释义 |
n. | 1. a system of philosophy, especially that of Kant, that regards the processes of reasoning as the key to knowledge of reality 2. a system of philosophy that emphasizes intuition as a means of knowing a spiritual reality and believes that divinity pervades nature and humanity. 3. transcendental thought or language 4. the state or quality of being transcendental 1. a system of philosophy, especially that of Kant, that regards the processes of reasoning as the key to knowledge of reality 2. a system of philosophy that emphasizes intuition as a means of knowing a spiritual reality and believes that divinity pervades nature and humanity. 3. transcendental thought or language 4. the state or quality of being transcendental |
1. | 超验主义 超验主义 超验主义(transcendentalism)的核心观点是主张人能超越感觉和理性而直接认识真理, 认为人类世界的一切都是宇宙 … wenku.baidu.com | 2. | | 3. | 超越论 爱默生(1803-1882)是美国散文家兼诗人,也是所谓「超越论」(transcendentalism)的主导人物之一。像诗中的松鼠一样,他强 … zhidao.baidu.com |
4. | 先验说 英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译... ... transcendental 先验的 transcendentalism 先验说 transcendentalist 先验论者的 ... www.hxen.com | 5. | 超越主义 可以感受到的是类似西方的"超越主义"(transcendentalism)精神. 超越世俗的羁绊, 保有个人价值和原则操守. 有所不同的是, trans… tieba.baidu.com | 6. | | 7. | 先验主义 十九世纪美国艾默生「先验主义」(transcendentalism)性灵的吉光片羽渗入散文的筋骨,梭罗的《湖滨散记》结合抒情的节 … city.udn.com | 8. | |