单词 | tickling |
释义 | tickling是tickle的现在分词
第三人称单数:tickles 现在分词:tickling 过去式:tickled v. prickle,irritate,scratch,itch,amuse 例句释义: 搔痒,使人发痒[高兴]的东西[事物],愉快的情绪,逗笑,使快乐,使满足,搔触,撩痒,反馈,呵痒感 1. Then tickling and finally she dozed off saying how much she loved our Giggle Time. 接着挠痒痒,最后打着哈欠说她是多么地喜欢我们在一起咯咯笑的时间。 www.bing.com 2. But Nutkin, who had no respect, began to dance up and down, tickling old Mr. Brown with a nettle and singing. 但是那个毫无尊敬之心的纳特金,开始跳上跳下,用一根荨麻呵老布朗痒,并且唱道。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. He jumps and crawls along the way, his light-brown flying like butterflies with the wind, the grass tickling his feet. 他跳跃和检索1路上,他地浅棕色飞行像蝴蝶在风地帮忙下,基层tickling他地双脚。 www.xiaotieba.com 4. He's such an obstinate cuss that he'll break his horns rather than give up. And he's getting sore now because I'm tickling him in the rump. 他就是这么一个固执的怪物,宁肯折断了犄角也不肯停祝现在我又在他屁股上搔痒,更使他恼羞成怒。 www.bing.com 5. In ancient times however, tickling was used as a form of torture -- goats would lick salt off the bottom of a person's foot. 然而,在古代挠痒痒被用作一种折磨人的刑法,在一个人的脚底抹上盐,让山羊来舔。 diversity.blog.hexun.com 6. Only tickling by someone you know and trust can be a benign violation. 只有被一个你认识且信任的人呵痒才会是一次无害冒犯。 dongxi.net 7. Once the kids have been bucked off, the game generally dissolves into a raucous bout of wrestling and tickling. 一旦孩子们突然跳下来,游戏立刻完全变成了一场喧闹的摔跤和相互瘙痒。 www.bing.com 8. When used to catch trout in the British Isles, it is called trout tickling. 在不列颠群岛被用来钓鲑鱼时,被称为挠鲑。 out800.com 9. He was tickling the soles of her feet with his fingertips and she was flinching, but laughing. 他用手指尖轻轻挠着她的脚心,她在笑着躲闪。 www.bing.com 10. Oh, I know, Fred but - but I can't help laughing. Your hand is tickling my foot! -Well, cut it out! We are in real trouble! 哦。我知道。弗雷德,我不得不笑。你的手正抓着我的脚。-好的。停止!我们真的处在困境之中。 qac.yappr.cn 1. As soon as she realizes that it's the cockroach tickling her nose, Tao Zi falls into a coma for the second time. 当陶子意识到是那头蟑螂在她鼻子里挠痒痒的时候,她再次陷入了昏迷。 www.neworiental-k12.org 2. Many would assert that this tickling conundrum is the perfect evidence that humor is utterly relative. 许多人会认为发痒的秘密很好地证明了幽默是具有强烈的相对性的。 dongxi.net 3. And there's also that little thing from two years ago that might be tickling the backs of their minds. 而且这里也有两年前的一些小片段可能会重新浮现在他们的脑海里。 www.kobechina.com.cn 4. He participated in criticality testing of plutonium cores, often referred to as "tickling the dragon's tail" . 他参加过钚核的临界测试,被称为“抓恐龙尾巴的人”。 www.elanso.com 5. The puerpera seemed a little sober now; She opened her eyes, tears of gratitude tickling down her cheeks. 产妇似乎清醒了一些,睁开着眼睛,感激地流出了两行眼泪。 hi.baidu.com 6. Manywould assert that this tickling conundrum is the perfect evidence that humor is utterly relative. 许多人声称这一胳肢谜题正是幽默是完全相对的完美证据。 www.youfind.com.cn 7. But could a daily dose of rib-tickling comedy reap some of the benefits of a gruelling workout? 但是每日一次的引人发笑的有趣的事情是否能够获得由一次严厉锻炼带来的的好处呢? www.bing.com 8. Sex & Positions, Bondage & Fetish, Edibles & Body Toppings, Teasing, Tickling, & Seduction, Role-Play & Fantasy, and Foreplay & Romance. 性与位置,奴役和恋物癖,的食用及身体浇头,戏谑,搔痒和诱惑,角色扮演与幻想,浪漫和爱抚&。 www.ttbuy168.com 9. His 8 yo things. Nintendo. TV. Games. Puzzles. Tickling. Seeing if he can cram a whole hamburger into his mouth. Playing with friends. 他的8岁生涯,任天堂、电视、游戏、拼图、搔痒,看看能不能把整个汉堡塞进自己的嘴里,跟伙伴们玩耍。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The person you finish tickling may get the idea to try this out on you. 你完成的人可能会发痒的想法在您尝试了这一点。 tieba.baidu.com 1. At 2 months the palm of his hand and feet are already sensitive to tickling, if we rub these areas, in fact, the child will smile. 在宝宝第2个月他的手和脚开始敏感,如果这时我们碰触这些部份,实际上,孩子将会微笑。 qq.iyaya.com 2. Mike: Hey stop tickling me. I'm serious. Wo, wo, wo. Thank you for a lovely evening. 迈克:你别掏我痒痒,我怕痒。谢谢你,今晚我很愉快。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Talk about the fun parts of getting a haircut, such as the buzzing razor tickling her neck or how good it feels to have her scalp massaged. 和孩子谈谈理发的有趣的事,例如,嗡嗡叫的刮胡刀搔痒他的脖子,或者,他的头皮被按摩时是多么的舒服。 bachinese.com 4. I walked more quickly, my arms around the sack, the leafy lettuce tickling my nose. 我加快了步子,双手搂着麻袋,茂盛的生菜叶子弄得我鼻子痒痒的。 www.bing.com 5. I had to cut my speech very short because Marcelle was tickling me in the crotch all the while. 我只能简单讲两句拉倒,因为马色尔一直在我的裆里搔痒。 www.bing.com 6. snake massage ? It was scary but very comfortable. Cool, a little bit tickling. 你试过那个蛇按摩吗?有点吓人,不过很舒服。凉凉的,还有点痒痒的。 hi.baidu.com 7. No wonder wind-pollinated plants are the chief causes of eye-itching, nose-tickling human misery. 难怪人类眼睛、鼻子痒痒遭罪的主要祸首就是这些风媒传粉的植物。 www.bing.com 8. Today, I told my boyfriend to stop tickling me, since I absolutely hate being tickled. 今天,我对男友说别再咯吱我了,我怕痒。 www.ccccp.com 9. Temporarily relieves symptoms of simple, dry, tight or tickling coughs due to colds in children. 缓解儿童由于感冒引起的咳嗽症状,如轻咳嗽、干咳、急咳或喉咙发痒。 www.xiaoshuomm.com 10. Prey on their weak spots make sure those little tickle spots get the worst on your tickling crusade! 他们的弱点,波萝确保这些小痒点获得的瘙痒讨伐最坏的! tieba.baidu.com 1. When doctors examine a ticklish patient, they place his or her hand over theirs to prevent the tickling sensation. 当医生们检查一位容易发痒的病人时,他们把他或她的手放到自己的手上以防痒感。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The steady tickling of the clock had a hypnotic effect. 表持续的滴答声有催眠效果。 wenku.baidu.com 3. Make sure the person you're tickling doesn't have an over active bladder or you might have a mess to clean up. 请确保你的人没有发痒较活跃的膀胱或你可能有一个清洗的麻烦。 tieba.baidu.com 4. Today, my husband woke me up at 3 AM by putting whipped cream on my hand and tickling my nose with a feather. FML. 今天,我老公半夜三点把我叫起来了。方法是用鲜奶油涂在我的手上和用羽毛挠我的鼻子。Fml。 my.hoopchina.com 5. Sprinkled grains would float away, tickling noses and clogging vents. 但洒出的颗粒会随处飘散,让鼻子发痒同时阻塞出气口。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Excellent for soothing that tickling cough that won't let you sleep. Tastes great, too. 非常棒用来缓解让你睡不着觉的咳嗽,味道也不错。 www.bing.com 7. First wrestling with Kwong, then playing tickling with Kent. 先同大哥打摔角,再同二伯爷玩擳。 hk.myblog.yahoo.com 8. KB: Like a tickling sensation? KB:像是三次挠痒痒? www.ted.com 9. They return again and again to the hands of researchers tickling them, Panksepp's video shows. 潘克斯普拍摄的视频显示,老鼠会一次又一次地回到研究者用来咯吱它们的手上。 www.bing.com 10. Our body's spasmodic response to tickling is beyond our control. 我们的身体对痒的痉挛反应是超逾我们所能控制的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Three thumping tigers are tickling trout. 三只巨大的老虎发痒鳟鱼。 bbs.ebigear.com 2. Jaimie ran to the shed, the short grass tickling her bare feet. 杰米跑向那间小屋,新剪过的青草弄得她的脚很痒。 www.bing.com 3. You two are supposed to get three minutes of feet tickling. 你俩得被挠脚心三分钟 zhidao.baidu.com 4. He was sitting on my lap, so I started tickling him. 他坐在我腿上玩,我逗弄他。 www.bucter.com 5. Kula's reaction to the tickling was instant. 库拉的反应是立即痒。 tieba.baidu.com 6. Keep your hands to yourself. Hey, who's tickling me? 把你的手拿开,嘿,谁在挠我 zhidao.baidu.com 7. At 18 he was tickling his 45-year-old mother while she, semi-naked, could roll on the floor squealing in delight. 他18岁那年给他45岁的母亲瘙痒,而她竟半裸着在地板上打滚,欣喜地享受。 www.suiniyi.com 8. Was it spring tickling her senses? 是不是春意撩人呢? dict.veduchina.com 9. The part of the brain that is associated with tickling is the cerebellum. 脑部与怕痒有关的部位是小脑。 www.24en.com 10. Take care not to "dig in" too hard when tickling your opponent, his or her ribs, for example. 小心不要“挖掘”太辛苦你的对手时,瘙痒,他或她的肋骨,例如。 tieba.baidu.com 1. Time is tickling in clock under the cushion. 时间在垫上的钟表里嘀嗒流逝。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Mock with thy tickling beams eyes that are sleeping; 你该用撩人的光线,去戏弄熟睡的眼皮。 www.360doc.com 3. Tickling Room? Tilting Chair Test 倾斜房间与倾斜坐椅测验 www.foodmate.net |
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