单词 | S Voice | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | S Voice
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 智慧语音,之声,语音功能 1. But it's always a thrill for a mother to hear that sort of excitement in her son's voice. 儿子语气中的兴奋之情总是让一个母亲惊喜。 video.2u4u.com.cn 2. 'We must burn the house down! ' said the Rabbit's voice; and Alice called out as loud as she could, 'If you do. I'll set Dinah at you! ' “我们必须把房子烧掉!”这是兔子的声音。爱丽丝尽力喊道:“你们敢这样,我就放黛娜来咬你们!” www.hjenglish.com 3. The sense of loss was evident in President Bush's voice, as he spoke of the passing of his former press secretary and friend. 当布什总统说道他以前的新闻秘书和朋友去世的时候,他的嗓音里有明显的失落。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. John Carker, with a sigh, was passing slowly out at the door, when his brother's voice detained him for a moment on the threshold. 约翰·卡克叹了一口气,正慢吞吞地走出门口,这时他弟弟的声音又把他在门槛上留住了片刻。 www.kekenet.com 5. Your father's voice sounds farther and farther away now as you clutch the Grammy close to your chest and squeeze your eyes shut. 在你把格莱美紧紧地搂在怀里并使劲地闭上眼睛时,你父亲的声音听起来越来越远了。 www.bing.com 6. This was the first sound of a man's voice I heard, my own (being) excepted, for three days. 除了我自己的声音以外,这是我三天以来第一次听到的人说话声。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. Ha-ha, I have no doubt that you' re a wonderful father. You know, you can tell alot from a person' s voice. 哈哈,我确信你是一位好父亲。你知道,你可以从一个人的声音中知道很多。 z.tougao98.com 8. Even when he was in the womb, Harold was listening for his mother's voice, and being molded by it. 早在哈罗德是子宫胎儿的时候,他就已经在聆听母亲的声音,并且日渐耳濡目染。 www.bing.com 9. Camping's voice was calm and seemingly rational , no doubt like those of the men and women briefing Obama. 康屏的声音平和,从表面上看人似乎也显得很理性,无疑就是给奥巴马作简报的那些男男女女的模样。 www.bing.com 10. Suddenly, amid all the hubbub of the gale, there burst forth the wild scream of a terrified woman. I knew that it was my sister's voice. 突然,在风雨嘈杂声中,传来一声女人惊恐的狂叫,我听出那是我姐姐的声音。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Snow's voice was not loud, it might be very small, do not listen carefully, is not heard it, and rain is not the same. 雪的声音不大,也可以说很小,不仔细听是听不到的,和雨是不一样的。 enwaimao.cn 2. Fannie found comfort in her mother's voice, but in the darkness behind them, the steps rang louder. 妈妈的嗓音给了范妮安慰,可黑暗中,就在她们后面,脚步声更响了。 www.bing.com 3. Everybody stared. What was the matter with Carlotta's voice? 众人面面相觑。卡洛塔的嗓音怎么了? www.kekenet.com 4. Although she recognized her boss's voice, in fifteen years she had never been awoken by him. 虽然她听出了是她老板的声音,但十五年来他从未在夜间打电话把她叫醒过。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Daily a voice would sound in his head, and his mind's voice would respond with an answer, while he labored at his endless task. 每天都有一个声音在脑海中响起,他的意识的声音将会回应,就在他陷身于那些无止境的工作中时。 min-soul.spaces.live.com 6. First, I thought it had to be lark's voice, but it wasn't so. The voice was male of Blue Rock Thrush singing at the outstanding point. 起初我还以为是云雀的叫声,其实不然。这颇具特点的叫声是雄性蓝矶鸫发出的。 www.italki.com 7. "All I wanted was just a little fun, " Harry's voice began to crack and he dissenigrated into heartrending sobs again. “我只是想找点乐子。”哈里的声音开始嘶哑,他整个人也再次陷入了悲痛的哭泣中。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. There was an increasing note of respect in the clerk's voice as she completed the form, stood up, and personally ushered me to the door. 那名办事员在填完表格后,站起来,切身把我送到门口。在这个过程中,她说话时流露出一股敬意。 www.kancaimi.cn 9. Another said, "The news might be false, but people's voice is real. " 另一条写道,“新闻可能是假的,但人民的声音是真实的。” cn.nytimes.com 10. He allegedly told police he had listened to a "ghost's voice, " which had urged him to kill his wife. 据称,他曾告诉警方,他听到了一个鬼魂的声音,让他杀死自己的妻子。 www.bing.com 1. Maybe your best friend's voice has changed, and you think you still sound like a kid with a high, squeaky voice. 也许你最好的朋友的声音已经变了,而你的声音听起来仍然是孩子般的明亮,依然咯咯吱吱的。 www.bing.com 2. Ogress heard it was the Sleeping Beauty and her children's voice and knew she was deceived. She was angry to be crazy nearly. 食人魔听出那声音是睡美人和她的孩子们,知道自己被骗了,她气得几乎发疯。 www.bing.com 3. He had a composer's voice. And he would invite eminent vocalists to his house, and sing them his operas, taking all the parts. 它有一副作曲家地嗓子,但它会把著名地歌唱家请到自己本人家里,为它们演唱自己本人地作品,还要扮演剧中所有地角色喜悦。 down.woyaozikao.com 4. Nature's voice is the voice of God, as long as an artist in his creative use of a little bit of echo. will be a high reward for his efforts. 大自然的声音是上帝的声音,一位艺术家只要在他的创作中运用一点点的回声,也会因他的努力得到很高的奖赏。 www.fabiao.net 5. "Studying for a prosperous and rising China " , Premier Zhou's voice seems to be upon our ears. “为中华之崛起而读书”,总理之言,犹在耳畔。 www.bing.com 6. "I followed the undying one. I lost my way. " The Summoner's voice was soft and dull, like that of a man who speaks in sleep. “我追寻亡灵来到这里,却迷失了方向。”召唤师的声音轻而干涩,仿佛睡梦中的呓语。 www.odyguild.net 7. Sucking in a different pattern would cause the child to hear another woman's voice. 而以另外的方式则会令他们听到别的妇女的声音。 www.bing.com 8. This went on for about 30 seconds. I then heard a woman's voice, it sounded like whimpering , as if she was pleading with someone. 这个过程又持续了半分钟,然后我听到了一个女人的声音,听上去像是在啜泣,好像在恳求别人一样。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. But the Nightingale's voice grew fainter, and her little wings began to beat, and a film came over her eyes. 但是,夜莺的声音却越来越微弱。她的翅膀开始扇动,一道掠影闪过她的眼睛。 www.bing.com 10. For a moment, he thought he heard a woman's voice. . . the wisdom of the ages. . . whispering up from the chasms of the earth. 好一会儿,兰登感觉他听到了一个女人的声音……在那些世纪里存留的智慧,从大地的裂口中,悄声响起。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. But the girl's voice was in his ear, beseeching him in such tones of agony to remember her, that he had not the heart to utter it. 然而,南希的声音在他耳旁响了起来,那声音恳求自己别忘了她的话,语气是那样痛苦,奥立弗没有勇气喊出声来。 novel.tingroom.com 2. And Jacob went near unto Isaac his father; and he felt him, and said, The voice is Jacob's voice, but the hands are the hands of Esau. 雅各就挨近他父亲以撒。以撒摸着他,说,声音是雅各的声音,手却是以扫的手。 www.crazyenglish.org 3. The woman's voice was calm and deliberate, as though she were talking a suicide away from the edge of a cliff. 女人的声音从容而谨慎,好像是在说服一个悬崖边企图自杀的人放弃自杀一样。 group.lehu.shu.edu.cn 4. Wu-zi Xu was about to tell the reason, suddenly, a woman's voice came from outside. It was Zhuan Zhu's mother. She was home now. 伍子胥正欲说出原由,忽地,外头传来一把妇女之声。原来,是专诸母亲回家来了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Clinton s voice was hoarse, she coughed occasionally and seemed to be nursing a cold, but she made no mention of her health. 克林顿声音嘶哑,她有时咳嗽,看上去正患感冒,但她并未提及自己的健康状况。 www.tryjohn.com 6. Gerald's voice was strangely quiet and he spoke slowly as if drawing his words from a store of thought seldom used. 杰拉尔德的声音出奇地平静,他慢吞吞地说着,仿佛是从一个很少使用的思想匣子里把话一字一句地抽出来似的。 www.for68.com 7. "Right, the twins, " Kugelmass said, closing the bathroom door and shutting out the sound of his wife's voice. “是啊,那对双胞胎,”库马思说道,关上浴室的门,隔离掉他老婆的说话声。 20060408.blogbus.com 8. "Not here. No son should have to bear witness to his mother's shame. " Ser Kevan's voice was harsh. "Cover her up. " “不在这里。哪个儿子都不该承受目睹他母亲受辱这种事。”凯冯爵士的声音非常刺耳。“把她盖起来。” www.cndkc.net 9. It's not just a matter of hearing God's voice; it's also a matter or responding. Hearing is not enough. You have to act as well. 这不仅是聆听上帝声音的事情,而且也事关响应。光听是不够的,你得付诸行动。 www.bing.com 10. Suddenly Polly felt a rough hand brush her face and a man's voice close to her ear, said 'Sorry. ' 忽然,波莉觉得有一只粗糙的手拂了一下她的脸,随即就有一个男人的声音在她耳边响起:“对不起。” www.yzjjw.net 1. The warrior's voice was thick with the intensity of his feelings and his knuckles were white as he clutched his sword. 战士的嗓音随着他情绪波动,显得低沉而有力,他的手指关节因为紧紧抓着剑柄而发白。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Before closing her eyes, her mother's voice rang in her ears. 在闭眼睡觉之前,她听见妈妈的声音。 www.bing.com 3. He closed his eyes and heard his mother's voice. 闭上眼睛,他听到了母亲的声音。 www.bing.com 4. The haunted, Aphex Twin-sampling "Blame Game" bottoms out with a verse in which Kanye's voice is sped up, slowed down and stretched out. 那首萦绕心头,采样了AphexTwin的“BlameGame”随着一段词句走出低谷,其中,Kanye的声音被加快,放慢,亦拉长。 www.bing.com 5. And I heard a man's voice between the banks of Ulai, which called, and said, Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision. 我又听见乌莱河两岸中有人声呼叫说,加百列阿,要使此人明白这异象。 www.ebigear.com 6. The old man still did not understand, but he seemed to like the sound of Lucie's voice and the touch of her warm young hand on his. 老人仍旧不明白,但却似乎很喜欢路茜的声音以及她年轻温暖的手触摸他的手。 www.okread.net 7. Suddenly Lord Foster's voice wavers and his eyes appear to redden with tears. "But I think I would be more proud of them. " 突然,福斯特勋爵的声音颤抖了起来,他眼眶发红,眼中泛着泪光。“但我想,我更为他们感到自豪。” www.ftchinese.com 8. McCloy has responded to his wife's voice , even squeezing her hand . 麦克洛伊已经可以回应妻子的呼唤,有时还能捏捏她的手。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Patients are, though, still able to hear the dentist's voice because not all sounds are filtered out. 尽管如此,病人还是能听到牙医的声音,因为并非所有的声音都被过滤了。 www.bing.com 10. Lee Eun-remember, there is a ray of her mother's voice hoarse, spoke very slowly, like singing the same old songs. 李银记得,妈妈的嗓音有一丝嘶哑,说起话来很缓慢,就像唱着老歌一样。 bookapp.book.qq.com 1. It continued to master the finest clothes, with the nose or master's voice, simply to drag him back to the height of nearby safe areas. 它一路咬着小主人的衣服,间或用鼻子拱着小主人,硬是将他给拽回了附近高处的安全地区。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Google's Voice Search, which launched on cellphones in 2008 and was added to the desktop in June, seems like such a simple proposition. Google2008年启动了手机客户端语音搜索,并在6月份添加到了桌面客户端。一切看似十分简单。 dongxi.net 3. Her speaking voice was thin, light and high, an ant's voice, as she thought of it. 发言时,她声音变得又细又尖又轻,“像蚂蚁一样”。 english.xv88.net 4. It is a woman's voice, but it sounds as though it comes drifting toward us across some vast and unbridgeable distance. 这是一个女人的声音,听起来却恍如穿越了浩瀚的时空,飘然而至。 www.bing.com 5. The baby, upon hearing his mother's voice, let out a cry and burst into tears. 那孩子听到母亲声音,哇的一声,大哭起来。 bbs.oralpractice.com 6. I heard a sort of choking murmur and part of a laugh, followed by Daisy's voice on a clear and artificial voice. 我听到传来一阵哽咽似的低语声和一点笑声,接着是黛西嘹亮而做作的声音。 www.jukuu.com 7. Solomon's wife said that her husband's voice was sweet to her and she longed to be with him (Song of Solomon 2: 14). 所罗门的妻子说,她丈夫的声音是那么的甜美,她渴望时时刻刻跟他在一起(雅歌2:14)。 www.gzwulong.net 8. Trying to read your broker's voice is a sign of insecurity, a common state for beginners. 听经纪人的话说明你感觉不安全,这是新手的普遍特征。 www.bing.com 9. Jim's voice trailed off with a quick shake of his head. 吉姆的拖长了声音与他的头快速震动。 www.englishtang.com 10. At last Ralph induced him to hold the shell but then the blow of laughter had taken away the child's voice. 拉尔夫示意他拿起海螺,可随之一阵笑声淹没了小男孩的声音。 www.jukuu.com 1. As the choir director prepared for the Christmas cantata, she felt that Bob's voice and style made him a natural for the lead role. 当诗班指挥开始准备圣诞节所要献唱的清唱剧时,她认为鲍伯的声音及风格较适合担任主唱的角色。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 2. 'Let me out! 'he shouted from the cellar, when he heard Mr Bumble's voice. 'I'm not afraid of you! ' “让我出去!”他听到了班布尔先生的声音时,在地下室叫喊着,“我不怕你!” www.iamlk.cn 3. "Whore! " someone cried out. A woman's voice. Women were always the cruelest where other women were concerned. “妓女!”一个人喊道。女人的声音。女人总是在另一些女人倒霉的时候最残酷。 www.cndkc.net 4. Was I dreaming? What was happening? The old woman's voice had changed and become as familiar to me as my own. 我在做梦吗?出什么事了?老妇的声音变了,变成了与我自己的一样熟悉的声音。 www.chinaedu.com 5. This time, Michelle heard the urgency in her mother's voice. She ran over. 这次,米切尔听出母亲话中的急迫,她跑了过去。 www.bing.com 6. Sam's voice was the only one that made sense in the chaos, perhaps because my ear was against his chest. 山姆的声音是混乱中唯一能听清的,也许是因为我就靠在他胸前。 bookapp.book.qq.com 7. Then a couple of rows to my left, I heard a still calm voice, a woman's voice, speaking in an absolutely normal conversational tone. 后来,在左边几排远的地方,我听到了一个从容依旧的声音,一位女性的声音。 www.ebigear.com 8. He thought that if a wire could carry vibrations, it could surely carry a man's voice, Bell kept working at it, . 他认为,如果电线可进行振动,它可以进行一定一名男子的声音,贝尔保持工作,。 wenwen.soso.com 9. As the old lady's voice grew weaker, the solicitor inclined forward in an attempt to catch her last words. 老太太的声音愈来愈微弱,律师向前欠着身子,试图听清她的临终遗言。 www.websaru.com 10. Tony's voice was flat, but his hands were putting the steering wheel in a choke hold. 托尼的声音波澜不惊,但他的双手却把方向盘抓得紧紧地。 www.bing.com 1. ' said Catherine's voice at my elbow: I had been over intent on watching the pair outside to mark her entrance. 在我的身旁发出了凯瑟琳的声音。我专心看外面这一对,竟没有注意她进来。 putclub.org 2. The actor's voice xue you to a talent, the first few words really put me to lay too simple, sometimes naive, can feel younger age 20. 给学友配音的演员真是个人才,开始的几句话着实把我雷到了,很傻很天真,感觉能年轻个20岁。 en.cnxianzai.com 3. We could hear the children's voice in the garden. 我们能够听见花园里孩子们的说话声。 wenku.baidu.com 4. The boy's voice is beginning to crack at the age of puberty. 这男孩子的嗓音在发育期开始变得粗声粗气。 www.bing.com 5. But he couldn't remember the sound of his brother's voice, the lines of his mother's face, or the color of his father's eyes. 但他记不起他兄弟声音的语调、他母亲面部的轮廓、还有他父亲眼睛的颜色。 www.bing.com 6. "No, it's going to be the kind of dog you can have fun with, " said his Master's voice. “不,是那种可以跟你玩的狗狗,”主人的声音响起。 www.bing.com 7. She knew that it was something in Gabriel's voice that had caused Florence, suddenly, to be so wary and so tense. 她知道,是加布里埃尔的话音中的某种东西使弗洛伦斯突然间变得如此审慎和紧张。 8. I can download the audio stream and fill our living room with Dr. King's voice--such is the amazing technology to which we have access. 我可以下载音频,让我们的客厅充满金博士的声音——这就是我们拥有的神奇技术。 www.bing.com 9. His mother's voice in the corridor roused him from an angry trance. 穿过过道时,他母亲的声音将他从愤怒的失魂落魄中唤醒。 dict.veduchina.com 10. During their transatlantic calls, Clive recognized his wife's voice and would immediately tell her he loved her. 在越洋电话中,克莱夫听出了妻子的声音而且立刻就告诉妻子他爱她。 www.bing.com 1. They arrived at twilight, and, as we strolled out among the sparkling hundreds, Daisy's voice was playing murmurous tricks in her throat. 他们在黄昏时刻到达,然后当我们几人漫步走到几百名珠光宝气的客人当中时,黛西的声音在她喉咙里玩着呢呢喃喃的花样。 dict.veduchina.com 2. It will ensure that Britain's voice is very loud and clear. It will ensure that we will remain, as I wanted to be, at the heart of Europe. 这位首相说:“这将确保英国的声音清楚而明白,也将确保我们会正如我想要的那样继续留在欧盟的核心。” www.bing.com 3. "It was Edward's mother who made up my mind. " Carlisle's voice was almost a whisper. He stared unseeingly out the black windows. “是爱德华的母亲令我下定了决心。”卡莱尔的声音小得近乎耳语。他盯着窗外的一片漆黑。 bookapp.book.qq.com 4. Did you want to speak with me ? It's voice mailbox to turn . Unfortunately , my head excessive expansion . I can't understand your means! 你要跟我说话吗?转为语音信箱了。可惜脑袋过度膨胀,听不懂你讲话了。 www.bing.com 5. A woman who told police she was hearing the devil's voice was found guilty Wednesday of fatally stabbing her two youngdaughters. 一位告诉警方听到魔鬼的声音女子在星期三因致命刺伤她的两个年幼的女儿被判有罪。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The song is quite melancholic at the beginning, but Mike's voice is being stronger and stronger under guitar's strings by the end. 这首歌很忧郁的开始,但迈克的声音正在强大,在吉他的弦有力的结束。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Likewise, estrogen and progesterone influence a woman's voice as well as her body dimensions, which can indicate her reproductive status. 同样的,雌性激素和黄体酮也影响女性的声音和身材,这也暗示了繁殖能力。 www.bing.com 8. Tomy claim the gadget analyses a dog's voice through a wireless microphone attached to its collar and then displays its emotions. 据称,这种翻译器能够检测狗狗的声音、并通过狗狗身上的项圈分析出狗狗的情绪。 www.hjenglish.com 9. I think they abandoned this child, and then after a while, I heard the sparrow's voice, walk over there to see, amazing scene! 我认为它们放弃这个孩子了,又过了一会儿,我听见小麻雀的叫声,就走过去看,惊人的一幕! www.tradeask.com 10. You wait for the sound in the other person's voice that lets you know nothing has changed. 你在等着那个能让你知道一切都没有变的声音。 www.bing.com 1. The sky, the smell of lake water, the sound of Ron's voice were extinguished: Pain cleaved Harry's head like a sword stroke. 天空、湖水的气味和罗恩的说话声突然消失了,疼痛像剑一般刺进哈利的脑袋。 okread.net 2. Thinking I had the wrong apartment, I apologized only to hear my girlfriend's voice call from the background: "Baby, who's there? " 我以为我敲错了门,道了歉正准备离开的时候,我听到了我女朋友的声音——“宝贝,是谁啊?” www.kongduan.com 3. Businessmen, in increasing numbers, are purchasing new machines that hook up to the telephone and analyze a caller's voice. 越来越多的商人正购置连接在电话机上、能剖析来电者声音的新机器。 www.ebigear.com 4. Mao Amin's voice touched people's hearts, songs like sad like joy, only experienced years of age that had everything one could sentiment. 毛阿敏的歌声打动着人们的心,歌曲似悲似喜,只有经历过那过岁月年代的人能感悟一切。 www.dota123.com 5. The sound of our informant's voice directed him to the library: he entered, and motioning him out, shut the door. 向我们报告的人的声音把他引到书房来;他进来了,作个手势,叫他出去,关上了门。 wap.putclub.com 6. Ok, but did you know that a fetus can distinguish its mother's voice from that of other females before it's even born? 嗯,不过你知道吗,出生前的胎儿能够分辨出自己妈妈的声音与其他女性的声音的不同。 ts.hjenglish.com 7. Dessalle's voice was heard at the door asking whether Nikolushka might come in to say good-night . 门外传来德萨尔的声音,他问,可不可以让尼古卢什卡进来道晚安。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. "No one, " Dr. McCullough says, "can be a bigger expert on a parent's voice than a former teenager trained in the same household. " “没有人”,麦克科鲁尼医生说,“没有人能比在同一个家庭中成长的子女更清楚父母的声音”。 www.bing.com 9. Matt: A sexy voice? You need to swim to the abyssal zone. The witch who took the little mermaid's voice would give you what you want. 性感的声音?你得游到海底深处。那个把小美人鱼声音夺走的巫婆肯定会给你想要的。 www.bing.com 10. There was no video image accompanying the recording of Mr. Mubarak's voice. 这份声明并没有穆巴拉克的图像,只有声音。 www.bing.com 1. She heard her mother's voice, and approached slowly through the forest. 她听到了她母亲的呼唤,慢慢穿过树林走了过来。 www.hjenglish.com 2. A man's voice is usually lower than a woman's. 男子的嗓音通常比女子的低。 wenwen.soso.com 3. I await someday I could shake off the trifles and stay at the temple to enjoy the Brahma's voice and learn the sutras of the Buddhism. 我很期待有一天能放下一切,在寺院宁静的环境中好好聆听佛法,学习佛经梵音的唱诵。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Girlfriend voice refers to the change in pitch or tone in a man's voice when talking to his significant other. 女友专用调指男士在跟自己的“某人”说话时声调和语气上的变化。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The poet's voice need not merely be the record of man , it can be one of the props , the pillars to help him endure and prevail. 诗人的声音不应只是人类的记录,而应是使人类永存并得到胜利的支柱和栋梁。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. "What is the matter with Rabi's voice? " they exclaimed. “罗宾的声音怎么啦?” www.bing.com 7. It's the desperation in Charlotte's voice that decides he isn't in the mood for one of her crises. 是夏洛特声音里的绝望让他决定,他没情绪应付她的危机。 www.bing.com 8. It was a woman's voice, a gentle voice, so gentle that it was mournful. 那是一个女人的声音,一种柔和得叫人听了感到悲切的声音。 www.ebigear.com 9. But telling me all this, Rosie's voice gradually tails off and she shakes her head sadly. 说着这些,罗西得声音越来越小了,不住的伤心的摇着头。 www.bing.com 10. Dr. Marsha: I have no doubt that you're a wonderful father. Y'know, you can tell a lot from a person's voice. 玛莎医生:我确信你是一位好父亲。你知道,从一个人的声音中会发现很多。 bbs.netat.net 1. When the dust of death has choked a great man's voice , the common words he said turn to oracles . 死亡使一个伟人的声音沉寂之后,他生前平淡无奇的话,都成了至理名言。 www.bing.com 2. The cheery quality of Ford's voice was beginning to grate on the barman's ears. 福特声音中的愉悦成分激怒了酒吧男侍的耳朵。 www.bing.com 3. Mr Medvedev , speaking with his master's voice , now repudiates the laws and institutions of that order . 如今,梅德韦杰夫用其导师的口吻,摈弃了这种秩序下的规则与制度。 www.bing.com 4. And I didn't know how people would react to a woman's voice dealing with these issues of love. 我不知道听众听到一个女主持谈论爱情话题会有什么反应。 www.zftrans.com 5. Bogey 's voice is breaking. When he speaks he rushes up and down the scale. 伯格的声音时断时续,他边说话边在台阶上来回奔跑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. How good it was to hear a man's voice again! 重新听到人的声音是多么美妙啊! www.kekenet.com 7. Actually Luciana Souza's voice soars throughout this CD, and she invites her listeners to fly with her. Great music! Highly recommended! 其实露西苏扎的声音矗立整个裁谈会,并邀请她的听众,她飞往她。伟大的音乐!强烈推荐! dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Before I could answer, I could hear a woman's voice saying "Is that someone at the door Henry? " 我还没来得及回答,就听见一位妇女的声音问,“有人在外面吗,享利?” blog.sina.com.cn 9. Then Ostap heard the trampling of hooves as two riders galloped up, and a young woman's voice calling for the blacksmith. 后来,奥斯塔普就听到嘚嘚的马蹄声,是两个骑手在策马飞奔,一个年轻女人的声音在叫着铁匠。 www.douban.com 10. Tremont's voice came out of the hole, sounding hollow and dead. 崔门的声音从洞中传出来,听起来有种空洞和死亡的感觉。 novel.tingroom.com 1. In many countryside of china, men still hold the power of a clan as past, women's voice always not be heard. 在中国的许多农村,男人依然和以前一样把持宗族权力,女性的声音通常会被忽略。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The hand is easy to manage hamster, do not take a place, no infringement is opposite, another night would have teeth cage's voice. 仓鼠的一方面是容易管理,不占地方,不扰民,另一个反面是夜里会有嗑笼子的声音。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. If you feel you need to hear your friend's voice, don't hesitate to pick up the phone. 如果你觉得想要听听朋友们的声音,别犹豫,赶快拿起电话吧。 fcbyxjys.cn21edu.com 4. fetus can distinguish its mother's voice from that of other females before it is even born. 婴儿在娘胎里,就能分辨自己妈妈和其他女性的声音了。 www.putclub.com 5. 'Jack, let's go home. I feel uncomfortable. ' Molly's voice drags him out of the book. ‘杰克,咱们回去吧,我有些不舒服。’茉莉的声音把他从书中拉出来。 blog.163.com 6. Democratic communities need transparency and a mechanism so everyone's voice can be heard. 民主化的社区需要透明度和机制,从而人人都能表达意见。 www.america.gov 7. The sound is taping the south moisture and warm, if the child's voice is limpid , for human one kind both pure and beautiful feeling. 声线带着南方的湿气和温暖,如童声般清澈,给人一种既单纯又妖艳的感觉。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. "After several tests, we decided to put Lin Miaoke on the live picture, while using Yang Peiyi's voice, " he told the radio station. 他告诉广播台,“在几次试验后,我们决定让林妙可出现在现场直播的画面上,而使用的是杨配宜的声音。” www.bing.com 9. Peter spoke into his radio. Patsy heard Peter's voice. She pressed the CALL button on her radio. 彼得对这对讲机说话。帕特西听到了彼得的声音,她按了一下呼叫按钮。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. It is better to say that their open voice is refused than to say that women's voice is refused to upbraid. 与其说女性的声音遭到拒斥,不如说她们公开的声音遭到拒绝。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Then she pulled out the bear's voice box, attempted to crush it with her shoe and ultimately ran it over with her car. 然后,她把泰迪熊里的发声盒拔了,想用鞋子把盒子踩烂,不过最后开车碾才算了事。 www.ttxyy.com 2. Gerard's voice was hoarse. "I'm allergic to dogs, " he said. 杰拉德用沙哑的声音说,“我讨厌狗”。 www.bing.com 3. A youth's voice breaks, for instance, and his beard begins to grow, when the hormones from his sex glands. 例如男生都经过变声期,会长胡须,这是因为从性腺中分泌出。 g5.baidu.com 4. A park ranger's voice softens as he talks of a boyhood creek in Louisiana where he swam and fished. 一位守林人谈起他孩提时在路易斯安那故乡的小溪里游泳、钓鱼时,语调便柔和起来。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Jack's voice was soft but tight. "At least not until we interrogate him. " 杰克的声音柔和却毫无回旋余地,“至少得先让我们审问他。” www.bing.com 6. At a time of Republican discord, Mr Huckabee's voice soothes. 在共和党内部争吵之际,赫卡比先生的声音出现,平息纷争。 www.ecocn.org 7. As they stared at each other, Harry heard Dudley's voice from the hall. 他们对视着,哈利听到达力的声音从门厅传来。 www.kekenet.com 8. But it was enough that Jessica's voice cracked in panic as she called after me. 但就足以让杰西卡喊住我的声音因害怕而破音。 bookapp.book.qq.com 9. As they giggled, Gonzaga's voice came over the intercom, announcing the end of the session. 在他们咯咯傻笑的时候,贡扎加的声音从对讲机中传来,宣布这一段的题目结束了。 www.bing.com 10. The speaker's voice did not reach to the back of the hall. 演讲人的声音达不到礼堂的后边。 chinafanyi.com 1. When in the flush of such feelings he heard his wife's voice. 当他正在这么一往情深的时候,听到了他老婆的话语声。 dict.v.wenguo.com 2. The pained animal's voice rasped on Scarlett's nerves until she was tempted to stop and untie the beast. 那凄惨的叫声使得思嘉莉特神经一根根地竖起来,几乎要跳下车将这动物放掉。 3. The false child began to cry softly in its lizard's voice, and the girl kissed its face. 假孩子开始用他那蜥蜴般的声音小声地哭了起来,姑娘亲吻了一下它的脸。 www.bing.com 4. Please fill up from the front; the speaker's voice won't carry to the back. 请从前排坐起。演讲人的声音传不到后面去。 www.qjmz.com 5. "Come on, open up, it's your father, " said the merchant's voice. 门外传来商人的说话声:“开门,开门啊,我是你爸爸。” www.dreamkidland.cn 6. Something inside of John was touched by the boy's voice. He silently mouthed to the clerk that he would pay for the boy's roses. 约翰内心的某些东西被男孩的声音触碰了。无声地用口型告诉店员他来支付男孩想买的玫瑰的钱。 www.kekenet.com 7. and I would put attention on singing of difficult ones, grasping the motion through the singer's voice. 至于那些难度较大的歌,我会把注意力放在歌手的演唱上,通过歌手的声音去感受那份情感。 iask.sina.com.cn 8. It is because China is having a greater influence in international affairs and the world is willing to hear the country's voice. 这是由于中国在全世界事物中越来越有影响力,世界将倾听中国的声音。 page.renren.com 9. "Erica, can I come in? " Talen's voice said from the other side of the door. “埃里卡,我可以进来吗?”塔伦的声音说,从门的另一边。 www.fnovel.com 10. One heard the witch's voice, she loosened her braids, put in a window around the top hook, and then down to 20 meters. 一听到女巫的叫声,她便松开她的发辫,把顶端绕在一个窗钩上,然后放下来二十公尺。 blog.kz-school.net 1. However, do not worry, it's already installed package includes Microsoft's voice program. 不过,不用担心,在它的安装包中已经包含了微软语音程序。 download.csdn.net 2. His ' eureka ' moment was realising that Siri's voice control could be used to 'talk' to the set. 乔布斯的突破性发现正在成为现实,人们将能够使用Siri语音控制和电视“对话”。 bbs.51ielts.com 3. There was a loudspeaker on the wall. From it came the boss's voice. 墙上有一个播音器,从那个播音器里传出了老板的声音。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. "Don't worry. " Tala's voice was there again, unexpectedly, in her ear. "I'll love them. " “别担心”出人意料地、耳边再次传来塔拉的声音,。“我会喜欢它们的” blog.sina.com.cn 5. Once, after the nurses had gone for the day, I heard the sound of Mom's voice coming from her room. 有一回,护士们一天工作结束离去后,我听到妈妈的话音从她卧室传来。 www.jukuu.com 6. he heard somebody whimpering from a classroom up ahead. As he drew closer, he heard Quirrell's voice. 听见有人在前面的教室里抽抽搭搭地哭泣。他走近几步,听出是奇洛的声音。 www.kekenet.com 7. Mr Geithner's voice was only one of many and probably not decisive. 盖特纳的声音只是许多声音中的一个,可能并不响亮。 www.ftchinese.com 8. grandmother, you sing so good, the Lyrics also well . grandmother's voice like the singer. 奶奶你唱的太棒了,词写的也好.奶奶声音就想歌唱家。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Whispered the great god, the deity's voice resonating with an unfathomable rumble of power. 伟大的神低声说道,低沉的声音,莫测高深的在他耳边回荡。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Her mother's voice brought her back to earth. 母亲的声音使她从幻想中清醒过来。 bbs13.xilubbs.com 1. Luckily, in the search for new materials and properties, nature's voice can still be heard over the din of our prejudices. 幸运的是,在寻找新材料及性质的过程中,大自然的声音仍然可以在我们的喧嚣声中浮现。 dict.kekenet.com 2. When baby phonate, parents can repeat children's voice, and looked at the baby face smiling. 当婴儿出声时,父母也可以重复儿童的声音,并望着婴儿的脸蛋微笑。 www.xstfcyy.com 3. Chewie's voice was a combination of numerous animal sounds from Sound Designer Ben Burtt's personal library. 丘仔的嗓音是声音设计师本·伯特从个人收藏的许多动物声音合成而来的。 www.starwarsfans.cn 4. After answering the telephone, which was a middle-aged man's voice talking, he said, " small tooth! " . 接起电话后,里面是个中年男人的声音在说话,他说,“小牙!”。 www.bing.com 5. My heart's voice penetrates all worlds without translation as a sub-photonic light and inter-dimensional vibration that produces sound. 我的心的声音穿透不作为子光子光,跨维振动产生的声音翻译所有的世界。 apps.hi.baidu.com 6. Actually, the pitch of a person's voice may hold clues to a mate's potential for hanky-panky, suggests new research. 一项最新研究表明,其实根据一个人说话的音高就可以找到对方耍花招的蛛丝马迹。 www.bing.com 7. The voice would ask a simple question, and his mind's voice would answer. 那个声音会问一个简单的问题。他的意识会回答。 min-soul.spaces.live.com 8. For once Roose Bolton's voice was loud enough to carry. 这一次卢斯·波顿的声音足够响亮。 www.cndkc.net 9. Yusuf's voice came out of the darkness. 优素福的声音从黑暗中传来。 www.bing.com 10. But in a world where protest often fizzles down to nothing, or tails off to a whimper, we need Ruskin's voice. 然而倘若一个世界,反抗总是被慢慢镇压最后悄无声息,抑或只留下悲戚,此时我们是很需要路斯金的言论的。 www.bing.com 1. What terrified her even more was the sound of Bluebeard's voice echoing down the hall! 而更令她惊骇的是大厅那边竟然响起蓝胡子说话的回声! mysearch.100e.com 2. Russia's biggest retail bank is developing an ATM with a built-in lie detector that senses emotionalstress in a customer's voice. 俄罗斯最大的商业零售银行正在开发一款内置测谎仪的ATM,测谎仪能感知客户声音中的精神紧张度。 www.bing.com 3. cried a voice which was not the voice of a man, but of which no one would ever have said: "It is a woman's voice. " 有个人吼着说,那声音不象是男人的,但谁也不能说是女人的声音。 www.ebigear.com 4. Aragorn's voice was impossibly gentle though it sliced through my defenses as easily as a sharp blade cut through flesh . 阿拉贡的声音难以置信得温柔,却同时用最尖锐的方式刺透了我的防守。 www.jukuu.com 5. Ralph says Kevin's "voice is so monotone that it lulls me to sleep every time I hear it. " 拉尔夫说凯文的声音太单调,每次听到都想睡觉。 t1.remword.cn 6. The LORD's voice crieth unto the city, and the man of wisdom shall see thy name: hear ye the rod, and who hath appointed it. 耶和华向这城呼叫、智慧人必敬畏他的名.你们当听是谁派定刑杖的惩罚。 www.edzx.com 7. Because at once, Hermione's voice filled his head. 赫敏的声音立即响遍他的脑海。 post.baidu.com 8. A man's voice is an indicator of his body strength, according to a study . 新的研究表明,男人的声音是力量的体现。 www.hxen.com 9. This paper study Yuxian dialect's voice, record the face of the basic voice and some of voice phenomena are compared and analyzed. 本文以盂县语音为研究对象,全面记录盂县方言语音系统,并对其中的一些语音现象进行描写和分析。 www.fabiao.net 10. A woman's voice may become huskier and lower in pitch, whereas a man's might become thinner and higher. 女性嗓音可能变得沙哑,音调变低沉,而男性的可能变得更弱和更高。 www.bing.com 1. As Marvin Gaye's voice floated through my room, I tossed into the air a baseball I once caught at a Yankees game. 马文·盖伊的歌声弥漫在整个房间。我往空中抛了一个棒球,这个棒球是我曾经在一场洋基队的比赛中得到的。 www.bing.com 2. There was a mumbled conversation in the background. Then a man's voice came on the phone. 电话里有人在叽里咕噜地交谈,过了一会,一个男人过来回话。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Mr Goodnight's voice has returned to its more usual, gentle Southern lilt. 古德奈特恢复了南方人常见的温和轻快的语调。 www.ftchinese.com 4. In such guise had Pearl adorned herself, when she heard her mother's voice, and came slowly back. 珠儿把自己这样打扮好了,便听到她母亲的呼唤,慢慢地往回走去。 www.ebigear.com 5. "China has worked actively to tell China's story, making 'China's voice' resound, " the piece said. “中国一直致力于讲述中国的事情,使中国的声音广为人听”该文章说。 www.bing.com 6. It was the last time they would hear Kelly's voice. 那是他们最后一次听见凯利的声音。 www.bing.com 7. "His honour has been very unwell since the evening; he has not slept for three nights, " an orderly's voice whispered, interposing . “他大人从昨晚起就很不舒服,一连三个晚上都没睡觉了,”勤务兵低声央求道。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Eavesdropping in IMS means obtaining other user's voice or other media information illegally. IMS中的窃听是指非法获取目标用户通信的语音或其他媒体信息。 www.fabiao.net 9. He glanced into the mirror; somewhere a woman's voice was singing. 他瞄了一眼镜子,在某处一个女人正在唱歌。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. "This is not Charn, " came the Witch's voice. "This is an empty world. This is Nothing. " “这儿不是恰恩,”女巫说道,“这个世界空无一物。这是虚无。” novel.tingroom.com 1. Woman's voice on tape: Great. It's a pleasure doing business with you. 磁带上女人的声音:太好了。与你做交易很荣幸。 www.2ed.cn 2. A radio announcer's voice made her tingle. Background noise in a plane felt physically uncomfortable. 电台播音员的声音让她发麻,飞机的背景噪音则会让她身体不舒服。 www.bing.com 3. The only sound I could hear was a child's voice. 我唯一能听见的声音就是一个小孩的说话声。 www.study0551.com 4. Professor McGonagall's voice trembled as she went on. 麦格教授接着往下说,她的声音颤抖了。 okread.net 5. I will focus on the domestic construction, fully listen to people's voice, modify the policies do not fit the status accordingly. 我会重点关注国内建设,在充分听取大家意见的基础上,对不适应现状的政策进行修正。 www.erepublik.com 6. The system is speech-operated rather than touch-tone operated, and the persona's voice is strikingly responsive. 该系统为语音操作,而非按键操作,这个人物的声音反应惊人地迅速。 www.ftchinese.com 7. But this also allows other noises like the dentist's voice to come though. 但是这同样也能令其他的声音,比如牙医的声音穿过。 www.bing.com 8. But there was something in this man's voice that caught me: the quality of the paternal love in it. 然而,在这个男人的声音里,还有些东西抓攫着我:声音里的那种父爱的气质。 www.bing.com 9. I packed slowly the day we left the Qualla Boundary. The television newscaster's voice droned in the background as I filled my suitcase. 我们离开奎拉邦得利的那天,我慢慢地收拾行李。我装箱子的时候,听到电视播音员沉闷的声音。 www.dictall.com 10. The syrinx is the bird's voice box, an organ that lies deep in a bird's chest and is uniquely fashioned for song. 鸣管是鸟的发声器,在鸟的胸腔内部,是专门用来歌唱的器官。 www.showxiu.com 1. Imam eventually recognised her uncle's voice among the rescuers and she shouted again for help. 最终,Imam认出了搜救队中自己叔叔的声音,于是再次呼救。 www.bing.com 2. As the images of Senna flattened and blurred against the window of a speeding car, Massa's voice echoed again. 当塞纳的画像从疾驰的车窗前无精打采地飞过,马萨的声音再次回响。 www.bing.com 3. To his surprise, the grocery store's voice application also accepts credit cards securely over phone. 惊奇的是,零售店的语音程序还可以安全地接受信用卡支付。 cnbeta.com 4. But his indestructibility gave him, over the years, a prophet's voice. 但是在过去很多年后,他的不可毁灭性给予了他先知的地位。 www.ecocn.org 5. Unlike his earlier this week, state TV today is only broadcasting Gadhafi's voice, and not showing him speaking. 和本周早些时间不同,国家电视台今天是播放了卡扎菲的讲话,没有播放讲话图像。 www.bing.com 6. At times of great trial, Kenobi's voice would reach out to Luke, offering counsel. 每当紧急关头,就会有克诺比的声音来帮助卢克,给他忠告。 www.starwarsfans.cn 7. It was. . . screaming. Some kind of screaming, like a child's voice. 是尖叫,一种尖叫,像孩子般的声音。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. They love hearing their father's voice come out of a cartoon. 他们很喜欢听到老爸的声音从卡通人物的嘴里发出来。 www.jukuu.com 9. There was something so wholehearted and unusual and seemingly sympathetic in this man's voice . 这个人的声音里有一种真心诚意,不同寻常,好象是同情的成份。 www.bing.com 10. In these last words the old man's voice fell into a tone of reproach. 老人说到最后的几句话时,又降低到一种责备的口气。 1. After several minutes the officer's voice rang out over his roof-mounted loudspeaker. "For heaven's sake, move! " he commanded. 几分钟之后,警官的声音从警车顶端的扩音器里冒了出来,“看在上帝的份上,前进!” www.bing.com 2. I thought it is the most flawless that whichever song what I thought it is wonderful with Zhuo's voice. 我认为它是最完美的,哪个歌我以为这与卓的声音太好了。 tieba.baidu.com 3. The staffs asked us to be silent by saying, "We'll begin filming right now" , so I could only hear Rain's voice from inside the set. 工作人员要求我们我们安静,说了“我们要开始拍摄了”,所以我只能在场景听到rain的声音。 tieba.baidu.com 4. He could hear the murmur of Louise's voice inside: she was probably reading poetry. 他听到房子里露易丝的喃喃低语声,可能她正在读一首诗。 5. The final synthesis results benefited from the Japanese pronunciation of 50 sounds simple, just as completely copying a person's voice. 终极分解效果得益于日语50音的复杂发音,就好像完整复制了一团体的声响。 university.emm3.net 6. And telephone operators have traditionally been female, making people accustomed to getting assistance from a disembodied woman's voice. 而且,传统上来说,电话接线员都是女性,这就让人们习惯于从没有实体的女性声音那里来获得帮助。 www.bing.com 7. It was the tone of Mary's voice when she spoke to the native that jarred on him. 他听见玛丽同土人说起话来是这样的一种声调,怎能不恼火呢? 8. One's voice will naturally change along with one's disposition, and one's fate will also be different! 只要性情改变,声音也自然随之而变,以后的命运也就不同了。 www.ccfy.net 9. Here the child's voice lost its self-possessed note and became falteringly human. 这个孩子此时的声音少了镇静的口吻而是变得像成人般的忧郁支吾。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Second, Cox's voice lesson teacher moved out of the country, without notice and without refunding his $600. 第二件事是,科克斯的声乐课老师出国了,没有任何通知,也没退还他的600美金学费。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The doctor's voice broke in on her thoughts. 医生的话打断了她的思绪。 wenku.baidu.com 2. An intermittent man's voice with an England accent derived from the receiver of wireless radio with small volume. 一个带着英国口音的男士的声音从收音机的话筒中传出,声音很小。 www.bing.com 3. In this badly dubbed movie, the actor's voice is obviously out of sync with his lip movements. 这部配音差劣的电影中,男演员的声音明显对不上口形。 edu.sina.com.hk 4. Queen Victoria's voice was captured earlier, and using techniques that were subtly different from those employed in later years. 维多利亚女王的声音录制得要早一些,使用的录音技术也与后来的有些许不同。 www.bing.com 5. When an audio current passes through the device's voice coil, it creates an alternating magnetic field that moves a stiff, light diaphragm. 当声波通过设备的音圈时,它创立了移动僵硬的光阑交变磁场。 dongxi.net 6. He envisages a future of multi-sensor interfaces that respond to everything from gestures to the emotion in a user's voice. 他设想未来的多传感器接口可以回复一切内容,从用户动作到语音的情绪。 www.bing.com 7. Buffett's voice cracked. "Nick, " he said, anguished, "this is the most important day of my life. " 巴菲特的声音嘶哑了。“尼克,”他痛苦地说道:“这是我一生中最重要的一天。” www.ftchinese.com 8. And when she recognized Peter's voice, she did not open the gate for joy, but ran in and reported that Peter was standing before the entry. 她认出是彼得的声音,就欢喜得顾不得开门,跑进去报告说,彼得站在门外。 edu.china.com 9. The old man's voice was thick with a strange, sad, alien emotion. 老头儿的话语声里充满了惊异、悲痛、异样的情调。 www.jukuu.com 10. Games organizers confirmed to CNN during the opening ceremony Yang's voice was used by another little girl. 奥运会组织者向CNN确认开幕式中杨的声音被另一名小女孩所使用。 www.zhaidou.com 1. The song "Legend" achieved it. Many netizens say the song fit Faye Wong's voice and style like a glove fits a hand. 可“传奇”做到了。许多网友说这首歌非常适合王菲的声线和风格,就如同一双恰到好处的手套。 bulo.hjenglish.com 2. An Indian elephant quickly learns to know the man's voice. They even know whether the man is pleased or angry by his voice. 印度象能够很快的学会辨别主人的声音,甚至能够根据主人的声音判断主人是否开心还是生气。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 3. But was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb ass speaking with man's voice forbad the madness of the prophet. 他却为自己的过犯受了责备.那不能说话的驴、以人言拦阻先知的狂妄。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. China's voice I could not take a bit, listening to too bad. 就是中国的配音我有点受不了,太不好听了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. "What happened? " The deer's eyes were clouded with pain, but he knew Jean's voice and tried to lick his hand. 弗兰基的目光因痛苦而混浊。但它听出琼的声音,尽力去舔他的手。 www.ebigear.com 6. But many have assumed from its tone that Siri is female (in most countries anyway -- in France and the UK, Siri's voice is masculine). 但是,通过Siri的音调来判断,大多数人认为它是女的(在大多数国家Siri用的是女声,在法国和英国用的是男声)。 www.bing.com 7. Yang Yuying's voice so sweet and affectionate, known as a veritable Queen of sweet song. 杨钰莹的歌声那么甜美深情,被誉为甜歌皇后名副其实。 www.dota123.com 8. Based on the significant economic pressure, the United States called on the appreciation of the renminbi's voice on the even bigger. 基于经济上的重大压力,美国呼吁人民币升值的声音就更大了。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Moqorro's voice was a bass drum that seemed to boom from somewhere deep within his massive torso. 莫阔罗的低如鼓声的嗓音似乎是从他巨大的身躯的深处发出的。 www.cndkc.net 10. There will be someone's voice (American accent) talks about this in the video, I will provide a script. 有人会的声音(美国口音)关于会谈,视频,我将提供一个脚本。 www.bing.com 1. Boyle's voice is of course stellar, if not a little too perfect. 苏珊的声音是毋庸置疑的如星星般闪耀,但是有点过于完美了。 www.bing.com 2. " Mr. Cleveland ? " The girl's voice was sweet but shaky. Her awed round eyes made her look about sixteen . “你是克里弗兰先生吗?”姑娘的声音很甜但有些颤抖,那双惊恐的圆眼睛使她看上去大约十六、七岁。 www.bing.com 3. As a two-way communication, it also makes you clearly hear your friend's voice, and hence this communication will be easy and correct. 作为一种双向交流方式,电话还可让你清晰地听到朋友的声音,所以,这种交流既容易又不会出错。 bbs.51ielts.com 4. A seagull never speaks back to the Council Flock, but it was Jonathan's voice raised. 海鸥从来不对全体会议反驳,但是乔纳森却大声抗议了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. She let the machine answer, and the sound of Nick's voice in the house shot through me like a spark-plug jolt. 她听任电话转到自动应答机上,尼克的说话声穿过房间,好象火花塞放出的电,把我给电了一下。 www.bing.com 6. And when she knew Peter's voice, she opened not the gate for gladness, but ran in, and told how Peter stood before the gate. 她认出是彼得的声音,欢喜到顾不得开门,就跑进去报告,说彼得站在门外。 www.bible.cccm.us 7. It is quite possible to listen to God's Voice all through the day without interrupting your regular activities in any way. 你是可能整天聆听上主之声,而不至干扰到你的正规活动的。 812827.249125.20la.com.cn 8. Dylan's voice, although seldom more earnest or powerful, was not the selling point. 迪伦的声音,尽管前所未有地如此恳切卖力,并不是卖点所在。 www.bing.com 9. The veteran's voice vibrated with passion when he saw his daughter. They went home together. 老兵见到女儿时,他的声音因为激动而震动起来。 www.ebigear.com 10. Is listening to your broker's voice a part of your trading system? 是不是听经纪人的话算你交易系统的一部分? www.bing.com |
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