单词 | temptations |
释义 | temptations是temptation的复数
复数:temptations 例句释义: 诱惑,诱惑物,魔道,〈古〉考验,诱惑乐队,诱惑合唱团,美国伟嘉诱惑 1. At least the temptations at the checkout are easy to avoid: a few celebrity magazines and bags of sweets at the eye-level of children. 毕竟,收银台边的诱惑是很容易回避的:几本娱乐杂志,或者几袋孩子们的糖果。 www.ecocn.org 2. Of course the costs will vary across people and across temptations, but that seems to be a consistent finding. 当然,这种成本因人而异,也因吸引力的不同而有所差异,但这似乎是个一致的发现。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Then, as you face temptations that are too strong for you to resist, remember he is with you and turn them over to him. 这样,面对试探时,你就变得强大,可以抵挡试探了,要记得有主和你同在,要把一切交给主。 www.bing.com 4. Christ met each of these temptations. His constant answer came from his desire to do the will of God and his knowledge of the Word of God. 基督曾经历过这一切试探,但祂总能以神的话语来胜过,并且重申自己的心志是渴望遵行神的旨意。 blog.163.com 5. stand against the temptations for the moment, then one tends to lose happiness at present. 顶住了眼前的诱惑,又失去了现在的幸福。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Yet misfortunes, hardships and temptations abound in life. Trying to stay peaceful in a world of so many noises is hard indeed. 生活中真的有太多的烦恼,困难和诱惑,要想风不止我亦要静真的很难很难。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. It takes a man of iron to resist some of the temptations what go with an important job like that. 一个意志坚强的人才能抵制住那项重要工作带来的某些引诱。 www.hotdic.com 8. Teach her to respect people as well as property. Help her know right from wrong and what she must do when negative temptations come her way. 教育孩子要尊重别人,爱护学校及他人财产。帮助孩子识别对与错,让其明白具有消极作用的诱惑物摆在面前时所必须坚持的立场。 blog.163.com 9. also clear that the next thin clouds the sun is always full of temptations and warmth, but also encourage our youth flame boiling. 还有那稀云晴日下的太阳,总是充满着诱惑和温情,也助长着我们青春沸腾的火焰。 www.bing.com 10. In addition, empirical research on the temptations of persons trying to quit smoking has supported hypotheses generated by the theory. 此外,实证研究的诱惑人试图戒烟的支持的假设所产生的理论。 www.syyxw.com 1. Whenever you lose your joy in ministry, start by considering if either one of these temptations is the cause. 每当你失去服侍的喜乐,就要查看一下是否是这两个试探人的陷阱在作怪。 www.bing.com 2. What's more, the temptations to follow such a course are likely to grow as both countries face difficulties at home. 更有甚者,由于两国都面临国内的问题,沿着这个方向发展的趋势似乎还在增加。 www.bing.com 3. Jesus understands our fears and temptations; the Bible says he was tempted in all the same ways we are, but he did not sin. 耶稣知道我们的恐惧和诱惑;圣经说他也曾经受过同样的试探,只是他没有犯罪。 www.bing.com 4. Religious scandals are seldom simply about the temptations of the flesh. Often more complex moral dilemmas lurk under the surface. 宗教丑闻很少只关乎于肉体的诱惑,往往都牵涉背后复杂的道德困境。 www.bing.com 5. Not a good combination. All those temptations, all that tasty food. 不是一个好组合所有这些诱惑,所有的甜美食物。 www.elanso.com 6. While growing up, I was surrounded with temptations to do negative things like drugs, alcohol and all that. 随着年龄的增长,我逐渐暴露在各种不良行为的诱惑之下,比如吸毒、酗酒,凡此种种。 q.sohu.com 7. There is always a dream on our back fro us to imagine and explore, which is only a step far away from us with illusive temptations. 我们的背后总有一个让我们想象与探究的梦,它离我们仅有一步之遥,带着梦幻的诱惑。 wenku.baidu.com 8. While growing up, I was surrounded with temptations to do bad things like drugs, alcohol and all that. 随着年龄的增长,我逐渐受到各种不良行为的诱惑,比如吸毒、酗酒和其他一些行为。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Think of yourself as a winner, not a loser in life. As a winner you can definitely win the fight with your temptations. 把自己想成生活的赢家而不是输家。作为赢家,你一定可以打赢诱惑。 www.bing.com 10. As a result of missing out on opportunities to learn, Yi youth often fall prey to temptations that they encounter when away from home. 由于失去了学习的机会,彝族年轻人离开家乡后常常成为外界各种诱惑的牺牲品。 bbs.umiwi.com 1. And out of the blue they appeared in the dusk, as the darkest temptations thrived in the shades of their hearts. 他们蓦然出现在暮色之中。在暗黑的诱惑在它们心中的阴影角落生根发芽之时。 www.onlylz.com 2. Thou wouldest gain only the cessation of temptations to impatience. But this would not be patience. 当试炼一停止的时候,你所能得到的,即是急躁,不是忍耐。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Temptations of gooey pecan pie and dense sweet potatoes topped with crackly marshmallows make it seem impossible to be disciplined. 蜜糖山核桃派和甘薯配以脆果汁软糖的诱惑使克制成为一种想象。 www.bing.com 4. Adam and Eve had been created without sin. Temptations to evil could not arise in their hearts. The temptation had to come from outside. 亚当和夏娃在最初被造时是没有罪的,他们心里不会生起恶念。诱惑必须是从外界而来的。 gbicp.org 5. I'm not exposed to many of the temptations of lesser men, so that it's no credit to me to be incorruptible. 那些不如我的人是受到了众多引诱,而我则没接触那些诱惑,所以我未腐化并非荣耀。 6. Likewise, the desires of some burn toward heavenly things, and yet they are not free from temptations of carnal affection. 有人也是这样:虽然热切盼望天堂,可是不能完全摆脱对肉情诱惑的依恋。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Love is nothing compared to all the worldly temptations. It's time to give up my stubbornness. 比起外面的那些诱惑,爱又算什么,我终于不再执着! zhidao.baidu.com 8. The United States was brand new , or almost so; old errors and temptations had been eschewed . 美国是崭新的或者几乎是崭新的国家,摆脱了旧日的错误和诱惑。 www.bing.com 9. You may be staying close to God by praying and reading and obeying the Bible, but time after time you face the same temptations. 你可能向神祷告,读圣经,遵守圣经的话语,可是,你时常会遇到同样的试探。 www.tingroom.com 10. The Bible may not mention present day conditions or temptations but there are always basic principles which can be a safe guide for us. 诚然,圣经未必谈到当今的某些特殊情况或试探,但它却提供了一些基本原则,可以成为我们的安全指南。 blog.163.com 1. In spite of all temptations, she overcame them, and it was her humility that she shared her weaker side with others in her letters. 尽管有一切诱惑,她还是克服了。她能把弱点在信中同其他人分享这反映出了她的谦卑。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. As a consequence, they fell into the temptations predicted by Jesus and Paul when they warned against the deceitfulness of riches. 接着他们就陷入了诱惑中,这些诱惑正是耶稣和保罗警告财富的陷阱时所预言的。 shenqi8.org 3. I tell you that there are terrible temptations that it requires strength, strength and courage, to yield to. 那些个可怕的欲望,需要力量,力量和勇气,才能勾起。 www.douban.com 4. Learn from Ulysses and tie yourself to the mast or fill your ears with wax so temptations are blocked out or you are unable to act on them. 向尤利西斯学习,把自己绑在桅杆上或用蜡把耳朵堵上,这样诱惑就被封锁住了,或者你对它们就无能为力了。 dongxi.net 5. But Wang felt working at nightclubs was full of temptations, and not conducive to a stable family life. 但小王觉得在夜总会工作总有很多诱惑,这对想过稳定的家庭生活是没什么好处的。 www.bing.com 6. But lifting exchange controls would expose bankrupt and ill-managed financial institutions to the temptations of the global capital markets. 而解除外汇管制将使面临倒闭和管理不善的金融机构受全球资本市场的左右。 finance.sina.com.cn 7. They are unable to stand against the temptations of the world, or of their old nature. 他们抵接不住世界的试探,也胜不过他们的旧造天性。 www.zftrans.com 8. There were three temptations and each time Christ used a part of a verse from the book of Deuteronomy. 耶稣面对三个试探,每次祂都引用申命记的一节经文来胜过它。 blog.163.com 9. There is no one-fit-all rule to avoid temptations and each of us will have to find their own weapon against them. 没有一种能避免诱惑的万能的规则,我们中的每一人必须找到自己的武器对付它。 www.bing.com 10. Natural hard problems belly hungry, belly full of cars and a house wife, the children will be all sorts of temptations of annoyance. 肚子挨饿自然辛苦烦恼,肚子饱了又会有房子车子妻子孩子的种种诱惑烦扰。 www.bing.com 1. One of the rules for being rich is to avoid frivolous temptations. 变为富有的第一个规则是避免无重要意义的诱惑。 www.24en.com 2. To stay true to yourself and your dream is a road filled with distractions from naysayers and temptations to take the easy way out. 在忠于自我与梦想这条路上,总有爱唱反调的人出言干扰,或是否要选择更容易出路的诱惑。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 3. Most female characters in this novel are evil incarnations, being portrayed as temptations for the saint and his disciples. 这部小说中的女性多数是妖怪,是用来诱惑圣人和他的徒弟们的。 www.bing.com 4. I'm not perfect, by any stretch of the imagination, and I often will give in to temptations. 我做的绝对称不上完美,也常常屈服于诱惑,但是每一次我都会做的更好。 www.elanso.com 5. I decided to first try the "Whiskas Temptations Salmon Flavored Treats. " 我决定先试试“好吃放不下”的鲑鱼味点心。 www.ebigear.com 6. His ambivalent feelings of attraction and repulsion come into play even in the case of dirt's temptations. 他对于迷人跟厌恶感觉的犹豫不决,也发挥在即使是泥土的吸引力上。 springhero.wordpress.com 7. Husbands and wives must do their utmost to stay away from temptations and pray to God for the grace to overcome them. 夫妇要尽力远离罪恶的诱惑,并祈求天主赐予抗拒诱惑的力量。 catholic.org.hk 8. HOW people collaborate, in the face of numerous temptations to cheat, is an important field of psychological and economic research. 人们在难以数计的谎言诱惑下会怎样进行合作,是心理学和经济学研究中的重要课题。 www.remword.cn 9. But those same Lib Dems underestimate the emotional temptations to which they are giving way. 但是那些同样的自由民主党低估了他们已经放弃的情感的诱惑。 www.ecocn.org 10. Vast wealth has temptations which fatally and surely undermine the moral structure of persons not habituated to its possession. 巨大财富的诱惑,必然摧毁那些不擅驾驭者的道德堤防 blog.sina.com.cn 1. He thought he was proof against such temptations. 他认为他抵挡得住这种种诱惑。 spaces.msn.com 2. And there have been welcome moves to save auditors from such temptations. 已经有合理措施把审计师们从此种诱惑中解救出来了。 www.ecocn.org 3. For banks that have resisted the temptations of the boom, this looks like a golden chance to snap up rivals cheaply. 对于那些抵制住了繁荣诱惑的银行来讲,注资似乎是廉价收购对手的最佳机会。 www.ecocn.org 4. The best way to manage your money and stay out of debt is to have a strategy in place before the expenses or temptations arise. 管理财富不欠债的最好方法就是在开支发生或诱惑出现时,能有一个适当的策略。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 5. I have considered it, Viconia. And I must reject you and your. . . temptations. 我考虑过,维康妮亚。但我必须拒绝你还有你的…诱惑。 apps.hi.baidu.com 6. Love is the heart devil, full of temptations. 爱是心魔,充满诱惑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. In his perverse wisdom, Satan has produced in this electronic age an unbelievable array of exotic temptations. 撒旦尽其歪曲之能事,在这个电子时代制造出了大批难以置信的外来奇异的试探。 www.muyisheng.com 8. Fighting your temptations can be difficult but if you let somebody else help you then you can easily overcome them. 和诱惑作战是件艰难的事情,当你请别人帮你时,就能轻而易举的克服它们。 www.bing.com 9. Pray for leaders of Thailand who will serve with integrity and avoid the temptations of illegally gained wealth, corruption, and bribery. 祷告泰国领袖以正直清廉服务国家,避免违法取得财富、贪腐及受贿的诱惑。 hosanna-tod.com 10. Suddenly all the cakes, cookies and treats in general don't just seem like fun snacks, they are a powerful temptations. 突然间,平时常见的糕点,饼干,小菜便不再仅仅是可口的零食,它们的诱惑是不可抵挡的。 www.elanso.com 1. Not having the ability to ignore these temptations can keep you from finishing deadlines on time or achieving larger, more beneficial goals. 没有忽视这些诱惑的能力,会使你在截止时期前不能准时完成任务或是取得更大更有益的目标。 www.bing.com 2. Stubborn temptations and overwhelming problems can be defeated by Christ when given to him. 当你将一切交给他时,基督能胜过顽强的试探与过不去的难处。 www.ebigear.com 3. I am not asking you to name them just reflect on what those temptations were and how they made you feel. 我不是要你命名它们,而是反思这些诱惑的性质以及它们带给你的感受。 www.bing.com 4. It is good to be without vice, but it is not good to be without temptations. 没有罪恶当然好,但没有诱惑可不好。 www.sgwritings.com 5. In movies, plays and television shows, secretaries have often been portrayed as temptations for married executives. 在电影、戏剧和电视剧中,秘书经常被刻划成一个喜欢勾引已婚老板的角色。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. A society so arranged that there shall be a minimum of dangerous temptations--this is the end towards which, as a citizen, I have to strive. 构建一个能将危险的诱惑最小化的社会是我作为一个公民奋斗的目标。 www.ebigear.com 7. But for the rich, famous or powerful, the temptations and opportunities for misbehaving are much greater. 但对有钱人、名人或大权在握的人而言,出轨的诱惑和机会要大得多。 www.crazyenglish.org 8. Ultimately, getting rid of debt is like going on a financial diet; it is not easy and the temptations to give in are high. 总之,脱离债款就像是减钱的肥;这一点也不容易,你所遇到的诱惑也是很大的。 www.elanso.com 9. by the mud from which it springs, he lives unaffected by worldly temptations, ever calm, serene and peaceful. 如同莲花出污泥而不染,他生长于世间而不被世间诱惑,永远地保持寂静、安隐、祥和。 dict.kekenet.com 10. Ye are they which have continued with me in my temptations. 我在磨炼之中,常和我同在的就是你们。 www.ebigear.com 1. You must guard your reputation &personal integrity. . . Temptations are very likely to appear. 你必须捍卫自己的荣誉和操守,你可能面对很多诱惑。 www.hjenglish.com 2. Less likely to evaluate temptations like beer and television positively. 基本不会正面评价啤酒和电视那样的诱惑; www.bing.com 3. You'll face temptations and give in. That's OK. Just keep going. You'll make mistakes and get discouraged. No matter . . . just keep going. 可能会禁不住欲望的诱惑,那也没关系,继续前进,可能会犯错误,丧失勇气,不管遇到什么只用继续前进。 bbs.ebigear.com 4. Bid an emotional farewell to love their own parents and sisters, their flashing neon to the city full of temptations. 挥别疼爱自己的父母与姐姐们,自身前往霓虹闪烁充满诱惑的都市。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Then the Devil having ended all the temptations leaveth him and departed for a season. 然后魔鬼结束了所有的诱惑离开他一个季节。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. As for various temptations they have less resistance and all the time virtual world embrace them entirely. 对于各种的诱惑更是毫不设防,一直沉迷在虚幻世界里。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Don't be misled into thinking that your temptations aren't dangerous. That your little sins aren't giving anyone any problems. 不要误以为你受到的诱惑就不危险,你小小的恶不会侵扰别人的生活。 www.bing.com 8. As a part-timer , you will most likely face plenty of temptations and distractions that can easily keep you from being productive. 作为一个兼职设计师,你可能会面临很多诱惑和干扰,让你无法专心于工作。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. They need proper protection to all the temptations and evils of society. 面对社会上的各种诱惑和邪恶,他们需要适当的保护。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Your response to those temptations will determine the course of your life. 你对于诱惑的反应将决定你生命的轨迹。 www.bing.com 1. The culture and support system that surrounds high performers helps them avoid these temptations. 在周遭表现非常出色的文化和支援系统可以帮助他们避免这些诱导情况。 www.bing.com 2. Temptations, unlike opportunities, will always give you second chances. 诱惑与时机不同,总会给你第二次机会。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Honesty: Demonstrating integrity; not giving in to temptations to whitewash the facts. 诚实:展示正直品质,不屈服于掩盖事实真相的诱惑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. We are all looking for help with the various temptations, sins, and shortcomings that make up our lives. 面对存在我们生命中的各种诱惑、罪和缺点,我们都需要外界帮助。 middlekingdomlight.com 5. "There will be temptations to speculate by aggressive, highly remunerated traders, " he noted. “胆子大、薪水高的交易员将面临投机诱惑,”他指出。 www.tesoon.com 6. Reviewing the team goals will avoid any negative sabotage temptations during those hard times. 审查团队目标将避免那些艰难时期中的所有消极的怠工。 www.ibm.com 7. He now is studying how recovering drug addicts deal with real-world temptations. 他现在研究:如何让摆脱毒瘾的人面对现实世界诱惑。 www.bing.com 8. As James begins his letter to the believers, he speak qs of the trials and temptations that try our faith. 在雅各开始写信给信徒们的时候,他讲到考验我们信心的试探的引诱。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Ninety-nine students kept diaries of their battles with bad habits and temptations. 99名学生每天坚持写与坏习惯与诱惑的斗争日记。 www.obedient-sex-slave.com 10. The Temptation of Jesus - The sequence of the second and third temptations differs in Matthew and Luke. 耶稣受试探---第二个和第三个试探的先后顺序在马太福音和路加福音里是不一样的。 gbicp.org 1. Ninety-nine students kept diaries of their battles with bad habits and temptations. 99名学生每天坚持写与坏习惯与诱惑的斗争日记。 www.obedient-sex-slave.com 2. The Temptation of Jesus - The sequence of the second and third temptations differs in Matthew and Luke. 耶稣受试探---第二个和第三个试探的先后顺序在马太福音和路加福音里是不一样的。 gbicp.org 3. There is another reason why Britain's current ruling coalition is hobbled, when it comes to the temptations of dog-whistle politics. 还有另一个当英国目前的执政联盟涉及到狗哨子政治诱惑时步履蹒跚的原因。 www.ecocn.org 4. Most of them are farmers who stay away from the temptations of the city. 他们大部分都是远离城市诱惑的农民。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 5. I am in the angle of the sea, a quiet silence summer temptations, thin aftertaste of love as sweet as honey song. 我在海之角,默默回味宁静夏天的诱惑,细细地回味着爱情如蜜如甜的歌吟。 www.bing.com 6. Just get up and keep going. You'll face temptations and give in. That's OK. Just keep going. 站起来继续往下走,你会面对诱惑而让步,没关系,只要继续走下去 bbs.ebigear.com 7. If you're on a diet, for example, you can't let those old thoughts, habits or temptations to cheat in the door for even a second. 如果你决定节食,打个比方,你就不能让你的旧思想,习惯或者是诱惑让自己放松,哪怕是一秒钟。 www.douban.com 8. The key to avoiding sexual temptations is to control your thoughts. 避免性诱惑的关键在于控制你的思想。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. These days other temptations distract the elite, which travels widely. 如今,诱惑让极权统治精英分神分心,他们到处旅游。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. It can be hard to resist the temptations of your television or refrigerator when you're at home and they're within easy reach. 当你在家工作的时候,你很难去抵抗电视机和冰箱的诱惑,尤其是当它们就在手边的时候。 www.elanso.com 1. The key though is staying true to yourself and refusing to veer from your most authentic path, no matter what the temptations. 无论有什么样的诱惑,都要做真实的自己,拒绝离开自己最可信的路径。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Young people must equip themselves for life s duties and guard against its temptations. 年轻人必须履行生活所赋予的职责而充实自己,同时要抵制生活中的诱惑。 wenku.baidu.com 3. The young and middle-aged face many more temptations, from both pay-TV channels and other free-to-air broadcasters. 年轻人和中年受众群选择则更加广泛,从免费到付费都会收看。 www.bing.com 4. Modern men have to strive with various temptations. 现代人不得不与各种各样的诱惑作斗争。 cet.hjenglish.com 5. At the end I am asking you to think about your life and how you face temptations. 最后,请深思下自己的生活以及怎么面对诱惑。 www.bing.com 6. But it also offers possibilities and temptations. 但西伯利亚也提供了种种可能性和诱惑。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Ample resources can offer temptations for poor investment. 资金充沛可能招致不良投资。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Clever advertisements are just temptations to spend money. 巧妙的广告诱使人花钱。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. Heb 4: 15 Thus Christ was subjected to the temptations of the flesh just as weall are. 因此基督曾受到肉身的试探,就像我们所有人一样。 www.bing.com 10. Nevertheless, the Fed cannot appear to ignore the risks of inflation, precisely because the temptations to do so are so evident. 不过,美联储不能表现出无视通胀风险,原因恰恰是这样做的诱惑太明显。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Look for ways to eliminate distractions and temptations entirely, instead of limiting them. 去想办法把那些分心的因素和诱惑彻底清除出去,而不是限制它们。 www.bing.com 2. Virtually all companies, even Google for four years, have succumbed to the temptations of the Chinese market. 实际上所有的公司,即使谷歌4年来,已经向中国市场的诱惑屈服。 www.bing.com 3. When we feel that we need the presence of Christ at every step, Satan will have little opportunity to intrude his temptations. 何时我们觉得每一步都需要基督同在,撒但就少有机会逞其试探。 qzone.mm57.com 4. However, even if you are not a religious person temptations will still enter your life. 尽管如此,即使你不是一个宗教人员,诱惑还是会闯入你的生活。 www.bing.com 5. I felt that I had worked hard my entire life and deserved to enjoy all the temptations around me. 我感到自己一生都在努力工作,理应享受周围的一切诱惑。 www.bing.com 6. You might find some rather pricey financial temptations before you. 在你面前可能会发现一些更昂贵的金融诱惑。 www.douban.com 7. It takes strength to resist temptations and distractions. 抵受诱惑纷扰,需要力量。 www.kekenet.com 8. Temptations usually satisfy our momentary desires and they have nothing to do with our plans and goals in life. 诱惑能满足你暂时的欲望,和我们生活中的计划及目标无关。 www.bing.com 9. In marriage, it's important to guard yourself against greener grass fantasies and temptations. 在婚姻中,重要的是让自己不对邻居的绿草产生幻想,也不受其诱惑。 www.bing.com 10. The Bible says Jesus experienced the greatest temptations ever, yet He didn't give in. 圣经上说,主耶稣经历过有史以来最大的试探,但他没有屈服。 www.bing.com 1. I felt I had worked hard and deserved to enjoy all the temptations around me. 我觉得自己一向很努力,我有权享受自己周围的诱惑带来的乐趣。 select.yeeyan.org 2. She talks to teenagers about resisting the temptations of drugs and gangs. 她向青少年宣扬要抵制住毒品和黑帮的诱惑。 www.bing.com 3. Even so, the temptations are too great for man to resist. 尽管如此,对人类来说,诱惑力太大了。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. "I could have lived in Milan, but when I'm playing I'm peaceful at Gallarate, away from the temptations, " he laughs. 我原本可以住在米兰,但是当我比赛的时候,我在Gallarate感到平静和安宁,远离诱惑。 tieba.baidu.com 5. However, there are too many temptations in this world. Who else can really be content with plain life without complaints? 但是当然啦,世间诱惑太多,谁又能真正甘于平淡的生活而毫无怨言呢? blog.163.com 6. A healthy packed lunch lets you avoid the lunch line (and any temptations). 一份健康的自带午餐,可让你避免排队等午餐(以及一些其他的诱惑)。 www.elanso.com 7. When we flirt with the temptations of this world, God calls it spiritual adultery. 当我们与世俗的试探眉来眼去地调情时,神称之为属灵的奸淫。 www.ebigear.com 8. That day, I can't stop "tree" temptations, and finally in the snack bars bought a tree. 那天,我挡不住“圣诞树”的诱惑,终于在小卖部里买了一树。 www.268r.com 9. Words like trials, temptations, refining, and testing occur more than 200 times in the Bible. 试验、引诱、熬炼、考验等字眼在圣经中出现超过二百次之多。 www.ebigear.com 10. The two pieces of gold were great temptations to Baba Mustapha. 这两块金子非常诱惑巴巴木沙发。 www.bing.com 1. Therefore, IT projects are very much prone to temptations of cutting corners and eliminating and bypassing vital steps. 因此,IT项目往往倾向于忽略关注点以及取消和绕过重要的步骤。 www.ibm.com 2. With all these temptations around me, I find it increasing difficult to keep to the straight and narrow. 由于我周围有这些诱惑,我越来越难于遵守道德方面严格的行为准则。 www.hotdic.com 3. You should free yourself from any prejudice , resist temptations and don't let anything warp your judgment. 你应该摆脱偏见,抵制诱惑,不让任何东西扭曲了你的判断。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. In the real world, many temptations, and of what can how many people willing to stand alone and writing life diligently? 在现实社会,寡多的诱惑当中,到底又能有多少人甘愿忍受寂寞而勤于笔耕呢? eng.97mysee.cn 5. Offer him all your actions, your temptations , your little humiliations - everything, and then go to your duties with cheerfulness. 将你的工作、诱惑、小小的委屈--一切都奉献给祂,然后满怀欣喜的去作你份内之事。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. We've recorded a song, I Know, for The Fighting Temptations soundtrack. 我们已为电影《动感诱惑》录制了一首配乐《我知道》。 www.jukuu.com 7. In this materialistic society, even though the outside world there are too many temptations. 在这个物欲横流的社会里,尽管外面的世界有太多的诱惑。 ww.mf08s.com 8. Be prepared. Temptations are not an option that we might or might not have in life. We all will be tempted in one way or another. 做好准备,诱惑不是我们生活中可能有或不可能有的一种权利。 www.bing.com 9. There are several good protections against temptations, but the surest is cowardice. 抵御诱惑有很多好方法,不过最可靠的是怯懦。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. So how do we beat inertia and temptations? Four basic ways, really. 那么,我们如何克服懒惰,抵挡诱惑呢?有四个方法。 www.hjenglish.com 1. Learning to avoid and overcome temptations in life is the art that can take an entire life to master. 学着在生活中避免并且战胜诱惑是你完全控制生活的一种艺术。 www.bing.com 2. There are too many temptations to do other things when you're at your keyboard and computer. 当你坐在电脑和键盘跟前时,有太多让你去做其它事的诱惑。 www.bing.com 3. I clearly know what I must do when I face many temptations against morality. 当我面对许多违反道德的诱惑时,我很清楚我应该怎么做。 en.cnxianzai.com 4. There are terrible temptations which it requires strength and courage to yield to. 有些极坏的诱惑,是需要力量与勇气来向它屈服的。 www.hotdic.com 5. So, why does vigilant monitoring work for habits but not for temptations? Quinn et al. 所以,为什么谨慎的监控只对控制习惯起作用而在诱惑面前打了败仗呢? www.bing.com 6. The temptations to temporize will be enormous. 敷衍了事的诱惑将是难以抵抗的。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Temptations keep us dependent upon God. 试探帮助我们不断倚靠神。 www.ebigear.com 8. We cannot afford, if we can help it, to work on narrow margins, offering temptations to a trial of strength. 如果可以避免的话,我们再也经不起在只留有狭小余地的情况下进行工作,从而提供了进行较量的诱惑。 wordnet.sparke.cn 9. Because there are too many temptations and alternatives to choose from. 因为诱惑太多,可供选择的事务也太多。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. He stood firm amidst temptations. 他不被种种引诱所动摇。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Youths are prone to easy temptations. 年轻人容易被引诱。 group.mop.com 2. Therefore, we should be mindful that the temptations of corruption are faced by all level of employees. 因此,我们必须时刻醒觉企业每一阶层均有可能出现贪污舞弊。 www.icac.org.hk 3. When we live under the control of the Holy Spirit, we will show it by the way we react to the jolting trials and temptations of life. 只要我们活在圣灵掌管之下,在人生遭遇极大的试炼和试探时,我们的反应就能流露出真实的生命。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 4. A man should not only be superior to hardships, but also be superior to temptations. 一个人不应该屈服于艰难困苦,而且也不应该受引诱。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Your temptations try turn my head. 你们的引诱眼花缭乱,想要我低头; www.muslem.net.cn 6. Used to shuttle early night is full of temptations, but can not forget your face. 早习惯穿梭充满诱惑的黑夜,但却无法忘记你的脸。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. This is the strongest technique in resisting temptations. 这是抵制诱惑的最强技术。 www.bing.com 8. Love is really just couldn't stand the test and temptations? 爱情真的就这样禁不起考验和诱惑吗? www.bing.com 9. He now is beginning to study how recovering drug addicts deal with real-world temptations. 目前他正着手研究重新吸毒者如何应对现实世界诱惑。 www.bing.com 10. Conditions such as extreme incentives or temptations exist that can unnecessarily and unfairly test people's adherence to ethical values. 与极端的鼓励和诱惑类似的条件存在,对人们道德标准的坚持做出不必要的和不公平的测试。 www.aweto.com 1. There are so many temptations to dissipate and idle there. 在那里使人放荡与懒惰的诱惑可太多了。 chinafanyi.com 2. You will purchase more food if you are hungry. If you eat a good meal before you go, there will be no cravings or temptations. 而如果你大饱一餐再去,就不会有渴望或受诱惑去买食物。 www.bing.com 3. She has many temptations to fight against. 她要抵制许多诱惑。 dict.hjenglish.com 4. This is a too complex era, filled with too many temptations. 这是一个太过复杂的时代,充斥着太多诱惑。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Know your budget and have a plan to deal with on-the-spot temptations. Groves说,在预算里加点面对临场诱惑的计划。 www.bing.com 6. They are open to temptations. 他们容易受到诱惑。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. It is necessary to scorn, to loathe, to abhor the creeds of other men, in order to conquer the temptations which they presented. 我们必须藐视,憎恶,唾弃别人的信念,才能战胜那些信念所呈现的诱惑。 www.jukuu.com 8. He now is beginning to study how deal with real-world temptations. 现在,他开始研究如何恢复吸毒与处理现实世界的诱惑。 www.bing.com 9. Wisdom is learning to face those temptations, think about what God and your parents would have you do, just say and "no" . 智慧就是学会面对这些诱惑,想想上帝和父母会让你怎样做,然后说“不”。 www.8875.org 10. Some journalists can not stand society's temptations, frequent loss of professionalism and contrary to professional ethics phenomenon. 有些新闻记者经不起社会的各种诱惑,频频出现丧失职业精神和违背职业道德的现象。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Temptations are everywhere, and so is the grace of God. 试探遍地可寻,上帝恩典亦然。 www.pkuyy.com 2. Temptations, on the other hand, play more on visceral factors like hunger, sex or thirst. We see a muffin and can't resist. 另一方面,诱惑在影响生理因素方面起着更重要的作用,累死饥饿、性与口渴。看见大麻,也许令人难以拒绝。 www.bing.com 3. These are temptations common to us all. 这是我们大家共同面对的诱惑。 www.bing.com 4. There are so many temptations in our lives. 人生的诱惑实在是太多, yangna0431.blog.hexun.com 5. My girl. That's all I could talk about, is my girl. . . -Temptations. . . forever. 我的女孩!我所要说的全部,是我的女孩…-诱惑乐队…永远。 qac.yappr.cn 6. He "understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same temptations we do, yet he did not sin. " (Hebrews 4: 15 NLT) 他“了解我们的弱点,因为他面临着同样的诱惑,我们做的一切,但他没有犯罪。” www.bing.com 7. The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished 主知道搭救敬虔的人脱离试探,把不义的人留在刑罚之下,等候审判的日子。 www.ebigear.com 8. and, after the enjoyment thereof, may have it weakened and intermitted , through manifold distempers, sins, temptations, and desertions; 而且即使在得著此一确知之后,此确知也会因著种种混乱、罪、试探而减弱或中断; dictsearch.appspot.com 9. There are too many unknown temptations in the long journey of time 长长的时间的旅程充满太多未知的诱惑 angelawu.spaces.live.com 10. My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; 我的弟兄们,你们落在百般的试炼中,都要以为大喜乐。 www.bing.com 1. Jonathan Lynn - the fighting temptations 好战的诱惑 www.cqzg.cn 2. other temptations are always inviting you in 其它的诱惑仍会勾引着你 zhidao.baidu.com 3. The Temptations of Nationalism in Modern Capital Cities 现代首都城市中的国家主义诱惑 www.arch.tsinghua.edu.cn 4. temptations and sweet talks and wild invitations 诱惑和甜言蜜语以及狂野的引诱 zhidao.baidu.com 5. to withstand the test of power, money and sexual temptations 经受住权力,金钱和美色的考验 zhidao.baidu.com 6. lavoiding possible sources of temptations 避免可能的诱惑源 blog.sina.com.cn 7. A Valuable Guide to Resisting Temptations in Life 关于在生活中抵制诱惑的有益指导 www.bing.com 8. The man who only shuns temptations outwardly and does not uproot them will make little progress; 不将诱惑的根苗除尽,而只在地表上躲避,所能获得的进步非常有限; dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Temptations of the flesh, the 肉体的诱惑 blog.sina.com.cn 10. to live a life without temptations 过不受诱惑的生活 zhidao.baidu.com 1. When You Pray, Give God Your Fears and Temptations 祷告,把你的恐惧和试探交给神 www.bing.com 2. Joseph Yam on the Temptations of Quick Money 任志刚谈搵快钱的诱惑 www.info.gov.hk 3. James 1: 2 My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; 雅1:2我的弟兄们,你们落在百般试炼中,都要以为大喜乐; home.godwithus.cn 4. Well, we all have our temptations, 我们都会受到诱惑, www.tingclass.net 5. You have good control over your desires and temptations 你对自己的欲望和诱惑有良好的控制 blog.sina.com.cn |
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