单词 | A-Credit | ||||||||||
释义 | A-Credit
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 一张信用卡,学分,一个学分 1. Consumers will sign up for a credit-card brand if it is widely accepted as a means of payment. 如果某个信用卡品牌被广为接受作为支付手段,那么消费者就愿意与该品牌信用卡签约。 www.ecocn.org 2. She was not a symbol, not a credit, not a first this and that, as she cried bitterly in her old age. 她不是一个标志,不是一种荣誉,不是第一个任何人。 www.ecocn.org 3. Such a move could spark a credit run, as panicked creditors attempt to sell Treasury bonds before a dollar collapse. 这一举动可能会引发信贷挤兑,因为惊慌的债权人会试图在美元崩溃前抛售美国国债。 c.wsj.com 4. IT IS now more than a year since the clean-up of Nigeria's banking system began, after a credit boom that went bad. 尼日利亚银行业信誉变差之后,银行系统开始整顿,到现在已经有一年多的时间了。 www.ecocn.org 5. Yet just a decade ago, the whole idea that adults would happily type e-mails using a keyboard the size of a credit card seemed absurd. 而仅仅在十年前,相信成年人会在信用卡大小的键盘上兴奋的发送电子邮件的想法是荒谬的。 www.ecocn.org 6. Russia has run current-account surpluses for many years, yet it has also been badly hit by an outflow of capital and a credit freeze. 俄罗斯很多年一直是储蓄过剩,但是,它的经济也是受到了资本外流和存款减少的打击。 yixiao5211.spaces.live.com 7. To a extent you don't have to become a credit card processor or handle any aspect of the payment sort of things on your own. 你甚至不用成为,信用卡处理器,也不用亲自处理,支付方面的事情。 open.163.com 8. Alternatively, you could be a credit controller in a company's finance department, chasing late payments from suppliers and customers. 或者,您可以成为信贷控制在公司的财务部门,追逐迟缴从供应商和客户。 www.mianshiba.cn 9. The Asian financial crisis hit China just as it was making a painful economic adjustment after the bust of a credit boom in the mid-1990s. 亚洲金融危机降临的时候,中国正处于九十年代中期信贷暴涨后艰难的经济调整期。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Analysts have been digging into records to see how Japanese bonds traded after it was stripped of its triple-A credit rating in 1998. 分析师们一直在挖掘历史数据,以了解日本在1998年丧失AAA信用评级后日本债券的交易情况。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Smart card is actually a plastic card, with a size about that of a credit card embedded within it a microprocessor chip. 智能卡其实是一张塑胶卡片,体积有如一张普通的信用卡,内藏一块微处理器晶片。 www.info.gov.hk 2. I realize it seems odd to say that of events characterized by panic, a credit crunch, slowing growth and falling stock markets. 我知道,在特点为恐慌、信贷紧缩、增长放缓和股市下跌的情况之下,这么说很显得很莫名其妙。 www.bing.com 3. "All financial crises, especially those generated by a credit-fuelled property price boom, leave long-lasting wreckage, " the bank said. 银行说,“所有的金融危机,特别是那些因信贷刺激引起的房产价格飙升将会留下长久的遗骸。” www.bing.com 4. This liquidity injection was designed to ensure that money markets continued to function and did not succumb to a credit freeze. 欧洲央行此次向市场注入流动性,目的是确保货币市场的正常运转,不会出现信贷冻结的情况。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Through good judgment, as well as a little good luck, policymakers have so far avoided turning a credit crisis into a currency crisis. 通过良好的判断,加上一点点好运,决策者迄今避免了让信贷危机转变成货币危机。 www.ftchinese.com 6. To get a credit card, you must fill out a form that requires you to tell about your salary and other income. 你要办一张信用卡,需要填写一张表格,写明你的薪金和其他收入。 www.24en.com 7. It would be advisable for you to instruct a credit agency to investigate the matter. 贵方指示信用调查机构调查这件事是明智之举。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Issuing bank means the bank that issues a credit at the request of an applicant or on its own behalf. 开证行意指应申请人要求或代表其自身开立信用证的银行。 www.crazyenglish.org 9. So, if you need to purchase products or services but don't have the money for it, a credit card is perfect for you. 因此,如果你需要购买产品或服务,但没有钱的话,信用卡是十全十美了你。 hi.baidu.com 10. To apply for a credit card, you need to have a copy of the bank statement which lists your income for the last 3 months. 申请一张信用卡需要一份列有你最后3个月的存款证明。 www.hjenglish.com 1. Confirming bank means the bank that adds its confirmation to a credit upon the issuing bank's authorization or request. 保兑行意指应开证行的授权或请求对信用证加具保兑的银行。 bbs.wtojob.com 2. If paying with a credit card, the customer writes the tip in the space below the cost of meal and then adds it into the total payment. 如果是以信用卡付账,顾客会把小费数额写在账单下方,将其计入总花费里。 blog.163.com 3. As the money is in the form of a credit line, the budgetary impact has been calculated at just $5bn. 由于相关资金采取信贷额度形式,因此其对预算的影响仅估算为50亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 4. This is the only way realistically for a developer to have the certainty of a contract with a credit-worthy counterparty. 对于风电企业来说,这也是和一家信誉良好的合作方签署合约的唯一现实途径。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Please do us a favor to make a credit certificate. And I would appreciate it if you could send me a copy. 这是为答复别人的一个邮件,内容如下:谢谢贵司为我们开信用证,开证完成后麻烦回一个副本给我。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. If your credit is not good, the bank will not issue such a credit card. 如果你的信誉不好,银行就不会给你发卡。 www.hxen.com 7. Is a credit derivative used for speculation or to hedge risk? 人们用信贷衍生品进行投机仍然对冲风险? d.yk173.com 8. Not that the store owner is ever quite sure how much a credit card transaction will cost. 零售商并不是非常清楚每张信用卡交易需要支付多少费用。 www.bing.com 9. The company prompted concerns over whether it had enough cash to support a turnaround when it drew down part of a credit line in September. 该公司9月份使用了部分信贷额度,引发了外界对其是否拥有足够现金支持转型的担忧。 chinese.wsj.com 10. WHEN markets are rocky and the economy is wobbling is it a good idea to splash out on a credit card? 在市场动荡、经济不景气的时候用信用卡大肆消费是否是一个好主意? www.bing.com 1. If investors agree to such a deal of their own free will, as happened for Uruguay in 2003, it would not constitute a credit event. 如果投资国心甘情愿同意这么做,就像2003年债权国延长对乌拉圭的债务期限一样,那就不算是信用事件。 bbs.ecocn.org 2. a. A credit by its nature is a separate transaction from the sale or other contract on which it may be based. 就性质而言,信用证与可能作为其依据的销售合同或其它合同,是相互独立的交易。 www.putclub.com 3. The point should be understood from a yield as well as a credit risk point of view. 应当从收益率以及信贷风险的角度来理解这个观点。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The place for presentation under a credit available with any bank is that of any bank. 对任何银行均为有效的信用证项下单据提示的地点是任何银行所在的地点。 www.putclub.com 5. His comments are among the clearest statements of the risk of a credit squeeze from a banker in Europe's largest economy. 他的言论是欧洲最大经济体的银行家对信贷紧缩风险最明确的陈述之一。 www.ftchinese.com 6. I use a credit card: the shop assistant does not know whether to trust me, but she trusts the credit card company, and they trust me. 我使用的是信用卡:店员不知道是否应当信任我,但是她信任信用卡公司,而信用卡公司信任我。 www.ftchinese.com 7. She tried a credit card, and that was rejected, too. The retailer called police, assuming she was an identify thief. 零售商以为她是一个身份窃贼,于是把警察都叫来了。 www.bing.com 8. Ask me to explain what a credit default swap is and I'll emit an unbroken 10-minute "um" through the clueless face of a broken puppet. 如果让我解释什么是“信用违约掉期”,我会一连“嗯”上10分钟,脸上一片茫然,恰似玩偶的脸,而且还是一只破损的玩偶。 www.bing.com 9. You can protest, stand on your rights as a credit-worthy customer of Visa, MasterCard or American Express, and ask to see the manager. 你可以投诉,维护自己作为维萨,万事达或美国运通的信用客户的权益,还可以要求见经理。 www.elanso.com 10. Issuing bank means the bank that issues a credit at the request of an applicant or on its open behalf. 保兑行指根据开证行的授权要求对信用证加具保兑的银行。 www.fafawang.com 1. Last used in the Carter administration, such a credit was touted by Barack Obama during the presidential campaign. 最近一次被卡特政府采用的这样的税收优惠曾在总统竞选期间被奥巴马兜售。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. People with assets in reserve and a credit score of at least 680 should buy as well. 拥有存款和信用度大于680的人都应该这么做。 www.bing.com 3. Although it's not ready to disclose its pricing structure, it anticipates having a credit card payment scheme. 尽管尚未披露其定价结构,在计划中它将使用信用卡支付模式。 www.bing.com 4. He was convinced that the boy would not be a credit to that university and should instead become a plumber. 他坚决认为,这个孩子不会给学院带来荣耀,倒是应该做一名管子工。 www.zftrans.com 5. So scientists got to wondering whether eating turkey would curb the urge to reach for a credit card. 因此,科学家们想弄清楚,吃火鸡能否抑制人们消费的冲动。 yingyu.eduu.com 6. Performing a credit check on the client to determine its financial condition is a safe practice to undertake at this point. 对客户进行信用检查,以确定客户的财务状况,这是此时采取的一项安全措施。 www.ibm.com 7. Confirming bank means the bank that adds its confirmation to a credit upon the issuin g bank's authorization or request. 保兑行意指应开证行的授权或请求对信用证加具保兑的银行。保兑行 wenku.baidu.com 8. Along with a credit squeeze, the measures are limiting the supply of new apartments and forcing many developers out of the industry. 随着信贷的紧缩,这些措施正限制新房供给,并迫使许多开发商退出这一行业。 bbs.hjenglish.com 9. 'There are growing concerns that we are going back into a credit crunch, ' he said. 他说,人们越来越担心我们正在重新陷入信贷危机。 chinese.wsj.com 10. The digit of your card number is invalid, the hotel cannot accredit for that, please provide a credit card. 您发的信用卡号位数不对,酒店无法做授权,请重新给一张信用卡。 www.showxiu.com 1. The bank sometimes allows exporters a credit accommodation up to US $5 000. 有时候该银行给予出口商多达5000美元的信贷。 blog.china.alibaba.com 2. I used to work as a credit card sales specialist for two years. I could rely on that kind of experience. 我曾经当过二年的信用卡行销专员,可以运用类似的经验。 www.taipeitimes.com 3. There is talk on European trading desks today that it would be the next country to lose its triple-A credit rating if the fund expands. 欧洲交易市场内部传言称,如果该基金规模扩大,法国将成为下一个丧失3A信用评级的国家。 www.fortunechina.com 4. When a guest uses a credit card, this transaction creates an account receivable for the hotel to be collected from the credit card company. 当客户使用信用卡,该交易为酒店创造了信用卡公司的应收账; baike.baidu.com 5. For US policymakers, Japan is the case study in what not to do when a credit bubble is followed by a real estate bust. 对于美国的决策者来说,当他们面临由不动产破产引发的信用危机时,日本是一个教训,让我们学习那些事情是不能做的。 www.bing.com 6. The direct result of these scrambles is a credit crunch and a squeeze on aggregate demand that is forcing Europe into recession. 这些慌乱中做出的举措将直接导致信贷紧缩和总需求骤减,总需求减少将迫使欧洲陷入衰退。 xiaozu.renren.com 7. "When I opened it, there was a picture of a naked woman, " says the worker from a credit agency, whose real name is not Tom. 在一家信贷机构工作的汤姆表示:“当我打开它时,出现了一张裸女照片。” www.ftchinese.com 8. If you're applying for a credit card of your own for the first time, be sure to choose one with a low APR and no annual fee. 如果你是第一次为自己申请信用卡,一定要选择实际年利率低且没有年费的卡种。 www.fanyitie.com 9. The journal entry to record depreciation expense consists of a debit to Depreciation Expense and a credit to Accumulated Depreciation. 记录折旧的会计分录包括借记折旧费账户和贷记累计折旧账户。 www.dictall.com 10. The usual accounting entry for amortization consists of a debit to Amortization Expense and a credit to the intangible asset account. 摊销的一般会计分录由借记摊销费和贷记无形资产账户组成。 dict.ebigear.com 1. If the customer likes the trial, continuing on with the service is just a credit card (or PayPal) transaction away. 如果顾客对试用很满意,那么只需进行一次信用卡(或PayPal)支付就可以继续使用此服务。 www.ibm.com 2. It's the shop assistant's reply to a customer who selects a credit card from his wallet and asks if the shop accepts American Express. 这句广告语就是在广告中当一个顾客从他的钱包里拿出一张信用卡问商店是否接受美国运通时,售货员回答顾客的句子。 m.anoah.com 3. 'China didn't cause the credit crisis but without China there wouldn't have been a credit crisis, ' Chance said in an interview. 钱斯在接受访问时称,中国并未导致信贷危机,但没有中国就不会有信贷危机。 c.wsj.com 4. AIG was considered a weighty and utterly reliable market player, and like JP Morgan, it basked in the sun of a triple-A credit rating. 人们认为AIG是一家完全值得信赖的大公司。与摩根大通一样,AIG也拥有AAA信用评级。 www.ftchinese.com 5. One of the best ways to save, oddly enough, is to open a credit card. 说来也奇怪,最好的省钱办法是开一张信用卡。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Issuing bank means the bank that issues a credit at the request of an applicant or on i ts own behalf. 开证行意指应申请人要求或代表其自身开立信用证的银行。开证行 wenku.baidu.com 7. My parents have done so much I always wish to be a credit to them. 我的父母为我做了很多,我常常希望自己能成为他们的骄傲。 blog.163.com 8. Mr Obama said the Republican approach might still lead to a downgrade of the country's triple-A credit rating. 奥巴马称,共和党人的计划可能还是会导致美国的AAA级信用评级被下调。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Use something like a guitar plectrum or the edge of a credit card to unclip the front cover. 使用支付类似吉他拨子或信用边缘的一卡收藏文章的前面。 wenku.baidu.com 10. Zou Dehua is a leading soprano of the Central Opera Theater of Peking and would be a credit to a company anywhere. 邹德华是北京中央歌剧院的主要女高音演员,她能为任何一个文艺团体增光。 www.jukuu.com 1. Most major credit cards are accepted and you may be required to leave a credit card imprint or number upon check-in. 大多数信用卡都可使用,只是你需要留一份信用卡的复印件或者卡号以便核对。 www.travel.com.sg 2. Customers may also be permitted to ~ their current accounts for a short period in anticipation of a credit item coming in. 客户如预知有一笔存入款项即将办理,也可短时期透支其往来账户。 www.bjemark.com 3. Minimum payments in the long run do not make economic sense, but it will keep a credit score clean. 从长远方面来看,最低付款额不具有任何经济意义,但它会让你的信用记录保持良好。 www.bing.com 4. Now some people might argue that this simply shows the danger of relying on CDS as a credit guide. 现在,有些人可能会辩称,这无非反映了将CDS视为信贷指针的风险。 www.ftchinese.com 5. With the U. S. flirting with default and a credit-ratings downgrade, investors are once again in uncharted waters. 在美国徘徊于债务违约和信用评级下调的边缘之际,投资者再次陷入未知的局面。 chinese.wsj.com 6. cash advance a cash loan taken out on a credit card . generally cash advances do not have an interest free period. 预提现金信用卡上的现金贷款。通常提前支取现金不享受免息期。 www.ichacha.net 7. So a Belgian student who spends a year in, say, France, gets a credit that means something at his home university. 比方说,一个比利时学生在法国的一年所获得的学分,在其祖国的大学中是有效的。 www.ecocn.org 8. If I maxed out a credit card, he would cut it. 如果我把信用卡的额度透支到最大,父亲就会削减额度。 www.ftchinese.com 9. When fuel prices started falling back to earth in the second half, a credit crunch and economic slump hammered sales of any kind of vehicle. 下半年燃料价格回落到底,但是次贷危机和经济萧条打击了所有车型的销售。 www.bing.com 10. In Heather's case, the company told her it would pick up the shades and issue a credit. 就希瑟的情况来说,厂家告知她会回收窗帘并开具信用证。 www.bing.com 1. was the first to offer this service on a real scale to anyone with a credit card. 亚马逊公司是第一个在真实尺度下为任何一个持有信用卡的人提供这样的服务的公司。 www.ecocn.org 2. You can bill each service transaction to a UPS Account or to a credit card. 您可以透过UPS帐户或信用卡支付每笔服务的交易费用。 www.ups.com 3. A lot of students at small colleges can apply for an APR of 10 to 9 percent and also apply for a credit card that has no annual fee. 许多在小大学生可以申请到年息在百分之十九左右,而且不收不收年费的信用卡。 quizlet.com 4. But close to 80% say no one really reads the terms and conditions when they sign up for a credit card. 但是接近80%的说没有一个人真正的读过条款和条件当他们签信用卡的时候。 www.elanso.com 5. Virginia: OK. I'll just need to see a credit card and some form of picture I. D. , driver's license , passport. 好的。我需要看一下您的信用卡和有照片的证件,如身份证、驾照、护照等。 bbs.enfamily.cn 6. Miss Martha was forty, her bankbook showed a credit of two thousand dollars, and she possessed two false teeth and a sympathetic heart. 玛莎小姐40岁了,她的银行存款已有2000美元。她有两颗假牙,为人心地善良。 www.bing.com 7. "Overall what you see right now is not a credit crunch, " says Carola Schuler of Moody's, a rating agency. “总体来说,我们现在看到的现象并不是信用紧缩。”信用评级机构CarolaSchulerofMoody’s说。 www.bing.com 8. Do not tell yourself that you can keep a credit card for emergencies. Destroy your credit cards; save cash for emergencies. 不要和自己说可以用信用卡应对突发事件,销毁你的信用卡,改用储蓄来应对突发事件。 www.bing.com 9. Roche believes China is in the early stages of a credit-bubble collapse that will knock back its annual growth rate to around 6%. 罗奇认为,中国正处于信贷泡沫破裂的早期阶段,信贷泡沫的破裂将使中国经济年增幅回到约6%的水平。 c.wsj.com 10. What explains this combination of a "credit crunch" in the US with soaring commodity prices and rising inflation across the globe? 如何解释美国发生的“信贷紧缩”与世界各地不断飙升的大宗商品价格和通胀率这一组合? www.ftchinese.com 1. I was listening to The Cooper Lawrence Show podcast from Thursday night and one of the listeners called in with a credit card problem. 我正在听每周四晚播出的《库珀劳伦斯秀》的时候,有位听众打电话进来询问一个信用卡问题。 www.elanso.com 2. Most utilities and other recurring bills can be set to be charged to a credit card or deducted from a checking account these days. 如今大多数的公共事业费和其他账单可以通过信用卡或经常帐户支付。 www.elanso.com 3. First Premier Bank used to charge customers with poor credit as much as $250 in fees to open a credit card that had a $300 limit. FirstPremierBank过去向低信用客户收取250美元的开卡费用,这种信用卡的信用额度为300美元。 www.bing.com 4. Each company's service manages to transform mobile devices into a credit-transaction device, although their approaches vary. 这几家公司的服务都是立足将移动设备当成一个信用交易平台来使用,只是方法各有不同。 www.bing.com 5. Credit Card Number Validator is a free utility to help you check validity of a credit or debit card number. 161下载信用卡号验证器是一个免费的实用程序来帮助您检查信用卡或借记卡号码的有效性。 kondishenprom.info 6. The ambassador then paid with a credit card, he said. 其后,我们的新大使才使用信用卡来付账。 www.putclub.com 7. It is a stretch to say that China is poised to replace an equity-led growth model with a credit-led model. 那种称中国准备用由信贷引导的增长模式代替由股本引导的增长模式的说法,有些夸大其词。 www.worklish.com 8. I saw a lady at work today putting a credit card into her floppy drive and pulling it out very quickly. 今天上班时我看到一位女士,把一张信用卡插到她的软盘驱动器里,又非常快速地拔出来。 www.for68.com 9. You may as well pay with a credit card, since chances of stealing a credit-card number online are pretty small. 你可以使用信用卡付账,因为在网上信用卡号被盗用的机会很小。 bbs.exam8.com 10. The terms of a credit are independent of the underlying transaction even if a credit expressly refers to that transaction. 信用证独立于基础交易,即使信用证对该基础交易作了明确的援引。 www.dictall.com 1. Isda was able to rule that the default was a credit event and initiate a recovery auction. 当时ISDA能够判定那次违约属于信用事件,并实施了回收拍卖。 www.ftchinese.com 2. However, if used wisely, a credit card can cost nothing. Or at least help to tide you over a period of financial difficulty. 然而,只要合理地使用信用卡,你就不会有什么损失。至少信用卡能在经济上帮助你渡过难关。 bulo.hjenglish.com 3. In this use case, a bank customer is applying for a credit card product using the bank's portal. 在此用例中,银行客户使用银行的门户申请信用卡产品。 www.ibm.com 4. I'd like to apply for a credit card. Can you help me with my application? 我想申请一张信用卡。你可以帮我申请吗? www.kekenet.com 5. The coverage is offered through a credit union , part of what is called the Network of Programs for Urban and Rural Women. 该保险通过信贷联盟提供服务,是所谓的城市和农村妇女网络方案的一部分。 www.anxue.net 6. That leaves the Mittelstand, the mid-sized firms that are the backbone of Germany's export-driven economy, most exposed to a credit squeeze. 德国的经济属于出口导向型,作为脊梁骨的中型企业大多面临着信贷紧缩。 www.ecocn.org 7. Whether paid or unpaid, there is usually a credit system for helping to deliver search results and experts emerge from the community. 无论有偿还是无偿的搜索,一般会有一个信用评级系统帮助传递搜索结果,而专业人士也由网络社区中应运而生。 www.bing.com 8. If I didn't get a credit card when I was your age, I would have saved myself 10 years of financial struggle. 假如在我年轻时没有申请信用卡的话,我能够减少10年的财政困难。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. This jaw-dropping news also provoked a credit crisis for Charlene who always impressed the public with her very girly image. 这个爆炸性新闻也对蔡卓妍造成了信任危机,她一直是以很少女形象示人的。 www.bing.com 10. Because promo codes are only for new customers, you may not use a credit card that has ever been used with DreamHost in the past. 因为优惠号码只对新用户有效。不可以用在DreamHost使用过的信用卡来支付。 www.host.yupchina.com 1. Yes, I can overdraft with a credit card. Are there any other benefits? 对,我可以用信用*透支。还有其他好处吗?。 www.amazon.cn 2. Nevertheless, it is still possible to live without a credit card, though it sometimes takes more effort to get by without one. 尽管如此,没有信用卡仍旧能活,只不过有时候会让你费点事而已。 www.bing.com 3. The entry to record receipt of a cash dividend consists of a debit to cash and a credit to Dividend Revenue. 收到现金股利时所作的分录是:借记现金,贷记股利收入。 dict.ebigear.com 4. She had tried earlier business ventures, but they had failed, making her a credit risk. 起初,她尝试使用风险投资,但是它们都失败了,这给她带来了不好的信誉。 www.bing.com 5. Almost any one who has a steady income and a continuous work record can apply for a credit card. 几乎所有收入稳定,有持续工作记录的人都可以申请信用卡。 yy.china-b.com 6. You are asked for a credit card as a verification of identity or for personal information that does not seem necessary. 要求您提供信用卡作为身份验证或看起来不必要的个人信息。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 7. Rates paid by countries with a credit rating similar to Greece's would also be a factor. 与希腊同信用等级国家所支付的利率也是一个考虑因素。 www.ecocn.org 8. A Smart Card is a plastic card the size of a credit card with an integrated circuit built into it. 智能卡是一个塑料卡与信用卡大小的集成电路建成。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. While a credit utilization ratio is a big part of your credit score, it's not the only part. 虽然信贷利用率是你的信用评分的重要组成部分,它不是唯一的部分。 huangqiujing196196.blog.163.com 10. A bank will not, upon resumption of its business, honour or negotiate under a credit that expired during such interruption of its business. 银行恢复营业时,对于在营业中断期间已逾期的信用证,不再进行承付或议付。 helen030506.blog.163.com 1. The OECD also said in its report that past growth in Britain had been unsustainable and driven by a credit boom. 经济合作与发展组织也在其报告中指出,过去几月英国经济的增长是由信贷突增引起的,并不具有持续性。 www.ecocn.org 2. After all, the world has never lived through a credit cycle when there has been so much financial innovation around. 毕竟,自出现这么多金融创新产品以来,世界还没有经历过一个信贷周期。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Sell down The transfer of a credit from a bank within a syndicate to a bank outside the syndicate . 信贷转让把银团内的一家银行的信贷转让给银团外的一家银行。 www.bing.com 4. The endpoint would be a banking system more intent on shedding assets than assuming them, an event commonly termed a credit crunch. 结果是银行体系更愿意摆脱资产,而不是接受资产。这种情况一般就定义为信贷紧缩(creditcrunch)。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The system forwards a loan request to an external credit bureau for a credit report on the applicant. 系统向外部商业资信咨询机构转发贷款请求,以获取该申请人的信用报告。 www.ibm.com 6. The benefits, features, and advantages of a credit card are integrated with a stored value card. 信用卡的好处、特征和优点与储值卡集成。 ip.com 7. It works like this: A credit card user should pay the bank 5, 000 yuan in April, but does not. 它的运行是这样的:信用卡使用者应当在四月份付银行五千元,但是没有这样做。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The group allegedly included several hedge-fund traders, two lawyers and a former junior analyst at a credit-rating firm. 据称该团伙包括数名对冲基金交易员、两名律师和一家信用评级公司的一名前初级分析师。 c.wsj.com 9. The ECB's auction may make a credit crunch less severe, but it is not enough to avoid one. 欧洲央行的贷款可能让信贷紧缩不那么严重,但大概很难阻止它的发生。 www.bing.com 10. Critics ask what could happen that would be worse than a credit crisis and recession that the Fed failed to prevent. 批评者质疑,什么还能比联储未能阻止信贷危机与衰退更糟?。 www.ecocn.org 1. At the time of the Fed intervention, the value of the CDOs insured by AIG was falling dramatically and AIG was facing a credit downgrade. 美联储当初进行干预时,这些由AIG承保的CDO正在急剧贬值,AIG也正面临着信用降级。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Preparing a solid business plan is one way to win the heart of a credit union or banks. 准备一份可靠的商业计划是赢得信用合作社青睐的方法之一。 www.elanso.com 3. At best, the result may be a credit crunch that leaves businesses unable to get loans and invest. 其结果最好的情况可能是信贷紧缩,从而导致企业无法获得信贷和进行投资; www.ecocn.org 4. In a credit bubble, monetary policy plays a dominant role and must be held responsible for it. 对于信用泡沫,货币政策起了主要作用,必须为此负责。 www.my1510.cn 5. Depending on when you cancel, you may be offered participation in an alternative test or a credit for a future programme. 依您取消的时间而定,我们可以为您提供参加另一替代测试或者以后的测试。 www.fapas.com 6. We will improve market legislation and accelerate development of a credit system for the general public. 要强化市场法治,加快社会信用体系建设。 www.crazyenglish.org 7. When paying with a credit card, make sure your card is visible to you at all times. 当用信用卡付款时,确保你的信用卡没有离开你的视线。 www.elanso.com 8. Weak banks are not the only reason for a credit squeeze. 脆弱的银行不仅仅是解释这次信贷困境的唯一原因。 www.ecocn.org 9. That is, the loan submission system use case says "the system sends a request to the credit bureau for a copy of a credit report. " 也就是说,贷款提交系统用例表示“系统向商业资信咨询机构发送一个请求要求信用报告的一个副本。” www.ibm.com 10. other securities offer a much lower yield but a triple-A credit rating, because a lot of defaults would be needed to trigger losses. 其他一些债券,虽为3A级,但收益较低,因为引起损失的是大量的欠债。 www.ecocn.org 1. Hacking into a credit-card processor's database is another profitable approach for criminals. 对罪犯们来说,非法闯入一个信用卡中央处理器的数据库是另一种有利的方式。 www.bing.com 2. by special machines and designating a credit or debit card to which purchases will be charged. 通过指纹扫描,消费者可以把指纹输入特殊的机器,然后指定一张信用卡或借记卡进行付款。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. I missed a credit payment last month. Now my bank account's overdrawn, and the company is threatening to take back my purchases. 我上个月未来及付清一笔赊帐,现在我银行户头已经透支,公司威胁说要收回我买我的东西。 www.tingclass.com 4. The card looks like a credit card, and acts like a credit card but will have a limit depending on the amount of money that secures the card. 卡宛如信用卡但行为像信用卡将会有一个限度取决于担保的金额卡。 www.juyy.net 5. whether to have a current or savings account and whether or not to get a credit card. 我得决定是开往来帐户还是储蓄帐户,是否要一个信用卡。 blog.163.com 6. Technical Debt is like a credit card that charges a high interest rate, just leaving the team with an outstanding balance cost. 技术债务就像信用卡一样,会有很高的利息率,就如同给团队留下了大量的帐务开销。 www.infoq.com 7. The stimulus opened a credit floodgate that so far has proven impossible to turn off. 这轮刺激政策开启了信贷洪流的闸门,事实证明到目前为止还无法关闭。 chinese.wsj.com 8. UPS account number is not required because UPS Internet Shipping can be billed to a credit card . 也不需要UPS帐号,因为UPS网上托运可接受信用卡付款。 www.bing.com 9. This paper mainly focuses on who should bear the amount of transaction when a credit card is not used by the recipient. 本文所要探讨的,就是信用卡被非领用人使用后,因冒用所产生的交易数额由谁承担的不足。 www.zidir.com 10. A credit check can be conducted on a person to verify their previous borrowing history and see if they are a good risk for a lender. 信用审核主要是用以核对贷款者的先前的借贷史,从而判断对放贷者而言他们是否值得信赖。 www.pep.com.cn:82 1. What's the point of presenting your personal information, such as birth date or contact number while applying for a credit card? 在申请信用卡时,出示私人信息,比如出生年月、联系电话等,有什么意义呢? dictsearch.appspot.com 2. A credit given as a reward for keeping your money in the bank. 作为您一直在银行存钱的报酬而给您的信用。 www-128.ibm.com 3. A credit card is only an automatic way of offering credit to a consumer. 信用卡只是一个自动的方式提供信贷消费。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Fearing a credit bubble, the government is cracking down on this informal system, leaving China's "bamboo capitalists" bereft. 由于担心出现信贷泡沫,政府正在严厉打击这种非正式系统。这样一来,中国的民营资本家也就无计可施了。 www.ecocn.org 5. In its Beverly Hills dealership , the brand sometimes caters to impulse buyers , who have been known to charge their cars on a credit card . 在比弗利山的经销店,该品牌有时会迎合冲动的买家,这些人素以刷信用卡买车著称。 www.bing.com 6. As a credit controller or debt collection agent, you would be responsible for recovering unpaid money from businesses or individuals. 作为信贷控制器或追债代理,你将负责无偿收回资金从企业或个人。 www.mianshiba.cn 7. Every time you use a credit card, you increase the chances of that card number being used fraudulently. 每次你使用信用卡时都会增加卡号被冒用的机会。 www.bing.com 8. Almost anyone who has a steady income and a continuous work record can apply for a credit card. 几乎每个有固定收入和有连续工作记录的人都能申请信用卡。 www.jukuu.com 9. China's leading travel website Ctrip, which offers online booking and ticket delivery, allows customers without a credit card to pay cash. 中国领先的旅游网站携程(Ctrip)提供网上预订和送票服务,该网站允许没有信用卡的顾客支付现金。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Anyone with a credit card will be able to setup a global infrastructure. 只要有一张信用卡,任何人都将可以建立一个全球性的基础设施。 www.infoq.com 1. I'd like to apply for a credit card and write off the one had been reported loss. 我要办理信用卡挂失并取消那张卡。 bbs.enfamily.cn 2. To invoke its doCredit operation, you need a Credit object, which consists of an account number, a sortcode, and a monetary amount. 若要调用其doCredit操作,您需要一个Credit对象,该对象由一个accountnumber、一个sortcode和一个货币amount组成。 www.ibm.com 3. The next challenge is to miniaturise the processor and phone so that the patient - or athlete - carries a unit no bigger than a credit card. 为使病人或者是运动员携带方便,科学家们面临的下一个挑战就是使手机和处理器最小化小到一张信用卡的大小。 www.uk.cn 4. Each pays a minimal fee to have his identify verified through a credit card authorization. 双方各自承担极少的费用,由网站方通过信用卡授权验证对方身份。 www.bing.com 5. Last Friday, President Obama signed into law a credit card reform bill. It includes protections for people under the age of twenty-one. 上周五,奥巴马总统签署了信用卡改革法案使之成为法律,其中包括对二十一岁以下人群的保护政策。 www.unsv.com 6. Sure, some things just cannot be purchased without a credit card or an enormous deposit. 当然,一些商品只能通过信用卡或巨额存款购买。 www.bing.com 7. Obviously, without a social security number, one does not get a credit score. 显然,对于没有美国社会保险号码的人,是不可能有信用记录的。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The days when the only way to get a credit card was to visit your bank in person are gone forever. 日子才能得到您的信用卡被访银行人士不见了永远。 actuafreearticles.com 9. See a credit card as an opportunity to build a relationship with a financial institution. 以信用卡为契机,与金融机构建立联系。 www.bing.com 10. To ensure the issuance of the ABS, the Securities and Exchange Commission in effect suspended the need for a credit rating. 为了确保这批ABS的发售,美国证交会(SEC)实际上暂停了发售ABS需有信用评级的要求。 www.ftchinese.com 1. But economists say a credit crunch will affect all regions of the country. Even an economy buoyed by a booming energy sector is not immune. 但是,经济学家说,信贷紧缩会给全国各地带来影响,即使在能源业蓬勃发展的地区也不例外。 www.ebigear.com 2. The Irish took to buying property with such abandon that there was soon a credit-inflated bubble in property prices. 爱尔兰人开始疯狂置业,很快,由于银行信贷的膨胀造成了房地产价格的泡沫。 ecocn.org 3. Trustbusters are nevertheless suspicious of a credit-card business model, where one side covers all of the running costs. 反垄断人员仍然对信用卡的商业模式感到怀疑,此模式让一边承担了所有的运行成本。 www.ecocn.org 4. growth, a surge in commodity prices, and against the head winds of a credit crunch. 有所放缓,商品价格猛涨,同时伴随信贷紧缩,但上述趋势仍持续存在。 bbs.21our.com 5. Interest received on bond investments is recorded by a debit to Cash and a credit to Interest Revenue. 债券投资取得的利息收入需借记现金,贷记利息收入。 www.jukuu.com 6. A further rise in unemployment may come from smaller companies squeezed between tough labour laws and a credit drought. 失业率的进一步增加可能会来自那些深陷古板的劳动法和带枯竭双重夹击的小公司。 www.ecocn.org 7. China is a case in point: far from experiencing a credit crunch, it has more liquidity than it knows what to do with. 中国正是这样一个例子:现在完全没有经历信贷紧缩,而是充足的资金流充可以让他们做比他们知道的更多的事情。 www.bing.com 8. Adding all this up, 2009 will be a rough year for colleges, predicts Moody's, a credit rating agency. 信用评级机构Moody综合预测,2009对于大学来说将是艰难的一年。 www.bing.com 9. So if you want a credit card from a credit company, you generally have to make an application at a bank. 因此,如果你想从信贷公司的信用卡,你通常要作出一个银行的申请。 www.ebigear.com 10. Additionally , carrying a credit card may be a convenience to some customers as it eliminates the need to carry any cash for most purposes . 此外,对某些消费者来说,在大多数情况下,带张信用卡可减少携带现金的需要。 www.bing.com 1. To integrate and share credit information and build a credit file system, is an important basis of the social credit construction. 对信用信息进行整合与共享,构建信用档案体系,是社会信用体系建设的重要依托。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. After selecting items and paying with a credit card, a flight attendant delivers the goodies directly to the passenger's seat. 在选择完毕并用信用卡支付后,空乘人员就对将饮料直接送达目标乘客。 edu.163.com 3. Rosen and his team suggests investors take on short-duration bonds in high-beta countries as a credit event is unlikely in the short term. Rosen及其团队建议投资者买入高风险(high-beta)国家短期债,因短期内不大可能发生信用问题。 cn.reuters.com 4. Choose sellers with ratings of at least 98%, and pay with a credit (not debit) card so you have purchase protection. 选择信用等级98%以上的卖家,并且用信用卡(而不是借记卡)付账,这样你的购物才有保障。 www.bing.com 5. It ended with the system placing a request for a credit report from the credit bureau. 它以系统请求商业资信咨询机构的信用报告为结束。 www.ibm.com 6. When the programming is complete, he applies stickers to the card to make it look like a credit card. 当完成以后,他将背面粘有胶的标签贴在卡上,使其看起来像信用卡。 www.bing.com 7. Some of the visiting fans who come to Old Trafford are frankly brilliant, and a credit to their club. 一些造访老特拉福德的球迷很有素质,并忠于他们的球队。 www.bing.com 8. Transferred credit means a credit that has been made available by the transferring bank to a second beneficiary. 转让信用证意指经转让银行办理转让后可供第二受益人使用的信用证。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. "So instead of having 50 different ways to do a credit default swap, you could actually buy one on an exchange. " “所以不需要50种不同方法去做信用违约交换,你其实可以在一个交易里买一个。” www.bing.com 10. In addition, a stronger monetary reaction to signs of overheating or of a credit or asset price bubble could also be useful. 另外,针对过热、信贷泡沫或资产泡沫迹象做出更强有力的货币反应,也可能会有所帮助。 www.ftchinese.com 1. If you want that $40 mani-pedi for 15 bucks, you'll have to pay upfront with a credit card and you'll have to move fast. 如果你想用15美元买到原价40美元的指甲修饰,你得用信用卡预先付款,而且速度要够快。 www.bing.com 2. The next time the user wants to select a credit card , let him do it by bank . 下次当用户想选择信用卡时,让银行为其完成。 www.bing.com 3. pay with a credit card; pay with plastic money; postpone payment by recording a purchase as a debt. 用信用卡支付;用信用卡付钱;赊账延期付款。 tr.bab.la 4. What we are encountering in the global economy isn't just a credit crisis and looming melt-down of various financial institutions. 在全球经济中,我们要面对的不仅仅是信用危机,也不仅仅是各类财政机构的垮台。 www.elanso.com 5. To deter theft, they are fitted with a security gizmo and users will have to pay a credit-card deposit. 为防止偷窃,自行车已安装了保险装置,同时用户需使用信用卡支付部分定金。 club.topsage.com 6. We were talking with a bank yesterday that's got $100m loans and they want to do a credit score on every single one of those $100m loans. 昨天,我们与一家银行进行了会谈,他们有1亿美元的贷款,希望对这1亿美元贷款中的每一笔都进行信用评分。 www.ftchinese.com 7. If a credit card owner does not pay all of the money that he owes at the end of the month, he is really borrowing the money. 如果卡主没有在月末偿还他所透支的信用卡里的所有钱,他就真的是在借钱了。 www.taody.com 8. The shopkeeper offered me a credit note to be used to buy goods in his shop. 商店老板给了我一个信用证,用来在他的店里购货。 www.21ks.net 9. Berkshire recently lost its cherished triple-A credit rating and its shares have slipped by 18% over the last 12 months. 伯克希尔最近失去了它宝贵的3A信用评级,并且其股票在过去的12个月里跌了18%。 www.bing.com 10. Not only America's triple-A credit rating could be threatened; some point to consequences in foreign affairs and defence as well. 不仅美国的AAA信用评级有下调风险,还有人认为,美国的外交事务及国防也会受到影响。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The likelihood of a credit crunch, though not its exact form, was in fact well forecast by the regulatory community. 事实上,全球监管机构曾对信贷紧缩(尽管不是其确切形式)的可能性做出了很好的预测。 www.ftchinese.com 2. M-banking schemes can be combined with microfinance loans, extending access to credit and enabling users to establish a credit history. 手机银行方案还包含小额贷款,扩展了信贷渠道,而且能够建立贷款人的信用记录。 www.ecocn.org 3. Now, let's listen to a conversation between Leroy, a customer service rep at a credit card company, and Paul, a customer. 现在,我们来听下在信用卡公司客户服务中心工作的Leroy和顾客Paul之间的谈话。 www.hxen.com 4. By any standard the regime is now a credit risk and is unlikely to find affordable international funds. 无论以哪种标准衡量,叙利亚政权现在都存在信用风险,不太可能找到负担得起的国际资金。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Wenzhou attracted attention recently for a credit crisis that was said to plague the city's privately owned small and medium enterprises. 温州最近因为一场据说困扰民营中小企业的信贷危机引发了普遍关注。 cn.wsj.com 6. Has the company established a credit policy for privilege card issue, use and credit monitoring? 有否就签发及使用优惠卡及监察持卡人的信用情况制定政策? www.icac.org.hk 7. the end of this course is a credit balance, reflecting a variety of enterprises have yet to return the loan. 本科目期末贷方余额,反映企业尚未归还的各种借款。 www.xiami360.com 8. Our problem is not a credit boom, but that the deleveraging process has not fully ended. 我们的问题并非信贷繁荣,而是去杠杆化过程尚未完全结束。 www.ftchinese.com 9. But that makes it sound remarkably like a credit-default swap (CDS), an instrument European politicians profess to hate. 但是,这样的话听起来很像信用违约互换(CDS)—欧洲政治家公开表明憎恶的产品。 www.ecocn.org 10. During a boom, highly leveraged investment banks encourage a credit bubble, whereas in a credit bust they have to deleverage faster. 繁荣期间,高杠杆化的投资银行会激起信贷泡沫,而当信贷紧缩时,他们又不得不更快的收起杠杆。 www.ecocn.org 1. To establish a credit card acceptance policy for the Company's Hotels. 要为酒店建立一个信用卡接受政策。 wenku.baidu.com 2. For the moment this is compensated for by higher trading volumes, but a credit crunch might put an end to those. 当前,这是由更高的交易量来补偿的,但是信贷收缩可能会终结这一现象。 www.ecocn.org 3. that I'm handing you a credit card, but what I'm really gonna do is hand you a library card. 我会给你一张信用卡。其实我给你的是图书卡。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Our employee once decided to set up a credit fund. 有一次,我们的职工决定要设立一笔贷款基金。 www.jukuu.com 5. In a vicious temporary slump, driven by a credit crunch and the collapse of global spending, such subsidies make short-term sense. 信贷紧缺和全球消费萎缩导致了现在的恶性萧条。在这种情况下,这种补助只能起到短期作用。 www.ecocn.org 6. I routinely take out a credit card and show it to managers when I'm speaking about design debt. 我通常都是拿出一张信用卡,并在谈到设计债时向管理员展示它的。 www.ibm.com 7. If the debt's holders suffer losses in a bail-out, triggering a "credit event" , banks that had sold the swaps would face huge payouts. 如果债务持有人在优先股分红的项目上遭受损失,将会引发一系列“信用事件”,出售掉这些“信用违约互换项目”,银行将面临更巨大的支出。 www.bing.com 8. This gentleman is a professional with excellent people skills and is a credit to your establishment. 这位先生有很好很专业的人际交往能力,能帮上你很多忙。 weike.taskcn.com 9. Experts say the new law will impact who can actually get a credit card as well. 专家认为该法律也会影响到哪些有资格办信用卡的人。 www.24en.com 10. No one under age 21 will be allowed to have a credit card without showing an ability to pay or getting a co-signer. 在没有显示出有支付能力或获得联署保证的情况下,21岁以下的人不允许持有信用卡。 www.1x1y.com.cn 1. That at any rate is the market view, according to the price of a credit-default swap which pays out if the borrower defaults (see chart). 至少,这是市场的看法,这是根据如果借款人违约而需要支付的信用违约掉期的价格而得出的结论(见图表)。 www.ecocn.org 2. s been outfoxed by a young fox. Got a credit card, fake i. d. , and I want bacardi and a boy. 被一只狡猾的狐狸骗了。我有信用卡,假身份证,我要喝酒泡男人。 www.bing.com 3. Paying for a credit card might be someone's first reoccurring bill. 偿还信贷可能是学生人生中的第一笔账单。 www.bing.com 4. OAuth operates much like a credit card does, but with authorization data as the currency. OAuth运作起来如同一张信用卡,只是将授权数据作为货币。 www.ibm.com 5. yet he cannot find a bank ready to let him have a credit card. 可知他太小了而不能从银行办理信用卡。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Instead of giving your ATM card and PIN code, the card can double as a credit card with a signature authorization. 不用交出你的ATM卡和PIN密码,只需获得信用卡签名的授权,你就可以使用信用卡。 www.cnblogs.com 7. a. Credit level inside the industry: professional qualification, performance of projects, technical difficulties of projects. 行业内的信用水平:领导者的执业资格、承担工程项目的完成情况、项目的技术难度。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 8. The amount of loans made by a credit union shall not exceed the amount of its ownership capital. 储蓄互助社放款总额不得超过该社自有资金总额。 www.showxiu.com 9. KEEP IT FOR YOURSELF: If you've paid off a debt like a credit card or loan, don't increase your spending. 如果你付完了债如信用卡和贷款,不要增加你的花费。 www.elanso.com 10. Last Friday, President Obama signed into a law, a credit card reform bill. 上周五,奥巴马总统将信用卡改革议案签署为法律。 voa.hjenglish.com 1. 2012 was a good year to be a credit analyst, sheet metal worker or tour guide. 2012年是成为一名信用分析师、钣金工或导游的好时机 www.putclub.com 2. Figure 2 illustrates a small portion of a sample FpML record for a credit default swap trade. 图2展示了信用违约掉期交易的一个样例FpML记录的一小部分。 www.ibm.com 3. Without a credit boom, the bursting of the bubble does not cause the financial system to seize up and so does much less damage. 没有信贷繁荣,泡沫破裂就不会造成金融体系失灵,造成的危害也就会小得多。 www.ftchinese.com 4. If the bond insurers lose their triple-A credit rating, the bonds and other instruments that they insure also would be downgraded. 如果债券保险公司失去自己的AAA信用评级,它们提供保险的债券和其它工具也会降低评级。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Through online application, you can get yourself approved for a credit card in no time at all. 通过网上申请,你可以自己通过信用卡在任何时间进行的。 hi.baidu.com 6. In a one page paper discuss your needs for a credit card, which card best fits your needs, and why. 写一页纸的文章讨论你对信用卡的需求,哪张卡最能满足你的需求,以及为什么。 www.myoops.org 7. To ask for someone to sign something, e. G. A credit card receipt, or a hotel form, you ask: Can you sign here? 要请某人签名,例如:在刷卡账单上或者在饭店入住表上签名,你可以问 www.bjenglish.com.cn 8. If it is locked, the site is secure, unlocked means that you should not give a credit card number. 如果它是锁着的,证明网站是安全的,未锁的情况下,你就不能泄露自己的信用卡号码。 www.bing.com 9. But I advised him: forget about borrowing money. Stay debt-free and frugal, and you can bank your income and live a credit-free life. 但是我建议他:别想着借钱.保持无债务的节俭生活,你可以把收入存进银行,过无信贷的生活。 www.bing.com 10. Utilizing our website, which has yet to be developed, a customer will transfer money using a credit card or a debit from a bank account. 利用我们的网站,尽管还需要完善,消费者将使用信用卡或银行账户的借方进行电汇。 investor.pay88.com 1. Whenever someone fails to pay a credit card bill on time or goes over a credit card's limit, it lowers his credit rating. 不过,只要有人未按时缴纳帐单,或是刷爆信用额度,其信用评等就会被降低。 el.mdu.edu.tw 2. France, fearful that rising bailout costs could jeopardize its own triple-A credit rating, dropped its objections. 法国担心不断上升的救助成本可能会危及自己的AAA信用评级,因此不再持反对意见。 chinese.wsj.com 3. The technology recognizes virtually any touch, from a fingertip to the edge of a credit card. 该技术识别任何实质上的触摸,甚至包括指尖及信用卡边这些细微触碰。 www.21csp.com.cn 4. The fact that Apple's stock price has been so strong since Jobs left as CEO is a credit to the strength of the team. 自从乔布斯卸任CEO后,苹果股价一旧如此强劲,这是整个团队力量的证明。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Whoever steals a credit card and uses it shall be convicted and punished in accordance with the provisions in Article 264 of this Law. 盗窃信用卡并使用的,依照本法第二百六十四条的规定定罪处罚。 www.ebigear.com 6. One is the possibility that the Chinese economic miracle has morphed into a credit bubble, which could pop. 风险之一是中国的经济奇迹或许已经演变成了一个有可能破裂的信贷泡沫。 c.wsj.com 7. But those figures do not point to a credit drought. 但这些数据并不意味着信贷枯竭。 www.ftchinese.com 8. University and the United States implemented a credit system, each school is the mutual recognition of credits. 大学和美国实施了学分制,每间学校相互承认学分。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The credit system is a teaching administration system which evaluates students' academic performance on a credit basis. 学分制是一种以学分为计量单位衡量学生学业完成状况的教学管理制度。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. A credit drought now would be all the more disastrous for Germany's small and medium-sized companies. 眼下若出现信贷枯竭,将令德国中小企业面临更大的灾难。 www.ftchinese.com |
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