单词 | Tintin | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | Tintin
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 丁丁,丁丁历险记,婷婷 1. Assuming that Tintin does end up the subject of a Hollywood blockbuster, many around the world will soon think he is American. 假如丁丁最终成为好来坞大片的主题,世界上的许多人很快会认为他是美国人。 www.ecocn.org 2. In each volume Tintin, accompanied by his faithful dog Snowy, has adventures that take the pair all over the world. 在每册书中,丁丁都在忠诚的小狗“白雪”的陪伴下,开始冒险之旅,这对搭档的足迹遍布全世界。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The delays seem to have been caused partly by American puzzlement at Tintin. 使得该片拍摄一再推迟的部分原因似乎是美国人对丁丁的困惑。 www.ecocn.org 4. For, despite his qualities, Tintin has never been a big hit in the Anglo-Saxon world. 因为虽然制作精美,丁丁从来没有成为过英语世界中的大热门。 www.ecocn.org 5. He was happy for English-language editions to leave the impression that Tintin was British. 他很高兴地看到此书的英文版给人留下了丁丁是英国人的印象。 www.ecocn.org 6. As a journalist, Tintin is spectacularly unproductive, even by the idle standards of his trade. 作为一名记者,即使以该行业最闲散的标准来衡量,丁丁都相当地不称职。 www.bing.com 7. Tintin, a fictional reporter-adventurer, travels around the world with his fluffy canine companion, Snowy. 小说的记叙者、冒险者丁丁在他毛绒狗白雪的陪伴下环游世界。 www.hxen.com 8. What would be on the personal playlists of Holden Caulfield or Elizabeth Bennett, Huck Finn or Harry Potter, Tintin or Humbert Humbert? 霍尔顿·考尔菲德或者伊丽莎白.班纳特,哈克贝里.芬或哈利波特,丁丁或者亨伯特的个人播放列表会是什么样呢? dongxi.net 9. Publication of the book Tintin and Alpha-Art, the last and unfinished adventure of Tintin. 年,《丁丁和阿尔发艺术》出版.这是《丁丁历险记》的最后一部未完作品。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. In the way Tintin explores foreign lands and engages with people, you might describe him as an exponent of multiculturalism. 从丁丁探索异域并与不同人们打交道这一方面,你可能会形容他是个多元文化的倡导者。 www.tingroom.com 1. Many Chinese still keep collections of these black-and-white Tintin books. 许多中国人现在还收藏有这些黑白画面的丁丁书籍。 iask.sina.com.cn 2. Along the way it produced Magritte, Simenon, Tintin, the saxophone and a lot of chocolate. 在这一过程中它产生了马格里特(译注1),西姆农(译注2),丁丁历险记,萨克斯管和许多许多巧克力。 www.ecocn.org 3. Tintin has travelled to the jungles, the back streets of Shanghai and even the surface of the moon. 丁丁已经到丛林,上海的弄堂甚至月亮上面旅行过。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Tintin has travelled to the jungles, the back streets or Shanghai and even the surface of the moon. 丁丁进入过丛林,小巷,上海,甚至月球表面。 eblog.cersp.com 5. Based on the classic comic-strip, Tintin follows the adventures of a junior reporter and his faithful dog Snowy. 根据经典漫画改编的Tintin历险记,讲述的是小记者Tintin带着它忠诚的小狗Snowy到各地冒险的经历。 www.elanso.com 6. Yet the work that the two artists were admiring was a stack of Tintin albums. 但是这两位艺术家所欣赏的却是一摞丁丁的漫画。 www.ecocn.org 7. And as a little guy, even a clever one, Tintin's bravery works within limits: he rescues friends, and foils plots. 作为一个小人物,即使很聪明,丁丁的勇敢行为还是有一定限度的。他拯救朋友、戳穿阴谋。 www.ecocn.org 8. Herge's final complete adventure, the 1976 "Tintin and the Picaros" , offers the clearest expression of this doctrine of neutrality. 艾尔热最后的一个完整的冒险故事,出版于1976年的《丁丁和流浪汉》,为这一中立的信条提供了最清楚的表述。 www.ecocn.org 9. Butyl Ji born in Beijing, a growth of ordinary people, by book tintin adventure "the strong interest, hearts and travel the world dream. " 丁佶生,一个发展在北京的通俗人,凭着对《丁丁历险记》的浓重兴致,心胸走遍世界的胡想。 www.cntingshu.com 10. Steven Spielberg has been adapting Tintin's adventures to the screen; the film is expected to be completed in 2009, according to Peters. 史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格已经适应丁丁的冒险故事搬上银幕,这部影片在2009年完工,根据·彼得斯。 tieba.baidu.com 1. Any exploration of Tintin's hold on continental affections must start not with culture, but with history. 关于欧洲大陆为什么喜欢《丁丁历险记》的调查都应该从历史而不是文化着手。 www.bing.com 2. Tintin is looking to inject a dose of high-adventure this winter and take many long-time fans of the comics back to their childhood days. 丁丁期望为这个冬天注入一剂大冒险,把许多连环画的长久粉丝带回他们的童年时代。 www.rrting.com 3. Williams garnered another bestsScore nomination for "The Adventures of Tintin, " an animated blockbuster based on a Belgian comics series. 威廉姆斯的另一部得到最佳配乐提名的电影是《丁丁历险记》,这是基于比利时漫画系列的一部动画大片。 www.bing.com 4. His most famous, since reproduced on everything from Tintin books to tea cups, is "Beneath the Wave off Kanagawa" , painted around 1830. 他最为知名的作品是绘制于1830年左右的《神奈川巨浪》,因为打那儿起到现在,这幅画被复制到从《丁丁历险记》到茶杯的一切物品上。 www.ecocn.org 5. The 1930 story "Tintin in the Congo" has done much to feed Herge's reputation for racism. 发表于1930年的故事《丁丁在刚果》使艾尔热落得了个种族主义的名声。 www.ecocn.org 6. A Congolese man has asked a court in Brussels to remove copies of Tintin in the Congo from sale and libraries. 一个刚果人曾要求布鲁塞尔的一个法庭下令清除刚果在售的以及图书馆收藏的《丁丁历险记》。 www.tingroom.com 7. tintin, asterix, and pogo are other hosts in the network that can host build processes; localhost refers to the local machine. asterix和pogo是网络中可以驻留编译过程的其他主机;localhost是本地计算机。 www.ibm.com 8. The movie, directed by Steven Spielberg, faithfully depicts the comic book world of Tintin on the screen. 该片由史蒂文?斯皮尔伯格执导,如实地在大银幕上描绘出了连环画中丁丁的世界。 www.tingroom.com 9. One is Mikael Blomkvist, a Larssonesque journalist, middle-aged and unmarried, like Tintin grown up and gone to seed. 一个是MikaelBlomkvist,Larsson故事里的记者,中年,未婚想丁丁长大成人然后渐渐衰老。 www.bing.com 10. A new film about the adventures of Tintin, the Belgian boy reporter, opens across Europe this week. 上周,一部讲述比利时少年记者丁丁历险故事的新电影在欧洲地区上映。 bbs.ewteacher.com 1. Mrs Rodwell confesses to seeing risks in Hollywood doing Tintin. Rodwell夫人承认好莱坞拍摄《丁丁历险记》有风险。 www.bing.com 2. Tintin's slightly priggish character fitted the times. 丁丁带些自负的性格特征和那个时代很契合。 www.bing.com 3. Tintin has never fallen foul of the 1949 French law on children's literature. 《丁丁历险记》从来没有违反1949年法国法律关于儿童文学的规定。 www.bing.com 4. Comic strip cartoons with speech bubbles were something new and Tintin became a popular character. 带着泡泡状对话框的连环漫画成为新潮事物,丁丁也成为深受人们喜爱的角色。 www.tingroom.com 5. The world's most expensive comic book - "Adventures of Tintin. " 世界上最贵的连环画——《丁丁历险记》。 www.kekenet.com 6. That is a pretty accurate description of Tintin, the Belgian boy reporter who enjoyed spectacular success in post-war Europe. 这恰恰是对丁丁的精确描述。丁丁,一位在战后的欧洲取得非凡成就的比利时男孩记者。 www.bing.com 7. Mr Spielberg secured an option to film Tintin shortly before Herge's death in 1983. 斯皮尔伯格在1983年艾尔热去世前不久获准了丁丁电影的拍摄权。 www.ecocn.org 8. Admirers point to the quality of the drawing in Tintin, and the tense pacing of the plots, and they are right. 丁丁的粉丝指出,《丁丁历险记》的绘画质量好,故事情节紧凑。他们说得对。 www.bing.com 9. Tintin has been popular for 75 years, ever since Belgian cartoonist Herge invented the character in 1929. 自从比利时卡通画家Herge1929年创作出丁丁这个形象,75年来丁丁一直为人们所爱。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. There are several fan clubs in China which have held birthday parties for Tintin in Beijing , Shanghai, Guangzhou , Nanjing and Wuhan. 在中国有几家丁丁迷俱乐部,他们已经在北京,上海,广州,南京和武汉为丁丁举行了生日派队。 iask.sina.com.cn 1. In America, Tintin is barely known. 在美国,丁丁鲜为人知。 www.bing.com 2. Listen Tel: kids love to call, we have designed: Tintin called to ask my grandmother disease is cured not; 听德律风:孩子爱打德律风,本人们设计了:丁丁打德律风讯问奶奶病好了没有; www.taobao-fengxiong.com 3. I look at Tintin, I read books and I look every day the news. 我看了《丁丁历险记》,读书,每天都看新闻,以前我从没这么做过。 page.renren.com 4. "Did you ever read Tintin? " the pair said on SomethingAwful. com. “你读过《丁丁历险记》吗?”这对搭档在SomethingAwful.com上问。 www.bing.com |
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