单词 | want them | ||||
释义 | want them
例句释义: 注意连读,注重连读 1. Now I want them to say what I want to say to you to make you hear as I want you to hear me. 现在我要它们说出我想对你说的话为了使你听见我如同我想要你听见的那样。 www.21campus.cn 2. You want them to continue to do business with you and to tell others that you are a person of your word, not an eloquent fraud. 你得要他们继续和你合作,并且告诉其他人你是个言而有信的人,而不是个不知廉耻的骗子。 www.yuloo.com 3. I would also guess that if you were to use these widgets you would want them to look like they belong on your site. 我还这样猜测,如果您打算使用这些小部件,那么肯定希望它们能融入到您的站点中。 www.ibm.com 4. Once you have things where you want them, you can click preview to speed through a 24-hour cycle to see a time-lapse of the changes. 一切调整好之后,您可按一下“预览”来加速24小时迴圈,以便查看随时间推移所发生的变化。 technet.microsoft.com 5. Just stop and think for a moment how much of your time is spent attempting to get your children to do what you want them to do. 停下想一想,你到底花了多少时间在孩子身上,好让他们听我们的话,照我们的话去做。 www.bing.com 6. Ah course! Wouldn't want them to think you had parents. Mike what kind of relationship are we gonna have if I can't trust you? 哈,明白了。你希望让他们认为你没有父母。如果我不能信任你,那咱俩会是种什么关系? www.kekenet.com 7. You can use flash cards to help prompt the children with what you want them to say. 你可以用卡片示意小朋友你想让他们回答的答案。 www.myld.cn 8. 'Companies want their top sales people to have big titles, ' she said. 'They want them to be impressive to the outside world. 班尼特称,企业都希望给自己的最高销售负责人一个大的头衔,以便让外界留下深刻印象。 www.neworiental.org 9. "If I had injectables and condoms, people would accept them, " she said. "They would want them. " “如果我有血管注射剂和避孕套的话,人们会愿意买的。”她说道,“他们想要这些东西。” www.sxzzk.com 10. Whatever the reason, give them the reasons that you want them to go on a date with you. 什么理由都可以,只要告诉她你想和她约会的理由就行。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. It is often necessary to reward people for their hard work, if you want them to continue working hard for you. 如果你想要人们继续努力工作,就有必要奖励他们的工作。 www.tingroom.com 2. He said: "I think I'd be lying if I didn't say that. Obviously you want them to remain fit. " 他说:我想如果我不那样说的话我在撒谎,显然我希望他们都保持健康。 www.lfcbbs.com 3. Offer up a little bit of yourself every once and awhile. Just tell somebody something you're not completely certain you want them to know. 时不时把你的心事拿出来跟人分享。找个人说说你心中所想,即使你不确定是不是要告诉他们。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. If these columns do not appear just as you want them to, you can hide, remove, or rearrange them. 如果这些列没有按所需方式出现,则可以隐藏、移除或重新排列它们。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. At least for the moment, you want them to be your friends. 起码在当时你要让他们成为你的朋友。 www.bing.com 6. And your own Root Guru and all the great beings, if you want them to live long, the best method to do is to reduce meat or not eat it. 而那些你的根本上师和伟大的成就者们,如果你希望他们长久住世,最好的方法就是减少吃肉或者不再吃肉。 www.vegsky.com 7. Yeah, except men in this city don't want to be in a relationship with you, but if you only want them for sex they don't like it. 是啊,只不过这个城市里的男人不想跟你发展关系。如果你从他们那里想要的只是性,他们也不会乐意。 www.kekenet.com 8. You want a Web search on your name to return thousands of hits, and you want them to be connected to the "best" IT related Web sites. 你还希望自己的名字被搜索引擎搜出来能带来成千上万个点击,你还希望它们能跟“最好”的IT相关网站扯上关系。 www.bing.com 9. We're not trying to make them look better than other comparable students at other schools. We just want them to be on an even playing field. 我们并不是让我们的学生看上去比其它院校的学生好,我们只想让他们在同一起跑线上。 www.bing.com 10. True. But it just seems petty not to give her one. I'd rather follow the golden rule: Treat others as you want them to treat you. 那是事实,如果我们不送红包给他,这似乎显得我们有点心胸狭窄。我倒愿意遵循一些乡规民俗,你想别人怎样善待你,你就怎样善待别人。 www.yyksw.com 1. "We want them not to stop, but to go on to the next phase, " said Vartan Gregorian , the president of the Carnegie Corporation. 卡内基公司的总裁瓦谭·格里格瑞恩说:“我们希望他们永远不要停止(学习进修),继续完成下一步。” dictsearch.appspot.com 2. In my case it was not the protocol, " Carr says. " Do you want them to be stabbing at you if they're taking that stab in the dark? 按我的看法,这并不是草案,你想不想让他们拿你来试验,一旦他们是在瞎弄的话? www.bing.com 3. Visitors to your site, no matter how hard you try, will not always go where you would like them to go, or do what you want them to do. 您的网站,无论你如何努力尝试,游客不会去的地方,你总是希望他们去,或做你想让他们做的事。 www.zxgzs.com 4. These navigation aids are designed to help people move about your site and find the information you want them to see. 设计这些导航帮助是要帮助人们在你的站点上浏览,并且找到你想要显示的信息。 www.zzbaike.com 5. "We want them not to be the exception, but to be the majority of patients with this disease, " she said. “我们希望这不是例外,而是大多数患此病患者都能做到的,”她说。 news.dxy.cn 6. For this reason, we configure the portal server in a way that users can only view what you want them to view at the KISOK. 基于这个原因,在KISOK上配置门户服务器时,使用户只能够看见您希望他们看见的内容。 www.ibm.com 7. are easy to understand, easy to use, and that work just the way we want them to. 是很容易懂的,易于使用的,过去的事情就像我们想要他们。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. And you feel a love toward them that you want them to be happy, even the enemy. 如果你真的爱他们,那意味着你希望他们过得开心幸福,即使是敌人。 www.ted.com 9. They may want them to help out at home, or not "see any reason why a girl would need to leave, " Lewis says. 他们可能希望她们帮助打理家务,或“不明白一个女孩子究竟为什么必须上学,”Lewis说。 web.worldbank.org 10. Learn to tell them what you want them to do instead of saying what you don't want: "Hold my hand tight" , not "don't run into the road" . 学会告诉他们你想要他们做什么,而不是说你不想要他们做什么:说“抓紧我的手”,而不要说“不要跑到马路上去了”。 www.bing.com 1. Tell your young people what you would want them to hear if you knew it would be your last conversation. 告诉你年轻人你想听到他们如果你知道这将是您最后一次谈话。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. And I want them to all here that same message: That's the kind of excellence we've got to promote in all of America's schools. 我向所有人的孩子们传达这样一个信息:这是我们要在美国所有学校宣扬的“优秀”文化。 ellc.hbmu.edu.cn 3. It is so much easier to tell ourselves that when things don't turn out as we want them to, it is the fault of others or events. 当事情不是按照我们预想那样发展时,很容易告诉我们自己,那是别人或是事件的错。 www.bing.com 4. eg. Provided debt troubles do not blow out into a crisis, yield curves are staying right where banks want them. 只要债务问题不演变为一场危机,目前收益率曲线的形状正是银行所希望看到的。 www.bing.com 5. Such experiments are free, but those who develop more serious applications and do not want them to be available to anyone else have to pay. 这样非正式的试验无需付费,但是那些创造更为正式的应用程序,并想借此赚钱的(吃独食的)人们,就得付费给pachube了。 www.ecocn.org 6. Signs that say what you want them to say and not signs that say what someone else wants you to say. 写出你现在想说的话,不要写自己不想说而别人让你说的话。 wastebook.yculblog.com 7. It's up to you to decide what action you want them to take. 这是由你来决定你想要采取什么步骤。 www.bing.com 8. As a colleague what would you want them to say about the brand, how would you want them to engage with your customers. 作为一个你想让他谈论品牌的同事,你将如何使他们加入到你的用户中来。 www.bing.com 9. Even though I believe they do this out of respect, I still want them at least to acknowledge my Chinese. 虽然我知道这是尊敬我的说法,但是我还是希望他们认可一下我的汉语。 tim.z.infzm.com 10. But using the new system, there is also an advanced mode to be able to set up each individual player to play exactly as you want them to. 但是使用新的系统,也有一个高级模式让你能够按照你想要的给每个球员单独设置。 bbs.52pcgame.com 1. If you want them to be frightened, you make a really scary setting. You make it dark. You might even make it dirty or uncomfortable. 如果你想让观众害怕,你会做一个非常恐怖的片子,你会设置黑暗的甚至是脏乱的、令人不安的场景。 hi.baidu.com 2. 'You want them to be able to smack you upside the head and say 'Hey, I've got a better idea. 你希望他们能拍着你的头顶说,嘿,我有个更好的主意。 bbs.aliwon.net 3. Don't you want them to be real sooner? Can't I persuade you to break away now? 你不想让它早一些变成现实吗?难道我无法说服你改变主意吗? www.bing.com 4. d: please sit down here and read a few lines of the book with this pair of glasses . do your glasses suit you? do you want them? 医生:请坐下来戴这副镜子读几行字。您觉得眼镜合适吗?要这副吗? www.bing.com 5. You want them to see you as a role model, as a very very good father, what kind of an example? 你希望他们认为你是事业榜样,,还是一个非常非常好的父亲,什么样的形象? www.365huodong.com 6. He wanted no role in parenting the children born with his donated sperm, but did want them to know who he was. 他不想对他所捐献精子生养的子女担当父亲的角色,但是还想让他们知道他是谁。 www.bing.com 7. Giese is furious. He tells them both he doesn't want them around the base for a while, until things cool down. Giese愤怒了.他告诉他们两人在事情降温以前,他不希望他们在基地多逗留他希望他们外出去26号基站回避一下。 www.bing.com 8. I said I would. I just want them to get used to me first. 我会告诉他们的现在先让他们熟悉我 www.tingroom.com 9. The best advice: Remember common courtesy and act toward others as you want them to act toward you. 最好的建议:别忘了通常的礼貌,己所不欲勿施于人。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. I do not want them to be burdened with massive deficits we did not curb or a worsening economy we did not rebuild. 我不希望他们去面对那本应由我们控制的巨额赤字,或是那本应该由我们来重建的,可能恶化的整体经济。 www.caikuu.com 1. My heart is aching for them and I want them to know that my thoughts and prayers are with them, how much I love them as well as Mark. 我的心在隐隐作痛他们和我希望他们知道我的思念和祈祷与他们,我是多么爱他们,以及标明的。 bbs.tiexue.net 2. It's a matter of dragging your services (components) to the canvas, defining what you want them to do, and connecting the boxes together. 只需要将服务(组件)拖放到画布上,定义您希望其进行的工作,并将各个框连接到一起。 www.ibm.com 3. They had done so much to make sure I could go there, but I just didn't want them around. 他们为了确保我能上大学付出了这么多,而我却不希望他们在我身边。 www.hjenglish.com 4. If you want them to leave a deep impression on others, you can put your certifications in the resume. 不过,如果你想给审表的人留下一个深刻的印象,你可以把它们写在简历中。 www.bing.com 5. These controls should be positioned and designed as you want them to appear in the final user control. 应将这些控件定位到和设计成您希望它们在最终用户控件中出现的样子。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Let's put the kids to bed, I don't want them lurking about while we're talking. 让孩子们去睡觉吧,我可不喜欢我们谈话时让他们偷听。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. We don't want them flocking to the city, but as the workforce gets exhausted and worn out we're going to have rotating replacements. 我们不愿让他们群涌到市区来,但因为现时工作组人员已精疲力竭疲惫不堪了,我们计划进行轮班。 www.kekenet.com 8. And I really kind of want them to be presented in a way to where kids can kind of explore and discover their own principles. 并且我真心希望它们能够帮助小孩们通过自己去探索和发现这个世界的道理。 www.ted.com 9. Telling the audience what you want them to do may seem too aggressive, but it actually helps the audience to select a course of action. 告诉听众应该做什么看起来有点太过激进,但其实会帮助听众找到行动的方向。 www.bing.com 10. Want them, or restrict their access until you are ready to deploy each extension. 时下载和安装Extension,或限制他们访问直到您完成部署每个Extension。 pointa.autodesk.com 1. President. But if you really want them, get ready; the time to earn your Nobel Peace Prize may be right around the corner. 不过,如果你确实有所需要,就要做好准备,为自己赢得诺贝尔和平奖的时机就在眼前了。 www.bing.com 2. Poor nations say that if rich nations want them to stop burning coal or cutting down forests, they should be willing to pay. 贫困国家表示,如果富裕国家希望他们停止烧煤或砍伐森林,它们应该为此付钱。 www.bing.com 3. Mr. Iwanaga often will choose to cultivate a number of short-tailed, want them to develop into a more perfect and mature individuals. 岩永先生经常会选择一些短尾的来培养,想把它们培养成更为完美而成熟个体。 img3.zhubajie.com 4. But I also want them to be provocative and fun and I'm definitely cheeky when I shoot nudes. 不过,我也想要它们挑逗而有意趣,拍摄裸体的时候我肯定是无耻的。 www.bing.com 5. The Americans may also feel that you are talking about them or saying something you don't want them to hear. 美国人会认为你们在说他们,或者说一些不想让他们知道的东西。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Interestingly, women do not like muscle-bound men, and men misperceive how muscular women want them to be. 有趣的是,女人不喜欢肌肉男,而男人误以为女人希望他们肌肉发达。 www.bing.com 7. I think beautiful men are like a Prada handbag: women want them to make other women jealous, but in the long run it's not really satisfying. 我觉得帅哥就像一只普拉达的手袋:女人拎出去让别的女人嫉妒,但是用的不舒服。 www.bing.com 8. You really have to burn the fat off off of your legs if you want them to be skinny. 你真的要烧你的腿断过的脂肪,如果你希望他们瘦。 www.5921688.com 9. Not necessary to what you would want them to be, but they will be about what they should, and only you will know whether you can do that. 不一定能达到你所希望的状态,但是会大概是它们应当的状态,并且只有你知道你是否能做到那样。 www.ted.com 10. And I will bring them back tomorrow, but my big brother doesn't want them to be out of our house at night in case they are stolen . 我明天将把它们带来,但我的哥哥晚上要把它们放在我们家里,怕万一被盗了。 iask.sina.com.cn 1. Take a look at how they are laid out and consider how you might want them to look to fit into the design and layout of your site. 看看它们是怎样布局的,考虑一下你希望它们看起来是怎样的,以配合你的站点的设计与布局。 www.zzbaike.com 2. When you grant users permission to a list or document library, you do so by selecting the actual permissions you want them to have. 在授予用户对列表的权限时,请通过选择希望他们具有的实际权限来进行此操作。 office.microsoft.com 3. These few seats are reserved by some other people at the moment. If you want them, can you finish your meal before those people come? 现在这几个位子已经被预定了,如果你要坐到这里,他们到来之前你能用好餐点吗? wenwen.soso.com 4. If you were to impart your own knowledge and wisdom to new graduates, what would you tell them? What lessons would you want them to learn? 如果你要将自己的知识和智慧带给新毕业生,你会告诉他们什么?你希望他们学到哪一些教训? bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 5. We want them to own up to all their misdeeds, to apologize, to make heartfelt pleas for our forgiveness. 希望他们去承认所有的过错、去道歉、去诚恳求到我们的原谅。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. We don't like to see places grown-up, in every sense; we want them always to play the parts we've scripted in advance for them. 从各种意义上说,我们都不愿意看到那些地方发展变化;我们希望它们永远扮演着我们预先为其杜撰的角色。 www.ftchinese.com 7. But having children is a personal choice, and if people really do not want them there is nothing governments can do. 但养育孩子是个人选择,如果人们真的不想要孩子,政府也无计可施。 www.ecocn.org 8. Find the answers you need faster and create and use PivotTable views more easily by dragging fields where you want them to be displayed. 将字段拖动到要显示的位置,即可更快地找到所需答案、更轻松地创建和使用数据透视表视图。 office.microsoft.com 9. He did not want them. He could not stand them any more than he could stand the stupid first-cabin passengers and the riotous young people. 容忍这些人并不比容忍一等舱那些愚蠢的旅客和闹翻了天的年轻人容易。 www.ebigear.com 10. You want them to be confident in what they're doing, happy in what they're doing to get on with the job and I'll sure they'll be fine. 你希望他们对他们所做的事情有信心,对他们工作中所做的事情感到愉快,那么我肯定他们会焕发起来的。 www.lfcbbs.com 1. We want them to be better prepared to become global leaders. 我们希望他们为能成为世界的领袖而做好更充分的准备。 www.bing.com 2. I do not want them to still be suffering from spiraling costs we did not stem, or sicknesses we did not cure. 我不希望他们依然会受困于我们今天未能有效遏制的急剧成本上升,或是我们未能治愈的疾病。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Stocky says the only problem with including real-time results into the Google search engine is knowing when people don't want them. Stocky说,将实时搜索结果集成到Goole搜索引擎中的唯一问题是要知道用户什么时候不需要这些结果。 www.bing.com 4. In order for your visitors to do what you want them to do, they have to trust you. 要你的访客做你所想他们做的,首先你得跟访客建立信任关系。 www.bing.com 5. We hope United don't take us seriously. We want them to be complacent and give us no respect. But I'm not holding my breath. 我们希望曼联轻敌,我们要他们自鸣得意,并且不尊重我们。不过我不会惧怕。 www.manutdcn.com 6. But we try to keep our kids from watching more than two hours of television a day, we don't want them to be couch potatoes, too. 要我现在改掉这个习惯已经为时过晚。但是,我们设法让我们的孩子每天看电视不超过两个小时。我们不要他们也变成电视迷。 ept-cn.com 7. If you want them to feel that you are a business professional workers, bare thighs, Tanxiongloubei not suitable for office. 如果您想让他们感到您是个商业上的职业工作者,露着大腿、坦胸露背不适合于办公室。 www.citynoon.com 8. It's not just reaching out and crudely grasping something. We want them to be able to use the fingers we've worked so hard on. 这不只是接触,并粗暴地抓东西,我们努力工作是希望他们能够灵活的运用手指。 www.bing.com 9. It would also make banks even less attractive to invest in at a time when policymakers want them to beef up capital. 这会导致银行在政策制定者们要求他们加快资本筹集的同时而丧失投资的吸引力。 www.ecocn.org 10. If the keyword has multiple Best Bets, select the order in which you want them to be listed, and then click OK. 如果该关键字有多个最佳匹配,请选择它们的列出顺序,然后单击“确定”。 office.microsoft.com 1. If you want them to see you as someone important, treat yourself that way. 如果你想让他们看到的是你重要的你,这样对待自己。 www.ebigear.com 2. And I care about them so much I don't want them to be made legal. 我太关心她们了,反正就是不想她们变得合法。 www.bing.com 3. I don't care if my room are up to date . I just want them to be comfortable. 我不在乎房间新旧与否,只要住得舒适就可以了。 www.hhkao.com 4. ( To Dorothy ) Keep tight inside of them . Their magic must be very powerful , or she wouldn't want them so badly . (对多萝西说)穿好这鞋。它们一定非常有魔力,不然她不会那么紧张地想要回去。 www.bing.com 5. The iPhone's touchscreen is sure pleasant, but it takes a lot of tedious finger work to put your apps where you want them. iPhone的触摸屏用起来肯定是愉快的,但它需要大量的繁琐的手指操作才能把你的应用程序放在想要的地方。 wangyuanzju.blog.163.com 6. This method makes it possible to try the commands to make sure they do what you want them to do first. 该方法使得尝试使用这一命令来确保他们完成想要首先完成的任务。 www.ibm.com 7. Even if they are a bad candidate, you want them to like your company and go away with a positive impression. 即使对方并不适合,你还是希望他们能喜欢你的公司,而且带著正面的印象离开。 local.joelonsoftware.com 8. Computers can be made to do what you want them to do . 我们可以命令电脑做我们要它做的事。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Now I use my skills and insight to help student avoid all of the shock you never want them to have. 现在,我将用我的技巧和洞察力来帮助学生避开那些你永远也不想面对的文化和语言冲击。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Because you want them back, you cannot have them. The state of craving for anything blocks all deeper experience. 正因为你想再次拥有才留不住它.对任何境界的渴望只会阻碍更深切的体验。 blog.hangzhou.com.cn 1. They must die, ' said Silver. ' We don't want them coming home later, to tell what happened. Now, Dick, get me an apple. I'm thirsty. ' “他们必须得死,”西尔弗说。“我们不能让他们有朝一日回去把真相讲出来。迪克,给我拿个苹果来,我口渴得很。” www.chinaedu.com 2. It is not an obvious commercial bet: burial grounds cannot be redeveloped, so banks are unlikely to want them as collateral. 这显然不是一次商业赌注,因为坟地不能被再开发,所以银行不可能要它们作为抵押品。 www.ecocn.org 3. Forgive the problems of your wife and family as you would want them to forgive you. 像你希望你的家庭原谅你一样去原谅妻子和孩子的错误。 www.bing.com 4. Buy this doll for your children if you want them to have nightmares. 给你的孩子们买一个吧,如果你想让他们做恶梦的话。 www.elanso.com 5. It's shown a repeated willingness to make big announcements about new products and let users decide whether they want them or not. 它向来不吝于大举发布新产品,让用户决定自己是否需要它们。 www.fortunechina.com 6. Psychological and emotional triggers are a valuable tool in influencing visitors to take the actions you want them to take. 心理和情感激发是鼓励用户付诸行动一个的宝贵工具。 www.bing.com 7. To tell them our story to tell them that we are their friends, that we want them to be free again. 我们不能对他们描述我们的生活,不能对他们说我们是他们的朋友,我们希望他们再次得到自由。 www.zftrans.com 8. If you choose to nurture children, would you want them to be heterosexual, knowing the problems they would face? 如果你选择抚养孩子,考虑到他们将面临的问题,你是否还要他们成为异性恋者? 18x.phoenixtv.com 9. After all, if we just want them to all "do their own thing" we don't need you as a manager to mold them into a team, do we? 毕竟,如果我们只是想让他们各自完成任务的话,也就没有让一个经理来带领他们组队的必要了,不是吗? www.hjenglish.com 10. The extents of the viewport can be anything you want them to be. viewport的扩展可以是您希望的任何东西。 www.ibm.com 1. M: If someone is doing something that annoys you, and you really want them to stop, you can use this phrase. 噢,所以,谁要是做的事让你很讨厌,你要他别这么做,这个时候你就可以说这句话。 www.hjenglish.com 2. Managers can't always answer these questions in detail, but I'm not sure the project sponsors want them answered specifically either. 管理人员并不总是都能够详细回答这些问题的,但我相信,项目出资人也并不见得就一定想问个水落石出。 www.ibm.com 3. It is important to know exactly the knowledge you want to teach your children and what you want them to do with it. 确切地了解你想教给孩子们的知识和你想让他们用这些知识做什么很重要。 www.gzenxx.com 4. Remember, things can be exactly the way you want them to be, but you have to decide that. Test your assumptions. Live ruthlessly. 记住,事情完全可以成为你所希望的那样,但你必须决定。测试你的假设。无情地生活。 www.bing.com 5. A unique fully customizable boot time defrag interface gives you full control over every single system file and where you want them to go. 一个独特的完全可定制的启动时间碎片整理界面让你在每一个系统的完整控制文件和您想要的地方去。 bbs.kafan.cn 6. But he did not want them to know that the money came from him. 但是他并不想他们知道钱从他那来的。 www.hxen.com 7. When the user comes to the page, we want them to see our big message first, and then the navigation bar. 用户浏览该页面,我们首先想让他们看到大块信息,然后才是浏览栏。 www.bing.com 8. Then you ll be able to set up shares that function exactly the way you want them to. 然后您就可以设置共享,使它按照您所需的方式工作。 www-128.ibm.com 9. We love them, so we want them to be able to wear the jeans they want and not have to shop in the plus-sizes shops. 我们爱他们,所以我们希望他们能穿他们想穿的牛仔裤,而且没有必要去大型超市去购物。 news.dxy.cn 10. A more appropriateanalogy is how I feel about the competitors of my company (I hate them and want them to go bankrupt). 更恰当的类比是,我如何看待我的公司的竞争对手(我讨厌他们,希望他们破产)。 bbs.ruian.com 1. Whenever I talk with a person casually, I don't want them to feel that I'm different, that I'm a foreigner. 每当我与某人随便交谈时,我不想让他们感到我与别人不同,感到我是外国人。 www.america.gov 2. These menus will also expand when you move your mouse cursor over them, whether you want them to expand or not. 当你的鼠标指针经过这些菜单时,它们也会展开,不管你喜不希望他们展开。 www2.w3pop.com 3. Look to see if visitors going where you want them. 看看访客们是否去了你想让他们去的地方。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Lincoln wants to protect his younger brother and doesn't want them to end up in foster homes. 林肯保护他的弟弟不他们在寄养家庭中结束。 dzh.mop.com 5. We spend our lives wanting things, people, and events to be just as we want them to be -- and when they're not, we fight and we suffer. 我们穷其一生,想要的东西,就是希望人和事向我们期待的一样---当情况并不如此时,我们会在挣扎和痛苦。 www.ok06.com 6. You can list additional physical interface names in auto stanzas if you want them to be brought up on boot too. 如果你想让其他物理接口也在开机的时候被激活,请把它们加入到auto的段落中去。 qref.sourceforge.net 7. So, I just want people to see me there in that casket with a fork in my hand and I want them to wonder 'What's with the fork? 所以,我只是希望当人们看到我手握餐叉躺在棺材中的时候,他们会想‘餐叉用来干什么的?’ www.joyen.net 8. And that means that the older a woman is, the less they want them around. 这也就意味着,一个女人越老,这些男人就越不想她出现在他们身边。 dongxi.net 9. I want them to waterski across the surface of a poem waving at the author's name on the shore. 我想他们滑水在一首诗的表面作者名字挥手在岸边。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. If you want them to be moved instead, right-click and drag files to folder: This will offer you some options instead of just copying. 如果要移动,右击并拖拽文件到文件夹,将提供除复制之外的其他选项。 translations.launchpad.net 1. I don't even want them or anyone saying that they have the "most" comprehensive, given that this is so difficult to verify. 我不希望看到他们或者是任何人说他们拥有最完整的检索,再说证实起来也比较有难度。 www.bing.com 2. if you want them back you will have to put $20 into my account extra. . . $10 for shipping and $10 for the headache. 如果你想要要回你的东西,那你就必须额外打20美元到我的账户里….10美元的邮费和10美元的医药费。 www.yewuyuan.com 3. One executive told me: "We want them to feel like they're seeing the whole movie, except that it's longer. " 一位监制告诉我:“我们想要他们感觉在看整部电影,后者时间更长当另说。” dongxi.net 4. Consumers still might be cautious; do we really want them to spend like they did in the old days? 消费者仍然很小心翼翼。我们真的需要他们像过去年代那样靠大手大脚地消费? www.bing.com 5. Visitors are likely to drop by and chances are, they may even stay a little longer than you want them to. 很可能会有访客来拜访你,他们待的时间可能比你想象的还要长。 www.hjenglish.com 6. Now, Matthew want them to pick up the dream, from early to pick back to belong to the personal dignity of self. 现在,马修要他们重新拾起早时的梦想,重新捡回属于自我的人格尊严。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. There are times that it is better to let things happen, rather than insisting on how you want them to be done. 有时候,最好让事情顺其自然,而不是坚持按你的想法去做。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. You need them to power your devices and connect peripherals but you want them out of sight. 你需要它们来给你的设备提供电源、连接设备,但是你想让他们出现在你看不见的地方。 www.bing.com 9. Customer: These clothes do not fit me. They're too large, I don't want them. I'm sorry to trouble you. 这些衣服都不适合我穿,衣服太大,我不想要了,抱歉麻烦你了。 www.for68.com 10. If governments want them to limit or cease their operations in a particular country, they need to say so. 如果政府想要企业减少或终止在某个特定国家的业务,它们只能遵命行事。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Accent your house to draw carolers' eyes to areas you want them to see. 正确装饰你的屋子会把欢唱者的眼球吸引到你想展示的地方。 www.bing.com 2. Ephraim: We have 11 Palestinian names, each one of them had a hand in planning Munich. We want them all dead. 以法莲:我们现在知道11名巴勒斯贼人的名字,他们每一个人都或多或少地参与、策划了慕尼黑惨案。我们希望他们都死。 lanmeng.51aspx.com 3. I feel we get inside our marines' heads and hope that we told the story that we would want them to have us tell. 我认为我们触及了陆战队员的内心,希望我们所讲的故事正是他们希望我们传达给世人的东西。 www.joyen.net 4. 'Well, I don't want nurses to laugh at you, Joseph, ' I said angrily. 'I want them to help you. 我气愤地说:“约瑟夫,我不希望护士们嘲笑你,我要她们来帮助你。” www.kekenet.com 5. Or you can create your own game domions, decide the direction you want them to fall and save your game and send it to your friends. 在这里,你还可以自由地排列自己喜欢的图形,决定推到方向,然后把自己的小创意保存起来,发送给朋友们。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Allow the negative space on your site to direct your visitors to the areas you want them to focus on. 网站上的合理留些空白空间,引导你的访客注意他们要找的信息。 www.bing.com 7. You can resize it so that multiple records can fit exactly as you want them on the page. 您可以调整目录合并区的大小,以便多条记录可以严格按照您想要的方式适应页面。 office.microsoft.com 8. I love them and Idon't want them to leave them here without me. 我爱他们,不希望他们离开身边没有我。 apps.hi.baidu.com 9. I'd want them to be able to rebound well at both ends, too. 我还想要他们在场地两头都弹跳得很好。 www.ted.com 10. I want them to stay fitter for longer; too many players have had too many injuries over the last few years. 我想要他们更舒服的待久一点,在近几年,伤病太多了,以至于都没有球员可以踢比赛了。 post.baidu.com 1. Always treat others as you want them to treat you. 对待别人,你总是希望他们对待你。 www.ebigear.com 2. Of course, if things are exactly the way you want them to be right now, you can stop reading this article. 当然了,假如事情正往你想的方面的发展,你就可以不用看这篇文章了。 www.bing.com 3. President Eisenhower once said, "Persuasion is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do, and to like it. " 艾森豪威尔总统曾说过,“说服是一门艺术,让人们做你想让他们做的事情,并且令其乐此不疲。” www.bing.com 4. Tip: If you define several build steps, you can reorder them by dragging and dropping them where you want them to go. 提示:如果您定义了一些构建步骤,那么您可以在需要的时候拖拉它们来给它们重新排序。 www.ibm.com 5. you want them to be burly, and surly, beer-bellied, with pie-breath and greasy flat-cap. 你希望他们强壮、粗暴、腆着啤酒肚、口气中有馅饼味儿,还有油渍斑斑的平顶帽。 www.bing.com 6. But I do not want them to follow me, to influence them. 但是我不想让他们追随我或受我的影响。 www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn 7. So bloody hot out that everything is melting except the fat on my body. Sometimes things just don't work out the way you want them to. 超性感的出门,不过似乎所有人都在期待着我身上的赘肉。有些时候,事情就是不像你想象中的方向发展。 gb.cri.cn 8. If I break the world record in Beijing, I would want them to remember it in the same way. 如果我在北京打破世界纪录,我希望他们也能这样子牢牢地记住我。 cn.reuters.com 9. Yes, it is our egos that set us up for what we want things to be, how we want them, where, when and through whom we want them. 是的,是我们的自我让我们自以为我们想让事情成为什么,我们怎么样想要它们,哪里,何时,通过谁我们想要它们。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. If you want them to learn by doing, you can have them take out a car loan or get a very limited credit card (that they pay for). 如果你希望他们在实践中学习,可以办理一个汽车贷款或者一个小额度的信用卡(他们自己还款)。 www.bing.com 1. "I want them to be an international team, maybe to be in the Champions League in the future, " he said. “我想他们成为一支国际球队,也许在未来进军欧冠。”他说。 bbs.winzheng.com 2. The most remarkable thing about day dreaming may be its usefulness in shaping our future lives as we want them to be. 有关白日做梦最引人注目的事情,或许是它在按我们自己的意愿构想未来生活方面所起的有益作用。 www.tronest.cn 3. We don't want them to win a game each as the group would then be very tight. 我们不希望他们各胜一场,这样的话小组赛就会变得很纠结了。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 4. If you are sending your letter far away, write on the envelope that you want them to go by air. 如果你的信件要寄向远方,请在信封上注明空运。 cul.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Select the columns that you want in this view and the order in which you want them to appear. 选择要在此视图中显示的栏及其显示顺序。 office.microsoft.com 6. If you should choose to nurture children, would you want them to be heterosexual, knowing the problems they would face? 如果你选择要养育小孩,即便你知道异性恋所可能遭遇到的问题,你还会希望她们成为异性恋吗?。 home.gamer.com.tw 7. She called on Google to operate a formal appeals process. "We want them to be more transparent about the existence of penalties. " 她呼吁谷歌建立一套正式的上诉程序:“我们希望他们对于处罚的存在能够更透明。” www.ftchinese.com 8. Express the fact that you care about them and want them to grow into healthy adults. 让他们明白事实上你关心他们,希望他们成长为健康的人。 www.bing.com 9. But I want them to be part of a team, and if they're alienating their teammates, they're failing the lesson. 但是我要他们成为团队的一部分,如果他们疏远他们的队友,他们将无法通过课程。 www.ibm.com 10. Joshua: Well, don't women wear skirts in other sports? Like tennis, figure skating. . . they did say they want them to look more elegant. 啊,女性不是也在其他的运动比赛中穿裙子吗?像是网球、花式溜冰…他们是说要女选手看起来更优雅。 times.hinet.net 1. We want them to almost be better than you - good soldiers that you can rely on. 我们所希望的是(在新一代里)他们比你还强-是靠得住的兵。 www.samren.cn 2. And he said, "Of course I will. Because I don't want them discriminated against anymore. " 他回答说:“当然,我当然会。因为我不想她们再被歧视了。” www.ted.com 3. First, no amount of harping on what European governments are failing to do will push them toward what some in Washington want them to do. 首先,再怎么喋喋不休地唠叨欧洲政府各国没有做到的事情也不会让他们朝着华盛顿希望的方向前进。 www.hjenglish.com 4. "We want them to be strategic partners and not just investors, " says Greg Fleming, chief operating officer of Merrill. 美林首席运营官格雷格?弗莱明(GregFleming)表示:“我们想让他们成为战略伙伴,而不仅仅是投资者。” www.ftchinese.com 5. It's necessary to walk them in the park once a day if you want them to be healthy. 如果你想让它们更艰健康,有必要让它们在公园里一天一次散步。 school.ecp.com.cn 6. The steps in a Rational Build Forge project can do pretty much whatever you want them to do. RationalBuildForge项目中的步骤可以完成许多您希望执行的操作。 www.ibm.com 7. To the hotel if you want them to keep a room free for you. 如果你要旅馆为你保留房间,就得先付押金。 www.hstc.edu.cn 8. You don't want new crews operating with new ideas, you want them to operate in a fixed predictable way. 你不想要新的工作人员来用新的概念操作,你希望他们能用一个,固定的可预测的方式来操作。 open.163.com 9. Good. That's what you want them to think. 好。你希望他們這麼想。 www.bing.com 10. "I want them to see themselves within these dolls, and let them know that black is beautiful, " she said. “我想让她们能在这些娃娃中看到自己,并让她们知道黑色皮肤是漂亮的。”她说。 big5.cri.cn 1. "It is the careful art of catching somebody doing something good that you want them to repeat, " she adds. 她补充说:“发现人们正在做有益于公司的事情是一门细致的艺术。” www.fortunechina.com 2. I want them to come away from here with a faith in other people and a faith in a benevolent God. 我还希望,当她们离开这里的时候怀有对他人的信念,对仁慈的上帝的信念。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 3. Chelsea want them to stay. But who knows, maybe tomorrow one of them signs a new contract. 切尔西想要他们留下,没准明天他们中的一个就会签署一个新的合同。 www.chelsea.net.cn 4. It was a lousy turnout. You want them to rub it in? 这是一次讨厌的集会。你希望他们记者来火上浇油? bbs.city.tianya.cn 5. But just because people put different parts of their lives online doesn't mean they want them in one place. 但是仅仅因为人们把他们生活中的不同部分放到网上并不等于他们希望它们在同一个地方。 www.bing.com 6. If you have children, this is one film you will definitely want them to see for a number of different reasons. 如果你有孩子,那么这就是一部你能找出无数不同理由让孩子去观看的电影。 622005115.qzone.qq.com 7. Typically, more embryos are created than are needed and many are simply discarded after the donors no longer want them. 现在的胚胎供大于求,很多捐献者不愿意要的胚胎被简单处理掉了。 news.dxy.cn 8. Change your life, love, love the people want them to say such a word. 爱你一生不变,相爱的人都希望对方说出这样的一句话。 www.xiami360.com 9. If you want them to take your achievements seriously, make sure that's what you do. 如果你希望他们认真考虑你的成就,确保这就是你做的。 www.ebigear.com 10. This article contains attachments. Do you want them to be forwarded as well? 该文章包含了附件。您想同时转发附件吗? translations.launchpad.net 1. You want them, up front, to know if you are sharing data with other parties and why you're sharing that data and who those parties are. 你希望他们,了解你是否跟第三方分享他们的数据资料或者你为什么要这样做。 www.bing.com 2. Explaining to a child why you want them to do something, or punishing them with long time-outs, isn't effective either, he says. 向孩子解释为何你想让他们做某件事,或用长时间关禁闭来惩罚他们,同样也不是有效的方法。 cn.wsj.com 3. The fathers believe children will only do what their parents do not want them to do. 父亲们相信孩子们只会做父母不允许的事情。 voa.hjenglish.com 4. Ann: Nowadays, the kids are so fucking naughty. You want them to be here, but they want to be there. 现在,小孩子真是调皮,你想让他在这,他却非要在那。 www.bing.com 5. I know you want them caught. We want them caught. Allow us to help your men to catch these criminals. . . 我知道你想要抓住他们,我们也想。请让我们来协助你的人民抓捕这些罪犯。 www.eoezone.com 6. We want them to support us. To understand that we need education and healthcare. 我们希望他们能支持,能瞭解我们需要教育及医疗。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 7. Try to Treat others as You Would Want Them yo Treat You. 试着以你希望别人对待你的方式来对待别人。 zhishi.sohu.com 8. It infers ignorance that homosexuals cannot have children or do not want them. 这意味着对同性恋者不能生育孩子或者不想要孩子的无视。 www.elanso.com 9. My children are getting an education here. I don't want them to follow their father and grandfathers as the situation gets worse. 我的孩子们在这里可以上学,我不想让他们再过他们父辈祖辈的生活,因为现在情况越来越糟了。 www.bing.com 10. They will live along your side as long as you want them to. 只要你想着他们的时辰,就会在你的身边。 yibar.com.cn 1. When people leave my show, I want them to say, 'We have never seen nothing like this in my life. 人们离开我的演唱会时,我想让他们说,‘我们从来都没见过这么激动人心的场景。 www.bing.com 2. To be sure of receiving the goods when you want them, you should order them five days ahead of time. 为了确保你能在需要的时候收到货物,你应该提前五天下订单。 www.englang.cn 3. So yes, I want them to get the soul, but like I said, I'll enjoy this Sam until it's time to say goodbye. 所以,是的,我希望它们能得到Sam的灵魂。但就像我之前说的,我会一直喜欢这个Sam直到和他saygoodbye。 www.bing.com 4. There's a saying: if you're a "B" player, you'll hire "C" players below you because you don't want them to look smarter than you. 有一种说法:如果你是二流人才,你就会雇用三流人才,因为你不希望他们看起来比你聪明。 www.douban.com 5. He added that same-sex couples want their parents involved, but they don't want them walking down the aisle . 他还补充说,同性新人想要父母参加婚礼,但不想让父母走过红毯。 www.voa365.com 6. See yourself performing at your best. See the situations that you're facing working out exactly the way you want them to. 想象你正处在最佳状态,想象你所面临的情况一切顺利,随你所愿。 www.1626.com 7. I just want them not to waste any minute in college life, try to get what they should get. 我进希望他们不要浪费大学里的每一分钟,尽力获得他们应该获得的东西。 www.xici.net 8. You can assign remote VPN clients to the network that you want them to use. 您可以将远程VPN客户端指派到想让他们使用的网络上。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 9. And when they do what you want them to do, praise them generously. 当他们做你想做的事情的时候,你就要慷慨地表扬他们。 www.bing.com 10. This is one of the areas where we definitely do not want them to nest. 我们绝对不愿意它们在这里结婚,筑巢,生儿育女。 www.bing.com 1. In addition to designing for minimum resolutions, make sure your audience can clearly see the content you want them to at all times. 确保访客可以在最小的分辨率下也可以看到所有你希望他们看的内容。 www.bing.com 2. Reasons for concern: you are like children, but you certainly don't want them to turn yellow in your wedding or party. 关注理由:你很喜欢小孩子,但是你也肯定不想他们搅黄了你的婚礼或酒会。 xian.edeng.cn 3. The sheer joy of these moments is hard to put into words, but I do know one thing: I want them to happen again. 这种时刻纯粹的乐趣是无法用语言表描述的,但我却知道一件事:我想要它们再次发生。 bbs.running8.com 4. You can also practice prevention at the supermarket: Avoid buying simple carbohydrates so they aren't within reach when you want them. 你还可以在超市做好预防工作:避免买一些简单的碳水化合物,这样当你需要他们时,你也够不到它们。 www.bing.com 5. but I also want them to think about our life. 但是我也想让他们想一想我们的生活。 www.tingroom.com 6. I am a little angry, turned on the police to say that I need to explain, why we want them, you go first. 我有些生气,转身对警察说,我需要解释,为什么要我们下来,你们先走。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. And people combine the Reciprocal Rule with the Jungle Rule: "do at first unto others what you don't want them to do unto you" . (萨根)人们结合了交互规则和丛林法则,得到的是:“己所不欲先施于人。” blog.tianya.cn 8. They are occupiers. We want them to leave. 他们是占领者,我们希望他们离开。 www.bing.com 9. I have made people laugh, but I also want them to think about our life. 我已经让人们笑了,但是我还想让他们想一想我们的生活。 www.lvzhigui.com 10. Make a plan to get things going in the direction you want them to go. 指定一个周密的计划使事情向着自己希望的方向进展。 www.elanso.com 1. You can assign remote clients to the network that you want them to use. 您可以将远程客户端指派到您想让他们使用的网络。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 2. If you don't want them to be distracted, don't flash things on the page or start videos playing. 如果你不希望他们走神,那么别用让页面上的东西会闪,也别让视频自动播放。 www.bing.com 3. 'Stockholders don't want them to keep sitting on cash at a zero return, ' said Paul Kasriel, an economist at Northern Trust. 北美信托银行(NorthernTrust)经济学家卡斯瑞尔(PaulKasriel)说,股东们不希望企业继续坐拥现金而没有一分回报。 c.wsj.com 4. Only give your users the minimum necessary information to perform the tasks you want them to perform. 只给您的用户在执行他们的任务的时候所必需的最低限度的信息。 www.bing.com 5. You'll want them in the best possible resolution for quality reproduction. 您想要他们以尽可能坚定的决心来进行有效的制作。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. We know that when her breasts are fuller than usual they can be very inviting, but she may not even want them touched. 让她的胸壁平时显得更丰满时会更诱人,但她可能并不希望被它们被触碰到。 www.bing.com 7. You don't want to see them and you don't want them to visit you much, because you can see how worried and upset they are. 你不愿意见他们,甚至不愿意让他们频繁探访。因为你知道,他们是如此的担忧和难过。 www.tianya.cn 8. I think our tendency is to hope that things will turn out the way we want them to, much of the time. 我觉得我们一般倾向于希望事情会如我们所愿的发展,非常多的时候。 www.ted.com 9. Their parents want them to enjoy all the fun of a normal childhood. 他们希望自己的孩子们能够享受一个快乐并且平凡的童年。 gb.cri.cn 10. I didn't want them laughing at me in class, too, poquito. 我不想课堂上也被嘲笑小不点 blog.hjenglish.com 1. But I do have your pants, so if you want them, come with me. 不过你的裤子还真在我那儿,想要的话,就跟我来 blog.sina.com.cn 2. "I want them to see the world for themselves, " he said. 他说,“我想让他们自己去认识这个世界。” dongxi.net 3. So, you know, you want energy, you want the life force, but you really want them also to think that they have a story worth sharing. 所以,你看,你需要那种能量,需要生命的能量,但你同时也的确需要让他们觉得他们的故事是值得分享的。 www.ted.com 4. Do you want them because you know they're there? 你想要他们,只因为你知道他们在那里?。 viviencheng132033.spaces.live.com 5. If the holes are not exactly where you want them, you can pick again. Right-click when you're finished. 如果孔不确切地是您想要他们的地方,您能再采摘。当完成,用鼠标右键单击您。 bbs.hxsd.com 6. It's got many advanced formatting options available if you want them, but in our testing the defaults usually work fairly well. 如果你需要它还有许多高级格式选项,但是据我们测试,默认情况下就足以应付一般的工作了。 www.bing.com 7. They can also be built of local materials, they can be smaller and less energy-intensive, but still be as 'modern' as we want them to be. 它们也可以使用当地的材料来建筑,它们能更小些和更节约能源,而且仍然可以像我们希望的那样“现代”。 www.chinadialogue.net 8. The guide diamond makes it much easier to place your active windows just where you want them. 菱形引导标记使您可以更轻松地将活动窗口置于您所期望的位置。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Often you can "pull" a guideline from the rulers on the sides of page and place them where you want them. 通常你可以从页面旁的标尺上“拖拽”出一条辅助线,然后放置在需要的地方。 www.bing.com 10. You need to check, however, that the breakpoints in the recently edited code are where you want them. 但是你要检查最近编辑过的代码的断点是不是你所想要的。 www.cnblogs.com 1. You also have to want them; you have to recognize them when you see them, and that's much harder. 你也不得不需要他们;你必须得在当你见到他们的时候认出他们,而那要难得多。 www.bing.com 2. It is great before the farrier starts working with them or any time you want them to relax a bit. 在修蹄之前,或是你需要马匹放松的时候这都是一个好办法。 word.hcbus.com 3. Dogs like lots of exercise . It is necessary to walk them in the park once a day if you want them to be healthy. 狗喜欢大量的运动。如果你希望它们健康的话,很有必要一天带着它们去公园走一次。 www.ewteacher.com 4. We want them to present more than one point of view, but then take a position. 我们希望他们展现多种观点,然后表明自己的立场。 www.america.gov 5. the way you want them to see you. 就是你呈现给他们的样子 www.kekenet.com 6. He struggled into his boots. "Now, what would you want them things for? " 他用力穿上靴子,“你要这些东西干吗?” www.crazyenglish.org 7. You can also use this button to execute the scripts in the order you want them to be executed. 还可以使用这个按钮按您希望的次序执行脚本。 www.ibm.com 8. "I want them to have a mind of their own - to stand up for their opinions and thoughts. Not to be confused with talking back! " “我希望孩子有自己的想法,能够坚持自己的观点和思考方式。不要一被反驳就思维混乱!” www.bing.com 9. And I had to go and ride in the rodeo that night, so I didn't want them to put me under anesthesia, or whatever you call it. 而且我那晚上还要去竞技场再去骑牛,所以我不想让他们给我用麻醉药,或者其他的这种东西。 www.ted.com 10. If you split the jobs between you, your parents know what you want them to do (and what you don't). 如果你们之间分配了工作,你父母就会知道你希望他们做什么,和不做什么。 blog.sina.com.cn |
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