单词 | this year |
释义 | 例句释义: 今年,本年度,这年,这一年 1. His downfall revealed a fierce power struggle at the top of the party ahead of a once-in-a-decade leadership succession later this year. 薄的倒台揭示出,在今年下半年举行的十年一度的领导层换届之前,共产党高层正进行着激烈的权力斗争。 www.bing.com 2. The Pentagon said the theme of this year's conference is "multilateral approaches to maritime security in the Asia-Pacific. " 五角大楼说,今年会议的主题是“亚太地区海上安全的多边途径”。 www.ndkaoyan.com 3. But analysts cautioned that Portugal could still need a financial rescue if it slips back into a recession later this year. 然而分析师警告说,如果今年晚些时候葡萄牙陷入经济衰退,该国依然需要经济援助。 www.bing.com 4. But early this year it was already clear that they have always been a step behind events. 不过今年早些时候的情况已经清楚地表明,他们总是空放马后炮。 cn.wsj.com 5. Bernanke's four-year term expires in January and the president had not been expected to make an announcement until later this year. 伯南克的四年任期将在明年1月届满,外界原先预期奥巴马将在今年稍晚宣布这一提名。 cn.reuters.com 6. We have been discussing the matter several times this year. 我们今年已经数次讨论那件事情了。 wenku.baidu.com 7. Anish Kapoor's "Ascension" was to be one of the highlights of this year's Venice Biennale. 艺术家阿尼什?卡普尔(AnishKapoor)的“上升”是今年威尼斯双年展的一个亮点作品。 www.bing.com 8. The NSIDC team cautions that this is a preliminary analysis and that further melt is possible, though unlikely, this year. NSIDC的科研小组表示,这些都是我们初步的分析,进一步融化的可能性很大,尽管今年已不再肯能。 www.elanso.com 9. That's just one of the reasons the Nobel Committee's decision to award this year's Peace Prize to Barack Obama is such a stunning surprise. 这只是诺贝尔委员会将今年的和平奖授予奥巴马为何如此例外的一个原因。 www.bing.com 10. It has been a function of pricing for DRAM, and that's what's contributing largely to that 67% growth this year. 这一直是DRAM存储产品的定价模式,对今年67%的增长贡献很大。 www.bing.com 1. Earlier this year, Obama said he did not think the country should use the strategic oil reserves "at this point. " 今年早些时候,奥巴马曾说他认为国家不应“在此刻”动用战略石油储备。 www.bing.com 2. As you all know, things were a bit rough at the start of this year, but I'm tough & strong! 你们都应该知道,今年一开始就有点不顺,但是我很坚强! alive.tom.com 3. Many forecasters believe the British economy is already in a contraction that will last at least through the end of this year. 许多预测者认为,英国经济已经陷入紧缩,并至少会持续到今年年底。 bbs.enfamily.cn 4. Mr. Zindler said the upward momentum had halted, and that total investment this year was likely to be lower than last. 辛德勒先生认为这个上升势头已经停止了,今年的投资总额可能会低于去年。 www.bing.com 5. This year happens to be the summer I graduated from junior high school to the children in Xinjiang. 这一年暑假刚好是我初中毕业的小孩来了新疆。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Since the beginning of this year, the two sides have maintained close communications and coordination on the preparations for the dialogue. 今年以来,中美双方就第二轮战略与经济对话的筹备工作保持着密切的沟通和协调。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 7. The automotive industry is quite concerned about this year's industry policy support obviously, a good development momentum of its own. 汽车行业是今年颇受关注的一个行业,政策扶持明显、自身发展势头良好。 www.qikan.com.cn 8. This year, he said, his residence by a river pier wasn't badly flooded, thanks to higher embankments built by the city over the years. 他家就在一座河墩旁边,他说今年淹得并不严重,这要感谢这些年来曼谷加高的堤防。 chinese.wsj.com 9. At the end of November Mr Mantega said that he would provide the BNDES with only half as much extra funding in 2011 as it has had this year. 十一月底,GuidoMantega表示他在2011年只会提供给BNDES今年额外拨款的一半。 www.ecocn.org 10. Prices, which zoomed up in the first quarter of this year, are now steady and should not increase again for several months. 物价在今年第一季度猛涨了一了阵,现在稳定了下来,而且在今后几个月内不会再涨了。 www.jukuu.com 1. He said it was "very cool" and "such an honor" to visit the White House earlier this year. 他称.今年早些时候到白宫作客是“非常酷的事”,而且是“极大的荣誉”。 cn.reuters.com 2. Earlier this year Mr Feinberg said he would pay them for up to four times their 2010 losses. 今年早些时候,Feinberg先生曾经承诺,对于他们2010年的损失,将以四倍进行赔付。 xiaozu.renren.com 3. As you approach the end of this year, it may be your conclusion that the many events we have continually spoken of must get underway. 由于你们在接近今年的末尾,这许多将发生的事件将可能是你们的结论,这些我们已经频繁提及的必须落实的事情。 blog.163.com 4. I'd like to wish all of you and your families a Merry Christmas, a wonderful end of this year and all the best for the one lying ahead. 我在此祝愿你们所有的人以及你们的家庭圣诞快乐,有一个美好的年终并且在即将到来的一年里万事如意~! q.sohu.com 5. At the beginning of this year, Big Tree decided to expend scale, he rented another bar in West Street. 今年初,大树决定扩大规模,他租下西街上的另一家酒吧。 site.douban.com 6. The economist behind this year's report is used to hearing people marvel at how much kids cost. 今年报告的经济学家习惯了听到人们关于孩子们花去多少多少的惊叹。 www.bing.com 7. But his mother insisted and said, "The cotton of this year is light and warmth-keeping. Have a try and you will know! " 母亲固执地辩解,这是今年的新棉花,轻巧保暖,你试试吧,试试就知道了。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. Chinese mills had been expecting a price rise of at least 65 per cent, in line with that agreed with Brazilian miner Vale this year. 中国钢铁企业一直预计涨价幅度不会低于65%,与今年和巴西矿业集团淡水河谷(Vale)的协议相符。 www.ftchinese.com 9. How much year-end bonus did you get this year? 你今年拿到多少年终奖金? mengzhe.blogchina.com 10. He said that there have been frequent exchanges of visits and increasing cooperation between China and Africa this year. 他说,今年中非双方高层互访频繁,合作不断加强。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 1. It may not be the most festive of themes, but at least our holiday gift to you this year is not a tie or socks. 它可能不是最喜庆的主题,但至少我们的节日礼物,你今年是不是领带或袜子。 bbs.greenteam.org.cn 2. There was hope that this year the rains would not fail, and that somehow they would come through. 人们希望今年的雨会如期而至,他们就能顺利渡过困难。 www.bing.com 3. I met a Silicon Valley psychologist this year who told me that much of his practice was made up of recovering Apple employees. 我今年遇见了一位硅谷的心理医生,他告诉我,他的大部分工作是为苹果员工做心理康复。 www.ftchinese.com 4. financial security, as they saw the yuan kept going higher at a faster pace since the beginning of this year mainly due to outside pressure. 中国经济学家目睹,自今年年初人民币以更快的速度持续增值,其主要压力来自外界。他们已经提出警告,单方向的人民币。 www.1x1y.com.cn 5. In an attempt to improve graduates' work skills, it wants employers to offer internships of up to three months to this year's graduates. 为了提高毕业生的工作技能,该项议案希望雇主向今年毕业的大学生提供多至3个月的实习机会。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Go take a look at the performance of her first quarter of this year, you will suddenly see the light, the wave of the necessary adjustments. 再去看看她今年一季度业绩,你就会豁然开朗,这一波调整之必要。 apps.hi.baidu.com 7. Early August this year, ms. Xiuzhu find distributors Mr Xu, said he was not in the hotel manager, is instead maotai brewery salesman. 今年8月上旬,杨女士找到经销商徐先生,称自己已不在酒店做经理,转而成了茅台酒厂的业务员。 www.9999jiu.com 8. Shares in Imperial have been one of the worst market performers among mid-sized oil companies in London this year. 帝国能源的股票是今年伦敦中等规模的石油股中表现最差的之一。 www.ftchinese.com 9. I believe Head is going to be an amazing guard down the road, and he has the potential be to a Sam Cassell for the Rockets this year. 我以为海德正在向一个令人吃惊的后卫转变的过程中,他有潜力成为火箭队原来的卡塞尔。 bbs.zol.com.cn 10. early this year , i received some money that i had not expected to get back , so i decided to spend it all on celestial clothes. 年初,我收到一笔原本已放弃的意外之财,所以就把它全部拿来订制天衣。 www.ichacha.net 1. The next day, January 6th, Democrats were stunned when Mr Ritter announced that he would not stand for re-election this year after all. 次日即1月6日,黎特尔当即宣布自己最后不会支持今年的改选,这让民主党人大跌眼镜。 www.ecocn.org 2. Earlier this year, she bought a sailing boat and is training to be proficient enough to sail the boat on her own. 今年早些时候,奥德丽买下了一艘帆船,并接受了驾驭帆船的训练。 dongxi.net 3. But people may have to pay a little more for their holiday bird this year. How much more will depend on competition between stores. 但今年,人们在火鸡上的花费要多些,但具体多多少将取决于各商家间的竞争。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. In the beginning of January of this year, I decided to do a little experiment on myself. 今年一月初,我决定在自己身上做个小小试验。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. G. M. said the China venture was not linked to its plans to begin importing its Chevrolet Volt electric hybrid to China this year. 通用表示中国合资企业不关联今年开始进口雪佛兰混电动力汽车到中国的计划。 swc.178.blog.163.com 6. In this year, a low-budget film swept over the country, making it a "Myth" in the movie industry. 这一年,一部低成本电影出人意料地轰动全国,成为一个电影“神话”。 www.1x1y.com.cn 7. The blood of millions and the fall of the Berlin Wall, 20 years ago this year, showed how much the people beg to differ. 20年前,数以百万的鲜血和柏林墙的倒掉,显示了人们是多么渴望差异。 www.ecocn.org 8. This is a country, after all, that this year risked all-out war with Thailand in a petty spat over a bit of disputed borderland. 毕竟,这个国家今年与泰国因边界问题的小摩擦差点爆发战争。 www.ecocn.org 9. Mona and I wish each and every one of you wisdom and strength in this Year of the Snake, and happy reunions with your family and loved ones. 李蒙和我祝愿你们每一个人在这个蛇年拥有智慧和力量,与家人和心爱的人团聚快乐! www.putclub.com 10. And it is a disaster: One of out of every five U. S. foreclosures this year was in California. 这的确是场灾难:今年五分之一的抵押品赎回取消都是在加利福尼亚州。 www.bing.com 1. Lack of food is going to be a major problem in Somalia for the rest of this year. 今年其后的几个月里食品欠缺将会是索马里最严重的问题。 www.bing.com 2. I think we should go to Switzerland for our holiday this year. You know how much we enjoyed it last time. 我看今年我们应该到瑞士去度假。上次我们在那儿玩得多开心啊。 3. HNA did not respond to requests for comment but has previously said non-payment was common in light of this year's poor dry bulk market. 海航集团没有回复记者提出的置评请求,但此前该公司曾表示,鉴于今年干散货市场低迷,迟付缓付租金是市场中的普遍行为。 www.ftchinese.com 4. And since we no longer have much time to complete what can pass as forming a certain circumscribed Field, in what I said this year. 既然我们不再有许多时间完成被认为是划归佛洛伊德的学说的范围,在我今年的讲座。 springhero.wordpress.com 5. This year's Golden Globe nominations reveal something of a love affair between Hollywood and France. 今年的金球奖提名似乎体现出好莱坞和法国之间的“热恋”关系。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. As early as a few days ago, my colleagues have talked about this year's Tanabata how to spend Valentine's Day. 早在几天前,就有同事在谈论今年的七夕情人节该怎么度过。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. These works have been closed since the beginning of this year due to the strike of the workers. 由于工人罢工,这些工厂从今年年初起就一直停工。 wenku.baidu.com 8. Now back to the modern time, this foreign son-in-law kept writing. He said this year what he experienced in Taiwan is not what he expected. 回到现代社会来,继续看这个外国女婿是怎么写他所经历的今年的春节的。他说今年他在台湾所过的春节完全不像他所想像,所期待的。 q.sohu.com 9. But negotiators conceded this year that there was no chance of a legally binding deal. 但是,谈判代表们承认,今年没有机会确定具法律约束力的协议了。 www.bing.com 10. Some of this year's rise may have been driven by speculative demand, he said. 他说,今年油价上升,部分源于投机需求驱动。 www.bing.com 1. 3 billion is up for sale in two auctions, one of the largest allotments so far this year. 在九月的第一个星期,将有73亿在两场拍卖会出售,其中一场,占有今年最大的分配额。 www.ecocn.org 2. He looked over a copy of this year's NEEP. "Wow, still such questions, " he said while laughing. 他查阅这年研究生入学考试试卷的复印件,“哇,仍然是这样的问题,完全过时了。” www.bing.com 3. We have no idea how the string of revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa this year is going to turn out. 我们不知道今年发生在中东和北非地区的一连串革命会发展到什么地步。 dongxi.net 4. In January of this year, a series of videos showing what appeared to be a UFO hovering over Jerusalem's Dome of the Rock caused a stir. 今年的一月份,一系列的视频引起了轰动,这些视频好像是一个UFO正在耶路撒冷的圆顶清真寺上盘旋。 www.bing.com 5. This year Nicaragua expects to have more foreign direct investment, as a share of its GDP, than any other country in the isthmus. 今年尼加瓜拉预计比地峡的其他国家有更多的外国直接投资,作为GDP的比重。 www.ecocn.org 6. This year I seem to have been involved in more recruitment than I can remember for a few years. 今年我参与过的招聘似乎比历年来的都要多。 www.elanso.com 7. The company's shares have nearly tripled in value since early this year, when it became clear that Ford would not ask for government loans. 从年初福特明确表示拒绝接受政府纾困依赖,该公司的股票价值几乎翻了三倍。 www.hjenglish.com 8. It had already suffered this year during the launch of Buzz, its own social-networking service. Google在本年度推出自己开发的社交网络服务Buzz时就曾受挫。 www.ecocn.org 9. Many of the businesses in his Virgin empire have come to a crossroads this year, leaving the entrepreneur with an intimidating to-do list. 其维珍(Virgin)帝国旗下的许多企业今年已走到了十字路口,使这位企业家面临一份紧迫的待做事项清单。 www.ftchinese.com 10. In an interview earlier this year, he said: 'Sometimes I feel like more of a woman, other times I feel male. 在今年早些时候的一次采访中,他说:“有时候我感到自己更像是是个女人,其他时候则感觉像个男人。” gb.cri.cn 1. At the beginning of this year, Pepsi launched a new design globally, with a regularly changing series of images, all in shades of blue. 该公司今年初在全球范围推出了新包装设计,但图案的变化仍是常规性的,背景色依然全部是蓝色。 www.neworiental.org 2. I believe you know that we are going to take two or three of our tankers off the Persian Gulf run, either this year of next. 我想你知道的,本公司将于今年或明年,取消两三艘油轮在波斯湾航线之行驶。 dict.bioon.com 3. How much of that shift is temporary and how much will endure is something we won't know by the end of this year. 有多少改变是暂时的以及有多少改变将会持续,在今年年底前,这些我们都不会知道。 www.bing.com 4. He met Ms. Hilton and her father earlier this year through a mutual friend and pitched the idea of a collaboration, he said. 他说,今年早先时候,他通过一位共同的朋友约见了帕丽斯·希尔顿和她的父亲,向他们提出了合作的想法。 chinese.wsj.com 5. But recent analysis suggests this will be far from easy to achieve by the end of this year. 但是,最近的分析表明到今年底将很难达到预期的目标。 www.bing.com 6. By February of this year, he finally had given up smoking, a habit which had accompanied him for dozens of years. 到了今年二月份,他终于彻底戒掉了几十年放不下的烟酒。 sm2000.org 7. "This year has seen a levelling-off, obviously due to the economy, with the exception of London, which has continued to grow, " she said. 她说,“今年呈平稳下降趋势,很明显是由于经济原因,但伦敦除外,其比例继续增长。” www.bing.com 8. Analysts say the steep drop shows how much of this year's rise has been fuelled by bank loans channelled into speculative activity. 分析师表示,股市大幅下跌表明,今年股市的上涨在很大程度上是由流入投机活动的银行贷款拉动的。 www.ftchinese.com 9. "This Year. . . " -New York City, here we come, baby! -Here we come, go look us up in Manhattan! Feel free to call first. “今年”…-纽约城,我们来了,宝贝!-我们来了,在曼哈顿找我们!请先打电话。 www.yappr.cn 10. "We have a lot of talent on this team, " Bynum said. "The big focus this year is going to be on the defensive end. " “我们的队伍有很多才华横溢的球员,”拜纳姆说。“今年我们将把我们的重点放在防守上。” www.hbzxr.com 1. Some detail on Editions had previously been trailed by the company, which had initially planned to launch the service this year. Google之前曾露出了Editions服务平台的一些细节,它原计划于今年推出这项服务。 www.bing.com 2. This anti-immigrant demonstration in Athens earlier this year was one of many (demonstrations) to turn violent. 今年年初雅典的反移民示威活动是众多示威游行中演化为暴力的案例之一。 translate.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Having to be "frugal with the truth" contributed to his mental anguish, he will claim, in a tribunal expected to sit later this year. 他会在今年晚些时候的一次仲裁上宣称,自己只能“死守真相”,这导致了精神上的痛苦。 www.bing.com 4. World Blood Donor Day 2005 celebrations are planned in most countries with the global event this year taking place in London. 已计划在很多国家举行2005年世界献血日庆祝活动,今年的全球活动将在伦敦举行。 www.who.int 5. "It's better for the league that it's more open this year, even if I would prefer it if we were cruising it, " said the England defender. 这位英格兰的后卫说:“这对于联赛来说是好事,今年的竞争者更多了,虽然我个人更希望球队象以往那样遥遥领先。” bbs.qieerxi.com 6. But this year has not been paid since the beginning of this cost in Lebanon. 但今年年初以来黎巴嫩一直未缴纳这笔费用。 www.englishtang.com 7. Malaysia was the least affected, with the food inflation rate at a shade below 5 per cent over the course of this year. 马来西亚是受到影响最少的,一年中粮食的通胀率维持在5%以下。 www.bing.com 8. There's too much pressure on all of us at the moment as a result of not scoring points so far this year and we need to break that trend. 现在我们压力都很大,因为今年过到现在都没积分,我们要破处啊。 www.barrichello.com.cn 9. Mr. Simon says clients in his native U. K. have been 'eager to put money into the U. S. ' this year. 西蒙说,今年,他的祖国英国的客户一直都很积极地把钱投入到美国来。 chinese.wsj.com 10. How much have ordinary Americans actually invested in gold this year? 今年以来,美国普通民众在黄金这个投资品上到底投入了多少资金呢? chinese.wsj.com 1. "This year has seen a levelling-off, obviously due to the economy, with the exception of London, which has continued to grow, " she said. 她说,“今年呈平稳下降趋势,很明显是由于经济原因,但伦敦除外,其比例继续增长。” www.bing.com 2. Analysts say the steep drop shows how much of this year's rise has been fuelled by bank loans channelled into speculative activity. 分析师表示,股市大幅下跌表明,今年股市的上涨在很大程度上是由流入投机活动的银行贷款拉动的。 www.ftchinese.com 3. "This Year. . . " -New York City, here we come, baby! -Here we come, go look us up in Manhattan! Feel free to call first. “今年”…-纽约城,我们来了,宝贝!-我们来了,在曼哈顿找我们!请先打电话。 www.yappr.cn 4. "We have a lot of talent on this team, " Bynum said. "The big focus this year is going to be on the defensive end. " “我们的队伍有很多才华横溢的球员,”拜纳姆说。“今年我们将把我们的重点放在防守上。” www.hbzxr.com 5. Earlier this year, a written warning telling her to shape up from her producer in Georgia Rules was circulated in the press. 今年早些时候,她的《乔治亚法则》的制作人发出的告诉她好自为之的书面警告在新闻界到处流传。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Economists coined a word "mancession" at the beginning of this year to describe the worldwide phenomenon of a waxing Yin and waning Yang. 经济学家在今年早些时候提出了“男性萧条”的概念,认为“阴盛阳衰”正在成为全球化现象。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Some detail on Editions had previously been trailed by the company, which had initially planned to launch the service this year. Google之前曾露出了Editions服务平台的一些细节,它原计划于今年推出这项服务。 www.bing.com 8. This anti-immigrant demonstration in Athens earlier this year was one of many (demonstrations) to turn violent. 今年年初雅典的反移民示威活动是众多示威游行中演化为暴力的案例之一。 translate.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Having to be "frugal with the truth" contributed to his mental anguish, he will claim, in a tribunal expected to sit later this year. 他会在今年晚些时候的一次仲裁上宣称,自己只能“死守真相”,这导致了精神上的痛苦。 www.bing.com 10. World Blood Donor Day 2005 celebrations are planned in most countries with the global event this year taking place in London. 已计划在很多国家举行2005年世界献血日庆祝活动,今年的全球活动将在伦敦举行。 www.who.int 1. "We have a lot of talent on this team, " Bynum said. "The big focus this year is going to be on the defensive end. " “我们的队伍有很多才华横溢的球员,”拜纳姆说。“今年我们将把我们的重点放在防守上。” www.hbzxr.com 2. Earlier this year, a written warning telling her to shape up from her producer in Georgia Rules was circulated in the press. 今年早些时候,她的《乔治亚法则》的制作人发出的告诉她好自为之的书面警告在新闻界到处流传。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Economists coined a word "mancession" at the beginning of this year to describe the worldwide phenomenon of a waxing Yin and waning Yang. 经济学家在今年早些时候提出了“男性萧条”的概念,认为“阴盛阳衰”正在成为全球化现象。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. do not live the issue of buzzing sound, as if to people, said: "This year there are a number of honey to eat. " 不住的发出嗡嗡地声音,好象在对人们说:“今年又有许多蜜吃了。” learning.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Some detail on Editions had previously been trailed by the company, which had initially planned to launch the service this year. Google之前曾露出了Editions服务平台的一些细节,它原计划于今年推出这项服务。 www.bing.com 6. This anti-immigrant demonstration in Athens earlier this year was one of many (demonstrations) to turn violent. 今年年初雅典的反移民示威活动是众多示威游行中演化为暴力的案例之一。 translate.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Having to be "frugal with the truth" contributed to his mental anguish, he will claim, in a tribunal expected to sit later this year. 他会在今年晚些时候的一次仲裁上宣称,自己只能“死守真相”,这导致了精神上的痛苦。 www.bing.com 8. World Blood Donor Day 2005 celebrations are planned in most countries with the global event this year taking place in London. 已计划在很多国家举行2005年世界献血日庆祝活动,今年的全球活动将在伦敦举行。 www.who.int 9. "It's better for the league that it's more open this year, even if I would prefer it if we were cruising it, " said the England defender. 这位英格兰的后卫说:“这对于联赛来说是好事,今年的竞争者更多了,虽然我个人更希望球队象以往那样遥遥领先。” bbs.qieerxi.com 10. But this year has not been paid since the beginning of this cost in Lebanon. 但今年年初以来黎巴嫩一直未缴纳这笔费用。 www.englishtang.com 1. do not live the issue of buzzing sound, as if to people, said: "This year there are a number of honey to eat. " 不住的发出嗡嗡地声音,好象在对人们说:“今年又有许多蜜吃了。” learning.zhishi.sohu.com 2. At trial later this year, he'll face a maximum penalty of six months' imprisonment and a fine of twenty-two thousand five hundred euros. 在今年晚些时候的审判中,他将面临最多六个月的监禁和两万两千五百欧元的罚款。 www.bing.com 3. Some detail on Editions had previously been trailed by the company, which had initially planned to launch the service this year. Google之前曾露出了Editions服务平台的一些细节,它原计划于今年推出这项服务。 www.bing.com 4. This anti-immigrant demonstration in Athens earlier this year was one of many (demonstrations) to turn violent. 今年年初雅典的反移民示威活动是众多示威游行中演化为暴力的案例之一。 translate.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Having to be "frugal with the truth" contributed to his mental anguish, he will claim, in a tribunal expected to sit later this year. 他会在今年晚些时候的一次仲裁上宣称,自己只能“死守真相”,这导致了精神上的痛苦。 www.bing.com 6. World Blood Donor Day 2005 celebrations are planned in most countries with the global event this year taking place in London. 已计划在很多国家举行2005年世界献血日庆祝活动,今年的全球活动将在伦敦举行。 www.who.int 7. "It's better for the league that it's more open this year, even if I would prefer it if we were cruising it, " said the England defender. 这位英格兰的后卫说:“这对于联赛来说是好事,今年的竞争者更多了,虽然我个人更希望球队象以往那样遥遥领先。” bbs.qieerxi.com 8. But this year has not been paid since the beginning of this cost in Lebanon. 但今年年初以来黎巴嫩一直未缴纳这笔费用。 www.englishtang.com 9. Malaysia was the least affected, with the food inflation rate at a shade below 5 per cent over the course of this year. 马来西亚是受到影响最少的,一年中粮食的通胀率维持在5%以下。 www.bing.com 10. There's too much pressure on all of us at the moment as a result of not scoring points so far this year and we need to break that trend. 现在我们压力都很大,因为今年过到现在都没积分,我们要破处啊。 www.barrichello.com.cn 1. Some detail on Editions had previously been trailed by the company, which had initially planned to launch the service this year. Google之前曾露出了Editions服务平台的一些细节,它原计划于今年推出这项服务。 www.bing.com 2. This anti-immigrant demonstration in Athens earlier this year was one of many (demonstrations) to turn violent. 今年年初雅典的反移民示威活动是众多示威游行中演化为暴力的案例之一。 translate.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Having to be "frugal with the truth" contributed to his mental anguish, he will claim, in a tribunal expected to sit later this year. 他会在今年晚些时候的一次仲裁上宣称,自己只能“死守真相”,这导致了精神上的痛苦。 www.bing.com 4. World Blood Donor Day 2005 celebrations are planned in most countries with the global event this year taking place in London. 已计划在很多国家举行2005年世界献血日庆祝活动,今年的全球活动将在伦敦举行。 www.who.int 5. "It's better for the league that it's more open this year, even if I would prefer it if we were cruising it, " said the England defender. 这位英格兰的后卫说:“这对于联赛来说是好事,今年的竞争者更多了,虽然我个人更希望球队象以往那样遥遥领先。” bbs.qieerxi.com 6. But this year has not been paid since the beginning of this cost in Lebanon. 但今年年初以来黎巴嫩一直未缴纳这笔费用。 www.englishtang.com 7. Malaysia was the least affected, with the food inflation rate at a shade below 5 per cent over the course of this year. 马来西亚是受到影响最少的,一年中粮食的通胀率维持在5%以下。 www.bing.com 8. There's too much pressure on all of us at the moment as a result of not scoring points so far this year and we need to break that trend. 现在我们压力都很大,因为今年过到现在都没积分,我们要破处啊。 www.barrichello.com.cn 9. Mr. Simon says clients in his native U. K. have been 'eager to put money into the U. S. ' this year. 西蒙说,今年,他的祖国英国的客户一直都很积极地把钱投入到美国来。 chinese.wsj.com 10. How much have ordinary Americans actually invested in gold this year? 今年以来,美国普通民众在黄金这个投资品上到底投入了多少资金呢? chinese.wsj.com 1. World Blood Donor Day 2005 celebrations are planned in most countries with the global event this year taking place in London. 已计划在很多国家举行2005年世界献血日庆祝活动,今年的全球活动将在伦敦举行。 www.who.int 2. "It's better for the league that it's more open this year, even if I would prefer it if we were cruising it, " said the England defender. 这位英格兰的后卫说:“这对于联赛来说是好事,今年的竞争者更多了,虽然我个人更希望球队象以往那样遥遥领先。” bbs.qieerxi.com 3. But this year has not been paid since the beginning of this cost in Lebanon. 但今年年初以来黎巴嫩一直未缴纳这笔费用。 www.englishtang.com 4. Malaysia was the least affected, with the food inflation rate at a shade below 5 per cent over the course of this year. 马来西亚是受到影响最少的,一年中粮食的通胀率维持在5%以下。 www.bing.com 5. There's too much pressure on all of us at the moment as a result of not scoring points so far this year and we need to break that trend. 现在我们压力都很大,因为今年过到现在都没积分,我们要破处啊。 www.barrichello.com.cn 6. Mr. Simon says clients in his native U. K. have been 'eager to put money into the U. S. ' this year. 西蒙说,今年,他的祖国英国的客户一直都很积极地把钱投入到美国来。 chinese.wsj.com 7. How much have ordinary Americans actually invested in gold this year? 今年以来,美国普通民众在黄金这个投资品上到底投入了多少资金呢? chinese.wsj.com 8. Yet this year, Republicans in Congress have been trying to slash investments in family planning. 但是今年,国会的共和党却在家庭节育上面大裁预算。 www.sxzzk.com 9. An earthquake scientist said the shift illustrated the huge force of the tremor, the biggest so far this year. 地震专家表示,这证明了此次地震的威力之大,是今年以来最大一次地震。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Presidential hopefuls did not spend much time in Iowa this year because favorite son, Senator Harkin, was one of the candidates. 今年的总统候选人没有在艾奥瓦州花很多时间进行竞选活动,因为哈金参议员就是来自艾奥瓦州的,他就是艾奥瓦州的宠儿。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Malaysia was the least affected, with the food inflation rate at a shade below 5 per cent over the course of this year. 马来西亚是受到影响最少的,一年中粮食的通胀率维持在5%以下。 www.bing.com 2. There's too much pressure on all of us at the moment as a result of not scoring points so far this year and we need to break that trend. 现在我们压力都很大,因为今年过到现在都没积分,我们要破处啊。 www.barrichello.com.cn 3. Mr. Simon says clients in his native U. K. have been 'eager to put money into the U. S. ' this year. 西蒙说,今年,他的祖国英国的客户一直都很积极地把钱投入到美国来。 chinese.wsj.com 4. How much have ordinary Americans actually invested in gold this year? 今年以来,美国普通民众在黄金这个投资品上到底投入了多少资金呢? chinese.wsj.com 5. Yet this year, Republicans in Congress have been trying to slash investments in family planning. 但是今年,国会的共和党却在家庭节育上面大裁预算。 www.sxzzk.com 6. An earthquake scientist said the shift illustrated the huge force of the tremor, the biggest so far this year. 地震专家表示,这证明了此次地震的威力之大,是今年以来最大一次地震。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Presidential hopefuls did not spend much time in Iowa this year because favorite son, Senator Harkin, was one of the candidates. 今年的总统候选人没有在艾奥瓦州花很多时间进行竞选活动,因为哈金参议员就是来自艾奥瓦州的,他就是艾奥瓦州的宠儿。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. The Federal Reserve predicts the U. S. economy will come out of recession and resume growing toward the end of this year. 美联储预期美国经济将在今年年底前走出衰退并恢复增长。 www.america.gov 9. To boost productivity, the company plans to spend as much as 5 million yuan this year to automate production lines, he said. 他说公司为了提高生产效率计划于今年投资500万元实现自动化生产线。 www.bing.com 10. This year may just be the start of the great fightback by the legacy media empires, the beginning of the end for the devaluation of content. 今年可能仅仅是传统媒体帝国大反击的开始,是媒体内涵贬值的结束的开端。 www.bing.com 1. How much have ordinary Americans actually invested in gold this year? 今年以来,美国普通民众在黄金这个投资品上到底投入了多少资金呢? chinese.wsj.com 2. Yet this year, Republicans in Congress have been trying to slash investments in family planning. 但是今年,国会的共和党却在家庭节育上面大裁预算。 www.sxzzk.com 3. An earthquake scientist said the shift illustrated the huge force of the tremor, the biggest so far this year. 地震专家表示,这证明了此次地震的威力之大,是今年以来最大一次地震。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Presidential hopefuls did not spend much time in Iowa this year because favorite son, Senator Harkin, was one of the candidates. 今年的总统候选人没有在艾奥瓦州花很多时间进行竞选活动,因为哈金参议员就是来自艾奥瓦州的,他就是艾奥瓦州的宠儿。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. The Federal Reserve predicts the U. S. economy will come out of recession and resume growing toward the end of this year. 美联储预期美国经济将在今年年底前走出衰退并恢复增长。 www.america.gov 6. To boost productivity, the company plans to spend as much as 5 million yuan this year to automate production lines, he said. 他说公司为了提高生产效率计划于今年投资500万元实现自动化生产线。 www.bing.com 7. This year may just be the start of the great fightback by the legacy media empires, the beginning of the end for the devaluation of content. 今年可能仅仅是传统媒体帝国大反击的开始,是媒体内涵贬值的结束的开端。 www.bing.com 8. We don't actually know how much the banks have lent so far this year. 实际上我们并不清楚上述三家银行今年迄今到底发放了多少贷款。 chinese.wsj.com 9. To hear him tell it, his hawkish views disqualified him from getting the top job at the European Central Bank later this year. 据他说,他的鹰派强硬作风使他不适合今年晚些时候出任欧洲央行总裁。 www.bing.com 10. Mr. Neumann said the total passenger-vehicle market, including cars imported from outside China, has grown 9% so far this year. 倪凯铭说,今年以来到目前为止,包括从中国境外进口的汽车在内,整体乘用车市场销量上升了9%。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Presidential hopefuls did not spend much time in Iowa this year because favorite son, Senator Harkin, was one of the candidates. 今年的总统候选人没有在艾奥瓦州花很多时间进行竞选活动,因为哈金参议员就是来自艾奥瓦州的,他就是艾奥瓦州的宠儿。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. The Federal Reserve predicts the U. S. economy will come out of recession and resume growing toward the end of this year. 美联储预期美国经济将在今年年底前走出衰退并恢复增长。 www.america.gov 3. To boost productivity, the company plans to spend as much as 5 million yuan this year to automate production lines, he said. 他说公司为了提高生产效率计划于今年投资500万元实现自动化生产线。 www.bing.com 4. This year may just be the start of the great fightback by the legacy media empires, the beginning of the end for the devaluation of content. 今年可能仅仅是传统媒体帝国大反击的开始,是媒体内涵贬值的结束的开端。 www.bing.com 5. We don't actually know how much the banks have lent so far this year. 实际上我们并不清楚上述三家银行今年迄今到底发放了多少贷款。 chinese.wsj.com 6. To hear him tell it, his hawkish views disqualified him from getting the top job at the European Central Bank later this year. 据他说,他的鹰派强硬作风使他不适合今年晚些时候出任欧洲央行总裁。 www.bing.com 7. Meeting that this year the focus of the work of preventing and treating AIDS is to strengthen the hair intervene to prevent new infections. 会议认为,今年艾滋病防治工作的重点是强化干预防止新发感染。 www.chinavalue.net 8. Mr. Neumann said the total passenger-vehicle market, including cars imported from outside China, has grown 9% so far this year. 倪凯铭说,今年以来到目前为止,包括从中国境外进口的汽车在内,整体乘用车市场销量上升了9%。 chinese.wsj.com 9. 2I did not add up the total number of books in all the lists, so I cannot say what percentage of books this year were science related. 2我没有去算全部这些书单的图书总数,所以没法说今年有多少百分比的图书跟科学有关。 www.bing.com 10. I have my eye on a couple of jobs myself and while I'm not ready to run this year, I'm seriously considering it as a future opportunity. 我已经为自己留意了几个职位,只是今年我还没有做好竞选的准备,我还是很慎重地把这看做未来的一个机遇。 www.elanso.com 1. This year may just be the start of the great fightback by the legacy media empires, the beginning of the end for the devaluation of content. 今年可能仅仅是传统媒体帝国大反击的开始,是媒体内涵贬值的结束的开端。 www.bing.com 2. We don't actually know how much the banks have lent so far this year. 实际上我们并不清楚上述三家银行今年迄今到底发放了多少贷款。 chinese.wsj.com 3. To hear him tell it, his hawkish views disqualified him from getting the top job at the European Central Bank later this year. 据他说,他的鹰派强硬作风使他不适合今年晚些时候出任欧洲央行总裁。 www.bing.com 4. Meeting that this year the focus of the work of preventing and treating AIDS is to strengthen the hair intervene to prevent new infections. 会议认为,今年艾滋病防治工作的重点是强化干预防止新发感染。 www.chinavalue.net 5. Buyers had been expecting relief from the constant round of higher prices, which have been such a common trend this year. 买家一直期待能从这轮暂时的高价中得到缓解,但显然高价是今年的普通趋势。 www.tnc.com.cn 6. Mr. Neumann said the total passenger-vehicle market, including cars imported from outside China, has grown 9% so far this year. 倪凯铭说,今年以来到目前为止,包括从中国境外进口的汽车在内,整体乘用车市场销量上升了9%。 chinese.wsj.com 7. 2I did not add up the total number of books in all the lists, so I cannot say what percentage of books this year were science related. 2我没有去算全部这些书单的图书总数,所以没法说今年有多少百分比的图书跟科学有关。 www.bing.com 8. I have my eye on a couple of jobs myself and while I'm not ready to run this year, I'm seriously considering it as a future opportunity. 我已经为自己留意了几个职位,只是今年我还没有做好竞选的准备,我还是很慎重地把这看做未来的一个机遇。 www.elanso.com 9. On the subject of Iran, he made it plain, though, that his patience was limited by the end of this year. 尽管如此,他也明确表态说在伊朗问题上他的耐心是有限的,而且只能持续到今年年底。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. We are discussing this at the moment . . . There seem to be some price hikes in the second half of this year coming to the market. 目前我们正讨论这个问题……看起来,今年下半年,市场上将会出现一些价格上涨。 www.showxiu.com 1. The Federal Reserve predicts the U. S. economy will come out of recession and resume growing toward the end of this year. 美联储预期美国经济将在今年年底前走出衰退并恢复增长。 www.america.gov 2. To boost productivity, the company plans to spend as much as 5 million yuan this year to automate production lines, he said. 他说公司为了提高生产效率计划于今年投资500万元实现自动化生产线。 www.bing.com 3. This year may just be the start of the great fightback by the legacy media empires, the beginning of the end for the devaluation of content. 今年可能仅仅是传统媒体帝国大反击的开始,是媒体内涵贬值的结束的开端。 www.bing.com 4. We don't actually know how much the banks have lent so far this year. 实际上我们并不清楚上述三家银行今年迄今到底发放了多少贷款。 chinese.wsj.com 5. To hear him tell it, his hawkish views disqualified him from getting the top job at the European Central Bank later this year. 据他说,他的鹰派强硬作风使他不适合今年晚些时候出任欧洲央行总裁。 www.bing.com 6. Meeting that this year the focus of the work of preventing and treating AIDS is to strengthen the hair intervene to prevent new infections. 会议认为,今年艾滋病防治工作的重点是强化干预防止新发感染。 www.chinavalue.net 7. Buyers had been expecting relief from the constant round of higher prices, which have been such a common trend this year. 买家一直期待能从这轮暂时的高价中得到缓解,但显然高价是今年的普通趋势。 www.tnc.com.cn 8. LinkedIn, the professional social network, is preparing its own public offering this year, said people with direct knowledge of the matter. 据内部人士透露,职业社交网站LinkedIn正在准备其今年的首次公开募股。 www.bing.com 9. She turned 30 this year, and there's no marriage in her future. She moves through her days like a zombie, she said, and she feels well used. 她今年已入而立之年,可是承诺的婚姻遥遥无期。她说她觉得每天都像是行尸走肉一般的活着,更重要的,她觉得自己被深深的榨干了。 www.bing.com 10. Mr. Neumann said the total passenger-vehicle market, including cars imported from outside China, has grown 9% so far this year. 倪凯铭说,今年以来到目前为止,包括从中国境外进口的汽车在内,整体乘用车市场销量上升了9%。 chinese.wsj.com 1. To hear him tell it, his hawkish views disqualified him from getting the top job at the European Central Bank later this year. 据他说,他的鹰派强硬作风使他不适合今年晚些时候出任欧洲央行总裁。 www.bing.com 2. Meeting that this year the focus of the work of preventing and treating AIDS is to strengthen the hair intervene to prevent new infections. 会议认为,今年艾滋病防治工作的重点是强化干预防止新发感染。 www.chinavalue.net 3. Buyers had been expecting relief from the constant round of higher prices, which have been such a common trend this year. 买家一直期待能从这轮暂时的高价中得到缓解,但显然高价是今年的普通趋势。 www.tnc.com.cn 4. LinkedIn, the professional social network, is preparing its own public offering this year, said people with direct knowledge of the matter. 据内部人士透露,职业社交网站LinkedIn正在准备其今年的首次公开募股。 www.bing.com 5. She turned 30 this year, and there's no marriage in her future. She moves through her days like a zombie, she said, and she feels well used. 她今年已入而立之年,可是承诺的婚姻遥遥无期。她说她觉得每天都像是行尸走肉一般的活着,更重要的,她觉得自己被深深的榨干了。 www.bing.com 6. "To be honest, I've got so much to wrap up this year that I haven't really used the program much, " said Gabe Boros, one of Mr. “坦白说,今年我已经关注的太多,以至于我没有真正多的去使用这个程序”,GabeBoros说。 www.kle100.cn 7. Mr. Neumann said the total passenger-vehicle market, including cars imported from outside China, has grown 9% so far this year. 倪凯铭说,今年以来到目前为止,包括从中国境外进口的汽车在内,整体乘用车市场销量上升了9%。 chinese.wsj.com 8. 2I did not add up the total number of books in all the lists, so I cannot say what percentage of books this year were science related. 2我没有去算全部这些书单的图书总数,所以没法说今年有多少百分比的图书跟科学有关。 www.bing.com 9. I have my eye on a couple of jobs myself and while I'm not ready to run this year, I'm seriously considering it as a future opportunity. 我已经为自己留意了几个职位,只是今年我还没有做好竞选的准备,我还是很慎重地把这看做未来的一个机遇。 www.elanso.com 10. On the subject of Iran, he made it plain, though, that his patience was limited by the end of this year. 尽管如此,他也明确表态说在伊朗问题上他的耐心是有限的,而且只能持续到今年年底。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. She turned 30 this year, and there's no marriage in her future. She moves through her days like a zombie, she said, and she feels well used. 她今年已入而立之年,可是承诺的婚姻遥遥无期。她说她觉得每天都像是行尸走肉一般的活着,更重要的,她觉得自己被深深的榨干了。 www.bing.com 2. "To be honest, I've got so much to wrap up this year that I haven't really used the program much, " said Gabe Boros, one of Mr. “坦白说,今年我已经关注的太多,以至于我没有真正多的去使用这个程序”,GabeBoros说。 www.kle100.cn 3. Getting a little grandson this year, my husband's aunt is so happy that she smiled all day long. 叔婆今年添了个小孙孙,高兴得整日合不拢嘴。 www.nciku.cn 4. Mr. Neumann said the total passenger-vehicle market, including cars imported from outside China, has grown 9% so far this year. 倪凯铭说,今年以来到目前为止,包括从中国境外进口的汽车在内,整体乘用车市场销量上升了9%。 chinese.wsj.com 5. 2I did not add up the total number of books in all the lists, so I cannot say what percentage of books this year were science related. 2我没有去算全部这些书单的图书总数,所以没法说今年有多少百分比的图书跟科学有关。 www.bing.com 6. I have my eye on a couple of jobs myself and while I'm not ready to run this year, I'm seriously considering it as a future opportunity. 我已经为自己留意了几个职位,只是今年我还没有做好竞选的准备,我还是很慎重地把这看做未来的一个机遇。 www.elanso.com 7. On the subject of Iran, he made it plain, though, that his patience was limited by the end of this year. 尽管如此,他也明确表态说在伊朗问题上他的耐心是有限的,而且只能持续到今年年底。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. We are discussing this at the moment . . . There seem to be some price hikes in the second half of this year coming to the market. 目前我们正讨论这个问题……看起来,今年下半年,市场上将会出现一些价格上涨。 www.showxiu.com 9. He said earnings of A share companies would have to double this year to justify current levels. 他表示,A股公司的业绩今年必须翻一番,才能表明目前的股价是合理的。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The company, which had long been an opponent of electrification, changed its stance earlier this year in light of slipping global sales. 该公司长期以来一直反对的电气化,改变了其立场,在今年早些时候,鉴于全球销售下滑。 www.bing.com 1. 2I did not add up the total number of books in all the lists, so I cannot say what percentage of books this year were science related. 2我没有去算全部这些书单的图书总数,所以没法说今年有多少百分比的图书跟科学有关。 www.bing.com 2. I have my eye on a couple of jobs myself and while I'm not ready to run this year, I'm seriously considering it as a future opportunity. 我已经为自己留意了几个职位,只是今年我还没有做好竞选的准备,我还是很慎重地把这看做未来的一个机遇。 www.elanso.com 3. On the subject of Iran, he made it plain, though, that his patience was limited by the end of this year. 尽管如此,他也明确表态说在伊朗问题上他的耐心是有限的,而且只能持续到今年年底。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. We are discussing this at the moment . . . There seem to be some price hikes in the second half of this year coming to the market. 目前我们正讨论这个问题……看起来,今年下半年,市场上将会出现一些价格上涨。 www.showxiu.com 5. He said earnings of A share companies would have to double this year to justify current levels. 他表示,A股公司的业绩今年必须翻一番,才能表明目前的股价是合理的。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The company, which had long been an opponent of electrification, changed its stance earlier this year in light of slipping global sales. 该公司长期以来一直反对的电气化,改变了其立场,在今年早些时候,鉴于全球销售下滑。 www.bing.com 7. If you think so i might invite you to a one or two week vacation this year. 如果你认为可以,我今年可以邀请你度假一到两周。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Yet as we get ready to welcome the birth of the seven billionth person later this year, the mood should be celebratory, not dour. 然而当我们准备欢迎的诞生,今年晚些时候的一百人七,心情应该庆祝,而不是严苛。 www.bing.com 9. Since April this year there had been a fightback from councils after new legislation re-classified the clubs as "sex entertainment venues" . 从今年四月开始,新立法议会把脱衣舞俱乐部重新归类成“性娱乐区”。 www.bing.com 10. The company plans to install its first device later this year in a US shopping centre, with a UK site to follow soon after. 该公司计划在今年将这一装置首先应用于一家美国的购物中心,随后再用于英国。 www.bing.com 1. He said earnings of A share companies would have to double this year to justify current levels. 他表示,A股公司的业绩今年必须翻一番,才能表明目前的股价是合理的。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The company, which had long been an opponent of electrification, changed its stance earlier this year in light of slipping global sales. 该公司长期以来一直反对的电气化,改变了其立场,在今年早些时候,鉴于全球销售下滑。 www.bing.com 3. If you think so i might invite you to a one or two week vacation this year. 如果你认为可以,我今年可以邀请你度假一到两周。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Yet as we get ready to welcome the birth of the seven billionth person later this year, the mood should be celebratory, not dour. 然而当我们准备欢迎的诞生,今年晚些时候的一百人七,心情应该庆祝,而不是严苛。 www.bing.com 5. Since April this year there had been a fightback from councils after new legislation re-classified the clubs as "sex entertainment venues" . 从今年四月开始,新立法议会把脱衣舞俱乐部重新归类成“性娱乐区”。 www.bing.com 6. The company plans to install its first device later this year in a US shopping centre, with a UK site to follow soon after. 该公司计划在今年将这一装置首先应用于一家美国的购物中心,随后再用于英国。 www.bing.com 7. Wang Gang, a long time due to not also the beginning of this year to Zhang and his wife to court. 因王刚久拖不还,今年初张丽夫妇将其告上了法庭。 www.chinavalue.net 8. Mr. Mulally said Thursday that he was now expecting the company to continue increasing its share through the rest of this year and beyond. 穆拉利总裁在周四发表声明说他希望公司在今年下半年以及以后能够继续保持市场占有率的持续增长。 www.hjenglish.com 9. In her hometown, dragon pre-school wife alone with this year just top junior high school, and also for the younger son at home on the land. 在老家,龙学前的妻子独自带着今年刚上初中的小儿子,同时还要负责在家务农。 www.aixxs.cn 10. You back in May of this year in Tianjin, as the work of things, we were unable to Tianjin meet with you, I was very sorry. 今年五月你们回天津,因为工作的事情,所以未能到天津与你们相聚,我很是遗憾。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. The company plans to install its first device later this year in a US shopping centre, with a UK site to follow soon after. 该公司计划在今年将这一装置首先应用于一家美国的购物中心,随后再用于英国。 www.bing.com 2. Wang Gang, a long time due to not also the beginning of this year to Zhang and his wife to court. 因王刚久拖不还,今年初张丽夫妇将其告上了法庭。 www.chinavalue.net 3. Mr. Mulally said Thursday that he was now expecting the company to continue increasing its share through the rest of this year and beyond. 穆拉利总裁在周四发表声明说他希望公司在今年下半年以及以后能够继续保持市场占有率的持续增长。 www.hjenglish.com 4. In her hometown, dragon pre-school wife alone with this year just top junior high school, and also for the younger son at home on the land. 在老家,龙学前的妻子独自带着今年刚上初中的小儿子,同时还要负责在家务农。 www.aixxs.cn 5. You back in May of this year in Tianjin, as the work of things, we were unable to Tianjin meet with you, I was very sorry. 今年五月你们回天津,因为工作的事情,所以未能到天津与你们相聚,我很是遗憾。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. I'm a bit upset about this year's bonus. I was really expecting a little more. Are there any problems with my work? 关于今年的奖金我有些困惑,我本来以为会多一点,我的工作有什么问题吗。 bbs.24en.com 7. They cited Bashar's interview in late January of this year with the Wall Street Journal in which he hinted at gradual political reform. 他们引用了这一年1月底巴沙尔接受华尔街日报访谈,访谈中他暗示采取逐步的政治改革。 www.bing.com 8. This year, the Best Picture list was expanded, partly to make sure that at least a couple of blockbusters would be on it. 今年,最佳影片的名单扩大了,在一定程度上市为了确保大片能得奖。 www.bing.com 9. Asked whether he would travel to the All England Club this year, Sampras replied: "We'll sort of see what happens. " 问他今年是否会来全英格兰俱乐部,桑普拉斯回答道:“我们将看到会发生什么。” bbs.club.sohu.com 10. Rather than stopping at10 this year, we decided to charge it up a bit and expanded the list to include the top 25 brainy locations. 今年的排名榜不再停留于前十名,我们决定加大一些含量,将排行榜扩大到将前25名最聪明的城市收罗其中。 www.suiniyi.com 1. I'm a bit upset about this year's bonus. I was really expecting a little more. Are there any problems with my work? 关于今年的奖金我有些困惑,我本来以为会多一点,我的工作有什么问题吗。 bbs.24en.com 2. They cited Bashar's interview in late January of this year with the Wall Street Journal in which he hinted at gradual political reform. 他们引用了这一年1月底巴沙尔接受华尔街日报访谈,访谈中他暗示采取逐步的政治改革。 www.bing.com 3. This year, the Best Picture list was expanded, partly to make sure that at least a couple of blockbusters would be on it. 今年,最佳影片的名单扩大了,在一定程度上市为了确保大片能得奖。 www.bing.com 4. Asked whether he would travel to the All England Club this year, Sampras replied: "We'll sort of see what happens. " 问他今年是否会来全英格兰俱乐部,桑普拉斯回答道:“我们将看到会发生什么。” bbs.club.sohu.com 5. Rather than stopping at10 this year, we decided to charge it up a bit and expanded the list to include the top 25 brainy locations. 今年的排名榜不再停留于前十名,我们决定加大一些含量,将排行榜扩大到将前25名最聪明的城市收罗其中。 www.suiniyi.com 6. He added that the liquidity of the company is secured at least until the end of this year. 他补充说,起码在年底之前公司的现金流动情况不会出现问题。 www.bing.com 7. Randy Atkins of the National Academy of Engineering was one of this year's winners. 美国国家工程学院的兰地·阿特金斯是今年的科学新闻获奖者之一。 www.24en.com 8. Point Mugu is a naval station, but it was fortunate enough to land the air force's Thunderbirds jet display team for this year's show. 穆古角是一个海军基地,但它很幸运,土地空军雷鸟队喷气显示今年的表演。 www.tech-domain.com 9. You would need several, however, to count the number of new Africa funds launched since the beginning of this year. 然而,要想数清楚自今年初以来新推出的非洲基金,你将需要用好几只手。 www.ftchinese.com 10. "This year, the scales are tipped, " he said. "And I think you're going to see a lot of Republicans voting for Obama this year. " 今年,天平的重心变了。你会看到很多共和党人今年将投奥巴马的票。 www.tingroom.com |
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