单词 | transversely |
释义 |
adv. diagonally,across,crosswise,crossways,squarely 例句释义: 横着,横向地,横切,前后径 1. and an operation part transversely arranged on the front surface panel for the users to select washing programs. 为了供用户对洗涤行程进行选择,而横向设置于上述前面面板的操作部。 ip.com 2. Otaining the double Fourier transform answers to the question of transversely isotropic saturated porous half-space. 求解横观各向同性饱和多孔半空间问题的二重傅立叶变换解答。 www.fabiao.net 3. The middle of two strut beams at the lower part of the hopper is transversely provided with a hand brake. 在料斗下方的两根支梁中间横向安装有手闸。 ip.com 4. Female spikelets not transversely constricted; racemes digitate, at least the terminal. 不横向的女性小穗缢缩;指状的总状花序,至少顶生。 www.flora.ac.cn 5. In this paper, the embedded crack in transversely isotropic body is studied by means of the singular integral equation method. 本文采用奇异积分方程法分析了横观各向同性体中的埋藏裂纹。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 6. A current is sent transversely through the liquid metal , in a direction at right angles to a transverse magnetic field . 使电流横穿过液态金属,其方向又与横向磁场垂直。 www.bing.com 7. Too hard to climbing up some of collapsed watch towers , so I only went on hillside where overgrow fruticose transversely. 有些烽火台已经瘫塌很难攀登,只能从长满灌木的山坡上横切过去。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. anthers linear-lanceolate, punctate dorsally, longitudinally dehiscent, transversely septate-lobed, apex apiculate. 背披针形花药线形,具点,纵向开裂,横向具隔浅裂,先端具细尖。 www.flora.ac.cn 9. The searchlights searched transversely the sky for enemy lights . 探照灯扫过夜空搜寻敌机。 www.bing.com 10. Each bracket has a joint body and a joint seat which run essentially transversely to the longitudinal. 每个支架有两个本质上从横向向纵向跑动的联合体和联合席位。(水平很有限,你就凑和看吧。) www.yz81.com 1. Mechanical model is established for collinear multiple unequal cracks in transversely isotropic piezoelectric material. 建立了横观各向同性压电材料中的共线非等长多裂纹模型。 www.caesv.cn 2. The non-axisymmetrical vibration of elastic circular plate resting on a layered transversely isotropic saturated ground is studied. 研究了层状横观各向同性饱和地基上弹性圆板的非轴对称振动问题。 www.dictall.com 3. Bracts lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, caducous at anthesis; ovary often glabrous; drupe compressed globose to transversely shortly oblong. 苞片披针形的到线状披针形,早落的在花期;子房通常无毛;核果扁球状与长圆形的横向短。 www.flora.ac.cn 4. Each ply is assumed to be transversely isotropic, but its ply angle may be arbitrary. 假定各铺层是横观各向同性的,但其铺设方向可以是任意的。 hkxb.buaa.edu.cn 5. Hang a picture transversely over a corner of the wall. 把一幅画横跨着挂在墙角。 www.fqart.com 6. The sidewall has a groove that is spaced from the front wall and that extends transversely about the peg. 所述侧壁具有与所述前壁分隔并围绕所述栓横向地延伸的槽。 ip.com 7. Capsule straight in relation to pedicel, depressed-globose, shorter than calyx, dehiscing transversely or irregularly. 直的蒴果关于花梗,扁球形,短于花萼,横向开裂或不规则。 www.flora.ac.cn 8. anthers longitudinally, obliquely, or transversely dehiscent, extrorse or apical. 花药纵向,斜,或横裂,外向或者顶生。 www.flora.ac.cn 9. The transverse natural frequencies and the acceleration response of transversely vibrating belt calculated. 首先,分析了胶带横向振动固有频率、加速度的计算方法; www.ceps.com.tw 10. Seeds small, longitudinally winged, transversely striate. 种子小,具纵向翅,具横向条纹。 www.flora.ac.cn 1. The higher-order modes were got by moving transversely laser diode (LD) apart from the axis of the resonator in the experiment. 实验通过使激光二极管(LD)相对于腔模轴线横向偏离得到高阶模。 www.opticsjournal.net 2. The joint capsules may be opened transversely or longitudinally , as necessary. 根据需要可横行或纵行切开关节囊。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The plurality of connection pads are transversely accessible by a cartridge drive. 多个连接垫可被盒驱动器横向访问。 www.dianzi518.com 4. The present invention discloses one kind of nail clippers with transversely set pin and turnable pressing sheet. 本发明公开了一种销钉横向设置的压板上下翻式指甲钳。 ip.com 5. P wave radiation patterns in transversely isotropic media are analyzed by using analytical and numerical methods. 用解析方法和数值方法分析了横向各向同性介质中的P波辐射图案。 www.chemyq.com 6. segments broadly ovate to oblong, membranous or leathery, abaxially usually transversely winged in fruit, apex obtuse, acute, or awned. 裂片宽卵形到长圆形,膜质或革质的,通常横向具翅在果期,先端钝,锐尖,或具芒的。 www.flora.ac.cn 7. Collaterals: the sub-division of Channels, to transversely connect one Channel with another. 络脉:是次一等的经脉分支,由此构成经脉间的横向联系。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Bark blackish, splitting transversely. 树皮微黑,横向开裂。 www.flora.ac.cn 9. anthers ovate, 2-celled, dehiscing longitudinally, transversely septate. 花药卵形,2室,纵向开裂,横向具隔。 www.flora.ac.cn 10. glands 5, pale brown, rounded [transversely elliptic], entire. Male flowers many, exserted from involucre. 腺体5,淡褐色,圆形[横向椭圆形],全缘雄花很多,从总苞外露。 www.flora.ac.cn 1. hilum transversely elliptic, large; embryo curved. 种脐横向的椭圆,大; www.flora.ac.cn 2. A transversely isotropic medium model is established for the rocks. 基于此,建立层状岩石的横观各向同性介质模型。 www.cgejournal.com 3. opening of the mouth, measured transversely. 嘴巴的开口,横向测量的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Fruit usually paired, moniliform, transversely constricted into 1-5 drupelike articles, or not jointed. 果通常配对,横向,念珠状缢缩进核果状节,或不具关节。 www.flora.ac.cn 5. Petals white, rarely yellow; achene transversely rugose on each side. 花瓣白色,很少黄;瘦果横向具皱纹在每边。 www.flora.ac.cn 6. The mouth of pants bag should replace transversely line as far as possible with straight-cut line or inclined tangent. 裤袋的开口应尽量以纵切线或斜切线来代替横切线。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. A soft transversely ribbed fabric of silk, rayon or lightweight taffeta. 一种由丝绸,人造丝或者轻质平纹皱丝织品等织成的,质软、横向棱纹的织物。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 8. Mounted transversely under the Mini E's bonnet, the drivetrain unleashes its full thrust from standstill. 横装在车前引擎盖下的动力传动系统可以从静止开始释放出其最大的推力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. upper lemma swollen, striate, transversely rugulose, apex acute. 使膨胀的上面外稃,具条纹,横向微皱,先端锐尖。 www.flora.ac.cn 10. The key technology is that a baffle is transversely mounted in the tank body, and a hand washing baffle is mounted vertically on the baffle. 其关键技术是在箱体内横向安装隔板,在隔板上竖向安装洗手隔板。 ip.com 1. glands 4, brown-yellow, transversely elliptic-orbicular. 腺体4,棕色黄,横向球状椭圆形。 www.flora.ac.cn 2. This shows the importance of reverse-time migration in transversely isotropic media. 说明了横向各向同性介质逆时偏移方法的重要性。 www.fabiao.net 3. branchlets usually clustered at tips of stems, to 16 cm, transversely compressed, slightly quadrangular, adaxially flattened to grooved. 小枝通常在茎先端丛生,达16厘米,横向压扁,稍四棱,正面变平到具凹槽。 www.flora.ac.cn 4. seed coat transversely rugose on dorsal side. 在背侧的边上的横向的种皮具皱纹。 www.flora.ac.cn 5. glands 4, pale brown, rounded to transversely reniform, entire. 腺体4,淡褐色,圆形到横向肾形,全缘。 www.flora.ac.cn 6. Seeds deltoid-obconical, ca. 3 mm, densely transversely rugose. 种子正三角形倒圆锥形,约3毫米,浓密横向具皱纹。 www.flora.ac.cn 7. Seeds convex on 1 face, transversely rugose, with fleshy funicle. 种子凸的在1边,横向具皱纹,具肉质的珠柄。 www.flora.ac.cn 8. A partial cutting apparatus (36) includes a moving mechanism (52) movable transversely across a photosensitive web (22). 部分切割装置(36)包括可横跨感光料片(22)移动的移动机构(52)。 ip.com 9. anterior anthers transversely 2-celled, posterior anthers 1-celled. 前面花药横向2室,后唇瓣花药室。 www.flora.ac.cn 10. Spathella ca. 2 mm, apically and transversely dehiscent. 小佛焰苞约2毫米,顶部和横向开裂。 www.flora.ac.cn 1. glands 4, purplish, transversely ovate, appendages white or pink, obtusely 2- or 3-lobed, as wide as gland. 腺体4,略带紫色,横向卵形,钝,附属物白色或粉红色的,2或3裂,象腺体一样宽。 www.flora.ac.cn 2. Stamens 5--7 mm; free portion of anther connective transversely ellipsoid or subglobose, ca. 1 mm. 雄蕊5--7毫米;花药药隔离生部分横向椭圆形或近球形,约1毫米。 www.flora.ac.cn 3. The dynamical response of transversely isotropic elastic media in half-space with a blasting impact load subjected to its surface 爆炸冲击荷载作用下横观各向同性半无限弹性介质的动力响应 www.ilib.cn 4. Three-dimensional interactions of an external circular crack in an infinite transversely isotropic piezoelectric body with dipoles 压电无限体中外圆裂纹与力电偶极子的相互作用 ilib.cn 5. Torsional Oscillation of a Rigid Disk in an Infinite Transversely Isotropic Elastic Cylinder 无限横观各向同性弹性圆柱中刚性圆盘的扭转振动 www.ilib.cn 6. Numerical Simulation of Atomized Fuels Transversely Injected into a Supersonic Flow 雾化燃料在超声速气流中横向喷射混合的数值模拟 www.ilib.cn 7. Torsional vibrations of a rigid cylindrical foundation partially embedded in transversely isotropic saturated soil 横观各向同性饱和地基中埋置刚性圆柱基础的扭转振动 www.ilib.cn 8. Three-Dmensional Interactions of a Circular Crack in a Transversely Isotropic Piezoelectric Space With Resultant Sources 横观各向同性压电空间中圆裂纹与合成点源的三维相互作用 ilib.cn 9. Back analysis on staged construction in transversely isotropic viscoelastic soil and its application to geotechnical engineering 考虑动态施工过程的岩土介质横观各向同性粘弹性反分析及其工程应用 www.ilib.cn 10. Thermal Post-Buckling of an Elastic Beams Subjected to a Transversely Non-Uniform Temperature Rising 横向非均升温下弹性梁的热过屈曲 www.ilib.cn 1. Simplified Calculation of Load on Tongue-grooved Section Joints of A High Piled Wharf Under Transversely Concentrated Horizontal Force 高桩码头在横向集中水平力作用下齿槽受力的简化计算 service.ilib.cn 2. The Effective Properties of Piezoelectric Composite Materials with Transversely Isotropic Spherical Inclusions 具有横观各向同性球形压电夹杂的压电复合材料的有效性质 www.ilib.cn 3. A Studying on Influence Range of Pore Water Pressure in Two Dimension Consolidation of Transversely Isotropic soil 横观各向同性土体二维固结孔压影响范围分析 www.ilib.cn 4. Torsional Vibrations of a Rigid Circular Plate on Transversely Isotropic Saturated Soil 横观各向同性饱和地基上刚性圆板的扭转振动 www.ilib.cn 5. A numerical simulation of flow around a transversely oscillating hydrofoil in the wake of a circular cylinder 圆柱尾迹流场中横向振荡翼型绕流的数值模拟 www.ilib.cn 6. The method on estimating fatigue surplus life of transversely tensioned prestressed concrete in the loading of mutil-leveling changing scope 多级变幅荷载作用下的横张预应力砼梁疲劳剩余寿命估算 www.ilib.cn 7. Non-classical stability of a transversely isotropic rectangular plate 横观各向同性矩形板的非经典稳定问题 www.ilib.cn 8. Mechanics analysis and application in a transversely isotropic foundation acted by horizontal loads 水平荷载作用下横观各向同性地基的力学分析及应用 www.ilib.cn 9. Experimental Study on a High-speed Vibrating Sifter with a Transversely Placed Monoaxial Motor 单轴振动电机横置的高速振动筛试验研究 ilib.cn 10. Analytical Solutions of Dynamic Response of Transversely Isotropic Saturated with Media Half-space under Rectangular Coordinates 直角坐标下横观各向同性饱和半空间体动力响应问题的解析解 www.ilib.cn 1. Nonlinear Vibration of Transversely Isotropic Piezoelectric Rectangular Plate 横观各向同性压电矩形薄板的非线性振动 service.ilib.cn 2. Numerical simulation of circular cylinder oscillating transversely in a uniform stream 均匀流中横向振荡圆柱绕流场的数值分析 www.ilib.cn 3. Influence of a Transversely Oriented Surface Asperity on the Thermal EHL of Point Contacts 表面横向粗糙峰对点接触热弹流润滑的影响 ilib.cn 4. Interfacial Crack Analysis in Three-Dimensional Transversely Isotropic Bi-Materials by Boundary Integral Equation Method 三维横观各向同性介质界面裂纹的边界积分方程方法 www.ilib.cn 5. Transversely Isotropic Hyper-Elastic Material Rectangular Plate With Voids Under a Uniaxial Extension 横观各向同性多孔超弹性矩形板的单向拉伸 scholar.ilib.cn 6. Vertical vibration analysis of transversely isotropic saturated soils with elastic superstratum 上覆弹性土层横观各向同性饱和地基竖向振动分析 scholar.ilib.cn 7. Numerical Simulation of Viscous Flow Around a Suspended Pipe Resonant Transversely in a Uniform Stream 均匀流中悬空管道横向共振的数值分析 www.ilib.cn 8. Characteristic Analysis for Stress Wave Propagation in Transversely Isotropic Fluid-Saturated Porous Media 横观各向同性含液饱和多孔介质中应力波传播的特征分析 scholar.ilib.cn 9. Determining breakdown pressures in transversely isotropic formation by multipole array acoustic logs 利用多极子阵列声波测井资料计算横向各向同性地层破裂压力 ilib.cn 10. a rubber-pulling rod pressing block pressed transversely on side of the top of the rubber-pulling rod; 压拉胶棒块,其横向压在拉胶棒顶端的侧部; ip.com 1. Harmonic responses analysis in transversely isotropic saturated foundation 横观各向同性饱和地基的稳态动力响应分析 www.ilib.cn 2. Exact Solution of Transversely Free Vibration for a Rectangular Plate at Two Opposite 两对边简支的矩形板横向自由振动的解析解 service.ilib.cn 3. Application of the Green's Functions for the Settlement of Transversely- isotropic Layered Soil 格林函数在横观各向同性层状地基沉降中的应用 ilib.cn 4. Dynamic Interaction between Elastic Thick Circular Plate and Transversely Isotropic Saturated Soil Ground 横观各向同性饱和地基与中厚圆板的非轴对称动力相互作用 scholar.ilib.cn 5. Fundamental solutions for axisymmetric problems of semi-infinite transversely isotropic media 横观各向同性材料半无限体内作用圆环载荷的解 www.ilib.cn 6. The Transcendental Equation in the Refined Theory of Transversely Isotropic Elasticity Plate 横观各向同性板精化理论中的超越方程 service.ilib.cn 7. lower glume leathery to bony, enveloping spikelet, body smooth or transversely constricted, flanks usually winged above; 下部颖片革质到骨质,包围小穗,身体平滑的或横向缢缩,在上面的侧面通常具翅; www.flora.ac.cn 8. Displacement function method of axisymmetrical problem with transversely isotropic layers 层状横观各向同性地基轴对称问题的位移解法 www.ilib.cn 9. Viscoelastic transient solution of transversely isotropic fluid-saturated porous media 横观各向同性含液饱和多孔介质黏弹性瞬态反应 www.ilib.cn 10. Vib-Acoustic Analysis of Viscoelastic Composite Sandwich Plates with Transversely Deformable Core 考虑芯层横向变形的粘弹性复合材料夹层板结构的声振特性分析 service.ilib.cn 1. General Solution for the Coupled Equations of Transversely Isotropic Magnetoelectroelastic Solids 横观各向同性电磁弹性固体耦合方程的一般解 scholar.ilib.cn 2. Torsional vibrations of rigid disk resting on transversely isotropic saturated soil overlaying bedrock 下卧基岩横观各向同性饱和地基上刚性圆板的扭转振动 www.ilib.cn 3. Blasting Demolition of a Large Workshop Collapsed Transversely Span by Span 大面积厂房的横向逐跨坍塌爆破拆除 service.ilib.cn 4. Axisymmetric analysis of transversely isotropic material using incompatible FEM and hybrid stress FEM 横观各向同性轴对称问题的非协调元和杂交应力元计算 www.ilib.cn 5. Deformation Analysis of Simple Girder Bridges Impacted by Transversely Dynamical Loads at the Middle of Span 简支梁桥中部受横向动载作用的变形行为分析 service.ilib.cn 6. Calculation of transversely reinforced parallel armor plating girder bridges 并列钢板梁桥横向加固的简捷计算 www.ilib.cn 7. Transversely Pumped Laser Using Color Centers in the Potassium Magnesium Fluoride Crystals at Room Temperature 横向泵浦室温氟化钾镁晶体色心激光器 www.ilib.cn 8. Experimental research on shear capacity of transversely prestressed concrete beams 横向预应力混凝土梁的抗剪性能试验研究 ilib.com.cn 9. Transversely Isotropic Damage Around Conducting Crack-Tip in Four-Point Bending Piezoelectric Beam 四点弯曲压电梁导电裂纹尖端附近的横观各向同性损伤 service.ilib.cn 10. Vibration analysis of electrorheological sandwich beams with transversely compressible core 横向可压缩电流变夹层梁的振动特性 www.ilib.cn 1. Displacement function method of space problem for transversely isotropic foundation 横观各向同性地基空间问题的位移函数解法 www.ilib.cn 2. Shape optimization of transversely-ridged tube by orthogonal numerical simulation test 横纹槽管结构优化的正交数值模拟试验研究 scholar.ilib.cn 3. Analytic solution of non-axisymmetric problems in transversely isotropic elastic half-space 横观各向同性弹性半空间非轴对称问题解析解 www.ilib.cn 4. Numerical Analysis of Full Waveform Acoustic Logs in Transversely Isotropic Elastic Strata 横向同性弹性地层中全波波形数值分析 www.ilib.cn 5. Influence of water saturation on elastic wave propagation in transversely isotropic quasi saturated porous media 饱和度对横观各向同性准饱和多孔介质中弹性波传播的影响 jhe.ches.org.cn 6. Analysis of Compacting Displacements of Single Jacked Pile in Transversely Isotropic Soil 横观各向同性土中静压单桩挤土位移分析 ilib.cn 7. Vibration analysis of transversely isotropic saturated soils 横观各向同性饱和土体振动分析 www.ilib.cn 8. The method of solving transversely isotropic axisymmetric problem in elastic space by complex function 横观各向同性弹性力学空间轴对称问题的复变函数解法 www.ilib.cn 9. Yao Wei Wuhan University STUDY ON FLOW RESISTANCE DISTRIBUTION TRANSVERSELY IN THE SITUATION OF CHANNEL LATERAL ADJUSTMENT 武汉大学河床横向变形情况下阻力分布的研究 www.icold-cigb.org.cn 10. Numerical Simulation of Encastred Steel Belt Impacted Transversely by A Rigid Mass with Hypo- critical Velocity 大质量刚体亚临界速横冲钢板带数值模拟 www.ilib.cn 1. Retrieval of transversely isotropic viscoelastic parameters for RCC dams 碾压混凝土坝横观各向同性粘弹性参数反演 service.ilib.cn 2. Analysis of stress and settlement of axisymmetric problem of transversely isotropic foundation 横观各向同性地基轴对称问题的应力和沉降分析 www.ilib.cn 3. Propagation of Transient Torsional Waveina Transversely Isotropic Cylinder 横观各向同性圆柱体中瞬态波传播规律的研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Deduction of axially symmetric elastodynamics equations for transversely isotropic body 横观各向同性体的轴对称弹性动力学方程的推导 www.ilib.cn 5. Symplectic method of transversely isotropic elasticity 横观各向同性弹性力学中的辛方法 lx.dlut.edu.cn 6. Analysis of stress and displacement around a deep circular tunnel in transversely isotropic soil 横观各向同性土中深埋圆形隧道的应力和位移分析 www.ilib.cn 7. Stress and displacement fields around a pressure tunnel in transversely isotropic soil 横观各向同性土体中压力隧洞的应力和位移计算 www.ilib.cn 8. A numerical study on failure process of transversely isotropic rock subjected to uniaxial compression 单轴压缩下横观各向同性岩石破裂过程的数值模拟 www.ilib.cn 9. The Numerical Solution of Green's Functions for Transversely Isotropic Elastic Strata 横观各向同性层状弹性场地格林函数的数值解 www.ilib.cn 10. The Response Analysis of Transversely Isotropic Elastic Strata to Harmonic Disk Loads 横观各向同性层状场地受水平圆盘状简谐荷载时的响应分析 www.ilib.cn 1. Non-axisymmetical harmonic responses of elastic circular plate on the transversely isotropic saturated half-space 横观各向同性饱和半空间体上圆薄板的非轴对称振动 www.ilib.cn 2. Research on Depolarization of Transversely Polarized Gas Target Induced by High Energy e-Beam 高能电子束流引发的横向极化气体氢靶共振退极化研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Dynamic Impedances of Double Piles in Transversely Isotropic Layered Media 横观各向同性层状场地中双桩横向动力阻抗 www.ilib.cn 4. Back Analysis on Transversely Isotropic Viscoelasticity of Rock and Soil Medium 层状地层横观各向同性粘弹性优化反分析 www.ilib.cn 5. Dynamic Impedances of Single Pile in Transversely Isotropic Layered Media 横观各向同性层状场地中的单桩横向动力阻抗函数 6. Transversely Isotropic Elasticity of Porous Alumina Film 多孔氧化铝薄膜横观各向同性弹性性质的研究 www.ichacha.net 7. Seismic traveltime computation for transversely isotropic media 横向各向同性介质中地震波走时模拟 www.ilib.cn 8. A Refined Theory of Transversely Isotropic Plates 横观各向同性板的精化理论 www.ichacha.net 9. Determination of lead in light calcium carbonate determined by transversely heated GFAAS 横向加热石墨炉原子吸收法测定轻质碳酸钙中的铅 service.ilib.cn 10. Embedded Crack in Transversely Isotropic Body 横观各向同性体中的埋藏裂纹 www.ilib.cn 1. The zygote dividing transversely; 合子第一次横分裂; www.shengwu.com.cn 2. The development and research of the technology for transversely stacking thick hot-rolled armor plate 热轧厚板横切线垛板技术的开发与研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Petiole robust, ca. 2 cm, densely and transversely wrinkled when dry; 粗壮的叶柄,约2厘米,密被而横向起皱干燥时; www.flora.ac.cn 4. Male flowers: perianth lobes (4 or)5, slightly imbricate, transversely crested below apex; 雄花:花被裂片(4或者)5,稍微地成鳞状,在先端下面横向具脊; www.flora.ac.cn 5. Moving A Whole Portal Crane Transversely By Use of Idler Truck 采用托辊式台车实现门式起重机整体横移 service.ilib.cn 6. Petiole black-brown when dry, ca. 1. 2 cm, abaxially rounded, transversely rugose, adaxially longitudinally sulcate, glabrous; 干燥时叶柄黑色棕色,长约1.2厘米,横向,背面圆形,正面纵向具槽,无毛; www.flora.ac.cn 7. petiole ca. 1 mm, transversely wrinkled abaxially; 叶柄长约1毫米,背面横向起皱; www.flora.ac.cn 8. Petiole 5-8 mm, glabrous, abaxially subrounded, transversely rugose, adaxially broadly sulcate; 叶柄5-8毫米,无毛,背面近圆形,横向具皱纹,宽正面具槽; www.flora.ac.cn 9. perianth (3 or)4 or 5, usually free, valvate, segments angled, transversely crested or villous; 花被(3或者)4或5,通常离生,镊合状,裂片有棱,横向地具脊或具长柔毛; www.flora.ac.cn 10. Petiole 8-10 mm, abaxially raised and transversely rugose, adaxially narrowly sulcate, glabrous; 叶柄8-10毫米,背面凸起和横向具皱纹,正面具狭槽,无毛; www.flora.ac.cn 1. Petiole 6-10 mm, transversely rugose, sulcate adaxially; 叶柄6-10毫米,具横向皱纹,正面具槽; www.flora.ac.cn |
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