单词 | take out |
释义 |
第三人称单数:takes out 现在分词:taking out 过去式:took out 过去分词:taken out 例句释义: 取出,带出,除去,取得,拿出,去掉,拿出来 1. I hate to say it, but I think we need a new car, and I think we'll have to take out a car loan. 我不愿意说,但是,我想,我们需要一辆新车,我想,我们不得不提出汽车贷款了。 www.bing.com 2. Being able to take out a chunk of the enemy quickly before Yuriko's life becomes threatened. 你可以在百合子的生命受到威胁前就干掉大批的敌人。 youxi.wo.tc 3. In great chain restaurant companies like McDonald's, you can get fast food at the counter ready "to go " , or "to take out" . 许多大型的连锁餐馆比如麦当劳专营快餐,这种食品在柜台上能即食或打包。 eng.hzu.edu.cn 4. e. g. : Do you know how much they'll let me take out of the country? 你知道他们要我从这个国家带走多少钱吗? blog.sina.com.cn 5. How much tax do they take out of your pay? 他们从你的工资收入中扣出多少所得税? blog.sina.com.cn 6. By refinancing, he said, we could take out the money we needed and lower our monthly payments! 他说,通过再融资,我们可以得到我们需要的资金并减少月供。 www.bing.com 7. But that's when I take out his letters and I read them, and the paper that touched his hand is in mine, and I feel connected to him. 可是已经太迟了。但每当我拿出并细阅他的信我感到与他紧密相连,因为他触摸过的那张信纸就在我手中。 www.ted.com 8. An Insurance Agent was trying to induce a Hard Man to Deal With to take out a policy on his house. 保险代理人是试图促使一个穷人拿出他的房子以应对政策。 www.en400.com:8080 9. Since you have them grouped, it's easy to order them to take out any enemy infantry that might pop up in the course of the battle. 由于你把他们编队了,这就很容易命令他们干掉任何可能在战斗中突然出现的敌人步兵。 a.kk55.net 10. Take out the chicken into a bowl, just ready to enjoy it well. 把鸡肉取出来放到碗里,就准备好好享受吧。 www.jianfeicha.org 1. If you point to a distant object, perhaps he is short-sighted, and has to take out his glass to look at it. 如果你指出了远处的一个景物,他也可能正好是近视眼,要拿出眼镜才能看到。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Be careful with your finger while trying to take out the battery pack. 当试图取出电池,小心你的手指。 www2.nkfust.edu.tw 3. Now that you're more familiar with the local economy, the next step is to take out a map and get your bearings. 现在,你更加熟悉当地经济,下一步就是拿出一张地图知道您的方位。 www.lwtxw.com 4. 'Take out a dollar bill in the remotest place in world and people will recognize it, ' he said. 他说,即使是在世界最偏远的地区拿出一张美元纸币,人们也能认得它。 c.wsj.com 5. Father is always very busy, seldom take out time to come out to be like to sit down to discuss heart now. 爸爸一向很忙,难得抽时间出来像现在坐下来谈谈心。 www.bazx.net.cn 6. Said the magic will see scattered, take out a qi white Dan medicine to pass to him and promptly hesitated or take a swallowed up. 说着那散魔就看到斯琪拿出一颗白色的丹药向他递来,当即犹豫了一下还是收下一口吞了。 bookapp.book.qq.com 7. The ability to head shot lets you take out most classes in only a few shots and pairs well with your ability to see enemy health. 它所具有的头部爆击伤害搭配你看透敌方生命值的能力,能够让你在几发射击之内射杀多数兵种。 wiki.teamfortress.com 8. And then take out a special account, the rest of the account answer all used to ask questions. 然后拿出一个账号专门回答,其余的账号全部用来提问。 www.82g.com.cn 9. By at least the late 1990s, he began to take out huge loans to support himself and pay debts. 至少,从上世纪90年代末开始,他便开始借入巨额贷款来维生并且还债。 www.bing.com 10. Employees, that want to take out of their things, should have out-going item of private baggage, or not to be out. 员工携带自己的物品出厂,必须持有私人行李放行条,否则不予放行。 mail.pdcnt.com 1. If I take out an old tooth and replace it with a false one, I won't charge you for the tooth-pull. 如果你要求拔掉一颗原先的牙并换上一颗假牙,我不会收取拔牙的费用。 www.ftchinese.com 2. That would make it harder for you to take out a loan or borrow money to expand a business. 那将让你们更难借出贷款或者借钱来扩大生意。 www.ebigear.com 3. After a series of popular TV adverts, the company have decided to take out a $1 million Lloyd's of London policy on the locks. 在拍摄了一系列电视广告后,公司拿出100万美元为他的头发买了保险。 gb.cri.cn 4. He said that he wants to provide each of his daughters proper Indian weddings, and will take out loans to pay for the others. 他说他希望为每个女儿都筹办这样标准的印度婚礼,但估计到时候需要借债了。 www.bing.com 5. If his house rises in value over the next five years, he will have to take out a further mortgage to pay back other creditors. 未来5年,如果他的房子价格升值,他还需要办理一个抵押贷款去还其他债主的钱。 www.ecocn.org 6. If you think the price of the car is going to be 5% higher next year, it makes sense to take out the loan and buy it now. 如果你认为车价在明年会涨5%,那么取出贷款现在便去购买就理所当然了。 chinese.wsj.com 7. "The herding is also . . . . . . " at his kiss in, she struggles and arrives his chest, own lips from he the lips take out to leave. “牧也……”在他的吻里,她挣扎起来,抵住他的胸膛,将自己的唇从他唇间抽离。 www.bazx.net.cn 8. The country is in the sort of unhappy and scratchy mood that voters in mid-terms habitually take out on the president's party. 整个国家都处在某种烦闷和抓狂的心态中,而选民习惯性地把这种心态归咎于总统所属的政党。 www.ecocn.org 9. B That wouldn't be a problem. How much would you take out? 没有问题,你想提多少钱呢? bbs.ebigear.com 10. How much time did that "few more minutes" take out of her day? “再多等一会儿”占去她每天多长时间呢? www.bing.com 1. An affection, would rather take out to tidy up than cover up deeply, throw to still stay, give it a parlance, hand over to treat for own 1. 一段感情,与其深埋,不如拿出来清理,丢还是留,给它一个说法,给自己一个交待。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. You're flying solo in a hostile environment, trying to take out one of the world's most elusive terrorists. 你单枪匹马杀入敌营,企图干掉世界上最行踪诡异的恐怖分子。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Have what no okay, I say that you tin take out material to let now with you I do medicine for you be aided me large assistance! 有什么不好的,我跟你说你现在能拿出材料让我帮你做药就是帮了我大忙了! www.stzh.com 4. When paying for a taxi, do not look at your wallet as you take out a bill just grab one at random and hand it over. 付钱给出租车司机时不用看你的钱包,只要随意抽出一张钞票递过去就行。 www.jukuu.com 5. Today, I had to take out the trash at work and I kept trying to throw it in the dumpster. After five tries I finally made it in. 今天,我负责倒垃圾,我一直试图把垃圾扔进去,在五次尝试之后,我终于搞定了。 tieba.baidu.com 6. It has two bombs, and four of these planes can take out a War Factory at the current balance levels. 它有两颗炸弹,以目前的平衡设者,4架这样的飞机可以干掉一个重工。 game.ali213.net 7. How much does it cost to take out an ad in a newspaper? 在报纸上刊登广告需要多少钱? bbs.freekaoyan.com 8. How much money do you want me to take out of the bank? 你想让我取多少钱? www.allwinworld.net 9. Once, in the winter, when we were all preparing to attend a concert, I saw my mother put on a fur coat and take out a bottle of perfume. 一次,在冬天,我们要去听音乐会,妈妈穿上了法兰绒大衣,同时,从衣柜里,拿出一瓶香水。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The blast radius is big enough that it will take out the enemy fleet as well. 这个爆炸半径大得足够同时摧毁敌人的舰队。 shynuphy.spaces.live.com 1. So, next time you mailbox or take out the trash, try to see if you spot anyone your age that could be a potential friend. 所以,下次你路过邮筒或倒垃圾的时候,试着看看是否能发现跟你同龄可以做朋友的人。 www.51yanxiu.com 2. That way, if I messed up any of the configuration in my lilo. conf file, I could take out the boot disk and boot into Linux as before. 那样,如果弄乱了lilo.conf文件中的任何配置,都可以取出引导磁盘并像先前一样引导到Linux。 www.ibm.com 3. If that happens, it would take out of the equation material that the big powers here feared could be made into a nuclear bomb. 如果这成为事实,这会消除西方大国担心将用于制造核弹的物质。 jp345.com 4. How much do you need to take out (of the bank)? 你需要(从银行)取多少钱? zhidao.baidu.com 5. Because if you give people confidence right now that it's going to be extended you take out a bunch of uncertainty. 因为如果你现在让人们相信这项减税措施将会延长,就打消了许多不确定性。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Issued by the U. S. Navy during World War II, this pistol allowed an operative to take out the enemy without ever removing his gloves. 美国海军在二战期间开始使用这款手枪,它可以让特工在不脱下手套的情况下干掉敌人。 dongxi.net 7. Later that evening I opened my present with enthusiasm. "Happy birthday, " he said. "When I take out a new pair of gardening gloves. " 那天晚上,我满心欢喜的打开了礼物。当我拿出一副新的园艺手套时,他说:“生日快乐”。 bbs.24en.com 8. Take out put a long time of jin wine cover, suddenly ran out of a small gecko, when he was scared. 拿出放了好久的劲酒盖,突然间跑出一只小壁虎,当时吓了一大跳。 blog.163.com 9. Sure, Chinese take-out has always been a solid performer as a cornerstone of my diet, but there wasn't any mystery to it. 当然,那个时候中式外卖总是在我的饮食里扮演着不可取代的角色,但它没有任何的神秘感。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Take out pen and pad and decide how much you can spend. 拿出纸和笔,算算你准备花多少旅费。 www.elanso.com 1. He knew that if he could not slow the fish with a steady pressure the fish could take out all the line and break it. 他知道如果没有办法用稳定的拉力减缓鱼的速度的话,所有的鱼线都可能会被拖光,并断裂。 www.bing.com 2. Take out a piece of A in A letters along the diagonal nail row, by a concave-convex feeling. 拿出一张A在A的字母上顺着斜线用指甲一划,就由凹凸感了。 444mu.com 3. Decide how much you'll save each time you are paid and take out that money as soon as possible and put it into savings. 你要决定每次存多少钱然后把那部分钱拿出来存到你的帐户上。 www.bing.com 4. Don't take out a loan for a trip, the thought of paying back the loan with interest will kill all the fun and enjoyment of your time away. 不要为了旅游去借贷款,这种念头会扼杀掉你渴望快乐时光的乐趣。 www.bing.com 5. If your family enjoys camping in the summer why not take out the tent and set it up in the living room complete with sleeping bags and all? 如果你的家人向往夏令营,何不就在起居室搭起帐篷,睡袋和一应物品? www.bing.com 6. If can make her like this sit by him, ability so of looking at him, take out a smoke to calculate what, 100s are all all right. 如果能让她这样坐在他身旁,能这样的看着他,抽一根烟算什么,一百根都没问题。 www.venustrain.com 7. Paint your imagination: It does not matter if you are good at painting or not. Just take out a canvas and paint what you feel like. 画出你的想象:你是否善于画画并不要紧,只管拿出画布,画任何你想画的东西。 www.bing.com 8. They never knew when he would take out the matchbox in which he kept numbered pieces of paper corresponding to the pupils' seat numbers. 他们从来都不知道什么时候他会拿出一只火柴盒,火柴盒里装有一些与学生座位号相对应的纸片。 www.zftrans.com 9. There is no limit to the number of American dollars you can bring into or take out of the United States. 你能带入或带出美国国境的美元数目不受限制。 www.hxen.com 10. How much would you like to take out of your account? 您想从您帐上提取多少? www.jukuu.com 1. In the United States, take-out food is often viewed as synonymous with fast food. 在美国,外卖食物常被视同为快餐。 www.putclub.com 2. The famous doctor, Hua Tuo came to take a look and said that he would have to open up his head and take out the tumor inside. 当时著名的医生华佗来给曹操看病,说他可以开颅取出曹操脑袋里的赘瘤。 club.xilu.com 3. I take out a bag of candy from my backpack and hold it out to the children. 我从背包里拿出一包糖分给孩子们。 www.huaxia-ng.com 4. We take out of that fast running current a bucket of water and that confined water becomes our life. 我们从那个急流中取出一桶水,这点有限的水变成了我们的生活。 j-krishnamurti.org.cn 5. Please look at me, take out a piece of paper, turn it over, take out your pencils and follow me. 请大家看我,首先选一张纸,翻过来,拿出铅笔,跟我画。 bgy.gd.cn 6. Over the past few days, customers have been lining up at the Bank of Antigua to take out their money. 过去几天里,客户在安提瓜银行门口排队要求取出他们的钱。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. Malfurion's absence from the battlefield had frustrated the massive demon, who decided to take out his fury on Jarod. 没在战场上见到玛法里奥·怒风让这个大恶魔很失望,他决定把这一腔的怒火发泄到迦洛德身上。 wiki.ngacn.cc 8. Not long ago it was widely assumed that the downturn would be sharp enough to take out more than one big carmaker. 不久以前,人们普遍以为经济衰退来势凶猛,不止一家大型汽车制造商要被淘汰出局。 www.ecocn.org 9. I told her to take out a necklace. She's just ignoring me. 我叫她给我看看一条项链,她竟然对我视若无睹。 bbs.enfamily.cn 10. In that part of the world, you might have to take out your binoculars to get a closer look. 在世界的那一端,你可能得拿出双筒望远镜来看个仔细。 www.taipeitimes.com 1. She's packing enough to take out that crack lab . I've wired in a delay timer, to give you time to get out. 它足够可以把那化学实验室夷为平地。我已经装上了一个延时定时器,来给你有足够的时间脱出。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The bank's surveillance video tape showed Hu take out the knife from his jacket and stab the victim repeatedly at 3: 12am. 这家银行的录像显示3点12分胡某从夹克衫里抽出刀子向受害人不断地桶去。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. China's Academy of Fine Arts will hold such an exhibition about this time each year and students will take out their works for sale. 每年差不多这个时候,美院都会组织这样的展卖会,把学生平时的写生作品、创作作品拿出来卖。 www.35mc.com 4. Not even the most libertarian extremist would accept that you could take out insurance on your neighbour's house or the life of your boss. 即使是最极端的自由派,也不会接受你为邻居的房子或老板的生命投保的想法。 www.ftchinese.com 5. And when I took up cycling at the beginning of the academic year, I found myself unable to take out that expensive membership. 当我在这学期开头开始骑车时,我发现自己不能再为昂贵的会员资格花钱了。 www.bing.com 6. (b. ) If space permits, take out a single room contract that will be split among the remaining three roommates. 如果空间允许,取出一个单间的合同将在剩余的三个室友分裂。 wenwen.soso.com 7. They mop floors, take out the rubbish, walk the dog, buy groceries and care for the children, the elderly or disabled. 她们拖地,倒垃圾,遛狗,卖杂货,带孩子,照顾老人和残疾人。 www.bing.com 8. I'll explain some important language points. Please take out your notebooks and get ready to make notes. 我要解释一些语法点,拿出你的笔记本准备做笔记。 avbtxz.wz66.com 9. But as I fear, sweet like a fawn disorderly jump, the master called me to office, from the drawer take out the love letters. 可惜正当我惶恐,甜蜜的如一只小鹿乱跳时,班主任把我叫到办公室,从抽屉里拿出那封情书。 www.aixxs.cn 10. When someone is terribly sick and might die without a surgery, the doctor can take out the bad things from his body and save his life. 当有人病得很严重,如果不开刀就会死,医生能把坏东西从他身体里拿出来救他的命。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Some senior executives in the industry believe Congress will take out up to $1, 000bn from the core Pentagon budget over the next decade. 国防行业某些高管认为,未来十年美国国会将把五角大楼(Pentagon)的核心预算削减至多1万亿美元。 www.bing.com 2. Like, take out a card now. Then let other classmates and teacher take a look. Don't show me. 好,现在抽一张牌。然后让其他同学和老师看一下。不要让我看到哦。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. "I can stay with you another night, " says the Swallow. "But I can't take out your other eye, because then you can't see. " “我可以再陪你一个晚上。”小燕子说。“但我不能拿出你的另一只眼睛,因为那样你就看不见了。” blog.163.com 4. Contribute to the fight by flying bombers (with huge anti-ship torpedoes) or fly defense and take out the enemy bombers. 你可以在巨型反舰鱼雷的帮助下,驾驶着轰炸机参与作战,也可以消灭敌方轰炸机,进行防御作战。 wiki.deeptimes.org 5. With tuition fees, most students take out a loan of about 3, 225 pounds a year at low interest rates and pay it back after they graduate. 据了解,在现有的征收学费的制度下,大部分学生每年会申请大约3225英镑的低利率助学贷款,毕业之后还清。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. He came in every week to read the latest journals and eventually decided to take out the librarian instead of the books. 他每周要来读最近的刊物,并最终决定把我这位图书馆员而不是书带出去。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 7. It's not impossible: you can take out a loan that you have the money for and pay it off quickly or take a similarly roundabout route. 然而也并非不可能:你可以贷一笔款,然后迅速归还或者采取相似的迂回策略。 www.elanso.com 8. And Ran decided to go into his tool shed and take out a saw and do it himself. 听到这话,Ran毅然到他的工具棚里拿出一把锯子自己亲手把他的手指锯下来。 www.ted.com 9. eg. Departing from this notion, we can take out the concept of fictitious economic law out of the body of present economic law. 从这一理念出发,我们可以在现行经济法体系中抽象出虚拟经济法的概念。 www.hxen.com 10. Take out as much of the soil as you can with the seedlings. Plant them in the ground in a hole that is bigger than the lettuce roots. 移栽幼苗时尽量多带些土,在地上挖个比生菜根大一点的洞,将幼苗种下。 edu.sparke.cn 1. Take out your cuboids, let's touch the cuboids. Please show your group members which is the face, which is the side and which is the point. 拿出你们的长方体,摸一摸。告诉你的组员什么是面,什么是棱,什么是顶点。 2. The industry has the experience, this is the same set of film take out the proofing, respectively, the effect is usually not the same. 业边人士都有这个教训,这就是同一套胶片不分别拿不入去打样,成果凡是都不不同。 www.bing.com 3. Wait. . . (Take out a leaflet) I'm kind of running out of money. 嘿,等等。(拿出一张广告纸)我最近手头有点紧…… fujian.yyets.com 4. People who embark on higher degrees take out a commercial bank loan, find an indulgent sponsor or earn the money first. 正在接受更高层次学历教育的学生从商业银行获得贷款,找一位宽容的赞助自己完成学历的人或者入学之前先赚钱。 www.ecocn.org 5. Last time I talked with you, you said that you want to sell take out food container to restaurants. 上次我和你谈过,你说你想买食品容器给餐店。 club.china.alibaba.com 6. Had a dynasty me to meet to look forward to in my heart on first of love, liked and keep it secret, take out own of sincerity of heart. 有朝一日我遇到了我心中向往的爱情,好无保守秘密,拿出自己的真诚的心来。 bbs.scol.com.cn 7. The old man went into the bank to take out some money. 老人走进了银行取了点钱。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. "I wanted data for a figure showing how the blood sugar went up again after you take out the kidney with the islets in it, " she recalls. 她回忆道:「我想获得一些数据,证明移除含有胰岛组织的肾脏后,血糖会再度上升。」 9. Calligraphy is the heart of Musalman. If you take out the heart, there is nothing left. “书法是这份报纸的核心,没有了它,报纸将一无所有”。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 10. Air Force is now looking into how to take out an air defense system that bases its communications on Internet technology. 美国空军正在观察该如何拔掉一个基于它的英特网技术通信的防空系统。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The answer is to make work more interesting, mix up your routine a bit - ie, don't take out work frustrations on your food. 解决办法是,让工作变得更有趣味,稍稍打乱一下你的“例行程序”——也就是说,别在用餐时想工作中的挫折。 www.ftchinese.com 2. It may be advisable to take out a home-equity loan to pay off other nondeductible obligations. 所以来建立一个家庭贷款来支付其他的不可抵减的债务是明智的。 www.morebacking.com 3. You don't take out on your partner negative issues that belong with mom and dad or stem from an unhappy childhood. 你不会把那些小时候的不愉快经历、或者和父母之前的问题,发泄到伴侣身上。 bbs.sciopsy.com 4. We've got three weeks left to complete six weeks worth of work. Looks like we'll be living on take-out for a while. 我们只剩三个礼拜了,但还有六个礼拜的工作没有完成,看样子这一阵子我们得靠吃外卖度日了。 tianya.8684.cn 5. The new despot orders a hit squad to take out his nephew, the proper heir to the throne, Prince Caspian (Ben Barnes). 这个新暴君命令一个小突击队去除掉他的侄子凯斯宾王子,那个真正的王位继承人。 www.bing.com 6. Familiar with those feelings, with those statements that I take out of your hearts and minds ? ? ? 对于我从你们心灵与思维中捕捉到的那些感觉和陈述感到熟悉吗? apps.hi.baidu.com 7. I'd also take out the "I'd like to talk to you about, " since that could imply that I'm going to give you a pitch. 我也会拿掉这句“我想和您讨论一些方式”,因为这就可能暗示了我将对你长篇大论地推销。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. There is an idea to take out abruptly: approached to see if it! 有一个念头,突兀地冒了出来:走近去看看它! zhishi.sohu.com 9. Daisy then runs out of the room. Bossy runs after her, but when he runs to the cellaret, he stops and take out a bottle. 黛西跑出房子。波西紧追,但是当他追到酒橱边时,他停下来,拿出一瓶酒。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Oil the hands and take out the dough to place on a greased work surface. Press and pull the dough into a rectangular shape. 手沾少许色拉油,将面团取出放到抹了油脂的案板上,用手将面块按成长方块,叠2-3层。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. notice , first you take out a policy , then you put in a claim and the insurance company , you hope , agrees to meet the claim. 请注意,你先要得到保单,才能提出索赔要求,当然你希望保险公司能够满足你的索赔要求。 www.ichacha.net 2. But they may be able to take out private loans, as many American students do. The student loan industry is in the news right now. 但是他们有可能得到私人贷款,就像很多美国学生做的那样。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. For some time, I sit reading stories, then take out a photocopied picture of Hemingway's funeral. 我读了一会儿小说,然后取出一张影印的海明威葬礼的照片。 www.zftrans.com 4. I take out three eggs first , readjust oneself to a certain extent within opening fire then , pouring oil into a boiler on the table. 我先拿出三个鸡蛋,放在桌子上,然后打开火,将油倒入锅里。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Every year our company will take out a number of fund as public welfare fund to help the animals and people in need. 公司每年会有一部分资金作为公益事业金,为需要帮助的动物或者人类提供支持。 www.alsox.com 6. Take out that list of life priorities again and tape it up on the bathroom mirror for the next few weeks. 购清单,再带起来生命优先于浴室镜子数星期。 actuafreearticles.com 7. Remove the cap to take out the blade with care. The cut condiments shall be put into a pan or bowl directly. 打开盖子,注意小心取出刀片,将切完的材料直接放入锅或碗中。 www.kuaiyilin.com 8. Take out as much of the soil as you can with the seedlings. 移栽时幼苗的根部要尽量多带些土壤。 www.tingclass.com 9. Take out a piece of paper and a pen and turn the paper on its side so you're writing across the long side. 拿出一张纸和一只笔,将纸片转到一边,沿着长边写字。 www.elanso.com 10. Hence, for coaxing her, I put the homework to the part first, home all toys take out, accompanying her to play together. 于是,为了哄她,我先把作业放到一边,把家里所有的玩具都拿出来,陪她一起玩。 wenwen.soso.com 1. (Take out a disk) Here, Cheng, I will share Maria Ozawa's commemorative issue with you. (拿出一张光盘来)来,郑正,我与你分享我珍藏的小泽玛丽亚纪念版专辑。 fujian.yyets.com 2. Take out a cordage, a head of's fastening be speed car tail and a head of fastens on the tractor head. 拿出一根绳子,一头系在奔驰车尾巴了,一头系在拖拉机头上。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. After four and a half years, both hearts were working fine, so Yacoub and colleagues decided not to take out the extra heart. 四年以后,两颗不同的心脏运行良好,因此雅库巴和同事决定不取出额外的心脏。 www.bing.com 4. "Under Russian law, people have no access to credit and cannot take out a mortgage. It is frustrating. " “按照俄国法律,人们不能贷款,也不能申请抵押。真叫人灰心。” www.bing.com 5. Mother holding the baby sitting in her arms, take out refers to a butterfly or accidentally paper butterfly to baby look. 妈妈抱着宝宝坐在怀里,拿出指偶蝴蝶或纸蝴蝶给宝宝看。 www.aixuexibaobao.com 6. He had five lands in play. I reasoned that, if I take out the Rift Bolt, I'm increasing his chances to draw Spell plus Grapeshot . 我想,如果我拿走他的时缝之雷,那我就等于增加了他抓咒语尤其是霰弹的机会。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Keep the Carrier moving, and you'll be able to take out Dreadnaughts or other units that dumb fire long range missiles with no problem. 让航母保持移动,你将能够轻松干掉大型战舰或那些没有远程导弹的单位。 game.ali213.net 8. As soon as you see the helicopters coming your way, drop both of them over the diner to take out the hostiles . 只要你看到直升机来您的方式,减少他们两人以上用餐采取了敌对。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Take out the exercise, find out the reasons that the form of the mountains. Why are the oceans becoming larges or smaller? 拿出练习册,找出山脉形成的原因;海洋越来越大火越来越小的原因。 dili.pudong-edu.sh.cn 10. Before then, she was a smoking, take-out-every-night, espresso-drinking girl in her 20s. 在这之前,二十几岁时,她是一个吸烟、每天晚上都出去吃饭和喝浓咖啡的女孩。 www.bing.com 1. Shallow-scald shelled fresh shrimps with boiling water until just cooked, take out and place in a soup bowl. 以沸水略浸烫虾仁至仅熟,取出盛放在汤碗内。 www.hkheadline.com 2. He took off his raincoat and take out the key. 他脱下雨衣,拿出钥匙。 www.hxen.com 3. Ladies, you wouldn't have to constantly nag someone to take care of the dishes piling up in the sink or take out the trash. 女士们,你不用向某人唠叨,要他收拾堆在洗碗池里的餐具,或倒掉垃圾。 www.bing.com 4. "Take home" differs from "take out" in that it is marketed as a home meal replacement rather than fast food. “带回家的食品”和“外卖食品”是有区别的,前者是买来代替家庭用餐的,而非快餐。 www.putclub.com 5. First, take out a sheet of paper and across the top write "Things About Me. " 首先,拿出一叠纸,并在第一张写上“有关我的事情”。 www.bing.com 6. If you can't take out to remove battery anode also, (remember must be negative), this can avoid unnecessary waste electricity. 如果不能取出也要摘掉蓄电池的负极,(记住一定是负极),这样可以避免电量的没必要浪费。 www.hblszq.com 7. I tried like hell but my schedule in London is just not permitting my to take out the time, and I am here primarily on work. 尽管我非常努力地尝试着,但我在伦敦的行程却不容许我腾出时间来,而且我主要是到这里工作。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Each paratrooper must correctly leave the platform of the simulator, gain speed, take out a gun and get ready for shooting. 每位伞兵必须正确得脱离模拟装置台,加速、取出枪,准备好射击。 www.bing.com 9. Take out the RGB signal from one of the pixels on the LED screen, connect the data to a floor lamp and play with the fluorescent light mode. 将LED显示屏上其中一个像素点的RGB信号取出,将数据连接到落地灯,用日光灯的形式播放。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. With no powerful family behind him, he had to take out loans at five times the normal rates of his well-connected competitors. 在没有强大家族支持的情况下,他不得不接受贷款,其利率比关系雄厚的竞争对手获得的贷款正常利率高五倍。 www.bing.com 1. How much time will take out every day, the site management time segment, again closing is doing. 每天拿出多少时间来管理站点,这个时间内再次细分,几点到几点是要干嘛。 www.82g.com.cn 2. 'Amazon's approach was to take out everything they didn't need, ' he said. 他说,亚马逊的做法是把一切不必要的东西都拿掉。 www.cn.wsj.com 3. When the CIA is going to take out a target. They ask first for my permission. 当中情局想干掉一个人,必须有我的许可,安全第一。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. He prepared himself to take out a license for a driver. 他为取得汽车驾驶执照作了准备。 www.chinaedu.com 5. If you love me, please take out of your sincerity, not love I neither out of my world. 假如你爱我,请拿出你的真心,不爱我就衮出我的世界。 www.haoqq.net 6. Until that the cruel king be clay-cold, he just can take out that note to ask other people. 直到那个残暴的国王死后,他才得以拿出那张纸条请教别人。 hi.baidu.com 7. Take out the cigarette lighter and plug into the Golf Car, the shining indicator light of the Golf Car shows it's working. 将汽车点烟器取出,然后把香薰高尔夫插进去,高尔夫球指示灯亮时,表示运作状态; bbs.51fashion.com.cn 8. Example: Because our warehouse was near the river, we decided to take out insurance against floods. 因为我们的仓库靠近河流,我们决定上洪涝险。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Take out a piece of paper. Take out your science book. Take out your phonics book. Take out all your books. 拿出一张纸,拿出你的科学书,拿出语音书,拿出你所有的书。 www.myld.cn 10. Just switch on your computer or take out your pen and paper as soon as you wake up and start working on it. 仅仅在你醒来后就开机或者拿出纸笔来工作。 news.cnblogs.com 1. Take out credit cards when traveling, do not worry about the road accident in cash were stolen, so happy holidays to become disappointed. 出去旅游的时候带上信用卡,也不用担心旅途中意外现金被盗,使快乐的假期变得扫兴。 www.xiami360.com 2. postal enterprises and their branch offices have the right to request users to take out the contents for examination, when necessary. 用户交寄的信件必须符合准寄内容的规定,必要时邮政企业及其分支机构有权要求用户取出进行验视。 hhlew.com 3. Customer: no, far more than is expensive, simply take out me with water pump blood! 顾客:不,何止是贵,简直就是用水泵抽我的血! blog.163.com 4. Occasionally ordering a take-out is fine, but having three or four a week is bordering on lazy. 偶尔点份外卖也未尝不可,但每周点三四次就等于你懒惰了。 www.bing.com 5. Good supply became real "Fengqiang" target, and some even completed the design had been completed, property buyers to take out a book list . 好房源成了购房者“疯抢”的对象,有的楼盘甚至连设计都未完成,购房者就抢填了预订单。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Take out a blank sheet of paper, the "time budget" you prepared yesterday, and the approximate hourly wage you calculated earlier. 拿出一张空白的纸,你昨天准备好的“时间预算”以及你早先算好的你每小时的实际工资。 www.bing.com 7. "Heavy destroyers, " Lash murmured. Enough concentrated firepower to take out a dozen UNSC prowlers. “重型驱逐舰,”拉稀咕哝道。有足够的火力摧毁一打UNSC巡游舰。 nicolar2009.blog.163.com 8. Getting a son to take out the garbage once a week is considered a triumph. 能够让一个孩子每周倒一次垃圾就已经是谢天谢地的事情了。 www.ebigear.com 9. We have to take out, of course, have become oily face the summer, but autumn and summer, strange oily skin will dry, flaky. 当然要用了,固然夏天脸庞都显得油光光的,但进入秋夏季,油性的皮肤异样也会枯燥、起皮。 99mrw.5d6d.com 10. Whisk off dust, take out a piece of yellow paper. Paper has wrinkled, handwriting. See. 掸开灰尘,抽出一张发黄的笺纸。笺纸虽皱,字迹犹存。隐约看到。 www.bing.com 1. Don't worry. I'll take out the map from the glove compartment and take a look. . . Uh, where are we? 别担心。我把地图从杂物柜里拿出来看一下……嗯,我们在哪里? www.ivyenglish.com.cn 2. Then take out, spread the remaining melted chocolate over the top and smooth with a butter knife. 然后拿出来,把剩下的融化的巧克力摊到模具的顶端,并用黄油刀抹平。 www.co-consult.com.cn 3. Paper-cut characters is first, and then take out a piece of paper on top of some Chinese cut out, still can cut art words! 剪纸汉字也是先拿出一张纸,然后在上面剪出一些汉字,还可以剪艺术字呢! wenwen.soso.com 4. The concept of take-out food and the practice of buying prepared foods for consumption elsewhere date to early civilization. 外卖食品的概念和购买现成食品并在别处食用的习俗可以追溯到早期文明社会。 www.bing.com 5. and brand shop of a few brands is done more normatively , agency can take out the 3C proof of qualitative check branch. 而一些品牌专卖店做得比较规范,经销商都可以拿出质检部门的3C证实。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Say to take out a crystal coffin from keep the object ring, coffin in lie a smart looks woman, merely is his daughter Xiao Ying Ying. 说着从储物戒指中拿出一副水晶棺材,棺材里面躺着一个美貌女子,却是他的女儿肖莹莹。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. and naturally cooling to normal temperature after reaction is completed, and opening to take out a product. 上述反应结束后,自然冷却到常温,打开取出。 ip.com 8. Why should I take out my laptop at all if I can whip out my phone and check my email? 如果我能随时从口袋掏出手机收邮件,为什么我还要带一台笔记本? www.bing.com 9. Cycle. . . Cacique looked a little while, take out the small of the stock they were shot. 酋长看了一会儿,拿出枪把他们枪毙了。 qyweb.org 10. But that does not give any of us the right to take out our stress on another person. 但这并不是我们把压力发泄在别人身上的借口。 www.bing.com 1. Jerk the front chuck open , loose the rear chuck and then take out the pipe. 然后撞开前卡盘,再松开后卡盘,取出管子。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Jimi Izrael: Well, yeah, I mean she's looking for some man to help her take out her weave, really? Seriously? 吉米·伊斯雷尔:呃,是的。我是说她真的想找一个能帮她解辫子的男人吗?是吗?当真? www.joyen.net 3. She lets him take out the cate in freezer to feed her, glide on her skin with oozy liquid ice cube. 她让他拿出冰箱里的美食喂她,用渗出液体的冰块在她的肌肤上滑行。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Is old two, you plan bottom the household save of adapt those nice medicine materials of managing the body to all take out. 老二,你去安排下把家族存的调理身子的那些好药材都拿出来。 lionwind990718.sclub.tw 5. We recommend passengers take out a passenger and luggage insurance policy with sufficient cover. 我们建议乘客申办一份具有足够承保的人身和行李保险单。 www.showxiu.com 6. Those who invested in hedge funds before 2008 recall bitterly how some of them "gated" investors, refusing to let them take out their money. 2008年之前投资对冲基金的人们回忆起当初对冲基金公司如何困住他们,并且拒绝让投资者取出自己的资金的时候,仍然不能释怀。 club.topsage.com 7. 'He's just a child, ' the boy's father, Huang Hongzhang told the newspaper. 'I don't understand why people want to take out their. 黄艺博的父亲黄宏章说,他还只是个孩子,为什么有的人要把对社会的不满发泄在我儿子的身上呢? www.putclub.com 8. Get into the habit of packing a day early for your trip and then take out half the stuff and leave it at home. 养成一个习惯,就是早早就打包好旅行一天所需的的东西,然后把一半拿出来留在家里。 www.elanso.com 9. Put the card into the lock , like this , when the green light is on , take out the card and then turn the handle . It will open. 将钥匙卡插入门锁内,像这样,当灯亮起时,将钥匙卡拔出,然后旋转门把守,门就可以打开了。 blog.163.com 10. Then they take out the frame, shake off the remaining bees and take it to a warm room. 然后,取出蜂板并晃动,抖落粘在上面的蜜蜂,放到温暖的房间内。 www.bing.com 1. They planned to take out the enemy arsenal by bombing it. 他们计划炸毁敌兵工厂。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. To summary, wants you to take out money, takes out money is in disguised form first false. 一句话,要你先掏钱、变相掏钱的都是假的。 www.fenleimama.com 3. What would you try to take out of the food system or change in the way things are marketed and sold? 你将怎样来引领食物体制或是怎样改变已经上市或是售出的物品? www.bing.com 4. I felt awakened all of a sudden and take out all the money when the light was off again. 这话让我猛然清醒,当灯再次熄灭时,我把那笔钱全部交了出来。 www.ebigear.com 5. Although popular in city neighborhoods, ethnic restaurants long composed only a small share of the take-out industry. 尽管这些外国餐馆在市区很受欢迎,但长期以来它们只在外卖产业中占很小的份额。 www.ebigear.com 6. To maximize this without risking her life completely, take out all units charging towards her that could kill her with one strike. 为了在不冒生命危险的情况下,尽可能使效益最大化,干掉所有冲向她的可以一击秒掉她的单位。 youxi.wo.tc 7. Children, take out one piece ofp aper, but don't tear it out from your notebook. 孩子们,拿出一张纸,但是不要从你的作业本上撕。 bbs.24en.com 8. The dog dog will often take out for a walk, often should accompany the dog dog play. 狗狗要经常带出去走走,要经常陪狗狗玩。 www.donghairen.com 9. Now Take out everyone to see. (In fact, a piece of paper) that we will not think this is on paper, but a new phone, but paper only. 现在就拿出来给大家看。(其实是一张纸)大家不要认为这是纸,只是一款最新手机,只不过相纸而已。 wenwen.soso.com 10. They had been very valuable to me in reporting the army's great victories. I realized I shouldn't take out General Staff maps. 这些地图对我报道军队的伟大胜利非常有用。我认识到我不应该把军用地图带出德国。 www.bing.com 1. Crossbows are armor piercing and will halve the effect of any armor. Use crossbowmen to take out well armored troops. 十字弩可以穿透盔甲,能够令对手的防御度效果减半计算,因此适合使用弩手们对付重盔甲的单位。 lynn.tlfer.net 2. Many passengers take out a small hammer on board, broke down the car windows, the passengers fled the car have Fanchuang. 不少乘客取出车上的小榔头,砸开了车窗玻璃,乘客们纷纷翻窗逃离车厢。 cna1030.chinaw3.com 3. Take out the safety inFORMation card from the seat pocket in front of you, and read it carefully. 在您前面的座椅口袋中有安全说明书,请仔细阅读。 bbs.feeyo.com 4. Would you mind doing a few odd jobs today? Pick up some beer, take out the trash, and send these letters at the post office. 今天你能做几件小事吗?买些啤酒,倒垃圾,然后到邮局把这些信寄了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. It appreciated the compromise made to take out the origin of the proposals and support the Chair's proposal. 该代表团赞赏该集团作出让步,把提案中的来源拿掉,从而支持了主席的提案。 www.wipo.int 6. So the only variable in your control is what you decide to put in or take out--what tasks will you choose. 所以在你的控制范围之内唯一可以变化的是你能决定什么该放进去或者拿出来——也就是你会选择什么样的任务。 www.bing.com 7. Current disposal methods involve a version of the MAARS robot that insurgents will bomb to take out of action. 现今采用的是一种MAARS机器人操控,如果发现敌军采取行动,那么将爆炸。 www.bing.com 8. Every year near the Spring Festival , sister, brother and I take out the bracelet one by one. 每年的春节将至,我们姐弟三人轮流请出那对镯子。 www.elanso.com 9. She would take out her stand-up mixer and the chrome bowl, then add the butter that she'd let sit out until it was soft. 她拿出她那个独立的搅拌器和那个金属碗,然后加入黄油,在旁边等着,直到完全变软。 club.qingdaonews.com 10. The combat pilots were ordered to take out the enemy position on the hill. 战斗机飞行员接到命令,要消灭敌人在山上所建的阵地。 kaoyan.hjenglish.com 1. Ms Anderson: Oh, I will. . . Just a second, could you also take out the trolley with this morning's breakfast? 安德森女士:我会的……等下,你能把早餐的餐车也推出去吗? www.hjenglish.com 2. If your kitchen counters, stove or microwave get a little greasy after a marathon cooking session take out the coke can. 如果你的厨房的台子,炉子或微波炉经过一段时间的做饭后有了油渍。 www.bing.com 3. The tooth that smoking smokes fizzled out, with what can take out! 抽烟抽的牙黄了,用什么能去掉! dictsearch.appspot.com 4. If a lesson did not interest me, I (would) take out my notebook and start writing poems during a geography lesson. 如果遇到一个没有兴趣的课程,我(会)拿出我的笔记本电脑,并开始在地理课上写诗。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Good order in maintenance, work well a business in, if have the ability, can take out to make again related, the one step is one-step. 维护好秩序,做好份内的事,如果有能力,可以拿出来再搞相关的,一步一步的来。 bombshell.blogcn.com 6. I was able to tell her, quite truthfully, 'the doctor can take out the hurty bit, which is great. ' 我能很——如实——地告诉她,“医生可以切除疼痛的部分,这太棒了。” www.bing.com 7. Can you help me to take out the amount of money good for one call to Edmonton please? 您能帮助我分出供一次电话的钱币吗? www.edmontonchina.cn 8. By freezing pieces of fruit individually, you can take out only what you need for recipes and return the rest to the freezer. 这样莓子就能每一个都单独分开,你想吃多少拿多少,剩下的放回到冰箱好好冻着就行。 www.bing.com 9. I just want to take out our memory as puff out the smoke, so it would fall apart in the air and never get back as to be recalled. 只是想把我们的回忆变成烟圈吐出来,让风把它们瓦解在天空中,永远无法拼凑回来。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Still have, Lu in the sky in regular times in the entities using all arrange by and wait at the time that he came back, you take out again. 还有,天禄平日里用的东西都收起来,等他回来住的时候,你再拿出来。 bbs.bnb.cq.cn 1. "You want the voltage you put in during charging and the voltage you take out during discharge to be same, " Cui says. 你可以让你的充电工作电压和放电工作电压相同,Cui说。 www.bing.com 2. The plane is late; it is going to mangle your schedule for the day. Why take out pour frustration on the flight attendant? 既然航班已误,日程安排肯定会受到影响,何必要把余怨发泄到空姐身上呢? blog.sina.com.cn 3. Finally, I take out a practice example to illustrate the practical method of premium calculation. 最后列举了某保险公司的一个寿险实例,以表明该算法模型与实务中保费计算方法的区别。 www.13191.com 4. Under Mr Ryan's scheme, future retirees would have to take out private insurance plans, helped by a government subsidy. 在瑞安先生的计划中,未来的退休者将不能使用政府津贴来为私人保险方案报销。 www.ecocn.org 5. If boom leads to bust, recent history suggests that locals might take out their frustrations on migrants who appear to be prospering. 如果从繁荣走向破产,近来历史表明,当地人或许会把怨气发现在那些似乎已经发达的移民劳工身上。 www.bing.com 6. Now, if I take out my public health nerd glasses here, and look at these data, it seems like a no-brainer, doesn't it. 现在,如果我带上我公共卫生怪胎的眼镜,再看看这些数据,这完全不合逻辑。 www.ted.com 7. Dried fruits take out some of the water, but are still " squishy " and it's easy to eat 4 or 5 fruits very quickly. 有些已经去除了水份的水果干吃起来因为还是湿湿的,所以很快你就可以消灭它4,5份。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Take out a piece of paper, everyone, and get ready for exercises. 每人拿出一张纸,准备做练习。 www.lbqz.com 9. Every station will take out the most competitive programs to people's eyes. Usually entertainment programs are the most attractive ones. 但是和眼花缭乱的娱乐节目相比,电视新闻节目却呈现出式微的状态,没有形成有竞争力的节目。 www.boshuo.net 10. Jason: Mom! Don't get mad at me, I'll take out the garbage tonight! 妈!不要生气嘛,我今晚会去倒垃圾。 www.fgs.org.tw:81 1. Go through the old streets to the Belvederi Palace. Open a safe. Take out a file Codex 1181, Proceedings against Galileo Galilei . 穿过旧街到贝尔维迪宫,打开保险箱,取出档案,手抄本1181号文件,是对伽利略不利的会议记录。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. take out one of your left over pant legs and rip apart one of the seams. 拿出您的一个遗留下来的裤子的腿和撕开的接缝之一。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Our objective is not to take out patents over these, but rather, to stop wrong patents. 我们的目的并非是要去取得瑜伽的专利权,正相反,是为了制止虚假专利权的取得。 dongxi.net 4. If you are a homeowner, you can use your home as collateral and perhaps take out a home equity loan. 如果你有房的话,你可以将房屋抵押或得到房产抵押贷款。 www.hjenglish.com 5. but they may be able to take out private loans , as many american students do. 但他们可以申请个人贷款,贷款金额与本地学生一样。 www.ichacha.net 6. He wants to take out the root of sin and put in your heart not just unselfishness but love for God and for your fellowmen. 他想把罪恶的根源驱除,然后放入一个不仅无私心,而且充满了对上帝对朋友的爱的心。 www.bing.com 7. Or, they can go with a more aggressive approach and take out a large number of lymph nodes. 另一个选择是更为激进的方法,就是连同大部分淋巴结一起切除的根治性手术。 www.hxen.com 8. Please take out a piece of paper and write down your names on it, OK? 拿出一张纸,在上面写下你们的名字,好吗? wd152818168.blog.163.com 9. One of the cheapest ways to borrow for education is to take out a second mortgage on a house, Ward says. 为教育贷款最省钱的一种方式是给一个房屋办理第二份抵押贷款,Ward说。 www.bing.com 10. For me, getting rid of books is a process. I can take out one here and one there, but doing a massive dump would be painful. 对于我来说,丢弃书本是一个过程,我可以从这里或那里拣出一本,但是让我一次扔掉很多确实很痛苦的。 www.elanso.com 1. They can join the 4. 5m Britons a year who take out unsecured loans from doorstep-lending outfits, with rates of up to 500% per year. 他们也可以加入到450万英国人中,从“门阶贷款”(doorstep-lending)机构获取年利率高达500%的无担保贷款。 www.ecocn.org 2. Interact meaningfully with your teen daily, and by that I don't mean asking, "Did you take out the garbage? " 与孩子进行一些有意义的互动,我的意思可不是让你大大咧咧地问“你出去倒垃圾了吗”? mytimes.net.cn 3. After I get the radio tuned, then I take out the diode and poke around the pyrite for the hot spots. 之后,我得到了无线电调谐的话,我采取了二极管,并拨开周围硫铁矿为热点。 www.crystalradio.cn 4. take out some mayounaise or cheese, two slices of roast turkey, a tomato and a few pieces of lettuce. 取出一些黄油,两片熟火鸡片,一个西红柿还有几片生菜叶。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. But you can avoid these charges in Europe if you take out a Nationwide Flex debit card as there are no extra charges. 但如果你带着一张全国通用的卡,你可以在欧洲时避免这种收费,就不会有额外的收费了。 www.bing.com 6. Sakuya: I can't consider you as our guests since you came here uninvited. I have to take out the garbage known as intruders. . . 咲夜:我没邀请你就不把你当客人。我只能把你当入侵者那样清扫出去。 ivocaloid.com 7. I'll show you what I would take out. I would take out a lot. 我会展示我要去除什么,是很多。 open.163.com 8. Take out the tuna and cool for a while. Cut into 1. 5cm thick slices, and serve with salad and honey mustard dressing . 取出金枪鱼,略冷却片刻。切成1。5厘米的厚片,配上色拉和蜂蜜芥末调味汁食用。 www.showxiu.com 9. Miss Williams: Take out a piece of paper, children. 威廉姆斯小姐:孩子们,拿一张纸出来。 www.tingclass.com 10. The Fed benefited from interest payments by private banks forced to take out emergency government loans during the global financial crisis. 美联储主要是通过全球金融危机期间,私有银行被迫向政府紧急贷款的私有银行获利。 kaoshi.alai.net 1. put the fire inside the microwave bite 6 minutes, take out, mash with a whisk, adding the right amount of sugar (Figure 2). 放微波炉里面大火叮6分钟,取出,用打蛋器捣成泥,加入适量的糖(图2)。 baike.baidu.com 2. Hence you open the box, how much you want take out how much. 于是你就把箱子打开,你想要多少钱就取出多少钱。 3. Please take out of your order list, let's check the goods together. 请拿出您的订货单,我们共同核实一下货物。 www.kekenet.com 4. I routinely take out a credit card and show it to managers when I'm speaking about design debt. 我通常都是拿出一张信用卡,并在谈到设计债时向管理员展示它的。 www.ibm.com 5. Use this casino chip to unscrew the trapdoor on top of the elevator. Jump down inside and take out the two robot guards, pop-pop! 用这个筹码扭松螺丝,打开电梯的天窗。跳进去,除掉那两个机器人卫兵,噗噗! www.bing.com 6. The mood was wet with for a long time, take out a dry, perhaps air except love, life will become simple. 心情被沾湿了很久,拿出来晾一晾,或许生活除了爱情,会变得简单。 www.haoqq.net 7. The desktop paradigm: files stored in folders that I can "take out" , work on and put away, is a very powerful one . . . 桌面范式:文件保存在我可以“获得的”文件夹中,工作然后保存,它非常强大… www.infoq.com 8. Nope, I won't. If you want to pay good money to take out a dog, then that's your prerogative, but I have my standards! 不,我不会。如果你想付很多钱去杀一条狗,那是你的特权,但我有我的标准! www.bing.com 9. Or were they about to take out an American citizen who the State Department said had diplomatic immunity? 还是说他们想杀掉一个美国国务院授予外交豁免权的美国公民? www.bing.com 10. Right now, take out a sheet of paper and write down a list of BENEFITS you will RECEIVE from taking action. 就是现在,拿出一张纸,写下你会从采取的行动中获得的利益清单。 www.bing.com |
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