单词 | academic |
释义 | academics是academic的复数
复数:academics 例句释义: 学院的,大学的,协会的,学究的,学会会员,纸上空论,柏拉图学派的人,学者,学习,学术家 1. So it was quite an upset when academics found some years ago that this had not been the case in advanced countries over the 20th century*. 所以,当学者们在几年前揭示这条“常识”并没有在20世纪的发达国家中实现时*,着实让人感到很失落。 www.ecocn.org 2. And yet each, in her own way, has divined truths about the marketplace that academics and industry are still trying to comprehend. 而两个人都以自己的方式领悟学术界和产业界仍在努力摸索的市场真理。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. the good senior academics know better than to be too hierarchical or to cut themselves off from intellectual criticism and debate. 优秀的高级学术人才都知道最好不要太专制或者不参与学术批评和辩论。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. It's easy to forget these days that the internet started out as a place for academics and researchers to trade data and knowledge. 在今天,很多人都遗忘了互联网的最初诞生是作为学术人员交流信息和知识的工具。 www.bing.com 5. Many academics work more than 60 hours a week and top academics are just as driven as leaders in the private sector. 许多学者每周工作时间超过60个小时,而一流学者的紧迫感就和私人部门的领导者一样强烈。 www.ftchinese.com 6. But this is often at odds with the desire for academics to work on "industry relevant" problems, as well as to get funding from industry. 然而这一角色通常与期望学术界解决现实相关问题的愿景,或者从工业界获得资助的目的相矛盾。 www.bing.com 7. That scientists have cloned a sheep sends academics and the public into a panic at the prospect that human might be next. 科学家所克隆的一只羊让学术界和民众慌了手脚,他们认为人类将是下一个克隆目标。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. But the academics did not like the intrusion and I doubt whether it will last. 但那些学者不喜欢这种干涉,我怀疑它是否能持续下去。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Academics are puzzled, and similarly, puzzled with whether to take the initiative to guide the market or to follow in the practice. 同样,在实践界中对于究竟应主动引导市场,还是应该顺应市场感到无比困惑。 www.boshuo.net 10. Integral calculus ' learning is one is abstract to turn mathematics foundation academics of a higher door of the degree. 积分学是一门抽象化程度较高的一门数学基础学科。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. It is evident that academics are the golden key to a good career and a secure job, but the books do not guide to the smart in practice. 很明显,学者是金钥匙有一个良好的职业和一份稳定的工作,但不指导书在实践中的智能。 wenwen.soso.com 2. So academics have been looking at the structure of foreign-exchange markets, to see if behavioural factors might be at work. 学术界已经开始把目光投向市场的结构,通过市场行为来解释这个问题。 www.ecocn.org 3. The iconic plastic doll is often mutilated at the hands of young girls, according to research published by British academics. 根据英国研究人员公布的调查结果,这只塑料娃娃经常受到年轻女孩的虐待。 gb.cri.cn 4. To abide by rules, he abandoned his style of abstracts in favor of that of academics abroad. 为了遵守规定,他放弃了他自己写摘要的风格,转而采用了国外学者们的风格。 zzws.blog.163.com 5. His case was one of the first of a wave of spying charges against Russian academics that critics claimed were trumped up. 苏佳金的案件是一系列针对俄罗斯学者的间谍控告中的第一批之一。 c.wsj.com 6. Academics then found trading costs rose for stocks with bans, while share prices were elevated for only a week and a bit. 学术界之后发现,受到禁令保护的股票交易成本上升,而股价的提升只能维持一周,且升幅不大。 www.ftchinese.com 7. First, he said, it has to "pass a test" with "serious users" - by which he means academics and computational users. 他说,Wolfram|Alpha首先要获得“专业用户”的考验——学术和专业计算的用户。 www.bing.com 8. China, which used to be closed to immigrant labour, is now handing out residency permits to professionals, academics and entrepreneurs. 在过去中国对移民劳力是不开放的,现在却向专业人才、学者、企业家广发居住许可。 www.kekenet.com 9. However, other leading academics said the research was more conflicting. 然而,其他一些重要学者认为这一研究与实际不一致。 www.bing.com 10. Academics have been arguing for years that part of China's emissions growth should be chalked up to the Western consumers who buy the stuff. 多年来,学者一直宣称,中国的部分排放增长应记到购买这些产品的西方消费者名下。 c.wsj.com 1. She said the universities wanted to attract "pioneering, leading academics" to inspire graduates who would lead the UK out of the recession. 她说:“大学希望吸引那些能领导走出经济不景气的情况的的学术专家以激励毕业生。” www.bing.com 2. Unfortunately, he said, officials and academics are not the only ones interested in his methods. 他说,不幸的是,关注他的技术的,不仅仅是官员和学者。 cn.nytimes.com 3. This would have been a particularly valuable counterweight to the influential but rather ivory-tower academics in the current White House. 这将是一个特别有价值的砝码对于当下白宫里的象牙塔学术影响力而言。 gdmzxmm.blog.163.com 4. Trying to get a head start by pushing early academics can backfire, causing difficulties for years to come. 试图提前开始学习文化课程,以求领先一步,会事与愿违,给将来造成障碍。 bsxlm.com 5. The advocates of such a strategy are not marginal and cranky academics. They include some of the most influential US economists. 鼓吹这种策略的并非行为怪异的边缘学者,其中不乏一些最具影响力的美国经济学家。 www.ftchinese.com 6. I do not know since when, the domestic entertainment industry in particular, to foreign academics for the Rongcheng a social fashion. 不知从何时起,国内特别是演艺界、学术界以洋为荣成一种社会时尚。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Bering is one of the academics who are trying to figure that out. 白令是试图找出答案的学者之一。 www.bing.com 8. The main goal of that plan is to convince Chinese-born professionals, academics and experts to return and contribute to the economy . 千人计划的主要目的是说服中国移居海外的专家学者回国效力。 www.bing.com 9. Both Kian and I could have enjoyed comfortable lives as academics in the west, but instead we both decided to return to our roots. Kian和我作为学者,本可以在西方国家过着闲适的生活,可我们都选择了“落叶归根”。 www.bing.com 10. Debate has increased over the household registration system in recent years, with some academics calling for it to be abolished. 近些年,有关户籍制度的争议不断增加,一些学者呼吁其应当废除。 www.bing.com 1. As academics, we had four-day weekends together, as well as long vacations throughout the year and four months in the summer. 作为学院教师,我们每周有四天在一起,也有每年夏天四个月的长假。 www.bing.com 2. But the other reason, he said, is more sobering: Few academics are clean enough to point a finger at others. 但还有另一个更重要的原因:没有哪个学者干净到了能够指责他人造假的程度。 www.24en.com 3. But it also meant that the once studious boy would be part of a structure that far emphasized athletics over academics. 但是这也意味着,这个曾经勤奋好学的男孩子,将成为那个重视体育远胜于学术的组织的一份子。 www.ddeaw.com 4. Accounting internationalization has been a focus discussed by accounting academics and practitioners. 关于会计国际化问题的讨论很多,争议也比较大。 www.fabiao.net 5. But some academics now think it is possible to make cheap, knock-off versions of these expensive originals. 但是一些学术界人士认为现在可以制造这些昂贵正版的廉价复制品。 www.ecocn.org 6. A tradition states, if one looks at it during the academic year, he will not be found deficient in academics. 那个鹰在华盛顿厅的前部,如果一个人在整学年都看它,那么他学术上的缺陷将不会被发现。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. My advice to academics if they get approached by some City spiv is to say, 'Son, there's the door. ' 如果哪位学者受到游手好闲的伦敦金融城人士的拜访,我建议学者们对他们说:‘小子,请出去!’ www.ftchinese.com 8. Academics are one of my highest priorities, but would be useless without occasional relaxation. 学习对我来说是最重要的事,但我也不会放弃偶尔的放松。 www.usastudy.com.cn 9. Act as a conduit between academics, companies, organizations, and the creative community centered around the topic of environmentalism. 在学术界、企业界、各类机构,以及艺术界之间创建环保主义的沟通桥梁。 www.greeningthebeige.org 10. This part of Le's talk was also the most convincing, as the rest of the assembled Chinese academics made a similar point. 报告中这部分也是最令人信服的,因为许多其他中国学者也都做出相似的论断。 www.bing.com 1. The latter, which has been a must since the May 4th, can definitely boost academics and lead its development. 后者显然更能推动和引导学术的发展,却是从“五四”以来一直缺乏的。 www.ecocn.org 2. Established in 1978 by a group of academics, Varitronix was one of Asia's pioneers of LCD manufacturing. 精电于1978年成立,现为亚洲区内具规模的液晶显示器制造商之一。 baike.baidu.com 3. When English academics first adopted the word hypochondria the meaning was not of imagined medical conditions. 当英格兰的学究们最初采纳单词hypochondria的时候,它还并不是指“凭空想象出来的医学症状”。 www.bing.com 4. Therefore, the problem of the response of local venus has been a hot issue in earthquake engineering academics in recent years. 因此,局部场地反应问题,一直是地震工程学界近年来研究的热点问题之一。 www.say666.com 5. The idea is as much an invention of American think-tank eggheads as it is a woolly term of pride among plumage-puffed Chinese academics. 这种看法既是美国智库智囊们的创造,也是咄咄逼人的(plumage-puffed参见译注1)中国学者之中的自豪感的一种模糊说法。 www.bing.com 6. The wisdom of conveying that steady-as-she-goes approach then is still much debated among academics and other Fed watchers. 学术界和其他美联储观察人士仍对当时那种循序渐进方法的明智与否存在相当的争议。 cn.wsj.com 7. In 1987, Ai spent a year in the United States, visiting academics at Oklahoma City University. 1987年,艾轩在美国奥克拉荷马城市大学(OklahomaCityUniversity)担任访问学者一年。 dongxi.net 8. "We call a spade as a spade, " he told me when I visited recently as part of a delegation of American editors and academics. “打开天窗说亮话,”当我最近以委任编辑兼学者和他碰面时和我提到。 fyjs.cn 9. A new book* by a pair of academics from America's Johns Hopkins University finds lots of facts to cheer Europeans up. 美国约翰霍普金大学的两位学者出版了一本新书,列举了许多事实来让振奋欧洲人。 www.ecocn.org 10. The British have imposed tuition fees and the Italians have tried to reduce security of tenure for academics, to make them more accountable. 英国强制收取学费,意大利人则试图通过降低学术人员工作的稳定性来增强其责任感。 www.ecocn.org 1. Many academics who cry out for the regulation of financial markets vehemently oppose it in their own departments. 许多呼吁金融市场管制的学者在自己的系里却反其道而行之。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 2. So with the right planning and enough forethought, academics can enjoy financial stability and a comfortable, if not prosperous, retirement. 不过,很多时候在学术界工作要稳定多了,还有很多福利。 www.bing.com 3. Chinese academics engage cautiously with Western reporters about the possibility that some day Chinese people may be allowed to vote. 中国学者则谨慎地与西方记者热议也许有朝一日中国人被允许参与选举的可能性。 www.ecocn.org 4. The report compiled years of scientific research from government experts and academics, updating with new data. 该报告收集了政府专家和学者多年来的科学研究,并用新数据做了更新。 www.bing.com 5. Some academics argue that over-powerful executives have been able to extract excessive awards. 有些学者认为,一些权力过大的首席执行官一直能够获取超额酬劳。 www.ftchinese.com 6. It might seem an idle pastime but academics have come up with a mathematical equation for why people procrastinate. 这也许会被视为无聊的消遣,然而已有学者提出数学方程式解释人们的拖延症。 www.bing.com 7. Academics, marketers, and a bunch of other industries are going to go crazy over this. 高校院所,商人和一些其他产业正在这上面变得疯狂。 www.bing.com 8. FOREIGN authors, both journalists and academics, have brought out a number of books on Pakistan recently. 最近,记者和学者这两类外国作家出版了大量关于巴基斯坦的书籍。 www.ecocn.org 9. Others talk of the need for academics to spend more time talking to managers about the kind of research they would find useful. 还有一些人谈到,学术人士要花更多时间与经理人谈论他们会觉得哪类研究比较有用。 www.ftchinese.com 10. She called the women "pioneers" in business, academics, civil society and government, and she said their actions inspire her and others. 她将女性在商业,学术,国内社会以及政府中的角色比喻成“先锋”并称她们的行动启发了她及其他人。 www.bing.com 1. Simple low-level of maternal love is the essence of that pays top academics bad parking and the coexistence of its original state. 单纯的低级的母爱,是泥沙俱下糟泊与精华并存的原始状态。 www.bing.com 2. That is a worry most countries would love to have, as they see their brightest students and academics follow the money to the United States. 大多数国家却乐意有这种烦恼,因为他们眼看本国最聪明的学生和学者为了钱而去了美国。 www.ecocn.org 3. Either way, the general skills that colleges teach, like discipline and persistence, may be more important than academics anyway. 换句话说,大学教给学生的像纪律和坚韧精神这些基本的生存技巧,也许比学术本身更重要。 dongxi.net 4. The latter will prove to be difficult. Hoyerswerda has hardly any jobs at all, especially not for young academics. 但是后者不是一件容易的事,在荷耶斯沃达几乎找不到工作,特别是年轻的学者。 www.bing.com 5. Academics interested in measures of GDH (gross domestic happiness) were once forced to turn to the esoteric example of Bhutan. 对国民幸福指数(国民幸福总值)测量感兴趣的学者们曾一度被迫转向研究不丹那深奥的案例。 www.ecocn.org 6. But there is still a sense of triumphalism among Chinese business leaders, politicians and academics. 但中国商界领袖、政治家和学者当中依然洋溢着一种必胜的信念。 www.stnn.cc 7. Some academics believe the Zeppelin is real but it has also been suggested the aircraft is an early example of animation puppetry. 一些学者相信这个齐柏林飞艇是真的,但是它也显示这个飞行器只是早期电影动画道具的一个样本。 www.bing.com 8. In fact, not a few academics that stood up in support of the students. 事实上,不少学者支持那两位学生的行为。 www.stnn.cc 9. Recently, academics and professionals view the study of nonprofit organizations and its related topics as an extremely important task. 近几年来,具有公益目的的非营利组织相关议题的研究在台湾已受到学术界与实务界人士的重视。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. In a background, a simmering row with Russian leaders and academics over responsibility for the war. 而俄罗斯领导人和学术家一直在为战争的责任问题争吵不休。 club.topsage.com 1. Academics are heroic complainers and not always well disposed to profit-maximising businesses. 学者敢于抱怨,而且不总是赞成利益最大化的商业。 www.ecocn.org 2. Learning another language could help delay the onset of dementia by up to four years, academics claim. 专家说,学习另外一种语言可以将老年痴呆症的发病时期推迟四年。 www.bing.com 3. Conservative academics warm to her, because she treated them fairly when she was dean of the Harvard Law School. 保守的学术界支持她,因为她担任哈佛法学院院长时一视同仁地对学术界中的保守人士。 www.ecocn.org 4. The book brings together essays by political figures, academics and journalists, but the last are the most numerous. 这本书汇总了由政客、学者和记者撰写的文章——其中,记者人数最多。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Military personnel, academics, truckers, salespeople, athletes, and entertainers have loved across the miles for years. 军人,学者,卡车司机,销售员,运动员,演员等一直在进行着这种远距离的恋爱。 www.bing.com 6. Academics came up with the startling images after throwing away 500 years of conventional cartography. 学者们抛弃了500年的传统制图法,绘制出了惊人的图像。 www.bing.com 7. 'Academics have had time to think about the big problems facing the economy, but business knows the real problems facing the country now. ' 斯蒂格利茨说,两类人都需要;学者花时间思考了经济面临的重大问题,但商人了解目前这个国家面临的现实问题。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Mao attacked Confucius as a reactionary, but today academics have tried to revive a Confucian approach to international relations. 毛泽东曾抨击孔子反动,但如今学术界却尝试在国际关系方面重新运用孔子的思想。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Academics from around the world gathered there for the first-ever comedy symposium cosponsored by the Mind Science Foundation. 来自全球的学者们会集在这里,参加由精神研究机构参与承办的第一届幽默研讨会。 dongxi.net 10. But this temporary confidence is nothing in comparison to the confidence one can obtain by excelling in sports, academics, or a hobby. 但这些短暂的自信,无法与从运动、学业优异和兴趣当中获得的自信相提并论。 www.bing.com 1. According to a new discussion paper by a group of academics and policy activists, the answer is a form of stage management. 根据一组学者和政策活动家最新发布的讨论文件,对上述问题给出的答案是采用某种类似于舞台监督那样精雕细琢,注重细节的工作方法。 www.ecocn.org 2. These might be the work of enthusiasts, practitioners or academics. 这些博主可能是热心工作人士,从业人员或者学者。 www.bing.com 3. Due to the excessive intervention of money and power, there exist more grey areas between academics and morality. 由于金钱与权力的过多介入,学术与道德之间存在更多的灰色地带。 lib.cqvip.com 4. As well-meaning as these suggestions are, I suspect the business school academics are missing something. 尽管这些建议都很有意义,我还是觉得商学院的学术人士遗漏了什么。 www.ftchinese.com 5. But if financial incentives shape the behaviour of mere mortal human beings, might not they shape the behaviour of academics as well? 但如果凡人会受到财务激励的左右,难道学者就不会吗? www.ftchinese.com 6. Supporters of open access say that the current system creates a different set of problems for academics. 开放获取的支持者说,现有的系统,对于学术机构来说,形成了一系列不同的问题。 www.bing.com 7. But Fisher had at best a slight influence on Roosevelt's decision. His reputation had fallen so far that even fellow academics ignored him. 不过费雪对罗斯福决策充其量只有极微小的影响力,他的名声跌落如此之深,以至学术界的同仁们也对他不屑一顾。 www.ecocn.org 8. In truth, say academics , plantation owners migrating from the lowlands have been more of a threat to the trees. 学者说,事实上,由低地移民到山地的所有者对破坏森林有着极大的威胁。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Some of the strongest criticism has come from academics at Yale's campus in New Haven, Connecticut, as well as from rights groups. 一些最强烈的批评来自人权组织以及康涅狄格州纽黑文耶鲁大学的学者。 cn.nytimes.com 10. That line of thinking is slowly evolving, at least among some academics. 不过,至少对某些学者来说,这一观念逐渐发生变化了。 www.bing.com 1. After Zeff and Fossum's original work at 1967, many academics began to draw on Industrial organization theory to explain audit market. 自从美国学者Zeff和Fossum1967年的开创性研究以来,国内外采用采用产业组织理论分析审计市场的文章便层出不穷。 www.13191.com 2. andrea has been teaching academics to younger students for four years , and has been a swimming instructor for 11 years. 具有四年教授低年段学生学术课程的经验,11年的游泳教练经验。 www.ichacha.net 3. This suggests that academics' discomfort with the traditional publishing system and its current allocation of resources will increase. 对于传统的出版系统及分配资源的现况,学者对此感到不满。 docs.google.com 4. Yet when I made that suggestion to a group of Chinese academics in Shanghai last week I got a distinctly frosty response. 然而上周,当我在上海向中国学术界人士提出上述建议时,他们的反应明显十分冷淡。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Academics and think-tanks need to be reminded that generating publicity is not a legitimate research objective. 需要提醒学术界人士和智囊机构,产生宣传效果并不是一个合理的研究目的。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The machine subject is one of the most important foundation theories academics that the machine design depends on. 机构学是机械设计所依据的最重要的基础理论学科之一。 www.fabiao.net 7. Holding professional qualifications, including academics, lawyers, engineers, doctors, and clergymen regardless of their leisure or wealth. 控股的专业资格,其中包括学者,律师,工程师,医生,以及神职人员,不论其休闲或财富。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Fashionable academics teach that science is but a collection of socially conditioned opinions, as changeable as haute couture. 时髦的学术组织认为科学只不过是一些一定社会条件下的观点,就像高级女式服装一样,说变就变。 www.1x1y.com.cn 9. It is expensive to send students abroad, conduct international research and compete for the best academics in a borderless labour market. 这使得学生出国留学,进行国际研究和在无国界的劳动市场上竞争最好的学术教育将更为昂贵。 www.ecocn.org 10. Often in dormitories , meals might be provided , and this can allow students to devote time to their academics, rather than housekeeping. 经常住寝室,可以提供一日三餐这就让学生花更多的时间去学习而不是干家务活。 www.hxen.com 1. It's a great resource, but academics would do well to fold in some Web professionals when developing a site like this. 资源很棒,但学者们在开发这类网站时还是得听听网络专业人员的意见。 www.bing.com 2. The world will be poorer if only academics get sentimental about Great-Grandad's letters from the front. 如果只有专业学者可以领会前人的信件,世界将会多么可怜! www.bing.com 3. By adding a monetary reward for participants to their experiment, the academics were able to confirm their hypothesis. 通过增加他们实验中参与者的金钱奖励数额,教授们就能够确认他们的假设。 www.ecocn.org 4. For starters, we shouldn't spend all that extra class time only teaching academics. 首先,我们不应该把所有增加的时间都用来上学术课。 www.bing.com 5. At least the academics are convinced that the profits are genuine, even if they are subsidised. 至少这几位学者相信利润是真实的,即便有补贴的因素。 www.bing.com 6. Academics, often activists or consultants , have been increasingly using data for ammunition rather than for enlightenment . 学术界(经常是维权人士或咨询师)越来越倾向于利用数据充作“弹药”,而不是启迪民智。 www.bing.com 7. Beijing also offers a variety of other funds to help academics and entrepreneurs kick off their work. 北京还提供了各种其他资金来帮助研究人员和企业家开展工作。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Why Are the Pseudo Academics Praised by the Mass Media to the Sky? 伪学术为什么会被传媒捧上天? www.ilib.cn 9. On Tuesday, the English-language China Daily published a pair of commentaries by academics that made similar arguments. 周二《中国日报》(ChinaDaily)发表了两篇学者评论文章,观点相似。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Chen Cai-Xia intends to work as a freelance contractor whilst continuing to work on a new book in collaboration with academics in the UK. 打算作为一个独立的签约人与英国的科学家合作。 www.gter.net 1. Some university departments and academics regard numbers of PhD graduates as an indicator of success and compete to produce more. 有些大学院系和机构把博士培养数量作为成就指标,所以竞相增加培养规模。 www.ecocn.org 2. In their time, they were better known as academics that storytellers . 在他们年代,他们是以语言学者闻名而非说书人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Indeed that bias, along with other psychological tics identified by academics, may be a reason why markets are ultimately inefficient. 实际上这一偏差,伴随着其他一些专家确认为心理波动的因素,可能就是导致股市最终效率低下的原因之一。 www.ecocn.org 4. Privileged to be witnessing a conversation between two world-renowned academics in the fields of anthropology and linguistics, I listened. (不过)有幸见证两位在人类学和语言学领域举世闻名的学者间的对话,我洗耳恭听。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. As with the MPI, many academics have acknowledged the limitations of business-as-usual "show-me-the-money" poverty analysis. 根据MPI,许多学者都承认关于“给我钱”这种常见观点的贫困分析具有局限性。 www.bing.com 6. If, or rather when, they turn out to be wrong, they risk a double reputational blow - as policymakers and as academics. 如果,或者更确切的说是当他们的理论被证明是错误的时候,他们就可能蒙受双重的声誉打击——作为决策者和作为学者的声誉。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The prestigious institution came third in a table ranking universities exclusively on their reputation among academics worldwide. 这所知名大学在世界学术知名度排行榜上排名第三。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. A growing number of policymakers and academics believe that these lay at the root of the financial crisis. 越来越多的政策制定者和学院派人士均相信处于金融危机根源位置的正是这种失衡状态。 www.ecocn.org 9. Although the research was conducted in the US, British academics believe that the phenomenon also affects men this side of the Atlantic. 尽管该调查是在美国进行的,但是英国学者认为,在大西洋彼岸的英国,情况也是一样的。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Other academics are less dismissive, but agree that the findings should be taken with a grain of salt. 其他学者则没有如此轻视,虽然他们也同意对其发现应抱有怀疑态度。 www.bing.com 1. Similar pressures apply elsewhere. In France and Australia, academics receive bonuses for placing articles in the top academic publications. 其它地方也有类似压力。在法国和澳大利亚,如果在顶级学术出版物上发表文章,学术界人士就可以获得奖金。 www.ftchinese.com 2. R&D of bridge health monitoring become an active domain of academics and engineering all over the world. 桥梁结构健康监测的研究正逐渐成为近年来国内外学术界、工程界关注的热点。 www.lw23.com 3. The month of your birth influences your chances of becoming a professional sportsperson, according to Australian academics in a new study. 澳年夜利亚的一项最新学术钻研表明,一团体出生的月份会影响其成为职业活动员的几率。 www.eduboo.com 4. I submit that managers should think about evaluating their developers along the lines that we academics do in grading our students. 我认为经理们应该考虑沿用我们学术界为学生们评分的方式来为他们的开发人员评分。 www.ibm.com 5. The rest of my family are boring academics, busy collecting Ivy League decals for our classic Ambassador car. 我的其他家人都是挺无聊的学术型,他们为了拥有经典的大使牌汽车而忙于考取常青藤盟校。 xiaozu.renren.com 6. Sparing no efforts to acquire knowledge from your teachers, you got to know what the academics is and how charming the science is. 和大学老师在一起,凝神静听,神聊神侃,如痴如醉,你们懂得了什么是学术,什么是科研魅力; news.bangkaow.com 7. Projecting the decline of the US is a way for academics to grab headlines, fill lecture theatres and perhaps win the ear of senior leaders. 预测美国将会衰落,是学者们夺人眼球、吸引听众、以及赢得高级领导人关注的一种方式。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The academics here are purified. Calligraphy is the subject of our daily lives wherever and whenever. 这里是纯粹的学术氛围,甚至吃饭、睡觉大家都在一起讨论书法。 ccca.hk 9. It has an outstanding team of academics undertaking applied research dedicated to advancing knowledge to benefit society and the region. 它有一个专门从事应用研究推进知识造福社会和该地区学者的优秀团队。 www.cqumzh.cn 10. Many Chinese officials and academics interviewed by the authors portrayed the aircraft carrier as a symbol of China's great-power status. 中国许多官员和学者在接受采访时都将航母描述成中国大国地位的象征。 www.bing.com 1. Interest and usefulness of the classroom activity of primary school English be an English academics teaching to pursue a target. 小学英语课堂运动的趣味性与有效性是英语学科教学的寻求目标。 www.papercool.com 2. The Nottingham Business School DBA provides a supportive environment , encouraging networking between peers , academics and guest speakers . 诺丁汉商学院的DBA课程提供了一个支持性的学习氛围,并鼓励学员,同僚与特约演讲者之间的沟通与互动。 www.bing.com 3. It's easy to find technologists and academics type of people. 寻找技术型与学术型人才并不难。 www.infoq.com 4. Still, at the Pentagon, Colonel Lapan says involving psy ops troops in visits by American officials or academics is not necessarily wrong. 不过,五角大楼发言人拉潘上校说,让心理战部队参与接待美国官员或专家的做法并不一定是错误的。 www.voanews.com.cn 5. This elegantly written and broad-ranging book will be essential reading for students and academics across the social sciences. 这文笔优美和广泛的图书将学生和整个社会科学的学者所必读。 www.ccebook.net 6. But Mr Ollila points to the analysis of a group of academics from across the region who wrote a book called The Nordic Model. 但奥利拉先生提到一批来自该地区学者的分析,这些学者写作了名为《北欧模式》(NordicModel)一书。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The charge has been variously applied to academics, dissidents and journalists, as well as business executives. 包括学者、持不同政见者、记者和商业高管在内的许多领域的人士曾被控违反保密法。 cn.reuters.com 8. Be the main academics-English in foundation education, also duty-roundly should in the classroom implement valid of interaction teaching. 作为基础教育中的主要学科—英语,也责无旁贷地应该在课堂中施行有效的互动教学。 www.studa.net 9. Academics said agreeing to the request would be a major breach of confidence. 学者表示,同意请求其实就是信心建立的重要来源。 www.fatisia.com 10. They welcomed further exchanges between the national legislatures, local authorities, academics, young people and other sectors. 双方欢迎两国立法机构、地方当局、学术界和青年等各界人士间开展进一步的交流。 www.america.gov 1. Liberal academics and commentators who dare to question long-established taboos have been targeted by nationalist lawyers. 那些竟敢质疑长期确立的宗教禁忌的自由党派人物和评论员是民族主义律师攻击的对象。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. In an ideal world, you might imagine that scientific papers were only cited by academics on the basis of their content. 在理想世界里,可以想像科学文章内容是惟一决定它们是否会被引用的因素。 www.bing.com 3. As for academics, studies have shown the four-day schedule does not hinder student achievement, and may even help improve test scores. 关于学生的学习,研究显示四天制教育并不会妨碍学生的学业,而且甚至有可能提高考试成绩。 www.bing.com 4. Marx- ism might look like a good idea to well-heeled Western academics who can take freedom and democracy for granted. 马克思主义对于富有的西方学者也许是个好点子,他们把自由和民主当做理所当然的事情。 www.bing.com 5. The exploitation and utilization of the natural scenic spot are the focal points which the academics research recent years. 自然风景区的开发及利用问题,是近年来学术界关注的焦点。 www.fabiao.net 6. But the team is made up merely of two academics and a journalist, people who carry no political weight. 但是该小组由毫无政治影响力的两位学者和一名记者组成,他们是如此的鸡肋,只能打打公开的嘴仗。 www.tianya.cn 7. Keynote speakers include former top athletes, representatives from governments, businesses, UN agencies, media and academics. 发言人包括前优秀运动员,政府,企业,联合国机构,媒体和学术界人士代表。 club.learning.sohu.com 8. Hundreds of Turkish academics and writers, including Orhan Pamuk, a Nobel prize-winner, have been prosecuted under this article. 数百土耳其学者、包括诺贝尔文学奖得主奥尔罕?帕慕克在内的作家,都曾因此条款而被起诉。 word.hcbus.com 9. Hamburg University Press will provide a practical demonstration of the advantages of Open Access publishing to academics on location. 汉堡大学出版社将提供一个实际的范例,呈现开放获取出版对本地学者的优势。 docs.google.com 10. Among contemporary American theater artists, Tony Kushner admittedly is the most embraced playwright by the audience and academics alike. 在美国当代剧作家中,托尼·库什纳堪称二十世纪九十年代最受观众、学术界和批评界好评的戏剧家。 www.tde.net.cn 1. Flotations of university spin- outs have increased enthusiasm for the commercialisation of research among academics . 大学校办企业的分拆上市,提升了学者将研究成果商业化的热情。 www.bing.com 2. In parallel, academics need to recapture their heritage of creative, independent thinking and throw off the influence of finance. 同时,学术界需要重新获取他们的创新和独立思考传统,摆脱金融界的影响。 www.ftchinese.com 3. And he wants to get the education system to sponsor foreign academics to teach computer-related disciplines at Estonia's universities. 而且,他也希望教育系统能够赞助外国学者在爱沙尼亚的大学里教授电脑相关的学科。 www.ecocn.org 4. In another country, I don't use abstract language in general while communicating with academics, and try not to accentuate every word. 在另外一个国家,与其他大学教师交谈时我通常不使用抽象的语言,并且尽量不重读每个词。 hellolily490858009.blog.163.com 5. Meanwhile, a small but influential chorus of academics and policymakers is arguing that these should be America's last arms sales to Taiwan. 与此同时,为数不多但颇有影响的学者与决策者认为,这次应该是美国最后一次对台出售武器。 www.ecocn.org 6. For decades, Whorf's theory dazzled both academics and the general public alike. 数十年来,沃尔夫的理论让学界和大众颇为不解。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Wild Strawberries, academics, and NGOs hold a rally at Liberty Square, with a mass sit-in, seminars, and sits . 全台野草莓及学界、民间团体代表于自由广场大会师,静坐、演说及表演行动剧。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. It is possible, but academics at the LSE have produced a better explanation. 有可能,但伦敦大学政治经济学院(LSE)的学者们提供了一个更好的解释。 www.bing.com 9. And academics with the best grip on relevance may be their schools' and students' most valuable asset. 对相关性掌握得最出色的学者或许是其商学院和学生最宝贵的财富。 www.ftchinese.com 10. This is of great significance for the reputation of young academics, in particular when negotiating a professional academic position. 在协调专业学职位时,对于年青学者的声誉有重大的意义。 docs.google.com 1. Three academics at the London Business School devised portfolios consisting of stocks that had outperformed over a 12-month period. 伦敦商学院的三位学者设计了包含在过去12个月内表现良好股票的投资组合。 www.ecocn.org 2. Both academics and practitioners have been concerned about the factors which influence R&D personnel's individual innovative behavior. 对于可能影响研发人员创新行为的因素,理论界和实践界已经给予了极大关注。 86qb.com 3. However, this forum is an increasingly influential event and it's attracting a great many thinkers, policy makers, academics and ideas. 亚洲论坛已经日渐成为影响力巨大的活动,吸引了越来越多的思想家、政策决策者、学者,汇聚了来自四面八方的意见。 club.topsage.com 4. How to shape and cultivate the core competitive ability is always a problem concerned by enterprises and academics. 如何塑造和培养企业的核心竞争力一直是企业界和学术界关心的问题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Clerics are the true academics of the Chantry, those men and women who have dedicated themselves to the pursuit of knowledge. 牧师是教会真正的学者,这些男人和女人致力于追求知识。 gl.ali213.net 6. Although mixing academics with business can be difficult, college may actually be the ideal time to pursue entrepreneurship. 虽然要兼顾学业和创业会遇到很多困难,但是实际上大学期间是创业的理想时期。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The Shenzhen reforms have met resistance within the party, say local officials and academics. 当地的官员和学者说,深圳改革在党内遇到阻力。 www.bing.com 8. The story so far: academics showed that commodities were not strongly correlated with stocks and bonds. 到目前为止的情况是:学术研究显示,大宗商品与股票和债券之间并没有很强的关联。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Academics, journalists, and many organisations have produced numerous books, training courses and presentations on the issue. 学者、记者和许多组织就这个问题出版了无数的图书、培训课程和说明。 www.scidev.net 10. Academics and campaigners increasingly say responsibility for these emissions lies with the consumer countries. 学者和游行者越来越多地说(认为)为这些排放负责的应该是那些消费国家。 www.bing.com 1. When a top university hires academics, it enhances the reputations of the professors, too. 当一所顶级大学雇用那些专业学者时,这也扩大了这些教授们的声誉。 www.ecocn.org 2. His claims have brought howls of outrage from academics across the sciences and humanities. 他的断言在科学与人文学者中引发愤怒回应。 www.bing.com 3. But the evaluation found that many academics and national authorities believed IMF research reached predetermined conclusions. 但它还发现,许多学者与成员国当局认为,IMF的研究得出的是预设的结论。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Henley supplies the softer management skills and corporate contacts, Reading the hard-nosed academics and research capabilities. 亨利提供更为软性的管理技能和企业关系,里丁则提供讲求实际的学术和研究能力。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Thinking quality; Inspire type teaching; Three dimension; Right brain development; Academics ability. 思维品质;启发式教学;三个维度;右脑开发;学科能力。 www.hi138.com 6. Since the invasion of Iraq in April 2003, the number of attacks on academics has risen steadily. 自从美国等国2003年入侵伊拉克以来,对学者的攻击一直在上升。 www.scidev.net 7. Sketch is a research objective ll the shapes of the thing elephant in the world is in the plastic art essence of academics. 素描是造型艺术中研究客观世界一切物象的造型本质的学科。 www.qikan.com.cn 8. Critics of the multidisciplinary model are not confined to academics, journalists and politicians. 多领域模式的批评者不只限于学者、记者和政治家。 finance.sina.com.cn 9. Programme partners and agents will attend a range of events alongside higher education international office staff and academics. 活动各举办方和代理机构以及高等教育国际办公室工作人员和学术人员一起,参加一系列的活动。 www.uk.cn 10. Academics and policymakers are in broad agreement that a major rebalancing is needed to put the world economy back on track. 学者和政策制定者们普遍认为,世界经济若想回归正轨,就必须经历一次重大的再平衡过程。 www.ftchinese.com 1. But without bankers and important Americans, the cast list looks less impressive: a mix of journalists, academics and authoritarian leaders. 但如今缺了银行家和美国重要人物,演员表看上去就不太具有震撼力了:新闻记者、学术界人物和威权国家的领导人。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Think tanks are organizations of academics and experts who craft policy proposals and ideas, advise candidates, and publish position papers. 他们是一些教授和专家的组织,搞提案,出点子,指导候选人,发布立场公告。 www.lkong.net 3. Nevertheless, it is a measure of progress that protection of academics was only part of the focus at the Paris conference. 然而,保护学术界人士只是巴黎会议焦点的一部分,这是进展的标志。 www.scidev.net 4. The article expounds the academics connotations of the medical sciences and the professional property of medical workers. 阐述了医学的学术内涵和医务工作者的行业属性; www.ilib.cn 5. The stellar group of participants included environmentalists, investors and business people and academics. 参与讨论会人员主要包括环保人士、投资者、商业人士和学者。 www.hxen.com 6. These were: high concentration of talented academics and students, abundant resources and strategic vision and leadership. 这三个共同点是:有才华的学术人士和学生高度集中、充裕的资源和战略前景,以及领导能力。 www.scidev.net 7. Synthetic DNA is, after all, routinely incorporated into living things by academics, by biotech companies, even by schoolchildren. 说到底,合成DNA每天都在被学术界,被生物科技公司,甚至被小学生植入活体。 www.ecocn.org 8. The bears quoted above are all academics or strategists who can afford to take a detached view when the markets move against them. 以上所引熊市论调都出自学者或战略分析师,他们在市场背离其预测时仍能坚持冷眼看市。 www.ecocn.org 9. Some academics say that placing a mammoth paean to Confucius a stone's throw from Mao's mausoleum may have gone too far. 一些学术界人士称,给离伟人纪念馆一箭之隔的孔子石头像高唱赞歌,估计太离谱了。 bbs.mier123.com 10. A team of British academics has developed a mathematical formula to determine just how perfect your posterior is. 一个英国的学者小组发明一个能决定完美臀部的数学公式。 bbs.05133.com 1. Emphasis is given to academics, military training, athletic conditioning and spiritual and ethical development. 学院重视学术、军事训练、身体素质以及精神、道德上的培养塑造。 www.bbs.yeeu.org 2. Likewise, the incredibly perfect sales pitches of many American academics are too contrived. 同样,那些销售人员对美国学术的吹嘘太过做作。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Scott directs the Committee on Capital Market Regulation, an independent and bipartisan group of financiers, lawyers and academics. 斯科特主管由金融家、律师和学术界人士组成的独立和跨党派的资本市场监管委员会(CommitteeonCapitalMarketRegulation)。 www.america.gov 4. I spent last week talking to employers, headhunters, university academics and young workers on both sides of the Atlantic. 我上周跟大西洋两岸许多雇主、猎头、大学老师和年轻职员进行了交谈。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Bush also fares badly in polls of American historians and academics (who are assumed to be more knowledgeable and objective). 布什在美国历史学者和学者民调中也运气不佳(这些人被视为比较有学识和客观的)。 www.bing.com 6. Most notable is the surprising diversity and eloquence of the debate among both academics and regular visitors alike. 最令人瞩目是的学者与访客当中惊人的多元化和雄辩。 www.stnn.cc 7. Academics against the current excess liquidity situation also have good advice and put forward their own proposals and measures. 目前学界针对流动性过剩的情况也纷纷出谋划策,提出了各自的建议和对策。 www.fabiao.net 8. A wide selection of programs provide a co- op education option , allowing students to mix academics with practical skills. 有多种选择的程序提供了一个合作教育的选择,让学生混合学者与实际技能。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. His reputation had fallen so far that even fellow academics ignored him. 他的声望已经大跌了如此之多,以至于甚至连同僚学者们都忽略了他。 www.bing.com 10. That would be good news for academics and people debating public policy. 这是学者以及讨论公共政策的人的福音。 www.ecocn.org 1. In terms of achievement, testimonials from academics, or from senior people in your field would complement other forms of evidence. 在成就方面,学院或在你专业领域的高级专家的推荐信都可以认为是证明的另外的形式。 www.tigtag.com 2. Prominent academics warn that China could fall victim to the dreaded "middle-income trap, " which has derailed many a developing nation. 许多有名的学者警告道:中国很可能成为“中等收入陷阱”的牺牲品。这一现象在许多发展中国家发生过。 www.douban.com 3. The importance of conveying a sense of place is well recognized by academics working in culinary tourism. 传达一个地方感的重要性,充分认识到在烹饪旅游工作的学者。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Read past the standard collection of academics, and the final author credited is. . . an online gaming community. 目光扫过标准的学者名单之后,最后的作者则是……一个在线游戏社区。 www.bing.com 5. In the UK, academics have found that it takes three years for a child to acquire a basic level of competence. 而在英国,学者发现孩子们要花三年的时间才能掌握阅读的基本能力。 www.bing.com 6. Its membership includes academics, practising lawyers and prominent community members. 委员会的成员包括法律学者、执业律师及社会贤达。 www.info.gov.hk 7. Once the exclusive domain of academics and executives, sabbaticals are now feasible for middle-income folks across industries. 休假年曾经是学术或行政人员的“专利”,现在对于企业界的中等收入者来说也是切实可行的了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. They draw hope from a number of academics and diplomats who see the elections as a chance to lead the country gradually from military rule. 他们从那些认为选举是带领国家逐步摆脱军政府统治的学院派或者外交官身上看到希望。 www.ecocn.org 9. POLICYMAKERS and academics are still grappling with the causes and consequences of the credit crunch. 政策制定者和学者们还在设法对付信贷危机的源头和后果。 www.ecocn.org 10. One factor, in particular, needs highlighting: the hidden financial conflicts of interest that a growing number of academics face. 尤其需要强调的一点是,越来越多的学者面临隐性的财务利益冲突。 www.ftchinese.com 1. But he concedes that academics in other countries are not thrilled by the American plans. 但是他也承认美国的计划对其它国家的大学不是好事。 www.ecocn.org 2. Every so often, society experiences a "crisis in gender" (as some academics have called it) that radically transforms the social landscape. 有时社会出现的“性别危机”(有些学者是这么说的)会从根本上改变社会环境。 www.bing.com 3. With the help of academics, financiers started to unpick the various components of risk and trade them separately. 在学者们的帮助下,金融家开始将风险的各种因素分拆,并将其分别交易。 www.ecocn.org 4. Being associated with Mr Beck will not persuade many academics to take Austrian economic ideas seriously. 但就算受到贝克青睐,学者们也不会把奥地利经济思想当一回事。 www.ecocn.org 5. Academics and newspapers have blamed foreign money for the sharp rise in house prices, especially in Shanghai and Beijing. 学者和媒体将中国房价的大幅上涨归因于外资的流入,尤其是在上海和北京。 www.ftchinese.com 6. In general, many netizens call for the increase of academics' salaries to ensure their living standards and social status. 总之,很多网友建议应为大学教师加薪,提高他们的生活水平,保障其应有的社会地位。 www.kekenet.com 7. That is because we are competing with academics brought up in the Western tradition, who are good at projecting their fortes to the fullest. 因为我们面对的竞争者是受西方的传统教育的学者,他们一个特点是尽量宣扬本身的长处。 www.itpub.net 8. The council is independent of the UN, and has the capacity to select from among the world's top academics. 国际科学院委员会独立于联合国之外,并且有能力从世界顶尖学者中遴选小组成员。 www.bing.com 9. China has been the origin of the carriage is of concern to academics and the important issues unresolved. 中国马车的起源一直是被学界所关注并悬而未决的重要问题。 jztu.5d6d.com 10. Earlier this month a gaggle of Chinese academics arrived in Zimbabwe for a symposium in which the model was lionised. 本月初,一群中国学者抵达津巴布韦参加一个研讨会,会上该模式备受推崇。 www.bing.com 1. Why do business academics write like this? 商界学术人士为什么要写这样的文章呢? www.ftchinese.com 2. Almost all of it came from business school academics, and they overwhelmingly agreed that managers generally ignored them. 几乎所有反馈都来自商学院的学者,他们绝大多数都赞同管理者基本上无视他们的观点。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Some academics have suggested drawing up a list of permissible devices, much as the WTO has a list of legitimate trade barriers. 一些学者建议拟定一份许可策略清单,非常像世界贸易组织的合法贸易壁垒清单。 www.ecocn.org 4. And if there's one single defining characteristic among academics, it may be just that. 如果学术界有一个与众不同的特点,可能就是这一点。 www.bing.com 5. The inherent independence, freedom, and creative spirit of academics are being seriously corroded and alienated. 学术写作中固有的独立、自由和创造精神正在被严重腐蚀并且异化。 airiti.com 6. Be the main academics-English in foundation education, also duty-boundly should in the classroom implement valid of interaction teaching. 作为基本教育中的首要学科—英语,也责无旁贷地应该在课堂中施行有用的互动教学。 www.haosc.cn 7. Lawyers and academics are challenging the legality of the requirement for the software. 法律界和学术界人士纷纷质疑配备软件要求的合法性。 www.bing.com 8. This innovation has not come about yet, we encourage the R&D sector and academics to work on it. 这方面的创新尚未出现,我们鼓励研究和开发部门以及学术界开展这方面的工作。 www.who.int 9. Still, central bankers and academics firmly believe in it as a concept. 不过,中央银行的官员和学者们都坚信这一理念。 www.ftchinese.com 10. For publicly funded research, the result is that the academics and taxpayers who were responsible for its creation have to pay to read it. 对于公共资助的研究来说,所造成的后果便是那些负责撰写论文的学者和纳税人不得不花钱阅读这些内容。 www.bing.com 1. This phenomenon of Chinese has been concerned about by the academics. But there is no systematic statistical study about it. 汉语中的名形兼类词现象,一直受到学术界的关注,但是没有进行系统的统计、研究。 paper.pet2008.cn 2. Remember that you got into academics in part for the intellectual freedom it allows. 记住,进入学术界,部分原因在于它所提供的智力上的自由。 q.sohu.com 3. The very idea would be foreign and unacceptable to main stream academics. 这种想法对主流学者而言是外来的和不能接受的。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Some other academics complain that many of the courses on offer have been copied from the curriculums of other London colleges. 另有教授则抱怨许多现行课程都是从伦敦其他的大学复制过来的。 www.ecocn.org 5. The Migration Working Group brings together lawyers, academics and volunteers to care for and protect potential victims. 该组织吸收律师、学者和志愿人员照料和保护有可能受到伤害的人。 www.america.gov 6. When a top university hires academics, it enhances the reputations of the professors, too. That is likely to make their blogs more popular. 当一个名牌大学在聘用学者时,这名学者的知名度将会得到提升,这也将会是学者的博客更加受人欢迎。 www.ecocn.org 7. Academics are always being asked to demonstrate the "impact" of their research. 学者总是被要求证明其研究的“影响”。 www.ftchinese.com 8. David Eggebrecht vice president of academics, was working in the CUW at the economy management department also have class. 经管学院副院长,常年任职并任教于协和大学经济管理系。 www.cncuw.org 9. It won't surprise you that many academics argue that these spaces no longer exist, and may never have existed. 它不会带给您惊喜,许多学者认为,这些空间不再存在,并可能就不存在。 www.bing.com 10. They are of interest to professionals, academics and advocates from a range of relevant disciplines. 他们对专业、学术和相关规章制度感兴趣。 information.casip.ac.cn 1. My husband and I are academics, both working in the same specialised field. 我和老公都是学界人士,从事同样专业。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Rachel Schroeder, head of project, says the involvement of Airbus experts was important in winning the commitment of academics. 项目主管雷切尔-施罗德(RachelSchroeder)表示,空客专家的参与对赢得学院的加盟十分重要。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Former employees of Southern Weekly and several prominent academics have issued open letters demanding that Mr. Tuo resign. 《南方周末》前员工和几位知名学术人士发表了公开信,要求庹震辞职。 bbs.ebigear.com 4. Finance academics continue "churning out quantitative hodgepodge" and Wall Street and others continue to use it. 金融学家继续“胡乱泡制定量的大杂烩”,而华尔街以及其它各方也继续使用它们。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The academics followed the men from the age of 17, when almost all were single, to 29, when 60 per cent were married. 老师们跟踪调查的男子,17岁时全是单身,到29岁,有60%结了婚。 www.bing.com 6. Three Austrian academics decided that the paintings should be returned. 三位奥地利仲裁专家作出裁决:画作应当退还。 www.ecocn.org 7. A country that slanders and jails academics and authors for running foul of its government? 在一个专制横行的国家,崇尚学术的作者谁愿意得罪政府? www.bing.com 8. Academics who emigrate to America find that they are in a system that seems awash with money, in comparison with Europe's. 移民美国的科研人员们发现,和留在欧洲的人相比,自己简直就是生活在钱堆儿里。 www.ecocn.org 9. He trusted me at a time when few academics in Turkey were willing to do the same. 他相信我是无辜的,而当时在土耳其没几个学者愿意相信我。 www.bing.com 10. Each sub-group will comprise both secondary and primary school principals as well as academics. 每个工作小组的成员均包括中、小学校长以及学者。 www.ied.edu.hk |
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