单词 | talked-about | ||||||
释义 | talked-about
例句释义: 谈论,讨论,被谈到 1. She had developed a nervous twitch which came into play whenever we talked about this side of her personality. 无论我们什么时候谈到她的这个个性的时候,她总是习惯性的表现出抽搐的行为。 397565205.qzone.qq.com 2. Bryant did not talk to reporters after the game, but others talked about him, and about Odom, the unquestioned star of the game. 布莱恩特在比赛结束之后并没有接受采访,但是其他人谈了他以及奥多姆,奥多姆是本场的全场最佳。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. North Korea-watchers in and out of the U. S. government are wanting to know how he looked, how he seemed and what he talked about. 美国政府内外的朝鲜问题专家们现在很想知道金正日看起来怎麽样、他谈论了些什麽。 cn.reuters.com 4. Genial face the wind blowing, we talked about life in an episode enjoying themselves. 迎面吹来和煦的风,大家畅谈生活中趣事,不亦乐乎。 www.enwaimao.cn 5. John Laister, a member of the firing squad, talked about it before he died in 1999: "There were tears in his eyes and tears in mine. " 行刑队员约翰.莱斯特一九九九年去世前忆述当时情景:「他两眼含泪,我也泪盈两眼。」 forum.bomoo.com 6. Opposition politicians continuously pressed him on whether he would rule out that he had talked about the bid with News Corp. personnel. 反对党政客继续对卡梅伦施压,要他明确表示,能否能完全排除他曾和新闻集团的员工谈论过竞购英国天空广播公司一事。 chinese.wsj.com 7. This was a long-term relationship that I talked about here and we split up and made up multiple times during the years of our life together. 我这里提到的是个长期的关系,在我们一起生活的几年里我们分分合合好几次。 www.bing.com 8. Moving and equipping the house has been a vast expense and, after splitting our savings, X and I haven't talked about money at all. 搬家和买家具是一笔很大的费用,而在我们的储蓄分开后,X和我根本就没有谈过钱这方面的事情。 select.yeeyan.org 9. You will find the matter being talked about all over the town. 你会发现城里到处都在谈论这件事。 www.rr365.com 10. The way she talked about what it felt like to be up in that tree to be held above the earth, brushed by the wind. 她说起那种置身树梢的感到时说就像被高高举起,微风拂面。 www.fanx360.com 1. she talked about how important it was to stand on your own two feet and be responsible for your own acts. 她谈论脚踏实地和对自己行为负责的重要性。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. They talked about whether they were hungry and decided to order something later. Cal ripped open a bag of that smart popcorn. 他们谈了他们是否饿了,然后决定过会儿点些东西吃。卡尔撕开了一包那种便携装的爆玉米花。 www.bing.com 3. Paul had never talked about sort of The Lord's Supper as being something alike a sacrifice. 保罗从来没把这样的圣餐,看成是祭典。 open.163.com 4. Ok, so , we talked about uncertainly of our life, we talked about how much we wish to be liberated, we talked about our valued system. 好了,所以,我们已经谈到了生命的无常,谈到了应该如何希求解脱,也谈到了我们的价值体系。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Search Engine Optimization, also known as SEO is a subject which gets talked about to death all over the web. 搜索引擎优化,俗称SEO,是一个会渐渐在互联网上消亡的话题。 www.bing.com 6. As early as a few days ago, my colleagues have talked about this year's Tanabata how to spend Valentine's Day. 早在几天前,就有同事在谈论今年的七夕情人节该怎么度过。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. You could write an exegesis paper on just one section of any of those things that I talked about. 你的评注论文可以只着重于,我刚才讲过的其中一块。 open.163.com 8. He talked about Paris as if he had been there. 他谈起巴黎来好像他去过那里。 www.ruiwen.com 9. The two men had a couple of drinks together , talked about their families and their holidays for a while and finally got down to business . 这两个人在一起喝了几杯酒,谈了一些有关家庭和度假的事情以后才谈正事。 www.bing.com 10. Mary: Oh, the man called the "Iron man of the sea" , isn't he? Students in Peking University also talked about him. 玛丽:哦,是那个横渡渤海海峡的“海上铁人”,北京大学的学生们也在议论这事呢。 www.hotdic.com 1. Marston invited me for dinner only a few days after he came to our college. We talked about a world of things. 马斯顿来我们学院才几天就请我共进晚餐。我们真是无话不谈。 www.kekenet.com 2. Goodger talked about the user interface that Chrome has, which he said is a bit different from other browsers. Goodger谈到Chrome的用户界面,这与其他浏览器有些不同。 www.bing.com 3. Although the US has in the past talked about the links, Barack Obama, US president, and his team have made it a priority, officials said. 官员们表示,尽管美国过去也曾谈到这种联系,但美国总统奥巴马和他的团队已将其列为优先事项。 www.ftchinese.com 4. All the brides I interviewed talked about wanting to be a "princess for a day" or about wanting the whole "Cinderella package" . 我采访过的所有新娘都说想有“成为公主的一天”,或者她们会说想要整个的“灰姑娘包装”。 www.bing.com 5. He helped me with my Iraqi Arabic, and we talked about everything from the regime to soccer to life in the United States. 他教了我一些伊拉克阿拉伯语,还和我一起谈天说地——从政权体系到足球,到美国的生活状况。 www.bing.com 6. Mr. Jobs was the far shrewder businessman, even if he never talked about wealth as a matter of personal interest. 乔布斯则是个很精明的商人,虽然他从没有表示过财富是他的个人兴趣所在。 www.hjenglish.com 7. Paul never talked about the church as if it just had the same structure of a household. 保罗说到教会时,从没说它有家庭架构。 open.163.com 8. He talked about China as if he had been there. 他谈起中国来好象去过那里。 infos.edulife.com.cn 9. The relationship is always something that can be talked about. The contract is just a set of papers that you keep in your bottom drawer. 关系永远是一个可以谈的事,而合同只是你放在最底层抽屉里的一摞纸而已。 cn.wsj.com 10. People have talked about the 'hostile' reception. But I'd say the fans just took the mickey out of me. 人们都说我得到了’敌视’的对待。但其实那是球迷在激励我。 www.tianya.cn 1. She said he never thought of God, never talked about God, didn't believe in God. 她说她父亲从没想到过上帝,从不谈论上帝,不相信上帝的存在。 www.ted.com 2. The most painful farewell is that it's never been talked about, but you know it clearly in your heart that everything is over. 最痛苦的一种再见是从未说出口,但心里却清楚,一切都已结束。 wenku.baidu.com 3. My last manager was not a very fair leader, he never talked about my development chance with me, but this doesn't't affect my performance. 我的上任经理不是个很公平的领导,我与他只是简单的汇报关系,他从不找我谈我的发展机会,但这并不影响我在工作中的表现。 www.mianshiba.cn 4. So we talked about ways in which perhaps one could partner to be able to bring the cost of this technology down. 因此我们讨论了几种方案也许可以合作来降低使用这项科技的费用。 www.ted.com 5. "Justin, " she said, "honey, we talked about this. Don't be jealous. " “贾斯汀,”她说,“亲爱的,我们以前谈起过这个。不要嫉妒。” www.bing.com 6. He gave a farewell speech at VOA headquarters in which he talked about his time working here. 他在美国之音总部发表告别演讲,在演讲中,他谈到了他在这儿的工作。 www.bing.com 7. We have talked about this at length, and I believe we spoke about it a bit last year when we were here. 我们已经详细地谈论过这个,而且我相信去年当我们在这里时,关于它我们讨论一些。 www.bing.com 8. Me: You know what? I feel so much better after we have talked about research. 我:你知道吗?经过刚才的讨论我觉得好多了。 boundaryinterfaces.wordpress.com 9. I am the only person who knows the reason. I think you know who the young man I talked about is. 不用我说你们知道那人是谁了吧。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The purposes of this study were to explore the characteristics of the ways in which thirty-six first grade students talked about science. 本研究旨在探究低年级学生在教师营造的对谈环境下,进行科学对谈时呈现的对谈特色。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. As Hubert* was talking over lunch, as we sort of engaged in conversation, talked about this, talked about cities. 如同休伯特*在午餐时谈到的,我们那时的谈话,说到环保,说到城市。 www.ted.com 2. The athlete is among the most photographed and talked about athletes of the Games so far - and that may not even be for her event. 迄今为止,她是本届奥运会上被人谈论最多的和最被闪光灯关注的几名运动员之一——这可能并不是因为她所参加的比赛项目。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 3. Well, I guess that means we ought to ask more about this Paleochristianity because we talked about it a lot. 我想那意味着我们该问问关于古基督教更多的内容,因为我们谈论过许多。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Just talked about this video with one of my friends, I think I should keep it in my blog as a souvenir. 这是第一个,完全由自己翻译和制作的视频。刚刚跟朋友说起来,我觉得应该保存在博客里做个纪念。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. What we talked about was if she were to come on board that's the kind of thing she would be interested in doing. 我们谈论的是如果她在船上,这样的事情她会感兴趣去做。 kk.dongxi.net 6. We just took this character that I just talked about, put it on a slippery surface, and this is what you get out of it. 我们只是用了类似的模拟人,把它放在光滑的表面上,结果就是这样。 www.ted.com 7. "We have talked about trying to push teams from the beginning at Anfield, " Benitez said. “我们已经谈过我们将会给做客安菲尔德的球队至始至终的压力,”贝尼特斯说道。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 8. When he talked about his goals or dreams, his eyes were twinkling, though he did not show interest in questions regarding dating and women. 当他谈到他的目标或梦想,他的眼睛是闪烁的,但他并没有表现出兴趣在有关约会和女人的问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Fond told me Gu-ang was a post-graduate student and a nice boy. When Fong talked about him, she avoided eye contact with me. 广是她们学校别的系的研究生,人很好。方说这话看我的时候,眼神有点游离。 club.beelink.com.cn 10. Talked about this, I also really how much do you know? 谈了这门多,我又真的对你了解多少呢? www.bing.com 1. Lippi gave me a lot of useful advice. When he talked about me it was very moving, as I never thought such a great Coach could single me out. 里皮给了我很多建议。当他提及到我时,我感觉很激动,我从未想过会被这位伟大的教练点名赞扬。 post.baidu.com 2. You actually talked about this new thinking and Triple Bottom Lines of sustainable development. Could you elaborate on some of this? 实际你也谈到了一个新的思维,还有三重底线,这方面都是关于可持续发展的,您能不能关于这方面给我们多讲一些? blog.sina.com.cn 3. The boasted "tour of the world" was talked about, disputed, argued with as much warmth as if the subject were another Alabama claim. 对于这件号称“环球之旅”的事,人们都在热火朝天地谈论着,争辩着,激烈的程度不减当年的阿拉巴马索赔事件。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. She pulled a chair up to the bedside, apologized for being late, and talked about how everything had gone wrong for her that morning. 她拉一把椅子到床边,向我表达晚至的歉意,谈起那早上她的每件事都那么出差错。 www.bing.com 5. He talked about Japan as if he had been there many times. 他谈起日本就好像他到那里去过好多次似的。 www.stedu.net 6. He talked about the Great Wall as if he had been there before. 他说起长城来似乎他以前去过那里。 wenku.baidu.com 7. Mini Ai talked about future goals, he said he intends to improve agriculture and irrigation conditions, beautifying the home environment. 米尼埃谈及今后目标时说,他打算改善农业水利条件,美化家乡环境。 www.englishtang.com 8. She talked about great people as if she had the fee-simple of May Fair, and when the court went into mourning, she always wore black. 她一开口就是某某勋爵某某大人,那口气竟好象她生来就是贵族。宫里有了丧事,她没有一回不穿孝。 bbs.ebigear.com 9. A week ago, Mr Obama talked about his physique as he hit back at critics in a speech in Miami. 一周前,奥巴马在迈阿密的一次演讲中反击批评言论时谈及了自己的体格问题。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. And he never talked about insight without framing it in terms of karma, in terms of the skillfulness of what you're doing. 他在讲到洞见时,从来没有脱离过因果的角度,脱离你所行之事的善巧角度。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. David talked about expanding CUDA other hardware vendors, and the fact that this is going to require them to implement support for C. David谈到想其他硬件厂商推广CUDA的事情,并要求他们实现对C的支持。 www.bing.com 2. And I, with open arms, extending the invitation. This was something we had talked about for a long time. It was just our destiny. 而我,我展开双臂,热诚的对他发出这个邀请。这是我们老早前就曾经谈过的。可以说,我们注定是要作室友的。 www.engworld.org 3. As the great French cynic La Rochefoucauld said: "People would not fall in love if they had not heard love talked about. " 正如法国伟大的愤世嫉俗的拉罗什福科说过:“如果人们没有听说过有关爱的谈论,就不会恋爱。” www.bing.com 4. She became more and more excited when she talked about the rough treasure she received as if she was on the age of explosion. 她在讲述自己受到的粗暴待遇时越来越激动,好像到了发火的边缘。 www.wxwabb.com 5. Two days before he died, he talked about what he would have missed without the opportunity for a loving parting. 他在死前两天谈到,如果不接受治疗,他就会错过这些充满亲情的离别。 cc.sjtu.edu.cn 6. A lot of the students we both knew talked about Hillary as if they were a little intimidated by her. Not me. 在我们两个都认识的法学院学生中,很多人在谈论希拉里的时候都好像有点被她的气势压住,但是我没有。 www.bing.com 7. In Chapter One of this thesis, I have talked about the existing state of making stars through media and given it a definition. 文章第一部分从媒体造星的现状谈起,媒体造星的定义,特点,社会意义以及产生的背景和前提条件。 www.fabiao.net 8. You know we talked about this in psychology class. Blushing, even though it's involuntary, is more or less a learned behavior. 你知道吗,我们在心理学课上讨论这个问题。尽管脸红是不受意志控制的,但它或多或少是后天习得的。 www.tingroom.com 9. Although they talked about Saddam as if he were the devil himself, some of the Republicans were in a snit over the attacks. 尽管一些共和党人也把萨达姆看成魔鬼的化身,但他们却对轰炸不高兴。 www.bing.com 10. Well, you might be curious about what my life was like on the streets, and I've never really talked about it in depth. 那么,你也许会好奇我流落街头的日子是怎么过的,我从来没有真正地深入地谈过这个。 www.bing.com 1. This has been talked about in Moscow for a year or more but nobody wanted to take it seriously in the rest of Europe or in the US. 在莫斯科,这个话题已讨论了一年有余,但在欧洲其它地区和美国,却没有人把它回事。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The Commission president talked about Europe as a global player and leader. He called it a key ambition for this generation of politicians. 这位欧委会主席谈到欧洲要成为全球参与者与领导者,并将其称作这一代政治家的主要抱负。 www.ftchinese.com 3. What I mentioned to him were the education of the adolescents and the issues of morals and ethics, which had never talked about. 我给他谈到的问题是青少年教育问题,伦理道德问题,从来没谈过。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. I don't remember exactly all that we talked about, but I do remember that he always listened and I felt appreciated. 我已经不能确切地记得我们到底说了些什么,但我记得他总是在聆听,这让我觉得自己很受尊重。 putclub.com 5. No matter how you talked about him or suspect him, I believe his innocence because he has always been a straight person. 不管你们怎么议论他,质疑他,我始终相信他是清白的,因为他是一个正直的人。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. "The position of the German language worldwide isn't nearly as poor as is always talked about, " he said. 他说:“在世界范围内,德语的地位并没有大家说的那么低”。 dongxi.net 7. A year or two passed, and again I found Tony in his usual waiting place. We talked about his work, and I asked him what he wanted. 一两年之后,又一次我在那老地方发现托尼在等着我。我们谈到他的工作,而我问他他想要什么。 wenwen.soso.com 8. She was eager to meet people and see places I'd talked about, but it wasn't easy for her. 她非常渴望见见我跟她说过的人,看看我提到过的地方,但这对她而言并不容易。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Many pilots had talked about trying to make such a flight. But no one had done it. 许多飞行员已经讨论了这样的飞行,但没有一个人飞过。 www.bing.com 10. It was a warm, friendly meeting. They thought back over Jackson's years in the White House and talked about what had been done. 这些会面都非常友好和温馨,他们一起回顾了杰克逊在白宫的岁月,并谈论曾经所发生的一切。 www.bing.com 1. The president has talked about his desire to ease tensions between the United States and Russia. 奥巴马曾经表示,他希望缓解美国和俄罗斯之间的紧张关系。 www.voanews.cn 2. Economists, they thought, were people who talked about whether interest rates would go up or down even though they did not know. 在他们的心目中,经济学家是那些尽管不知道答案、却在那里讨论利率是升是降的人。 www.ftchinese.com 3. A second $200bn injection from the government, talked about more than a year ago, has so far failed to materialise. 第二笔2000亿美元的政府注资从一年多前就开始谈论,但至今尚未到位。 www.ftchinese.com 4. When people talked about her she become a sunny figure out of a comic, blundering about in a strange English world when she left the island. 当人们谈论她时,她成了一个快乐的戏剧性人物,离开这个岛屿后笨拙地生活在陌生的英格兰世界里。 kcpt.cidp.edu.cn 5. I'll buy you a parakeet! You know, the last time you were on the show, we talked about your opening clubs all over the country. . . 我会给你买一个鹦鹉!你知道,上次你上节目时,我们谈论了你在全国开设俱乐部… www.bing.com 6. We talked about Addie, and when the subject of her loan came up Dillon looked at Addie's house and shook his head. 我们谈到艾迪,当话题去到她的房贷时,迪尔隆盯着艾迪的房子并摇摇头。 word.hcbus.com 7. The way they talked about sex was just as casual as if they were talking about cheese. 她们像谈论奶酪一样随意谈论性。 www.ebigear.com 8. We've already talked about it a little but I feel it really comes into its own with ships. 我们已经初步的讨论过了,但我感觉应该深入舰船来具体的讨论一下。 bbs.52pcgame.com 9. The two men also talked about how technology used in space may be able to help relations between people on Earth. 两人还讨论了空间站上使用的科技如何帮助改善地球上人们之间的关系。 www.bing.com 10. Only a few Islamist bloggers talked about his case while most other bloggers, seemed to ignore his case. Probably because he was a cleric. 只有少数伊斯兰部落客谈到他的事情,多数部落客似乎忽略了他的案子,大概是因为他是神职人员。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 1. The two men also talked about how technology used in space may be able to help relations between people on Earth. 两人还讨论了空间站上使用的科技如何帮助改善地球上人们之间的关系。 www.bing.com 2. Only a few Islamist bloggers talked about his case while most other bloggers, seemed to ignore his case. Probably because he was a cleric. 只有少数伊斯兰部落客谈到他的事情,多数部落客似乎忽略了他的案子,大概是因为他是神职人员。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 3. Speakers from Telford's Labour-controlled council talked about its "urban heartland" , as if it were the Bronx. 来自特尔福德议会(由工党执政)的发言人大谈特谈其“城市中心地位”,搞得自己好像布朗克斯一样。 xiaozu.renren.com 4. The last battle report is not up to date with changes that are currently being talked about on the forums. 上个战报不是最新[版本]和我们目前在论坛上谈的改动[不一样]。 www.sc2c.com 5. They made dad-tables in their rooms and we talked about him constantly. How he had been ill, where he was now. 在他们的房间里做了很多跟爸爸有关的图表,我们也常常谈起他,他的病况,他现在的情况。 www.bing.com 6. When was the last time the White House talked about the "ownership society" ? (上次白宫谈及“产权社会”(ownershipsociety)是何时?) www.ecocn.org 7. These results left me wanting to know more about this rarely talked about deceit, so I called on some of my guy friends. 调查结果让我想知道更多关于男性假高潮的事情(这种事情很少被谈论),所以我叫了几个男性朋友来讨论。 www.bing.com 8. He flashes back to a conversation he had with Lincoln a few months ago, where they talked about the date of his execution. 镜头闪回到几个月前他和Lincoln的一次谈话,谈及执行死刑的日期。 www.bing.com 9. The method I talked about for learning English , however, seems to be almost obsolete today. 但是对于英语学习方法,我所说的东西在理论上已经远远落后。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 10. He talked about that thing as if he knew everything. 他像什么都懂似的谈论哪件事。 bbs.5i5i.cn 1. He talked about that thing as if he knew everything. 他像什么都懂似的谈论哪件事。 bbs.5i5i.cn 2. Even though this grey zone is always there, it is usually not talked about openly. 灰色区域总是存在的,不过我们通常也不会对其进行公开讨论。 www.infoq.com 3. "We talked about individual issues, and quite a wide range of them, " he said. “我们讨论了一些单独的问题,涉及面相当广泛。”鲍尔森说。 www.ftchinese.com 4. We talked about a wide variety of issues, and I found the Presidents review of our foreign policy challenges particularly insightful. 我们谈到了多个方面的问题。总统对我国外交政策所面临的挑战作了回顾,我发现他的见解极有洞察力。 www.bing.com 5. Don't volunteer private information about yourself unless you're prepared to be talked about behind your back. 最好不要把你的私人信息透露给他人,除非你准备好了被人谈论。 www.douban.com 6. It was not something she talked about frequently, but she brought it up on such special occasions as weddings or anniversaries. 她并不经常挂在嘴边,但她总在某些特殊场合提起,像婚礼、周年纪念日等。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. "There's always speculation, and when other big teams are talking about you, it's nice that you're talked about, " he said. “总有传言,有好多大球队对我有意。这是很荣幸的,”他说。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 8. Yesterday I talked about a mom who I believe did not handle the news of her daughter's pregnancy very well. 昨天我与一位母亲交谈了,我发现她并没有有妥善地处理好她女儿怀孕这件事。 www.elanso.com 9. In a wide-ranging interview, Turow talked about everything from his disagreements with Amazon. com to getting robbed at gunpoint. 在话题广泛的采访中,从反对亚马逊网站到被抢劫犯用枪指着头,特罗将一切娓娓道来。 www.bing.com 10. Others who talked about beautiful, how I wish they quickly changed the subject, or are always looking for an excuse to go away. 别人谈起谁谁漂亮时,我多么希望他们快转移话题,或者总是找个借口走开。 q.163.com 1. Others who talked about beautiful, how I wish they quickly changed the subject, or are always looking for an excuse to go away. 别人谈起谁谁漂亮时,我多么希望他们快转移话题,或者总是找个借口走开。 q.163.com 2. We talked about things you can find in department stores before beginning to read the book together. 在开始阅读这本新书的之前,我们讨论了杂货店里有哪些东西。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. A year ago News Corp executives talked about relaunching the site as an entertainment focused site. 一年前,新闻集团高管曾表示有意将MySpace改造成一家以娱乐内容为主的网站。 cn.reuters.com 4. e. g. Alan talked about Rome as if he were a Roman. 艾伦谈起罗马来好像他是个罗马人一样。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Nancy Pelosi talked about her background at a street-name-changing ceremony in her honor in Baltimore, Maryland. 佩洛西谈到她的背景,在美国马里兰州巴尔的摩她的荣誉,一个街道的名称改变的仪式。 bbs.maynet.cn 6. Your father talked about you a lot, he said spend time with you. 你的父亲经常谈起你,谈起和你在一起的时光。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. People referred to him as "Uncle Ted" , talked about "Stevens money" and voted him "Alaskan of the century" . 人们都叫他作“泰德叔叔”,都在谈论“斯蒂文斯金钱”,并且投票封他为“世纪阿拉斯加人”。 www.ecocn.org 8. But while China has talked about a property tax for years, it has never been implemented. 然而,尽管中国多年来一直在讨论物业税,但一直没有实施。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In my father's old age, when he could no longer walk and had lost his eyesight, I would sit with him as he talked about his life. 我父亲晚年的时候,他再也走不动了,视力也不行了。 www.bing.com 10. When he talked about his healthcare plan, the Democrat made a point of saying there would be coverage for Joe the plumber too. 当他谈到他的医疗保健计划时,这位民主党人再三强调说该计划也会使水暖工乔受益。 www.bing.com 1. silk hat was "the most talked about hat of the whole occasion" Harold Tilman, Chairman of the British Fashion Council, said on eBay. 英国时装协会主席哈罗德提尔曼在易趣网上说,这顶茶玫瑰色的丝绸帽子是“这场王室婚礼中最受关注的帽子”。 roll.sohu.com 2. One day we sat and talked about his childhood, and he told me of a formative experience. 有一天我们曾坐在一起谈论他的童年,他告诉我他的一个很有意思的经历。 www.putclub.com 3. M: Look--we've talked about this before. I really think your boss is taking advantage of you. 听著,我们之前就讨论过这个话题了,我真的觉得你的老闆在佔你便宜。 www.cc.ntut.edu.tw 4. While I'm here and going on about bad porn, let's go back to the title I talked about at the beginning of this editorial. 虽然我在这里与色情有关坏去,让我们回到我的标题提到在本年初的社论。 btao28.com 5. Fortunately, when Mayor Xu talked about strengthening government, he did not forget the option of rule of law. 所幸,在强调强势政府的同时,许市长并没有忘记法治这个选项。 tim.z.infzm.com 6. Those young people that you talked about, that "Bandstand" generation, were they inspired to think about their future in a different way? 您提及的那些年轻人,比如迪克·克拉克这一代人,他们是否也深受鼓舞,以一种新的眼光来考虑他们的未来? www.bing.com 7. "I've never really talked about that kind of stuff, and, very respectfully, I'm going to keep it that way, " he said. 不过一下又故布迷雾起来,“我其实从没谈过这些东西,并没有不敬的意思,我还会这样做。” www.bing.com 8. Again, really, why - I thought we talked about this last year. You think these people are really gonna believe that you're Steve Jobs? 你又犯了,真是的,为什么-我觉得我们去年就已经谈过这个问题了。你认为他们真的会相信你就是史蒂夫。乔布斯?。 qac.yappr.cn 9. Talked about his book: "God at the turn of that dream, type of access that the feeling that" point of view. 其书中讲了:“神之交谓之梦,形之接谓之觉”的观点。 www.cutpic.cn 10. He also talked about his recent absence from the England squad, and admitted his desire to be called to the team again. 他还谈到离开英格兰队的事,承认自己很想重回队伍。 www.mmap.com 1. I just cannot recall a specific conversation where Commissioner Monegan and I talked about this specific trooper. 我想不起摩尼根部长和曾经谈论过这名州警。 qac.yappr.cn 2. We have talked about one of the more complex experiments that lead to the belief that homing pigeons can tell directions by the sun. 我们已经讨论了导致这一信念的更复杂的一项实验,该信念认为信鸽可以凭太阳辨别方向。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. He talked about the day, So long ago, when he had brought Lucie, as a baby in his arms, from France to England. 他说起了多年前他把路茜抱在怀里从法国去英国那天的事。 www.kekenet.com 4. Even if it is too soon to assess the results, the fact of it being talked about so openly marks a change. 即使现在断定结果言之过早,但如此公开谈论肃贪的事实就是一种改革。 www.ecocn.org 5. Retreating to a bar at the Imperial Palace, we talked about a different mystery he had been pondering: the role words play inside the brain. 我们到帝国大厦的一个酒吧里找了个地方,谈到了他一直在思考的另一个非常神秘的事情:语言在大脑中扮演的角色。 www.bing.com 6. Only a few decades later, the teacher talked about lot of things that taste out of it slowly. 只有到了几十年后,老师讲的许多东西,才慢慢地品味出来。 enwaimao.cn 7. On most days, he would have been making a living while on some days, he could have laughed and talked about the old days. 大部分时间,他只能用来赚钱讨生活,只有偶尔,他有机会谈笑着回忆过去的美好时光。 tieba.56.com 8. He was, he said, extremely careful about where and when he talked about mob business. 他还说,他对于何时何地谈论黑帮事务都是非常谨慎。 dongxi.net 9. In what sort of light are they presented, represented or talked about? 他们提出,代表或谈论什么? www.bing.com 10. Just now I talked about the big-character poster . It is a question of method, a question of what method to use in fighting. 刚才讲大字报,这是个方式的问题,是取一种什么形式作战的问题。 www.jukuu.com 1. After several drinks, one of the men had to use the rest room. Those who remained talked about their kids. 喝了几杯酒后,其中一个去了休息室。剩下的人讨论起他们的孩子来。 wenwen.soso.com 2. I've talked about this sense of needing to "win" arguments more than once. 我不止一次谈过这个对于赢的需要感。 www.bing.com 3. We have talked about this matter by letter, and have decided to begin an official negotiation next month. 我们已经就此事进行函洽,并约定下月开始正式谈判。 www.nciku.cn 4. Over the past week or so buzz has continued to swell over the much talked about, but still unconfirmed Arrested Development movie. 在过去的一周左右,很多有关《发展受阻》电影版的讨论愈演愈烈,但结果始终没有确定。 www.elanso.com 5. Why did I not know about something so widespread in my ethnic community, until now? Probably because no one really talked about it. 为什么我直到现在才了解这些在我的种族区域广泛传播的疾病?可能是因为从来都没有人真正提及它吧。 www.bing.com 6. The deadliest quake of all time might be one of the least talked about, considering it occurred nearly 450 years ago. 考虑到这次历史上造成伤亡最多的地震发生在450年前,它可能是最少被谈及到的。 www.bing.com 7. The weather is often talked about by them. 天气总是被他们谈论。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Even if your topic has been talked about numerous times, you're still able to tell it from your point of view. 就算你的相关题目已经被讨论过无数遍,你还是可以有自己的相关见解可谈。 www.englishtown.com.tw 9. What was it that you talked about with the girl in blue when you were crossing the street yesterday afternoon? 昨天下午你在过马路时和那个蓝衣女孩在讨论什么啊? blog.sina.com.cn 10. And I talked about this throughout the entire campaign. 我在竞选的整个过程中也谈到这些。 www.ted.com 1. One doctor talked about his own dating difficulties, then asked, without a segue, if the patient was having any trouble urinating. 例如,一个医生一直在说他的约会困难,然后问道:如果没有事情,病人是否需要小便。 news.dxy.cn 2. "He has talked about the idea that we have to think about consumers, " she said. “他曾经谈到这个想法,说我们必须考虑到消费者的利益。”她说。 www.bing.com 3. I'm minoring in women and gender studies so it matters, and I talked about it quite a bit in my courses. 我的辅修专业是妇女和性别研究,所以注意这点,我在我修的课上谈了很多。 www.america.gov 4. In the front half century, all giants talked about meaninglessness , outrage, suffer, worry, terror, fear and anxiety. 前半个世纪的所有巨人都在谈无意义,愤怒,受难,忧虑,恐怖,害怕,焦虑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. This was something she was known for decades earlier when no one had ever talked about molecular genetic research. 这使她再数十年前就闻名了,那个时候,还没有人讨论过单细胞基因的研究。 www.elanso.com 6. The divorce was all my parents talked about, so not talking about it was a huge relief. 我父母对于离婚两个字谈不绝口,所以不谈这件事对我来说反而是巨大的放松。 www.bing.com 7. Having talked about all these problems and differences, some of you might be confused, disappointed or worried. 对中欧关系中存在的这些问题和差异,也许有人会感到彷徨、失望和担忧。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 8. The newsworthy part came afterward, in an on-court interview with KCAL TV, in which he talked about injured center Andrew Bynum. 最引人注目的事应该是科比在和灰熊比赛期间接受KCAL电视台采访时谈到了受伤的拜纳姆。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. When I told him the turbulent spot at Zhongshan Road (N) last night, he recalled his own youth and talked about Huang Chunming's novels. 当我说起昨夜的中山北路的骚动现场时,他回忆起自己的少年,说起了黄春明的小说。 www.elanso.com 10. For years he had talked about being cremated , but he made no provisions in his will , and his family opted for burial . 多年来一直有传闻说,他是被火化的,但其遗嘱中并没有提到这点,他的家人于是选择了土葬。 www.bing.com 1. N. B. All personally connected parties have made it clear from the start that they do not want to be talked about in this article. 所有关联方当事人从开始便明确表示不愿在文中被谈及。 www.bing.com 2. We talked about his toughest game, one that he had helped pull out of the fire to win the league championship. 我们谈到他最艰难的比赛--一场他帮助转败为胜的联盟冠军赛。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. He never talked about his having been interviewed by the reporter. 他从来没谈起过他被记者采访的事情。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 4. The group of kids talked about a funny story as they walked along when someone fell down on his face. 一群小孩子边走一边讲着笑话,突然之间,有个小家伙摔了一个嘴啃地。 www.24en.com 5. This paper summarizes several years of experience in water conservancy construction, quality control problems are talked about. 本文总结几年来水利工程施工经验,谈谈水利工程施工质量的控制问题。 lunwenfudao.com 6. JG: I don't know. We've talked about it a little bit. 我也不知道,但我们曾经讨论过。 www.bing.com 7. When she talked about good Mujahedeens and criminal Mujahed. Many deputies started to insult her and threaten her to kill or even rape her. 当她谈到善良的圣战游击组织成员以及其中的犯罪者,许多议员开始羞辱她,并威胁要杀死甚至强暴她。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 8. We talked about his childhood, and he gave me some pictures of his father and family to use in my biography. 我们聊到了他的童年,他给了我一些他的父亲和家人的照片,用在我写的传记中。 dongxi.net 9. My father talked about his brother and how much he loved him. 父亲讲了他弟弟的事以及他如何爱他 www.kekenet.com 10. Three days before the match against the Bianconeri, Clarence Seedorf talked about Juve's condition and the desire to break the Turin taboo. 和斑马军团的比赛还有三天,西多夫谈到了尤文的情况和自己对打破魔咒的渴望。 www.milanchina.com 1. When I gave my cause of failures lecture we talked about the heat in must equal the heat out, a very simple concept. 当我上关于失效的课是,我们谈论了进入的热量必须等于出去的热量,一个很简单的概念。 open.163.com 2. We talked about our work and about people and he asked me about people that we had not seen lately. 我们谈论我们的创作,谈起一些人,他还问我那些我们最近没有见到的人的情况。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. It's amazing that she talked about her last interview which is quite impressive about the details during the interview. 她这份工作的面试非常棒,令我印象深刻的是其中的细节。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. I remember that you made me draw that picture of my house, and I remember that we talked about Natasha. 我记得你让我画一幅我的房子的画,我还记得我们谈到了娜塔莎。 www.bing.com 5. I talked about a number of initiatives that came out of DevDiv to support interoperability this year. 我谈到了DevDiv在本年度提出的一些支持互操作性的计划。 blog.joycode.com 6. He was much troubled by this answer, and he talked about it to an old medicine-woman who knew many things. 因为女孩的回答,星孩非常苦恼。他去请教一位年纪很大的女巫医,她知道很多的东西。 www.dreamkidland.cn 7. So far, all I've talked about in Listing 1 are the JAX-RS annotations that set up the routing and data serialization for the service. 到这里,我只阐述了清单1中创建服务寻址和数据序列化的代码所用到的JAX-RS注释。 www.ibm.com 8. Bing gets talked about a lot, but I don't much like the results and Microsoft isn't any better in my mind than Google. Same with Yahoo. Bing被人们谈论了很多,但是我不喜欢他得出的搜寻结果,而且微软在我的印象里也不比Google好多少,雅虎也一样。 www.bing.com 9. "His roommate talked about ambient lighting, and Daniel had no idea what that was, " she said. “他室友谈到了环境照明,丹尼尔根本搞不懂那是什么东西,”她说。 cn.nytimes.com 10. No, that came from a story where a writer talked about a remix album of theirs and had an advance tape of it. 没那回事,倒是有一个作词家谈论过一张他们自己的混音专辑,他们也有一盒枪版磁带。 www.bing.com 1. She talked about the film as if she had really seen it. 她谈论那部影片,就好像她确实看过一样。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 2. Mao Yushi talked about the distribution of wealth and the question of taxation on that show as well. 茅于轼当时的节目里还讨论过财富分配和税收问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. We also talked about how we're probably going to screw it up every once in a while. 我们还讨论到我们可能常常会把事情搞砸了。 www.elanso.com 4. We talked about Iris then, too, but we also talked about silly things and found ourselves beginning to laugh. 除了谈起爱瑞丝,我们还会谈起一些自己做过的蠢事然后笑出声来。 www.bing.com 5. Cameron Purdy talked about the new features coming up in Java EE platform which includes the support for cloud computing. CameronPurdy在演讲中提到了JavaEE平台即将到来的新特性,其中就包含了对云计算的支持。 www.infoq.com 6. Today, I read a book, the book talked about how the formation of amber, amber shape was all about. 今天,我看了一本书,书里讲了琥珀是怎样形成的、琥珀的形状是怎样的。 gotofob.cn 7. Here are a few guidelines for married couples that Lea and I talked about and I'd like to share. . . 我和Lea讨论过一些有关已婚夫妇使用社交网络的准则,我愿意在这里与大家分享。 www.bing.com 8. After all, she had never talked about love, I would sincerely touched to her. Chen Mei I love you! 毕竟,她从未说过爱,我会用真诚感动她。陈梅,我爱你! 6bei.com.cn 9. That night, Henry and I talked about many different things, but mainly about her. The next day passed quietly. 那天晚上,亨利和我聊了许多事情,各种各样的,但主要谈的还是与她有关的事。第二天白天平静地过去了。 www.bing.com 10. Currently, creative cultural industry and pop cultural industry have been widely talked about all over the world. 今天,全世界都在大谈创意文化产业、流行文化产业的概念。 www.fabiao.net 1. For my final example code on performance, take a look at the widget I talked about in the very first article in the series (see Resources). 在我的最后一个关于性能的示例代码中,将查看我在本系列的第一篇文章中提到的小部件(见参考资料)。 www.ibm.com 2. He earned resounding cheers when he talked about the turns of history that had allowed "someone like me" to become America's president. 当他讲到允许“像我一样的人”称为美国总统是历史的转折时,全场再次欢呼。 www.bing.com 3. "They talked about the new strategy, including security, military and economic issues, " he said. 他们探讨了新的策略,包括安全,军事和经济发面的问题。 bbs.koolearn.com 4. The title of the article: The last big Hanryu star talked about his job, military service, his love and his private life. 记事:最后的韩流明星谈论他的事业,兵役,爱情和私人生活。 www.seunghunhome.com 5. Even her mother no longer talked about their connection with the noble d'Urbervilles. 就连她的母亲也不再谈论他们与高贵的德伯家族的关系了。 www.kekenet.com 6. Does he talk about the war? The camps? He never talked about it when I was a kid. 他有没有说战争的事儿?营地?我小时候他从没跟我说过这个。 www.bing.com 7. There's no such thing as the GoogleOS in reality - but despite that, it is one of the most talked about Web products. 实际上目前还没有Google操作系统这样的东西——但尽管如此,这也是最为被频频论及的网络产品之一。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. We talked about a lot of things, and then he told me that he wanted me to know that he'd always be there for me, even after Mother was gone. 我们聊了很多。他说,要让我知道,即使以后妈妈不在了,他都会永远支持我。 2005011029.blog.163.com 9. The other day I talked about the word garble and explained that at first it was used to mean to sort the wheat from the chaff. 以前我解释过garble(混淆)这个词,它最早的意思是将小麦从碎谷壳里分离出来。 www.bing.com 10. Some delegations talked about things that did not even exist like treaty on access to knowledge. 有些代表团在谈一些甚至不存在的事情,如关于获取知识的条约。 www.wipo.int 1. A gap year is now one of the most talked about phenomena of this millennium. 间隔年是这个世纪被谈论最多的现象之一。 www.hjenglish.com 2. Haiti's rural areas, he said, mostly rely on water from polluted mountain streams. He talked about the health impact. 海地的乡村地区主要依赖山中溪流,这些水已经受到污染了。伍德向我们阐释它对人们的健康将会产生怎样的影响。 ts.hjenglish.com 3. He was jealous of me, that's why he talked about me. 他嫉妒我,所以才会(在他的书中)谈到我。 www.ept-team.com 4. It's funny I spent my whole life wanting to be talked about, Was it all worth it? I guess I deserve it, How high are the stakes? 很可笑吧,我花费了我的一生去想被大家谈论,但是,所有这些都值得吗?我猜这是我应得的,可是这个代价有多大啊? music.douban.com 5. Today was his first day as a Biancoceleste player, and he talked about his motivation ahead of this new adventure. 今天是他作为蓝白军团球员的第一天,他谈到了面对新的冒险时他的动力。 www.laziofly.com 6. One crucial aspect we have not talked about if the fact that any overflow from the hotel gets automatically put into the apartments. 我们先前没有提到的一个关键问题是:在现实情况中,如果酒店客房已订满,剩余的客房预订将被自动转移到公寓部门。 www.kuaiyilin.com 7. Today, we talked about how you are speeding toward your great victory over the dark. 今天,我们谈论到你们在加速对黑暗的胜利。 apps.hi.baidu.com 8. 'We have talked about a peaceful future . . . that does not include a conflict between China and the United States, ' Adm. Mullen said. 穆伦说,我们曾谈到一个和平未来的构建,这样一个未来不包含中美之间发生冲突。 c.wsj.com 9. Pippo was his usual honest and serene being, as he talked about his form after recovering from the injury. 因扎吉如同他平时的坦言和平静,当他被问到她受伤后的状态的时候。 www.soccer-media.com 10. And during the meeting, President Obama talked about some other concerns as well. 在会议上,奥巴马总统也谈到了一些其他方面的担忧。 www.bing.com 1. But there's no question that her memoir is destined to be one of the most talked-about books of the season. 但她的这本书毫无疑问将是这个季度最具话题性的书籍之一。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. We just talked about this. He is so much cooler than our dads. 我跟钱德刚才还在说他比我们的爸爸酷多了 www.bing.com 3. OK, comets and asteroids. It might help if you think of. . . remember we talked about the two classes of planets in our solar system? 好,彗星和小行星,它们能帮到你记起…还记得我们讲过的太阳系中两类行星吗? bbs.xiaoma.com 4. We sort of bonded the last time and talked about dogs and clothes, girlie things. 上次我们谈论了许多美女之间的事情,象小狗,衣服等等。 www.yyets.com 5. She finally talked about calling Buddy and his new wife getting on the phone and she would tell the new wife to let her talk to Buddy. 她最后谈到了新的要求朋友和他的妻子在电话中获得,她会告诉新的妻子让她跟巴迪。 www.bing.com 6. At the end of this part, qualities of consumer protection legislation had been talked about. 在这部分的最后还介绍了消费者权益诉讼所具有的特点。 www.fabiao.net 7. I couldn't read her mind, of course, but I think I detected some uneasiness as she talked about these two ideas. 当然我是无法读到她的内心,但是我察觉出当她谈论这两个看法的时候有某些不自在。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. He talked about his research at the meeting of the American Chemical Society in San Francisco. 他已经在旧金山举行的美国化学学会会议上阐述了他的想法。 www.bing.com 9. A few weeks ago I talked about Now Do This and the Single-Tasking Philosophy . . . a to-do list with the ultimate simplicity that I love. 几周前我谈到了我很喜欢的一个程序《现在做到这一点,单任务哲学》,上面会开列出需要做的清单,非常方便。 www.bing.com 10. We've even talked about trying to get together over holidays. 我们甚至已经在计划假期如何一起度过。 www.bing.com 1. We talked about this a bit already in the course but we're going to concentrate on it today. 我们在这门课上已经讲过一点,不过我们今天要集中来讲。 open.163.com 2. If I had time, I'd like to help you with the project we talked about last time in your office. 如果我有时间,我愿意帮你做上次我们在你办公室里谈论的那个项目。 infos.edulife.com.cn 3. "My husband and I talked about what my role in this was, " Samantha Boardman, a graduate student, told me jokingly. “我丈夫和我谈起过我在这其中扮演的角色,”研究生SamanthaBoardman开玩笑地对我这样说。 dongxi.net 4. ONCE talked about the "iniquity of greed" with a Nigerian I met in London sometime in the 1980s. 1980年代,我在伦敦曾经遇到一个尼日利亚人,我们一度讨论过关于“贪婪的罪孽”这个命题。 www.bing.com 5. So let's first congratulate Wissner-Gross on getting himself and his company talked about all over the internet, including here. 所以先让我们祝贺Wissner-Gross使自己和他的公司在网络上被大家谈的轰轰烈烈,包括现在这篇文章。 www.bing.com 6. She talked about interesting stories from her workpoint in the production team. 她讲起了以前生产队记工分的趣闻。 www.nciku.cn 7. In her youth, she laughs, all celebrities had to do was "have themselves talked about in the gossip columns" . 昂山素季说她年轻的时候认为那些明星们做的所有事情无非是是为了“让自己的名字出现在八卦专栏上面”。 www.bing.com 8. It was to be a long time before Jem and I talked about Boo again. 从那以后,我和Jem很长时间都没再提及Boo。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. The BBC's Paul Adams, in Washington, says the president also talked about America's even longer conflict: the war in Afghanistan. BBC驻华盛顿记者保罗.亚当斯说,总统先生还提及了美国另一场更长时间的战争:阿富汗战争。 www.bing.com 10. "It is more talked about now than it used to be and I believe those are enduring concerns. " “他们现在对此讨论要比以前多。我相信,他们将长期关注此事。” www.ftchinese.com 1. Then, we have to put in the constraints we talked about earlier, which are called conditions in the policy document. 然后,我们在文档中制定我们之前所讨论的限制,这在策略文档中称为条件。 www.ibm.com 2. He talked about the need to balance the moral obligation to champion freedom while not getting swept up in self-destructive fervor. 他还谈到了要在担负起道德责任捍卫自由的同时注意不要陷入了那种自我毁灭式的热诚中。 dongxi.net 3. A German man and woman, their faces in close-up, talked about the good and essential symbiotic nature of termite mounds, with subtitles. 一个德国男人和女人的脸部特写镜头,他们在谈论白蚁堆美好而必要的共栖性特质,带字幕。 www.bing.com 4. Because Chelsea have been winning, no-one has talked about Mourinho's rotation. But so far, so good. 因为切尔西一直在胜利,所以没有人谈论穆里尼奥德轮换,但至少到现在为止,一切都很好! www.myshevchenko.com 5. He talked about the film as if he had seen it. 他谈论起那部电影就好像他已经看过了似的。 www.bing.com 6. Money management is one of the least talked about issues of family life. 金钱管理是一般家庭鲜少谈论的话题 wenku.baidu.com 7. Having talked about antitrust for a decade, for instance, China is only now debating a draft law. 例如,中国讨论反垄断问题已有10年之久,但直到现在才开始辩论反垄断法草案。 www.ftchinese.com 8. He told the they have sang Soviet songs and talked about life and he was in no doubt they have bright futures in Russia. 他告诉唱着苏维埃歌曲,并与其大谈人生,他在俄罗斯的前景一片光明是毋庸置疑的。 www.bing.com 9. We talked about my moves, my shot, and how all of the pressure I felt about my game was interfering with the rest of my life. 我们讨论我的步伐,我的投篮,还有在比赛里我感觉到的压力是怎样影响我的生活的。 bbs.zhibo8.com 10. So the first scholars who talked about this term said, well there's only one world religion, Christianity. 所以第一批提及这个称呼的学者说,只有一个世界宗教,那就是基督教。 open.163.com 1. Instead, she talked about RAM, ROM and the CPU, terms that spilled effortlessly from her mouth. 相反,她谈及随机存储器、只读存储器和中央处理器,这些术语毫不费力地从她口中讲出来。 huzhangao.blog.163.com 2. Now many corporation leaders have frequently talked about capital management, it seems that this is the essence of modern management. 如今许多企业领导已是开口必谈资本经营,似乎这才是现代管理的真谛。 www.lw23.com 3. We talked about the matter very often. 我们常谈起那事。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Roosevelt could also have talked about how legitimate fortunes can be made out of goods and services associated with vice. 罗斯福本来也可以说说怎么从与恶习挂钩的商品和服务中获得合法财富。 www.bing.com 5. It's also a critical part of the data binding framework -- remember that the last section talked about round-tripping. 这也是数据绑定框架中最困难的部分--想想上一节所述的往返。 www.ibm.com 6. Barker talked about her 2009 study , in which people's brain waves were tested before and after spending time with a dog. 巴克谈到了她在2009年的研究。在研究中,被测者会与一只狗待一段时间,在与狗相处之前和之后,他们的脑电波都会被检测。 www.hxen.com 7. My mother talked about how much she loved my father. 母亲则告诉我她有多爱我的父亲 www.kekenet.com 8. The most talked-about of the battery-plus-generator models is General Motors' Chevrolet Volt (to be sold in Europe as the Ampera). 为人谈论最多的电池加发电机的车型是通用的雪弗兰Volt(在欧洲的销售名为Ampera)。 www.ecocn.org 9. The most talked about limited nuclear war scenario takes the form of a "counterforce" attack. 人们谈得最多的有限核战争方式是发动一场所谓“针对军事力量”的袭击。 10. A few weeks before the election, Eisenhower made a powerful speech. He talked about ending the war in Korea. 艾森豪威尔在大选前几个星期,一个强大的讲话。他谈到在韩国战争结束。 www.maynet.cn |
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