单词 | temperate zone |
释义 |
例句释义: 温带,温带地区,温和地区,温和地带 1. Model : The more parts area of Heilongjiang belong to the temperate zone and only less parts of west and north belong to the frigid zone. 答:黑龙江省绝大部分地区属于温带,仅西北部分地区属于寒带。 www.oofiness.cn 2. Region in central Asia abdomen, restricted by geographical environment, belong to the warm temperate zone continental drought climatic zone. 喀什地区处在中亚腹部,受地理环境的制约,属暖温带大陆性干旱气候带。 thecenterofthenet.com 3. Forests, mountain slopes, meadows. Gansu, Guizhou, Jilin, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Xinjiang, Yunnan [widely distributed in N temperate zone]. 森林,山坡,牧场;甘肃,贵州,吉林,陕西,四川,新疆,云南[在北温带里的广泛分布]。 www.flora.ac.cn 4. In the temperate zone in spring, temperatures fluctuate greatly from day to day, but day length increases steadily by a predictable amount. 春天的温带地区,气温每天都变化不定,但是日照长度却以一个可预知的数量稳步增加。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. My sensors tell me that you have crashed-landed on a solid, relatively level surface inside this planet's temperate zone. 我的传感器告诉我,你迫降在这个星球的温带气候区域里,一块地势较为平坦的陆地上。 www.bing.com 6. Forest margins, cultivated field margins. Xinjiang [native to the Mediterranean region, widely naturalized in the N temperate zone]. 林缘,栽培的的田野边缘。新疆[原产于地中海地区,广泛归化在北温带内]。 www.flora.ac.cn 7. The characteristics of the fauna and flora show the ancient of historical origin and the transition from temperate zone to subtropical zone. 动、植物区系分析表明该区的原始性,南北过渡性以及种类的多样性和分布的复杂性。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. China also has the most diverse flora of any country in the North Temperate zone. 中国还是北温带国家中最具植物多样性的。 www.bing.com 9. tufted thrift of seacoasts and mountains of north temperate zone; occasionally grown as a ground cover. 北温带沿海或高山的一种丛生的海石竹;偶尔作为地被植物种植。 www.hotdic.com 10. The two greatest glasshouses canning see currently, on being a damp and tropical type, one is type in temperate zone Mediterranean. 目前可以见到的两大温室,一是潮湿热带型,一是温带地中海型。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Lying within the South Temperate Zone, New Zealand has an oceanic climate, without extremes of heat or cold. 新西兰地处南温带,属海洋性气候,没有严冬和酷暑。 bbs.tradeidc.com 2. Henan Province is situated in the transition zone of subtropic and temperate zone with a lot of species of Russula genus. 河南省位于暖温带和亚热带的过渡地带,因此红菇属的种类分布较为丰富。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. How is it possible for the giant bear to leave the polar zone for Kanas, located in cold temperate zone? 但是,这个庞然大物是如何离开极地寒带,来到这个寒温带的地方呢? club.topsage.com 4. Beijing's climate is changeable, spring the dry multi- winds, the winter snow, belong the model the temperate zone continental climate. 北京的气候多变,春季干燥多风,冬季多降雪,属于典型的温带大陆性气候。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 5. all over the world, from temperate zone to the tropics. 分布世界各处,从温带到热带地区。 thedao.com 6. Climate: Located in the temperate zone of East Asia, Binzhou has a sub-humid continental monsoon climate featuring four distinct seasons. 气候特点:属东亚暖温带亚湿润大陆性季风气候,冬冷夏热,雨热同期,四季分明。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The climate gradually takes changes from subtropics, temperate zone, cool temperature zone and arctic tundra. 气侯从亚热带、温带、寒温带到亚苔原带逐渐变化。 www.ecocn.org 8. Besides, there were 2 groups of genotype with distinct geographic distribution feature within the temperate zone family. 温带族内存在地理分布明显不同的2个基因类群。 www.jsczz.cn:8080 9. Freezing Russian winter is a myth. The majority of the big cities are located in the temperate zone. 俄罗斯冰冻的冬天是个奇迹。大部分城市都位于温带。 www.bing.com 10. The climate conditions were diverse, from cold temperate zone to temperate zone, subtropics and tropics area. 中国小麦种植区域气候因素多样,从寒温带逐步过渡到温带、亚热带和热带地区。 www.tcrop.net 1. The priority in forest history studies was shifted from forest history in the temperate zone to forest history in tropical zone. 就国际森林史研究来看,经历了一个从重点研究温带森林史向热带森林史转变的过程。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Nearly a third of Australia is in the tropics and the rest is in the temperate zone. 澳大利亚将近三分之一的国土位于热带,其余位于温带。 www.studyinaustralia.gov.au 3. mostly perennial herbs with sticky stems that catch insects; widespread in north temperate zone. 粘性的叶柄可以捕捉昆虫的一种多年生草本植物;广泛分布于温带北部。 www.jukuu.com 4. Temperate-zone fruit trees have brought prosperity to many aborigines . 温带果树富裕了山地居民的生活。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. small but widely distributed genus of orchids closely related to genus Cleistes; : of damp or boggy areas of north temperate zone. 一个广泛分布的兰花属;产于北温带潮湿或多沼泽地区。 www.hotdic.com 6. a family of plants of order Polygonales chiefly of the north temperate zone; includes the buckwheats. 蓼属中草本植物科主要在北温带;包括荞麦。 www.dictall.com 7. temperate zone foliage forest climate, all year long temperate moist. 英国的天气属海洋性温带阔叶林气候,终年温和湿润。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Beijing is located in the temperate zone of China, have continent monsoon climate. 北京地处中国暖温带,具有大陆季风气候。 iask.sina.com.cn 9. It is also the divider between the northern temperate zone and the tropical zone. 也是北温带与热带的分界线。 news.cctv.com 10. Issituated at the warm temperate zone and the subtropics transitionary, the climate warm moist, the four seasons are distinct. 地处暖温带与亚热带过渡地区,气候温暖湿润,四季分明。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 1. Warm temperate mixed deciduous broad-leaved secondary forest is the main forest vegetation type in China's warm temperate zone. 暖温带落叶阔叶次生林是中国暖温带森林植被的主要类型。 www.biodiversity-science.net 2. The temperate zone should be cooler than the tropical zone. 温带一定比热带凉快啊。 news.cctv.com 3. The red flag is the temperate zone, but also a symbol of Russia's long history and of human Civilization. 红色是温带的标志,也象征俄罗斯历史的悠久和对人类文明的贡献。 wenku.baidu.com 4. First, the polar bear doesn't adapt to the environment of forests in the temperate zone. 首先,北极熊不能在温带的树林中生活。 club.topsage.com 5. Most of the world's wheat is grown in the north temperate zone. 世界上大部分小麦都种植在北温带地区。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Most of China is in the temperate zone. 中国的大部分地区在温带。 wentong96.blog.163.com 7. But in the Temperate Zone. 但是在温带方面。 bbs.wda.com.cn 8. collectively , the prices in developing countries can alter the world prices of temperate zone products. 从集体的角度讲,发展中国家的政策能够改变温带地区产品的世界价格。 dict.v.wenguo.com 9. About 55 species: widely distributed in N temperate zone; 25 species (15 endemic) in China. 大约55种:在北温带里的广泛分布;中国有25种(15特有种)。 www.flora.ac.cn 10. Biodiversity conservation in Great Hinggan Mountain areas and construction of forest botanical gardens in cold temperate zone 大兴安岭生物多样性保护与寒温带森林植物园建设 www.ilib.cn 1. Comparison of Different Tropical, Subtropical Maize Germplasm Planted in Temperate Zone and Tropical Zone 不同热带、亚热带玉米种质在温带和热带地区种植比较研究 service.ilib.cn 2. Fractal analysis of the forest population pattern at Limestone Mountain Area in Warm Temperate Zone 暖温带石灰岩山地森林种群格局的分形特征研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Modelling changes of a deciduous broad-leaved forest in warm temperate zone of China 暖温带落叶阔叶林动态变化的模拟研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Problems and countermeasures of maize germplasm resources from tropical and sub- tropical zones to temperate zone 玉米热带亚热带种质资源在温带利用中出现的问题与对策 ilib.cn 5. Evaluation of RIL Derived from Temperate Zone and Tropical Zone Maize Inbred Line and Studies on the Photoperiod Sensitivity 对温、热带玉米杂交后代RIL的评价及其光周期敏感性研究 www.ilib.cn 6. The Influence of Climate Change on the Secondary Deciduous Broad - leaved Mixed Forests in the Temperate Zone of Northeast China 气候变化对东北温带次生落叶阔叶混交林的影响 www.ilib.cn 7. Researching and Utilizing Tropical and Subtropical Maize Germplasm in Temperate Zone 热带亚热带玉米种质在温带的研究与利用 8. Studies on Heredity of the Traits of Maize Growth Stages under the Ecosystem Environments of Temperate Zone and Tropical Zone 温、热生态环境下玉米生育性状的遗传研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Influence of Different Drying Methods on Forage Nutrition Quality of Temperate Zone in Yunnan 不同干燥失水方式对云南温带优良牧草营养品质的影响研究 service.ilib.cn 10. Study on Cytogeography of Important Forage Plants of Steppe Belt of Middle Temperate Zone in Inner Mongolia of China 内蒙古中温型草原带重要饲用植物细胞地理学研究 service.ilib.cn 1. RAPD Analyses of Maize Inbred That Have Got Tropical Genes on Temperate Zone 导入热带基因后温带玉米自交系的RAPD分析 service.ilib.cn 2. frigid-temperate zone coniferous forest vegetation 寒温带针叶林植被 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Concreting in Freezing Weather Methods'Choosing in Warm Temperate Zone 暖温带混凝土冬季施工方法的选择 www.ilib.cn 4. The Division Between Subtropical Zone and Warm Temperate Zone According to the Compositions and Properties of Soil Humus 试从土壤腐殖质组成和性质论伏牛山南侧亚热带北界的划分 service.ilib.cn 5. monsoon subhumid climate of middle latitude temperate zone 中温带季风半湿润气候 bbs.translators.com.cn 6. Wild Oil Plant Resources of Temperate Zone in Changbai Mountains 长白山区温带野生油脂植物资源 www.ilib.cn 7. Species of Monodictys (Hyphomycetes) from soil in the warm temperate zone of eastern China 中国东部暖温带地区土壤中单格孢属(丝孢纲)真菌 scholar.ilib.cn 8. A study on soil animal fauna from warm-temperate zone in Xiaolongmen forest areas, Beijing 暖温带北京小龙门林区土壤动物的研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Classification of Coastal Dunes in Temperate Zone in China 中国温带海岸沙丘分类系统初步探讨 ilib.cn |
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