单词 | u-v |
释义 | 例句释义: 中英文对照 1. "It used to be much wetter here when I was a boy, " Hamad Reesi said, as our S. U. V. lurched up a gravel switchback in the foothills. 我们驾驶着SUV在山脚满是沙砾的路上蜿蜒而行,哈马德·瑞茜(HamadReesi)说,“我小时候,这里的气候更湿润。” www.bing.com 2. Mr. Zhang now lives in a big house in Little Neck, Queens, with his wife, three daughters and parents, and drives a Lexus S. U. V. 张先生现在跟妻子、三个女儿以及父母住在昆斯区的LittleNeck的一间大房子里,而且开上了雷克萨斯越野车。 dongxi.net 3. Soon we were off-road entirely, the undercarriage of the S. U. V. clanging like a gong, a cloud of dust billowing around us. 不一会儿我们开进了越野地,SUV的底盘像铜锣般叮当作响,漫天的尘土在周围翻滚。 www.bing.com 4. OK, so when I'm here, v when I'm entering my region, the value of u at this point is just v, u equals v. That's the hard part. 所以,在这里,当我进入的时候,u在这一点的取值就是,即u=v,这是比较难的部分。 open.163.com 5. One day a satellite captured images of the S. U. V. pulling into a large concrete compound in Abbottabad. 一天,卫星捕捉到了这辆SUV驶入Abbottabad一处很大的水泥院子的图片。 www.bing.com 6. Results: Huan gui and its adulterants can be identified by physical-chemical process, TLC and U V spectrophotometry. 结果:黄芪及其伪品的种子的理化现象、层色谱及紫外光谱均有差异。 tr.bab.la 7. Kuwaiti drove a white S. U. V. whose spare-tire cover was emblazoned with an image of a white rhino. Kuwaiti开着一辆白色的SUV,车备胎盖上装饰着白色犀牛形象。 www.bing.com 8. It led to a situation whereby General Motors could make money only by selling big, gas-guzzling S. U. V. 's and trucks. 通用汽车落入了这样一个境地:他们只有卖那些又大又耗油的SUV和卡车才能赚到钱。 www.bing.com 9. Instead of driving around in a white S. U. V. with a security detail, he wears local clothes and takes battered local cars to blend in. 他不是开着有安全保障的白色SUV到处转,而是穿着当地人的衣服,开着破旧不堪的小汽车与当地人民打成一片。 www.bing.com 10. Values are copied from accounts with reconciliation rules to all accounts with the currency conversion codes U, V, X and Z. 将值从带有对账规则的账户复制到所有使用货币转换码U、V、X和Z的账户。 www.ibm.com 1. Claims adjusters would work from a fleet of vans and S. U. V. 's dispatched to policy holders' homes or even directly to an accident scene. 公司宣称,理算员将在派遣到保险单持有人住宅,甚至事故现场的厢式货车和SUV(运动型多用途汽车)上工作。 www.bing.com 2. Double coordinate gang wire has added U. V. two drive motors to carry out taper cutting by program control. 双坐标联动丝架是在丝架上增加了U、V两个驱动电机,通过程序控制来实现锥度切割。 blog.163.com 3. And to find the bounds perhaps the easiest is to draw a picture of a region in u, v coordinates. 相对简单的、找出边界的办法,就是在u、v坐标系下画出积分区域。 open.163.com 4. If u and v themselves depended on another variable then you would continue with your chain rules. 如果u、v依赖于另一个变量,那么就可以用链式法则。 open.163.com 5. Mr. Pope notes that his group has stopped short of castigating people for driving S. U. V. 's or building overly large homes, too. 波普提到其团体也已停止了责备人们驾驶SUV或建超大的住宅。 www.bing.com 6. OK, so, if you know that uv prime equals u prime v plus uv prime, then you are safe. 如果你知道’=u’v, ,uv’,那么还好。 open.163.com 7. Then we found out that if every living soul on the planet had a fridge and a house and an S. U. V. , we would choke on our own exhaust. 然后,我们发现每一个在星球上活着的灵魂都拥有一台冰箱和一套住宅和一辆SUV,接着我们窒息而死。 www.bing.com 8. They had two cars, a red S. U. V. and a white Suzuki jeep, neighbors said. 他们有两辆车,一辆红色的越野车,另外一辆是白色的铃木吉普。 www.bing.com 9. Excellent stain resistance and easy cleaning: Adopting the special U. V. Coating. 极佳耐污性、容易清洁。 www.lygjcw.com 10. Well, I have to deal with two vectors, u one corresponding to changing u, v the other one corresponding to changing v. 我需要处理两个向量,一个对应于变化的,另一个对应于变化的。 open.163.com 1. Excellent durability and wear resistance with the special U. V. coating. 采用特殊U.V。处理,具有出色的耐磨性和抗冲击性,经久耐用。 www.51pla.com 2. Class U V innovative ink contery on blanket because paper ink absorption in a timely manner. 该类UV油墨差橡皮布腐化性不大,因为纸张能准时汲取油墨。 www.bing.com 3. The question is, if we do a change of variables where the relation between x and y and u and v is more complicated, what can we do? 但问题又来了,如果我们想在x,y和u,v之间关系,更加复杂的函数中做变量替换,我们应该怎么办呢? open.163.com 4. In the S. U. V. , with my new daughter under my care for the first time, these musings became terribly real. 在SUV车上,我第一次这样悉心地照顾着我的新女儿,这些沉思也第一次变得这样真切。 www.bing.com 5. Now, so the question we must answer here is for a given value u v when do I enter my origin? 我们现在必须要回答的一个问题就是,当v的值固定,的上下限是什么? open.163.com 6. I am taking this grid on my surface given by the u and v directions. 在曲面上取这个格子由u,v方向给出的。 open.163.com 7. About a month ago, she backed her S. U. V. into 12 people outside Marquee. 一个月以前,她在帐篷外倒车时撞到了12个人。 www.kekenet.com 8. This type of curing is said to be more efficient than U-V curing because of the very much higher energy levels available. 据说这种固化方法较紫外线固化的效率更高,因为它具有更高的能量标准。 www.tdict.com 9. Tanning beds can also produce high levels of U-V radiation. 日光浴也会产生高强度的紫外线。 blog.csdn.net 10. Now, we need to figure out, so, we started u equals v. 现在,我们需要指出,从u=v开始。 open.163.com 1. Wanna get some U. V. s before we go home. 回家前我想晒会儿太阳。 wangyushuang.com 2. Then their sixties roll around, and they wish they'd spent less on S. U. V. s and HDTVs and put more into their 401(k)s. 然后他们的六十多岁到来,他们希望他们会花更少的钱在SUV和高清晰度电视,并放入存更多的钱在他们的401(k)中。 www.bing.com 3. If we know all these rates of change then we know how to take these derivatives without actually having to plug in values. 如果知道所有的这些变化率,那么求偏导时,就不需要把u、v代回f了。 open.163.com 4. The United States, for example, assesses a tariff of 2. 5 percent on imported cars, minivans and S. U. V. 's. 比如美国,针对进口轿车,、SUV和微型汽车只征收2.5%的进口关税。 www.bing.com 5. Let's find U and V. And, in case you have trouble with that small picture, I have a better one here. 让我们找到U,V,大家可能看不清那个小图,在这儿有一张清晰点儿的。 open.163.com 6. turn left ( right) U V W 向左(右)转 wenku.baidu.com |
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