单词 | total trade | ||||||||||||
释义 | total trade
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 贸易总额,总贸易量,总贸易额 1. "Intra-regional trade within Asia accounts for a similar share of total trade as was the case in Europe in 1992, " he said. 他表示:“亚洲地区内部贸易占整体贸易的份额,与1992年欧洲的情况颇为相似。” www.ftchinese.com 2. Total trade volumes have more than halved since a year ago, say market participants. Complex trades have vanished from the market. 市场人士表示,如今的总交易量比一年前减少了一半以上。复杂的交易合约已从市场上消失。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. India's trade with its neighbors is less than 3% of its total trade. High intraregional trade and foreign-investment barriers are to blame. 印度与邻国的贸易量占整体贸易的比重尚不足3%,这应归咎于印度对区域内贸以及外商投资所设立诸多壁垒。 c.wsj.com 4. Yuan-settled trade now accounts for about 10% of China's total trade, compared with less than 1% a year ago. 如今,用人民币结算的贸易额已占中国总贸易额的10%左右,比一年前的不足1%有了大幅提升。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Turning to America, so far the decline in its total trade deficit has been modest, because of the higher cost of oil imports. 再来看看美国,目前为止,由于进口石油的高额成本,该国贸易赤字总体有轻微下滑。 www.ecocn.org 6. One third of the trio's total trade is now among themselves, triple the level 15 years ago when China embarked on its economic reforms. 它的总贸易量的三分之一是在三者之间进行的,为中国在15年前开始经济改革时的三倍。 www.hotdic.com 7. The total trade structure of two parties can be explained in the frame of H-O theory. 双方总体的贸易结构基本可以在赫克歇尔俄林的理论框架下来解释。 www.lw23.com 8. America's GDP is around three times as big as China's, and its total trade is still larger. 现在,美国的GDP是中国的三倍,它的贸易总量仍然比中国大。 www.bing.com 9. To make that argument, he points to three dimensions of economic strength: GDP, total trade and external debt position. 他从经济实力的三个维度来论证上述观点:国内生产总值(GDP)、贸易总额和外债余额。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Vietnam's total trade turnover now equals 160% of GDP, making it one of the world's most open economies. 越南当前的国际贸易总额是GDP的1.6倍,这使它成为世界上最开放的经济体之一。 my.chinese.cn 1. The EU is a traditional market for China's exports and the export to the EU is holding an increasing percentage of China's total trade. 欧盟是中国产品出口的一个传统市场,在我对外贸易中的比重不断上升。 www.hbzikao.com 2. Largely closed to foreign firms until 1980, China is now the world's fourth-largest trading nation, with total trade over $600 billion. 年以前,中国基本上不允许外国企业在境内开展业务,但现在,中国是世界第四大贸易国,总贸易额超过6000亿美金。 www.bing.com 3. China provides the lion's share of North Korea's food and fuel and Sino-North Korean trade amounts to over 70% of North Korea's total trade. 朝鲜的大部分食品和燃料都是由中国提供的,中朝贸易额占了朝鲜贸易总额的逾70%。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Indeed, intra-regional trade in Asia now represents about half of total trade. 事实上,亚洲区内贸易占其总贸易的比重已约达五成。 www.info.gov.hk 5. China accounts for only 10% of America's total trade, so a 10% revaluation would reduce the dollar's trade-weighted value by a mere 1%. 中国只占美国贸易总额的10%,因此10%的重估价值将会减少仅仅1%的美元贸易加权价值。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. That trade fall-off tracked with the 28 percent decline in U. S. total trade with the world for this period, she added. 她表示,这个时期美国同世界各国的贸易总额减少了28%,上述减幅与此吻合。 www.america.gov 7. According to a World Bank report, South Asian intra-regional trade accounts for only about 5 per cent of total trade. 据世界银行(WorldBank)的一份报告,南亚区域内贸易仅占全部贸易的5%左右。 www.ftchinese.com 8. In 2004, import and export values of foreign-funded companies accounted for about 60 per cent of the country's total trade volume. 2004年,外资企业的进出口值约占中国贸易总额的60%。 www.24en.com 9. About 490 products, which account for 5% of total trade value, were excluded from the agreement, the officials said. 他们称,协议中不包括约490种产品,这些产品占总贸易额的5%。 bbs.enfamily.cn 10. By some estimates, computer-aided high-frequency trading nowaccounts for about 70 percent of total trade volume. 据估计,计算机辅助高频率交易已经占有全部交易量的70%。 www.bing.com 1. In all more than 3. 2m American troops sailed from New York's harbour. The port handled a quarter of America's total trade. 总共有320万余美国士兵从纽约港起航,而纽约港要吐纳美国四分之一的贸易。 www.ecocn.org 2. Its intraregional trade is barely above 10% of its total trade, and intraregional trade is about 5% of regional GDP. 南亚区域内贸约占当地整体贸易规模的10%,占本地生产总值5%左右。 cn.9iquzhou.com 3. Total trade settled in renminbi doubled between the end of March and the end of May to 44. 6 billion renminbi, or $6. 6 billion. 从今年三月底到五月底,以人民币结算的贸易总额增加了一倍,达446亿元人民币(合66亿美元)。 dongxi.net 4. Currently, free-trade pacts cover just 17% of Japan's total trade. 目前,自由贸易合同仅占日本总贸易量的17%。 bbs.ecocn.org 5. According to figures, our total trade has brought about $60 billion U. S. of benefits to U. S. consumers. 数据表明,我们两国的总贸易已经为美国消费者带来了近600亿美元的财富。 www.kouyi.org 6. Yuan-settled trade has now accounted for about 10% of China's total trade. 以人民币结算的贸易量在中国贸易总额中约占10%的比例。 cn.wsj.com 7. Egypt's total trade with China was worth about $2bn in 2005, compared with just over $5bn in trade with the US. 埃及与中国2005年的贸易总额约为20亿美元,埃美贸易额略高于50亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Analysts at Deutsche Bank AG predict that yuan-settled trade would amount to 3. 7 trillion yuan next year, or 15% of China's total trade. 据德意志银行(DeutscheBankAG)的分析师预测,用人民币结算的贸易额明年将达到3.7万亿元,占中国总贸易额的比重将达到15%。 chinese.wsj.com 9. In India's total trade, China's share has increased to over 10 per cent. 印度的总贸易额中,中国的份额增长了超过百分之十。 www.bing.com 10. But that still represents only 7% of China's total trade and 2% of the world's. 不过这只占到了中国每年贸易额的7%,世界的2%。 www.bing.com 1. In ten years, referring to the total trade amount, the favorable agri-product trade balance of Guangdong reduced gradually. 广东省农产品近十年来,在贸易总量上表现为贸易顺差逐步缩小,2003年出现贸易逆差,且逆差逐步扩大; www.juhe8.com 2. The politically sensitive total trade surplus was down 34. 2% to $196. 1bn, a fall of almost a third. 中国具有政治敏感性的贸易顺差减少34.2%仅为1961亿美元,下降了三分之一。 www.bing.com 3. Indeed, overall, the Bric countries' share of Africa's total trade rose from 4. 6 per cent in 1993 to 19 per cent in 2008. 事实上,总体而言,金砖四国在非洲贸易总额中的比例,已从1993年的4.6%提升至2008年的19%。 www.ftchinese.com 4. South Korea's trade surplus with the U. S. last year was $13. 3 billion out of total trade of $81. 5 billion, according to U. S. figures. 根据美方数据,去年韩国对美国的贸易顺差是133亿美元,双方贸易总额为815亿美元。 c.wsj.com 5. Last year, total trade volume registered 1. 21 billion dollars last year. 去年中缅贸易总额达到了12.1亿美元。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 6. Control the total trade spending within the budget and improve the investment efficiency; 在预算范围内控制整个品牌的开发及提高投资回报率。 www.jobui.com 7. The empirical results indicate that there exists a stationary complementary relationship among exports, imports, total trade and FDI; 结果表明,对日农产品出口、从日农产品进口和贸易总量与日本对华农业直接投资之间均存在长期稳定的互补关系; www.ceps.com.tw 8. In 2006, the Group annual turnover was the third of the total trade, compared to the past 5 years, its growth has tripled; 2006年代理行业集团年营业额排名第三,相对于过去5年成长了三倍; cn.qikan.com |
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