单词 | the godhead |
释义 | 例句释义: 神格 1. You have yet to understand the magnitude of the Godhead, as your finite minds cannot be expected to grasp the concepts involved. 你还没有认识神性的规模,因为您有限的头脑不能指望掌握涉及的概念。 dwbbs.qiudao.net 2. The cosmology central to religious Hinduism is one in which the godhead is understood to be "dreaming" each of us. 印度教的核心宇宙观是将宇宙理解为一个神体,而我们每个人则是这神体做的梦。 www.bing.com 3. that it is his destiny from his birth to progress, even to eternity, toward the Godhead. 他一生下来,其命运就是进化,一直到永远,最后成为上帝。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Hence ye find the Godhead, to a consciousness of an individual in the earth plane, is three dimensions: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 因此你就会发现,在这地球平面的个体意识来说的上帝也是三维的:圣父、圣子、圣灵。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. They depicted the Black Sun - the godhead's inner light in the form of a cross. 他们描写了黑太阳——神性的内在的光在十字形物的形态里面。 chinaufo.com 6. The only true reality is in the godhead, cosmic Source, according to the masters of all time- proven religions. 根据经过时间检验的宗教大师们的观点,唯一真实的现实是在神性、宇宙之源之中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. 因为神格一切的丰满,都有形有体的居住在基督里面。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. We have seen that the fulness of the Godhead dwelt in Christ in order that Christ as the life of God might dwell in us. 我们看到上帝的丰盛,充充满满的在耶稣里面,为的是要耶稣丰盛的生命也能充满在我们心中。 www.glorypress.com 9. In this city Nobuyoshi Araki is the master, the godhead, the most famous practitioner of the national pastime. 在这座城市里,荒木经惟是大师,是上帝,是消遣娱乐业最著名的开拓者。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. How did each of the three persons of the Godhead (Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit) reveal themselves? 在这段描述中神性的三个位格(父,子,和圣灵)是如何显明的? www.gbicp.org 1. You will always have the full potential to return to the Godhead, and will never lose that link. 你们总是持有着全部的潜能来回归神的怀抱,并且永远都不会失去这个联系。 www.blogchina.com 2. Col. 2: 9 For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. 西二9因为神格一切的丰满,都有形有体地居住在基督里面。 edu.china.com 3. The origin of the Descending Sons is actually of God or the Godhead. 沉降之子的起源实际上是来自上帝或来自神性。 blog.163.com 4. And while there is life, there is the joy of the consciousness of the Godhead. 只要有生命,就有感应神灵的快乐。 novel.tingroom.com 5. The Three persons in the Godhead are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 神格中的三个身位,乃是父、子、灵。 www.gospel-news.org 6. To the Godhead now revealed, exposed. 面对着那正在显现、暴露的神性。 www.poemlife.com |
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