单词 | the off - season | ||
释义 | the off - season
例句释义: 杀人季节 1. In that case, I'll go after the 15th. How much are the off-season fares? 这样的话,我就十五日后再去。那淡季的票价要多少钱呢? www.ivyenglish.com.cn 2. As is Taiwanese custom, Wang and his wife live with his parents, in the same small Tainan City home he was raised in, during the off-season. 依照著台湾的传统文化,小王和小王老婆在非球季时,还是像以前一样和父母住在他从小长大的台南小小的家中。 anniechao.spaces.live.com 3. The 23-year-old was one of Arsenal's key targets during the off-season, but he says Inter were always his first choice. 之前赛季之间阿森纳向今年二十三岁的阿尔瓦雷斯频投橄榄枝,但阿尔瓦雷斯说国米才是他一直的第一选择。 voa.hjenglish.com 4. On this day, in the off-season, there was no sign of anyone around. 这一天是淡季,周围没有人迹。 www.bing.com 5. The Lakers acquired veteran help in the off-season when they signed Derek Fisher, who has brought stability to the point guard position. 湖人在夏季休赛期签下老将费舍尔来帮助他们,他稳定了湖人组织后卫这一位置。 www.bing.com 6. "Must be the off-season for Ping-Pong tables, " he said. “肯定是乒乓球桌销售淡季”他说。 www.bing.com 7. It was the off season when I visited and the hotel was pretty empty, so Mr. Eiramo gave us access to a cabin to shower and dress. 我去的时候正是淡季,旅馆客人不多,所以艾拉莫先生为我们开了一件小房子让我们洗澡更衣。 www.bing.com 8. It's was the off-season, and the island wasn't exactly much of a tourist spot, so the rent was cheap. 由于淡季,而小岛本身又不是什么旅游景点,是故租金不高。 norwegianwood.gaobo.org 9. I will try to keep it somewhat short as I try to go through the Lakers current situation and possible future plans for the off-season . 但是我会尝试尽量简短明确地分析一下湖人队现在的处境和在休季期间湖人一些有可能会执行的未来大计。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. I am ready for a week and even longer to come here in the off-season sport - May - early June. 在赛季结束后的五月或者六月上旬,我有打算来到这里训练一周或者更长时间。 tieba.baidu.com 1. We talked a lot about that in the off-season -- know there's going to be those problems in the course of the game. 我们曾经在淡季谈了很多那方面的--我想在比赛期间还是要面临这些问题的。 bbs.tbba.com.cn 2. For the off-season or worth-selling goods carrying out promotion with a price cutting, so as to speed up funding withdrawn from circulation. 对于淡季或者不畅销商品进行降价促销,加快资金回笼。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Can only say that the dealers have to 9, 10 in the hope of greater hope in the off-season slump, sales share. 只能说经销商对9、10月份所抱的希望较大,希望在低迷的淡季之后,完成销售份额。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. During the peak season, farmers compete to sell their eggs, whereas during the off-season, they are usually in short supply in the cities. 在高峰季节,农民们争着抢着想把鸡蛋卖出去,而过了季节之后,城里又出现供应不足。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. Wasn't he managing a toe injury in the off-season. He's not going to last long if he doesn't take a complete break from the chinese team. 他没有在休赛期好好看看他的脚趾吗?如果他在中国国家队没休息好就不应该拖那么久。 bbs.cmfans.cn 6. Purchasethem in the off season when you'll be able to get genuine pairs at discount prices. 在淡季时你可以以折扣价拿到正品。 www.bing.com 7. When he was traded in the off-season, Mr. Alexander became the focus of attention. 当易建联在赛季后被交易时,亚历山大就成为了关注焦点。 iedu.com.cn 8. Or alternatively, in the off-season when pickings are slim and no one is buying. 或者在淡季,交易机会少且没人在买。 www.bing.com 9. Vacation in the off-season, when prices are cheaper and you don't have to fight the crowds. 淡季去旅行,这样价格比较便宜,人流也没有那么密集。 www.kekenet.com 10. Our reporter has learnt that most short tours were priced about 100 RMB yuan higher in the 3-day vacation than those of the off-season. 记者在采访中了解到,五一期间各短线游线路报价与旅游淡季相比均有所上涨,普遍涨价在100元左右。 bbs.hf365.com 1. For summer, spring season , the fourth quarter of the annual flow has been the off-season . 对于暑期、春运旺季,每年的第四季度一直是客流淡季。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Besides, if a certain brand disappeared in the rush season, who would remember it in the off-season? 另外,如果一个品牌在旺季不见了,在淡季时谁还会记得呢? ambition-05.blog.163.com 3. 51 long vacations period, has gone to the Kalong ditch, unfortunately is precisely the off season time. 五一长假期间,去了卡龙沟,不巧的正是淡季时期。 www.biodic.cn 4. "Ghosts are good for business. Especially in the off-season. " “闹鬼益旺财,特别是淡季。” www.bing.com 5. Throughout the off-season , he has been living in Manhattan, and there is a coach's own mentor de Antonio. 在整个休赛期,他一直住在曼哈顿,并且那儿的教练是自己的恩师德安东尼。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. In addition, the use of production during the off season, making a good overhaul. 另外,利用生产淡季,做好设备的大修工作。 www.bing.com 7. And please get some rest during the off season. 同时请在休战期多多休息。 www.nbatop.com 8. That and their jobs, many of which will change radically in the off-season if there is no trip to the playoffs. 以及,他们的工作。如果踏不上季后赛之旅,他们当中很多人的工作会在淡季发生剧变。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. No word if they'll be offering rides during the off-season. 没有报道说在登山淡季是否提供乘坐服务。 cn.engadget.com 10. I lift heavier weights in the off season and do a lot of work on flexibility with my strength and conditioning coach. 在非赛季中我的体重增加了,而且在我的力量和教练的帮助下做了很多训练。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. from the airline's own view, when the off-season will be shown clear signs of excess capacity. 从航空公司自身来看,到了淡季的时候,则会呈现明显的运力过剩。 www.5955555.net 2. Known to the Chinese as the Big Shark, the 37-year-old O'Neal has practised martial arts in the off-season for years. “大鲨鱼”的名号在中国那可是众所周知,今年已37岁的奥尼尔,多年以来他都会在休赛期里练习武术。 babyclub.women.sohu.com 3. Flight tickets are 50 percent cheaper during the off-season. 淡季里飞机票价便宜一半。 bbs.z888.net 4. Reduced crowds are an added attraction in the off-season. 更少的人群使得淡季更有吸引力。 www.bing.com 5. When is the off-season for Canada Cruises? 加拿大邮轮旅游的淡季是何时? bundsoft-home.appspot.com 6. Winter is the off-season for tourism. 冬天是旅游淡季。 www.51bec.org 7. What is the timeline for the off-season? 休赛期到什么时候结束? www.kobechina.com.cn 8. Stay in a place that is non - touristy . Better yet, go to your destination in the off-season . 不要居住在游客蜂拥而至的地方。或者,最好在淡季前去你的旅游目的地。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. the university of illinois extension service , for example , suggests practicing on a chicken during the off - season. 以伊利诺斯扩展大学服务机构为例,建议在淡季用鸡肉做练习。 www.ichacha.net 10. They always want to buy the lower-priced product no matter in the rush season or the off-season. 他们不论淡旺季都会有着同样的低价格需求的。 www.china-linguist.com 1. Because of the off-season for traveling now, the price is very cheap, 3 days only need 144 euro per person. 由于现在是旅游淡季,所以价格很便宜,3个晚上每人只需144欧元。 fanyi.kancaimi.cn 2. In addition, in the off-season period Nash also lived in Manhattan. 此外,在休赛期纳什也住在曼哈顿。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The University of Illinois, Extension service, for example, suggests practicing onthe a chicken during the off-season. 例如,伊利诺伊大学的扩展服务部建议在淡季期间用鸡来练习。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Economic operation and benefit analysis at storage keeping temperatures for a high-temperature cold storage during the off season 高温冷藏库淡季保库温度下的经济运行与效益分析 service.ilib.cn 5. Character analyses of the off-season cultivated tissue culture derived banana plantlet 香蕉组培苗反季节栽培性状分析 ilib.com.cn 6. only thinking of the off-season, there is no off-season market; 只有淡季的思想,没有淡季的市场; zhidao.baidu.com 7. The off-season cultivation technology of celery in greenhouse on summer 芹菜夏季反季节设施栽培技术 www.ilib.cn 8. The off-season bagged cultivation technology of mushroom 香菇半熟料反季节袋栽技术 scholar.ilib.cn 9. they don't choose the high season of travelling but the off season; 出游时间更倾向于避开旅游高峰期,即选择淡季出游; www.ceps.com.tw 10. He went to sea at 16, and, in the off-season, to school to study fishing. 他16岁出海捕鱼,在淡季则去学校学习捕鱼知识。 www.bing.com |
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