单词 | utilizes |
释义 | utilizes是utilize的第三人称单数
第三人称单数:utilizes 现在分词:utilizing 过去式:utilized 例句释义: 利用 1. But in animal experiments, exercise seems to remodel the metabolic pathways that determine how the body stores and utilizes food. 然而,我们可以通过动物来进行实验,运动似乎可以改变体内储存与食物利用的代谢途径。 www.bing.com 2. It has easy-to-use tabular test data syntax and utilizes the keyword-driven testing approach. 它具有易于使用的表格的测试数据的语法和使用关键字驱动的测试方法。 www.dgmini.com 3. The example utilizes a queue and a topic on the queue manager, using the JNDI bindings to switch back and forth between them. 示例利用队列管理器上的队列和主题,并使用JNDI绑定在它们之间来回切换。 www.ibm.com 4. The modern historical building protects and utilizes concerning history of extending and upgrades the comprehensive question of the city. 近代历史性建筑保护利用关系到延续历史和更新城市的综合性问题。 paper.pet2008.cn 5. and an electricity generation unit, which utilizes at least part of the fuel or the total fuel to generate electricity. 和发电单元,其至少利用所述燃料的一部分或全部来发电。 ip.com 6. The system is devised with an energy-saving strategy, which utilizes stratified room air with a vertical temperature gradient. 系统与一个节约能源的策略一起设计,这用一个垂直的温度梯度利用房间内分层的空气。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The implementation of the method utilizes the time delay spectrometry (TDS) technique and a set of focused acoustic sources. 执行该方法利用的时间延迟光谱(矿化度)技术和一套集中声源。 www.syyxw.com 8. To develop software that utilizes the Windows API, a compiler must be able to handle and import the Microsoft-specific DLLs and COM-objects. 为了开发使用WindowsAPI的软件,编译器必须能处理和导入微软相关的DLLs和COM对象。 en.wikipedia.org 9. It utilizes principal component analysis method to determine index weight and chooses Yellow River Delta as a case of demonstration. 运用主成分分析法客观确定指标权重,对黄河三角洲区域的生态可持续进行了实证研究。 www.chemyq.com 10. The exterior of the museum utilizes the shape of an ancient bronze ding, specifically a Chen ding, with its rather archaic flavor. 外表采用了博物馆的形状一个古老的青铜鼎,特别是一陈定,其相当陈旧的味道。 zhishi.sohu.com 1. Ratio-based analysis - utilizes a number of rule-of-thumb ratios to gauge performance of a database, user connection, or piece of code. 基础比率的分析,利用一个规则的数字去衡量数据库的性能,用户的连接或者一段程式码… www.phpzy.com 2. It's easy to use, utilizes SSL (encryption), LIBZ (compression), and simple password protection. 它易于使用,并利用SSL(加密)、LIBZ(压缩)和简单的口令保护。 osl.cssp.com.cn 3. Quantum cryptology is a new method for secret communications. This new method utilizes the quantum nature of single photons. 量子密码术是一种实现秘密通信的新方法,它利用单光子的量子性质,借助量子密钥分配协议可实现数据传输的可证性安全。 www.lw23.com 4. As if person this management is stimulates staff's work enthusiasm, the development human resources, takes and utilizes the human capital. 似乎人本管理就是激发职工的工作积极性,开发人力资源,重视和运用人力资本。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 5. The baby teacher of English should do everything possible to let the baby momentarily have the opportunity utilizes has studied the thing. 幼儿英语教师应想方设法让幼儿随时有机会运用所学过的东西。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Thus the estimator is an efficient estimator which utilizes only a few snapshots to estimate the spectrum. 该方法是一种可以利用少量快拍进行谱估计的有效方法。 www.71155.com 7. The sort of seeing I mean is an observation that utilizes as many of the five senses as can reach through the eye at one time. 我所说的见识是一种尽量利用五种感官感觉的观察。这些感觉就如用眼所获得的那样 wenku.baidu.com 8. The net utilizes a whole chemical fiber rope to socket, and is pleached by an association skill. 采用整根化纤绳插接,联接技术编织而成。 ip.com 9. The technology utilizes many large, sun-tracking mirrors (heliostats) to focus sunlight on a receiver at the top of a tower. 技术利用多数大又追踪太阳的镜子(日光反射装置)在塔的顶端将日光集中在一个接收器。 www.solarzoom.com 10. The gyro vertical utilizes a gyroscope as an integrating device to obtain the average position of a pendulous gravity reference. 垂直陀螺利用一个陀螺仪作为积分装置以得摇摆不定的重力基准线的平均位置。 www.jukuu.com 1. Rather, it is much more of a cache manager, in that it utilizes the atomicity of transactions to persist objects to a database. 相反,它更象是高速缓存管理器,因为它利用事务的原子性来将对象持久保存到数据库。 www.ibm.com 2. Telex A system that utilizes a typewriter connected to a telephone network used to send and receive written communications. 电报将打字机连接到电话网络上,用来发送和接收书面信息的系统。 zcaogmfdf.blog.sohu.com 3. Please note that this function utilizes BIT_OR UDF we wrote to operate on bit-like data type parameters. 注意,该函数使用了我们编写的BIT_ORUDF对类似于位数据类型的参数进行运算。 www.ibm.com 4. Miller Indices, of a Crystallographic Plane - A system that utilizes three numbers to identify plan orientation in a crystal. Miller索指数-三个整数,用于确定某个并行面。这些整数是来自相同系统的基本向量。 bbs.ciscenter.com 5. Rational Performance Tester utilizes the src folder within a project as the default for custom code components, in a package named test. RationalPerformanceTester按默认的定制代码构件来使用项目中的src文件夹,它位于一个名为test的包中。 www.ibm.com 6. Kentucky utilizes about six to eight student-managers each season and annually receives at least 50 applications for those positions. 肯塔基大学每个赛季都会雇佣六到八名的学生经理,每年会收到大约50份的工作申请表。 www.bing.com 7. Huang Yu -Ju utilizes a metal installation in an attempt to express the inner depth of emotion. 黄裕智藉由金工装置,试图表现出内心深层更为细腻的情感颤动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Their digestive system utilizes stronger amino acids for digesting uncooked meats, lichens, and fungus that would be poisonous to humans. 他们的消化系统利用较强的氨基酸液来消化生肉、苔藓和对人类有毒的真菌。 starwarsfans.cn 9. The next program I'll show you utilizes the MFC and the channel interface to do character conversions on data specified by the PPE. 我要展示的下一个程序使用了MFC和信道接口来在由PPE指定的数据上进行字符传输。 www.ibm.com 10. The invention utilizes the kite to place a solar panel, makes the best of the kite and realizes energy conservation. 本发明是利用风筝放置太阳能板,充分利用了风筝,实现节能。 ip.com 1. The descriptive research, the explanatory research, the case research are the main research techniques which this article utilizes. 描述性研究、解释性研究、个案研究是本文运用的主要研究方法。 www.fabiao.net 2. The best application would be one that utilizes a database back end; a relatively simple database containing one table would be fine. 最好的应用程序是一个在后端使用数据库的程序;并使用一个相当简单的数据库,其中包含了一个精心设计的表。 www.ibm.com 3. Good Ol' Sailor Organic Vodka effectively utilizes a maritime theme, providing the design with a range of vivid pictured marine inhabitants. 水手牌原汁伏特加,有效地利用海洋为主题的设计,生动描绘了一系列海洋居民的生活场景 select.yeeyan.org 4. How to be again sly the difficult solution the mathematics problems. only then utilizes the correct step to be able to solve. 再怎么狡猾难解的数学题,只有运用正确的步骤都能解决。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. For the stability analysis of the system under tests, this paper utilizes the ITU-T recommended Allan deviation. 且本论文采用ITU-T推荐之亚伦方差进行系统稳定度分析。 www.cetd.com.tw 6. Zattoo is an Internet TV service which, like Joost and Babelgum, utilizes peer-to-peer technology to deliver streaming video to a PC. Zattoo是一项网络电视服务,类似于Joost和Babelgum,运用点对点技术,传输流视频到电脑上。 www.bing.com 7. Our academic philosophy utilizes a content-rich curriculum taught through a combination of traditional and innovative pedagogy. 我们的教学哲学是利用丰富的课外活动把传统的和创新的教学方法结合在一起。 www.51liuxue.net.cn 8. Electronic ink was a panel display technology, which utilizes electrophoretic movement of particles in the microcapsules to realize display. 电子墨水显示是一种平板显示技术,它利用微胶囊内分散的电泳粒子在电场作用下的电泳运动来实现显示。 www.fabiao.net 9. This algorithm utilizes the uniqueness and stability of the fingerprint, and regards the fingerprint characteristic matrix as a key. 该算法利用指纹的唯一性和稳定性,将指纹特征矩阵作为密钥。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 10. At the same time, Bakhtin on his own initiative utilizes the understanding of "the esthetic object" in his literary and art criticism. 同时,巴赫金自觉地将其对审美客体的理解运用到他的批评实践当中,对经典作家作品的“文学性”进行了富有创建的解读。 www.sinoss.net 1. The system utilizes charge pump elevator to enhance the voltage of storage capacitor and effectively increase the reserved energy. 利用电荷泵升压电路提高存储电容的电压,有效的增加了存储能量; soso.361xs.com 2. It then charges, utilizes its backstab ability to rip the throat out of its nearest opponent. 它然后冲锋,利用背刺能力撕开其最近一个敌人的喉咙。 z120018779.blog.163.com 3. Map aided positioning utilizes road map vectors to help other positioning means getting a vehicle's exact location. 地图辅助定位是使用道路地图矢量辅助其它手段进行车辆定位的一种方法。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. The utility model efficiently utilizes the titanium dioxide, which saves energy and is efficient at the wastewater processing. 本实用新型二氧化钛的利用率高,节约资源,废水处理效率高。 ip.com 5. postal assets : movable property , real estate or other rights that chunghwa post utilizes for its operations. 四邮政资产:指中华邮政公司经营业务所使用之动产、不动产及其他权利。 www.ichacha.net 6. The device fully utilizes the space of the lower part of the flue, and the system is greatly simplified. 该装置充分利用了烟道的下部空间,系统大大简化。 ip.com 7. Practically every animal species utilizes the rear-entry "doggy-style" position, so it is a natural one for humans to enjoy, as well. 事实上地球上许多动物爱爱时都使用“后入式”,到了人类这儿也再自然不过。 www.t442.com 8. The floormen spin out the connection using the air spinner, or if applicable, the driller utilizes the top drive to spin out the connection. 钻工们用气动旋扣器把扣卸开,或者是司钻用顶驱把扣卸开。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. At this point, the business scenario ends or the user utilizes the mashup to take an action based on the information rendered. 至此,业务场景已经完成,或者接下来用户利用mashup根据呈现的信息采取操作。 www.ibm.com 10. It employs a Disintegrator Pulse Laser as its primary armament and utilizes a Heavy Electron Bolter to deal with lighter forces. 它以粉碎者脉冲激光为它的主要武器,而使用重型电子矢来对付轻型部队。 word.hcbus.com 1. If Facebook does launch a virtual currency and utilizes Facebook Connect, it has the potential to become a standard in online transactions. 如果Facebook真的发布了虚拟货币并且利用FacebookConnect它就将会有成为在线交易标准的潜力。 www.bing.com 2. An application that utilizes user defined objects and customizable file formats to store data in an object oriented fashion. 一个应用,它利用用户定义的对象和可定制的文件格式以面向对象的风格存储数据。 www.biodic.cn 3. Embodiments of the present invention generally comprise an RF return plate for use in an apparatus that utilizes RF current. 本发明的实施例一般包括一种用于利用射频电流的设备中的射频回传板。 ip.com 4. The Puppet Master lives in Europe and certainly utilizes the secrecy of the Swiss banks during his massive global operations. 傀儡主人住在欧洲而且在其处理大量的全球业务期间当然会利用瑞士银行的保密性。 apps.hi.baidu.com 5. Each of these tools utilizes input and output pipes, and can therefore be combined on command-lines and in shell scripts. 其中每一种工具都使用输入和输出管道,因而可以在命令行和shell脚本中结合。 www.ibm.com 6. You will see that it utilizes the JAAS authentication service to login to Access Manager using the configured login name. 您将会看到,其中利用了JAAS身份验证服务来使用登录名登录到AccessManager。 www.ibm.com 7. BFI utilizes the basic principle that the human eye needs to be "reset" regularly. BFI利用人眼需要“设”定期的基本原则。 word.hcbus.com 8. Demonstrates behavior that advances team based work concepts and utilizes good communication techniques with all levels of employees. 面对各层次的职员进行良好沟通,确保团队发展。 job956.com 9. This method adequately utilizes the characteristics of mechanical components, so that it has good retrieval performance. 该算法充分利用了机械零件自身的特点,有较好的检索性能。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. The invention utilizes spherical nano-photocatalyst and non-spherical photocatalytic sol for coating a photocatalyst layer on a substrate. 该发明利用球形纳米催化剂和非球面涂层衬底上的光层的光催化溶胶。 www.1168818.cn 1. Define a DataStore that interacts with a ZRM resource handler and define a DataGrid that utilizes the DataStore. 定义一个与ZRM资源处理程序交互的DataStore,并定义一个使用DataStore的DataGrid。 www.ibm.com 2. The new Lawson Smart Client utilizes features of the new Windows Presentation Foundation and Windows Communication Foundation. 新的Lawson智能客户端充分利用了WPF和WCF提供的特性。 www.infoq.com 3. The therapy utilizes a cocktail of various drugs that targets the virus in different ways to lower the level of HIV circulating in the body. 该疗法利用针对该病毒不同靶点的多种药物进行鸡尾酒式的综合,以降低机体内循环HIV的病毒载量。 blog.tianya.cn 4. This complete course utilizes the very latest learning methods in an enjoyable and user-friendly format. 这一完整的课程采用了最新的学习愉快和用户友好的格式的方法。 www.ccemagz.com 5. n. The electro-magnetic microgenerator utilizes a moving magnet or coil for inducing an alternating electric current in a circuit. 微型电磁发电器以移动中的磁铁或线圈,在电路中制造出感应交流电。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Biotechnology utilizes bacteria, yeasts, fungi, algae, plant cells or cultured mammalian cells as constituents of industrial processes. 生物工程利用细菌,酵母,真菌,植物细胞或培养的哺乳动物细胞作为工业加工的组分。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. A method and system that utilizes a shared nonvolatile memory for initializing multiple processing components in a device. 一种使用*非易失性存储器来初始化设备中多个处理部件的方法和系统。 www.hgpf114.com 8. If the user utilizes procedures for the control of test devices, torque tools shall be included in these procedures. 如果用户需要控制测试装置,则控制程序中应包含扭矩工具的使用。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. The JCA Adapter for JDBC utilizes the ORDER_EVENT table to invoke downstream business processes as shown in Figure 3. JCAAdapterforJDBC利用ORDER_EVENT表来调用下游业务流程,如图3所示。 www.ibm.com 10. As the central theory of Li Zhi's thoughts, the theory of Child's Mind utilizes many opinions and thoughts from Zen Buddhism. “童心说”是李贽思想的核心,其观点和思路很大程度上源于禅宗学说。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. If your application utilizes many statements like DayTrader does, then increasing this parameter can improve application performance. 如果您的应用程序像DayTrader那样使用许多语句,则增加此参数有时可以改善应用程序性能。 www.ibm.com 2. The system utilizes PLC to constantly detect the information of safe interlock control system. 系统利用PLC实时监测开关源连锁信息。 www.fabiao.net 3. The generated custom code utilizes a super class model, as shown in the standard generated custom code in Listing 4. 生成的定制代码使用一个超类模型,如清单4中标准生成的定制代码所示。 www.ibm.com 4. In the first part of this article we have examined password hashes and the mechanisms Windows utilizes to create and store these values. 在本文的第一部分中,我们介绍了密码哈希的概念,以及Windows用于创建和存储这些数值的机制。 www.bing.com 5. Of course, Thucydides utilizes rhetoric as a historian, not as an orator. 当然,修昔底德利用修辞是作为一位史家的身份,而不是作为一个演说者的身份。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Must realize the enterprise modernization management, utilizes the computer technology in among, with irresistible force. 要实现企业现代化的管理,运用计算机技术于其中,势如破竹。 www.showxiu.com 7. The strategy utilizes the power of super-peer. Super-peer manages the transactions scheduling on common peers. 该策略利用P2P网络中的超级节点处理能力强的特点,由超级节点管理普通节点上的事务调度。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 8. Television utilizes the cinematographic projection principle. 电视应用了放映电影的投影原理。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Utilizes multiple communication methods to effectively address communication needs. 使用多种沟通方法来有效地表达沟通的需求。 www.bokee.net 10. The thesis provides abundant examples; analyzes typical cases; utilizes tables and statistics to give direct descriptions. 文中列举了大量的例子,并对典型案例进行分析,加以列图表、列数据给予直观的对比描述。 www.lw23.com 1. The pipe clamp of the utility model breaks a traditional process method on design manufacture, and utilizes through holes for process. 而新型管卡在设计加工上,打破了传统的加式方式,而采用透孔来加工。 ip.com 2. Laszlo, the language that OpenLaszlo utilizes, is a declarative approach to creating widgets or entire applications with XML and JavaScript. Laszlo是OpenLaszlo所使用的一种语言,这种语言通过说明性方法,用XML和JavaScript来创建部件或整个应用程序。 www.ibm.com 3. This revolutionary drive system utilizes an overly efficient electromagnetic motor, and combines it with our patent pending toroidal dynamo. 这种创新性的驱动系统应用了一种高效电磁电动机,并将其与公司正在审定中的专利环形发电机结合起来。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 4. This model utilizes discrete sampling points as input directly, and convolution sum to deal with time accumulation process. 该模型以离散样本作为直接输入,采用卷积和算法实现对时间累积效应的处理。 hkxb.buaa.edu.cn 5. The utility model relates to a device that utilizes the hydraulic principle to conduct the load measurement. 本实用新型涉及一种应用液压原理进行荷重测量的装置。 ip.com 6. Aerobic respiration also sometimes utilizes fatty acids from fat reserves in the muscle and body to produce Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). 有氧呼吸,有时,也使用肌肉和身体脂肪储备中的脂肪酸,生成三磷酸腺苷(ATP)。 bbs.ipaobu.com.cn 7. Driven by a powerful fuel injected V-twin engine, this Kawasaki ATV utilizes a fully independent ( IRS ) rear suspension system. 带动了强大的燃料注入了V型双引擎,这川崎亚视利用一个完全独立的(美国国税局)后悬架系统。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The position of this switch determines whether the machine utilizes the computer or the manual control. 该开关位置决定机床是由计算机控制还是人工控制。 www.mapeng.net 9. The MBean model implementation utilizes a few utility classes associated with JDOM in the package com. claudeduguay. util. jdom. MBean模型实现利用了com.claudeduguay.util.jdom包中几个与JDOM相关的工具类。 www.ibm.com 10. With the case of Yahoo, the website uniquely utilizes this feature to grab users towards their secure service (Image 4). Yahoo的网站利用了这个特性,因此很容易抓住用户的心,进而使用户使用他们的服务。 www.bing.com 1. Mankind utilizes bionics in building, electron, machinery, chemistry, sports, etc. and makes abundant achievement in those areas. 人类利用仿生学在建筑、电子、机械、化学、体育等各学科领域都取得了丰富成果。 www.fabiao.net 2. As is said, Jeet Kune Do utilizes all ways and is bound by none and, likewise, uses any techniques or means which serve its end [Lee 12]. 作为是说,截拳道利用一切方法和约束,没有和,同样地,使用任何技术或手段,其最终[李12]。 www.docin.com 3. The model utilizes Electro-magnetic Transients Program(EMTP), so it possess reliable accuracy and stability of numerical calculation. 该模型使用电磁暂态通用程序(EMTP)进行计算,具有可靠的计算准确性和数值稳定性。 www.ilib.cn 4. Furthermore, it utilizes a custom virtual machine that was designed to optimize memory and hardware resources in a mobile environment. 而且,由于使用了客户端虚拟机,使其在移动环境下内存和硬件资源的使用更加优化。 www.bing.com 5. The moulding of the case utilizes the technology of full-vacuum braze welding for satisfying the sealing requirement. 为更好的满足密封要求,机箱采用了整体真空钎焊技术进行制造。 lib.cqvip.com 6. Overusing annotations under-utilizes the information inherently contained in the program element's signature and dynamic context. 过度使用注释会使包含在程序元素的签名和动态上下文中的原有信息无法得到充分利用。 www.ibm.com 7. Augmented Shadow utilizes this unique 'interface metaphor' for interactive storytelling. 虚影实幕透过它独特的比拟性,诉说一个互动故事。 microwavefest.net 8. An exploration warehouse utilizes data compression to provide fast response times with the ability to access the entire database. 一个探测数据仓库利用数据压缩技术提供快速响应能力。 www.diybl.com 9. The federation server only utilizes resources when it processes a request that it receives from the consumer. 联合服务器仅在处理从使用者接收到的请求时才会使用资源。 www.ibm.com 10. Fourth, positively utilizes the risk which the financial derivation tool circumvention Renminbi exchange rate revaluation brings. 积极运用金融衍生工具规避人民币汇率升值带来的风险。 www.fifl.cn 1. Bioinformatics is a new crossing discipline which utilizes modern computational technology to handle and research the data of biology. 生物信息学是利用计算机技术处理和研究生物数据的一门新兴交叉学科。 www.fabiao.net 2. The talking pen utilizes an integral design, can remove an independent microphone and is convenient in use. 这种点读笔,采用一体化设计,能节省独立麦克风并使用方便。 ip.com 3. Although the tomato lamp utilizes an organic energy source, it still takes a considerately large amount of tomatoes just to power one lamp. 虽然西红柿是有机能源,但灯需要大量的西红柿来供电。 www.e-say.com.cn 4. The diagnostic kit utilizes reactive complexes to facilitate the detection of the enzyme or enzyme inhibitor. 所述诊断试剂盒利用反应性复合物来方便酶或酶抑制剂的检测。 ip.com 5. This method utilizes genetic algorithm to solve the problem of parametric optimization in a nonlinear control system. 该方法利用遗传算法来求解非线性控制系统参数优化问题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The salary is at present utilizes the most widespread drive sale personnel's method. 薪酬是目前运用最为广泛的激励销售人员的手段。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. This solution utilizes a database to realize the automatic management of the storage space for daily operation data. 该备份方案利用对数据库的操作,实现了对工作数据存储空间的自动管理。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 8. The anterior approach utilizes the interval between the sartorius and tensor fascia. 前方入路利用了缝匠肌和阔筋膜张肌之间的间隙。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. This paper utilizes ASP technique and SQL database to design and construct the website of dental laboratory center in stomatology hospital. 利用ASP技术和SQL数据库设计并构建口腔医院义齿加工中心专业网站。 www.chemyq.com 10. While surfaced , the Wagner utilizes a Heavy Electron Bolter. When submerged, the Wagner reconfigures its Bolter to fire torpedoes. 当在水面或地面上时,瓦格纳使用重型电子矢攻击,当下潜的时候,瓦格纳则将其替换成鱼雷。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. This approach does not rely on the prior knowledge to the target motion, and utilizes a zoom factor, which can adjust itself adaptively. 此方法不需要目标机动的先验知识,而是构造一个可自适应调整的缩放因子,通过该因子对过程噪声进行调节。 www.dictall.com 2. Chemical-Mechanical Polish (CMP) - A process of flattening and polishing wafers that utilizes both chemical removal and mechanical buffing. 化学-机械抛光(CMP)-平整和抛光晶圆片的工艺,采用化学移除和机械抛光两种方式。 www.solarzoom.com 3. But looked from for several year working practice situation that utilizes the effect to be bad actually. 但自几暮年来的工做实践情形望,实际当用后果较好。 www.qk114.net 4. Utilizes operational tools to achieve operational excellence during the shift. 在值班期间运用营运工具实现杰出营运。 www.gdrc.com 5. The overhead, single-gantry positioning system utilizes Universal's patented linear motors, using VRM technology. 顶置单架构定位系统采用VRM技术的全球专利线性马达。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. This paper focuses on an active brazing technique that utilizes an in-situ alloying of Ni and Ti foils to join YSZ to 444 stainless steel. 本文的重点是积极的钎焊技术,采用了原位合金镍和钛箔加入氧化锆为444不锈钢。 baike.china.alibaba.com 7. The AG series angular gripper utilizes a double acting piston with a dual pivot system. 该公司系列角手爪采用了双轴系统活塞双作用。 www.testmart.cn 8. This article utilizes the comparative analysis, demonstrational analysis to discuss the sub-pledge system at details. 文章运用比较分析、实证分析、历史分析的方法对转质制度作了详细的梳理。 fxylib.znufe.edu.cn 9. The method utilizes low-intensity ultrasonic wave to intensify the electrolytic process and improve the treatment effect. 该方法利用低强度超声来强化内电解过程,提高处理效果。 ip.com 10. The present production technique of dyeing and finishing mostly utilizes aqueous phase reactions which cause various negative effects. 现行染整生产技术主要采用水相反应工艺产生很多负面效果。 www.chemyq.com 1. Liquid Time utilizes two LCD screens specially crafted to fit the watch as well as some very clever typography. 流动的时间利用两块极为合适的液晶显示屏,另外还加上了颇为机敏的显示效果。 www.bing.com 2. The local newspaper commended this young painter when "utilizes the paint brush and the pencil demonstrated the astonishing ability" . 当地报纸称赞这位青年画家在“运用画笔和铅笔时显示出了惊人的才能”。 www.wenhuayishu5.com 3. Finally, this paper utilizes the new method to carry on value appraisal to an actual brand. 最后,本文运用新方法对实际品牌进行了价值评估。 www.lw23.com 4. With benzoic acid as combustion-supporter, the content testing of boron in plants utilizes oxygen bomb incinerating process. 以苯甲酸为助燃剂,用氧弹燃烧法灰化植物体进行硼元素测定,操作简便、快捷、无污染。 www.dictall.com 5. In chapter five the author utilizes archetypal criticism to reveal the cultural prototypes of several characters in the novella . 第五章从原型批评的视角分析了小说中几个人物的文化原型。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The limbs language that speaker utilizes must can know to handle tendency, expression and body posture support speak the viewpoint. 演讲者运用的肢体语言必须能通过手势、表情和身体姿势来支持说话者的观点。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. Live MLB utilizes an always-on connection and shows you details of the game as it is being played. 采用美国职业棒球大联盟的生活永远在线的连接,并显示您的游戏的细节,因为它正在发挥。 bbs.maxpda.com 8. The improved system utilizes good properties of elliptic curve cryptography system and adopts zero knowledge proof. 改进的系统利用了椭圆曲线良好的密码特性,并采用零知识证明方法。 www.dictall.com 9. This study also utilizes the EWMA model to carry out feasibility studies under the currently facilitated lowest margin. 再者,本文根据EWMA模型进一步分析现行最低担保维持率的适合度。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. The RTX-Mini? utilizes the patented, award-winning, high sensitivity camera technology to achieve high resolution X-ray images. 利用专利的获奖的高灵敏度相机技术,可实现高分辨率X射线图像。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 1. The MAX15058 utilizes a current-mode control architecture with a high-gain transconductance error amplifier. 该MAX15058采用了具有高增益跨导误差放大器电流模式控制架构。 www.chinabaike.com 2. The project utilizes the rule based layered architecture, and the modules are loosely coupled, which makes it flexible during deploying. 本课题采用了基于规则的分层式的系统架构,各个模块之间的耦合度较为松散,在部署方面具有很大的灵活性。 www.fabiao.net 3. Francois Goffin utilizes both blur and focus to train our attention on the poetic details of the simple things in life. 弗朗索瓦·戈芬利用虚实让我们关注生活中简单事物充满诗意的细节。 www.ccarting.com 4. It maps original data to kernel space to get a kernel matrix, and utilizes kernel function and L1 norm to minimize the distance function. 运用核函数将原始数据映射到核空间中得到核矩阵,再利用L1范数使距离函数达到最小。 www.ecice06.com 5. Utilizes scientifically for the sports game teaching in the sports teaching provides the reference. 为体育游戏教学在体育教学中科学地运用提供参考。 www.aipear.com 6. Create professional charts in Illustrator that will impress: learn how in this tutorial that utilizes the Pie Graph Tool. 用Illustrator来制作专业图表将给人留下深刻印象:所以快来学习这个教程学会如何使用制图工具吧。 www.bing.com 7. Treating children with homeopathy utilizes nature's medicines to gently relieve symptoms and promote healing. 顺势配方的天然药物治疗儿童的不适,温和的缓解症状和迅速治疗。 www.2300.cn 8. The system utilizes EP1C12Q240I7 as the chief controller, which control the AD9858 to get Decimeter wave. 系统采用EP1C12Q240I7作为总控制器,利用它控制AD9858完成分米波的产生。 www.fabiao.net 9. The utility model improves the shaping efficiency, utilizes the residual heat, and has excellent heat holding effect. 其好处是,定型效率提高;利用余热;保温效果好。 ip.com 10. A person, device, program, or computer system that utilizes a computer network for the purpose of data processing and information exchange. 利用计算机网络,以数据处理和信息交换为目的的人、设备、程序或计算机系统。 www.jukuu.com 1. This detection method utilizes a light-absorbing compound as the run buffer creating a large background absorbance. 该检测方法的运用吸光化合物运行缓冲吸创造出一个很大的背景。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 2. This paper presents a novel scheme for enhancing resistance that utilizes an equivalent negative resistance. 给出一种利用等效负电阻实现阻抗增加的方法。 www.dictall.com 3. The EDM works in conjunction with electronics already in the vehicle and utilizes OEM connectors to simplify installation. EDM与车内的其他电子仪器联合使用,使用OEM插头进行简单的安装。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 4. The hygienic dead angle difficult to clean, but utilizes the good method also to be able to clean cleanly the room. 卫生死角难打扫,但运用好的方法也能把屋子打扫得干干净净。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Finally, carries on the classification to the present popular gold print design, and utilizes it in the clothing. 最后,结合流行趋势,对目前流行的印金图案进行归类,并将其运用到服装中。 www.lwtxw.com 6. The invention fully and reasonably utilizes natural resources and improves the health-care level and life quality of human beings. 本发明充分合理利用自然资源、提高了人类保健水平和生活质量。 ip.com 7. A realtime electronic communications system utilizes an instant-messaging server. 实时电子通信系统利用即时消息接发服务器。 www.hgpf114.com 8. Like all other catapults , the Gungan model utilizes a torsion-action arm, which lifts and throws devastating energy balls. 如同所有其他弹射器,这种冈加机器也利用了一把金属扭转臂,能抬升并投掷毁灭性的能量球。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. An extranet utilizes the Internet to provide corporate partners access to critical information. 内扩网利用因特网让公司的合作伙伴访问至关紧要的信息。 www.hotdic.com 10. For a fairly long time to come, international energy trade will remain a major way by which China utilizes foreign energy resources. 在相当长的一段时期内,国际能源贸易仍将是中国利用外国能源的主要途径。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The sample application utilizes SIP annotations instead of an sip. xml deployment descriptor. 样例应用程序利用SIP注释而非sip.xml部署描述符。 www.ibm.com 2. The cartridge design utilizes a minimum number of components, seven major components in all. 在墨盒的设计采用了最少数量的元件,在所有7个主要组成部分。 www.testmart.cn 3. Therefore utilizes massive game in the elementary school English teaching to stimulate student's study interest. 所以在小学英语教学中运用大量游戏活动来激发学生的学习兴趣。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The "bottle" utilizes a magnetic hookup to its vinyl lips. 那个奶瓶使用了磁铁以连接到娃娃的嘴唇。 www.bing.com 5. FINRA conveniently and effectively utilizes a plea of immunity to obviate the call for transparency by Johnson and others. 通过请求豁免,美国金融业监管局有效地挡住了约翰逊及其他人要求提高透明度的呼声。 www.fortunechina.com 6. It utilizes a toggle lock mechanism that creates high clamping forces and ensures part retention even when air pressure is lost. 它利用了一种切换锁定机制,创建高锁模力,并确保即使在保留一部分空气压力损失。 www.testmart.cn 7. The inner bootstrapping utilizes Synonymy Thesaurus to expand pattern semantics. 内自举借助通用的《同义词词林》扩张模式的语义范围; www.jukuu.com 8. Utilizes Pro-Engineering to produce layouts, detail and assembly drawings for new products. 能够使用工程结构设计软件设计产品布局以及绘制图纸。 www.cadjob.cn 9. NPIV with a VIOS, utilizes virtual FC devices to present disk (and tape) natively to the client LPARs. 具有VIOS的NPIV利用了虚拟的FC设备来将磁盘(和磁带)本机地呈现给客户机LPAR。 www.ibm.com 10. The advantage of the finite element method is that it utilizes more reasonable soil behavior and boundary conditions. 而有限元素法之优点可采用较合理之土壤行为模式及边界条件。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. The limits imposed in this regard are essentially identical to the limits imposed by the xml_objectify library that xml2sql utilizes. 在这方面所强加的限制本质上等同于xml2sql利用的xml_objectify库所强加的限制。 www.ibm.com 2. With Linux you also won't have the Object Data Manager (ODM), which AIX utilizes for managing devices and configuration files. 对于Linux,您也没有对象数据管理器(ObjectDataManager,ODM),AIX利用ODM来管理设备和配置文件。 www.ibm.com 3. Columbia utilizes Gore-Tex to keep in warmth; Omni-Tech, a waterproof, breathable material; and PFG-comfort technology. Columbia利用了Gore-Tex技术来保持温暖性;Omni-Tech,一种防水并且透气性良好的材料和PFG-comfort科技来提高舒适性。 www.bing.com 4. To demonstrate the URL rewriting engine in action, let's build an ASP. NET Web application that utilizes simple URL rewriting. 为了实际演示URL重写引擎,我们来构建一个使用简单URL重写的ASP.NETWeb应用程序。 archive.cnblogs.com 5. Only then utilizes the science in the exercise the method, can practice has concave-convex sends, the graceful moving build. 只有在锻炼中运用科学的方法,才能练出凹凸有致、婀娜多姿的动人体形。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The Han Dynasty indoor decoration take red, black as a main key, utilizes presents many vitalities steadily in the now design. 汉代室内的装饰以红、黑为基调,运用于当今的设计中呈现出稳重又不乏生气。 www.lwgsw.com 7. Subject sub-library is a new type library that collects, researches and utilizes the documents according to the subject. 学科分馆是按照学科分类对文献信息进行收集、整理、研究和开发的新型图书馆。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. The innermost print statement utilizes a new concept, called string formatting to create a nicely formatted table. 最里面的print语句使用了一个名为字符串格式化的新概念来创建格式设置精美的表。 www.ibm.com 9. An effective candle spell for wealth and prosperity utilizes two black candles since black draws in all color and energy in the universe. 因为黑色在宇宙中的所有颜色和能源提请的财富和繁荣的有效蜡烛拼写利用两个黑色蜡烛。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 10. In addition, this paper also utilizes DEA assessment system to evaluate the performance of the listed pharmaceutical companies. 此外,本文还运用了DEA模型进行了医药上市公司的业绩评价的实证分析。 www.fabiao.net 1. Further, the invention relates to an electrical device which utilizes the elastic strip. 另外,本发明还涉及一种使用该弹片的电子设备。 ip.com 2. Walk Jog Run utilizes Google Maps and community involvement to map out the best routes in your area. WalkJogRun利用谷歌地图和社区为你详细安排了你所在地区的最佳路线。 www.bing.com 3. A perceptron utilizes weights in a different and perhaps more intuitive way. 感知器以一种不同的而且可能更为直观的方式来使用权重。 www.ibm.com 4. Marble Maze is a labyrinth game that utilizes the orientation sensor built inside some Nokia mobile phones. 是一个迷宫游戏,利用手机内置的方向移动传感器内部一些诺基亚。 bbs.imobile.com.cn 5. Liquid nitriding utilizes molten cyanide salts and, as in gas nitriding, the temperature is held below the transformation range. 液体渗氮利用熔化的氰化物盐,就像气体渗氮,温度保持在低于转化范围内。 www.mapeng.net 6. So this thesis studied the feasibility that utilizes the mine water to alleviate the water problem in Fuxin mining area. 针对这种状况,本文以阜新矿区为例研究了矿井水资源化利用来缓解矿区水资源问题的可行性。 paper.dic123.com 7. There are occasions where the phase separator utilizes triaxial piping to deliver the liquid nitrogen to the user device. 有些时候,分相器采用三轴管道来提供液氮给用户设备。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 8. yield and superior quality, utilizes information derived from other sciences. 主要目的在于丰富和优质的农艺学利用了其他科学的知识。 www.24en.com 9. The MCAT-series utilizes a SINGLE mechanical shaft seal instead of two that double shaft extended type pumps provide. 系列使用一个单一的机械密封轴代替两个双轴式泵提供延伸。 china.nowec.com 10. An XML Web service client is any component, service, or application that references and utilizes an XML Web service. XMLWebservices客户端是任何引用和使用XMLWebservices的组件、服务或应用程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. California Natural Cat and Kitten Food utilizes real chicken meat and chicken meal as its primary components. 加州天然鸡肉&糙米干燥猫粮用纯正的鸡肉和鸡肉粉作为主要成分。 www.taokshop.com 2. Twitter is for everyone. A person in any profession can help his or her career if he or she utilizes it correctly. 微博是每个人的舞台。任何行业的人如果能利用好微博,都将有助于自己事业的提升。 www.xywy.com 3. The diaphragm center also utilizes the energies to transform many negative or limiting thought forms. 横膈膜中心也利用这能量去转换许多负面或有限思想形态。 web.tianwang.com 4. The sample Photo Book is a portlet that utilizes a document library to store photos and to accommodate team-based photo editing. 示例PhotoBook是一个portlet,它使用一个文档库存储照片并支持基于团队的照片编辑。 www.ibm.com 5. Firstly, this algorithm utilizes the delay caused by signal transmitting and signal processing to achieve fast control information exchange. 首先,该算法利用信号收发及处理所产生的时延,实现从用户间快速交换控制信息的目的。 6. The elevator is entirely original. It utilizes manual vertical doors for both the inner and outer landing doors. 电梯完全是原装的,内外机门都采用手动上下开关式密门。 www.virtualfestivals.com 7. This paper utilizes the knowledge of economics and the law and the public management to analyze civil air defense construction . 本文运用经济学、法学和公共管理学知识,对人民防空工程进行研究分析。 paper.dic123.com 8. Along with screen packs, the synthetic fiber industry utilizes gaskets and seals with each pack configuration. 在人造纤维行业,各滤网都要安装与其轮廓相吻合的垫片和密封圈。 china.eb80.com 9. utilizes adaptive clamping to eliminate ringing effect and "wrong colours" . 采用自适应限幅来消除振铃效应和假色现象。 www.juyy.net 10. An emerging trend in the replication market utilizes third-party hardware to perform the replication. 一种新的趋势在复制软件市场利用第三方硬件进行复制。 q.sohu.com 1. This study utilizes comparative static analysis to compare the impact of Taiwan's join of WTO on air condition trade. 本研究利用比较静态分析,比较在加入世界贸易组织后,对台湾空调市场的影响。 2. According to the curvature of surface, it confirms surface processing region and utilizes the limiting wire and surface processing measure. 根据曲面曲率确定曲面加工区域并指出应用限制线和限制面加工方法来实现。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. A laser scanning confocal microscope that utilizes a single-mode optical fiber as both the source and the detection aperture is described. 本文探讨一种使用单模光纤同时作为点源与点探测器的激光共焦扫描显微系统。 www.dictall.com 4. The anterolateral approach utilizes the interval between the tensor fascia and the gluteus medius. 前外侧入路利用了阔筋膜张肌和臀中肌之间的间隙。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. It is a new types of antirolling technology developed in recent years that shipping utilizes the rudders to reduce the roll. 船舶利用航向舵减摇是近些年发展起来的一种新型的减摇技术。 www.fabiao.net 6. In fact, one brand they studied that utilizes traction to slowly stretch out the penis proved successful. 研究人员对其中的某个品牌的产品进行了实验,通过慢慢地牵拉之后,使用者的阴茎确实增长了。 www.elanso.com 7. The present invention uses flyash as main material and utilizes flyash has high environment utility and social utility. 本发明以粉煤灰和生石灰为原料,使得燃煤热电厂大量排放的粉煤灰可再利用,带来了社会和环境效益。 ip.com 8. The LTP Series clamp utilizes a disappearing hook that offers a very low profile when the hook is retracted. 在LTP的系列钳采用了消失挂钩,提供了一个非常低调的挂钩时,收回。 shshilan.com 9. The liquid crystal display element utilizes the liquid crystal composition. 制成使用此液晶组成物的液晶显示元件。 ip.com 10. The seduction of creativity utilizes creative self-expression to seduce another. 创造的诱惑使用了创造性的自我表达来诱惑别人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. It utilizes a common enterprise view of strategic data and provides business units more flexibility, control and responsibility. 它利用企业的公共视图,向企业单元提供更大的弹性、控制和响应。 www.itpub.net 2. Every aspect of their job utilizes radical new technology to solve crime and catch criminals. 尖端科技运用在警务工作中的每个层面,帮助警察侦破刑警、捕捉罪犯。 learning.sohu.com 3. This innovative tool utilizes the world's first patented non-destructive testing method for concrete properties. 这种创新工具开创了无损检测混凝土性能的先河,并申请了相应的专利。 www.yjbys.com 4. "Chinalco utilizes mass advertising to associate itself with'responsible mining, '" Egoavil says. “中铝利用广为传播的广告把它和‘负责任的开采’联系在一起,”伊格瓦尔说。 www.bing.com 5. It utilizes X-ray to make benchmark lead wire image simultaneously with the weld seam in computer. 射线使用于传递同步跟踪信息的基准铅丝与焊缝同时成像于计算机中。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. A new approach for lens distortion calibration is presented in this paper, which utilizes parallel lines. 本文提出了一种基于空间一组平行线标定镜头畸变的简便方法。 www.dictall.com 7. The technique is aesthetically elegant and utilizes existing system tools. 这种方法在理论上没有问题,并且可以利用现有的系统工具实现。 www.ibm.com 8. The graphically-driven Operator Interface utilizes color touch-screen technology to offer a new level of intuitive machine control. 该图形驱动的人机界面采用彩色触摸屏技术,提供了直观的机器控制新的水平。 twyh.512121.com 9. The omnidirectional image reflector utilizes the planar mirror in the edge to form whole field mapped image without blind area. 全向图像反射镜利用边缘处的平面镜,可以使全场映射图像无盲区。 ip.com 10. The existing warning service utilizes data from the TDWR and anemometers to detect windshear. 现有的警报服务利用TDWR和风速表的数据探测风切变。 www.weather.gov.hk 1. Shortly, you will see how the sample business component utilizes the CAI API. 简而言之,您将看到,样例业务组件如何利用CAIAPI。 www.ibm.com 2. A balance sport, Slacklining utilizes nylon webbing stretched tight between two anchor points. 走软绳是一项平衡运动,使用的是绷紧后固定于两个定位点之间的尼龙织带。 www.xialingying.cc 3. The improved Jaffe method utilizes picrate that forms a red colored complex with creatinine. 改进的苦味酸法利用苦味酸盐与肌酐形成红色化合物。 www.labbase.net 4. Term of Service: The Hungarian military utilizes a conscription system of service, with terms lasting nine months. 兵役制:义务兵役制;服役期为9个月。 www.nrsh.com 5. Third, utilizes this pattern matching drive way, promotes the staff job motivation. 运用此模式搭配激励方式,提升员工工作动机及留职意愿。 www.cetd.com.tw 6. Each Sun Blade Server Module is a four socket server that utilizes AMD Opteron dual-core processors. 每一个SunBlade伺服器模组是一个利用AMDOpteron双内核处理器的伺服器,有四个插槽。 www.1x1y.com.cn 7. Also remember that "time" spent in this process utilizes this "soul ability" as it was originally intended. 同时也记住在这个过程中花费的“时间”使用了这种“灵魂能力”就像它原本想要的那样。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The Data Access Layer utilizes WPF data binding to tie UI components to business logic or data components. 数据接口层(DataAccessLayer)利用WPF实现UI组件对业务逻辑和数据组件的绑定。 www.infoq.com 9. Plans and utilizes truck and warehouse capacity to deliver customer shipments. 计划并利用卡车和仓库容量交付客户发货。 www.lanhr.com 10. AAO process fully utilizes the principle of nitrification and de-nitrification, enabling NH3-N more thoroughly degraded. AAO法充分利用了硝化反硝化的原理,使氨氮得到较为彻底的降解。 www.chemyq.com 1. With a steering wheel, seat, and body built from plant fibers, the car can also utilizes vegetable oils. 随着方向盘,座椅,和机构建立由植物纤维,汽车也可以使用植物油。 usa.315che.com 2. The clothes drier utilizes microwave to dry clothes, the drying effect is excellent, and the drying speed is fast. 上述干衣机利用微波对衣物进行烘干,其烘干效果好,烘干速度快。 ip.com 3. Industrialization of the MSW not only deals with the MSW problems, It also recycles and utilizes the materials in the MSW. 垃圾产业化不仅能够有效解决垃圾的处理问题,而且资源的回收和利用亦将成为垃圾产业的一大亮点。 www.chemyq.com 4. The thesis utilizes the method of combing the objective indexes and subjective opinions of experts. 本文在整体思路上采用了客观指标与专家主观意见相结合的方法。 www.fabiao.net 5. Dynamic developable mesh is a new dynamic model which utilizes Hamilton principle. 动态可展曲面是采用哈密尔顿原理的一类新型动态模型。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The mold flow analysis utilizes the computer to simulate dynamic filling process about the injection mold. 模流分析技术是利用计算机对注塑件动态填充过程进行模拟。 dict.kekenet.com 7. Utilizes and shares innovative approaches to build and maintain a competitive advantage. 使用和分享创新的方法来建立和维持竞争优势。 www.u3w.com 8. There is a method to this instruction that utilizes example and experiencing failed assumptions. 有一种教导的方式,利用实例,体验失败的假设。 www.angozj.com 9. Any query that utilizes the Primary Index column will encounter faster response times. 任何利用主索引列的查询将会遭遇更快速响应时间问题。 www.ibm.com 10. This kind of scenario utilizes process-wide resources and particularly a global resource, which is the reserved space in the MSDTC log. 此类型的方案利用进程范围的资源,尤其是全局资源,全局资源是MSDTC日志中的保留空间。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Upon request, I will send you a calculator, that utilizes your Microsoft Works or Excel program and automatically performs this calculation. 根据要求,我会送你一个计算器,它利用您的MicrosoftWorks或Excel程序,并自动执行此计算。 www.tech-domain.com 2. The mixing head utilizes a hydraulic motor to transfer power to the dynamic helical mixer. 混合头利用液压马达来驱动动态螺旋式混合器。 ip.com 3. Now the "Twin-sided Embroiders" utilizes the technology is from the Length Embroiders. 现今的「双面绣」就是运用长短针法所衍生出的技术。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The model utilizes the clustering method to partition the fuzzy input space and to extract the fuzzy IF-THEN rules. 该模型利用聚类方法实现模糊输入空间划分和模糊IF-THEN规则提取,并应用梯度下降法对轴类零件的各类特征参数进行精炼。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Valve actuation utilizes a mechanical power device, an actuator, to operate a valve. 阀门执行机构是一种采用机械力的设备,一台执行机构操作一个阀门。 www.h6688.com 6. The system utilizes kinds of query technologies, especially multi-condition combination query. 在系统的实现中运用了多种查询技术,特别是多条件组合查询; www.myeducs.cn 7. The invention also discloses a singlechip which utilizes the port thereof to detect the environmental humidity. 本发明还公开了相应的利用自身端口检测环境湿度的单片机。 ip.com 8. Grado utilizes a special processing method to increase the material's porosity. 歌德采用了特殊的处理方法来提高材料的孔隙度。 www.xici.net 9. What the concern utilizes this young newly emerging things is do to the means comes to attain our marketing target . 关注怎样利用这个年轻的新生事物做为工具来达到我们的营销目标。 iask.sina.com.cn 10. The algorithm utilizes a mixed particle propagation scheme. 该算法使用了一个混合的粒子传播方案。 www.fabiao.net 1. This process is also the process, which the theory of interest weighing utilizes in the document. 这个过程也就是利益衡量理论在个案中具体运用的过程。 www.fabiao.net 2. The spring pack less design incorporates a spring loaded packing chamber which utilizes two heavy duty packing rings. 弹簧无垫圈设计结构将采用两个重型垫圈的弹簧加压垫圈腔一体化。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The Perfect 16 utilizes the circulation of a home's forced air HVAC system. 完美16利用的是室内供热通风与空调系统加压气流的循环。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 4. That country utilizes the tariff as a obstacle to free trade. 那个国家使用关税作为自由贸易的阻碍。 jpkc.uibe.edu.cn 5. A new type parallel machine tool, which utilizes a 3dof spatial parallel mechanism as main feed mechanism, is proposed in this paper. 提出了一种以空间三自由度并联机构作为主进给机构的并联机床新结构。 www.elecfans.com 6. In this case, Zhou Enlai was utilizes fully lectured this public relations method. 此案例中,周恩来就是充分运用了演讲这一公关手段。 it.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Unlike current black-and-white e-books, the Courier utilizes a color touchscreen. 与目前的黑与白的电子图书,采用了彩色触摸屏信使。 www.bugutang.com 8. WebSphere ESB is based on the new Service Component Architecture and utilizes Service Data Objects as its internal message format model. WebSphereESB基于新的服务组件体系结构,使用服务数据对象作为其内部消息格式模型。 www-128.ibm.com 9. The PG6J80 series 6 finger gripper design utilizes a dual acting piston to open and close gripper jaws. 该PG6J80系列6手指手爪的设计采用了双动活塞来打开和关闭爪下巴。 www.testmart.cn 10. When overwriting XmlResolver, GetEntity is the method that utilizes the credential information in the Credentials property. 在重写XmlResolver时,GetEntity方法利用Credentials属性中的凭据信息。 msdn2.microsoft.com |
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