单词 | V.2 | ||||
释义 | V.2
例句释义: “报复”武器第二号,第二殉道者,二有 1. He ministered through the power of the Spirit of God (v. 2, 3). The Spirit of God rested on him in a remarkable way. 神的灵住在祂的身上,以致祂靠著圣灵的能力去服侍人(2、3节)。 www.seewant.org 2. Tells V-Ray that the Gamma: 2. 2 we just set is only to be used for calculations, and to not apply it to the final render. 告诉V-Ray伽马:2.2我们将只用于计算,并不把它应用到最后的渲染。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. In v. 2 Paul said, 'I gave you to Christ as a father gives his daughter to her future husband. 他在第2节说:「我就好像一个父亲,将女儿许配丈夫一样,把你们献给基督。」 blog.163.com 4. Huh? McGrady also has 2 turnovers. Any reason McGrady turnovers is different from that of Yao or V-Span? 晕,麦迪也已经2次失误了,难道麦迪的失误和姚明,斯潘的失误不一样吗? www.tianya.cn 5. We are also to share the biblical essentials of our faith clearly. We must not handle the Word of God "deceitfully" (v. 2). 我们也该清楚地和世人分享我们信仰中的基要真理,「不谬讲上帝的道理」(2节)。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 6. Mary prefers me to wait for her outside. 2. persuade [p? 'sweid] v. (2)玛丽更愿意我在外面等她。 wenku.baidu.com 7. ANNOUNCER (V. O. ): He's taking a writing implement from his pencil case. It's a number 2 pencil, a smart choice for this word. 看,他从文具盒中取出了拼写工具:一支2号铅笔:写这个单词是再好不过啦。 www.sogood.cn 8. Mineral insulated cables and their terminations with a rated voltage not exceeding 750 V - Part 2 : terminations. 额定电压不超过750V矿物绝缘电缆及其终端.第2部分:术语 www.mapeng.net 9. In keeping with the tradition of big two-door cars, it would be powered by a hot engine: a 2. 8 liter turbo-charged V-6. 为了沿袭大型双门轿跑的传统,这款君威轿跑也将搭载一个动力强劲的发动机——一个2.8升的涡轮增压V6发动。 www.fortunechina.com 10. Finally, condensation of (IV) with 2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)acetamide (V) by means of KOH in MeOH gives the desired product. 最后,凝结(四)2-(4-羟苯基)乙酰胺(五)的方式在氢氧化钾甲醇给人的理想产品。 www.tesoon.com 1. Without going into detail, we can see how the v 2 factor arises with a simple illustration. 不进行详细分析我们也能从一个简单实例看到V2这个因子的作用。 2. Leisure accomodation vehicles. 12 V direct current extra low voltage electrical installations. Part 2 : motor caravans. 旅游车辆.12V直流超低压电气装置.第2部分:机动旅游车 www.mapeng.net 3. Case 2: A 34-year-old man who sustained a 220-V electrical injury without fall from height had a fracture of the right scapula . 个案(2)是一位34岁男性受到220伏特的交流电电伤,造成右侧肩胛骨骨折。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Day 2 impress v. Pleases impress these designs on the cover of my book. A. 画B.写C.盖印D.设计请把这些设计图案印在我的书的封面上。 kaoyan.hjenglish.com 5. Michael Martin - House of Commons speaker - Adventures of Steve V - Dirty Cash 2. 下议院议长迈克尔马丁--史蒂夫V探险-脏现金2。 zh.lyricside.altervista.org 6. But if we can't, like the psalmist, we can still express our love for the living God and our longing to know Him (v. 2). 但我们若无法这样做,我们也能像诗人一样,向永生上帝表达我们的爱和想要认识他的渴望之情(第2节)。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 7. Regime two is the case when v is much mg= larger than v critical, so then mg equals if this is the terminal velocity. 区域2是指当V比临界,速度大,所以,如果这是终极速度。 open.163.com 8. Within the supply range of 2. 2 and 3. 6 V, the device operates as a fully calibrated linear accelerometer. 内部供应范围2.2和3.6五,设备运作,作为一个完全校准线性加速度。 tieba.baidu.com 9. Surface mount glass passivated rectifier. Max repetitive peak reverse voltage 400 V. Max average forward rectified current 2. 0 A. 表面安装玻璃钝化整流。最大反向重复峰值电压400五,最大平均正向整流电流2.0答。 www.showxiu.com 10. Schottky barrier rectifier. Maximum recurrent peak reverse voltage 20 V. Maximum average forward rectified current 2. 0 A. 肖特基势垒整流器。经常性的最大峰值反向电压20五,最大正向平均整流电流2.0答。 www.datasheetpdf.com 1. V, 2 A, surface mount ultrafast switching rectifier. 400伏,2,表面贴装超快开关整流。 cn.alltheic.com 2. V-2 could travel for hundreds of miles before reaching their target. V-2火箭可以飞行数百哩,前往目标区。 freecot.wordpress.com 3. Fast recovery rectifier. Maximum recurrent peak reverse voltage 100 V. Maximum average forward rectified current 2. 0 A. 快恢复整流。经常性最大峰值反向电压100V最大平均正向整流电流2. cn.alltheic.com 4. General purpose plastic rectifier. Max repetitive peak reverse voltage 300 V. Max average forward rectified current 2. 0 A. 通用塑料整流器。最大反向重复峰值电压300V最大平均正向整流电流2. cn.alltheic.com 5. Surface mount ultrafast rectifier. Max recurrent peak reverse voltage 400 V. Max average forward rectified current 2. 0 A. 表面贴装超快整流器。最大的经常峰值反向电压为400V,最大平均整流电流2. cn.alltheic.com 6. Surface mount ultrafast rectifier. Max recurrent peak reverse voltage 200 V. Max average forward rectified current 2. 0 A. 表面贴装超快整流器。最大峰值反向电压200经常五,最大平均正向整流电流2.0答。 www.datasheetpdf.com 7. So, in terms of u and v, the condition, the region that we are u^2 y^2 which is arguably nicer than the ellipse. 关于u和v积分,按照之前的条件,积分区域将会变为2,这个形式可以说比之前那个椭圆的要好。 open.163.com 8. The minimum voltage obtainable with this arrangement is 2. 0 V greater than the regulator voltage. 极小的电压可获得以这个安排是2.0V大于管理者电压。 zaixian-fanyi.cn 9. Surface mount fast switching rectifier. Max repetitive peak reverse voltage 400 V. Max average forward current 2. 0 A. 表面贴装,快速开关整流器。最大反向重复峰值电压400五,最大平均正向电流2.0答。 www.showxiu.com 10. stigmas denticulate at apex, abaxially with a V-shaped appendix, 1 stigma ca. 5 mm, other 2 shorter. 柱头具小齿在先端,背面具V形附属物,柱头约5毫米,其他2短。 www.flora.ac.cn 1. Under the ZR1's skin beats the heart of a 638-hp supercharged 6. 2-liter V-8. 在ZR1的皮肤下跳动着638马6.2升涡轮增压的V-8心脏。 www.bing.com 2. The v-2 pushed the two-stage rocket to an altitude of 20 miles and then broke away. V—2将第二级火箭推到20英里的高度,然后脱落。 3. The first controlled ballistic long-range missile, the R-1, was developed by the Korolev team based on the German A-4 (V-2) rocket in 1948. 首枚远程弹道导弹R-1于1948年由科罗廖夫的队伍在德国A-4(V-2)火箭的基础上开发出来。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. His V-2 missile was used on European targets during World War II. 他领导开发的V-2导弹在二战期间被用于欧洲的战场。 www.bing.com 5. V, 2 A, ultrafast switching rectifier. 2甲,超快开关整流器。 www.datasheetpdf.com 6. Silicon rectifier. Max recurrent peak reverse voltage 200 V. Max average forward rectified current 2. 0 A. 硅整流。经常性最大峰值反向电压200五,最大平均正向整流电流2. cn.alltheic.com 7. V, 2 A, surface mount ultrafast rectifier. 400伏,2,表面贴装超快整流器。 cn.alltheic.com 8. In 1942, a German war scientist, Wernher von Braun, developed the first large rocket, the V-2. 西元1942年,德国武器专家冯布朗制造出第一枚大型火箭V-2。 freecot.wordpress.com 9. Schottky barrier rectifier. Max recurrent peak reverse voltage 60 V. Max average forward current 2. 0 A. 肖特基势垒整流器。最大峰值反向电压经常60五,最大平均正向电流2.0答。 www.showxiu.com 10. Ultrafast switching rectifier. Peak reverse voltage 400 V. Average forward current 2. 0 A. 超快开关整流器。五,峰值反向电压400平均正向电流2.0答。 www.datasheetpdf.com 1. V, 2 A, fast recovery rectifier diode. 100伏,2,快恢复整流二极管。 cn.alltheic.com 2. V. parahaemolyticus was found in 2 fecal samples. 2名患者粪样中检出副溶血性弧菌。 www.bing.com 3. v. 2 Cry out to Him. 向他呼喊。 www.bing.com 4. In DB2 V 8. 2, this complexity has been solved with the addition of "vendor options" support. 在DB2V8.2中,通过附件的“供应商选项”支持,已经消除了这种复杂性。 www.ibm.com 5. Later in the course when we deal with transfer of momentum, we will understand V^2 why there is a v-square term there. 在后来的课程中,当接触动量转移的时候,就会知道为什么是。 open.163.com 6. W, silicon zener diode. Zener voltage 160 V. Test current 2. 3 mA. -5% tolerance. 5瓦,硅稳压二极管。齐纳电压160五,测试电流二点三毫安。 -5%的误差。 www.datasheetpdf.com 7. Momentum is conserved, so I can m1*v1 write down that m1 times v1 plus m2 - it is a completely inelastic collision-- *v times v prime. 动量守恒,可以写下2,这是完全-,非弹性碰撞。 open.163.com 8. The United States, for example, assesses a tariff of 2. 5 percent on imported cars, minivans and S. U. V. 's. 比如美国,针对进口轿车,、SUV和微型汽车只征收2.5%的进口关税。 www.bing.com 9. 50 mm piezo audio indicator, 3 - 16 V dc, lead wires, 2. 5 KHz, mounting tabs, volume baffle. 50毫米压电音频指标,3-16伏直流电,导致电线,2.5千赫,安装制表符,体积挡板。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. v And that means this is v, R^2 so that is R squared times theta dot squared. 这意味着这是,那是,乘以θ点的平方。 open.163.com 1. Curtiss F9C-2 "Sparrowhawk" fighters, flying in a "V" formation, circa 1933-1935. (Image courtesy of the U. S. Naval Historical Center. ) 雀鹰战斗机,以V型编队飞行,约在1933-1935。(影像提供:美国海军历史中心) www.myoops.org 2. Helical Structure and Optical Direction V-- Helical Structure and Optical Direction of 1, 2-Disubstituted ferrocene 螺旋结构与旋光方向V--1,2-二取代二茂铁类分子的螺旋结构与旋光方向 www.ilib.cn 3. February 2009: Chelsea v Juventus, Champions League, Stamford Bridge, London 2009年2月25日,欧冠切尔西vs尤文图斯,伦敦斯坦福桥球场 www.bing.com 4. Leisure accommodation vehicles - 12 V direct current extra low voltage electrical installations - Part 2: Motor caravans 旅游居住车12V直流超低压电器装置第2部分:机动旅居车 www.mapeng.net 5. Road vehicles - Electrical connectors for braking systems - Part 2: Connectors for 12 V nominal supply voltage 道路车辆.制动系统用电连接器.第2部分:12V标称电源电压用连接器 www.mapeng.net 6. v "Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits" (Psalm 103: 2) 「我的心哪,你要称颂耶和华,不可忘记祂的一切恩惠」(诗103:2) ww123.net 7. MIPS OS was a Unix variant that loosely descended from 4. 2 BSD , System V Release 3 and System V Release 4 Unix'es. MIPS 的操作系统是Unix的变种,从松散的4.2BSD的,系统VRelease3和SystemV的版本下降4 www.baike.com 8. Fig. 2 Pre-tighten force of V style finger and object 图2V型手指与工件间施加预紧力 wenku.baidu.com 9. Two-pole socket-outlets 2, 5 A 250 V for equipment of class II for household and similar purposes 家用及类似用途II类设备的2.5A250V两相插座 www.mapeng.net |
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