单词 | thumping |
释义 |
adv. very,exceptionally,extremely,inordinately,really adj. large,huge,enormous,impressive 例句释义: 很大的,巨大的,非常地,极大的,重击,重击的 1. "Here, Rick. We're doing all right. " Thumping noises could be heard in the background. "It's just a little close for comfort. " “我在这儿,瑞克。我们一切正常。”背景上嗵嗵传来很明显的噪音。“只是有点险。” bbs.rtucn.com 2. Somehow he managed to break his tumble with his hands and turn it into a clumsy thumping cartwheel. 但好在他用手阻止了翻滚变成了笨拙的滑跌。 www.cndkc.net 3. That would be a tall order even for a freshly elected leader with a thumping majority and two terms in office. 即使对于一个以多数选票辅当选的两届连任政府而言,这都是很高的要求。 www.ecocn.org 4. This brings a fair bit of tension into the police dynamic of the film, with a lot of tough-guy chest thumping and male bonding. 影片很好的制造出警局的这些紧张气氛,而且还有很多让人怦然心动的亮丽型男。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. I had better leave the Dog Star alone, too, with its nose pressed to the celestial trail and its tail thumping the sky. 我最好也让天狗星留在那儿,用它的鼻子嗅定天庭的路和用它的尾挥动天空。 apps.hi.baidu.com 6. However, a recording of a 'roo thumping its foot appears to have been quite a breakthrough. 然而,记录下袋鼠脚步的重击声显然是一项突破。 www.bing.com 7. Re-elected in July with a thumping majority, his Democratic Party also now has more seats than any other in parliament. 七月的大选赢得压倒性的胜利后,他的民主党也在议会取得了比其他任何党派都多的议席。 ecocn.org 8. after such a thumping Republican victory two years ago, Democrats might naturally expect to claw back some lost ground. 两年前共和党大获全胜后,其自然会期望将其原先失去的一些席位重新夺回。 www.ecocn.org 9. But Shearer will be happy to see England leave Israel with a point before thumping Andorra next week. 但是希勒一定会高兴的看到英格兰开心的离开以色列以及在下个礼拜对安道尔的比赛中取得分数。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Are you out of your mind? How did this happen? I raised you, not a pack of Bible-thumping trailer trash. I raised you to think for yourself. 你难道不会想一想吗?事情是怎么发生的?我养育了你,并不是那一堆毫无价值的圣经抚养你的。我生了你就是要你自己独立思考。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. With chances like those, one of the greatest England scorers ever, Alan Shearer, advocated thumping it, as Emile did. 像这样的机会,从前英格兰的一位著名球员,阿兰舒利亚,和埃米尔一样,也推崇使用劲射。 bbs.internet.org.cn 2. China is growing stronger, but, for all of its chest thumping, it pales in strength compared with the United States and its allies in Asia. 中国的确在逐渐强大,但除开嘴上说的,其与美国及亚洲盟友的实力相去甚远。 www.bing.com 3. "This one's thumping pretty good, " he said with a grin. 他咧开嘴笑着说:“这个瓜的声音非常好,显示这个瓜非常健康。” www.bing.com 4. Though the book is full of tail-thumping enthusiasm, there comes a time when Marley just can't shred the furniture any more. 尽管整本书充满着啪啪甩打尾巴的热情,马利不再有力气撕碎家具的时候最终还是到来了。 www.bing.com 5. Franklin D Roosevelt took a thumping in 1938 and went on to win two more presidential elections. 罗斯福在38年受到了很大打击,却接着连任了2届的总统。 www.bing.com 6. Symptoms include fatigue, faintness , shortness of Breath, and feeling the heart thumping. 症状包括疲劳、晕厥、呼吸急促和心悸等。 dict.veduchina.com 7. And here a fresh alarm brought me to a standstill with a thumping heart. 而就在这里,一种新的危险吓得我不能动弹,心怦怦直跳。 www.eduquan.com 8. It got a little wearying to the soul to watch these Bible Thumping wannabes rant on about the sickness of our evil "secular" society. 人们已经逐渐厌倦了那些圣经的崇拜者们(指共和党参选人)喋喋不休地抱怨着世俗社会的堕落。 www.bing.com 9. ENGLAND: With new captain John Terry leading by example, England kicked off the McClaren era with a thumping win. 在新队长特里的榜样力量下,英格兰用一个完胜踢出了麦克拉伦时代的开局。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. This time I wasn't the only one who heard the thumping of the lobo's tail. 这次不仅我一个人听到了大灰狼尾巴的砰砰声。 www.suiniyi.com 1. I'll admit that now and again he had a sort of tub- thumping eloquence . 我承认,他不时地表现出一种慷慨激昂的口才。 www.bing.com 2. He bowed his head and his long, red tail started thumping the ground. 它弯下脑袋,红色的长尾巴开始拍打地面。 www.bing.com 3. Citigroup and Bank of America (BofA) posted thumping quarterly losses. Morgan Stanley eked out a modest gain. 花旗和美国银行宣布季度亏损,摩根斯坦利勉强维持微薄利润。 www.ecocn.org 4. She gave a slight smile, thumping the plastron of her armor with a gauntleted fist. 卡赞娜嫣然一笑,带着手套的右手握拳撞在了护甲的胸口。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. With my heart thumping like a blacksmith at Joe's broad shoulder, I looked all about for any sign of the convicts. 我伏在乔宽大的肩头上,胸中的心在怦怦地跳着,真像铁匠打铁时的铁锤声。 novel.tingroom.com 6. In the quarterfinals, we had Spain dusting Portugal, Brazil thumping Chile and Argentina sending Mexico to its usual second-round exit. 我们预测,在四分之一决赛中,西班牙将打败葡萄牙、巴西打败智利、阿根廷打败墨西哥,让墨西哥像以往那样在小组出线后就出局。 chinese.wsj.com 7. He is sure to be declared the winner, by a thumping margin, in a presidential poll scheduled for December. 由于竞争者与他的差距巨大,他很确定一定会在十二月的总统大选中独占鳌头。 www.ecocn.org 8. "It was complete chaos; my heart was thumping, " Ms. Wang said. "How could they be so heartless? " “场面太混乱了。我的心怦怦直跳,”王女士说,“他们怎么能这么狠心呢?” cn.nytimes.com 9. We began to throw money on the drum, and the drum made a thump, thump, thumping sound. 我们开始往鼓上丢钱,鼓发出咚、咚、咚的声音。 dict.veduchina.com 10. It's been quite a few days of chest thumping for our friends in the Chinese government. 最近,我们的中国朋友心跳加速已经有好些日子了。 www.fortunechina.com 1. Worse, house-price deflation is only the first element of a quadruple whammy that is thumping American consumers. 雪上加霜的是,下跌的房价只是重创美国消费者的四大因素中的第一个。 www.ecocn.org 2. And another thumping collision between the administration and the court could be on the way. 而政府和法院之间的另一个强烈冲突可能已在发酵中。 www.tingclass.net 3. Mr Zhao, a courteous, gentle and rather otherworldly scholar, is no tub-thumping Chinese nationalist. 赵是一位彬彬有礼、温文尔雅和颇为超凡脱俗的学者,而不是一个慷慨激昂的中国民族主义者。 www.bing.com 4. Faced with a sound thumping, Mr Kasich said only he would catch his breath and gather his thoughts. 面对这一记重击,卡锡克仅仅表示他会好好喘口气、整理好思绪的。 bbs.ecocn.org 5. As her tiny hands stroked the great shaggy head, I heard the gentle thump, thump, thumping of the wolf's tail from deep inside the stump. 当她的小手抚摸那颗硕大而毛发粗浓的脑袋时,我听到从树根深处传来狼尾巴的轻微撞击声,砰,砰,砰! club.topsage.com 6. Her heart was thumping as she ascended the stairs. 她上楼梯时,心怦怦跳个不停。 7. He crunched through the pine needles towards the tree's wide trunk - a serious face and a thumping heart. 脚下踩着咯吱咯吱的松枝,他走向一棵松树宽阔的树干--脸上神情严肃,心里腾腾直跳。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. As the waters rise, no mention is made of sinners thumping on the ark's closed doors, pleading to board. 随著洪水高涨,里面并无说到那些敲打方舟紧闭门扉的罪人们、恳求著上船; blog.yam.com 9. If you have high blood pressure or heart problems, taking yohimbine can be dangerous as it gets your heart thumping and your blood pumping. 如果你有高血压或者心脏疾病,服用育亨宾将十分危险。它让你的心跳急速加快,血液翻涌。 www.bing.com 10. Soon the ground shook with a massive thumping explosion, its smoke rising far higher than the black plume we'd seen earlier. 顷刻间,随着一声巨响,炸得地动山摇,升起的浓烟远远超过了我们前次看到的黑烟高度。 www.ecocn.org 1. His heart was thumping like a drum, but his face, from long habit, was probably expressionless . 他的心跳得像打鼓;然而习惯成自然,他的脸上八成还是漠然的一团。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The World Cup may be the planet's most hotly contested sports championship, but it's not an event that rewards chest thumping. 世界杯足球赛也许是这个星球上竞争最激烈的体育赛事,不过老子天下第一的心态在世界杯上讨不了什么好。 chinese.wsj.com 3. With more experience, you are more thoughtful and can cope better if you lose a friendly and suddenly have everyone thumping their chests. 经验越多,考虑也越周详,面对让人捶胸顿足的失败时也能处理得更好。 www.bing.com 4. I lived a life of constant sweat, sleepless nights, and thumping heartbeats. 我靠不断付出自身劳动而生活,彻夜无眠,极度惊慌。 www.bing.com 5. Being frustrated politicians ourselves, we at the Federal Reserve always enjoy your currency war tub-thumping. 同为失意的政客,我们美联储(FederalReserve)同仁向来欣赏您有关“汇率战争”的慷慨陈词。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Thumping noise? Oh, I was lifting weights and dropping them back down on the floor. 撞击声?啊,我刚在举重,那是把杠铃放回地面时发出的声音。 www.kekenet.com 7. Unlike Italy and Greece, it now has a new government with the fresh energy provided by a thumping democratic mandate. 与意大利和希腊不同,现在西班牙的新政府充满着蓬勃向上的朝气,而这种朝气来自巨大的民主使命。 www.ecocn.org 8. I hope one day they will rise up to those western gun touting, chest thumping and trigger happy white trash. 希望有一天,他们能在西方的枪炮面前拍着胸脯站起来。 www.santaihu.com 9. He was sworn in for a second term on May 22nd, after Congress won a surprisingly thumping victory in the election, with 206 seats. 在国大党于大选中以206席赢得令人瞠目的巨大胜利之后,5月22日他宣誓开始第二任总理任期。 www.ecocn.org 10. Most days you can hear a brass band or a cowboy trio thumping out tunes in a small building on a Culiacan side street. 平日里,在库利亚坎街边的一个小建筑物中,你可以听到一个铜管乐队或者是一支牛仔三重唱乐队在演奏乐曲。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. And so, two years after an unexpectedly bad thumping at a general election, the BJP sees glimmers of electoral recovery. 因此,在经历了两年出乎意料的大选失利之后,人民党看到了收复失地的希望。 www.ecocn.org 2. Scientists have recently found that there are two brain pathways involved how we perceive our own thumping heart. 科学家们最近发现,大脑中有两种方式感知我们自己的心跳。 www.ebigear.com 3. Simply imagining a spider crawling across your shoulders can cause sweating and rapid heart thumping. 只简单地想像一个在各你的肩间爬行的蜘蛛能引起出汗和迅速的心巨大的。 www.bing.com 4. Thumping furiously on the table, China apparently believes, is a good way of convincing the world of its pacific intent. 中国显然相信,拼命地拍桌子,是让全世界相信它和平姿态的一个好方法。 kk.dongxi.net 5. Ling, a bank analyst in Armani heels, pops a small, blue pill into her mouth and dances to the thumping beat. 登着阿玛尼高跟鞋的银行分析员Ling,把一颗小小的蓝色药片扔进嘴里后开始疯狂地跳舞。 cn.reuters.com 6. This is a heart-thumping, nerve-jangling gaming experience and, as a sports game, is agonisingly close to perfection. 这是一次心跳加速,神经纠结的游戏体验,并且和其它运动类游戏一样,它令人烦恼的接近完美。 www.bing.com 7. His heart thumping and his throat dry, he went down the steps. 他的心砰砰直跳,嗓子发干。他走下台阶。 www.hxen.com 8. LAKERS suck. Kobe looks like a big whiny homo and NBA basketball players look like a bunch of chest thumping pimps. 湖人真恶心,科比看起来就是个最大的牢骚王,NBA的球员就像一伙庞大的拉皮条的。 tieba.baidu.com 9. Don't respond with table-thumping anger, argues the International Crisis Group, a think-tank. 一个智囊团“国际危机小组”建议,不要回以强烈的愤怒。 www.ecocn.org 10. EVER since his thumping in the mid-term elections, Barack Obama has been busily mending relations with business folk. 自从他在中期选举中仓惶落败,奥巴马就忙于修补同商业界人士的关系。 www.ecocn.org 1. Of course, some fear is understandable, especially with occasional signs in the Chinese news media of increasing nationalist chest-thumping. 当然,某些人的担心是可以理解的,中国新闻媒体上偶尔出现民族自大主义抬头的迹象尤其令人忧虑。 www.bing.com 2. Thumping head, dry mouth, bleary eyes, patchy memory - the hangover fug is familiar to many. 头痛脑胀、口干舌燥、视线不清、记忆模糊——很多人都熟悉宿醉后的混浊空气。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Citigroup and Bank of America (BofA) posted thumping quarterly losses. 花旗银行与美国银行上季度损失惨重。 www.ecocn.org 4. Mr Ozawa may have helped win the DPJ's thumping majority in last August's lower-house contest. 也许在去年八月的下议院竞选中,小泽先生帮助日本民主党赢得了绝大多数席位。 www.ecocn.org 5. As I ponder that image, we are startled by a thumping patter behind us. 正当我想像那光景时,我们忽然被后面一阵啪答啪答的沉重声吓了一跳。 dict.bioon.com 6. Sidewalk vendors use banks of speakers to pour out reggae music at an ear-thumping volume. 街边小贩用一排麦克风倾泄震耳欲聋的瑞格舞音乐。 www.huabook.com 7. The Deer, one behind the other, trot-step in place to the rhythm of the song they sing, and the thumping of the one tombe. 这些“鹿”一个接着一个小跑入场,和着他们所唱歌曲的节奏和堂巴鼓的重击声。 www.pkucn.com 8. After all, the Lakers are alone atop the NBA standings after their 117-97 thumping of the lackluster Wizards. 毕竟,湖人在以117——97大胜低迷的奇才后,战绩已经跃居联盟的榜首。 sunyuecn.hoopchina.com 9. As additional lines are crossed, there will be other signals, a thumping of the tail, a low moan or a growl. 当其他界限被通过时,将会出现其他信号,紧张的跟踪,低声呻吟或者咆哮。 blog.zikao365.com 10. In fact some conservatives still thumping the tub for McCain are making just this argument. 事实上很多保守人士到现在还仍然用此观点来为麦凯恩摇旗呐喊。 www.bing.com 1. Despite thumping Livorno 5-1 last night, Juventus coach Claudio Ranieri insisted he wasn't satisfied with his team's performance. 1的比分大胜利沃诺,尤文图斯主教练拉涅利坚持称他对球队的表现并不甚满意。 bbs.juvezone.com 2. Yet despite the chest-thumping, Turkish officials privately concede that a large-scale cross-border operation is a rotten idea. 虽然打算对库尔德工人党还以颜色,土耳其官员私下却承认大规模的越境行动是个糟糕的想法。 club.topsage.com 3. Her heart was thumping with emotion. 她激动得心怦怦直跳。 4. Nice shot! Great pass! Thumping challenge! 好球!传的漂亮!太厉害了! bbs.imelite.com.cn 5. Kuyt started Friday's 5-0 Euro 2012 qualifying thumping of San Marino but has been ruled out of Tuesday's clash against Finland. 在上周五2012年欧锦赛预选赛5比0大胜圣马蒂诺的比赛中,库伊特担任首发,如今已经排除出周二芬兰的比赛大名单。 www.lfc.org.cn 6. Three thumping tigers are tickling trout. 三只巨大的老虎发痒鳟鱼。 bbs.ebigear.com 7. Out she'd jump, tail thumping, foot in the dish, paws on my chest. 她会跳起来,甩打着尾巴,一只脚踩在盘子里,把爪子搭在我胸前。 www.dictall.com 8. The UN General Assembly is largely powerless, and so has become a forum for tub-thumping speeches by the world's least attractive leaders. 联合国大会(UNGeneralAssembly)基本上没有实权,因此已成为一个供最欠魅力的国家领导人慷慨陈词的论坛。 www.ftchinese.com 9. he stood still, his heart thumping wildly. 他静静的站在那里,心脏狂跳不止。 wenwen.soso.com 10. My heart was thumping with happiness. 我的心兴奋得咚咚直跳。 www.godict.com 1. LL also had to write a thumping great cheque to the dating agency . 可爱的露辛达还得给那家婚介所一张金额庞大的支票。 www.bing.com 2. A thumping success; a thumping party. 一次大胜;一次盛大的聚会 dict.hjenglish.com 3. He was thumping the keys of the piano. 他重重地敲击钢琴琴键。 dict.netat.net 4. Celtic were dispatched from the Europa League following a 4-0 thumping in front of an intense Galgenwaard crowd. 凯尔特人在狂热的加尔根沃德球迷面前,以4-0的大比分被淘汰出欧洲联赛。 www.ept-team.com 5. He spoke angrily, thumping the table with his fist. 他愤怒地边讲边用拳头重击桌子。 dict.ebigear.com 6. I was positive someone could hear my heart thumping. 我相信一定有人听得到我砰砰的心跳声。 www.bing.com 7. On October 2nd Irish voters reversed themselves and voted Yes by a thumping 67% to 33%. 十月二日,爱尔兰投票者转变观念,以67%对33%的绝对优势通过了里斯本条约。 www.bing.com 8. (Thumping) Then it's gone. (咚)它们不见了。 www.ted.com 9. This thumping in my frame is driving me insane - why did i let you go? 我这种躯体内的激烈跳动令我疯狂——我当初为什么让你离开? www.eoezone.com 10. Is he tough enough to play against chest-thumping superstars like Shaquille O'Neal? 他是否够强悍,是否能够和那些超级球形奥尼尔对抗呢? www.bing.com 1. Is he tough enough to play against chest-thumping superstars like Shaquille O'Neal? 他是否够强悍,是否能够和那些超级球形奥尼尔对抗呢? www.bing.com 2. Winston's heart was thumping so hard that he doubted whether he would be able to speak 温斯顿的心房跳得厉害,使他担心说不出话来。 dict.ebigear.com 3. The application of the technology of thumping and sinking the pouring piles with concrete into the foundation of a dwelling-house 锤击沉管灌注桩基础在某住宅工程中的应用 www.ilib.cn 4. My voice was steady and cool. Not like my heart, thumping inside me, Not like my mind, bitter and resentful 我的声音沉着而冷静,然而,心儿在胸口怦怦乱跳,脑海中苦恨交加的思潮起伏不已。 dict.ebigear.com 5. if you listen very closely, you'll hear a faint thumping. That's michael rolling in his grave.  如果你听的很仔细。你会听到个微弱的重击。是麦克在坟里的滚动。 www.tianya.cn 6. His tractor of blood stopped thumping 他的血液拖拉机即心脏停止了跳动 blog.sina.com.cn 7. A thumping victory at the polls 选举的压倒性胜利 cb.kingsoft.com 8. His job is bumping and thumping, 他的工作是撞来撞去, www.qbaobao.com |
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