单词 | the new | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | the new
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 新,新的,新东西 1. Although Fangfang got to Australia only last month, she had already adjusted to the new environment. 芳芳上个月才到达澳大利亚,已经很快适应了新的环境。 www.ebigear.com 2. But what's also just as important are that the funds that come from the transaction are going to help offset the cost of the new city hall. 同等重要的是,此次交易的资金将会抵消新建市政厅的费用。 blog.163.com 3. Israeli admitted that the statement is in the Americans do not know the name of the new country to be a good time. 承认以色列的文告是美国人在还不知道这个新国家叫什么名字的时候就拟好的。 www.bing.com 4. Frederic Oudea, the new chief executive, insisted it had proven its "ability to cope with a serious financial and economic crisis" . 它们新任首席执行官FredericOudea坚持,法国兴业银行已经证明了它们“处理一个严重的金融和经济危机的能力”。 www.bing.com 5. A week later, the New York Times announced that Robert E. Peary had been the first man to reach the North Pole. 一个星期后,纽约时报宣布罗伯特皮尔里是第一个到达北极的人。 www.en400.com:8080 6. What's the matter? xiao liu told me , as the new rule, how should we punish her? 怎么回事?按照管理规定,该受到什么处罚?小刘,你说呢,该怎么惩罚她! bbs.ebigear.com 7. He said the new model has a camera on the front and captures a video of the user's face and tracks twenty-two facial features. 他称装有新软件的手机模型在前方装有摄像头,可以录制用户面孔的样子,并捕捉到22个面部特征。 www.kekenet.com 8. Zhang Guobao, a senior energy policymaker, has said the new rules might be completed next spring. 高级能源官员张国宝表示,新规可能在明年春天制定完毕。 www.ftchinese.com 9. There is no way, had to look for a doctor, pleased one yesterday God holiday, took a baby to see a doctor at the new China hospital. 没有办法,只好寻求医生了,昨天请了一天公休假,带着宝宝去新华医院看病。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Away for a year of hard work, but also ushered in a new years, I wish you in the new year, the grand plans, plenty of money! 送走了一年的辛劳,迎来了又一个崭新的年月,祝您在新的一年里,大展宏图,财源广进! www.126fw.com 1. It's unknown how much the New York City-area reservoir could hold. 纽约区这个储存室能容纳多少二氧化碳还是个未知数。 ngmchina.com.cn 2. The rocket engine , with its steady roar like that of a waterfall or a thunderstorm , is an impressive symbol of the new space age . 火箭发动机以其类似于瀑布或大雷雨的持续轰鸣给人以深刻印象,成为太空新时代的象征。 www.bing.com 3. A: Will you introduce me to the new purchasing agent? B: Haven't you met yet? A: No, we haven't. B: I'll be glad to do it. A. 请替我引介新来负责采购的人好吗?B:你们还没见面吗?A:嗯,没有。B:我乐意为你们介绍。 my.poco.cn 4. Nissan is going for an unpretentious domestic image for the new line: Qi Chen's logo (pictured) looks like the five stars on China's flag. 日产正在为这个新品牌塑造一种朴实的形象:“启辰”的标识看起来就像中国国旗上的五颗星星。 www.ftchinese.com 5. We do not yet fully comprehend the new era, but it is fair to say that it is probably not going to be Bretton Woods III. 我们尚未充分理解这个新时代,但公平地讲,这个新时代不太可能是布雷顿森林体系III。 www.ftchinese.com 6. It was unclear how much the new presence would cost the Pentagon, which is facing years and hundreds of billion dollars in spending cuts. 对于面临未来数年削减数千亿美元开支任务的五角大楼(Pentagon)来说,还不清楚这次增加在澳大利亚军事存在的新举措会花费多少钱。 chinese.wsj.com 7. He blows out the candles, by the light of which he kneaded the new loaves. Only the early morning sunshine breaks through the windows here. 靠著烛光他揉捏出一条又一条新做的面包,现在他将蜡烛吹熄。只剩下透过窗户照射进来的微微曙光。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The New York Times scolded puritanically that although the exhibit "might have seemed indulgent a year ago, today it looks delusional" . 《纽约时报》尖刻地批评道,虽然这样的展会“在一年前显得骄纵,但如今去却似妄想。” www.ecocn.org 9. A year ago, the new aircraft looked as if they might enter service in 2015. 就在一年以前,这种新型飞机还可能在2015年服役。 english.xv88.net 10. The new manager regenerated the losing team and made it a strong contender for first place. 新来经理再造这去打输的球队,使它变成有力的冠军争夺者。 www.bing.com 1. Sometimes it's easy to see the new piece of metal. Sometimes, it's not. 有时这些新的金属块容易看到,但是有时不容易看到。 iask.sina.com.cn 2. The Xinhua report did not give any other details or say why the new testing was ordered now. 新华社的报道并未包含其他细节,也未说明为何突然发布此通知。 www.hjenglish.com 3. In accordance with the new vendor is now at least double the size of the expansion, then at least more than 33GW. 新的厂商按照现在至少是规模扩展一倍,那么至少也是33GW以上。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 4. She was an office manager whose company had just moved into the new office park on the edge of the town. 她是一位刚刚迁移到这个小镇边上的一家公司的办公室经理,她正想为她公司里的办公室服务台购置一些盆栽。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. But the US buy-out group said the new environment could help boost returns over the long term. 不过,这家美国收购集团表示,就长期而言,新环境可能有助于提高回报。 www.ftchinese.com 6. And when the new bride, adorned with her necklace of gold, came into our house, the mystery of the inner apartments deepened. 当那位新娘子,戴着金项链,走进我们家里时,内屋的神秘更加深了。 www.bing.com 7. We are looking for the new expression of life and art, trying to turn the abstractive beauty into the concrete things. 我们一直在寻求新的艺术与生活的表达方式,尽可能将它的抽象美转化为具象的实在。 yiyefeng.bokee.com 8. Had his owner known more about dogs' true nature, he might have introduced the new dog more gradually, or not at all. 如果狗主人事先摸清了狗的本性,他可能会时不时地带回新狗,要么干脆不带。 www.suiniyi.com 9. As a salariat, how much money should pay for the new year? Shared your viewpoint please! 作为一个工薪阶层,到底该为过年花费多少银子呢?请谈谈你的想法吧! bbs.kekenet.com 10. The new law would not affect the companies that had been offering salaries and perks well ahead of the new law before it was implemented. 新法对于那些在旧法施行时已经为员工提供超过新法标准的工资和福利的公司来说,也不会产生任何影响。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The term is often used in the New Testament, and it was a central theme in the preaching of John the Baptist and Jesus. 上帝之国一词常用于《新约》,施洗者圣约翰与耶稣布道过程的中心主题。 www.ttxyy.com 2. Lavish spending on such things as ministerial cars is being frowned on. The new government seems to be tackling corruption. 对于部长座车等毫无节制的开支亦皱眉表示不满,新政府似乎要打击贪污。 www.ecocn.org 3. 'Harry Gorman' lived as a man for more than 20 years and was an employee of the New York Center Railway. 哈里。哥曼作为男人生活了20多年,是纽约火车中心站的工作人员。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. We sat down, and after a while a voice of unmistakable authority called, "Send in the new applicant! " 我们坐了下来,过了一会儿,里面有人威风十足地吩咐道:“叫新申请的人进来!” 5. She had heard the new rules, and did not mind the long wait as long as it kept her safe. 她已经听说了新规定,只要为了保证安全,并不介意长时间的等待。 www.hjbbs.com 6. We're still investigating the new features, and even in this article, we've only been able to scratch the surface of what's possible. 我们将继续研究这些新特性,在本文中,我们只了解了一点皮毛而已。 www.ibm.com 7. Scientists can measure this in the lab, but they don't know how much more fertile the new, carbon-enhanced environment will be for plants. 科学家可以在实验室对此进行测量,但他们不知道碳增强后的新环境如何更富营养。 www.bing.com 8. The deduction shall be made only from the cost of the new material or parts when finished and ready to be installed in the ship. 扣减应只从新材料或新部件制成并准备安装到船上时的价值扣减。 lad.ccpit.org 9. Army generals have made clear the new assembly would have no right to remove a government appointed by the ruling military council. 军方将领已经明确表示,新议会将无权撤销执政的军事委员会任命的政府。 www.englishto.com 10. As you see so much breaking up that was considered a permanent part of your life, it is simply creating the space for the new era to begin. 当你们看见如此多的破裂——它被认为是你们生活的永远的一部分的时候,它仅仅是在为新纪元的开始创造空间。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. He said the new poaching method, poisoning water holes, was incomprehensible in its cruelty. 他说,在水坑下毒这种新盗猎方法的残忍令人费解。 www.bing.com 2. New towns can be erected with customary Chinese speed, but the new sense of solidarity and charity might do more to help the bereaved. 新的城镇可竖立与习惯中文的速度,但新的团结意识和慈善会多做有利于死者。 zjzhng.blog.163.com 3. What I can do is to design more new products. If fund is adequate the new products will be like an endless stream. 我能做的就是设计新产品,如果资金没问题,新产品会源源不断地搞出来。 blog.163.com 4. Finally, it's just a matter of adding the new main title, an empty row for spacing, and a row with the column titles, as Listing 13 shows. 最后,只需添加新的主标题,一个用于调整间距的空行以及一个列标题行,如清单13所示。 www.ibm.com 5. Even if the hatchback body isn't your thing, this car provides a clear idea of how the front end of all the new 5-Series models will look. 即使掀背身体不是你的事,这车提供了一个清晰的概念如何前端所有新的5系列机型的外观。 usa.315che.com 6. Yes, as this new cycle commences, you will begin to see how the Material Manifestation of the New Earth becomes a reality for you. 正是这个新周期的开始,你们会开始看到新地球物质显化如何形成你们的实相。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 7. Jonas had not heard the new child during the night because as always, he had slept soundly. But it was not true that he had no dreams. 乔纳斯半夜并没有听到新生儿的声音,因为通常他都睡得很熟。但是它不是真的没有作梦。 www.easeparts.com 8. How much did the new car cost you ? 这部新车你买了多少钱?。 cul.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Consumers interviewed found the new tab easy to hold and lift and the end easier and quicker to open. 消费者采访发现新的选项卡易守,升降机和最终简化和加快开放。 bzxw.512121.com 10. In the new note, Benjamin Franklin is joined by a shiny Liberty Bell inside an inkwell, which seems to disappear as you tilt the note. 在新版纸钞中,本杰明.富兰克林的头像与嵌入油墨中闪亮的自由钟相连,只要将其稍加倾斜,自由钟就会消失。 www.bing.com 1. The new measurements will also help scientists track how much the glacier is melting from year to year. 新的测量结果也将帮助科学家们追查每年有多少冰川融化掉。 www.bing.com 2. The new visual culture is one of the most striking features and tends to the visual sex itself is not the things to visualize. 新的视觉文化其最惊人的特征之一就是越来越趋于把原本那些本身并非视觉性的东西予以视觉化。 www.fabiao.net 3. Wood Coatings can also be used for children's toys on the surface, the new product is environmentally friendly, absolutely pollution-free. 木器漆也可用于儿童玩具的表面,是环保新产品,绝对无污染。 www.tonke.cn 4. Mason said it was a big live, he said that at least 100 pounds may be a change in the new. 石匠来了后,他问石匠一个新台阶要多少钱。石匠说这是个大活,他说起码得100英磅才能换个新的。 www.njlyj.cn 5. I'm privileged to work with some of the best of the new breed of software companies, and I can tell you they're really good at what they do. 我有幸与世界上最好的一些软件初创公司合作过,我可以告诉大家,他们的确擅长当前的业务。 chinese.wsj.com 6. You were very close to nature then as you watched your part of the earth - the trees, the new delicate leaf, and the stream that went by. 当你看着这片土地——树木、新生的嫩叶和流过的小溪,那时你与自然非常亲近。 j-krishnamurti.org.cn 7. Still, there are concerns about how much influence the governor's office could have on the new parole board. 但是,还是有些人关注州政府对于新的假释委员会的影响力。 www.bing.com 8. Moreover, experts said the new test was not ready for wide use; serious technical challenges remain to be worked out. 另外专家指出,这项成果还不能被广泛使用,还有一系列重大的技术挑战需要解决。 www.bing.com 9. The company gave us a presentation on how the new system worked . Afterwards, the employees got a chance to ask questions. 那家公司给我们做了一个如何操作系统方面的演示后,开始接受我们的提问。 zzhzbbs.zjol.com.cn 10. The new building was to have gone up just a few metres from a Catholic church; for some, that was the most important point. 新建筑原本要比一座天主教教堂高出数米;对一些人而言,这就是最重要的地方。 www.ecocn.org 1. Located in Pudong Lujiazui, the financial center of China, the building is at the front of the New Pudong Bund. 大厦座落于中国的金融中心——浦东陆家嘴,地处浦东外滩黄浦江畔。 www.24en.com 2. Until now the new technology of waste consolidated fill by cement grout has never been used in China's mines. 目前,块石水泥砂浆胶结充填新工艺在我国矿山尚无实际应用先例。 www.chemyq.com 3. But the Fair Deal programs fell victim to the same public and congressional conservatism that had crippled the last years of the New Deal. 然而“公平施政”计划成为阻挠过新政最后阶段实施的那一拨公众与国会保守主义分子的牺牲品。 dict.kekenet.com 4. Somebody told me that you and Doug had been quarreling over the construction site of the new building. 有人告诉我你和Doug争执起新楼的建造地点。 www.kekenet.com 5. I suppose the question is to what extent China will be able to create the new cutting-edge technologies that these industries require. 我想问题是中国能在多大程度上发明这些行业要求的新前沿技术。 www.bing.com 6. The new image seems to help people approach, rather than avoid, the idea of healthy eating. 新图像似乎帮助人们倾向接受而不是回避健康饮食观念。 www.bing.com 7. The new CEO is going to be a great asset to the company. 新的首席执行官将会成为我们公司的重要资产。 www.kekenet.com 8. She did not earn any money until she became head of the new school. 在成为新学校的校长之前,玛丽并没有很多钱。 voa.hjenglish.com 9. I was the new coach of a Little League baseball team and had not yet learned the names of my players. 我是一个小联盟棒球队的新教练,还没有得知我的球员的名字。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Americans began to seek changes in the hope that the black leaders of the United States for the new change. 美国人开始寻求变化,也希望这位黑人领袖为美国带来新的改变。 www.xkyn.com 1. Since the founding date, the company has been around and around the new and old customers maintained a good cooperative partnership. 自创办至今,公司一直与遍布各地的新、老客户保持着良好的合作伙伴关系。 www.tonke.cn 2. How much will the new packing add to the cost price? 用新包装成本费用要增加多少? sends.hqu.edu.cn 3. So, next time you are out on England Travel, when the New Year is approaching, make sure to be a part of New Year in England. 所以,下次您外出旅游的英国,当新年的临近,一定要成为其中的一部分新年在英国。 sports.zhishi.sohu.com 4. For the CBRC, the truly delicate decision is going to be whether to see to it that this slowdown continues through the new year. 对中国银监会而言,真正微妙的决定将是是否会允许这种下降势头在明年继续延续。 c.wsj.com 5. In the spring, the new calves would be branded and turned out with the rest of the cattle to grow fat on the summer grass in the mountains. 到了春天,新生的小牛也会被烙上印记,牛仔会再把牛群带回山上享受青草,并逐渐长大。 www.24en.com 6. Can there ever have been a more appropriate memorial to a writer than the new Samuel Beckett bridge that opened in Dublin on 10 December? 到现在为止对于一位作家的纪念有什么能比12月10日在都柏林通车的新萨米尔贝克特桥更合适的呢? www.elanso.com 7. If that promotion involves being a boss or supervisor, beware of people trying to butter up to you simply because you're the new boss. 如果这样的晋升是成为老板或主管,那么注意那些仅仅因为你成为了新老板而吹嘘拍马的人。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. The Employee shall enter into a labour contract with the new FIE with the same duration and terms and conditions set out in this Contract. 雇员应服从公司的相关安排。雇员应与新成立的外商投资企业签订与本合同期限及条款规定一致的劳动合同。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Mr. Ma said he believed the new rules were 'likely to come out in months. ' 他认为新规可能会在几个月内出台。 chinese.wsj.com 10. For the shoppers, the new tool can check average sold price to determine how much they should expect to pay for a product. 对于购买者,新工具可以为用户提供平均售价以决定他们付出多少钱可以获得产品。 portal.vsharing.com 1. The new king, Henry VIII, was something of a poet himself. 新国王,亨利八世,仍是一个诗人自己。 q.sohu.com 2. The new year open out with various of these spectacular shot from the most expected & unusual calender. 新的一年开出与这些来自最不寻常的日历壮观的预期及各种镜头。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. About a year after launching Ultimate Arena, the team re-launched the company as Xfire, with the new IM service as the core product. 发布了1年以后,团队以Xfire的名字重新出现,新的即时通讯产品作为他们的核心产品。 www.bing.com 4. With just a week to go until the Bundesliga restart, Franz Beckenbauer says he can hardly wait for the new campaign to get underway. 距离德甲重新开战只有一周时间了,贝肯鲍尔说他几乎等不及这场新的征程开始了。 bbs.dfo.cn 5. Although it's a scary thing to hold a tiny vulnerable baby, he said, the new findings show it does help. 他说,尽管抱着这样一个脆弱的小孩是一件提心吊胆的事情,但是新的发现表明这么做确实很有用。 www.bing.com 6. While we see that there's value in coupons and exclusive deals, it's a little strange to see someone call frugality "the new cool" . 优惠券和特价交易固然有好处,但是把节约说成“新潮流”听起来还是有些离奇。 www.bing.com 7. The new man is moving fast to put Mr Gbagbo, his wife Simone, and some 80 of his friends and colleagues on trial. 新任领导人很快对巴博、其夫人西蒙,及大约80名他的朋友和同事进行了审判。 www.ecocn.org 8. The second is an e-mail that actually sends the new posts that have arrived since the last time the user read a particular feed. 第二种电子邮件发送一些新文章,这些文章发表于上次用户阅读某个特定的提要之后。 www.ibm.com 9. One reason, say analysts and service providers, is that consumers are only beginning to understand the possibilities of the new technology. 其中一个原因,分析家和服务供应商,是消费者才刚刚开始了解新技术的可能性。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Close the bottom view (remove the split) before changing views if you prefer to see the new view as a single view. 如果希望新视图显示为单个视图,请在更改视图之前关闭底部视图(取消拆分)。 www.kuenglish.info 1. If that promotion involves being a boss or supervisor, beware of people trying to butter up to you simply because you're the new boss. 如果这样的晋升是成为老板或主管,那么注意那些仅仅因为你成为了新老板而吹嘘拍马的人。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. The Employee shall enter into a labour contract with the new FIE with the same duration and terms and conditions set out in this Contract. 雇员应服从公司的相关安排。雇员应与新成立的外商投资企业签订与本合同期限及条款规定一致的劳动合同。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Mr. Ma said he believed the new rules were 'likely to come out in months. ' 他认为新规可能会在几个月内出台。 chinese.wsj.com 4. For the shoppers, the new tool can check average sold price to determine how much they should expect to pay for a product. 对于购买者,新工具可以为用户提供平均售价以决定他们付出多少钱可以获得产品。 portal.vsharing.com 5. The new Compute Editor allows you to create both simple and complex computes through an easy-to-use interface. 新的ComputeEditor允许通过一个容易使用的界面创建简单和复杂的计算。 www.ibm.com 6. Jiang Zemin and the new generation of Chinese leaders owe him much, for all that he has been a nuisance. 尽管他曾让人厌恶,可江泽民以及新一代的中国领导人亏欠他太多了。 www.ecocn.org 7. The new king, Henry VIII, was something of a poet himself. 新国王,亨利八世,仍是一个诗人自己。 q.sohu.com 8. The new year open out with various of these spectacular shot from the most expected & unusual calender. 新的一年开出与这些来自最不寻常的日历壮观的预期及各种镜头。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. About a year after launching Ultimate Arena, the team re-launched the company as Xfire, with the new IM service as the core product. 发布了1年以后,团队以Xfire的名字重新出现,新的即时通讯产品作为他们的核心产品。 www.bing.com 10. With just a week to go until the Bundesliga restart, Franz Beckenbauer says he can hardly wait for the new campaign to get underway. 距离德甲重新开战只有一周时间了,贝肯鲍尔说他几乎等不及这场新的征程开始了。 bbs.dfo.cn 1. For the shoppers, the new tool can check average sold price to determine how much they should expect to pay for a product. 对于购买者,新工具可以为用户提供平均售价以决定他们付出多少钱可以获得产品。 portal.vsharing.com 2. The new Compute Editor allows you to create both simple and complex computes through an easy-to-use interface. 新的ComputeEditor允许通过一个容易使用的界面创建简单和复杂的计算。 www.ibm.com 3. Jiang Zemin and the new generation of Chinese leaders owe him much, for all that he has been a nuisance. 尽管他曾让人厌恶,可江泽民以及新一代的中国领导人亏欠他太多了。 www.ecocn.org 4. While thanking you for your valued support, I wish to asc for a continuance of your confidence in the new company. 在感谢您过去惠予支持的同时,希望对我新公司也继续给予信赖。 www.for68.com 5. The new king, Henry VIII, was something of a poet himself. 新国王,亨利八世,仍是一个诗人自己。 q.sohu.com 6. The new year open out with various of these spectacular shot from the most expected & unusual calender. 新的一年开出与这些来自最不寻常的日历壮观的预期及各种镜头。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. About a year after launching Ultimate Arena, the team re-launched the company as Xfire, with the new IM service as the core product. 发布了1年以后,团队以Xfire的名字重新出现,新的即时通讯产品作为他们的核心产品。 www.bing.com 8. With just a week to go until the Bundesliga restart, Franz Beckenbauer says he can hardly wait for the new campaign to get underway. 距离德甲重新开战只有一周时间了,贝肯鲍尔说他几乎等不及这场新的征程开始了。 bbs.dfo.cn 9. Although it's a scary thing to hold a tiny vulnerable baby, he said, the new findings show it does help. 他说,尽管抱着这样一个脆弱的小孩是一件提心吊胆的事情,但是新的发现表明这么做确实很有用。 www.bing.com 10. While we see that there's value in coupons and exclusive deals, it's a little strange to see someone call frugality "the new cool" . 优惠券和特价交易固然有好处,但是把节约说成“新潮流”听起来还是有些离奇。 www.bing.com 1. While thanking you for your valued support, I wish to asc for a continuance of your confidence in the new company. 在感谢您过去惠予支持的同时,希望对我新公司也继续给予信赖。 www.for68.com 2. The new test also opens the door for other would-be donors, including men and women who have had body piercings or tattoos . 该项新测试也向其他潜在的献血者们开启了一扇门,其中包括有身体穿洞或刺青的人群。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The new king, Henry VIII, was something of a poet himself. 新国王,亨利八世,仍是一个诗人自己。 q.sohu.com 4. The new year open out with various of these spectacular shot from the most expected & unusual calender. 新的一年开出与这些来自最不寻常的日历壮观的预期及各种镜头。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. About a year after launching Ultimate Arena, the team re-launched the company as Xfire, with the new IM service as the core product. 发布了1年以后,团队以Xfire的名字重新出现,新的即时通讯产品作为他们的核心产品。 www.bing.com 6. With just a week to go until the Bundesliga restart, Franz Beckenbauer says he can hardly wait for the new campaign to get underway. 距离德甲重新开战只有一周时间了,贝肯鲍尔说他几乎等不及这场新的征程开始了。 bbs.dfo.cn 7. Although it's a scary thing to hold a tiny vulnerable baby, he said, the new findings show it does help. 他说,尽管抱着这样一个脆弱的小孩是一件提心吊胆的事情,但是新的发现表明这么做确实很有用。 www.bing.com 8. While we see that there's value in coupons and exclusive deals, it's a little strange to see someone call frugality "the new cool" . 优惠券和特价交易固然有好处,但是把节约说成“新潮流”听起来还是有些离奇。 www.bing.com 9. The new man is moving fast to put Mr Gbagbo, his wife Simone, and some 80 of his friends and colleagues on trial. 新任领导人很快对巴博、其夫人西蒙,及大约80名他的朋友和同事进行了审判。 www.ecocn.org 10. The second is an e-mail that actually sends the new posts that have arrived since the last time the user read a particular feed. 第二种电子邮件发送一些新文章,这些文章发表于上次用户阅读某个特定的提要之后。 www.ibm.com 1. The new king, Henry VIII, was something of a poet himself. 新国王,亨利八世,仍是一个诗人自己。 q.sohu.com 2. The new year open out with various of these spectacular shot from the most expected & unusual calender. 新的一年开出与这些来自最不寻常的日历壮观的预期及各种镜头。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. About a year after launching Ultimate Arena, the team re-launched the company as Xfire, with the new IM service as the core product. 发布了1年以后,团队以Xfire的名字重新出现,新的即时通讯产品作为他们的核心产品。 www.bing.com 4. With just a week to go until the Bundesliga restart, Franz Beckenbauer says he can hardly wait for the new campaign to get underway. 距离德甲重新开战只有一周时间了,贝肯鲍尔说他几乎等不及这场新的征程开始了。 bbs.dfo.cn 5. Although it's a scary thing to hold a tiny vulnerable baby, he said, the new findings show it does help. 他说,尽管抱着这样一个脆弱的小孩是一件提心吊胆的事情,但是新的发现表明这么做确实很有用。 www.bing.com 6. While we see that there's value in coupons and exclusive deals, it's a little strange to see someone call frugality "the new cool" . 优惠券和特价交易固然有好处,但是把节约说成“新潮流”听起来还是有些离奇。 www.bing.com 7. The new man is moving fast to put Mr Gbagbo, his wife Simone, and some 80 of his friends and colleagues on trial. 新任领导人很快对巴博、其夫人西蒙,及大约80名他的朋友和同事进行了审判。 www.ecocn.org 8. The second is an e-mail that actually sends the new posts that have arrived since the last time the user read a particular feed. 第二种电子邮件发送一些新文章,这些文章发表于上次用户阅读某个特定的提要之后。 www.ibm.com 9. One reason, say analysts and service providers, is that consumers are only beginning to understand the possibilities of the new technology. 其中一个原因,分析家和服务供应商,是消费者才刚刚开始了解新技术的可能性。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Close the bottom view (remove the split) before changing views if you prefer to see the new view as a single view. 如果希望新视图显示为单个视图,请在更改视图之前关闭底部视图(取消拆分)。 www.kuenglish.info 1. About a year after launching Ultimate Arena, the team re-launched the company as Xfire, with the new IM service as the core product. 发布了1年以后,团队以Xfire的名字重新出现,新的即时通讯产品作为他们的核心产品。 www.bing.com 2. With just a week to go until the Bundesliga restart, Franz Beckenbauer says he can hardly wait for the new campaign to get underway. 距离德甲重新开战只有一周时间了,贝肯鲍尔说他几乎等不及这场新的征程开始了。 bbs.dfo.cn 3. Although it's a scary thing to hold a tiny vulnerable baby, he said, the new findings show it does help. 他说,尽管抱着这样一个脆弱的小孩是一件提心吊胆的事情,但是新的发现表明这么做确实很有用。 www.bing.com 4. While we see that there's value in coupons and exclusive deals, it's a little strange to see someone call frugality "the new cool" . 优惠券和特价交易固然有好处,但是把节约说成“新潮流”听起来还是有些离奇。 www.bing.com 5. The new man is moving fast to put Mr Gbagbo, his wife Simone, and some 80 of his friends and colleagues on trial. 新任领导人很快对巴博、其夫人西蒙,及大约80名他的朋友和同事进行了审判。 www.ecocn.org 6. The second is an e-mail that actually sends the new posts that have arrived since the last time the user read a particular feed. 第二种电子邮件发送一些新文章,这些文章发表于上次用户阅读某个特定的提要之后。 www.ibm.com 7. One reason, say analysts and service providers, is that consumers are only beginning to understand the possibilities of the new technology. 其中一个原因,分析家和服务供应商,是消费者才刚刚开始了解新技术的可能性。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Close the bottom view (remove the split) before changing views if you prefer to see the new view as a single view. 如果希望新视图显示为单个视图,请在更改视图之前关闭底部视图(取消拆分)。 www.kuenglish.info 9. You are quite right; the "Red dinning room" is just the new address of that of Sanlitun. 别有什么疑惑,这个“红餐厅”就是三里屯红餐厅的新址。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 10. He said, after sending the radio warnings, Russian border guards began to fire to the "New Star" . 他说,俄边防军在通过无线电发出警告后,便向“新星号”开火。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 1. Although it's a scary thing to hold a tiny vulnerable baby, he said, the new findings show it does help. 他说,尽管抱着这样一个脆弱的小孩是一件提心吊胆的事情,但是新的发现表明这么做确实很有用。 www.bing.com 2. While we see that there's value in coupons and exclusive deals, it's a little strange to see someone call frugality "the new cool" . 优惠券和特价交易固然有好处,但是把节约说成“新潮流”听起来还是有些离奇。 www.bing.com 3. The new man is moving fast to put Mr Gbagbo, his wife Simone, and some 80 of his friends and colleagues on trial. 新任领导人很快对巴博、其夫人西蒙,及大约80名他的朋友和同事进行了审判。 www.ecocn.org 4. The second is an e-mail that actually sends the new posts that have arrived since the last time the user read a particular feed. 第二种电子邮件发送一些新文章,这些文章发表于上次用户阅读某个特定的提要之后。 www.ibm.com 5. One reason, say analysts and service providers, is that consumers are only beginning to understand the possibilities of the new technology. 其中一个原因,分析家和服务供应商,是消费者才刚刚开始了解新技术的可能性。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Close the bottom view (remove the split) before changing views if you prefer to see the new view as a single view. 如果希望新视图显示为单个视图,请在更改视图之前关闭底部视图(取消拆分)。 www.kuenglish.info 7. You are quite right; the "Red dinning room" is just the new address of that of Sanlitun. 别有什么疑惑,这个“红餐厅”就是三里屯红餐厅的新址。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 8. He said, after sending the radio warnings, Russian border guards began to fire to the "New Star" . 他说,俄边防军在通过无线电发出警告后,便向“新星号”开火。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 9. It will take at least two years to build a new house, and my insurance is only going to pay about half the cost of the new house. 它需要至少两年建一所新房子,我只会保险支付大约一半的费用的新房子。 wenwen.soso.com 10. He'll adjust and before you know it your pet will be acting like the king or queen of the new castle. 它会像你之前了解的一样调整过来,成为新城堡的国王或者女王。 www.bing.com 1. The new man is moving fast to put Mr Gbagbo, his wife Simone, and some 80 of his friends and colleagues on trial. 新任领导人很快对巴博、其夫人西蒙,及大约80名他的朋友和同事进行了审判。 www.ecocn.org 2. The second is an e-mail that actually sends the new posts that have arrived since the last time the user read a particular feed. 第二种电子邮件发送一些新文章,这些文章发表于上次用户阅读某个特定的提要之后。 www.ibm.com 3. One reason, say analysts and service providers, is that consumers are only beginning to understand the possibilities of the new technology. 其中一个原因,分析家和服务供应商,是消费者才刚刚开始了解新技术的可能性。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Close the bottom view (remove the split) before changing views if you prefer to see the new view as a single view. 如果希望新视图显示为单个视图,请在更改视图之前关闭底部视图(取消拆分)。 www.kuenglish.info 5. You are quite right; the "Red dinning room" is just the new address of that of Sanlitun. 别有什么疑惑,这个“红餐厅”就是三里屯红餐厅的新址。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 6. He said, after sending the radio warnings, Russian border guards began to fire to the "New Star" . 他说,俄边防军在通过无线电发出警告后,便向“新星号”开火。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 7. It will take at least two years to build a new house, and my insurance is only going to pay about half the cost of the new house. 它需要至少两年建一所新房子,我只会保险支付大约一半的费用的新房子。 wenwen.soso.com 8. He'll adjust and before you know it your pet will be acting like the king or queen of the new castle. 它会像你之前了解的一样调整过来,成为新城堡的国王或者女王。 www.bing.com 9. After all, people in this middle of the night silence of the night, who would knock her to move the new tenants of the door? 毕竟,在这夜深人寂的夜里,有谁会来敲她这个新搬住户的房门? zhidao.baidu.com 10. Every time the new teacher appears in a classroom he gets the mickey taken out of him. 这位新教师每次在教室露面,都要受到一番嘲弄。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. One reason, say analysts and service providers, is that consumers are only beginning to understand the possibilities of the new technology. 其中一个原因,分析家和服务供应商,是消费者才刚刚开始了解新技术的可能性。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Close the bottom view (remove the split) before changing views if you prefer to see the new view as a single view. 如果希望新视图显示为单个视图,请在更改视图之前关闭底部视图(取消拆分)。 www.kuenglish.info 3. You are quite right; the "Red dinning room" is just the new address of that of Sanlitun. 别有什么疑惑,这个“红餐厅”就是三里屯红餐厅的新址。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. He said, after sending the radio warnings, Russian border guards began to fire to the "New Star" . 他说,俄边防军在通过无线电发出警告后,便向“新星号”开火。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 5. It will take at least two years to build a new house, and my insurance is only going to pay about half the cost of the new house. 它需要至少两年建一所新房子,我只会保险支付大约一半的费用的新房子。 wenwen.soso.com 6. He'll adjust and before you know it your pet will be acting like the king or queen of the new castle. 它会像你之前了解的一样调整过来,成为新城堡的国王或者女王。 www.bing.com 7. After all, people in this middle of the night silence of the night, who would knock her to move the new tenants of the door? 毕竟,在这夜深人寂的夜里,有谁会来敲她这个新搬住户的房门? zhidao.baidu.com 8. Every time the new teacher appears in a classroom he gets the mickey taken out of him. 这位新教师每次在教室露面,都要受到一番嘲弄。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. This will produce a kind of sad, but the sadness is not to prevent her to start, the new time will be music repeat, repeat the story! 这时就会生出一种伤感,然而这种伤感并不妨碍自己去重新开始,在新的时空内将音乐重听一遍,将故事再说一遍! www.bing.com 10. Since the New Zealand dollar is one of the strongest currencies it should be closely observed for signs the uptrend will be extended. 当纽币成为最强的货币之一,我们应该密切观察其涨势是否延续。 www.blancpartners.com 1. You are quite right; the "Red dinning room" is just the new address of that of Sanlitun. 别有什么疑惑,这个“红餐厅”就是三里屯红餐厅的新址。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 2. He said, after sending the radio warnings, Russian border guards began to fire to the "New Star" . 他说,俄边防军在通过无线电发出警告后,便向“新星号”开火。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 3. It will take at least two years to build a new house, and my insurance is only going to pay about half the cost of the new house. 它需要至少两年建一所新房子,我只会保险支付大约一半的费用的新房子。 wenwen.soso.com 4. He'll adjust and before you know it your pet will be acting like the king or queen of the new castle. 它会像你之前了解的一样调整过来,成为新城堡的国王或者女王。 www.bing.com 5. After all, people in this middle of the night silence of the night, who would knock her to move the new tenants of the door? 毕竟,在这夜深人寂的夜里,有谁会来敲她这个新搬住户的房门? zhidao.baidu.com 6. Every time the new teacher appears in a classroom he gets the mickey taken out of him. 这位新教师每次在教室露面,都要受到一番嘲弄。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. This will produce a kind of sad, but the sadness is not to prevent her to start, the new time will be music repeat, repeat the story! 这时就会生出一种伤感,然而这种伤感并不妨碍自己去重新开始,在新的时空内将音乐重听一遍,将故事再说一遍! www.bing.com 8. Since the New Zealand dollar is one of the strongest currencies it should be closely observed for signs the uptrend will be extended. 当纽币成为最强的货币之一,我们应该密切观察其涨势是否延续。 www.blancpartners.com 9. The new museum building looks like a balloon lying on its side ready to launch. Outside is a real balloon ready to take visitors for a ride. 新的博物馆看上去象是一个气球卧着准备发射。外面是一个真的气球好像准备带游客去飞行。 home.hjenglish.com 10. He said the new policy will enable U. S. forces to make important progress over the next 18 months. 他说,新政策将让美军在接下来的18个月取得重要进展。 ept-cn.com 1. Although it's a scary thing to hold a tiny vulnerable baby, he said, the new findings show it does help. 他说,尽管抱着这样一个脆弱的小孩是一件提心吊胆的事情,但是新的发现表明这么做确实很有用。 www.bing.com 2. While we see that there's value in coupons and exclusive deals, it's a little strange to see someone call frugality "the new cool" . 优惠券和特价交易固然有好处,但是把节约说成“新潮流”听起来还是有些离奇。 www.bing.com 3. The new man is moving fast to put Mr Gbagbo, his wife Simone, and some 80 of his friends and colleagues on trial. 新任领导人很快对巴博、其夫人西蒙,及大约80名他的朋友和同事进行了审判。 www.ecocn.org 4. The second is an e-mail that actually sends the new posts that have arrived since the last time the user read a particular feed. 第二种电子邮件发送一些新文章,这些文章发表于上次用户阅读某个特定的提要之后。 www.ibm.com 5. One reason, say analysts and service providers, is that consumers are only beginning to understand the possibilities of the new technology. 其中一个原因,分析家和服务供应商,是消费者才刚刚开始了解新技术的可能性。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Close the bottom view (remove the split) before changing views if you prefer to see the new view as a single view. 如果希望新视图显示为单个视图,请在更改视图之前关闭底部视图(取消拆分)。 www.kuenglish.info 7. You are quite right; the "Red dinning room" is just the new address of that of Sanlitun. 别有什么疑惑,这个“红餐厅”就是三里屯红餐厅的新址。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 8. He said, after sending the radio warnings, Russian border guards began to fire to the "New Star" . 他说,俄边防军在通过无线电发出警告后,便向“新星号”开火。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 9. It will take at least two years to build a new house, and my insurance is only going to pay about half the cost of the new house. 它需要至少两年建一所新房子,我只会保险支付大约一半的费用的新房子。 wenwen.soso.com 10. He'll adjust and before you know it your pet will be acting like the king or queen of the new castle. 它会像你之前了解的一样调整过来,成为新城堡的国王或者女王。 www.bing.com 1. The new man is moving fast to put Mr Gbagbo, his wife Simone, and some 80 of his friends and colleagues on trial. 新任领导人很快对巴博、其夫人西蒙,及大约80名他的朋友和同事进行了审判。 www.ecocn.org 2. The second is an e-mail that actually sends the new posts that have arrived since the last time the user read a particular feed. 第二种电子邮件发送一些新文章,这些文章发表于上次用户阅读某个特定的提要之后。 www.ibm.com 3. One reason, say analysts and service providers, is that consumers are only beginning to understand the possibilities of the new technology. 其中一个原因,分析家和服务供应商,是消费者才刚刚开始了解新技术的可能性。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Close the bottom view (remove the split) before changing views if you prefer to see the new view as a single view. 如果希望新视图显示为单个视图,请在更改视图之前关闭底部视图(取消拆分)。 www.kuenglish.info 5. You are quite right; the "Red dinning room" is just the new address of that of Sanlitun. 别有什么疑惑,这个“红餐厅”就是三里屯红餐厅的新址。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 6. He said, after sending the radio warnings, Russian border guards began to fire to the "New Star" . 他说,俄边防军在通过无线电发出警告后,便向“新星号”开火。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 7. It will take at least two years to build a new house, and my insurance is only going to pay about half the cost of the new house. 它需要至少两年建一所新房子,我只会保险支付大约一半的费用的新房子。 wenwen.soso.com 8. He'll adjust and before you know it your pet will be acting like the king or queen of the new castle. 它会像你之前了解的一样调整过来,成为新城堡的国王或者女王。 www.bing.com 9. After all, people in this middle of the night silence of the night, who would knock her to move the new tenants of the door? 毕竟,在这夜深人寂的夜里,有谁会来敲她这个新搬住户的房门? zhidao.baidu.com 10. Every time the new teacher appears in a classroom he gets the mickey taken out of him. 这位新教师每次在教室露面,都要受到一番嘲弄。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. One reason, say analysts and service providers, is that consumers are only beginning to understand the possibilities of the new technology. 其中一个原因,分析家和服务供应商,是消费者才刚刚开始了解新技术的可能性。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Close the bottom view (remove the split) before changing views if you prefer to see the new view as a single view. 如果希望新视图显示为单个视图,请在更改视图之前关闭底部视图(取消拆分)。 www.kuenglish.info 3. You are quite right; the "Red dinning room" is just the new address of that of Sanlitun. 别有什么疑惑,这个“红餐厅”就是三里屯红餐厅的新址。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. He said, after sending the radio warnings, Russian border guards began to fire to the "New Star" . 他说,俄边防军在通过无线电发出警告后,便向“新星号”开火。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 5. It will take at least two years to build a new house, and my insurance is only going to pay about half the cost of the new house. 它需要至少两年建一所新房子,我只会保险支付大约一半的费用的新房子。 wenwen.soso.com 6. He'll adjust and before you know it your pet will be acting like the king or queen of the new castle. 它会像你之前了解的一样调整过来,成为新城堡的国王或者女王。 www.bing.com 7. After all, people in this middle of the night silence of the night, who would knock her to move the new tenants of the door? 毕竟,在这夜深人寂的夜里,有谁会来敲她这个新搬住户的房门? zhidao.baidu.com 8. Every time the new teacher appears in a classroom he gets the mickey taken out of him. 这位新教师每次在教室露面,都要受到一番嘲弄。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. This will produce a kind of sad, but the sadness is not to prevent her to start, the new time will be music repeat, repeat the story! 这时就会生出一种伤感,然而这种伤感并不妨碍自己去重新开始,在新的时空内将音乐重听一遍,将故事再说一遍! www.bing.com 10. Since the New Zealand dollar is one of the strongest currencies it should be closely observed for signs the uptrend will be extended. 当纽币成为最强的货币之一,我们应该密切观察其涨势是否延续。 www.blancpartners.com 1. You are quite right; the "Red dinning room" is just the new address of that of Sanlitun. 别有什么疑惑,这个“红餐厅”就是三里屯红餐厅的新址。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 2. He said, after sending the radio warnings, Russian border guards began to fire to the "New Star" . 他说,俄边防军在通过无线电发出警告后,便向“新星号”开火。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 3. It will take at least two years to build a new house, and my insurance is only going to pay about half the cost of the new house. 它需要至少两年建一所新房子,我只会保险支付大约一半的费用的新房子。 wenwen.soso.com 4. He'll adjust and before you know it your pet will be acting like the king or queen of the new castle. 它会像你之前了解的一样调整过来,成为新城堡的国王或者女王。 www.bing.com 5. After all, people in this middle of the night silence of the night, who would knock her to move the new tenants of the door? 毕竟,在这夜深人寂的夜里,有谁会来敲她这个新搬住户的房门? zhidao.baidu.com 6. Every time the new teacher appears in a classroom he gets the mickey taken out of him. 这位新教师每次在教室露面,都要受到一番嘲弄。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. This will produce a kind of sad, but the sadness is not to prevent her to start, the new time will be music repeat, repeat the story! 这时就会生出一种伤感,然而这种伤感并不妨碍自己去重新开始,在新的时空内将音乐重听一遍,将故事再说一遍! www.bing.com 8. Since the New Zealand dollar is one of the strongest currencies it should be closely observed for signs the uptrend will be extended. 当纽币成为最强的货币之一,我们应该密切观察其涨势是否延续。 www.blancpartners.com 9. The new museum building looks like a balloon lying on its side ready to launch. Outside is a real balloon ready to take visitors for a ride. 新的博物馆看上去象是一个气球卧着准备发射。外面是一个真的气球好像准备带游客去飞行。 home.hjenglish.com 10. He said the new policy will enable U. S. forces to make important progress over the next 18 months. 他说,新政策将让美军在接下来的18个月取得重要进展。 ept-cn.com 1. It will take at least two years to build a new house, and my insurance is only going to pay about half the cost of the new house. 它需要至少两年建一所新房子,我只会保险支付大约一半的费用的新房子。 wenwen.soso.com 2. He'll adjust and before you know it your pet will be acting like the king or queen of the new castle. 它会像你之前了解的一样调整过来,成为新城堡的国王或者女王。 www.bing.com 3. After all, people in this middle of the night silence of the night, who would knock her to move the new tenants of the door? 毕竟,在这夜深人寂的夜里,有谁会来敲她这个新搬住户的房门? zhidao.baidu.com 4. Every time the new teacher appears in a classroom he gets the mickey taken out of him. 这位新教师每次在教室露面,都要受到一番嘲弄。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. This will produce a kind of sad, but the sadness is not to prevent her to start, the new time will be music repeat, repeat the story! 这时就会生出一种伤感,然而这种伤感并不妨碍自己去重新开始,在新的时空内将音乐重听一遍,将故事再说一遍! www.bing.com 6. Since the New Zealand dollar is one of the strongest currencies it should be closely observed for signs the uptrend will be extended. 当纽币成为最强的货币之一,我们应该密切观察其涨势是否延续。 www.blancpartners.com 7. The new museum building looks like a balloon lying on its side ready to launch. Outside is a real balloon ready to take visitors for a ride. 新的博物馆看上去象是一个气球卧着准备发射。外面是一个真的气球好像准备带游客去飞行。 home.hjenglish.com 8. He said the new policy will enable U. S. forces to make important progress over the next 18 months. 他说,新政策将让美军在接下来的18个月取得重要进展。 ept-cn.com 9. The new interface also makes it easy to print chats and to send them in an email using your default mail application. 新界面还便于打印聊天记录和使用默认邮件应用程序将其发送到电子邮件中。 www.ibm.com 10. generally it is just light enough for us to be able to see its outline, so that we speak of seeing "the old moon in the new moon's arms. " 一般地这一部分也能有足够的光让我们能勉强刚刚能看清月球的轮廓,这就是我们所说的“新月抱着旧月”的现象。 www.zftrans.com 1. After all, people in this middle of the night silence of the night, who would knock her to move the new tenants of the door? 毕竟,在这夜深人寂的夜里,有谁会来敲她这个新搬住户的房门? zhidao.baidu.com 2. Every time the new teacher appears in a classroom he gets the mickey taken out of him. 这位新教师每次在教室露面,都要受到一番嘲弄。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. This will produce a kind of sad, but the sadness is not to prevent her to start, the new time will be music repeat, repeat the story! 这时就会生出一种伤感,然而这种伤感并不妨碍自己去重新开始,在新的时空内将音乐重听一遍,将故事再说一遍! www.bing.com 4. Since the New Zealand dollar is one of the strongest currencies it should be closely observed for signs the uptrend will be extended. 当纽币成为最强的货币之一,我们应该密切观察其涨势是否延续。 www.blancpartners.com 5. The new museum building looks like a balloon lying on its side ready to launch. Outside is a real balloon ready to take visitors for a ride. 新的博物馆看上去象是一个气球卧着准备发射。外面是一个真的气球好像准备带游客去飞行。 home.hjenglish.com 6. He said the new policy will enable U. S. forces to make important progress over the next 18 months. 他说,新政策将让美军在接下来的18个月取得重要进展。 ept-cn.com 7. The new interface also makes it easy to print chats and to send them in an email using your default mail application. 新界面还便于打印聊天记录和使用默认邮件应用程序将其发送到电子邮件中。 www.ibm.com 8. generally it is just light enough for us to be able to see its outline, so that we speak of seeing "the old moon in the new moon's arms. " 一般地这一部分也能有足够的光让我们能勉强刚刚能看清月球的轮廓,这就是我们所说的“新月抱着旧月”的现象。 www.zftrans.com 9. However, he said the new royalty agreement incorporates an "experimental approach" that addresses concerns on both sides. 不过,他说新的版权费协议采取了一个“实验性的方法”来兼顾双方的利益。 www.bing.com 10. With the securing of the new settlement site and return of the scouts, the clan is now ready to move. 随着新定居点安全的消息被斥候带回来,氏族现在准备迁徙。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. This will produce a kind of sad, but the sadness is not to prevent her to start, the new time will be music repeat, repeat the story! 这时就会生出一种伤感,然而这种伤感并不妨碍自己去重新开始,在新的时空内将音乐重听一遍,将故事再说一遍! www.bing.com 2. Since the New Zealand dollar is one of the strongest currencies it should be closely observed for signs the uptrend will be extended. 当纽币成为最强的货币之一,我们应该密切观察其涨势是否延续。 www.blancpartners.com 3. The new museum building looks like a balloon lying on its side ready to launch. Outside is a real balloon ready to take visitors for a ride. 新的博物馆看上去象是一个气球卧着准备发射。外面是一个真的气球好像准备带游客去飞行。 home.hjenglish.com 4. He said the new policy will enable U. S. forces to make important progress over the next 18 months. 他说,新政策将让美军在接下来的18个月取得重要进展。 ept-cn.com 5. The new interface also makes it easy to print chats and to send them in an email using your default mail application. 新界面还便于打印聊天记录和使用默认邮件应用程序将其发送到电子邮件中。 www.ibm.com 6. generally it is just light enough for us to be able to see its outline, so that we speak of seeing "the old moon in the new moon's arms. " 一般地这一部分也能有足够的光让我们能勉强刚刚能看清月球的轮廓,这就是我们所说的“新月抱着旧月”的现象。 www.zftrans.com 7. However, he said the new royalty agreement incorporates an "experimental approach" that addresses concerns on both sides. 不过,他说新的版权费协议采取了一个“实验性的方法”来兼顾双方的利益。 www.bing.com 8. With the securing of the new settlement site and return of the scouts, the clan is now ready to move. 随着新定居点安全的消息被斥候带回来,氏族现在准备迁徙。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Once the new kernel is installed, reboot your system to make sure that everything is working fine up to this point. 一旦新内核安装完毕,重新引导系统以确保到目前为止一切工作正常。 www-128.ibm.com 10. Future clocks that use the new improvements would be accurate to a second every 32 billion years -- more than twice the age of the universe. 改进后的未来时钟准确度将提高到320亿年一秒的误差——高出宇宙年龄的两倍多。 www.bing.com |
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