单词 | to ... taste |
释义 | 例句释义: 酌量,尝,品尝,按口味 1. Children's happiness, the innocence you forever! Aunt is ready for you to eat the teeth do not hurt the sugar, to taste, welcome to. 儿童节快乐,永远童真的你!阿姨准备了适合你吃不伤牙齿的糖,欢迎到时来尝尝。 www.e-say.com.cn 2. Although the two attacks thwarted, however, seems to taste the sweetness of a terrorist organization. 尽管两次袭击受挫,然而恐怖组织似乎尝到甜头。 www.englishtang.com 3. I finally got to taste it before I left. He took me to his neighborhood restaurant and he served me some of his foie gras, confit foie gras. 在我离开前我终于品尝到了他带我去附近的一家餐厅他给了我一些鹅肝酱那真是太美妙了。 www.ted.com 4. Of course , we finally can chaw a few mild lotus seeds , but hardly have we had a chance to taste some sweet with a little bitter walnuts . 当然结果是味淡的莲子嚼了不少,却难有机会品尝那香而略苦的核桃了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. I could have crushed the pretzels better. But I made this at 1am. My husband tried to stay up to taste it. 我本来可以把椒盐脆饼粒磨得更细,但我在凌晨1点做的。 www.elanso.com 6. Only once a year, on his birthday, did Charlie Bucket ever get to taste a bit of chocolate. 查理-巴基特每年只有生日那天才能尝到一点巧克力的味道。 www.1x1y.com.cn 7. There's nothing like Kim Basinger's eager awaiting mouth ready to taste and swallow the next item Mickey Rourke has for her. 没有什么能像金·贝辛格19迫切等待的嘴一样性感,它急切的准备吞下所有米基·洛克准备给她的东西。 www.elanso.com 8. The menu will vary daily and will represent the best of seasonally foods, so be prepared to taste the best of Japanese cuisine. 每天的菜单也将会有所不同其中包括有季节性的食物因此请做好准备因为您将会品尝到最美味的日式料理。 onsenji.com 9. Until the honey was done, he took a bit to taste. 等到蜂蜜熟成之后,取出一点来尝。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. due to a natural sweet pumpkin, so just put a little bit of seasoning, to taste a little then. 因南瓜有自然的香甜,所以调料只需放一点点,稍微提味即可。 baike.baidu.com 1. She was very happy that she had gone out of her way to make the cake and brought a whole tray of it over to him to taste. 她很高兴不计麻烦地做了这个蛋糕,并且端着一大盘让他来品尝。 www.bing.com 2. Furthermore, people travel to resort areas to relax in the sun, to see beautiful scenery and to taste different foods. 此外,人们去胜地旅游可以在阳光中放松,去看美丽的景色以及品尝不同的食物。 oral-english.com 3. He did not know that they ate the salt in order to chase away the aftertaste of the liquor. He thought it needed salt to taste good. 他不知道客人们吃盐是为了驱除酒的余味,他想必定是盐很美味。 george.shi.blog.163.com 4. If you are ready to taste and feel in ever sip the genuine flavor of Spain vineyards, tannin wines will accompany you on this discovery! 若是您有心品尝葡萄酒,且渴望感受到每一滴香浓美酒背后的西班牙葡萄园,那么单宁酒庄愿与您携手共同探索美酒之奥妙。 www.xmrc.com.cn 5. I still regret that I never got to taste. . . She smelled even better than you do. 我依然感到后悔,我没来得及尝一口……她闻起来甚至比你还好。 www.putclub.com 6. Need to taste a cup of tea slowly, the truth need to understand in detail, glass of red slip down the only people confused wine. 喝茶需慢慢品味,真理需细细体会,一饮而尽的只是令人越喝越糊涂的酒。 www.bing.com 7. He even ventured, when no eye was fixed upon him, to taste the beverages which he found had much of the flavour of excellent Hollands. 他甚至还敢在没人盯着他的时候,偷偷地尝了一口酒,他觉得这酒很有点上等荷兰酒的味道。 8. It may take awhile to get such a fun job, but taking good wine home to taste after work sounds like a pretty nice job perk. 也许你需要花些时间才能拥有这份充满乐趣的工作,但在工作之余能把好酒带回家品尝听起来是个不错的额外优待。 www.bing.com 9. but the tomato paste tends to taste of too much zing and tang for me to eat it every week without feeling bored. 蕃茄意大利面对于我来说,让我每个周不厌倦的吃它,味道太浓烈了。 www.bing.com 10. When you think about it, there's an advantage to being able to taste and enjoy the flavor of fat. 想想看,其实能尝到并且享受到脂肪的味道也挺好的。 newztf.blog.163.com 1. His early works for the protagonist of his name, that the need for a simple, no romance to taste very masculine name. 初他为自己笔下的主角起名时,认为需要一个简单的、毫不浪漫还要极具阳刚味的名字。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. If what I have done makes you unhappy, I'm willing to taste the sadness together with you. 那么我情愿跟你一起悲伤。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Just last weekend I saw my mom body-check my dad when he tried to taste a sauce she was seasoning. 就在上个周末,我看到当我爸爸试图尝一口我妈妈正在调味的酱汁时,我妈妈给了他一下子。 chinese.wsj.com 4. We found some white crystal granules on the stone. My honey told me they were salt, then I tired to taste if it was salty. . . 我们在岩石上发现了一些白色晶体小颗粒,老公说是盐,于是我就试着尝尝是否会咸…… r-and-k.travellerspoint.com 5. Mix Vodka And Cointreau with Ice in a shaker and pour into a tall glass. Add the 7-Up to taste. 混合伏特加酒及君度摇荡后入高杯,加入七喜至八分。 www.chinalegends.com 6. "I saw the ad in the metro and decided to taste it, " she said. "I just loved the design. " “我在地铁里面看到广告,决定品尝一下这种酒,”她说,“我只是爱它的设计风格。” dongxi.net 7. You should look out for short-term monkhood programs too, to taste the monastic life to see if you are ready for it. 你还应该寻找一个短期修行计划,尝试一下出家生活,再看自己是否准备好了。 www.bing.com 8. Lightning didn't strike quite as dramatically this time around but I still got to taste some stupendous wines. 因此,这一次我有了心理准备,没有感到吃惊,但我仍然不得不必须品尝大量的葡萄酒。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In a free, self-confident, bold personality to bring the taste of pure American, Shenzhen fortunate enough to taste the taste of his juice. 以一种自由、自信、豪放的个性带来纯美国的口味,让深圳人有幸品味到他的原汁美味。 www.5yi.com 10. Chinese food seems to taste better eaten with chopsticks which are the special utensil Chinese use to dine. 筷子这一中国人用来进餐的特殊餐具似乎使中国菜更加可口。 jpkc.ywu.cn 1. A romance brought by flowers, condensed into a bowl of warm Provence fish soup, waiting you to taste. 花样浪漫的爱情,最终凝聚在一碗暖暖的普罗旺司鱼汤中,待你慢慢咽下。 goabroad.wenda.sohu.com 2. In the book world, with a pure heart to taste a little bit of. 在书的世界里,用一颗纯洁的心去品味个中的点点滴滴。 www.tradeask.com 3. This will be a good opportunity to taste jacamar , " replied the sailor, " if that fellow is in a humor to be roasted! “这一回可有机会尝尝啄木鸟的肉啦,”水手说,“看它是不是愿意让我们烤一烤!” www.showxiu.com 4. Primogenitor hundred Cottage him are "beginning to taste a hundred herbs, Chinese medicine has only" in places. 始祖百草堂是他“始尝百草,始有医药”的地方。 dict.kekenet.com 5. Each mouth sweet dish It must be very special, but I did not have time to taste. 《口口香杀猪菜》这里的杀猪菜一定很正宗吧,没来得及品尝! blog.sina.com.cn 6. Finally, I'll get to see them up close, to smell them, to taste the tanoak at the back of my tongue. 终于,我能够近距离的看清他们,闻到他们的气味,用舌根品味柯的味道。 www.bing.com 7. "The plan is part of creating new revenue for the post office, " he said. "Meanwhile, people will have the chance to taste original foods. " 他说:“该计划一方面可为邮局创收,同时,人们也将有机会品尝到原汁原味的各地美食。” www.ebigear.com 8. With your ineffable love, even at the times I most offended you, you prepared me by a very great repentance to taste Your gifts and graces. 即使在我最多冒犯您的那段时光,您仍然用那无法言喻的爱使我改过自新,仍让我品尝您的礼物与恩惠。 www.ok06.com 9. We beat up yolks, adding oil little by little. Then salt and sugar to taste, mustard on the tip of a knife and a tablespoonful of vinegar. 我们打散蛋黄,加入少许油,再加入糖和盐调味,刀尖蘸一点芥末,然后放入一勺醋。 www.bing.com 10. 'Food had been my consuming passion, ' says Birnbaum, now a writer, in her just published book Season To Taste. “食物曾经是我消费的动力,”成为了作家的伯恩鲍姆在她刚出版的书《品味四季》中如是写道。 dongxi.net 1. He wanted always to taste my coffee, and when Makondai brought it, would beg of me, in the most serious manner, for some. 它总是想尝一尝我的咖啡,当Makondai端咖啡进来时,它都会用最严肃最虔诚的举止,向我索要一些。 www.bing.com 2. If not, you're going to have to be patient and wait until the two weeks is up before you get to taste the wines. 如果没有,你还是耐心度过这两个星期再去品尝葡萄酒。 aimelevin.blogbus.com 3. I'm doing a project for my class in culinary school and I need a volunteer to taste some of my creations. 我正在做学校烹饪课上布置的任务,我需要一个志愿者来品尝我的杰作。 www.kekenet.com 4. They came to the chief priests and the elders and said, We have bound ourselves with a curse to taste nothing until we kill Paul. 他们来到祭司长和长老跟前,说,我们已经厉害地发咒起誓,若不先杀保罗,就不吃什么。 edu.china.com 5. The first 15 customers will be placed at the front row and enjoys the priority right to taste the food. 头15位预定的客人将享有占有前排观看以及品尝食物的优先权。 www.douban.com 6. At this point, Sondheim had participated in three straight hits - he'd yet to taste failure on Broadway. 这个时候,桑德海姆已经参与到三部剧目之中——他还得在百老汇品尝失败的滋味。 www.bing.com 7. Raised my hand against the grapes can be picked you can't decapitation, later will have to taste the free of grapes, let everybody fan. 抬手就可摘到的葡萄大家可不能乱摘,稍后便有可以免费品尝葡萄的地方,让大家过足瘾。 www.nbaqiumi.com 8. The '09s, in the case of the red wines, are so ripe, forward and low in tannin and acidity that even the barrel samples are a joy to taste. 2009年份勃艮第干红饱满、直接、低单宁、低酸度,连在大木桶里的样酒都很好喝。 c.wsj.com 9. After the long walking, we were very hungry now, then we chose a restaurant to taste the delicious mixed grilled seafood. 走了好长时间,现在我们的肚子都饿得不行了,于是选了家餐馆品尝美味的混合烧烤海鲜。 r-and-k.travellerspoint.com 10. and that the strong feelings which alone could estimate it truly were the very feelings which ought to taste it but sparingly. 只有具备强烈的感情才能真正欣赏诗歌,而这强烈的感情在鉴赏诗歌时又不能不有所节制。 novel.tingroom.com 1. must keep it apart and sacred as a place where even the white man can go to taste the wind is sweetened by the meadow's flowers . 你们必须对这块地特殊对待,保持它的圣洁,使她成为白人也能闻到草地花香的地方。 www.ebigear.com 2. Have joy, drink the wine surplus zun, Italy China with you experience legend world top wine to taste! ! 有酒盈樽,畅饮欢乐,意华传奇与你体验世界顶级酒品! blog.sina.com.cn 3. Litchi knottiness must arrive, welcome you to taste the litchi chinensis to Lingshan, the feeling litchi township flavor. 荔枝节就要到了,欢迎你们到灵山品尝荔枝,感受荔乡风味。 wenwen.soso.com 4. See our arrival, Hassan's wife invited us to taste of cooked beef, the arrival of the children because we are new and exciting. 见我们到来,哈桑的妻子请我们品尝已煮熟的牛肉,孩子们因我们的到来感到新奇和兴奋。 www.englishtang.com 5. People do not know how to taste more, preferably only you! 懂得品味的人不需要多,最好只有你一个! www.gcstalk.com 6. She felt that she would do well to be useful again - to taste anew sweet independence at any price. 她觉得她还可以再作点儿什么事情,可以使自己变得有用处——为了尝一尝新的独立的甜蜜滋味,她不惜付出任何代价。 www.hjenglish.com 7. Researchers have wondered whether being able to taste certain chemicals puts us at an evolutionary advantage. 研究人员怀疑是否能够尝出特定的化学物质是人类的一种优势进化。 med.essaystar.com 8. The German bread are strong and tough, you will need pair of good teeth in order to taste them. 德国面包很有咬劲,牙齿好的人才能品尝出味道。 www.jysls.com 9. In Wales, did not forget to taste the porphyra capensi bread, this was makes with and the oats. 在威尔士,别忘了品尝紫菜面包,这是用海菜和燕麦做成的。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 10. My dad mummy is all very friendly , you get chance to taste the good to my mother workmanship! 我爸妈都很友善,你有机会尝到我妈妈的好手艺! wenwen.soso.com 1. City officials hailed the ruling, saying it would help keep kids from experimenting with tobacco made to taste like candy, fruit or spice. 市府官员欢迎该项裁决,声称它将帮助儿童远离如糖果、水果或者香料口味的烟草产品体验。 www.tobaccochina.com 2. But his is only one of them a member of the day powerless, already forgotten how to taste and enjoy life! 而自己也只是他们其中的一员,整日庸庸碌碌,早已经忘记了该怎样去品味和欣赏生活! www.tradeask.com 3. "Five or six years ago, importers did not even want to taste the wines, they just wanted to look at the price list, " he says. “五、六年前,进口商对葡萄酒连尝都不尝,他们只想看价格单,”他说道。 www.ftchinese.com 4. We wish for a flower to smell, a hand to touch, a book to read, a song to listen to, a love to taste. 我们盼望能去闻一朵花的香气,触摸一只手,阅读一本书,听一首歌,体验一段爱的滋味。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. In no time, you'll be able to taste the fruits of your labor--fresh from the vine! 用不了多少时间,就可以品尝劳动的果实——来自藤蔓的鲜美啦! www.bing.com 6. With a heart susceptible to taste, to understand phenomena in the world. 用一颗易感的心去品味,去领悟世间百态。 www.tradeask.com 7. Cost of tickets for those who plan to taste the bear will be a bit higher. 对于想去尝尝啤酒的人来说,票价可能会稍高哦。 www.bing.com 8. Salting to taste is one thing, but it is possible to overdo it. 加盐是好事,但是极有可能做过头了。 sunstreak.blog.35.cn 9. Previously tasted by the business bank in the middle of King Meal business, bank card users have begun to taste. 以前由企业尝到的银行中间业务霸王餐,现在银行卡用户也开始尝到了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. but i quitted france five years ago and , wishing to taste the sweets of domestic life , took service as a valet here in england. 可是,到现在我离开法国已经五年了。因为我想尝尝当管家的生活滋味,所以才在英国当亲随佣人。 www.ichacha.net 1. Make a light dressing with olive oil, wine vinegar, lemon juice, a little Dijon mustard, some crushed garlic and salt and pepper to taste. 将橄榄油、红酒醋、柠檬汁、少许第戎芥末、少量蒜泥、盐及胡椒混匀做调料 blog.sina.com.cn 2. has suffered a tired, will be vital to understand life sweet don't come easy, be careful to taste, thin to enjoy. 吃过苦受过累,会切身懂得生活的甜来得不易,会细细地品味,细细地享用。 www.bing.com 3. The herb looked so luxuriant, so green and thick and fresh, that she felt a terrible longing to taste it. 草药看起来那么华丽,所以绿色和厚而清新,她感到一阵可怕的渴望,品尝它。 wenwen.soso.com 4. After a moment he fixed the set. Our whole families were so pleased that we asked him to taste some dumplings of ours. 他带着工具,不一会儿就把电视机修好了。我们全家都很高兴,热情地请他吃饺子。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. created for parties, hard to taste alcohol. amount of vodka or peach schnapps can be varied for sweetness or strength. 适合派对饮用,很难唱出酒精,大量的伏特加和蜜桃力娇酒很甜并很烈。 www.chinalegends.com 6. You know, you need your taste bud to taste food. 你知道,你需要味觉去品尝食物。 q.sohu.com 7. Putting aside the price information of the presented vintages, I started to taste in a manner of count-down sequence. 我先把这四个年份酒的价格资料搁置一旁,然后按照倒数顺序的方式开始品喝他们。 www.winefond.com 8. Why was a crocodile always following Captain Hook around? Could the crocodile finally realize its dream to taste Captain Hook's steak? 鳄鱼为什么一直跟着虎克船长呢?到最后它是不是尝到了船长的肉,美梦成真了呢? product.dangdang.com 9. Later he decided to taste the hot mixture. I've never tasted such delicious beef! It tastes like kiwifruit. 后来他决定尝一下这热乎乎的混合物.我从来没吃过这么美味的牛肉.局势依然未变.她依然镇定自若.它吃起来像猕猴桃的味道。 wenku.baidu.com 10. Open LTV, to taste the fragrance of the black soil, to feel the bold and unconstrained custom of the Liaohe River. 打开LTV,感受扑面而来的黑土气息,体会粗犷、豪放的辽河风情; tieba.baidu.com 1. This recommendation with walnut and pigtail rule of a furnace, is the author recently shot to taste the delicious. 这次推荐以核桃和猪尾共冶一炉,是笔者近日拍摄时品尝到的美味。 lupaba.com 2. Let us carefully to taste, hard to understand! 让我们用心去品味,用心去体会! www.bing.com 3. It is our honor to be able to taste the dishes you're preparing today. 非常有幸今天能品尝到二位师傅为我们做的淮扬菜。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Jalapeno peppers vary in heat, so it is important to taste the salsa to ensure you do not make it too hot to handle. 墨西哥胡椒的辣味有轻有重,只有尝过才能确保沙司不至于过辣,所以这一步很重要。 www.bing.com 5. I would do anything to be able to taste a curry again. 为了尝一下咖喱我不惜一切。 www.ebigear.com 6. Add sea salt fakes and black pepper to taste. Place in the oven for 3 minutes for medium. 加入海盐及黑胡椒粒调味后,牛扒置于焗炉内焗3分钟至五成熟便可享用。 dict.kekenet.com 7. They like to put garlic to fried the nuts, so make it very nice to taste. 花生是配套里的,他们喜欢放蒜头一起炒花生,所以很香很好吃。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 8. I mean, I could take you to taste some of Yangzhou's snacks. 我是说正好我可以带你去尝尝扬州的各种小吃啊。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Had to try hard enough to taste, why should hard to spend the? 早已尝够苦滋味,为什么还要苦苦来相守? wenwen.soso.com 10. We savor the joyfulness of solitude, just as we chew olive, to taste its bitterness and sweetness. 我们体验着孤独的欢愉,如咀嚼橄榄的苦涩与甘甜。 www.24en.com 1. It allows me to taste the sky and dream in color. 它让我尝了天空和梦想的颜色。 tieba.baidu.com 2. After seven weeks, I never wanted to taste fenugreek again, and I still hadn't produced any milk. 7周之后我再也不想吃葫芦巴了,但我依然没产出奶来。 dongxi.net 3. Have began to taste the feeling, have never known the dream after. 初尝感怀,不知后梦。 mechol.blog.com.cn 4. Any thoughts of their true inner feelings mount calm and indifferent to taste one's whole life to experience all the magic that Vientiane. 任思绪的情愫飞升,品味有生以来的平静与淡泊,体验那种种神奇的万象。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Know yourself no time shuttling back and forth in the streets of uriah cloth to taste and bargaining those interesting work of art. 知道自己没时间穿梭在乌布的大街小巷去品味和讨价还价那些有意思的艺术品。 en.cnxianzai.com 6. face everyday in your life with a blithe spirit , try to experience , to taste , to appreciate. 愉快的面对你生命中的每一天,尝试着去体会,去品味,去感激。 www.ichacha.net 7. So he had a dream when he was little young , it is climb up on the tree to taste the delicious fruit on the tree . 于是猪从小就有这样一个梦想,就是希望能够爬到树上去尝尝树上的鲜果。 myenblog.com 8. Do not freeze preservation, so as not to taste good. 不要冷冻保存,以便不好吃。 www.qiyeku.com 9. Perhaps the best place for foodies to taste what Taiwan has to offer is at the local night market. 也许,美食家品尝台湾美食的最好的地方就是当地的夜市。 www.bing.com 10. Some "sings after the building steamed buns shop" , a small cage package of flavor is delicious, welcome everybody to taste. 有一个“唱经楼小笼包子店”里,小笼包味道可口,欢迎大家来尝尝! 2fwww.zjlxx.net 1. But said to taste dubai, we still have to say the local cuisine. Said dubai. 但是说到原味迪拜,我们还是必须要说一说迪拜的本土美食。 en.cnxianzai.com 2. Your sense of smell also helps you to taste things. When you have a cold and cannot smell properly, your food tastes less interesting. 你的嗅觉也会帮助你品尝食物,当你伤风或者不能正常闻东西的时候,你的食物品尝起来就会少了些乐趣。 www.ecp.com.cn 3. If the hijackers are allowed to taste blood, who Can say where their fury will end? 如果让劫机者尝到甜头,谁能说准他们的暴行会到什么地步才结束? dict.ebigear.com 4. You will have a chance to see beautiful scenery, to taste various local flavors and to experience different local customs. 你会有机会看到美丽的景色,品尝各种各样的地方风味,体验不同的地方风俗。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. To taste Alberta Beef right, taste it over a Canadian campfire with cowboys, Ben and Jerry Ice Cream and Marshmallows . 阿尔伯塔省牛肉品尝权,味道它在加拿大的篝火与牛仔,本和杰里冰淇淋和棉花糖。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The Cupbearer's job was to taste any drink that was given to the King to show it was not poisoned. 酒政的工作是先尝饮料才递给王以证明饮料没有毒。 www.showxiu.com 7. As a coastal city, Wei hai is famous for its delicious sea food. So the time you visit Liu Gong Dao, don't forget to taste them. 作为海滨城市,威海以海鲜著名,所以当你来刘公岛参观时,不要忘记一品佳肴哦。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Chic, distinctive small ornament also can mirror master disposition, can become the ornament with indispensable space to taste sometimes. 别致、独特的小摆设也能反映主人的性情,有时亦能成为空间不可或缺的点缀品。 dict.kekenet.com 9. Whether staff are keen to taste already-licked Jaffa Cakes (assuming they don't go stale) remains to be seen. 员工们是否会乐意去舔人家已经舔过的饼干还有待验证(在这些饼干还没变坏的前提下)。 gb.cri.cn 10. Stockholm City Hall is normally open to the public, people can spend money in the ground floor restaurant to taste the Nobel banquet. 斯德哥尔摩市政厅平时都对民众开放,人们可以在地下餐厅花钱品尝到诺贝尔晚宴。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. When a guest visits, is seeking opinions, most visitors to taste and choose the best tea guests. 当有客来访,可争求意见,选用最合来客口味和最佳茶具待客。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. This richly chocolate frozen treat manages to taste creamy without containing any fat at all. 它经过一些冰冻特殊处理过巧克力和奶油的确不含有脂肪。 www.bing.com 3. Combine cabbage, red pepper, yellow pepper, snow peas, cilantro into the salad bowl. Add salt and ground white pepper to taste. Mix well. 将所有蔬菜倒入,拌匀,加入白胡椒粉和盐调味,冷藏。上桌前再端出。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. I teach because teaching gives me many nectars to taste, many books to read, and many ivory and real-world towers to discover. 我教书,因为教学给了我许多要品尝的甘美饮料,许多要读的书和许多有待发现的象牙塔和真实世界的塔。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Don' t eat cooked fruits because you don' t get the nutrients at all. You only get to taste. Cooking destroys all the vitamins. 别吃煮熟的水果,因为你得不到所有的营养素,你只是在品味,烹饪摧毁了所有的维生素。 www.slideshare.net 6. Must not be forgotten in the mountains to taste the local cuisine and flavor snack, do not have a different feeling. 一定不要忘了在山上尝尝当地的菜肴和风味小吃,别有一番滋味。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Often in the heart is three to taste, such as law, and also at the heart of the tao, but the heart into words, positive. 常于心之正念,以味之三成,如法而行也,得之心道,乃心之成,法言正定。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Add the meat, coriander, cumin, turmeric, ginger root, chilies, cardamon , cinnamon, cloves, bay leaf, and salt and pepper to taste. Stir. 加入肉,香菜,小茴香,姜黄,生姜,辣椒,小豆蔻,肉桂,丁香,月桂叶,盐和胡椒调味,搅动。 www.showxiu.com 9. Its appearance is the most popular game models, is very handsome, is contemporary fashionable young tourist necessary to taste. 它的外形是最流行的赛车型,非常帅气,是当代时尚的小青年旅游的必备佳品。 www.268r.com 10. And wine still wanted to taste that delicacy of a little in person. 并且还要亲自尝一点点那美味的葡萄酒。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Indoor home appliance, kitchen is complete, can cook, self cooking Yantai seafood, welcome to taste, love clean person occupancy. 室内家电、厨具齐全,可以下厨做饭,自我烹调烟台海鲜,欢迎有品位、爱洁净的人入住。 yantai.qite8.com 2. Everyone have to taste it carefully, only then we wouldn't feel panic and running around in circles when a 'storm' come. 生活需要调味品,每一个人都要用心的去品味,只有这样,我们才不会在暴风雨来临的时候,变得惊慌失措,手忙脚乱。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Growing your own lets you taste the freshest possible produce as it's meant to taste . 让你品尝自己种植的新鲜,因为它可能产生的意思品味。 www.bing.com 4. DNA analysis of ancient remains shows that Neanderthals shared with modern humans the gene that gives the ability to taste bitter flavours. 古故居人遗物的DNA分析显示他们与现代人一样的基因,可以使他们有品尝苦味的能力。 www.enread.com 5. The lucky visitors also got a chance to taste German beer and delicate snacks in Pavilion's VIP reception room. 20名幸运儿不仅可享受畅游德国馆的机会,还在接待室内品尝到驰名已久的德国啤酒和精美点心。 www.hjenglish.com 6. Undeniably this scandal made her better known, but Zhai had to taste the bitterness of fame. 不可否认的是这个丑闻使她被更多人所认识,但是她也要品尝到成名的辛酸。 www.bing.com 7. I will go back the home town to have a look for daddy and mama to taste the warm northeast feeling from my memory! 我会替爸妈回去看看的,去感受来自记忆里东北方内份火啦啦的东北情! blog.sina.com.cn 8. Do not exchange the entire plate to taste other people's food. 想尝尝别人的食物不要整碟都拿过来。 lisaandvera.blog.sohu.com 9. Hot Shanghai summer is coming, so don't miss a chance to taste our new white wines as well as some well tested and tasted ones! 在上海的炎夏来临之际,我们准备了一些新款白葡萄酒供您品尝,以及几款推荐品尝的葡萄酒! www.biodic.cn 10. In the dinning hall, visitors had an opportunity to taste over 120 dishes and pastries made by the soldiers. 在连队餐厅,澳门同胞更是品尝到了战士们制作的120多种小菜和面点。 old.zhtv.com 1. Despite the heat wave scorching sand, but I am even more afraid of the outside air, which some people thought, there is money to taste. 尽管沙粒热浪灼人,但我更怕外面的空气,里面有人的思想,有金钱的味道。 www.dota123.com 2. Add a handful of fresh mint and a tablespoon or sugar (or more to taste). 加入少量新鲜薄荷和一汤匙糖(或更多)。 www.tisheng.org 3. Prepare Passion Fruit Vinaigrette by mixing olive oil, passion fruit juice, shallot and dill together. Add salt and pepper to taste. 制作热情果汁调料。(将橄榄油,热情果汁,干葱和莳萝叶搅拌在一起,并加入盐和胡椒粉进行调味) blog.163.com 4. And they even seem to taste better, she says. "I think they're, like, more moist almost. " “我觉得它们挺可爱的,”西亚肯说。 www.bing.com 5. They might win in the well-known or popularity stakes, but when it comes to taste, major fast-food chains are seriously lagging behind. 它们可能会在知名度和流行程度上略胜一筹,但在口味上面,大多数的快餐企业可是被远远的落在了后面。 dongxi.net 6. Damage to taste buds can be very painful and make it very difficult to taste food properly. 味蕾损伤会是非常痛苦的,使它非常难以正确地品尝食物。 www.foodmate.net 7. Remove from heat. Add two tablespoons fresh lemon juice, one or two cloves of mashed garlic and honey to taste. 关火后,加入两茶匙新鲜的柠檬汁和1~2茶匙磨碎的大蒜和蜂蜜调味。 www.bing.com 8. A grinds arenaceous cream: Most all-pervading chamfer protects skin to taste with deep - seated cleanness character. 磨砂膏:最普及的去角质和深层清洁护肤品。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Puree batches in blender. Season with lemon juice, curry and salt and pepper to taste. May be served hot or cold. 用搅拌器将汤汁搅稠。加入柠檬汁、咖喱粉、盐及胡椒。可趁热喝也可冷饮。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Add the cucumber and onion, season to taste with salt, and add the quinoa and cilantro. Toss together, and taste and adjust seasonings. 加入黄瓜和洋葱,按你的口味加入盐调味,再加入奎奴亚藜和剩余香菜。 www.bing.com 1. The local seafood cheap has the interest to be possible deliciously to come to taste oh! 当地的海鲜便宜可口有兴趣可以来品尝哦! www.bing.com 2. Come to the Kyoto, visitors all want to taste is exquisitely made of Japanese cuisine. 来到京都,游客都希望品尝一下做工精致的日式料理。 en.cnxianzai.com 3. When given something pleasurable to taste, both rats and humans make almost identical mouth shapes and sucking motions. 他发现,如果在品尝一些味道非常棒的食物的时候,老鼠和宝宝都有一样的嘴部吸允动作。 www.bing.com 4. Our whole family were so pleased that we asked him to taste some dumplings of ours. 我们全家都很高兴,热情地请他吃饺子。 www.englishtang.com 5. charcoal addition to taste Method: the amount of charcoal, crushed, packed in small bags, the home refrigerator odor very good results. 木炭除味方法:额的木炭,粉碎,小包装袋,在自家冰箱气味很好的效果。 www.qiyeku.com 6. It was nice to taste the atmosphere of the Champions League. 体验到欧冠的气氛感觉非常棒。 www.soccerbar.cn 7. According to taste, kites can have shapes as diverse as that of dragonfly, swallow or butterfly. 根据不同的口味,风筝有各式各样的形状,如蜻蜓﹑燕子或蝴蝶。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. And I am responsible for gathering the berries for you all to taste later. 我负责给大家摘野果,尝个新鲜嘛。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. She says the city's push cart vendors offered a way for people to taste different ethnic foods long before modern food trucks came along. 她说,推动城市的购物车供应商提供的一种方式的人口味不同的民族食品,在现代食品的卡车来到沿。 www.maynet.cn 10. I wanted to be a cook to taste all of the delicious food in the world and cook more. 我以前想当一个大厨,想尝遍天下所有美食,制作出许多美味的菜肴。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Insurance agent for China is to taste, poisson since 1992 aia into China, China insurance agent team has developed rapidly in recent years. 保险代理人对我国来说是泊来品,自1992年美国友邦保险进入中国以来,我国保险代理人队伍近年来发展迅速。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Learning to distinguish roast is a first, relatively simple step in learning to taste and buy coffee expressively. 学会区分咖啡不同的焦味是第一步,相对简单的另一个步骤是学会品尝并通过正确的表达购买到你想要的咖啡。 dongxi.net 3. Around every corner, Renaissance invites guests to taste, see, feel, sip, hear, do and try something wonderfully new. 在每一个角落,万丽邀请客人品尝,观察,感觉,品味,倾听,尝试做一些新奇发现的事物。 www.veryeast.cn 4. As Guangzhou is famous for its food, I will take them to taste the delicious local foods when they come and I will also take them shopping. 因为广州以他的食物闻名,当他们来的时候,我会带他们去品尝当地的美食。我也会带他们去购物。 www.bing.com 5. Providing salt to taste the fresh flavor, crisp and tender, meticulously known internationally. 鲁菜以其味鲜咸脆嫩,风味独特,制作精细享誉海内外。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Using teabags is getting popular in recent years. Though convenient, it is not a good way for common Chinese to taste the relish of tea. 近几年来流行用茶袋泡茶,方便是方便,然而这对一般中国人来说绝不是喝好茶的方法。 bbs.translators.com.cn 7. Before the night was over, I planned to taste the gin on her lips. 我的计划是在天亮以前在她的唇边品尝酒香。 bbs.sfw-cd.com 8. Those who never lend themselves to abuse of love are often the first to taste the fruits of true love. 从不亵渎爱情的人常常是第一个品尝真爱果实的人。 dxyy.hrbeu.edu.cn 9. A cloud of cotton candy turns out to taste like cheese and popcorn. 看上去像一团棉花糖的东西,尝起来像奶酪和爆米花; www.ftchinese.com 10. He maintained to taste poetry by the standard of "style" , and praised "the Jiangxi school's style" . 他以“格”品诗,推崇“江西诗格”,认为“诗以格高为第一”。 paper.pet2008.cn 1. if you want to taste the feeling of the Dai Water-Splashing Festival, please join them to splash water with happy songs. 如想体验傣族泼水节的感受,请您加入泼水欢歌的行列。 www.sirt.edu.cn 2. We have inherited a talent from our mother, to taste good produce and the subtle fused flavours in a dish. 我们从我们的母亲那里遗传了一种天份,那就是从一道好菜中尝出其中细微不同的味道。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. to taste traditional Chinese cuisine and drink unique Chinese wine to your heart's content. 尽情品尝中国传统佳肴与美酒。 wenku.baidu.com 4. Changan flower is the pomegranate flowers, implies "fortune turnes" , meaning auspicious festive gifts, strength to taste. 长安花就是石榴花,暗合“时来运转”,寓意吉祥喜庆,实力送礼佳品。 www.expo2011eshop.com 5. As we lived near the road, we often had the traveler or stranger visit us to taste our gooseberry wine. 我们就住在路边。过路人或外乡人常到我们家,尝尝我们家酿的醋栗酒。 jpkc.qdbhu.edu.cn 6. Braised meat stew dried vegetables burned baotou wei , steaming glutinous rice cakes to taste victory. 干菜焖肉讲究焖烧入味,蒸制酥糯,以味取胜。 www.showxiu.com 7. You are cacodemons, I think the only thing what you are going to taste today is your own blood. 你们这恶人,我想你们今晚会偿到的是你们自己的血 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Neuroscientists tested people's abilities to taste salty, sweet, and bitter solutions both after a fast and after eating a meal. 神经学家测试了人们在禁食后及饱餐后对咸,甜,苦三种溶液的品尝能力。 bbs.putclub.com 9. 2 leeks just to taste with, do not take more, usually twelve chives on it. 韭菜只是提味用,不必多放,通常一两根韭菜就可以了。 baike.baidu.com 10. One wanted to be the most beautiful girl in the world, one wanted to taste a pure and gorgeous girl. 一个想成为世界上最美丽的女孩,一个想尝一尝纯洁华丽的味道。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. But for a conflagration, I should still have jujubes to taste every year. 如果不是一场大火,现在每年应该依然能够品味我家枣树结的枣儿。 club.qingdaonews.com 2. At every stop, the participants of the procession have the opportunity to taste wines, and to sing and dance. 每到一站,参加队伍的人都有机会品尝葡萄酒,唱歌跳舞。 www.24en.com 3. There have been many brave men who have come to taste my lord's meat. 已经有很多英勇的男士来尝过国王的肉了。 movie.msn.com.cn 4. To taste ximending cate, the most attractive places not fancy restaurant, but ubiquitous roadside snack bar. 要品味西门町美食,最吸引人的地方不是高档餐厅,而是随处可见的路边小吃店。 en.cnxianzai.com 5. With the prawns almost cooked through, quickly add the rice wine and honey to taste and coat prawns with the sauce. 看虾炸的差不多了,迅速加入米酒和蜂蜜,让酱料把炸虾裹起来 edu.sina.com.cn 6. You will have a chance to taste some of our new additions as well as several of our best-selling wines! 您将有机会品尝到我们一些新款葡萄酒以及销售最好的葡萄酒。 www.winefond.com 7. Ease of the warm afternoon sunlight, to taste the way fresh sweet food will is what kind of enjoyment. 午后安逸的暖暖阳光中,再品尝这道新鲜甜甜的美食会是怎样的一种享受。 www.9999jiu.com 8. Add the seasonings to taste, change to medium heat, add remaining coconut milk and desiccated coconut. 加调味料试味后,转中火,加入馀下的椰浆和椰丝; blog.163.com 9. Book a weekend in a casino in Italy, or swing by Scotland just to taste the national drink. 在意大利的赌场待上一个礼拜,或是前往苏格兰一尝国饮。 www.elanso.com 10. that would be great. I really only want to taste real Chinese food, not just the food that foreigners like to eat! 那可太好了。我是真的想吃正宗的中餐,而不是外国人喜欢吃的那种! club.topsage.com 1. We're going to taste the great Huaiyang Cuisine today. 今天我们大家都要去品尝一下著名的淮扬菜。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Add chicken wings and eggplants , stir and cook until everything well cooked, season to taste. Serve. 放入鸡翼和茄子兜匀煮至各物熟,调味后即可享用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. "Apparently our little Army considered that the 'or' left them authorized to kill or capture according to taste, " Twain dictated. “很显然我们的部队将那个留给他们的‘或者’理解为授权给他们可以根据自己的口味选择是去杀戮还是俘获,”吐温口述到。 www.bing.com 4. This is a photograph that shows a hatchling about to taste saltwater for the very first time beginning this long and perilous journey. 这张照片显示的是,一只刚孵出的幼龟正打算第一次尝试海水,开始它漫长的冒险之旅。 www.ted.com 5. He was the first man to taste the tomato. 他是第一位品尝西红柿的人。 www.hnxxyz.com 6. Using a whisk, slowly mix six tablespoons olive oil into the bowl and season with salt to taste. 用搅拌器慢慢地加入六大汤匙橄榄油,然后加盐调味。 www.bing.com 7. except vinegar taste Method: Pour some vinegar in the exposure glass, into the refrigerator, in addition to taste effect is extremely good. 6除味醋方法:倒入一些曝光玻璃醋,放入冰箱除味效果是非常好的。 www.qiyeku.com 8. Those who can not endure the ups and downs of life will not be able to taste the fragrance of life. 无论是谁,如果经不起世情冷暖,浮浮沉沉,怕是也品不到人生的浓香。 dipan.kekenet.com 9. God for farmers to taste all grass, that can be eaten on the body to the left of the bag, introduced to other people eat, or as a medicinal. 神农工为此决心尝遍百草,能食用的放在身体左边的袋子里,介绍给别人吃,或作为药用。 cn.esunny.com 10. Pour in the cream, add the mustard, sugar, salt and pepper to taste. Remove from heat and ripe in the Emmental cheese. 倒入忌廉后加入芥末、糖、盐及黑胡椒以调味。离火后拌入芝士。 www.hkheadline.com 1. But, if you want to enjoy, if you want to taste, Chinese food is undoubtedly the best choice. 但是,如果你想要享受,如果你想要美味,中国食品毫无疑问是最佳的选择。 www.bing.com 2. Almost everything used to taste better when I was a kid . 我小的时候差不多什么东西都比现在好吃。 www.bing.com 3. Add in black truffle paste and return the chicken into the pan, season with salt to taste. Serve. 将黑松露酱加入,再把鸡肉回镬与所有材料同炒,下适量盐调味即成。 blog.163.com 4. the waiter poured some wine for him to taste. 侍者倒出一些酒让他试尝。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Later he decided to taste the hot mixture. 后来他决定尝一下这种热的混合物。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Cants have no ability to taste sweet things. 猫尝不出甜的东西。 www.qlszx.com 7. We sat on the bench, enjoying the beautiful Moonlight, to taste the delicious cakes, very happy. 我们坐在板凳上,欣赏着美丽的月光,品尝着美味的月饼,十分开心。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Add spring onion, light soya sauce and sesame oil. Remove from heat. Serve with pepper and salt to taste. 随后加入葱粒、生抽及麻油,熄火,再加入胡椒粉或盐调味即可。 blog.163.com 9. in bowl combine ricotta , spinach , eggs , garlic powder , and salt and pepper to taste. 把乳清干酪,碎菠菜,蛋液,蒜粉,盐和胡椒放在一起搅匀,尝一下味道。 www.ichacha.net 10. Even those very tiny ulcers that sometimes affect the tongue can badly affect the ability to taste. 甚至那些有时影响舌头的非常微小的溃疡,都可能严重影响味觉能力。 www.langfly.com 1. Medicines used to taste bad, but now they come in many different flavors such as mint, cherry, and chocolate. 以前的药很难吃,但现在药物有很多种口味,像薄荷味、樱桃味和巧克力味。 dipan.kekenet.com 2. but beef is rather a traditional dish . i want to taste something special , especially that which can remind me of your hotel. 不过牛肉过于大众化了,我想尝一下风味菜,尤其是能够使我吃过不忘您饭店的风味菜。 www.ichacha.net 3. You should be able to taste the difference. 你应该能尝出味道有什么不同。 edu.163.com 4. Turn off heat and sprinkle with chili oil, Szechuan chili powder, to taste, and half scallion. 关掉火,洒入花椒油,花椒面和一半的葱花。稍微翻拌一下。 www.hjenglish.com 5. I suffer from this unpleasant taste, and glanced want to taste the fruit of the idea have disappeared without a trace. 我忍受着这种难闻的味道,看了看,想尝尝这种水果的念头已经消失的无影无踪。 ww123.net 6. The fans had to taste the coke and pretend that it was salty. Wilber then had to guess which is the real coke. 游戏要求粉丝要尝一下可乐但必须假装它是咸的,然后玮柏来猜哪个是真的可乐。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. drained and kept cool in a fridge . . . salt and pepper to taste . 排出水分或在冰箱里制冷…盐和胡椒粉 www.tingroom.com 8. Kate came with a plate. She wanted to taste some cakes. 凯特带着一个盘子来。她想要品尝一些蛋糕。 www.baobao88.com 9. Be with me Forced to taste the 'happiness' 陪我一起品尝这勉强的幸福 zhidao.baidu.com 10. The winter was cold snowman bully can be hard to taste ah. 寒冷的冬天被雪人欺负,滋味可不好受啊。 4455.cc 1. Add these along with the red wine, honey and fresh herbs along with chipotle, salt and pepper to taste. Cook for 40 minutes before serving. 将这些配料连同前面所说的原料和红葡萄酒、蜂蜜、香草、墨西哥干辣椒粉以及盐和胡椒粉一起烹调40分钟。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. If you come to my home, I invite you to taste lychees, longan, pineapple and so on. 如果你来到我的家乡,我请你吃荔枝,龙眼,菠萝等。 www.shdzxxxy.cn 3. The thin and crisp pancake with Italian flavour is crisp, fragrant and pleasant to taste. 意大利风味薄脆饼,薄香松脆口味佳。 dict.ebigear.com 4. In the warm night, people put up on a full moon, pleasant to taste a longing and yearning. 在这个温馨的夜晚,人们把情思寄托给一个圆圆的月亮,惬意地品尝一种向往和思念。 www.bing.com 5. "There will always be die-hard foodies who will fly to Copenhagen to taste them, " Murphy said. 莫非说:“总是会有一些铁杆美食爱好者千里迢迢地飞往哥本哈根去品尝美食。” www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. You've loosened my hands, leaving me alone to taste the broken starlit sky. . . . . . 你早已松开的我手离去,丢下我一人独自品味着这破碎的星空…… zhidao.baidu.com 7. Reduce the heat, add salt to taste, cover and simmer 30 minutes. 关小火苗,加入盐调味,盖焖30分钟 www.bing.com 8. It's like saying you're going to taste 57 bottles of vintage Bordeaux at a sitting or test drive 57 sports cars on Saturday. 这个道理就和你一口气品尝57瓶上好的波尔多葡萄酒,以及在某个周六一天之内要试开57辆跑车一样。 de.bab.la 9. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. I only wants to taste real Chinese food. 入乡随俗嘛,我只想尝一下真正的中餐。 www.hicoo.net 10. Oh, you'll still have to take the bitter. But you won't have to taste it. 好吧,你还是要吃苦的东西,不过你一点儿也不会觉得苦。 www.bing.com 1. B OK, I'll try one. And I'd also like to taste rice wine. B好的,我想试一试。而且我也很喜欢用米做的酒的味道。 www.hxen.com 2. Chill and serve with the prepared dressing and season with salt and pepper to taste. 入冰箱冰镇,食用时配上醋汁。盐和胡椒粉调味。 www.hxen.com 3. It is fun! People come here not to get drunk but to taste tasty drinks. Alcohol experts are teaching beginners how to drink fire water. 这很好玩!人来聚集到这并不是为求一醉而是来品尝不同的饮料。酒类专家正在给初学者传授如何饮用这些火辣的酒水。 www.bing.com 4. Balut is basically Duck Fetus that's eaten at a certain stage of development, according to taste. 巴鲁特主要是根据个人口味吃不同发育阶段的鸭胚胎。 www.bing.com 5. Then they were told to prepare a plate of food for someone else to taste. 然后要求他们为其他人准备一盘食物品尝。 www.bing.com 6. It called S for butter, two apples, a tablespoon of garlic powder and salt and pepper to taste. 需要黄油,两个苹果,一汤匙大蒜粉,盐和胡椒粉来调味。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. Raw carrots, washed, brushed and grated, sweetened with honey to taste. 生胡萝卜,洗,刷,剁碎,用蜂蜜拌甜 blog.sina.com.cn 8. A large family reunion together, a happy heart and solitude to taste delicious wine, feel happy. 一大家人团聚在一起,开开心心、热热闹闹的品尝着美酒佳肴,其乐融融。 www.268r.com 9. really, in return, I will also ask you to taste the Korean food. 真的吗,作为回报,我也会请你品尝韩国料理。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Caldo de Res is accompanied by chopped sides of onion and cilantro which may be added according, to taste. 卡尔多代水库是伴随着洋葱和香菜切碎双方可根据加入,品尝。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Salt to taste for food, heavy and taste for its distinctive features of abundance. 盐帮菜以味厚、味重、味丰为其鲜明的特色。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. The researchers tested 30 people's ability to taste a range of fatty acids in otherwise plain milky drinks liquids. 研究者们对30个人进行了实验,目的是要检测出他们对一些富含高脂肪酸的纯牛奶液态饮料的味觉敏感度。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 3. Welcome to mansions of ancient Anren town, and welcome to taste Liu's Mansion Dishes. 欢迎游览古镇公馆,欢迎品尝公馆刘家菜。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. stir - in fish sauce and lime juice to taste . garnish with coriander leaf and serve. 加入适量鱼露及柠檬汁。然后用芫荽叶点缀,即可上桌。 www.ichacha.net 5. Add salt and pepper to taste, and add a little nutmeg, if desire. 加入盐和白胡椒调味,喜欢的话,可以加入少许豆蔻粉。 www.bing.com 6. People come here not to get drunk but to taste tasty drinks. 人来聚集到这并不是为求一醉而是来品尝不同的饮料。 www.bing.com 7. We often buy many bags to my workmates and out-of-town friends to taste, they like very much too. 我经常带一些给同事,外地的朋友们吃,他们都说特别好吃啊。 bbs.5i5i.cn 8. Thinly slice two inches of root ginger and boil, adding lemon juice and honey to taste. 薄薄的两英寸厚的煮姜块,加上柠檬汁和蜂蜜。 www.233.com 9. Wow ? ! You are a lucky mouse ! I would like to taste them someday , too . 哇?!你是个幸运的老鼠!真希望有一天我也能尝一尝。 www.bing.com 10. Combine all ingredients in small bowl . Season to taste with salt and pepper. 把以上的材料拌匀,可加入小许盐及胡椒粉调味。 hk.myblog.yahoo.com 1. Once again this summer there will be no shortage of good wines to taste. 同样,今年夏天的世界杯将不缺好酒喝。 c.wsj.com 2. Rinse pearl barley and add to the congee with rolled oats. Cook for 45 mins. Add slab sugar to taste, serve hot or cold. 薏米略冲水,与麦片加入粥内,续煮45分钟;最后加入片糖调味,冷热佳宜。 blog.163.com 3. Like in MuChun season, shower in succession alone to taste showers, savour feeling, taste daydream! 喜欢在暮春时节细雨纷纷下,独自一个人去品味甘霖,品味思绪,品味遐想! hi.baidu.com 4. Add some milk to taste, stir, and then you will have what is, without a doubt, the perfect cup of tea. 适量加一些牛奶提味,搅拌,无疑,你将会得到一杯完美的茶。 www.yappr.cn 5. So the doctor brings the jar labeled with the number 43 and tells Mr. Smith to taste it. 于是,医生拿出了一个贴着43号标签的罐子让史密斯先生尝一尝。 www.ebigear.com 6. Pour hot tea in the glass, and then pour BOLS Melon and BOLS Triple Sec. Add lemon juice to taste. 将茶入杯,倒入波士蜜瓜和波士白橙皮力娇酒,倒入柠檬汁增加口感。 www.chinalegends.com 7. If the drink isn't sweet enough, add a packet of zero-calorie sweetener to taste. 如果喝的不甜,增加一包零热量的甜味剂来品尝。 www.tianya.cn 8. When you really want to taste a mixed world dish, Japanese food would be one. 当你想尝试一道国际混合菜时,日本菜是较好的选择。 eng.hzu.edu.cn 9. We're going to taste some rock tea and enjoy the local tea ceremony. 我们就要去品岩茶、赏茶艺了。 news.cctv.com 10. To Japan's Okinawa Island as represented by the village wish to taste. 以日本冲绳岛的大宜味村为代表。 cid-25f35e9067c8dc09.spaces.live.com |
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