单词 | water-rich |
释义 | 例句释义: 多水的,富水 1. "It wasn't this hot, boiling cauldron, " says John Mustard. "It was a benign, water-rich environment for a very long period of time. " 约翰-马斯塔德(JohnMustard)教授表示:“火星那时可并不像蒸锅那么热,很长一段时期它都气候温和并且富含水分。” www.ftchinese.com 2. Seaweed also tends to thrive in water rich with nutrient pollution, particularly nitrogen. 海草通常也在富含营养物(尤其是氮)污染的水域繁衍兴盛。 www.chinapost.com.tw 3. optionally washing the thus obtained powder comprising vegetation water rich in water-soluble polyphenols with an organic solvent. 可选地,用有机溶剂洗涤所得的包含富含水溶性多酚的植物水的粉末。 ip.com 4. Companies in areas that have been water-rich can benefit from following the example of areas with long experience of shortages. 通过效仿长期缺水地区的经验,位于丰水地区的公司也可从中获益。 www.ftchinese.com 5. can pool in calm water, rich in minerals can also experience the unique hot springs in effect, the pursuit of a healthy life. 可以在游泳馆里从容戏水,也可以在富含矿物质的温泉中体验奇特疗效,追求健康人生。 wenda.tianya.cn 6. It was a benign, water-rich environment for a long period of time. 它在过去很长一段时间,也是环境良好,水资源丰富的地区。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Jiayu water rich, fertile land, over the years has been the main grain and oil production. 嘉鱼水源丰富、土地肥沃,多年来一直以粮油生产为主。 hi.baidu.com 8. Changle over mountain rivers flowing through hilly, water development, water rich. 长乐以上,河流经丘陵山区,水系发育,水量丰富。 www.ebigear.com 9. Radish by water, rich in vitamin C and digestive enzymes - starch-glucoamylase, if raw, it helps digestion. 萝卜主要由水分组成,含有丰富的维生素C和消化酶—淀粉糖化酶素,若生吃,则有助于消化。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. The other great life-giver on Earth is water. Our water rich world is an oasis for life. 地球的另一个伟大的赋予生命者是水,水源丰沛的地球是生命的绿洲。 www.englishtide.com 1. Owners should offer their female iguanas small amounts of salad with extra calcium and water-rich foods. 饲养者应该给它们少量的沙拉混合额外的钙质补充,以及含丰富水分的食物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Every summer, water-rich, fat cattle and sheep, the climate is nice and cool in the summer Summer is the ideal. 每年夏季,水草丰美,牛羊肥壮,气候凉爽宜人,是人们消夏避暑的理想之地。 www.showxiu.com 3. Azores is a volcanic island, rugged terrain, dense forests, lakes and more clear water, rich in geothermal resources. 亚速尔群岛是火山岛,地势崎岖,森林茂密,湖多水清,地热资源丰富。 www.citynoon.com 4. Water-rich foods tend to be low in calories or have a low energy density, a BNF conference heard. 一次英国营养基金会会议上说,水含量丰富的食物往往是低热量或低能量密度。 www.crazyenglish.org 5. Shallow water-rich lobster, shrimp, grouper and abalone, and other valuable seafood. 浅海盛产龙虾、对虾、石斑鱼、鲍鱼等名贵海鲜。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Document it daily in your journal and consciously create more water-rich healthier meals. 每天在你的本子上记录下并有意识地制作含水分丰富的膳食。 www.bing.com 7. Spring Bay hot spring water rich, clear water, crystal slip. 山泉湾温泉水质资源异常丰富,水质清澈,晶莹爽滑。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. It is difficult for mined tunnel with shallow cover to cross water-rich sand stratum. 穿越富水砂层一直是浅埋暗挖隧道的难点。 www.dictall.com 9. Frozen water-rich sandstone is more sensitive to temperature than that of coal. 富水砂岩冻结后对温度的敏感程度要高于煤岩。 www.rockmech.org 10. Here hilly, water-rich, fertile land. 这里丘陵起伏,水源丰富,土地肥沃。 wenwen.soso.com 1. A lot of people say that mineral water rich in minerals, is more useful on the human body. 很多人说矿泉水中含有丰富的矿物质,对人体更有益。 sports.zhishi.sohu.com 2. A good way to keep your energy levels high is to eat water-rich vegetables and low fat foods. 保持你能量水平的好方法就是吃多汁的蔬菜和低脂食物。 www.foodmate.net 3. If there's anything you should eat, water-rich content from fruits and vegetables that will give you the nutrients and protein to grow. 若说到你应该吃的食物,那么非蔬菜水果莫属,因为蔬菜水果里含有的丰富的水分能提供你养胃所需要的营养和蛋白质。 www.elanso.com 4. It doesn't tell you the moon as a whole is water rich, only that there is evidence of water-rich domains. 这不能说明月球作为一个整体富含水分,只能证明上面有富含水分的地域。 www.bing.com 5. Eat lots of water-rich content . 吃富含水分的食物。 www.elanso.com 6. How to smarten up: Go for water-rich veggies, such as zucchini and spinach, and high fiber fruit, such as apples and berries. 如何改进:选择富含水分的蔬菜,比如西葫芦和菠菜,以及高纤维素水果,比如苹果和浆果。 www.foodmate.net 7. Consume lots of water-rich fruits and vegetables every day. 每天我们要多吃富含水份的水果和蔬菜。 www.bing.com 8. or arrived as part of a late-accreting veneer of water-rich meteorites, similar to the carbonaceous chondrites that we see today; 另一种是来自一种后期聚集增生的富水陨星块体,与今天看到的碳质陨石相似; dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Application of the Medium-Depth Bore Grouting Technology in Subsurface-Excavation Shallow Tunneling in Water-Rich Saturate Sand Stratum 中深孔注浆技术在饱和富水砂层浅埋暗挖地道中的应用 service.ilib.cn 10. Construction of an Ultra-shallow Buried Short-range Double Holes Tunnel in Water-rich Silt Soil Stratum 富水粉砂土层超浅埋近距离双洞隧道施工 ilib.cn 1. Application of C-S double grouting stage water stop consolidation in construction of vertical shafts in thick and water-rich beds C-S双液注浆分段止水加固法在厚的富水层竖井施工中的应用 www.ilib.cn 2. Construction Technology for Retaining Structures of Foundation Pits in Water-rich Sandy Silt Ground 富水砂质粉土地层基坑围护结构施工技术 www.ilib.cn 3. Recognition, distribution and genesis of the water-rich strata in the Jingbian Gas Field 靖边气田相对富水层的识别、分布及成因研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Construction Technique for the Shallowly Buried and Darkly Excavated Tunnel on the Cobble Water-rich Stratum 砂卵石富水地层浅埋暗挖隧道施工技术 service.ilib.cn 5. Excavation controlling and deformation identifying of water-rich loess tunnels 富水黄土隧道的开挖监控及变形判别 www.ilib.cn 6. Water-stopping Techniques in Tunnel Construction with Surrounding Rock of Water-rich Sandy Layers 富水砂层隧道围岩止水施工技术 www.ilib.cn 7. Application of Ion-select Electrode technique in Locating Karst Water-rich Belt 离子选择电极法在寻找岩溶水富水带中的应用 www.ilib.cn 8. Considerations and methods of water resources regulation during dry period in water-rich areas 丰水地区缺水期水资源调度思路与方法 www.ilib.cn 9. Determination of rational coal and rock pillars height of coal mining under the loose water-rich and water-bearing strata 松散含水层下采煤合理煤岩柱高度的确定 service.ilib.cn 10. Renovating Technology of Lining Leakage at Water-rich Sector of Karst Tunnel 岩溶隧道富水区段衬砌渗漏水治理技术 service.ilib.cn 1. Other water-rich foods: watermelon, peaches, celery 其他水丰富的食物:西瓜桃子芹菜 www.bing.com 2. Study on Method of Measure Methane Pressure in Water - rich Coal and Rock Seams 关于富水煤岩层瓦斯压力测定方法的研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Monitoring and Analysis of Water-rich Loess Tunnels'Early Support 富水黄土隧道初期支护监控及分析 service.ilib.cn 4. Development of Curtain Grouting Equipment at High Pressure Water-rich Section of Geleshan Tunnel 歌乐山隧道高压富水段帷幕注浆设备研制及配套 www.ilib.cn 5. Site Monitory and Analysis of Water Rich Soft Rock Tunnel 富水软岩隧道现场监控量测与分析研究 service.ilib.cn 6. second taste of fresh water, rich Baiyangdian fish, shrimp were large and flesh, fish is a big tender is feast on delicacies; 二是品尝水鲜,白洋淀盛产鱼虾,虾则体大肉厚,鱼则个大肉嫩,是宴席上的佳肴; goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com |
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