单词 | water-levels |
释义 | water-levels例句释义: 全部 1. Or maybe at the back of his mind he has this designed for a time when water levels rise due to incessant warming. 又或许他是为了未来的某个时刻做准备,因为全球变暖正导致海平面不断地上升。 www.elanso.com 2. The Nigerian authorities said the floodgates had to be opened because water levels have become dangerously high. 尼日利亚当局表示,由于河流水位上升到危险水平,他们不得不打开闸门。 www.tingclass.com 3. The fuel rods began to boil off the remaining water, allowing water levels to drop and leaving the fuel at least partially exposed. 燃料棒开始将剩余的水加热、汽化,这样水面就会降低,核燃料至少会部分暴露出来。 chinese.wsj.com 4. A sudden drop in cooling water levels when a pump ran out of fuel had fully exposed the fuel rods for a time, an official said. 由于灌注海水的水泵的燃料用完导致冷却水位突然下降,使得燃料棒有一段时间完全露出水面。 www.bing.com 5. The result of this process is a 'composite opal' - a photonic crystal hydrogel that responds to water levels in the air. 这一处理的结果是制作出一种“合成蛋白石”,这是一种能对空气中湿度做出响应的光子晶体凝胶。 chem8.org 6. Climate shifts have alternately raised and lowered the lake's water levels, sometimes nearly drying it out completely. 气候变化造成湖水水面起起伏伏,有时甚至几近干涸。 www.bing.com 7. The persistent drought has reduced water levels in the middle of the river to a "worrying level, " driving up the danger of ships grounding. 持续的干旱已经使长江中段水位降至警戒线,增加了船舶搁浅的危险。 www.china.org.cn 8. Chinese media reported this month that the Yangtze water levels near Wuhan hit their lowest point since the dam went into operation in 2003. 中国媒体本月报道,自2003年大坝投建以来,武汉市的长江水位目前达到了历史最低点。 www.bing.com 9. At certain critical water levels it is possible for connections with surrounding water bodies to become established. 在某些特定水位,海水与周围水体的连接可能性将被建立。 www.bing.com 10. Sensitivities over the Mekong's flows have led to talks between China and Thailand on how the dams may affect the water levels. 多方密切关注湄公河流域事件的发展,由此引发了中泰就大坝是否影响下游水位展开了多轮会谈。 voa.hjenglish.com 1. Long-term exploitation of thermal groundwater in deep-seated aquifers has led to a continual falling in water levels at geothermal wells. 深层地下热水由于多年长期开采致使水位持续下降,同时由于每年采暖期和非采暖期的交替开采,水位在下降过程中又呈现周期性的波动。 www.dictall.com 2. Falling water levels are not the only changes at Lake Suguta over the past several millennia. 在过去的几千年里水位下降并不是苏加塔湖唯一的变化。 www.bing.com 3. Water levels began to recede in India's flood-devastated state of Bihar. 在印度受灾的比哈尔省,洪水水位开始下降。 www.ecocn.org 4. And along the east coast, droughts have reduced the Yangtze River to its lowest water levels in fifty years. 而东部沿岸,大旱则使长江降到了50年来的最低水位。 www.bing.com 5. Although the water levels on the middle reaches begun to recede, new dangers might occur as the dikes had long been submerged in water. 尽管中游水位已经开始下降,但是,由于堤坝长期被水浸泡,新的险情随时会发生。 learning.sohu.com 6. Adventure advice : Avoid going rafting during the monsoon season ( June to September). High water levels make it dangerous . 探险建议:避免在雨季(六月到九月)去泛舟,高水位使泛舟很危险。 www.bing.com 7. But workers have managed to restore water levels for the time being, and temperatures appear to be falling. 但工作人员暂时恢复了冷却水的水位,温度似乎是在下降。 c.wsj.com 8. Officials blamed the landslide on heavy rainfall. Geologists says a sudden change in water levels loosened rocks along the riverbanks. 虽然官方称此次灾害乃暴雨所致,但地质学家称,是江水水位突然变化导致了河岸岩石松动。 www.ruanyifeng.com 9. Scientists fear changes in water levels along the Yangzi could create new snail habitats in areas previously untouched by the disease. 科学家担心由于长江水位的改变,会使得未感染区域滋生一些钉螺栖息地。 www.bing.com 10. The drought, which has lasted for five months, has brought water levels in the middle part of the Yangtze to a near-record low. 已经延续长达5个月的大旱使长江中游地区的水位下降到接近历史最低点。 www.bing.com 1. Despite widespread flooding, water levels did not reach records set in 1993. 尽管洪水分布广阔,水位没有达到1993年的记录。 bbs.putclub.com 2. However, the drought has reduced water levels significantly, and as you can see, all the boats are stranded. 然而,旱灾明显降低了水位,正如你看到的,所有的船都被搁浅在这。 www.hxen.com 3. The drought was the worst in the region in 50 years, and water levels in the Yangtze and bodies of water linked to it fell drastically. 这是地区50年来最严重的干旱,长江的水位和水体连接大幅度下降。 dongxi.net 4. In May, freight shipping was halted for a 140-mile stretch near the central city of Wuhan due to low water levels. 5月,在中部城市武汉附近,由于水位较低,搁浅的货船排成了达14英里的长队。 dongxi.net 5. Rising water levels could eventually transformthe Three Gorges Dam into a massive waterfall. 抬高的水位最终通过三峡大坝下泄。 www.bing.com 6. In a simple homogeneous and isotropic system, ground water flows directly from high to low static water levels. 在一个简单的均匀且各向同性系统、地下水流量直接从高到低静水的水平。 wenwen.soso.com 7. The report said Yunnan relies heavily on hydropower, and a drought has left dams with very low water levels. 报道说,云南主要依靠水力发电,但干旱导致大坝水位非常低。 c.wsj.com 8. Even though water levels fell along the Indus, the floodwater west of the river basin remained trapped. 即使印度河里的水位下跌,河谷盆地西侧的洪水仍然被困住。 www.xici.net 9. With poverty levels also rising as water levels have dropped, local anger appears to have reached a tipping point. 由于在水位下降的同时贫困水平也在不断攀升,当地的愤怒情绪似乎已经到达临界点。 www.ecocn.org 10. These competing demands are lowering water levels all along the Ganges, a crisis most apparent in the sacred city of Varanasi. 这些竞争的需求降低了恒河全流域的水位,一场危机很明显的在圣城瓦拉纳西(Varanasi)展开了。 www.bing.com 1. The newspaper also said water levels in two major southern rivers, the Gan and Xiang, have also dropped to historic lows. 人民日报的报导还说,赣江和湘江这两条中国南部主要河流的水位也都降到历史最低水平。 kantianya.com 2. But the combination of a rising pollution load and falling water levels makes that process much harder. 但是不断增长的污染量和下降的水位组合是那些步骤变得更难了。 www.bing.com 3. Hydrate Your skin is very sensitive to water levels. Stay hydrated by sipping water and eating fruits and vegetables throughout the day. 你的皮肤对于你身体的水含量非常敏感。保持身体的水分充足,从早到晚都别忘了多喝水和吃水果。 www.bing.com 4. One very old method used in the investigation of past climatic conditions involves the measurement of water levels in ancient lakes. 调查过去气候环境的一个非常老的方法是通过测量古代湖泊的水位。 hi.baidu.com 5. And the rains caused water levels in dozens of reservoirs in neighboring Hunan province "to exceed alarming levels, " the news agency said. 大雨使在临近在湖南的几十座水库的水位都超过了警戒线水平。 enewsynu.com 6. Replacing open or lined canals with piped canals improved water levels and distribution, as well as reduced water loss. 用管道渠取代开放渠或沟槽渠提高了水平和分配量,减少了水资源的浪费; web.worldbank.org 7. Officials are also concerned the declining water levels at the dam's reservoir could cause power shortages and affect shipping lanes. 官员们也担心库区水位下降会导致电力短缺和影响通航。 www.bing.com 8. With water levels rising, we may as well start thinking about oceanic living. 随着水位线越来越高,或许我们也应该开始考虑在海洋中居住。 www.bing.com 9. If the ice of the southern and northern poles should melt, ocean water levels would rise flooding all coastal cities. . . 如果南、北极的冰全部溶化,全球海洋的水位都会上升,沿岸的城市会被淹没。 www.fjdh.com 10. Worries about water levels are not a hypothetical issue here in this village in Gelderland province, southeast of Amsterdam. 在这个位于阿姆斯特丹东南方的格德兰省村庄,担忧水平面上升可是个相当实际的问题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. At multiple points along the coast, water levels are higher in late May than in early May, especially in the vicinity of Quanzhou. 从综合的角度来看,五月底沿岸的水平面要比月初时高,特别是泉州附近。 www.bing.com 2. Contemporary static ground water levels were developed and are presented in Figure 1 as a starting point for the work herein. 当代的静态的地下水位被开发并且在图1为起点的工作。 wenwen.soso.com 3. As water levels rose behind the landslide, some residents demolished their homes to salvage building materials. 随着滑坡背面的水位上涨,一些居民拆除了他们的(即将受淹的)家园,以抢救建材。 www.bing.com 4. Intermittent showers pushed up water levels to record highs in two dams in Leizhou yesterday. 间歇性阵雨推高水位纪录高点在两个水坝雷州昨天。 z808.com 5. Water levels in rivers are low, with the result that hydroelectric plants are generating about a fifth less electricity than normal. 河流水位普遍偏低,这就导致了水力发电站只能产出不到平时五分之一的发电量。 www.bing.com 6. And the types of rivers supply its changes, determines the elements of the river water levels constantly changing. 河流补给的种类和它的变化,决定着河流水情要素的不断变化。 www.ku-bi.cn 7. If the water levels are too high, the tour must be cancelled and the group returns to Park headquarters. 如果水位太高,向导将取消行程,返回到公园总部。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Then, hours later, a new problem sent the water levels plummeting again and left the fuel rods fully exposed. 然而一小时之后,一个新问题使得冷却水位骤降,燃料棒完全暴露在外。 www.bing.com 9. Barge traffic carrying coal down the river has also been strained by the low water levels. 长江上运煤的驳船也因为水位低而被缩减。 dongxi.net 10. Higher water levels in the lake area may also damage bamboo groves. That means giant pandas, which feed on these plants will suffer. 湖区水位的提高可能要危及竹子的生长。这就意味着以竹子为食的大熊猫也将受到威胁。 wenku.baidu.com 1. Heightened canal water levels had made it impossible for the boats to fit under some bridges. 上升的运河水位使得一些船不能从一些桥下通过。 www.huaxia-ng.com 2. Often, fluctuating water levels put the best shorebird habitat on grassland outside the protected areas. 升降不定的水位常常使草原上最好的滨鸟栖息地被挤到了保护区之外。 wiki.jukuu.com 3. Local authorities are assessing sections where water levels have plummeted to ensure vessels' safe passage. 当地有关部门正在评估那些水位骤降的地区,确保船只安全通行。 www.hxen.com 4. Within the zone, water levels are lowered and bund vegetation cut to create a secure roosting area. 我们降低管理区内的水位,并清除堤围上的植物,辟出一个让黑脸琵鹭可以安全的栖息范围。 www.wwf.org.hk 5. The towpaths will remain open, but the organisation urged people to take extra care to stay away from the edge as water levels fall. 曳船道仍对行人开放,但该部门劝告人们格外小心,随着水位下降应避免在曳船道边缘行走。 www.bing.com 6. Low water levels caused the country's largest hydropower dam to be shut down last month. 上个月,低水位使得肯尼亚最大的水力大坝被迫关闭。 www.bing.com 7. Other environmentally friendly toilets concentrate on using low water levels, or recycled water. 其它环保卫生间侧重使用低水位或回收水。 wy.xiaoxue123.com 8. This afternoon, the main rivers in Queensland Fitzroy River water levels still rising. 到今天下午,昆州主要河流菲茨罗伊河的水位仍在上涨。 www.englishtang.com 9. Climate change may raise water levels, further contaminating drinking sources in Dhaka and Kolkata. 气候变化使河水上升,进一步污染了达卡和加尔各答的饮用水源。 www.ecocn.org 10. As Europe wilts under a blistering sun, water levels in the region's rivers and reservoirs are plummeting. 欧洲正在骄阳下“枯萎”。该地区河流和水库的水位正直线下降。 www.ftchinese.com 1. As water levels increase, the wall retracts up forming a barrier. 水位增加时,该墙撤回起来,形成一个障碍。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. To operate team boiler, control and maintain water levels, and enter log sheet of operating condition of boilers. 正确的操作锅炉,控制水量及记录运作数据。 www.gao8dou.com 3. A storm surge is expected, with water levels continuing to rise above normal values along Nova Scotia's southern coast. 据估计,一场风暴潮即将来临,新斯科南海岸的水位将继续走高,超过正常值。 club.topsage.com 4. The contraption's buzzer sounds when water levels reach a pre-set level within the device. 当水位达到这个新发明装置内部预设的位置的时候,它的蜂鸣器就会发出声音。 www.scidev.net 5. Next to the landslide, water levels have risen compared to their mid-March extents, and higher water is evident along the entire lake. 滑坡处的旁边,相比三月中旬水位已经提高。 www.bing.com 6. Breeding season for African Fish Eagles is during the dry season, when water levels are low. 吼海雕的繁殖季节是在旱季的,那时,所有地方的水位都降到很低。 instapedia.com 7. Authorities in Fargo, North Dakota says the Red River's water levels are starting to fall after cresting today. 北达科他州法戈市当局称,红河水位暴涨后今天开始回落。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Falling water levels expose a sandbar in the Great Lakes' St. Clair River. 水位的下降使大湖区的圣克莱尔河上暴露出一个狭长的沙岛。 www.cnnas.com 9. Forecasters predict heavy rain in the region next week, which could further raise the water levels in the lakes. 天气预报下周该地区将有大雨,这将会使湖水的水位进一步升高。 1363.cn 10. Most wells were " flowing " wells or those that penetrated shallow ground water levels . 大多数水井是“冒水”井,或者是浅水位井。 www.bing.com 1. The phenomenon occurs in Brazil's June- to- August dry season , when lowered water levels make the pollutants more concentrated . 在巴西,这种现象通常发生在六月至八月的枯水期,这个时候水位下降,污染物便更为集中。 www.bing.com 2. The results show that calculated and measured water levels are quite close, and the mathematic model is valid. 结果表明:各时段的计算水位值与实测水位值非常接近,所建立的数学模型正确可应用。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Record low water levels are creating water shortages for both rural and urban areas in eastern China. 中国东部农村和城市地区水位下降,导致水资源短缺。 www.bing.com 4. Monday's extreme water levels led officials to suspend ferry and water taxi services in the city. 星期一的高水位迫使政府暂停室内渡轮和交通艇的服务。 www.huaxia-ng.com 5. They can reduce water levels in one area while forcing water to build up in others. 他们都可以把一个区域的水位降低,同时迫使其他区域的水位上涨。 voa.hjenglish.com 6. In the eighteen eighties, developers began digging canals to reduce water levels. 到了1880年,开发商开始挖掘运河来降低这里的水位。 www.remword.cn 7. Duffy thinks they may have been thwarted by low water levels. 达菲认为是低水位击败了它们。 www.bing.com 8. But on Monday, water levels dropped, leaving fuel rods almost entirely exposed. 但周一水位下降,燃料棒几乎完全暴露。 chinese.wsj.com 9. The diversion from the Han is necessitating more complex projects to raise water levels. 从汉江出发的引水工程需要更多的复杂工程来提升水位。 www.bing.com 10. This paper analyzes the causes of dangerous high water levels and characteristics of the flood in 1999. 文章分析了洞庭湖连年高危水位的原因,同时分析了1999年洪水的特点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Designed by MOS architects, the house floats on steel pontoonswhich allow it to fluctuate along with the lake when water levels change. 由MOS设计师打造的这种悬浮房子建造在钢制浮桥上,可以随着水位线浮动而上下调整。 www.bing.com 2. Certain locations present a threat on environment because of the possible transport of contaminants during higher water levels. 目前在某些地区高水位,对由于运输环境污染物可能的威胁。 www.syyxw.com 3. Song also said that the extremely dry weather in some areas is the root cause of the declining water levels in the Mekong. 宋涛表示,当前区域性极端干旱天气是造成湄公河水位下降的根本原因。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Then, a water discharge experiment is designed, in which, statistical analysis about the changing of water levels in each borehole is made. 设计了徐灰水放水实验,重点对放水实验过程中各钻孔水位的变化进行了统计分析。 lib.cqvip.com 5. Chinese officials reject claims the dams contribute to low water levels. 中国官员不合格者要求水坝成为落潮水平的因素。 voa.hjenglish.com 6. Congo's hydroelectric dams are poorly maintained, and water levels are low. 刚果的水电站维护状况非常差,水位也非常低。 www.24en.com 7. I have a few questions that would apply to anyone living in NYC: With the water levels rising, will NYC be completely inundated? 我有几个对住在纽约的人都适用的问题:随着水位的上升,纽约会完全被淹没么? www.tiantianbt.com 8. Rain permeates through the ground to add to ground water levels. 雨水透过了地层,增加了地下水水位。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. As the water levels rise, so do they: their stems can shoot up 10 inches in a single day. 当水面上涨的时候,水稻也往上长:它们的茎秆能在一天之中长10英寸。 www.neworiental.org 10. Low water levels will be filled with a lot of water the streets, especially in the beach road. 水位低的街道就会涌起大量的海水,特别是在海滨路。 www.dota123.com 1. Hydropower production has also fallen with water levels. 水力发电量随着水位的下降而降低了。 www.bing.com 2. He dismisses concerns about the dams and blames the drought for the low water levels. 他忽略中国方面对大坝的担忧,并谴责了水位低导致的干旱。 voa.hjenglish.com 3. Chinese scientists blame the falling water levels on global warming and say it's a long-term trend. 中国科学家将其归咎为全球变暖导致降水量减少,并称这是一个长期趋势。 c.wsj.com 4. Another serious problem is dropping water levels. 河水水位下降,也是较为严重的环境问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. And this activity correlated to changes in the reservoir's water levels. 这些前震的活动性是与水库水位的变化相关的。 haiyangren.blogbus.com 6. But when water levels rise suddenly, far more than the ground can absorb, a flood occurs. 但是,当水平面突然升高,远远超过大地的吸收量,就发生洪水。 www.eoezone.com 7. And the Dayak in Borneo have documented climate variations including rising water levels and the loss of traditional medicinal plants. 而婆罗洲的迪雅克族人已经记录下了一些气候变化,包括水位上升和失去传统药用植物。 www.scidev.net 8. The Datong Hydrological station in the lower reach of the Yangtze River, has recorded the highest water levels since 2003. 大同水文站在扬子江下游河段采集到自2003年以来最高的水位。 www.tesoon.com 9. That includes the Three Gorges Dam, whose operator reports that water levels behind the dam are 40 percent lower than usual. 其中就包括三峡大坝,工作人员报告说,大坝水位比平时低了40%。 en.dongxi.net 10. When water levels rise, flooding results. 水位上升,就会发洪水。 www.bing.com 1. Water levels have fallen substantially to as low as 10 meters, breaking a two decade record. 长江水位大幅度下降,低至10米,打破了20年来的记录。 www.hxen.com 2. Over eight-thousand hectares of wetland around Central China's Longgan Lake have seen the most dramatic fall in water levels for 80 years. 中国中部的龙感湖周围8000多公顷的湿地水位骤然下降,达到了80年来的最低位。 www.bing.com 3. Water levels in the catchment lakes along its course. 流域中的蓄水湖泊水位也在骤降 blog.sina.com.cn 4. it is closely related to the temperature and water levels in the air. 它是密切相关的温度和空气中的水含量。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Only two have decreasing water levels. 仅仅俩个水量再不断减少。 www.bing.com 6. The ground floor is elevated to respond the change of Water levels. 首层被抬高于水面,以应对不断变化的水面。 julemei.com 7. In order to measure the water levels at the chosen flow sections conductance probes were developed by LNEC. 为了在指定行洪部分的电导系数下测量水位,探头被工程研究院加以改进。 tech.plantsoft.com 8. In Changsha water levels rose to 38 metres early Monday morning, about 3 metres above the danger line. 周一清晨早些时刻,长沙水位已经上升到了38米,超过警戒水位3米。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. You can imagine water levels as high as two-story buildings within 10 minutes. 你可以想象一下,在10分钟内,水位将达到两层楼的位置。 www.bing.com 10. Mr. Yang held out hope. Water levels went down. 杨世荣没有放弃希望。水位下降了。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Besides the ecological impact, the dam displaced 1. 4 million people when the water levels upstream were raised. 除了生态影响,大坝工程升高了上游水位,产生了140万移民。 dongxi.net 2. If you must wash partial loads, adjust the water levels as appropriate. 如果你一定要一次洗小部分的衣服,请把水位调整到合适的位置。 www.elanso.com 3. So it is, it's, the water levels are very very high here and in the lower-lying areas dumped the main railway station. 所以,这里的水位十分高,低洼土壤区域被随意堆放在主要的火车站。 voa.hjenglish.com 4. As a result, the tsunami of 1957 killed no one in Hawaii, even though water levels were locally higher than 1946. 结果,1957年夏威夷的海啸没有造成一人死亡,虽然局部水位比1946年还高。 www.ebigear.com 5. Water levels reached a depth of six feet in some flooded areas. 一些被洪水淹没的地方水位达到了六英尺深。 q.sohu.com 6. This is the famous Nilometer by which water levels in the River Nilo were noted. 这就是著名的尼罗河仪。用它测星尼罗河的水位。 7. In Changsha, water levels rose to 38 metres early Monday morning, about 3 metres 44 the danger line. 在长沙,水位上升到38米,星期一早晨,大约有3米44的危险线。 help.360.cn 8. Bulk shipping carriers were banned on May 11 from using a 228km stretch of the Yangtze because of low water levels. 一段228公里长的长江支流因水位过低,从5月11日起禁止散装船通行。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Torrential rains and precipitously high water levels last year strained the dam and led officials to downplay its ability to control floods. 去年的暴雨和激增的水位令大坝出现险情,官员们也因此淡化大坝控制洪灾的能力。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Characteristics and evolution procedure of ground water levels before a strong earthquake 大震前地下流体异常特征及演变过程研究 www.ilib.com.cn 1. Environmental and outside factors influencing wintering bird utilization of Poyang Lake (water levels, disturbance) 影响鸟类利用鄱阳湖的环境和外部因子(水位,干扰) www.poyanglakecenter.org 2. Discussion on a few methods for calculating water levels of channel in flood control 浅论防汛中河道水位的几种计算方法 www.ilib.cn 3. Calculation of the banked-up water levels of groundwater in a river bank using a graph method 作图法求解库岸地下水的壅高值 ilib.cn 4. name and distance of the nearest river, lake and sea and their records of the lowest, normal and highest water levels 最近的河、湖、海的名称、距离和以往最低、一般和最高水位 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Relation between discharge and water surface slope at Jianli station under different water levels at Luoshan station 不同螺山水位监利流量与水面比降关系 search.studa.net 6. Water levels of the same runoff rose universally, and the Frequencies of the floods increased and aggravated; 同流量洪水位普遍抬高,洪灾发生次数增加,洪灾加重; www.ceps.com.tw 7. Water-levels connection problem and selection of levels for hydropower development 水位衔接问题与水电开发水位的选定 www.ilib.cn 8. Determination of Infiltration into Drain Pipes in Areas with High Ground Water Levels 高地下水位地区排水管道渗漏的确定 gyysyfs.nextage.cn 9. Water Levels of the Great Lakes of North America 北美地区大湖水位的变化研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Dispute Over Water Levels Along the Missouri River 密苏里河沿岸水平线之争 www.sinoshu.com 1. Computation of Extreme Water Levels for Main Rivers in Guangdong Province 广东省年最高水位多年一遇的极值计算 www.ilib.cn 2. Reasons for measurement errors for condenser water levels 凝汽器水位测量偏差的原因分析 service.ilib.cn 3. The effect of long-term sea-level variation on calculating the extreme water levels of multiyear return periods 海平面长期变化对推算多年一遇极值水位的影响 www.ilib.cn 4. Numerical simulation of water levels and flow field in upstream back water area of bridge and aqueduct 桥渡壅水对河道水位流场影响二维数值模拟 www.ilib.cn 5. Dynamic operation of stage water levels limited for flood control 水库分期汛限水位动态控制研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Experiments on osmosis through clayey soil under the condition of variable water levels 水位变化条件下粘性土渗流特征试验研究 www.ilib.cn 7. The examination and control system design with double water levels in the sewage-reatment sites 污水处理场的双水位检测控制系统的设计 service.ilib.cn 8. Multivariable Fuzzy Control System of Deaerator's and Condenser's Water Levels for 200 MW and Below Thermal Power Units 200MW及以下容量机组除氧器和凝汽器水位多变量模糊控制系统 ilib.cn 9. Standard Test Methods for Measurement of Water Levels in Open-Water Bodies 开口水体中水位测量的标准试验方法 www.isres.com 10. Low water levels in Yangtze River threaten rare species 长江持续罕见低水位使珍稀动物面临生死存亡 www.chinadialogue.net 1. Study on spatial variability of water levels in river net of Pearl River delta 珠江三角洲河网区水位特征空间变异性研究 jhe.ches.org.cn 2. Water levels in Yellow River hit record low 中国黄河水位降到历史最低点 www.chinadialogue.net |
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