单词 | vaunted |
释义 |
adj. advertised 例句释义: 被吹嘘的,被夸耀的,自夸的,炫耀的,自负的 1. Left to its own devices, however, it has shown little leadership, vision or sense of imperial responsibility in its vaunted "zone" . 然而,即使听任俄罗斯自行其是,他在自己炫耀的“区域”中也没有显示出多少领导力与帝国主义职责的愿景或感觉。 www.bing.com 2. If there was one time for the benefits of Citi's vaunted diversification to show through, this would have been it. 如果花旗自诩的多元化能在什么时候展现出效益,那么现在就正是时候。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The regional block failed to dispatch its own vaunted force, the only step likely to end the conflict in the short run. 区域阻滞派遣它自己吹嘘的军队失败了,这是短期内唯一可能结束冲突的办法。 www.ecocn.org 4. The company claims its plug-in hybrid, the much-vaunted F3DM, went on sale a year ago. 比亚迪宣称,一年前推出了大肆宣扬的混合动力汽车F3DM。 chinese.wsj.com 5. players have found a new lease of life under Kenny Dalglish and has likened the Scot's approach to the much-vaunted Dutch model. 迪尔克库伊特承认,利物浦的球员们在肯尼达格利什带领下找到了新生,同时他把苏格兰人的尝试,比作备受赞誉的荷兰模式。 www.ept-team.com 6. Companies in search of the much-vaunted fortune at the bottom of the pyramid have to start not with consumers but with non-consumers. 徘徊于金字塔底层寻找大肆吹嘘的财富的公司不得不丢下消费者,从非消费者处着手。 www.ecocn.org 7. If the much vaunted systems do not work, then the central banks will have to step in (as the Federal Reserve did with LTCM). 如果这些被夸大的系统不能运作,那么中央银行将不得不介入(正如联邦储备银行对LTCM所作的那样)。 www.ecocn.org 8. For Australia's early political leaders, the much vaunted doctrine of equality did not extend to racial equality. 澳大利亚早期的领袖所提出备受赞誉的平等原则并不适用于种族间的平等。 www.bing.com 9. Even some community banks, vaunted for their little-guy orientation, no longer seem to mind if you take your money somewhere else. 即使是一些社区银行,曾经吹嘘他们的投资方向,现在好像也不介意你将钱取走用于其他地方。 www.bing.com 10. The UN has recently, and not before time, decided that population control should be one of its much-vaunted Millennium Development Goals. 最近联合国决定将控制人口做为其千年发展目标中至关重要的内容之一。 www.ecocn.org 1. Chinese policy walls are trying to maintain the country's vaunted 95% self-sufficiency in grains. 中国的政策正试图保持中国所宣称的95%的粮食自给自足率。 c.wsj.com 2. Even the much vaunted "government credit" rests on the assumption that its loans will ultimately he repaid out of the proceeds of taxes. 即便是倍受吹捧的“政府信用贷款”,也是基于最终要由赋税支付其贷款这样一个前提。 dongxi.net 3. The list of once-vaunted brand names that have had to recall or fix faulty products stretches on. 越来越多名噪一时的品牌加入到召回或修理缺陷产品的队伍中来。 c.wsj.com 4. He had been recruited by Jordan's vaunted intelligence service, the Mukhabarat, yet he lacked formal training as a spy. 他是被约旦自吹自擂的情报机关Mukhabarat所征募的,而且他缺少正规的间谍培训。 www.bing.com 5. The PLA is a fighting force at least equal to, and most likely superior to, the vaunted U. S. army. PLA是有战斗力的,至少打平甚至能够取胜被吹嘘的美国军队。 www.chnqiang.com 6. Lady Vashj: You've come far enough, little warden. Your vaunted night elf justice has no jurisdiction here. 法斯琪女士:你已经追得够远了,渺小的守望者。你们暗夜精灵自诩的正义在这里是行不通的。 hi.baidu.com 7. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - So much for the vaunted Federal Reserve consensus. 路透华盛顿8月9日电---对美联储内部观点统一的吹嘘该结束了。 cn.reuters.com 8. The much-vaunted benefits of intra-regional trade have proved unable to sustain economic growth. 事实证明,人们大肆吹捧的地区间贸易的益处,无法维持经济的增长。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The numbers alone look impressive, as befits the world's much-vaunted determination to help end Africa's bloodiest conflicts. 仅看数字,就足以给人留下深刻印象,这正适合世界上的那些大肆吹嘘决心帮助结束非洲流血冲突的夸夸其谈者。 www.ecocn.org 10. California's much-vaunted high-speed rail project is, to put it bluntly, a train wreck. 加州夸大其词的高速铁路计划,说穿了,就是一列车残骸。 www.bing.com 1. The Wall Street firm also used its vaunted network of financial advisers to pitch the risky investment pools to Main Street. 这家华尔街公司还利用它用以自夸的财务顾问网络,把这种高风险的投资工具推销给了普罗大众。 c.wsj.com 2. Between men it is inexcusable, between man and woman it may be practised since nature and society approve, but never discussed nor vaunted. 男人与男人之间的性行为是不可宽恕的,男人与女人之间则是可行的,因为自然与社会予以认可。但是绝不能议论,更不能吹嘘。 novel.tingroom.com 3. his much vaunted car was old and of a rather common kind. 我很吃惊地发现,他那大大吹嘘的车子竟是辆很平常的旧车。 www.jukuu.com 4. In retrospect, the much-vaunted Lisbon agenda marked the summit of ambitions coinciding with the bursting of the dotcom bubble. 事后看来,备受吹捧的里斯本议程标志着欧洲雄心的极限高度,而时间恰恰赶上了互联网泡沫的破裂。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Throughout most of his vaunted "period of stability" , disposable income and retail-trade volumes have grown twice as fast as GDP. 在大多数他自夸为“稳定阶段”的时期内,可支配收入和零售额的增长两倍于GDP。 www.ecolion.cn 6. This week Martin Winterkorn, the boss of VW, pointed out that his company had been applying its vaunted platform strategy since 1992. 本周大众集团的总裁马丁?温特霍恩指出他的公司从1992年以来一直推行其大肆吹嘘的车型平台战略。 www.ecocn.org 7. As a true reading of the Gospels -- the director's much-vaunted aim -- the film falls abruptly short. 作为一段圣经福音书的真实解读--也是导演过度自夸的目的--这部影片直线坠入肤浅。 www.54th.cn 8. The much-vaunted "Texas miracle" cannot be easily replicated. 自我夸大的“德州奇迹”也不会被轻易复制。 www.ecocn.org 9. The Fed is losing its vaunted status as an institution that somehow is above politics and public scrutiny. 美联储已经失去了它作为一个机构吹嘘的地位。 www.bing.com 10. How does that lens compare to the idea much vaunted in the U. S. of journalistic objectivity? 那怎么镜头比较多的想法在新闻的手段吹嘘美国新闻客观性? www.englishtang.com 1. The vaunted new wireless technology promises to combine the speed of broadband internet access with the ubiquity of mobile phones. 这项受人吹捧的新型无线技术可望将宽带网速与普及的移动电话相结合。 www.ecocn.org 2. But so long as China's most vaunted e-commerce company remains a foreign possession, it's a safe bet that the war isn't over. 不过,只要中国最大肆夸耀的电子商务公司仍然有外国股东,就可以肯定的说战争还没有结束。 chinese.wsj.com 3. According to his results, published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, the much-vaunted joys of grandmotherhood are no certain thing. 刊登在英国《皇家学会学报B》上的最终结果显示,并非所有物种的祖母都能乐享天伦。 www.ecocn.org 4. But Mr Ahmadinejad says that his country's vaunted superpower status rests on its human and cultural qualities. 但内贾德说伊朗所吹嘘的超级大国地位是基于其人力和文化素质之上的。 www.ecocn.org 5. But trading outfits can lose many times that amount in the blink of an eye, even with vaunted leadership. 但贸易设备会在眨眼间损失很多次,甚至包括过分夸耀的领导们。 www.ecocn.org 6. Kids need a range of authentic role models--as opposed to members of their clique, pop stars and vaunted athletes. 孩子需要各种各样真实的榜样——不是他小圈子里的人,也不是明星或受到吹捧的运动员。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. GOING global, that vaunted activity, is not necessarily the most profitable. 闻名遐迩的“走出去”战略并不一定是最赚钱的。 www.ecocn.org 8. And these works on the skeleton pirates flag, one-eyed pirates image, is a the vaunted by fashionable element. 而这些作品中呈现的骷髅海盗旗、独眼海盗形象,更是成为受人追捧的时尚元素。 zhidao.aliwd.com.cn 9. Toyota let its much-vaunted quality slip by using more standardised parts across many models to make production leaner. 为了精简生产过程,丰田在许多车型上使用更多标准化部件,任凭其大肆吹嘘的质量不断下滑。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Then I used my vaunted writing skills to pen a short and sweet "Shadow Copy Advisory" memo and emailed it to every user. 然后,我写了一则简明扼要的“卷影复制注意事项”备忘录,通过电子邮件发给了每个用户。 bbs.translators.com.cn 1. And why did the vaunted Japanese educational system play an insignificant role in stemming the country's recession? 为什么倍受追捧的日本教育在阻止本国经济萧条上担当的是无足轻重的角色? www.ecocn.org 2. What happens when the much-vaunted democracy of the internet meets the much-derided elitism of the style set? 当备受吹捧的互联网民主,遇上了备受嘲弄的时尚群体精英优越论,会发生什么呢? www.ftchinese.com 3. Putin became Medvedev's prime minister and their much vaunted leadership in tandem has been under scrutiny ever since. 普京随后成为梅德韦杰夫的政府总理,他们被大加夸耀的联合领导一直备受关注。 ens.alai.net 4. Its vaunted invention of gunpowder had spluttered into firecrackers. 看那自以为傲的火药发明,已化为鞭炮的噼啪之声; www.colabug.com 5. Some folks may lament the vaunted Information Superhighway being used to transport banalities such as what someone is eating. 一些人可能会对信息高速公路被用来传递某人正在吃什么这类无聊消息感到悲哀。 www.neworiental.org 6. Not exactly the formula for America's vaunted entrepreneurial wealth machine. 与美国提倡吹嘘的那些能够带来创收利益的财富机器完全不相符。 www.eoezone.com 7. More basically, Britain's vaunted liberalised-market model is looking ragged. 更基本的问题是,英国大肆吹捧的自由市场模型现在看来是漏洞百出。 www.ecocn.org 8. Here, modern art's vaunted reductivism is stopped just short of an essentialist zero-degree; rather, it takes shape as stylization. 现代艺术所吹嘘的极简主义没有到达实在程度,而是以风格化的样式存在。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. As for the vaunted BlackBerry keyboard, I made more typing mistakes than on the i Phone. 至于自吹自擂的黑莓键盘,打字错误比在苹果手机上更多。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. None whatsoever, say critics of Mr Davutoglu's much-vaunted "zero problems with the neighbours" policy. 达武特奥卢先生大肆吹嘘“与邻居零问题”政策的评论家表示,土耳其对伊朗丝毫都没有影响。 www.ecocn.org 1. Germany's much vaunted `Westwall' and coastal defenses fared no better. 德国的许多自诩的“西部长城”和海防也没有更好的表现。 www.bing.com 2. Beyond the sporting legacy, there is the much-vaunted economic regeneration of east London. 除了体育遗产,还有人们大肆吹嘘的东伦敦地区经济复兴。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The tension between the government's vaunted localism and the realities of planning reform is a sore point. 政府自吹自擂的地方主义与计划改革的实际情况之间的紧张是一个痛处。 www.ecocn.org 4. their much vaunted leadership in tandem has been under scrutiny ever since. 从那时到现在,他们自己极力夸耀的这种上下领导形式就倍受关注 bbs.ebigear.com 5. So the light's vaunted justice has finally arrived. Shall I lay down Frostmourne and throw myself at your mercy, Fordring? 光明的正义终于到来了。我会消除霜之哀伤,然后投靠您吗?弗丁? zhidao.baidu.com 6. Even the much-vaunted state sector is feeling the pinch. 甚至连备受赞誉的国有部门也感受到手头紧的滋味。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. We live in the much vaunted Age of Information. 我们生活在受到大肆吹捧的信息时代。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The much-vaunted CityCenter complex is far bigger. 倍受吹捧的城市中心赌场规模更为宏大。 www.bing.com 9. The vaunted Obama economic stimulus, at $862 billion, has failed. 奥巴马曾信誓旦旦推出的8620亿美元经济刺激计划失败了。 www.bing.com 10. HSBC, for all its vaunted globalism, has a similar share in the US and Europe. 尽管大肆吹嘘全球主义,但汇丰银行(HSBC)在美欧的份额与此类似。 www.ftchinese.com 1. As a result, it's losing its vaunted ability to cultivate entrepreneurs in uniform. 其结果是失去它大吹大擂的培养穿军装的企业家的能力。 www.bing.com 2. These are diminished days for China's once-vaunted planners. 对中国那些傲慢的计划者来说,这些日不好过。 www.bing.com 3. the bank ' s much - vaunted security system failed completely 这家银行大肆吹嘘的保安设施完全无济于事。 www.ichacha.net 4. Problems for a much-vaunted modernization 自吹自擂的现代化面临的问题 www.ecocn.org 5. Throughout most of his vaunted "period of stability" , 在他最富盛誉的“稳定时期”期间, www.ecocn.org 6. The vaunted liar, however, says he is too busy to tell a lie; 然而那位吹牛大王却说他很忙,没有时间吹牛; www.jukuu.com 7. A much-vaunted new material may change telecommunications 一种受到热捧的新材料或许会改变电信业 www.ecocn.org 8. it ' s not your vaunted ability , it ' s because people don ' t die easily 不是靠你们自诩的本领而是人们从不轻易的死掉 www.ichacha.net |
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