is quite simple. 我认为你要维修这个游动滑车并不难,因为它的构造非常简单。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. At last she recollected that she had been travelling, and they talked of Matlock and Dove Dale with great perseverance. 最后她想起了自己正在旅行,两个人便大谈其马特洛克和鸽谷的景物。 www.hjenglish.com 7. He took up his travelling cloak, set out at night, and passed through the village. He came to the ugly girl's house. 他穿上旅行斗篷趁着夜色穿过村庄,来到丑女孩的家中。 www.bing.com 8. the travelling i ' ve done around the u . s . was much more organized and planned in advance. 我在美国旅游时,行程都在事先做了更为细致的组织和安排。 www.ichacha.net 9. He at length proposed to me travelling all over Europe together, supporting ourselves everywhere by working at our business. 他最后提议我们一同到全欧旅行去,在各地靠着做印刷工作来维持我们的生活。 www.putclub.com 10. Your return, as a civilization, to divine and pure beings is assured, as you are travelling up on the evolution ladder. 你们的重返,作为一个文明登上进化的阶梯时,成为神圣和纯然的存有是被确定的。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The water travelling past our lowest pipes makes more night-time fuss, or seems to, than during daytime. 流经筏底水管的水流在夜间也比白天更喧哗,或者听上去是这样。 www.bing.com 2. With only a few hundred dollars on hand, travelling around the world is a will-o'-the-wisp. 手头上只有寥寥数百元,环游世界只是一个空想。 paper.wenweipo.com 3. You had such a good time travelling abroad last month, so it was certainly a June to remember? 你上个月到国外旅行度过了美好的时光,那绝对是一个难忘的六月。 www.way2english.com 4. Travelling between Europe and Asia, I continue to see the emergence of a two-speed world. 由于经常来往于欧亚之间,我不断看到一个“双速”世界的出现。 www.ftchinese.com 5. A wise woman who was travelling in the mountains found a precious stone ins small river. 一个聪明的女人在山里旅行的时候在小河里发现了一块珍贵的石头。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Which is not to say travelling in Syria with only a smattering of Arabic is entirely straightforward. 不说在叙利亚旅行懂一点点阿拉伯语就行,实在很直截了当。 www.bing.com 7. Millions of airline passengers travelling through Russia will soon have to take a lie detector test as part of new security measures. 数百万途经俄罗斯的航空旅客,很快就必须接受测谎器测试,此为新安全措施的一部分。 www.bing.com 8. He makes cider, passed on from acquaintance to acquaintance, using a travelling press made for him by his father. 他用父亲为他做的便携榨汁机做苹果汁,送给相识的人。 www.ecocn.org 9. Spend a week travelling, and you can learn all the spells you need without any magical tower. 经过一个礼拜的旅行,不用魔法塔你也可以学会所有你需要的魔法。 www.1818z.com 10. Travelling is one way of lengthening life, at least in appearance. 旅行是一种延长生命的方法,至少从外表上看是如此。 hi.baidu.com 1. I have no time to go with you for travelling. I need to prepare for my art show of next week. 我没有时间跟你去旅游。我必须为下星期自己的艺术展作安排。 spaces.msn.com 2. A Slander travelling rapidly through the land upon its joyous mission was accosted by a Retraction and commanded to halt and be killed. 阿诽谤旅游地后,迅速通过其欢乐的使命是由撤消搭讪,并吩咐制止和被杀害。 www.en400.com:8080 3. The new salesman wonders whether the company offers travelling allowance. 新销售员不知公司是否提供出差津贴。 learning.sohu.com 4. The parable is about a Jewish man travelling to Jericho who has been attacked by bandits and lies half dead at the side of the road. 这个寓言故事是有关一个走去耶利哥(Jericho,约旦一古城)的犹太人,他在路上被强盗袭击,奄奄一息地躺在路边。 www.bing.com 5. Travelling Aussies are often found with a sneaky pot of the sticky, salty brown stuff in their backpack. 旅游的澳大利亚人通常都在他们的背包里放一罐儿装有粘的,咸味的褐色酱。 www.bing.com 6. For United travelling away, there is always a hard core following that represents a mere fraction of those who would like to watch the team. 而当曼联远征客场,总会有一批死忠球迷追随其后,而他们只是那些想去看比赛的球迷中的一小部分。 www.bing.com 7. On one hand, my job requires much travelling, sometimes difficult to stay at home for one day in a week, and not worthwhile to rent outside. 一方面,我的工作经常要求出差,有事一周都很难在家一天,出去租房子并不划算; www.waiwenfanyi.com 8. Travelling around the world has always been his dream of life since his childhood. 环球旅游一直是他从孩提时就开始的终生目标。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Time off for you, independence and a proper sense of travelling for them. 你可以休息,他们可以得到独立和真正的旅游感觉。 www.ftchinese.com 10. But there we were stranded with a flat tire, exhausted after eighteen hours of travelling and illegally entering the country with no visas. 但是我们却被置于爆胎,18个小时长途旅行后的疲惫,没有签证的非法入境的苦境之中。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Several times he had been in Moscow, and in travelling had passed not far from Otradnoe, but he had not once been at the Rostovs'. 他有几次从离奥特拉德诺耶不远的地方经过,回到莫斯科,但是一回也没有到罗斯托夫家里去。 novel.tingroom.com 2. The New York photographer has spent hundreds of hours travelling the world to see the ever more intriguing secrets of the ocean. 这位纽约摄影师为了探寻更加错综复杂的海洋秘密,把大把时间花在了旅行上。 www.bing.com 3. BBC reporter has spent the last two days travelling in one of the worst affected regions, north Sikkim. 过去两天,BBC一位记者一直走访受灾最严重的锡金邦北部。 www.chinavoa.com 4. When it comes to the comparison between travelling by car and travelling by train, each has advantages and disadvantages of its own. 谈到开车旅行和坐火车旅行的比较,各有各的长处和短处。 www.ieltschn.com 5. Travelling around like this, dozens of people looking for a route, is getting us nowhere. It takes too long. 要像这样行进,几十个人都在找路,非迷失方向不可,再说也太费时间了。 www.linese.com 6. Not much of an update lately, I have been travelling extensively but am now home for a while. 不是许多更新近来,我已经广泛地旅行但是现在家庭的一阵子。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Travelling only three hours from Dublin you find yourself in a vibrant, young university city with a thriving business community. 离开都伯林3小时的车程您会找到一个充满生机和商业机会,年轻的大学城市。 www.atlanticlanguage.com 8. The satellite travelling in the orbit is always escaping from the earth only to be pulled back by gravity. 在轨道上运行的卫星总是要飞离地球,而结果总是被地心引力拉回来。 blog.cersp.com 9. This was an airy and unplastered cabin, fit to entertain a travelling god, and where a goddess might trail her garments. 那就是一个通风的没有抹缝的小屋,适合款待一位旅行的神,在那里女神也可以在地板上拖拽自己的长袍。 blog.163.com 10. I cannot recollect which part of Gujarat I was travelling in, but suddenly I saw women who looked African but were dressed in ghagra-cholis. 我不能想起我在古吉拉特的哪个地方旅行,但是我突然看到像非洲人的妇女,但穿的是印度新娘装。 www.santaihu.com 1. How much would you like to spend on travelling? 您愿意为旅游的花费是多少? zhidao.baidu.com 2. Since I started to work for a food company, however, I have done most of my travelling through the internet. 然而,自从我开始在一家食品公司工作,我的旅行多数是通过互联网完成的。 blog.163.com 3. One senior Pentagon official travelling with Mr Gates denied that India was in the middle of a "tug of war" between the US and China. 一位随同盖茨出访的五角大楼高层官员否认,印度处于中美“角力”的中心。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Last night a bomb ripped apart the train in which we had been travelling. 昨天夜里一颗炸弹将我们乘坐的火车炸得四分五裂。 5. Travelling Aussies are often found with a pot of the sticky, salty brown stuff in their backpack. 在外旅行的澳大利亚人也总是会在背包里偷偷背上一罐粘粘的深棕色咸味酱。 bbs.liuxuejie.com 6. It seemed that she had been very busy in her chosen career, travelling abroad to study as well ad writing books and articles. 她似乎一直都为自己选择的事业而奔忙,去国外留学,写了很多书和文章。 bbs.pep.com.cn 7. She resented having the child foisted on her while the parents went travelling abroad. 她对孩子的父母出国旅行卻硬要她来照看孩子这事很反感。 www.kekenet.com 8. There were travelling by bus when it got caught up in the fire. 他们被大火包围的时候,正在乘搭巴士越狱。 www.tingclass.com 9. A man travelling in a horse trap was reported to have died after the animal bolted, throwing him into the road. 据报道,一个乘坐两轮轻便马车的男子因马匹脱缰把他抛在道路上而使他摔死。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Eight little nigger boys travelling in Devon; One said he'd stay there, and then there were seven. 八个小黑人到德文游玩,一个说要留下还剩下七个。 hi.baidu.com 1. One poster in particular caught the eye of the travelling press - a fist smashing into the head of an American soldier. 其中有一幅招贴画吸引了车上记者们的视线那上面画着一个拳头砸向一名美国士兵的脑袋。 www.bing.com 2. Secondly, travelling by oneself could help you release all your anxiety and pressure, as well as enjoy the pleasure of a lone journey. 其次,一个人出去可以尽情的释放心中的压抑,独自享受旅途的快乐。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. I was pulled aside by a burly guard who asked to look at my passport and asked a list of questions. Where was I travelling from? 一个身材魁梧的保安把我拉到一边,要求检查我的护照,并问了我一连串问题:我从哪里来? dongxi.net 4. Police attempted to stop pickets travelling between Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire, an action which led to many protests. 警察试图阻止纠察队员往来于约克郡和诺丁汉,此举引来众多抗议。 www.bing.com 5. A soldier, a worker, a young woman and a little old lady were travelling in the same compartment aboard a polish train. 一个士兵,一个工人,一个年轻的女人和一个矮小的老女士在同一个通往波兰的火车的车厢里。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Last week my parents decided to go travelling in the forest park where near about 60 kilometers away from my home in the weekend. 上星期我父母决定利用周末到离家60公里的森林公园去旅行。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Eight little black boys travelling in Devon, One said he'd stay there, and then there were seven. 八个小黑人旅行到德文郡,一个留在了那里就还剩下七个。 www.sosg.net 8. Eight little Indian boys travelling in Devon; One said he'd stay there and then there were seven. 八个印第安小男孩,德文城里去猎奇;丢下一个命归西,八个只剩七。 tieba.baidu.com 9. I'm travelling by bus through Sheikh Zayed Road and I can't tell whether the skyline is dominated more by cranes or skyscrapers. 我乘巴士沿着SheikhZayed路参观,说不清天际是被起重机还是被摩天大楼包围。 dongxi.net 10. It is said that the purpose of travelling is to escape. Not from a town, but a piece of memory. 听说旅行的意义就是逃离。逃离的不是一座城,而是一段记忆。 wenku.baidu.com 1. It makes a strange kind of sense: when travelling with your mini-me, where better to go than a miniature country? 它使我们感到很有意义::当你和孩子去旅游时,哪儿会是是最好的选择呢? treasure.1x1y.com.cn 2. It's be nice to go travelling. I must say I'm looking forward to this break, too. I'm trilled at the thought of the upcoming trip. 去旅行很好啊!说真的,我也盼着休假呢。只要一想到旅游,我就激动地心直跳。 www.peilian365.com 3. 'At the time the murder was committed, I was travelling on the 8 o'clock train to London, ' said the man. “在凶杀发生的时候,我正坐在8点钟开往伦敦的火车上。”那人说。 www.kekenet.com 4. Infection nonetheless spread to his travelling companion and a 20-year-old female nurse, who attended both patients. 但是,感染扩散至他的旅伴和一名照料这两名患者的20岁女护士。 www.who.int 5. It has a sophisticated suspension system that provides a more stable platform for firing weapons when travelling across rough terrain. 它(豺狼装甲车)装备有开发成熟的悬浮装置,这个装置可以在装甲车穿过地势崎岖的区域时提供一个更加平稳的射击平台。 www.bing.com 6. Now we have become very good friends, and I will go travelling with him this summer vacation. 现在,我们成为好朋友,这个暑假我和他去旅游 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Paris has long been a favorite destination for China's travelling lovers. 巴黎长久以来都是中国的旅游者最喜欢去的地方。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. We met a group of adventurers travelling to the Arctic ocean by fire ballons . &we hopped onto the last ballon on an impulse. 正好遇到一队冒险家坐热气球去北冰洋,我们就脑子一热跳上了最后一个热气球。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. She had been travelling to Buffalo to mark what would have been his 58th birthday, her sister said. 她的姐姐说,她去布法罗是为了纪念他58岁生日。 www.bing.com 10. Kevin Costner has banned his family from travelling with him to protect them from swine flu. 凯文科斯特纳已经禁止家人同他一起外出旅行,以免感染猪流感。 group.mtime.com 1. But this is impossible on a day marred by the death of a young man, a Lazio fan, who was travelling to Milan to follow his team. 但今天发生了一件不幸的事故,拉齐奥的一名年轻球迷在追随他的球队前往米兰看球的途中身亡。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Two new men took Buck and his team back north on the long journey to Dawson, travelling with several other dog-teams. 另外两个人接手了巴克和他的队伍。同别的狗队一起再度奔赴北去道桑的漫长旅途。 www.kekenet.com 3. If a chance of travelling abroad comes his way, he will be delighted. 如果他碰上出国旅行的机会,他一定会很高兴的。 4. "Many people are travelling long distances, longer than they would normally. The key is very much to be prepared for the journey, " he said. 很多人将行驶比平时远的多的距离,这个关键一定要做好准备。 www.elanso.com 5. The American Federation of Musicians offers health insurance for members, but few travelling musicians take it up. 美国音乐家协会为其成员提供医疗保险,然而却少有旅行音乐家认购。 www.ecocn.org 6. It allows you to move units without travelling the distance in between the points. 它可以让你在两点间不用走的移动。 game.ali213.net 7. The travelling salesman must find the shortest route that allows him to visit all locations on his route. 销售员在拜访多个地点的时候要寻求一条最短的路径。 gb.cri.cn 8. But she does claim it has been hard to pack when travelling from location to location, particularly skincare. 不过,她倒是表示,当从一个地方搬到另一个地方时,打包是件很难的事,尤其是护肤品。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Jimmy Wales is travelling or offline more frequently, due to invitations to talks all over the world. JimmyWales越来越频繁的旅行和脱机,这是由于世界各地都在邀请对他访谈。 meta.wikimedia.org 10. Have been travelling for 5 months and would not usually book tours via hotel but Jack made it very easy and hassle free. 我们已经旅行了5个月,但没通过酒店安排行程,不过他很细心,还提供免费交通。 www.bing.com 1. Cocooned in luxury, sheltered from reality, they don't know what travelling is all about. 他们享受舒适豪华,与现实世界隔绝,全然不知旅行的真谛何在。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Stepping into the hotel lobby, it's like travelling to an ancient palace and submerging in the honorable flavour of the emperor. 走进酒店大堂,便仿佛穿越时空来到古代的某个宫殿,帝皇尊贵气息瞬间将人淹没。 www.ttjd365.com 3. A mathematician, a physicist, and an engineer were travelling through Scotland when they saw a black sheep through the window of the train. 一位数学家、物理学家及工程师在旅游途中路经苏格兰时从火车的窗口望见一只黑色的羊。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Anyone within travelling distance of Washington or Vienna should rush to see the new exhibition. But if you can't, don't despair. 如果住的离华盛顿和维也纳不远那么绝对应该参观这个展览,不过如果你去不了也没有关系。 www.ecocn.org 5. It also differs from conventional hearing aids, which employ air conduction to simply turn up the volume of sound travelling into the ear. 同时也不同于常规的助听器,其是将空气传导的声音简单放大了再传入耳内。 news.dxy.cn 6. The investigation indicates that traffic facilities and quality of traffic service are the main factors that influences the travelling. 调研表明,交通设施和交通服务质量是影响背包旅游行为的主要因素。 lib.cqvip.com 7. These carts must be capable of travelling over miles of camels track or even stretches of trackless desert. 这些车必须能沿着漫长的骆驼足迹运行,甚至能在没有任何足迹的连绵沙漠上运行。 www.jukuu.com 8. As Christmas Day falls on a Thursday this year, people also have the option of travelling early next week as well as over the weekend. 由于今年的圣诞节在星期四,人们还可以选择下周初出行,也可以选择本周末。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 9. He was travelling on the Titanic neither as an ordinary passenger, nor really as an owner, having sold White Star to a US trust. 乘坐泰坦尼克号旅行的伊斯梅既不是一名普通旅客,也并非真正的老板——他已经将白星航运公司卖给了一家美国信托公司。 www.ftchinese.com 10. "That's a lot of pockets, " concedes de Freitas, "and I try not to fill them all, but it's hard not to, especially when travelling. " “口袋太多了,”德弗赖塔斯承认,“我尽量不把它们都装满,但这很难做到,特别是在旅行时。” www.ftchinese.com |
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