单词 | the lower house | ||||
释义 | the lower house
例句释义: 下议院,下院 1. Visibly shaken, Mr. Berlusconi left the lower house without speaking publicly, while members of the opposition called on him to resign. 贝卢斯科尼明显被撼动了,离开下议院时未发表公开演说,而反对派成员敦促他辞职。 dongxi.net 2. A member of the U. S. House of Representatives or of the lower house of a state legislature. 众议院议员(州下院议员)美国众议院或州议会下院的一个成员 www.putclub.com 3. Under the revised electoral law, the lower house of the Parliament of Kazakhstan must be at least two political parties members. 根据修改后的选举法,哈萨克斯坦议会下院必须由至少两个政党的议员组成。 www.englishtang.com 4. Should the poor, defenceless question survive that mangle, the speaker of the lower house still has the right to reject it, with no appeal. 万一粗糙、无法回答的质询稿通过审查而留存,下议院议长仍有权利拒绝它,且不得上诉。 www.ecocn.org 5. It was the first time the lower house had removed the fuero of a sitting member in its history. 这是下议院历史上首次撤出任期中的成员的特权。 www.ecocn.org 6. House of Representatives The lower house of the U. S. Congress and of most state legislatures. 众议院:美国国会和绝大多数州议会的下议院。 bbs.putclub.com 7. His party, itself a makeshift coalition, has only a fifth of the seats in the lower house and a third in the upper. 他的政党本身也是一个临时的联盟,在下院只有五分之一的议席,在上院占到三分之一的席位。 www.ecocn.org 8. The reforms have passed through the lower house of parliament and are expected to be passed by the Senate within days. 改革计划已经得到了下议院的通过,并有可能在几天内通过参议院决议。 www.bing.com 9. Even if allies of the al-Khalifa family were to lose control of the lower house, the appointed upper house can overrule it. 即使阿勒哈利法家族的盟友失去对下议院的控制权,尤其认命的上议院也会予以推翻。 www.ecocn.org 10. A bill to that effect was introduced in the lower house of Congress in 2007, but it is not expected to be voted on any time soon. 2007年,一条与之相关的法案在下议院被提出,但是这条法案能在近期内获得通过并不被看好。 www.bing.com 1. This is intended to help the party retain a two-thirds majority in the lower house and prepare for him to become premier. 这个旨在帮助下议院保留三分之二的政党,并为他准备成为总理。 www.bing.com 2. It has already been passed by the lower house of parliament, and the upper house is due to conclude its voting this week. 该法案已在众议院通过,而参议院将于本周进行表决。 www.ecocn.org 3. Whoever wins the lower house at the next general election, due by 2013, is unlikely to hold a majority in the upper house. 在2013年下轮大选中,无论哪一方在众议院获胜,都不可能在参议院中占多数席位。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. A: As a friendly neighbour of Thailand, China expresses congratulations on the smooth election of the lower house of the Thai Parliament. 答:作为友好近邻,我们对泰国国会下议院选举顺利举行表示祝贺。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 5. Later the lower house will weigh in on the next tranche of aid to Greece, plus a second Greek rescue package. 之后,众议院会参加投票,决定下一次对希腊援助份额,以及第二轮援助计划内容。 www.ecocn.org 6. However, its leaders still drone on about the need to dissolve the lower house. They see that as their quickest route back to power. 但是,自由民主党的官员们一直嚷着要解散下议院,他们认为这是有必要的,他们把这当做夺回政权的最快途径。 www.ecocn.org 7. These were approved by the lower house yesterday in an emergency session that cleared the way for Mr Berlusconi's departure. 在昨天众议院的紧急会议中,上述要求得到通过,这也为贝卢斯科尼的离开铺平了道路。 www.ecocn.org 8. In the lower house, the DPJ lacks the magic two-thirds majority that would have allowed it to bypass the upper house. 在众议院中,民主党还不具备独占三分之二多数席位的能力,也就无法绕开众议院行事。 www.bing.com 9. In accordance with the constitution, Mr Komorowski, the speaker of the Sejm (the lower house of parliament) is already acting president. 依照宪法,布罗尼斯拉夫.莫洛夫斯基作为色姆(波兰议会)的发言人已经是代总统。 www.ecocn.org 10. Burma's legislature has four hundred forty seats in the lower house and a two hundred twenty-four seat Senate. 缅甸议会下议院有四百四十个席位,上议院有二百二十四个席位。 www.bing.com 1. It lacks enough votes in the lower house to override upper-house opposition to its legislation. 在下议院它缺少足够的票数来推翻上议院对其立法的反对。 www.bing.com 2. Since 2008, she had served as the spokeswoman for the Popular Party in the lower house of parliament. 从2008年开始,她就一直担任议会下院的人民党党团发言人。 www.bing.com 3. On paper she has a powerful grip on the legislature, with over 70% of the lower-house and a majority of the senate backing her coalition. 名义上,她对立法机构有强大的控制力,支持她的下议院议员超过70%,而参议院议员也超过半数。 www.ecocn.org 4. The lower house is called the National Assembly and has 342 seats including reserved seats for religious and ethnic minorities and women. 下议院被称为国民议会,它拥有342个席位其中包括留给教徒、少数的族种和妇女的席位。 www.ebigear.com 5. When news reached the lower house, the Chamber of Deputies, scuffles broke out between government and opposition. 当消息传到众议院,引起了政府和反对派之间的混战。 club.topsage.com 6. After that, while the MDC and its allies had a slim majority in the lower house of parliament, Zimbabwe's slide into ruin continued. 之后,随着民革运及其同盟在国会众院中占微弱多数,津巴布韦的经济也持续滑向废墟。 www.ecocn.org 7. The Howard government the new asylum law, passed by the lower house last week, after a diplomatic dispute earlier this year with Indonesia. 政府提出的新难民法在今年早些发生的与印尼的外教纠纷后被下议院通过。 tr.bab.la 8. Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso bites his finger as he attends the lower house budget committee in Tokyo Tuesday, Jan. 1月13日,日本首相麻生太郎在东京出席下议院预算委员会会议时咬手指。 www.thefirst.cn 9. He fanned the Lower House into a blaze of resentment. 他激起了下院的愤怒。 www.kekenet.com 10. The lower house of congress had passed the new tax structure after adjusting it to include breaks for smaller farmers. 国会下议院在促成了小规模农场主税费减免之后通过了这项新税制。 www.asaimchina.org 1. Indian politics traditionally turn on Uttar Pradesh, which contributes almost 90 seats to the lower house of the national parliament. 印度政治传统上十分依赖北方邦,因为北方邦在印度国会下议院占据90个席位。 www.ftchinese.com 2. He is a six-term elected member of the lower house of the Diet and has served in prominent posts within the DPJ. 他六次当选国会下院议员,并在民主党内担任重要职位。 chinese.wsj.com 3. This week the lower house passed a bill proposing stiff fines for immigrants without papers and high charges for residency permits. 这个星期,下议院通过一项法案,建议对没有证件的难民严厉罚款并对居住许可收取高额费用。 www.ecocn.org 4. Pollsters say Labor may prevail by a few seats in the lower house. 民调分析人员说,工党可能会以微弱优势控制众议院。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Community image, the ultimate impact of the intangibles area, the lower house's reputation. 社区形象受损,最终影响小区的无形资产,降低了小区的声誉。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. A majority of lawmakers in the lower house refused to vote. It appeared Mister Berlusconi had lost their support. 大多数国会下议院议员拒绝投票,看来贝卢斯科尼已经失去了他们的支持。 www.ebigear.com 7. Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has won a critical confidence vote in both the Senate and the lower house of parliament. 意大利总理贝卢斯科尼在参议院和众议院都赢得了关键的信任案投票。 www.bing.com 8. The Senate passed the bill last week and sent it back to the lower house to approve minor amendments. 上周,澳大利亚参议院通过了这一法案,并将其提交给了众议院进行审核和稍作修订。 www.remword.cn 9. The annual budget needs simply to pass the lower house. But all sorts of supplementary bills need upper-house approval. 年度预算案只要下议院就能通过,但所有的附加条款都要上议院通过。 bbs.ecocn.org 10. The speaker of the lower house of parliament was investigated this month for "misappropriating" $140m. 本月,下议院发言人因私吞1.4亿美元接受调查。 www.ecocn.org 1. It has already passed the lower house, the National Assembly. 该法令已通过下议院国民议会(NationalAssembly)投票。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Kazakhstan has a bicameral Parliament, comprised of the lower house (the Mazhilis) and upper house (the Senate). 哈萨克斯坦实行双议会制,由下议院(theMazhilis)和上议院(参议院)构成。 www.ebigear.com 3. The lower house followed the senate in giving his government an overwhelming vote of confidence. 继参议院后,蒙蒂政府在下议院的信任投票中也获得绝对支持。 www.hxen.com 4. The PdL is still the biggest party in parliament, with around 250 of the 630 seats in the lower house. 自民党仍然是议会的多数,在630席的众议院占有250个席位。 www.ecocn.org 5. In a legislative election in March his party won just five seats in the 102-seat Senate and only four in the lower house. 三月份的立法选举中,他的政党只获得上议院102个席位中的五个,下议院中的四个席位。 www.ecocn.org 6. The bill is returned to the lower house later this morning and then sent off for royal assent, completing its transition into law. 今天上午晚些时候该法案将返回至众议院,然后送呈御批,完成该法案正式成为法律之前的法定程序。 www.ozchinese.com 7. Oleg Morozov is the first deputy speaker of the Russian Duma, the lower house of parliament. 俄罗斯议院下院杜马的第一副发言人莫里兹说: www.voanews.cn 8. over the new abortion proposals in the lower house tomorrow. 明天下院就新的堕胎提议会有一场激烈的舌战。 www.jukuu.com 9. Voters will be electing members to the four provincial assemblies and the lower house of parliament. 选民们将选举四个省级议会的成员和国民议会下院的议员。 www.ebigear.com 10. Mr Berlusconi was forced out because he had lost his majority in the lower-house Chamber of Deputies. 贝卢斯科尼是被迫退出的,因为他已经失去了众议院中多数席位的支持。 www.ecolion.cn 1. The lower house, the National Assembly has already approved the package. 而下议院和国民议会已经通过了退休制度改革的议案。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Preliminary results give the PDPT, led by Emomali Rakhmon, the president, 53 seats out of 63 in the lower house of parliament. 总统拉赫蒙所领导的人民民主党所公布的初步结果显示民主党获得了议会下院63个议席中的58个。 www.ecocn.org 3. The DPJ is set to use its majority in the lower house to appoint him as premier to succeed Naoto Kan as soon as tomorrow. 民主党将最快于明日利用其在众议院的多数席位来任命野田佳彦继任菅直人,成为新首相。 dongxi.net 4. The ruling party could even lose its majority in the lower house of parliament, starting a period of prolonged struggling. 执政党甚至可能在下议院失去其多数党地位,并因此开始长期的抗争。 club.topsage.com 5. Merkel's coalition can reject the compromise in the lower house, or Bundestag, which will debate the amended bill on July 8. 默克尔的联盟可以否决下议院。联邦议院将于7月8日就修正法案进行辩论并达成妥协。 www.solarbe.com 6. The Houses of Parliament consist of the House of Lords and House of Commons, which are also called the Upper House and the Lower House. 国会分为元老院和平民院,也称为上议院和下议院。 eng.hzu.edu.cn 7. Voters in Pakistan are set to go to the polls Monday in elections for the lower house of parliament and the four provincial assemblies. 巴基斯坦的选民将于下星期一前往投票站,选举议会下院的议员以及四个省级议会的议员。 www.voanews.cn 8. On Saturday they unveiled a six-party coalition government that controls more than 300 of the lower house's 480 seats. 星期六,人民力量党公布了6党联合政府。这个政治联盟控制了泰国议会下院480个议席当中的300个。 www.voanews.cn 9. He held the position until winning a seat in the lower house of the national parliament in 1993. 1993年,他又在日本议会下议院中赢得一席。 cn.wsj.com 10. MPs from the three nominal opposition parties in the Duma, the lower house of parliament, staged a walkout in protest. 议会下院——国家杜马的三个名义反对党的议员以退场作为抗议。 www.bing.com 1. Labor won a majority in the lower House of Representatives in a 2007 election. 在2007年的选举中,工党获得了下议院的多数席位。 chinese.wsj.com 2. However the potential loss of the lower house to DPJ will create uncertainly for LPD to enact fiscal stimulus. 对民主党而言,房地产行业的低迷将会给自民党制定推行财政刺激政策带来不确定性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The lower house of the Italian parliament has approved a tough austerity package, which was passed on Thursday by the Senate. 意大利议会下院通过了严厉的紧缩措施,周四,该计划已经通过参议院的批准。 www.24en.com 4. The House of Representatives qualifies as the lower house because its 435 members are elected from districts based on population size. 美国的众议院相当于下议院,因为其435名成员是经按人口划分的选区投票产生。 www.america.gov 5. In Monday's polls, voters elected 47 members of the lower house of parliament. 在星期一举行的选举中,选民选出了议会下院的47名议员。 www.voanews.cn 6. The lower house of Uruguay's Congress has voted to legalise abortion in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. 乌拉圭国会下议院投票通过怀孕前12周流产合法化。 www.enread.com 7. Lawmakers in the lower house of parliament voted for Merkel, with 323 of the 612 votes cast in favor, 285 against and four abstentions. 德国下议院投票选举默克尔连任。在612张选票中,有323票支持,285票反对,4票弃权。 c.wsj.com 8. The House of Representatives, the lower house, passed the emissions-trading bill on June 4th. 6月4号,众议院,即下议院,通过了排放-贸易法案。 www.ecocn.org 9. If the historical pattern holds, it could win 130 seats in the lower house, and control 390 via its partners. 若按照过去的型态,工党可以在众议院赢得130席,并透过政党夥伴掌控390席。 www.ecocn.org 10. Another obstacle is that once the Senate approves the bill, it must return to the lower house for approval. 另一个障碍在于,法案一旦在参议院获得通过,就必须交由下议院审批。 www.asaimchina.org 1. However, its leaders still drone on about the need to dissolve the lower house. 然而,自民党领导人仍就是否有必要解散众议院在絮絮叨叨。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. In 2003 the lower house of the advisory council was freely elected for the first time. 2003年咨询委员会的下院第一次实行自由选举。 www.ebigear.com 3. The plan authorizes ministers to draft a bill, which is expected to go to the Bundestag, the lower house of Parliament, this summer. 这个计划授权部长们草拟法案,预计今天夏天将提交给德国联邦议院,即下议院,进行表决。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. The 150 members of the Lower House (Tweede Kamer, or Second Chamber) are elected every four years in direct elections. 由150名议员组成的下议院(特威德?肯曼或者上议院)是每四年直接选举产生。 www.ebigear.com 5. Under the Constitution, the lower house is more powerful and holds the final say. 按照宪法规定,众议院拥有更大的权力并且掌握着最终发言权。 www.ourtra.com 6. This should have a smoother passage once it reaches the lower house. 一旦进入下院讨论,该法案的通过将更加顺利。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The Senate is the one that matters: in the lower house, the government has a comfortable majority. 参议院就成为“焦点”地带了:因为在下议院,政府占有绝对多数席位的优势。 www.ecocn.org 8. This week, after 18 years of dithering and doubts, the Duma (the lower house of parliament) voted to ratify WTO entry, 经过了18年的犹豫不决和疑虑,国家杜马(国会下议院)终于在本周投票……这样会不会好一点。 www.ecocn.org 9. Power in the UK parliament rests with the lower house, known as the Commons 英国国会的权力取决于下院,后者又称为平民院。 wenku.baidu.com 10. Railroad a bill through the Lower House 使议案在下院草率通过 news.dic123.com 1. Deputy speaker of the lower house (众议院副议长): edu.sina.com.cn 2. The lower house of Japan's parliament 日本议会下院 blog.hjenglish.com |
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