单词 | unoccupied |
释义 |
例句释义: 空着的,闲置的,无人占用的,未沦陷的,空闲的,没人住的,未被占据的 1. An employee attends to a light fitting in an unoccupied floor of "The Peak" office complex in London, UK, on Thursday, Jan. 如雇员参加的灯具在一个“山顶”,在英国伦敦,周四复杂的办公室空置楼,2010年1月21日。 08062788.blog.163.com 2. However, to do so, it must find an unoccupied territory and a member of the opposite sex with which to mate. 然而,要想成为领头狼,必须找到一块未被占领的领地和一头能够与之交配的异性狼。 www.bing.com 3. The only unoccupied seat was directly adjacent to a well-dressed middle-aged lady and was being used by her little dog. 占用座位的唯一直接邻近衣冠楚楚的中年女士和正在使用她的小狗。 wenwen.soso.com 4. I climbed on board , out of breath , red-faced , and stumbled over a woman's legs to the last unoccupied seat . 我气喘吁吁地爬上飞机,又羞又气,满脸通红。在冲向飞机上唯一一个空座时,不小心绊到了一位女士的腿。 www.91fane.com 5. Not long ago, someone broke into one of the unoccupied houses around the corner. 不久以前,还有人闯入了街角的一间空屋。 www.bing.com 6. And the entire operation takes place in an unoccupied area of the spectrum. 这整个过程都在频谱上未使用的区域进行。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. If the weather is not cooperating, try finding a quiet place indoors, like an unoccupied conference room. 如果天公不作美,那么尝试找到一个安静的室内环境,例如没进行会议的会议室。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. I cannot give my thoughts to reading; if I sat unoccupied, they would brood with melancholy fixedness on I know not what. 我不能安下心来读书,如果我闲坐的话,我未知之事会被这忧伤的思绪所笼罩。 www.1x1y.com.cn 9. A power source connected to the two rails normally maintains a voltage between them while they are unoccupied. 当轨道一段没被占据时,连接两个轨道的电源保持两边电压正常。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The land once occupied by Ma's family and a dozen neighbors, however, has remained unoccupied ever since. 然而,这块原本属于马和十多位邻居的土地,从此后却一直闲置。 www.bing.com 1. Most of the apartments were unoccupied, but as long as investors continued to buy and prices to rise, that was a secondary concern. 大多数公寓都无人居住,但只要有投资者不断在买,房价不停上涨,有没有人住都是次要问题。 chinese.wsj.com 2. My groping hands told me that although disarranged it was unoccupied. 我的手摸索着,它告诉我,屋里很乱,但没有人。 www.bing.com 3. The referee will call "Lack of Progress" and will move the ball to the nearest unoccupied neutral spot. 裁判将宣布“没有进展”,然后将足球移到最近的空坠球点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. close off areas that do not require air - conditioning , and turn air - conditioners off in unoccupied rooms. 应将无需冷气的地方关上,并将无人使用范围内的冷气机关掉。 www.ichacha.net 5. The number of homes going into foreclosure has risen, adding to a glut of unoccupied homes that has helped further depress home prices. 陷入止赎程序的房屋数量不断上升,增加了房屋空置量,从而进一步压低了房价。 www.bing.com 6. Meanwhile, the conflict between unoccupied commercial dwellings in large quantities and people without a single room does exist. 同时还存在着在大量的商品房空置与一些人没有房住的矛盾。 www.fabiao.net 7. the percentage of all rental units (as in hotels) that are unoccupied or not rented at a given time. 在给定时间内未被占用的或未租用单位所占百分比。 www.1stenglish.com 8. Cam shall be adjustable in the field to permit door to be fully closed or partially open when compartment is unoccupied. 凸轮轴应该现场可调节,当隔间内无人使用时允许门处于完全关闭或部分开启状态。 www.h6688.com 9. The "air-rate" would not authoritative definition generally means buying a house is unoccupied houses accounted for the total ratio. 至于“空住率”倒没有权威的定义,一般都是指买了却没人住的房子占房子总量的比例。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Unoccupied sluggish person, find time do things. 2, Create the feeling of a kind of fondness of English from the bottom of heart. 越闲越懒散地人,越找不到时间来干事。2、要从心底滋长出一种对英语地喜欢之情。 www.dqlb.net 1. The definition of waste: a busload of economists plunging over a precipice with three of the seats unoccupied. 浪费的定义:一车经济学家掉下悬崖,车上空着三个座位。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Hinges shall be adjustable to hold doors of unoccupied compartments partially open or fully closed. 门合页应该是可调节的,以便能够在卫生间空闲时将门保持在半开或完全关闭状态。 www.h6688.com 3. seen from the air, the unoccupied space formed by the four square exhibition halls is a colossal plus sign " " . 从空中俯瞰,四座方形展馆之间的空隙形成一个巨大的“加号”。 robertnxd.blog.163.com 4. More important, analysts say the large supply of unoccupied housing needs to be sold off before developers start to build again. 更为重要的是,分析师们认为大量空置住房供应卖完之前,开发商不会再次开始施工建设。 www.ebigear.com 5. A chain hoist helped raise a heavy pile of green oak, barn siding and pine flooring up into this formerly unoccupied Kentucky coffee tree. 一架链式起重机可以帮你将一节沉重绿橡树的树干,谷仓墙面和松木地板举到这棵之前并无人居住的肯塔基咖啡树上。 www.bing.com 6. the moab judgement recognizes that Australia was not, in law, unoccupied at the time to European settlement. 它承认在欧洲人移民时期,澳大利亚根据法律曾被占领。 bbs.wwenglish.org 7. Unoccupied for the wintry months, this thousand-year-old temple is about to reopen. 经历了数月无人居住的寒冬后,千年古刹即将重新开启。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Meanwhile the country has to absorb the stock of unoccupied housing: to grow into the investment that it has made. 同时中国还要解决闲置住房的囤积,作为已投资的经济增长。 www.bing.com 9. If money is what you're after, not the dream of being number 1 in 'that' field, then find an unoccupied niche. 如果你的梦想不是成为本行业内的龙头老大,而仅仅是追逐利润财富,那么你的目标应该是定位于一个尚有待发展能寻得立锥之地的机会市场。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Many shops are unoccupied, lots of apartments lie unfinished and there is no sign that work is continuing. 许多公寓楼烂在那里,看不到会继续施工的迹象。 www.ecocn.org 1. A recent fire blaze at an unoccupied luxury hotel in Beijing has once again brought the issue to the forefront of public discussion. 最近,北京一所无人居住的奢华旅馆燃放烟花时间又将此问题推向公众讨论的前沿。 www.24en.com 2. In that largely unoccupied land, the men staked a claim for themselves by placing makers in the ground. 在那一大片无人占领的土地上,人们通过在地面上做一些标记来声明自己对土地的所有权。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. In the remote frontier regions of Brazil, landgrabs are routinely justified by the claim that the area in question is unoccupied. 在偏远的巴西边境地区,攫取土地者老套地声称这片区域根本就没有人居住。 www.bing.com 4. Barrel hinge is adjustable to adjust door swing of unoccupied toilet compartment from partially open to fully closed. 配置的筒状合页可以调节,能够将无人使用的卫生间隔间的门处于部分开启至完全关闭的任何位置。 www.h6688.com 5. First, a Sundancer habitat would be sent to orbit, unoccupied. 首先,无人居住的太阳舞者生活舱将被发射进入预定轨道; www.bing.com 6. Turn off your email and phone. Find an unoccupied conference room or cubicle where no one can find you. 切断电子邮件,关掉电话,去一间没人能找到你的空会议室或小房间。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Jack saw a remote table unoccupied and went and sat. 杰克看见僻静处有一个空位,就走过去坐下。 blog.163.com 8. Unoccupied. less than an hour has passed. 空无一人。将近一个小时过去了。 baike.baidu.com 9. Note that the new controls appear successively in the TableLayoutPanel control's unoccupied cells. 注意,在TableLayoutPanel控件的未填充单元格中将连续出现几个新控件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. these men keep exploring westward , hoping to discover a fertile and unoccupied new land. 这些人不断向西行,希望能找到肥沃的尚未被征服的处女地。 www.ichacha.net 1. Suddenly, from one day to the next, she sound herself unoccupied . 突然之间,她觉得这样一天天过下去,实在无聊。 dict.wenguo.com 2. When otherwise unoccupied, the rancher engaged in hunting down coyotes. 没事的时候,大牧场主人就会去猎杀土狼。 dict.ebigear.com 3. He reached the seat and asked the man next to the unoccupied seat if anyone was seating there. 他走到座位旁问邻座的男人这个位置是否已经有人。 www.readywin.com 4. A usually miter - shaped chess piece that Can move diagonally across any number of unoccupied spaces. 象一主教冠形状的棋子,可以在棋盘上没子的地方对角移动任意距离 dict.ebigear.com 5. On a recent trip to China, Aliber noticed that many urban apartments are unoccupied, so their value is unproven. 最近到中国的一次旅行中,艾利伯注意到市区的许多公寓没人住,因此它们的价值也没有得到体现。 www.bing.com 6. If no unoccupied space exists adjacent to the target, you can't use this immediate reaction. 如果目标周围没有可以占据的格子,你无法使用这个直觉反应动作。 www.anetcity.com 7. In the room is unoccupied, position your cart in front of the door and leave the door open. Begin cleaning. 如果房间没人,将服务车停在门前,保持房门打开。开始客房清洁。 fjjdrcw.com 8. Thus it furnished a subject of comment for all those who were unoccupied or bored in the convent. 这也就成了修院里所有一切闲得无聊的人苦心探讨的题材。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The robot not being the goalie will be moved to the nearest unoccupied neutral spot. 非守门员的那个机器人将被移到最近的空坠球点上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. You can find unoccupied fields via Tiberium Vibration Scan. 你可以通过泰矿扫描来找到未占领的地区。 www.golue.com 1. If birds gather on any spot, it is unoccupied. Clamor by night betokens nervousness. 鸟集者,虚也;夜呼者,恐也; blog.hjenglish.com 2. Across town, take a walk down Financial Street, and you'll pass No. 9, a 17-story concrete-and-glass tower that's unoccupied. 在金融街走上一遭,你会发现金融街9号这个钢筋水泥和玻璃组成的17层大楼依然空空如也。 www.putclub.com 3. While demand for housing might pick up if house prices find a bottom, a huge excess supply of unoccupied homes remains on the market. 一旦房价触底,住房需求可能回升,但市场上仍有大量空置房屋待售。 www.bing.com 4. With approval, airflow may set back to 6 air changes per hour when space is unoccupied. 如经过同意,当实验室无人时,可以将换气量降为6次每小时。 bbs.instrument.com.cn 5. The streets are tidy and the houses spick and span , but over half are unoccupied . 街道干净,房屋整齐,但一半以上无人居住。 www.bing.com 6. Only two countries were left unoccupied. 只有两个国家没被占领。 dict.hjenglish.com 7. To settle on unoccupied land without legal claim. 擅自占用土地:未经法律允许而在空地上拓居。 www.zhineng.net 8. Then it says, 'I will return to the house I left. ' When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. 于是说,我要回到我所出来的屋里去。到了,就看见里面空闲,打扫乾净,修饰好了。 www.ebigear.com 9. An unoccupied, smoking Nissan Pathfinder was found parked in Times Square on May 1. 5月1日纽约时代广场上发现一辆冒烟的日产探路者(NissanPathfinder),车内空无一人。 c.wsj.com 10. The house was unoccupied for several years and went to rack and ruin. 这所房子因为好几年没有住人而荒废了。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. The condition of being vacant or unoccupied. 空缺空缺的状态或未占的状态 dict.hjenglish.com 2. I was unoccupied during the summer vacation. 我暑假里空闲着。 dict.hjenglish.com 3. So there are a lot of unoccupied houses and not a lot of new houses being built. 因此,产生了很多没有人住的房子,并且新建的房子不多。 www.bing.com 4. The house whose windows are broken is unoccupied. 那个窗户破了的房子没人住。 www.yygrammar.com 5. If the guests in not present in the room, enter room following the standard for entering an unoccupied room. 如果客人不在房中,进房程序参照进入无人房间的标准。 bbs.meadin.com 6. Or should it move rightward, towards political territory that is almost unoccupied. 或者,社民党应该往右偏移,朝向几乎无人看管的政治领土。 www.ecocn.org 7. Now it is unoccupied, awaiting a tenant. 现在这里空着,正在出租。 hi.baidu.com 8. vacancy: unfilled position or post; or a place of accommodation that is unfilled or unoccupied. 空缺,未被填充或占有的工作、职位或住宿之处 www.englishdata.cn 9. The house was left unoccupied for many years. 这房子多年无人居住。 dict.hjenglish.com 10. While housing vacant unoccupied , on the other hand, people without shelter to shelter, a sharp contradiction category. 一方面住房空置无人住,另一方面要住房的人无房住,这是一个类锐的矛盾现象。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. You have a boundless extent of fertile and unoccupied land. 你们拥有无边无际、肥沃而空旷的土地。 www.jukuu.com 2. Yet it remains unoccupied, as reported last year in this magazine. 但是和去年时代杂志报道的一样,这些房子依然无人入住。 www.bing.com 3. Unoccupied Persons in a Unit Should Be Controlled Well 要管好单位里的闲人 service.ilib.cn 4. Appropriation line appropriation of unoccupied land 占用无主的土地仲裁上诉裁决 www.fane.cn 5. Live: no worries about the unoccupied house prices doubled englishtang. com 房价翻倍不愁没人住英语堂: www.englishtang.com 6. The Lost Unoccupied Paradise --Beicun's Love Redeeming 无法栖居的失乐园--北村的爱情救赎 service.ilib.cn 7. Disposal of unoccupied HOS flats 空置居屋单位的处置 www.legco.gov.hk 8. Lights left on in unoccupied spaces 无人的地方不关灯 wenku.baidu.com 9. One reason for the challengers' optimism is that a lot of ground is unoccupied 挑战者乐观的原因之一就是还有智能手机尚有不少领域尚未被占 www.ecocn.org |
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