单词 | themes |
释义 | themes是theme的复数
复数:themes adj. n. main theme,Common theme,central theme,constant theme,same theme v. n. use theme,select theme,choose theme,follow theme,repeat theme 例句释义: 论题,话题,主题,打扮的东东,主题服务,布景主题 1. Any of these can be chosen as a theme for a page or these themes can be taken as a template for creating custom themes. 所有这些都可以选作页面的主题,或者将这些主题作为模板创建自定义主题。 www.ibm.com 2. In the feedback, as many others in the markets tried to nail what was wrong, a few recurring themes began to stand out from the noise. 在各种反馈中,有许多市场人士试图揪出错误之处,但在一片嘈杂中,也有一些反复出现的主题开始脱颖而出。 www.ftchinese.com 3. She was not an established writer, though some of her early themes showed a certain originality. 她那时还不是成名的作家,尽管她早期有些题材已经显示了她有某种独创才能。 4. to a few seconds, creating themes out of several phrases before singing the next one. 除了采用相似的节奏外,座头鲸还会将乐句保持几秒钟,用几个乐句创造出主旋律,然后再唱下一段。 www.shanbay.com 5. Themes enable you to define styling that can be applied to a set of pages, and can be changed as a group. 主题使您能够定义可应用于一组页的样式,并将其作为一个组进行更改。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. He posted sometimes dozens of times a day, trying out the conventions of Twitter as if he were practicing themes and variations. 有时他每天发布十几条推,用于熟悉推特的传播方式——如同演奏主旋律和变奏曲; www.bing.com 7. Austen sets the scene, develops some characters and themes, and then, just as the plot seems to take off, it abruptly ends. 奥斯汀铺设了背景,确定了几个人物和主题,然后,正当情节似乎就要展开时,小说戛然而止。 kk.dongxi.net 8. The disappearance of rest from daily life is also one of the themes of a major new exhibition on sleep at the Wellcome Collection in London. 而渐渐消失在日常生活中的睡眠也成了近来在伦敦举办的WellcomeCollection新主题展览的主题之一。 www.bing.com 9. In Beethoven's case there is no doubt about it, for we have the notebooks in which he put the themes down. 以贝多芬为例这一点毋庸质疑,因为我们有他记下音乐主题的笔记本。 www.crazyenglish.org 10. Note that this should not be a summary of the readings, but some of the students' own thoughts about the themes and debates of the readings. 注意,这不应该是阅读资料的一个摘要,而应是关于它们主题和辩论的一些学生的想法。 www.myoops.org 1. But I continued to use it by only modifying themes via gnome-look, even though it wasn't able to play any of my media files. 但我仍继续使用它,即使只能通过gnome-look来改变主题,即使我不能用它播放我的媒体文件。 www.bing.com 2. This was one of the core themes of the 2010, International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures. 这是2010国际文化和睦年的核心主题。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Many Olympic movies have been made, trying to capture those universal themes of excellence, commitment, and personal sacrifice. 许多奥运题材电影都力求捕捉诸如卓越表现、奉献以及个人牺牲等共同的主题。 www.ebigear.com 4. Other themes might have more than one sidebar defined, and if so, you'll be able to select it from the Current Widgets drop-down box. 其它的主题可能定义了几个边栏,这样的话,你可以从当前Widgets下拉框中选择边栏。 www.zzbaike.com 5. In this module, these themes are revisited in a very specific computational context, that of shape grammars. 在这堂课里,这些主题在一种非常特定的演算脉络中,被以形态规则的方式被重新审视。 www.myoops.org 6. It may not be the most festive of themes, but at least our holiday gift to you this year is not a tie or socks. 它可能不是最喜庆的主题,但至少我们的节日礼物,你今年是不是领带或袜子。 bbs.greenteam.org.cn 7. Until Six Dynasties, Object-chanting Fu with various themes and short length, had been a main school in rhapsody . 至六朝,题材多样、篇幅短小的咏物小赋已成为赋中大宗。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. In this sense, it is not just a Chinese play, but an international one because these styles and themes can be seen from Broadway to London. 从这个角度来看,这不仅仅是中国的话剧,也是国际的因为从白老汇街到伦敦这种风格与主题都能看得到。 www.infzm.com 9. Whether emerging economies develop fast enough to start denting this figure will be one of the defining themes of the next decade. 新兴经济体股市会否以足够快的发展速度来降低这一比例?这将是未来10年的核心主题之一。 www.ftchinese.com 10. These four themes form the spine of my textbook and I shall elaborate upon them as I proceed today. 这四个词构成我的课本的主干,在我今天接下来的演讲中,我将对其详细阐释。 www.douban.com 1. We're just a little bit more than a week into earnings season, and already some themes have started to emerge from the numbers. 我们进入赚钱季节已经一星期多一点,已经有一些题材股从众多的股票中浮显出来。 www.bing.com 2. I thought about this possibility, but it seemed a bit incongruous given Pixar's past track record of films with progressive themes. 我考虑了这种可能性,但它与皮克斯公司过去进步主义题材的电影宣传策略不一致。 www.elanso.com 3. Currently, there is no support for creating additional GTK engines. However, you can visit Themes. org to see what may be in store. 目前不支持创建额外的GTK引擎,但是您可以访问Themes.org以了解未来发展计划。 www.ibm.com 4. A fight for fair trade was one of his key campaign themes, but he made clear that this meant opening up foreign markets to US goods. 为贸易的公平性而战是他的主旨,但是他澄清这意味着对于美国商品开放国外市场。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. There seem to be some recurring themes, like those jobs that involve the dead, the dying, a risk of death -- and public speaking. 似乎有一些公共演讲中反复出现的题目,如那些工作涉及到死者,濒临死亡的人以及存在死亡的风险。 www.kekenet.com 6. She has produced several films that deal with the classic Oprah-themes of suffering and redemption in which she did not actually appear. 她创作了几部电影,涉及典型的有关受难和救赎的奥普拉主题,而她本人并没哟出现在电影中。 www.ecocn.org 7. He gave the initial impetus to a type of painting which, using analogues of music, developed the themes of abstract expressionism. 他最早促进了这样一种类型的绘画,即它通过运用与音乐相类似的手法,发展了抽象表现主义的主题。 www.bing.com 8. Picasso's search for monumentality in his own art, whether painting or sculpture, is one of the themes of this book. 本部作品的一个主旨是毕加索不论是在油画或雕塑作品中,他都追求着一种不朽的力量。 www.ecocn.org 9. S. economy is still not out of the shadow of the financial crisis, economy has become one of the themes this year's Halloween. 由于美国经济依然没有走出金融危机留下的阴影,节俭也成为今年万圣节的主题之一。 english.voc.com.cn 10. Identity will be one of the defining themes in the next five years of the Web. 在未来五年的互联网世界里,身份将成为重要主题之一。 www.bing.com 1. You know, I'm struck by how one of the implicit themes of TED is compassion. TED的隐性主题之一是同情心,这让我很受触动。 www.ted.com 2. Spend time looking at the Drupal core includes and modules, contributed modules, and themes to see how things are implemented. 花时间看看Drupal核心代码和模块、贡献的模块以及主题,了解系统是如何实现的。 www.ibm.com 3. In the few minutes that I have, let me identify a few of the key themes and major tasks that make up the challenge. 我想利用这几分钟的时间,谈谈这种挑战包含的主要内容和任务。 web.worldbank.org 4. The power of his work lies in the long-standing consistent topicality of the means he uses and themes he addresses. 他作品的力量在于长期不断地运用他自己的方式和主题不断制造话题。 www.2010dcc.com 5. A site comes with a set of themes that enable you to quickly change the appearance, based on your organization's needs. 一个网站包含一系列主题,使您可以根据组织的需要快速更改外观。 office.microsoft.com 6. On the surface, sub-themes behave just like any other theme. 在表面上,子主题和其它主题是一样的。 deapge.blog.163.com 7. Economics was, she said, "a priority of our foreign policy" . But more strategic themes bristled beneath. 她表示,经济是“我国外交政策的一个重点”,但潜台词中有不少更具战略性的主题。 www.ftchinese.com 8. They are themes which have intrigued the greatest authors of every medium through the centuries. 他们有兴趣,通过每一个世纪中最伟大的作家主题。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Ndesandjo said he did not want to touch on any political themes in his novel. 恩德桑乔说他不想在他的小说中涉及任何政治话题。 www.bing.com 10. Since we have have other websites with different wp themes, this could be the beginning of a long term collaboration for both side. 既然我们有不同的可湿性粉剂主题的其他网站,这可能是一个长期的合作为双方开始。 www.bing.com 1. Asia-Pacific's strong showing was one of the clearest themes of the Pisa survey. 在此次Pisa调查中,一个最明显的主题就是亚太地区的强劲表现。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Finally, the last thing added was a call to your chart's setTheme method, passing in one of the many color themes that Dojo provides. 最后,最后添加的是针对您图表的setTheme方法的调用,传递Dojo提供的诸多颜色主题中的一个。 www.ibm.com 3. His broad themes can be summed up in two famous quotations about Italy. 他的主要主题可以用两个有关意大利的名言来概括。 www.ecocn.org 4. Mozart could afford a more unaltered repetition of his themes because his themes tended to be full-blown lyrical melodies. 莫扎特能够不断重复他的主题是因为它们充满了抒情的旋律。 www.bing.com 5. A composition having a principal theme that occurs at least three times in its original key between contrasting subordinate themes. 回旋曲:一种主题在形成对应的副主题之间的最初旋律中至少出现三次的音乐作品。 ishtoria.bokee.com 6. There has never been an easy way to create custom themes in Ext JS, and this continues to be a disappointment. 在ExtJS中从来没有一个轻松的方法来创建自定义主题,现在这仍然是一个让人失望的地方。 www.ibm.com 7. Please pick one observation or reaction and develop that in the micro themes, but do not try to display your entire mastery of the material. 请挑出一个观察见解或是一个反发态度并在小短文中延伸发展,但是不要试着把所有的资料都写出来。 www.myoops.org 8. Lisa See has written several best-selling novels about Chinese-related subjects. She says those themes have special appeal for her. 丽莎已经写了中国有关的科目几本最畅销的小说。她说,这些主题对她特别的吸引力。 www.maynet.cn 9. Now this will be very important because one of the themes of this whole course is that the diversity of different early Christianities. 这点非常重要,因为这门课程的其中一个主题是,学习早期基督教的多样性。 open.163.com 10. Desktop themes old driftwood, white shells, colorful starfish echoed, as if to smell the fresh sea breeze. 主题桌面上陈旧的浮木,洁白的贝壳,鲜艳的海星相互呼应,仿佛能闻到清新的海风。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Students could choose to work on any of five project themes, each supervised by an experienced researcher. 学生可以选择5个项目方向的任何一个,这些方向都受到有经验的科学家的管理。 www.scidev.net 2. Lisa See has written several best-selling novels with Chinese-related themes. She says those themes have special appeal for her. 丽莎已写入中国相关主题的若干最畅销的小说。她说,这些主题对她特别的吸引力。 www.maynet.cn 3. PeopleTracker can be run with one of four background themes or two colored backgrounds. peopletracker可以运行的一个四背景主题或两个彩色背景。 xtdownload.com 4. I'm giving you several different major themes in Matthew because I'm going to ask in a moment, why are these things here? 我给你们说了几个不同的主题,因为稍后我要问,它们为何会出现? open.163.com 5. The role of money in the global economy is one of the big themes of this decade. 过去十年,货币在全球经济中扮演的角色是一个重大主题。 chinese.wsj.com 6. But let me take the -- my remaining three minutes or so to say -- to articulate a couple of themes. 但是让我在剩下的3分钟时间里表达几个主题。 www.bing.com 7. Since the beginning of 1990s, urban themes have been coming into the artist's vision gradually. 自上世纪90年代始,城市题材渐渐进入油画家的视野。 www.fabiao.net 8. eMachines's extraordinary turnaround is a vivid demonstration of a number of the themes explored in this book. eMachines的起死回生维妙维肖地验证了本书中探索的一些主题。 www.bing.com 9. The jury loved the dark themes of the comedy and praised it for its inventiveness. 评审喜欢这部喜剧的黑暗主题,还赞赏它的创意。 www.ctcvn.org 10. Frost's poems are filled with local flavor of New England. The themes of his poems are simple, natural and full of American colloquialism. 弗罗斯特氏诗歌充满新英格兰乡间风味,诗歌主题朴素,语言平实,充满美国口语色彩。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Previous winners have said that the investment themes they discussed during the meal turned out to be helpful. 此前获得此机会的中标者说,他们在午餐期间与巴菲特讨论的投资主题后来被证明是有益的。 c.wsj.com 2. And I think that of the two films, the one with a larger ensemble cast and political themes is more likely to get that nod. 我认为,在其两部电影中,演员阵容更大、政治主题更强的影片更容易获得最佳影片的提名。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The bird and fish are one of the popular themes that have been long accepted by Chinese in their ancient decorative arts. 鸟类与鱼类是中国古代装饰艺术中历史最为悠久、延续时间最长、最普遍被人们接受的表现题材之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. The career themes that you will begin to see emerge now are not temporary but will be here to stay and will only grow larger. 你将会看到开始显露的职业目标,它不是一时的,将会愈发壮大。 www.douban.com 5. Themes of environmentalism and altruism make this chapter book much more than just a ghost story. 环保的主题与利他使这一章书的不仅仅是一个鬼的故事。 www.ccebook.net 6. You might want to look back to those years to see if you can get clues about which themes may emerge for you in coming months. 也许你会想从过往的记忆中得到一些线索,从而去发现接下来土星将会给你的生活带来什么样的主题。 blog.163.com 7. I also immediately made the connection to water and royalty, themes of this cultural campus, as the splash does look like a crown. 我也立即作出连接,以水和特许权使用费,这种文化校园的主题,作为初始看起来像一顶王冠。 gtn9.com 8. Global themes allow you to define an overall look for your domain when you maintain multiple Web sites on the same server . 当您维护同一个服务器上的多个网站时,可以使用全局主题定义域的整体外观。 www.bing.com 9. If it's a little too bright for you, Dojo provides more than thirty themes. 如果它对于您来说有点太亮的话,Dojo提供了三十多个主题。 www.ibm.com 10. Removing unused themes, data graphics, and styles has no effect on the look of your drawing. 删除未使用的主题、数据图形和样式对绘图的外观没有影响。 office.microsoft.com 1. Almost all great authors of Biblical themes have been a literary tradition. 几乎每个以《圣经》思想为写作主题的大作家都留名后世。 iask.sina.com.cn 2. Soderbergh did not want to do a remake. Rather, he wanted to offer the themes and the questions to a contemporary, wider audience. 苏德堡不希望只制作一个重拍版本,相反,他想将故事的主题带到当代的、视野广阔的观众面前。 www.hkdavc.com 3. This tends to focus more on themes of domestic growth, industry consolidation and earnings quality. 该基金往往更关注国内增长、行业整合和收益质量等题材。 www.ftchinese.com 4. With extensive film and television themes to develop, to shaping-based film and television makeup techniques makeup began to flourish. 随着电影电视题材的广泛开拓,以塑形化装为主的影视化装技法开始蓬勃发展。 it.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Each spread has footnotes at the bottom that function as hyperlinks, referencing different topics on divergent themes. 每一整页的底部都有脚注,作用就和超链接一样,索引了有关不同主题的不同话题。 dongxi.net 6. One of the themes of 2010 was the increasing usage of Semantic Web technologies by large commercial companies like Facebook and Google. 语义网技术越来越多的被Facebook和Google这样大型商业集团所应用是2010年的主题之一。 www.bing.com 7. Thinking about Mao in power gives Kissinger the chance to circle back to some of the themes with which he opened his variations. 思考毛的当政让基辛格有机会重拾他在本书一开始提及的部分主题。 www.bing.com 8. ASP. NET allows you to define themes, which are a combination of property settings for Web server controls, style sheet rules, and images. 使用ASP.NET可以定义主题,主题是Web服务器控件、样式表规则和图像的属性设置的组合。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. I wanted to contact a good makeup artist and then contact a good model to plan its own set of themes of a good play. 我本想,联系好化妆师联系好模特然后自己策划一套主题,好好的发挥一场的。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. His long novels The Sun Also Rises and A Farewell to Arms are classic works with wars as their themes. 海明威的长篇小说《太阳照常升起》和《永别了,武器》都是以战争为题材的扛鼎之作。 www.fabiao.net 1. Constant comparison analysis was used to identify themes characterizing parents' perceptions of the meaning of normalization. 常采用对比分析,以确定的主题表征意义的正常化父母的看法。 www.syyxw.com 2. A recent edition of the web-based journal Design Philosophy Papers similarly took design education as one of its themes. 最近出版的设计哲学论文电子杂志也将设计教育作为它的一个主题。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Daily work creates its own momentum in terms of recurring themes, directions and ideas, that will feed into other work. 每天创作可以在主题的重复,目的性和创意方面形成一种“势”,这对其他方面的工作是很有帮助的; www.bing.com 4. People began to concentrate less on religious themes and adopt a more humanistic attitude to life. 人们开始较少关注宗教主题而采取一种更人性化的生活态度。 wenku.baidu.com 5. To see a Miyazaki film is to enter a whole new world. Though his fantasies4 take us to faraway places, his themes are firmly down-to-earth. 观赏宫崎骏的电影就像进入一个全新的世界,虽然他的奇想带领我们到遥远的地方,但他所探讨的主题却与我们的生活息息相关。 big5.xinhuanet.com 6. Matthew Koder, joint head of global capital markets at UBS, said: "The themes that dominate are clearly resource related. " 瑞银(UBS)全球资本市场联席主管高迪晖(MatthewKoder)表示:“占主导地位的主题显然与资源相关。” www.ftchinese.com 7. The themes of advertising establish from the point of society, psychology, culture, and aesthetics. 广告主题可以从社会、心理、文化、和美等视角确立。 www.13191.com 8. One of the key themes of the event was the emergence of new data architectures. 其中的关键主题之一就是新的数据架构的出现。 www.infoq.com 9. Participants must choose one of the two main contest themes (see below) as a basis for developing their designs. 参赛者须由二项竞赛主题中选择一项参赛,作为发展设计之基础。 www.quanwen.com.cn 10. If you're bored with the look of the default date and time applet in Ubuntu why not jazz it up with one of the following themes? Ubuntu系统默认日期和时间的外观是否让你厌倦?何不选择下列一种有趣生动的主题? www.bing.com 1. Their works to the layout of a balanced, innovative themes, delicate lace, colorful and attractive features as a significant. 他们的作品,以布局均衡、题材新颖、花边精致、色彩绚丽为显著特色。 www.elycn.com 2. A few days into 2011, and one of its big themes is already obvious. 进入2011年才几天,一个年度主题便已彰显无遗。 bbs.i21st.cn 3. Mr Kagame says his themes of more food, more power for women and less graft add up to "a return of dignity" for ordinary Rwandans. 卡加梅说道,他将为民众谋粮食,为女性争权利,为人民除贪污,给所有卢旺达人民“夺回尊严”。 www.ecocn.org 4. The narratives vary from the personal to the collective, but individual memories are often used to tap into universal themes. 从个人到集体,叙事对象各不相同,但是个体的回忆经常用来开发一般的主题。 www.ecocn.org 5. Having originated from " The Book of Songs" , send-off poems have evolved into one of the main themes in poetic creation. 古代送别诗自《诗经》滥觞始,其后逐渐演绎发展成为诗歌创作的重要题材和类别之一。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Some of these principles are variations on old themes while others turn the conventional wisdom on its head. 这些原理中的很多都是在旧的主题的基础之上演变而来的。 www.bing.com 7. So we took the names, took the general themes, but we put an original spin on it to create our own legend and our own tale. 所以我们只用了名字和传统主题,但是我们加进了一些原创要素来创造一个我们的传说或故事。 bbs.a9vg.com 8. Used to lay out body plans, build beaks and alter fish jaws, BMP4 illustrates perfectly one of the major recurring themes of evo-demo. BMP4被用于规划身体的结构,生成喙和改变鱼的下颚,它对进化发育生物学的一个重大课题作出了很好的解释。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. He is expected to include some of themes of his inaugural address, most notably his belief in the power of freedom. 他被预计包括一些他的就职演说题材,最著名地他的信仰在自由的力量。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Responsibility is one of old category in ethics, correspondingly, responsibility education is one of prolonged themes in human culture. 责任是伦理学中比较古老的范畴,责任教育也是人类文化传承中经久不息的主题之一。 paper.pet2008.cn 1. So everyone in the direction of the choice, is to choose the two themes of the way, the other direction of profit, but not the mainstream. 所以大家在选择方向的时候,就是要选择这两个主题方向,其他的方向也有赢利的,但是并非主流。 www.82g.com.cn 2. His stories carry philosophical weight and natural themes that often speak to the slow, simple way of life in rural areas of the South. 他的作品带有哲理般的深沉和自然主义式的主题,关注的是南方农村的缓慢而又简单的生活方式。 www.bing.com 3. Allow important themes to be present and allow yourself to have fun rather than rigidly focusing on food or body concerns. 允许严肃主题的呈现,让自己去寻找快乐,去代替顽固的集中注意力于食物以及过分的关注你的体型。 bbs.club.sohu.com 4. One of the key concepts of the QuickPlace UI is skins or themes that present a unified graphic look for a place. QuickPlaceUI中的一个重要概念就是皮肤或主题,它表示某一位置的统一图形外观。 www-128.ibm.com 5. Sustainability, environmental friendliness and centre of excellence in aviation training are the main design themes of the new CAD building. 民航处新大楼以可持续发展、环保及卓越航空培训中心为主要设计主题。 www.kouyi.org 6. All the managerial jobs should be carried out on the three themes: discipline development, innovation platform and knowledge innovation. 围绕学科发展、创新平台和知识创新三大主题开展各项管理工作。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Dave: One of the current themes in the software craftsmanship movement is getting back to the roots of Extreme Programming. Dave:回归极限编程的本质,这是软件工艺运动当前的潮流之一。 www.infoq.com 8. Music with sad themes is often called the "blues. " 带有悲伤旋律的音乐常被称为「蓝调」。 www.24en.com 9. The interpretation of these two themes, inculturation and secularization , is also the prerequisite of this study. 对于本土化和世俗化线索的认识和把握也即是本文研究的前提。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. More than 100 of her works present clear themes and unique charm of balanced Chinese and Western culture, as well as classic and fashion. 在百余件留世作品中体现了她主题清晰而融汇中西文化,平衡经典与时尚之间的独特风韵。 www.88ht.com 1. One of his main themes is the discord between lofty American ideals and mucky American reality. 本书的一个重要主题就是一种美国崇高理想和肮脏现实之间的冲突。 www.ecocn.org 2. And yet they contain many of the themes that would obsess Sebald throughout his writing life. 多元的题材让他像是着了迷一样,一生都在创作诗歌。 www.ecocn.org 3. It's said to be the Thai version of Love Me If You Dare. The themes of fun, friendship and love will take you back to your childhood. 据说这是泰国版的《两小无猜》,其中的趣事、友谊和爱情将会把你带回童年时代。 www.putclub.com 4. Mr. Obama referred to the themes of the speech he recently delivered to the world's Muslims from Cairo. 奥巴马总统提到他最近在开罗对全世界穆斯林发表的演说。 www.24en.com 5. So this war between private and public identities became one of the main themes of my memoir. 因此,个人文化身份与公开文化身份之间的搏斗成为我的回忆录的主题之一。 www.america.gov 6. Among the themes are divided into four parts: Chapter on the origin of the subject with the research. 论文的主题分为如下四个部分:第二章阐述了该课题的由来与研究动态。 www.qk114.net 7. In the built-in themes, the top row of the Background Styles gallery is always solid fill. 在内置主题中,背景样式库的首行总是使用纯色填充。 office.microsoft.com 8. Salinger wrote for adults, but teenagers all over the world identified with the novel's themes of alienation, innocence and fantasy. 他的作品写给成人,但小说中与世隔绝、无知无虑和荒诞奇幻的主题却在全世界的青少年中得到了认同。 www.bing.com 9. They cover most of the general themes of Nietzsche's mature philosophy, though often in highly symbolic and obscure form. 它们涵盖了大部分的一般主题尼采的成熟理念,但往往是具有高度象征性的和模糊的形式。 lwdx123.com 10. motion . all the figures look vivid and life like. The themes are taken from both legends, myths and everyday life. 天津泥塑人像具有栩栩如生的特点。所有人像生动微妙。这些人物形象多取材于传说,神话和现实生活。 en.v.wenguo.com 1. Chanel is best remembered for her themes of simplicity and wearability. 夏奈尔服装因其简洁、耐穿的风格为人们所铭记。 www.worlduc.com 2. The thought of the ensured human rights becomes one of the distinctive themes of contemporary criminal law too. 人权保障的思想也成为当代刑法的鲜明主题之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. I'll review the first two of these themes and leave the far more speculative discussions about the cause of the ice ages for another time. 我对前两个内容进行评述,以后有机会再对冰河期的起因进行猜测性的讨论。 item.feedsky.com 4. Then you can reorder photos, set the length of time individual photos remain onscreen, or, with some themes, choose different transitions. 还可以记录照片,设定单张照片在屏幕上停留时间的长度,或者在一些主题下,可以选择不同的变化。 original.8844.com 5. But the themes of this day he would know: our nation's grand story of courage and its simple dream of dignity. 但是有一点他肯定能够预知,即我们这个时代的主题仍然是:我们国家无畏向前的恢宏故事和它追求尊严的纯朴梦想。 club.esnai.com 6. Intended for general audience 5 years and older. Content should be free of any coarse language, violence, and adult themes. 适合所有5岁(含)以上普通观众。不得包含任何脏话、暴力场面或成人内容。 088gp.com 7. From the beginning the themes have been as varied as the Christmas customs worldwide. 从一开始都是主题各式各样的圣诞风俗全球。 www.hudong.com 8. This essay tries to analyze the artistic style of O. Henry's Short stories from his writing backgrounds, themes and words manship. 本文从他作品的写作背景、主题思想、创作艺术加以剖析,以达到研究欧?亨利小说艺术风格的目的。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Jewishness explained everything: his love of texts, his instinctive empathy with themes of blame and persecution, his sense of exile. 他的犹太血统可以解释一切:他对文字的偏爱,他本能的对谴责和虐待主题的同情,以及他的心灵放逐。 www.ecocn.org 10. With the release of Spring 2. 0 just over a year ago, these themes advanced to a new level. 一年前发布的Spring2.0就把这些主题推到了一个新的高度。 www.infoq.com 1. But if you look at their release, they are small themes, and customers seem to adapt to that well, " Souza said. " 但如果仔细考察一下这些发布,就会发现他们的产品每每都有一个小型主题,而用户似乎对于这种方式非常认同。 dream4ever.org 2. In the long past, critics have lingered on the analysis of Conrad's imperial themes, moral motifs and his writing styles. 在过去很长的时间里,评论家主要停留在对康拉德作品的帝国主义主题、道德思想、以及写作风格的分析上。 3. Transformation of employment education into innovatory education for university students has become one of the important research themes. 大学生就业教育向创业教育转变已经成为高等教育的重要研究课题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. He paused and returned to one of his favorite themes. 他停顿了一下,又回到他喜欢谈的话题上。 5. So, Norm and Nature are Confucianism, Taoism and the theory of two themes and a focus of controversy lies. 所以,名教与自然分别是儒、道两家的理论主题和争议焦点之所在。 jztu.5d6d.com 6. Tarantino is beginning to take the war to play a theme and movement themes. 这次塔伦蒂诺又要开始拿战争题材和动作题材来玩了。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The reason for the popularity of the pop songs are its themes and melodies, which describe mostly emotions and daily life of young people. 为流行的歌曲受欢迎的原因是它的主题和旋律,描述主要的情绪和青年人的日常生活。 ystars.com 8. While declining to disclose specific sales figures, both Nike and Adidas say that the products with Chinese themes have been selling well. 耐克和阿迪达斯没有透露具体的销售数字,但都表示带有中国主题的产品销售不错。 www.neworiental.org 9. Travel agencies are planning to launch products featuring more destinations, with a variety of themes to attract more mainland visitors. 旅行社正计划推出以更多景点为特色的产品,用各种各样的主题来吸引更多的大陆游客。 www.hxen.com 10. Drupal comes with several built-in themes, and a wide variety of additional third-party themes are available to choose from. Drupal带有几个内置的主题,还可以选择许多第三方主题。 www.ibm.com 1. The specific comparison between Hick and Panikkar's religious pluralism is carried out on different layers through various themes. 本文对希克的宗教多元论和潘尼卡的宗教多元论的具体比较是在不同层面通过不同主题进行的。 blog.163.com 2. It is an age of Individual liberation, whose major themes are enlightenment and salvation. 这个时代是“人”的发现和个性解放的时代,启蒙与救亡是这一时代的两大主题。 www.zidir.com 3. One of the central themes of Silvermoon is the idea that it is the scarred descendent of a once-proud even metropolis. 银月城的主题之一就是,它是曾经荣耀一时的精灵大都市经历伤害之后留下的。 www.our-sky.com 4. Looking at the commercial ecosystem angle, we encountered a few common themes talking with our partners. 从商业生态环境角度看,与合作伙伴进行交流的过程中,我们发现我们遇到了几个共同问题。 www.infoq.com 5. The themes of the march this year are the fight for universal suffrage and opposition to government collusion with the business sector. 今年游行的主题是「争取全面普选,反对官商勾结」。 www.crazyenglish.org 6. However, in some instances, there seemed to be a gap between our understanding of the themes and the statements themselves. 但是在某些情况下,在我们对这些主题的理解和陈述本身之间似乎存在着隔阂。 www-128.ibm.com 7. During the Middle Ages, the main aim of the painters was to represent religious themes. 中世纪,画家们的主要目的是表达宗教主题。 blog.cersp.com 8. Upcoming children's movies tend to be good party themes, while well-loved television and book characters are always popular. 儿童所观看的电影最好是符合派对主题并且电视中深受喜爱的角色也很受欢迎 wenwen.soso.com 9. Part IV briefly expounded on China and the dark themes of contemporary painting. 第四部分简要阐述了中国以及当代的黑暗题材绘画。 www.boshuo.net 10. The story spins around themes that are crucial to Scorcher, not so much to Stephen. 这个故事围绕的主题对球王举足轻重,影响史帝芬的程度则小得多。 www.kingstone.com.tw 1. He had a very important role in creating and popularizing a distinctive American literature built on American themes and language. 他在创造和推广一种建立在美国主题和语言基础上的独特美国文学起着非常重要的作用。 www.elanso.com 2. The concert ran in four sections, featuring themes of Liu's signature songs, which are always ballads with a story telling style. 整场演唱会由四部分组成,没部分都有刘若英的代表作,这些歌曲总是有一种一个故事在娓娓道来的感觉。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 3. Americans owe a great debt to Longfellow because he was among the first of American writers to use native themes. 朗费罗对美国人的贡献非常大,因为他是使用美国本土语言进行写作的先驱者之一。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Try to identify themes, techniques and structural features that have been shaped by the TV medium. 试著厘清电视这一媒体所决定的主题、技巧手法和结构特点。 www.myoops.org 5. Their works , written with an intention of imitating or copying Wu Sheng Xi Qu in its themes , discourses , styles and intonations . 他们所拟作品,在题意语词、篇制结构、口吻声调等方面都有意袭用或模仿吴声西曲。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Sites where you can find classic movies wallpaper, screensavers, and desktop themes as well as clip art for your Web pages. 网站,你可以找到经典电影壁纸,屏保和桌面主题,也为您的网页剪贴画。 www.360doc.com 7. Each of the themes below was the area of a "knowledge network" (KN). 以下每项主题是一个“知识网络”的工作领域。 www.who.int 8. "I engage with historical themes or folklore with a totally open mind and try to invent new theories, " explains Mr Hoshino. “处理历史题材或者民间传说时,我总是尽可能地开放思维,并创造出新理论”,星宣先生解释。 www.ecocn.org 9. The medieval architectures, textiles and women of melodic movements are the main themes of his work. 作品的主要题材是古典时代的建筑、纺织品和依旋律舞动的女人。 art.china.cn 10. The Community Themes package is not installed by default but you can install it by searching for it in the Ubuntu Software Center. Community主题包并非默认安装,但是你可以在Ubuntu软件中心中搜索它进行安装。 www.bing.com 1. When you prioritize the product backlog, break down epics and themes that are near the top, and prioritize the new, smaller user stories. 当您设置产品积压工作的优先级时,分解接近最高优先级的长篇故事和主题,然后对较小的新用户情景设置优先级。 technet.microsoft.com 2. Best practices specific to architecture . . . can be grouped into . . . distinct themes: reuse, data management, . . . 针对架构的最佳实践可分为重用、数据管理等几个不同的方面。 www.infoq.com 3. Accordingly, it discusses how the electronic music works whose themes are provided with bi-modality penetrate through the whole music. 从而论述了具有双态性特征的电子音乐作品的主题是如何在全曲中渗透的。 www.fabiao.net 4. Those that did emerge often quickly went into reverse, leaving macro funds, which usually invest in longer-term themes, flummoxed. 那些浮现出的迹象转眼间便出现逆转,只留下通常只做长期主题投资的宏观基金在风中凌乱。 www.ecocn.org 5. Note that these entries should not be a summary of the readings, but some of the students' thoughts about their themes and debates. 注意,这不应该是阅读资料的一个摘要,而应是关于它们主题和论辩的一些「学生的想法」。 www.myoops.org 6. The goal of the discussion is to examine how the case relates to and illustrates key course themes and readings. 目标是探讨案例如何关连和展现课程的主要主题与阅读资料。 www.myoops.org 7. The tendency is to treat these themes as competing and engage in an interesting but inconclusive debate about their relative merits. 目前的趋势是将这些主题作为对立主题对待,对其相对价值进行有趣但非结论性的辩论。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. This should be one of the central themes of the next G20 meeting in Pittsburgh. 这应该成为接下来在匹兹堡举行的G20峰会的主题之一。 www.bing.com 9. White House National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice carried on his themes on the other two. 白宫国家安全顾问赖斯在另外两个节目中继续谈论鲍威尔的主题。 www.24en.com 10. A couple of debating themes concerning Mental Health Act and related service practice in England and Taiwan will be discussed as well. 几项与精神卫生法相关的争论与服务措施,本文也将一并提出讨论。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Viewers indicated content with violence, sex, vulgar language or other troubling themes made them uncomfortable. 参与者表示,暴力、性、粗言秽语以及其他一些令人不安的电影内容会让他们不悦。 www.bing.com 2. Adults can use it. Everybody uses it. It's turning these guys -- again, one of the themes -- it's turning them into entrepreneurs. 它的操作就像爬楼梯——上下踏动来操作儿童可以使用,大人可以使用,人人都可以轻松操作它转变了这些人——另一个主题——将他们转变为企业家。 www.ted.com 3. It also shows Jane Austen's skill at dealing with complex emotions and timeless themes in her deceptively simple stories. 在看似简单的故事里,简·奥斯汀处理复杂情感及永恒主题的技巧,在此也展露无遗。 www.wwenglish.com 4. Teachers organize curriculum to facilitate students'understanding of the central themes, concepts, and skills in the subject area. 教师有机组织课程以促进学生对学科领域的课题中心、概念和技能的易于理解。 blog.cersp.com 5. Emotions are likely to be strong, and you may get a deeper insight into themes that were arising then. 你可能会有较强烈的情感,对周围事物也有更深层次的见解。 www.bing.com 6. In different cultural context, the fact that the same war, but have different forms and themes of the performance. 在不同的文化语境下,同样的战争事实,却有着不同的表现形态与表现主题。 www.fabiao.net 7. Themes reflecting scientific knowledge and achievement can be found throughout the world in various ancient civilizations . 主题表现了科学知识和成就,能够在世界各地以各种不同的古文明被发现。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The confirmation sermon can focus on any one of a number of themes. . . 坚信礼讲道可以集中于许多主题中的任何一个。 gbicp.org 9. This textbook provides a critical review and analysis of the key themes that underpin the subject of knowledge management in organizations. 这本教科书提供了重要的审查和关键主题的分析,在组织的基础知识管理的问题。 ccebook.cn 10. This author hits you over the head several times throughout the Gospel with the same themes coming back at you. 这个作者在整部福音中,用同样的主题来反复向你强调。 open.163.com 1. I counseled him to do the event (it was high profile) and talk in broad themes about the areas in which his business would compete. 我给他的建议是按原计划参加活动(这个活动非常受关注),但只需泛泛而谈,说说公司意欲竞争的领域。 www.bing.com 2. Contemporary urban themes: in the face of contemporary life, love, the attitude of the cause, specific to each figure. 当代城市主题:表现当代人面对的生活、爱情、事业等问题的态度,具体到每一个人物。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. As the show progresses, there will be specific themes and situations which ask for a certain kind of costume. 根据比赛的进程,参赛者将按不同的主题和情景,穿着特定的服装。 english.cri.cn 4. Company (1970) was a "concept musical" , a show centered around a set of characters and themes rather than a straightforward plot. 《伙伴们》[1970]是一部“概念音乐剧”。它没有具体情节,故事围绕一些人物和主题展开。 www.bing.com 5. As the themes have been identified, together with technical breakthroughs in painting, making masterpiece Diego now. 由于题材已确定,加上画技的突破,使得佳作迭现。 wenwen.soso.com 6. This feeds directly into one of the unifying themes of the disorder: an often crushing inability to handle the unknown. 这直接煽起了带来了强迫症各种表现的共同主题之一:对掌控未知事物感到往往极度无能。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 7. So far in this series, we've examined two common question themes that you will likely be asked in almost any interview. 目前为止在这个系列课程中,我们已经回顾了2个普遍些的几乎在任何面试中都会被问到的问题。 www.bing.com 8. Organizations governments and women's groups around the world choose different themes each year that reflect global and local gender issues. 每年,女权组织、政府、妇女团体等都将选定一个妇女节主题,反映国际或地区的女权问题。 www.itboxs.net 9. Several people I've talked with who are not politically active have been able to recite her themes from memory. 我认识的一些不太关注政治的人都能对她的理念倒背如流。 www.bing.com 10. The new release has a couple guiding themes providing an umbrella for a raft of new features, as well as many improvements. 新版本提供了大量的新特性,也进行了众多的改进。 www.infoq.com 1. What's more, O'Connor's unique life experience as a southerner and devout Catholic contributes a lot to her writing style and themes. 此外,奥康纳作为南方人同时也是一位虔诚的天主教徒,这样独特的经历对她的创作风格及主题形成影响深远。 www.fabiao.net 2. developerWorks: Now the primary themes as I understand are collaboration, application creation, and information technology or data mining. developerWorks:据我了解,会议的主要主题是协作、应用程序创建和信息技术或数据挖掘。 www.ibm.com 3. Objects, which can be used to apply themes and control skins to controls in a design-time environment. 对象,这些对象可以用于在设计时环境中将主题和控件外观应用于控件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Consciousness of freedom is one of the major themes in his writing. 自由意识是贝娄小说创作的主要命题之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. This class features an extensive reading list, and a lecture note which summarizes the themes of the class. 本课程以包罗广泛的阅读书目、和概括课程主题的课堂讲稿为重点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Do stick to a few investment themes that make fundamental sense to you. 要坚持几项对你有根本意义的投资主题。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Surroundings we get used to, strangers we meet inexpertly , or incidents occur from time to time, all become the themes in his works. 那些我们已经习以为常的景物,不期而遇的陌生人或是偶发的事件往往成为其作品中的主角。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Mozart was certainly not a "lesser composer, " yet he was fond of using more than one or two themes in a movement. 莫扎特当然不是“小众作家”。然而他喜欢在一个乐章里使用多个主题。 www.bing.com 9. Catalytic chemical industry of the chemical industry is one of the themes of eternity. 催化是化学化工行业研究的永恒主题之一。 paper.pet2008.cn 10. Fortunately, you don't have to populate every folder for a theme because all themes inherit from the base theme, Default. 幸运的是,由于所有的主题都从基本主题Default继承,所以您不必填充主题的所有文件夹。 www.cnblogs.com 1. The second form of wisdom is reflective wisdom: using our powers of reflection to think about important themes in our lives. 第二种智慧是思惟而得的智慧:即运用我们思惟的力量来深思我们生命中一些重要的问题。 www.tseatw.org 2. I'mguessing that eventually they will come out with form themes that look more professional than just plain black and white. 我猜测,最终他们会出台一些表格主题,使得这个表格比单一的黑白色看上去更专业。 www.suiniyi.com 3. There is no technical reason why certain components are grouped together, but we've tried to keep them in commonly grouped themes. 至于为什么将某些组件组合到一起,与技术没有多大关系,但是我们尽量按常见的分组方式来组合它们。 www.ibm.com 4. Organizers have come up with 10 themes to help capture the city's splendor, its people, way of life and culture. 征集活动设10大主题,主要是能反映上海城市风貌、市民生活、文化等主题的照片。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Themes allow you to create a consistent look for your site. 使用主题可以为站点创建一致的外观。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Recently the modal test of the large structure parts is one of the hot themes in the vibration domain. 对大型结构件做模态试验是近年来振动界的热门话题之一。 stae.com.cn 7. Some of their themes will echo persistent lines of attack by the Obama campaign during the tough primary battle. 他们的有些主题将会沿袭在第一轮艰苦竞选时奥巴马的竞选攻击方针。 www.bing.com 8. The layout system is called, which consists of themes and skins that render the look-and-feel. 调用布局系统,它是由呈现外观的主题和皮肤组成的。 www-128.ibm.com 9. One of the main themes of my happiness project is marriage . 婚姻在我的幸福计划里占有非常高的比重。 www.bing.com 10. With the abundance of t-shirt design sites such as Threadless and Design By Humans, it's easy to trendspot themes that are popular. 类似于Threadless和DesignByHunmans这样的T恤设计网站千千万,很容易从中找到流行趋势的主题。 www.bing.com 1. However, it became one of the most critical political themes during the second half of the sixteenth-century in England. 不过这个议题在英格兰十六世纪下半叶,却是最重要的政治辩论主题之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Other themes include obsession, religion, idealism versus pragmatism, revenge, racism, hierarchical relationships, and politics. 其他主题包括妄想、宗教、理想主义和务实、报复、种族歧视、层次关系,和政治。 www.0898fang.cn 3. The themes of life, death, resurrection and premature burial are the main concern in Edgar Allan Poe's grotesque short stories. 生存、死亡、复活以及“提前埋葬”,一直是爱伦?坡怪诞小说高度关注的主题。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Some of her early themes showed a certain originality. 她早期的有些题材显示她有某种独创才能。 5. Instruments intended primarily for children can be distinguished from adult instruments by their size and marketing themes. 主要预期供儿童使用的乐器可以从尺寸和销售主题上与成人乐器进行区别。 www.angui.org 6. You cannot apply multiple themes to a page, unlike style sheets where multiple style sheets can be applied. 不能向一页应用多个主题,这与样式表不同,样式表可以向一页应用多个样式表。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. The interviewer in a semi-structured interview generally has a framework of themes to be explored. 处于半结构性访谈的访谈者,通常有一套主题的架构,要被探讨。 www.easemind.com 8. During the Middle Ages, the main aim of painters was to represent religious themes. 在中世纪,画家的主要任务是表现宗教主题。 wenku.baidu.com 9. In typical themes, Rooney questioned labels on packages, products that didn't seem to work and why people didn't talk in elevators. 在典型的主题上,Rooney质疑包裹上的标签,看起来不能用的产品,以及为什么人们不在电梯上讨论。 www.bing.com 10. Shadowmoor is playing with all-new themes, but as I've explained before these themes will have synergy with the Lorwyn block. 暗影荒原将会是全新的主题,但是就像我之前解释过的,这些主体和洛温环境还是会有配合。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. A tour of the Museum will take visitors through a loop of galleries that address three major, interrelated themes. 博物馆的参观将通过一个展廊循环游览,解决三大相互关联的主题。 arch.mr926.me 2. The key themes are integral to the work of the WHO implementation strategy as it moves forward. 这些主题是世卫组织推进实施战略工作的组成部分。 www.who.int 3. Capitalism and Freedom contained almost all the themes Friedman would stress during his career as a public intellectual. 《资本主义与自由》几乎包含了弗里德曼终其一生追求的所有理念。 www.bing.com 4. When run on a platform that does not support Windows XP Themes, the application reverts to the traditional Windows look and feel. 当在不支持WindowsXP主题的平台上运行应用程序时,应用程序的外观将恢复为传统的Windows外观。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Furthermore, both of the news reports and editorials have dominant textual themes and simple linear thematic progression. 此外,两种语篇中以篇章主位,主位同一式和简单线性推进为主。 www.bing.com 6. Heroin dealers occasionally use seasonal themes as well, like drugs colored green around St. Patrick's Day. 海洛因贩子偶尔也会使用季节性的主题,如圣帕特里克节前后给毒品粉饰以绿色。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 7. Again, that's one of the themes that I think has come through loud and clear in this conference is: Where do we start? 这也是我在这里反复听到的被强调的几个主题之一:我们从何做起? www.ted.com 8. These two visual techniques echo the themes of the film, Benjamin is going the wrong way, and getting nowhere in life. 这两个镜头对于影片的主题也有提点的意义:本杰明的方向是错误的,在生命中一无所得。 movie.douban.com 9. Support for themes, which enable you to define a consistent look for controls throughout your site. 支持主题,您可以使用主题为站点中的控件定义一致的外观。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. " Coral Island" is an Animated Wallpaper of EleFun Multimedia company devoted simultaneously to marine and underwater themes. 1089下载“珊瑚岛”是一个水下的主题动画墙纸和EleFun多媒体公司同时致力于海洋。 kondishenprom.info 1. There are plenty of undead hunters provided for the good factions, and a myriad of other sub-themes run through the set. 有许多的不死的猎人为好宗派作准备,并且其他附属主题的一万充满设备。 2. This isn't an exhaustive list, but it does highlight the overarching themes of interest when evaluating founders and startup opportunities. 这不是个详尽的列表,不过它突出了评估创业者和创业机会的重要主题。 www.bing.com 3. The Report Wizard provides a variety of themes that you can use to create stylized reports that use different color combinations and fonts. 报表向导提供了各种主题,可用于创建使用不同颜色组合和字体的样式化报表。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Mr. Doctoroff said that Yili had already moved on to broader Olympic themes in its ads, even before Mr. Liu's injury. 唐锐涛说,伊利在刘翔受伤之前就已经将广告重心转移到更广泛的奥运主题上了。 www.bing.com 5. You cannot add images to the built-in themes, indicated by an icon of another color . 您不能向以其他颜色的图标标识的内置主题添加图像。 ooo.pingju.org 6. Both are a collection of shell modifications, including completions, themes (colors and prompts), functions, and ready-made "dot" files. 它们都是shell修改的集合,包括一些补充、主题(颜色和提示符)、函数和现成的“dot”文件。 www.ibm.com 7. Also new: one step effects, people finder, news and sports themes, movie trailers ( "This is going to be really fun" ). 新东西还有:一键特效,人物搜寻器,新闻和运动主题,影片预告片(“这将会变得很有趣”)。 www.bing.com 8. A polyphonic composition In which themes or a theme stated successively by a number of voices In imitation are developed contrapuntally. 赋格曲一种多韵律乐曲,其一个或多个旋律为相继进入的声部所模仿对位性发展而成 dict.ebigear.com 9. Apply the attribute shown in the preceding example to prevent a control and all its members from being affected by themes or control skins. 应用上一示例中所示的属性以防止控件及其所有成员受主题或控件外观的影响。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. But Poe is not un-American, despite his aristocratic disgust with democracy, preference for the exotic, and themes of dehumanization. 爱伦?坡对民主心怀贵族式的厌恶感,热衷于诡异人物和非人性的主题,但仍不失其美国特性。 www.america.gov 1. Metals and water are the dominant themes, so look to shipping-related stocks, airlines, gaming stocks, financials, and, naturally, metals. 由于今年旺金旺水,因此,应关注一下船运相关行业、航空、博彩和金融类股,当然还有金属类股。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The style templates that define the themes for a report can be modified. 可以修改定义报表主题的样式模板。 technet.microsoft.com 3. When I asked you to write on the various themes, I thought about creating new fashion stories to be published online almost daily. 当我请你们写不同主题的文章时,我是在想能否创造新的时尚故事并争取每天都在网上发布。 dongxi.net 4. These paintings' themes, styles, forms are very close, yet in the "Shiqu Baoji" was classified as the Song or Yuan, respectively. 这些画题材、风格、表现形式都极为接近,然而却在《石渠宝笈》中被分别归为宋代或元代。 www.fabiao.net 5. This intertexture of abnormal humanity and death narrative is a rewriting of the old themes of "incest" , "revenge" and "destruction" . 这部人性畸态和死亡叙事交织建构的文本是对“乱伦”、“复仇”和“毁灭”母题的重新抒写。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Select how frequently you want to automatically check for new releases of your currently installed modules and themes. 设定您希望多久自动检查一次目前安装的模组和版型的更新版本。 www.bp-one.com 7. Most of the time, the default themes and styles provided by the XDIME aggregator are sufficient. 通常,XDIME聚集器可以提供足够的预设主题和样式。 www-128.ibm.com 8. In 2002, the Earth Summit was held in Johannesburg, South Africa. One of the main themes was "sustainable development" . 2002年,地球峰会在南非的约翰内斯堡举行,其中一项重要的主题是“可持续性发展”。 iask.sina.com.cn 9. Device detection, offline data, Javascript tools, testing, debugging and themes are issues that need to be resolved with the tools at hand. 设备探测,离线数据,JavasCript工具,测试,调制及主题都是需要用已有的工具解决的问题。 news.cnblogs.com 10. Global theme elements cannot be partially replaced by elements of application-level themes. 全局主题元素不能由应用程序级主题元素进行部分替换。 msdn2.microsoft.com |
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