单词 | suspended |
释义 | suspended是suspend的过去式
第三人称单数:suspends 现在分词:suspending 过去式:suspended v. n. right suspend,suspend payment,suspend judgement,suspend debate,suspend sentence adv. v. immediately suspend 例句释义: 悬浮,暂停,悬挂,停止,挂起,停赛,挂起状态 1. A thread cannot be suspended if it has not been started or if it has stopped. 如果线程尚未启动或已经停止,则它将不能挂起。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Earlier, Ugandan MPs voted unanimously to call on three senior government ministers, including the prime minister, to be suspended. 早些时候,乌干达国会一致同意将包括总理在内的三名政府高级部长停职。 www.bing.com 3. And Boston's transit authority said all bus, subway and commuter rail service would be suspended all day Sunday. 波士顿临时市政府说,一切公交、地铁和通勤火车周六全天将暂时停运。 dongxi.net 4. Like the standard TIE, the interceptor has a ball-shaped single-pilot cockpit suspended between a pair of bracing arms. 跟标准的TIE战斗机一样,截击机的球形单人驾驶舱悬挂在一对支撑臂中间。 www.starwarschina.com 5. Exposure to a gas leak in an abandoned mine induced a former Army Air Corps officer to lapse into a form of suspended animation. 由于呼吸到了废弃矿井中的泄漏气体,一名前陆军航空队军官陷入了一种假死状态。 www.bing.com 6. Since the suicide bombing in Jerusalem over a week ago, Abbas has suspended talks with Palestinian militant groups, including Hamas. 自从一个星期以前耶路撒冷发生了肉弹爆炸以后,阿巴斯暂停了和巴勒斯坦军事武装的会谈,其中包括了和哈马斯的会谈。 learning.sohu.com 7. Looking at it realistically, we're maybe going to be suspended in the summer window and, maybe, another one after that. 然而现实地来看,很可能明年的夏季转会窗口我们无法赶上,也许再下一个转会期也同样如此。 www.bing.com 8. His senses were all alert, his breath was suspended, his blood had stilled its tides as if to assist the silence. 他所有的感官警觉起来了,他屏住呼吸,血液也暂停了涌动好像是要帮忙保持沉寂---是谁? m.yeeyan.org 9. I'm talking about the concept of using suspended animation to help people out in trauma. 我要谈的是利用假死帮助创伤患者治疗。 www.ted.com 10. The suspended sediment of natural streams is usually made up of grains with a broad spectrum of sizes and fall velocities. 天然河流的悬沙,通常系由各种大小尺寸和沉速的粒子组成。 www.jukuu.com 1. Its leaders in September suspended the construction of a China-backed dam that had been a sore point among its opposition groups. 缅甸领导人9月份叫停了一个有中国支持、让反对团体强烈不满的大坝建设项目。 chinese.wsj.com 2. United did not miss the suspended centre-half Rio Ferdinand all that much. 曼联甚至都可以忘了他们还在禁赛的中卫里奥·费迪南德。 www.bing.com 3. Kangchun's face was smeared with dirt and he carried a flashlight suspended from his neck with a piece of twine. 康晨的脸上沾满了污垢,脖子上用绳子挂着一个电筒。 www.bing.com 4. Last term the son of a senior businessman got caught helping himself to another child's iPod and was suspended from his fancy London school. 上学期,一位资深商界人士的儿子偷另一个孩子的iPod被抓住了,他所在的伦敦高级学校把他开除了。 www.ftchinese.com 5. People familiar with the matter said the individual concerned had been suspended pending the outcome of the inquiry. 知情人士表示,涉案个人已经被停职,等待调查结果。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Service may be suspended without prior notice, if the overdue payment had not been paid on the due date. 于缴款日期前尚未缴清款项,服务可能会随时停止而不作另行通知。 www.showxiu.com 7. As you know, our Embassy in Tripoli, when our staff left, we suspended operations. 如你所知,在我们的人员撤离的黎波里后,我们驻的黎波里的大使馆已经暂停了公务。 www.bing.com 8. The matter hadn't been resolved as the year ended and the stock remains suspended from trading. 直到去年末中国燃气控股的这件事仍未得到解决,该公司的股票也依然停牌。 chinese.wsj.com 9. The paper said the door-parts plant in Tianjin has suspended operations due to a strike, citing Toyota officials familiar with the matter. 该报援引熟悉情况的丰田高管的话报导说,天津的这家车门部件厂因罢工停止了运营。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Thanks to the slight leftward turn of her face, a pearl can be seen suspended from her ear, like a stray satellite. 多亏她的脸稍微向左偏了一点,我们才能够看到一个珍珠耳坠挂在她耳垂上,像是一颗散落的星。 www.bing.com 1. Ms. Sedlis denied that Matthew had been suspended, and said he was not disciplined when he was kept after school. Sedlis女士否认Matthew是被开除的,并且表示即便放学后留校也没有受到过纪律处分。 www.bing.com 2. A scheduler is said to be preemptive if it allows the running task to be suspended when a higher-priority task becomes ready. 当一个高优先级的任务准备好时,充许正在运行的任务被挂起的调度策略被称为优先。 www.hjenglish.com 3. But she did agree to a restoration of NATO-Russia ties, suspended since the Georgia conflict. 但是她同意修复自格鲁吉亚冲突之后便一直中止了的北约同俄罗斯之间的关系。 www.ecocn.org 4. His wife was also jailed for four months, suspended for two years, for her role in the false report. 其妻子亦因有份虚报而被判入狱四个月,缓刑两年。 www.icac.org.hk 5. process, the fibers are suspended in an air stream and then blown or forced onto a continuously moving belt where the web is formed. 在气流成网过程中,纤维混在气流中,然后被吹撒到一个连续运动的传送带上,纤维网在传送带上形成。 dict.ebigear.com 6. Hopefully, the suspended particulates in the air can be reduced and the design is able to provide car park users a more pleasant experience. 有望减少空气中的悬浮颗粒,该设计可以给停车场使用者提供一种更宜人的体验。 www.bing.com 7. He said the Taliban did not prevent people from leaving during the suspended curfew. 他说,在暂停戒严期间,塔利班没有阻止人们离开。 www.voanews.cn 8. the only way that some of the crew survived was to hang over the side of the structure suspended by lines. 只有这样,一些幸存的船员被悬挂在一侧的结构暂停线。 fm90.5d6d.com 9. A bit of the north door, broken by the French, hangs suspended to the wall. 北门被法军打破的一块门板至今还挂在墙上。 www.ebigear.com 10. Sina said the account of the user who spread the report was suspended for one month. 新浪表示,传播了此条报道的微博账户将被暂时关闭一个月。 www.ltaaa.com 1. When he grew bored of it, he went back into suspended animation and left the rest of the crew wakened. 当他长大的厌烦,他回到了假死,并离开了醒来船员休息。 www.douban.com 2. When Patrick Blanc was a boy, he suspended plants from his bedroom wall and ran their roots into a fish tank. 帕特里克·白朗还是个孩子的时候,就在自己睡房的墙上吊挂了植物,把植物的根泡进鱼缸。 www.bing.com 3. Meanwhile, with the pressures on them suspended, Hamas and Fatah would have a year to thrash out a deal on a joint government. 同时,由于加在哈马斯和法塔赫身上的压力有所缓解,他们可以用一年时间来研究达成一项联合政府协议。 www.ecocn.org 4. This conclusion had been the truth of these companies being suspended or being restructured of assets in line. 这个结论与这几家公司被停市或资产重组的情况相符合。 www.boshuo.net 5. I would stare at the grains of light suspended in that silent space, struggling to see into my own heart. 我一边注视沉默的空间里闪闪浮动的光粒子,一边力图确定心的坐标。 www.bing.com 6. Yet in due course the traders, briefly suspended, returned to work. There was no news of anyone being fired. 然而,在恰当的时候,相关交易员经短暂停职后重返工作,没有听说任何人遭解雇。 www.ftchinese.com 7. But he was a renowned pervert and disgusted other top Nazis and for a time was suspended form the organisation. 但他生性好色无耻,招致了其他纳粹党人的厌恶,甚至被调离纳粹党过一段时间。 www.ebigear.com 8. The body appears to remain suspended in space if it has no initial velocity relative to the elevator . 如果物体相对于升降机没有初速度的话,这个物体看起来就好象是一直悬在空中不动。 www.jukuu.com 9. A decision two weeks earlier to allow foreign supermarkets into India was to be "suspended" , he said. 两周前的一个决定,允许外国超级市场进入印度被“终止”,他说。 www.bing.com 10. Suspended particles are large enough to settle out or to be filtered. 悬浮微粒粒径大,可以通过沉降或过滤去除。 bbs.h2o-china.com 1. His luck turned out to be good. There was no sign posted at the station saying that trains were suspended. 他的运气果然不坏,赶到车站一看,并没有火车不开的通告; www.jukuu.com 2. Simulations and analysis show that this method can be used in angular motion analysis of generic suspended body. 通过算例说明上述结果具有一般性,对于回收系统悬挂体的姿态分析有参考价值。 zgkj.cast.cn 3. She was suspended from her office because she had told a secret to her brother. 他在停职检查,因为她把一项秘密透露给她兄弟了。 www.1stenglish.com 4. Using a light shining on a suspended mirror with a magnet attached to it is one of the simplest and cheapest ways to make a magnetometer. 用一个灯照著悬挂的镜子,镜子上附著一块磁铁。这是制作磁力计最简单也最便宜的方式。 tw.motivationtolearn.org 5. This rule shall not affect any liability of the judicial trustee for breach of trust or to be removed or suspended. 本条并不影响司法受托人因违反信托而须负的法律责任,亦不影响其可被免职或停职。 www.highkin.com 6. Germany said it had suspended passenger flights from Yemen, and was considering expanding a cargo flight ban to other unnamed countries. 德国表示已暂停接收发自也门的客运航班,且在考虑将货运航班禁令扩大到其它一些国家。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Reed looked up from her work: her eyes settled on mine, her fingers at the same time suspended their nimble movements. 里德太太放下手头的活儿,抬起头来,眼神与我的目光相遇,她的手指也同时停止了飞针走线的活动。 www.irunnet.com 8. The utility model relates to a suspended track hand cart used for a track transit system in textile industry. 本实用新型涉及一种纺织服装业中的轨道输送系统用的悬挂式轨道推车。 ip.com 9. He strode to the podium demanding the meeting be suspended and stalkedout when he was refused, he said. 他说,他大步走向主席台,要求会议暂停,在被拒绝后,他愤怒地走了出去。 www.bing.com 10. The press freedom group Reporters Without Borders said Thursday that it had temporarily suspended its WikiLeaks "mirror site. " 本周四出版自由团体无国界记者组织说他们已经临时暂停维基解密的镜像站。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Imagine the typical depiction of weighing scales: two plates held by a common string suspended at a point halfway between them. 想像一下秤的典型写照:二个秤盘被一个共同的秤杆悬挂在一点上的两边。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Shock set in and I found a cab for her, making sure she got home okay as the trains were temporarily suspended in fear of a London attack. 由于伦敦唯恐袭击再次发生而暂时停止运营,在惊恐中我为她找了一辆出租车,确保送她平安到家。 www.bing.com 3. Having taken the age of the accused into consideration, the court has decided to give him a suspended sentence. 考虑到被告的年龄,法院决定给他缓期处刑。 www.kekenet.com 4. It looks as if it's suspended between bridges to both of the Mur's shores, but it's actually on a floating platform. 这座建筑看起来像是悬挂在横跨穆尔河两岸的桥梁上,事实上它是漂浮在一个平台上的。 www.bing.com 5. The thought of a hundred elephants-worth of water suspended in the sky begs another question - what keeps it up there? 一想到100头大象那么重的水悬在空中,你不得不考虑另一个问题——是什么让它牢牢的挂在天空中的呢? www.24en.com 6. Just then did not know where the branches suddenly suspended following a black hairy spider with the wind and waves in front of the woman. 正说着,不知哪里的枝条上,忽然吊下一支黑色毛茸茸的大蜘蛛来,随着风,在女人眼前荡漾着。 www.56gk.com 7. Through the detail study of the flow pattern in the transition of the reactor, the concept of suspended bed reactor had been developed. 进而对生物颗粒沉降、悬浮床反应器膨胀率等基本特性进行了数学模型的研究,并通过实验予以验证。 www.chemyq.com 8. On April 30th the White House announced that new off-shore drilling would be suspended until the cause of the accident could be verified. 4月30日白宫宣称新的近海钻井作业将暂停,直到出事的原因核实出来为止。 www.bing.com 9. That, to his own constituency, signalled a supposedly reassuring lack of interest in resuming the long-suspended talks. 这一席话,对于他的支持者来说,标志着他可能根本没兴趣恢复暂停多时的谈话。 www.ecocn.org 10. The News of the World, which suspended Goodman on Friday, said it had no comment to make on today's court proceedings. 《世界新闻报》星期五勒令古德曼停职,对今日的庭审不予置评。 www.bing.com 1. He took the contents of the ancient bee's stomach, suspended it in saline, and spread it on a growth medium. 他取走了这支古老蜜蜂的胃部,把它放入盐水中,并在上面涂抹一层培养介质。 www.bing.com 2. Formerly the company's chairman, Huang resigned from GOME in January after he was suspended from his post in December. 黄光裕曾任国美电器董事局主席,去年12月他被停职,今年1月从国美辞职。 www.bing.com 3. one of a pair of heavy metal circles (usually covered with leather) suspended by ropes; used for gymnastic exercises. 绳子上悬挂着的两个金属环(通常有皮革裹着);用于体育训练。 www.hotdic.com 4. Luminaire provided with a cord, chain, tube, etc. Which enables it to be suspended from a ceiling or other support. 带有绳索、链条和管子等附件的灯具,可以安装在天棚或其他支撑物上。 www.pluslight.com 5. The Hanging Gardens probably did not really "hang" in the sense of being suspended from cables or ropes. 在巴比伦空中花园,可能并没有真正“挂在意义上”被绳索从电缆或暂停。 wenwen.soso.com 6. There was a large window facing south, through which lower Manhattan hung suspended in the dark. 房间里有一个朝南的大窗户,窗外曼哈顿下城区在夜色当中呈现。 www.bing.com 7. Regulators suspended the stock from trading in March, as the company failed to bring its filings to the SEC up to date. 今年3月,监管机构暂停这只股票的交易,因为该公司至今未能向SEC提交备案文件。 c.wsj.com 8. A tiny asterisk conducted me to a footnote at the bottom of the page. It said: 'This service has been suspended. 一个小小的星形符号把我的目光引到了那页底部的一个说明上,上面写着:此趟列车暂停运行。 www.tdict.com 9. Investigations resulted in a Chongqing court giving a suspended death sentence to a pork mogul known as the 'butcher of Chongqing. 根据调查,重庆法院判处一个被称为“重庆屠夫”的猪肉商死缓。 www.chnmilitary.com 10. In January of this year, we resumed the human rights dialog with the US, which had been suspended for 4 years. 我们同美国在今年一月已经回复了中断4年之久的有关人权问题的磋商。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. Two or three had a straw rope attached to the cross-bar of the dray, and suspended under them like a stirrup, which supported their feet. 有两三个人把草绳拴在车底的横杆上,象个马镫似的悬在身体的下面,托着他们的脚。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. An air-cooled engine is fixed in a suspended manner to the lower portion on the rear end side of a backbone section of a vehicle body frame. 空冷式发动机以悬吊状态固定在车体框架的骨架部的后端部侧的下部。 ip.com 3. A week later, he pleaded guilty to a charge of leaving the scene of an accident and was given a two-month suspended sentence. 一周后,他承认了肇事逃逸的罪名,被判2个月缓刑。 www.ecocn.org 4. The company has suspended all staff reassignments until the end of the year to try to regain the confidence of employees. 目前,该公司已把所有的员工调职计划暂缓至明年,以期赢回员工的信任。 www.ftchinese.com 5. But all he gave him was a slap on the wrist - he fined him two hundred dollars and suspended his driver's license for 30 days. 可是,他仅仅让他罚款两百美元,吊销他的驾驶执照一个月。 www.hjenglish.com 6. Suspended as a penalty for the implementation of the system in the world penalty has an important place in history. 缓刑作为一种刑罚执行制度,在世界刑罚史上具有重要的地位。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. non-uniform sediment transport in form of suspended and bed load, with the consideration of exchange mechanic between them. 输砂通量考量非均匀沉滓之悬浮载及河床载运移,以及两者间交换之机制。 nhmrc.nctu.edu.tw 8. Yet at Mr Sun's trial something remarkable happened. The judge let him off with only a three-year suspended sentence and a fine of $12, 000. 但对孙的审判案件出现了转机,法院只判了他三年缓刑和罚款1万2千美元。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. Its main aim was to restore regional government to Stormont, which had been suspended since 1972 when Britain imposed direct rule. 与此同时,他也在竭力促成《星期五和平协定》,旨在恢复地方政府于1972年英国实行直接统治时中止的斯托蒙特议会。 www.ecocn.org 10. Business is suspended for a time. Young fellows lay aside their school work and give themselves up to merriment and joy. 生意暂停一段时间,年轻人把学业暂时搁置一旁,尽情享受快乐。 52english.kingerenglish.com 1. Huge triangular snakeheads are suspended in his eyes; the tongue of the snake spit out his mouth slightest core almost touched his nose top. 一只巨大的三角型蛇头正悬浮在他的眼前,蛇嘴里丝丝吐出的舌芯几乎就碰到了他的鼻尖儿。 blog.tianya.cn 2. From the later stage of the Anti-Japanese War, the work of developing the Yangtze Gorges which had been suspended for a long time restarted. 从抗战后期开始,中断许久的三峡开发工作又重新启动。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. She said the company has suspended all such marketing partnerships in a bid to 'regain public confidence. ' 她说,公司已暂停所有此类市场推广合作关系,以期重获公众的信任。 cn.wsj.com 4. A day earlier, his son, also an opposition politician, was suspended from parliament for a year. 此前一天,其同为反对党成员的儿子,被要求停止在国会供职一年。 www.ecocn.org 5. JetBlue announced Tuesday that it had suspended Mr. Slater pending the outcome of the investigation. 捷蓝航空周二宣布,已对斯莱特停职,等待调查结果出炉。 www.voa365.com 6. If you look out at nature, you find that as you tend to see suspended animation, you tend to see immortality. 大家如果留意自然界,会把假死状态看作是长生不死。 www.ted.com 7. How positively melted into the long triangle to become has suspended front the Jiangsu economy development one of most imminent questions . 如何积极融入长三角成为了摆在江苏经济发展面前最迫在眉睫的问题之一。 www.lunwen315.net 8. If it were, then the raw water supply from Guangdong would be suspended until its radiation level fell below the. 万一发生上述情况,便会暂停从广东输入原水,直至辐射水平降低至导出干预水平之下。 www.hko.gov.hk 9. Electro- statically suspended accelerometer with differential-capacitance is one of these types. 静电悬浮式电容差分加速度计是可选方案之一。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Landis, who was tried in his absence, was given a suspended sentence of a year in jail. 兰迪斯试图不出庭,但仍被判处了一年有期徒刑,缓期执行。 www.putclub.com 1. How about, Who cut my heart rate in half, put me in a state of "suspended animation, " then brought me back to life? 是谁,又怎样让我的心率降低了一半,让我进入“假死”状态,却又再次让我复活? www.bing.com 2. After a few negotiations, the two countries decided to resume diplomatic relations that had been suspended for 10 years. 经过几次谈判,两国决定恢复中断了10年的外交关系。 www.kekenet.com 3. He did get a ticket for driving the wrong way and with a suspended license, but again, thankfully no major injuries. 这名83岁的司机因逆行被罚款,驾照也被吊销,不过,所幸没有造成重大伤亡。 www.tingclass.com 4. The muttered articulations of the wind in the hollows were as complaints and petition from the "souls of mighty worth" suspended therein. 下面空谷里呜咽的风声,就是悬在林苞里面那些“品格高贵的灵魂”抱怨呼求的声音。 5. It has been proposed to form these glassy materials as a powder suspended in a non-aqueous liquid for injection into a patient. 已经提出将这些玻璃质物质作为悬浮在向患者体内注射的非水液体中的粉末。 ip.com 6. Asymptote's design features two towers with a terminal hall suspended between them. 渐近线设计的特点是两座塔间延展的终端展堂。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The different issues could not be settled after more than a year. Finally, in October, nineteen fifty-two, the peace talks were suspended. 不同的问题不能得到解决后了一年多。最后,在十月十九五十二个,和谈暂停。 www.maynet.cn 8. The story in the Bible, angels are always with a pair of long white wings, the suspended head of silvery white halo. 圣经故事里,天使总是长着一对洁白的翅膀,头顶上悬浮着银白色的光环。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Luminaire designed to be suspended from a cable with its main beam axis at right angles to the axis of the road. 利用电缆进行悬挂的灯具,其主光轴与道路主轴成直角。 www.pluslight.com 10. Brodhead's statement did not say if the two charged players would be suspended. 布罗德汉德的声明并没有说这两个被指控的球员将被暂停学籍。 www10.tianya.cn 1. It also hangs suspended from the underside of the surface film by its tail, which acts as a breathing tube. 它也能用尾巴倒挂在水面薄膜下面,尾巴就是它的呼吸道。 www.hotdic.com 2. After the acceptance of the case by the peoples court, any other preserving measures related to the debtors property shall be suspended. 人民法院受理破产案件后,一切有关债务人财产的其他保全措施,应当中止。 www.eastwestlaw.com 3. Last week, the New York Times suspended the payment of any dividends this quarter amid the slump of its share value to six cents. 上周,纽约时报因这个季度的红利每股下跌到6美分而宣告破产。 www.bing.com 4. The organisers of the Beijing Olympics said the torch relay would also be suspended for three days. 北京奥组委表示,奥运火炬传递将暂停三天。 www.ftchinese.com 5. It was a 200- foot diameter geodesic sphere to be suspended over the East River in New York City , in full view of the United Nations . 一个直径有200尺的测地球体并将其悬挂在纽约市东河,同时可以看到联合国大楼全景。 www.bing.com 6. The dynamics parameters of the ball suspended in the air are obtained through simulation compute, help to design the nozzle. 通过仿真计算获得了悬浮球在悬浮过程中的各动力学参数,为喷头的设计提供了参考数据。 zzs.ujs.edu.cn 7. The Financial Times has learned that the bank has also suspended its global head of the collateralized debt obligations, Kareem Serageldin. 英国《金融时报》获知,该银行还暂停了其债务抵押债券(collateraliseddebtobligations)业务全球主管卡里姆?塞拉盖尔丁(KareemSerageldin)的职务。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Grandma's handbag, suspended by thick, black leather straps, hung down on her hip. 奶奶的手提包有厚厚的黑色皮质背带,包挂于臀部处。 www.elanso.com 9. Boeing suspended test flights of its new 787 Dream-liner after a fire broke out in the electronics compartment of one of the jets. 在其中一架飞机电子隔间突然起火后,美国波音公司宣布暂缓试驾新的梦想787客机。 www.ecocn.org 10. Japan suspended its annual whale hunt in the Antarctic, after vessels from the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society hounded one of its whalers. 在捕鲸船受到海洋守护保育协会船只的阻挠后,日本暂停了本年度在南极地区的捕鲸活动。 www.aitrans.net 1. Morgan Stanley suspended Mr Du on May 22 2007, pending an internal investigation, and he left the company less than a month later. 摩根士丹利于2007年5月22日将杜军停职,进行内部调查,不到一个月后就解雇了杜军。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The case of the poor, uneducated farmer also aroused public sympathies online, and on appeal, his sentence was suspended. 这名家境贫困、没受过教育的农民的案件也在网络上引起了公众的同情。上诉后,他的判决被缓期。 www.bing.com 3. "The Californian Dream is at least temporarily suspended, " says Mr DeVol. DeVol如此说道,“至少加州梦要暂时消失了。” www.ecocn.org 4. All flights in and out of Greek airports were canceled, while rail and ferry operations nationwide have been suspended. 进出希腊机场的所有航班取消,全国所有铁路和轮渡暂停营运。 c.wsj.com 5. Early explorers sailed off the edge of the map, and they found a place where the normal rules of time and temperature seem suspended. 早期的探险家们航海来到了地图的这边缘地带南极洲,并且他们找到某个似乎传统的时间和温度规则都不再有效的区域。 www.ted.com 6. Anthony Black, a Delta spokesman, said the two pilots have been suspended from flying while the airline conducts an internal investigation. 代尔它航空发言人安东尼.伯莱克说,公司正在进行内部调查,两名飞行员已经停飞。 www.bing.com 7. The roof was of painted tarpaulin which had been suspended. 顶棚是被悬挂起的油漆过的帆布。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. In a statement, Cargill said it had "temporarily suspended" cocoa bean purchases in Ivory Coast. 总部位于美国明尼阿波利斯的嘉吉在一份声明中表示,自己已“暂停”在科特迪瓦采购可可豆。 www.ftchinese.com 9. New Zealand recently suspended a law under which Internet service providers would have been required to crack down on illicit copying. 新西兰最近暂停施行一项法律,根据该法律,互联网服务提供商将被要求对非法复制行为采取严厉措施。 www.bing.com 10. Grains of pollen suspended in a liquid appear under a microscope to be in a constant state of agitation. 在显微镜下,悬浮在液体中的花粉呈现一种经久不息的骚动。 1. Air flotation, a variation of sedimentation, uses small bubbles that attach to the suspended particles, raising them to the surface. 空气浮选则是由沉降衍生而来,利用小气泡附着于悬浮的颗粒而使其上升到液体表面。 www.tdict.com 2. The rate of sedimentation of a suspended viral particle depends on its size and density. 悬浮病毒粒子的沉降率因其大小和密度而异。 www.dictall.com 3. Chinese officials also resumed talks with the U. S. military that had been suspended for most of the year because of a U. 中国官员还恢复了与美国军方的双边会谈,之前会谈中止的原因是美国向台湾进行军售。 bbs.i21st.cn 4. At the moment, such ink is composed of small, transparent spheres containing black and white particles suspended in a clear fluid. 目前,电子油墨是由小而透明的球体组成,球体内含有悬浮在透明液体中的黑白颗粒。 www.ecocn.org 5. Coastal waters generally have more suspended material due to river input, material stirred up from the bottom, and increased plankton. 沿海水域通常有更多的悬浮物质,原因为河流的输入,水底翻起的物质,浮游生物的增加。 lure8.com 6. When a thread waits for a lock to be released by another thread, it usually is suspended by the operating system. 在一个线程等待另外一个线程释放某个锁的时候,它通常会被操作系统挂起。 www.infoq.com 7. Therefore, it saddens me that I must inform you that the Credit Transfer feature is being suspended due to member abuse. 因此,信息技术悲伤我我必须通知你银行转帐特征由于成员弊病暂停。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. An unemployed man was jailed for six months imprisonment, suspended for two years, for injecting himself with heroin by way of a syringe. 一名无业男子,使用针筒注射海洛英,被判入狱六个月,缓刑两年。 www.icac.org.hk 9. Execution of a decision on a sanction given to a public procurator shall not be suspended during the period of reconsideration or petition. 复议和申诉期间,不停止对检察官处分决定的执行。 www.bing.com 10. If a player is suspended during the Playoffs, such a suspension will be served commencing with the next scheduled game. 如果一位选手在季后赛中被禁赛,选手将会在下一场比赛禁赛。 tieba.baidu.com 1. The United States Friday suspended operations at its embassy in Libya after U. S. diplomatic personnel were airlifted out of the country. 美国驻利比亚使馆在外交人员乘飞机离开这个国家后于星期五暂停了使馆的运作。 www.24en.com 2. He felt the hot tears wet his neck and the hollows of his neck, and he remained motionless, suspended through one of man's eternities . 他感觉到他的脖子被她的泪水打湿了,他没有动,沉浸在这种短暂的永恒当中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. An instant, suspended in the night. . . only clear during winter solstice in the heart of a polar night. 这促发的瞬间……只显现于冬至的极夜时分。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Eventually the plant was suspended as a result of strong public pressure. But, as Li pointed out, the procedure was far from satisfactory. 最终该工厂由于强大的公众压力而暂停,然而,李大光指出,该听证程序还是很难让人满意。 www.scidev.net 5. The suspended trade talk between the two superpowers is reported in the local newspapers to have been resumed in Washington two days ago. 据地方报纸报道,这两个超级大国之间中断的贸易谈判两天前在华盛顿重新开始。 wenku.baidu.com 6. They then used pipettes to drop the silver wires, which were suspended in methanol, on to the surface of the strips. 然后,他们用移液管把保存在甲醇中的银丝滴到棉线的表面上。 www.bing.com 7. China has currently suspended approvals of new nuclear plants, but Kenningham expects it to go ahead with its nuclear program eventually. 目前,中国已暂停了新核电项目的审批,但凯宁汉姆预计中国最终将继续实行其核计划。 www.fortunechina.com 8. A lack of genuinely accountable government, Mr. Fukuyama says, kept China in a sort of suspended animation. 福山还说,中国缺乏真正对老百姓负责的政治体制,这让他们一直停留在僵化的状态。 www.bing.com 9. Administrators can open any request in the Suspended queue to see a description of the reason for failure. 管理员可以打开Suspended队列中的任何请求,查看关于失败原因的描述。 www.ibm.com 10. It was suspended in the middle of the rock wall. There were many connected rooms built into a natural opening in the rock. 在岩壁自然的凹处建有许多相互联接的房子。 www.bing.com 1. Noting that the General Assembly agreed with his proposal, he suspended the discussions of the Agenda item. 他注意到大会同意他的提议,宣布中断对该议程项目的讨论。 www.wipo.int 2. Kazimi claimed to have been suspended by his arms for long periods, causing his legs to swell painfully. 卡兹米说他曾经也被双手反绑吊在天花板上很长一段时间,双腿又肿又疼。 source.yeeyan.org 3. Follows and Leads must be from REAL PEOPLE. No fake accounts, accounts about to be suspended. 如下,导线必须从真实的人。无假账户,将要暂停。 www.bing.com 4. I still believe it was unfortunate Javier Mascherano was suspended for the first leg of that quarter-final tie at Anfield. 我仍然认为四分之一决赛第一回合在安菲尔德的比赛中缺少禁赛中的马斯切拉诺是非常不幸的。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 5. The suspended footbridge of hemlock planks and steel cables was, as Richardon says, "surgically inserted" into the woods. 这个由铁杉板和钢索组成的吊桥也如手术般精准地嵌入到丛林中。 www.ccbuild.com 6. But auctions had to be suspended there as the trade was not willing to pay the minimum of Rs 100 a kg sought by the farmers. 但是,拍卖已经停止,因为贸易商不愿意支付烟农想要的最低每公斤100卢比的价格。 www.tobaccochina.com 7. The ruling was suspended by the Supreme Court, which took more than a year to issue its judgment. 上述判决被中国最高人民法院暂缓执行,最高院花费了一年多时间才作出判决。 www.ftchinese.com 8. It has called for the run-off, whose legitimacy it sees as already "severely compromised" , to be suspended in favour of negotiations. 它已经呼吁暂停选举而进行谈判,因为在它看来,这次选举的合法性已经带来了“严重阻碍”。 www.ecocn.org 9. The digital clock seems suspended in air, but is actually held in place by an "arm" connected to a memo pad holder. 这个数字时钟看上去好像悬在空中,但实际上它由一个连着便条座的“支架”支撑着。 www.elanso.com 10. All the trains have been suspended due to the storm and everybody is waiting in the railway station like a cat on hot bricks. 所有火车都因为风暴停开了,每个人都像热锅里的蚂蚁一样在火车站里等待。 images.koolearn.com 1. However, some shared designs require all transactions to be suspended or halted and caching and locking mechanisms must be remastered. 然而,一些共享设计要求挂起或停止所有事务,并重新初始化缓存和锁机制。 www.ibm.com 2. The "fox" was a seat suspended by pulleys from an overhead rope, much like the device sailors use to transfer men between ships. 狐蝠是从高架的绳子的滑轮上悬下来的座椅,很像水手使用的在船与船之间进行人员转移的装置。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. In all but a few of the simplest algae the plant chlorophyll is contained in chloroplasts suspended in the cytoplasm of the cells. 除几种最简单的藻类之外,所有植物的叶绿素都存在于悬浮在细胞质中的叶绿体内。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. it can be rolled up into a ball or suspended in the air by its legs ----the rat has ceased to care what happens to it. 它会蜷成一个球或是被拎着一条腿挂在空中——老鼠曾经不再关怀发作什么,它曾经“肉体解体”啦。 www.52qq.org 5. The directivity fibers on the surface, could prevent run down of the suspended solid. 由于表面有方向性植毛,可有效阻止污泥的流失。 www.odsh.net 6. Picture an empty wine bottle with a cork secured at the top in the usual way. Inside the bottle a metal ring hangs suspended by a string. 设想一个空酒瓶,瓶口被软木塞以正常的方式塞住,瓶子里一个金属环悬挂在一根细绳上。 cwenglish.zww.cn 7. GAZ Group announced yesterday it suspended Gazel production for a week October 6. 嘎斯集团昨天宣布,暂停加泽尔生产一个星期10月6日。 www.docin.com 8. China Eastern Airlines said it had suspended flights to Fukushima but its other flights, 50 a day, are operating normally. 中国东方航空公司取消了其至福岛的航班,但每天仍有50趟其它航班正常运行。 www.hjenglish.com 9. Shipments of Carlsberg from Copenhagen have been suspended, with delays expected across the rest of Denmark. 嘉士伯啤酒运输将滞留哥本哈根,整个丹麦的供货都将推迟。 www.hjenglish.com 10. A former property agent was sentenced to three months imprisonment, suspended for one year, for stealing commissions from his employer. 一名前地产代理盗取佣金,被判入狱三个月,缓刑一年。 www.icac.org.hk 1. Public entertainment would also be suspended Wednesday, the State Council, China's cabinet, said in an announcement. 国务院同时也发表申明,周三停止公共娱乐活动。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. It is now one of the dozens of large rail projects suspended after a crash in July left 40 people dead near the eastern city of Wenzhou. 在7月份温州郊区发生动车追尾事故、造成40人死亡后,这条线路便成为几十个目前暂时停工的大型铁路项目之一。 www.ftchinese.com 3. A large section of the underground line was suspended, and authorities had to take hundreds of people off the train. 一大段地下线路露在外面,当局不得不把数百人带离地铁。 www.hjenglish.com 4. A17th - century game in which a boxwood ball was struck with a mallet to drive it through an iron ring suspended at the end of an alley. 铁圈球游戏一种17世纪的游戏,用木槌将一黄杨木球打过悬挂在球道末端的铁圈 dict.ebigear.com 5. Three Pakistani bowlers were suspended after the paper first published its allegations a week ago. 一周前,该报纸首次披露该问题时,三名巴基斯坦投球手被停职。 club.topsage.com 6. Because one partner's desires are suspended for the other, a sense of self-deprivation develops as a sign of love. 因为情人的需要比其他都重要,所以丧失自我的感觉成了爱情的标志。 home.24en.com 7. Work there was suspended this year as the Kenyan government had been wary of encouraging an exodus from Somalia. 由于肯尼亚政府警惕索马里难民的大量涌入,该难民营的工作在今年暂停。 www.24en.com 8. The official has now been questioned by the police and suspended from his duties. 可见这个裁判只被暂停工作,而并没有被开除。 www.feedss.com 9. The Committee announces that the suspended matches will be completed the next day. 委员会宣布暂停比赛,明天继续。 huagolf.net 10. At that point play was suspended. The player took cover and did not lift the ball. 此时打球暂停,球员下场但没有把球捡起。 www.chuncui.cn 1. A player who once punched a teammate because he wasn't playing hard enough in practice, and was almost suspended by the league for gambling. 曾经有一名球员,因为队友没有全身心地投入训练就恶意挥肘,还因赌博一事差点被联盟驱除门外。 210006090160.ctinets.com 2. The Claims Conference notified the German government of the scam in January and payments on the fraudulent cases were immediately suspended. 索赔会议通知于1月德国政府的骗局和欺诈性的情况下立即停止付款。 www.englishtang.com 3. Mr. Katsav was to serve no jail time, but would receive a one-year suspended sentence, and he agreed to pay compensation to two women. 卡察夫不再被监禁,只领一年的缓刑,同时他同意向两位妇女予以赔偿。 www.bing.com 4. Thestar is suspended from a bar inscribed with the word "VALOR" above anadaptation of the thunderbolt from the Air Force Coat of Arms. 恒星暂停刻有一间酒吧中的“勇气”的改编本,上面的雷电从空军纹章。 nvbing.5d6d.com 5. Originally, this contained a minute diamond replica of the Imperial Crown from which a small ruby pendant egg was suspended. 最初,母鸡的肚子里还放着一个微型王冠复制品,王冠上悬挂一个小小的红宝石蛋形吊坠。 fcvvip.com 6. For we are going to see today that when our Lord was suspended between heaven and earth, on that instrument of torture, the cross. 今天我们要看,当主耶稣被悬挂在天地之间,那残酷的十字架上时。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Since the diagnosis, Craigslist administrators have suspended all traffic to the website and started regular treatment for the virus. 自确诊之后,Craigslist网管已经暂停网站运营,并开始该病毒的定期治疗。 www.bing.com 8. The client is built with a synchronous socket, so execution of the client application is suspended until the server returns a response. 该客户端是用同步套接字生成的,因此挂起客户端应用程序的执行,直到服务器返回响应为止。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. The DailyMail reported that Hope, who earns the equivalent of 1. 2 million yuan a year, had been suspended on full pay. 《每日邮报》说年薪合120万元人民币的霍普的全薪已被停发。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. Credit Suisse spokesman Marc Dosch said a ``small number'' of traders had been suspended, declining to provide their names. 瑞士信贷的发言人MarcDosch说一小部分的交易员已经被解职了,但拒绝透露他们的名字。 www.bing.com 1. At least 2, 000 flights in the region had been canceled and the Amtrak passenger rail service between New York and Boston was suspended. 此地区至少有2000次航班被取消,美铁纽约至波士顿段服务被迫中断。 www.bing.com 2. Checks to see if continuous replication has been suspended for any storage groups enabled for continuous replication. 查看启用了连续复制的任何存储组是否已暂停连续复制。 technet.microsoft.com 3. The 13 suspended drugs were all made by Chinese pharmaceutical companies that purchased the capsules from smaller manufacturers. 13种被停售的药品都是由中国的制药公司生产的,这些公司从规模较小的制造商那里购买了胶囊。 bbs.ebigear.com 4. American officials have suspended all fishing in parts of the Gulf of Mexico for at least ten days because of the huge oil spill. 由于石油泄漏,美国官员已经暂停在墨西哥湾的所有渔业活动。 www.anxue.net 5. All the information is kept in one information model, allowing the system to be suspended and resumed. 所有信息在一个信息模型中保持,允许系统挂起和继续。 blog.163.com 6. When an employee sinks to that level, his trading privileges are suspended for the rest of the month. We all go through cycles. 当某个交易者的亏损达到那个水平时,在那个月的剩余时间里,会暂时取消他的交易权利。 www.bing.com 7. The instrument includes a weight suspended in a spring connected to a registering needle which notes the vibration on a strip of celluloid . 这种仪器有一个重锤悬在与记录针联接的弹簧下面。记录针在一条电影胶片上记录振动。 dict.wenguo.com 8. Japanese spraying technology is brought in to atomize the basic material and apply to the surface of suspended ceiling . 引进日本喷涂技术。将表层原料完全雾化后喷在装饰吊。 www.bing.com 9. The senator was hospitalized for the next six months, suspended immobile in a frame that resembled a waffle iron. 接下来的半年,参议员都在医院中度过,他被悬挂固定在一个类似对开式铁板的框架上。 www.ecocn.org 10. Demolition material are the advantages of pipe cleaner pipe cleaning, water flow rate can be relatively low, may be suspended. 拆出料管法的优点是管道清洗较干净,水源的流速可以较低、可以暂停。 www.bokee.net 1. The hand piece of the suspended type submerged arc welding machine and an accessory enter the cylinder body through pipe orifices. 悬挂式埋弧焊接机头和附件通过管孔进入筒体。 ip.com 2. Who was this man who had a bell suspended about him like a ram or an ox? 和牛羊一样结个铃子在身上,那究竟是个什么人? www.chinabaike.com 3. The shares of at least 19 of them have been suspended or delisted by Nasdaq, wiping out billions of dollars in stock market value. 他们中至少有十九个已经被纳斯达克停牌或者退市,因此彻底毁掉了数十亿美元的市值。 www.bing.com 4. A powdery ink used dry or suspended in a liquid to produce a photocopy. 一种粉状颜料,在液体中变干或凝结,从而产生照片底片 zhidao.baidu.com 5. If Tmac get suspended for that, Collison will be kicked out of the league for sure for doing that monkey style on Yao? 如果麦蒂因为这个停赛的话,克里森会不会因为他对姚明猴子式的动作被逐出联盟? club.sohu.com 6. ISV VENTURE STAR hangs suspended against the dark side of PANDORA. “冒险之星”号太空船悬在潘多拉星球黑暗一侧的上空。 www.bing.com 7. You're driving too fast. I think you'll get your license suspended one of these days. 你开得太快了,我想有一天你会被吊销执照。 www.ebigear.com 8. However, the application process with its user-specific cache contents is suspended until the user performs some action. 不过,具有用户特定的缓存内容的应用程序进程将挂起,直到用户执行某个操作为止。 www.ibm.com 9. Tom is suspended from school for a week for bad conduct. 汤姆因为行为不端被停学一周。 dict.hjenglish.com 10. Attempts got me in trouble because I was suspended from school for a week and my mother. 因为我妈妈为了惩罚我打了我的屁股,所以在学校里已经暂停一周了。 koreanwind.net 1. Hon Hai, which uses the trade name Foxconn, has suspended production at polishing workshops like the one where the accident occurred. 目前,该公司已暂停了事故发生地等抛光车间的生产。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Take the state of Kano in northern Nigeria. Five years ago, this state suspended all polio immunization campaigns for two years. 以尼日利亚北部的卡诺州而言,五年之前,该州已经暂停所有的脊灰免疫活动达两年之久。 www.who.int 3. More than a dozen Chinese companies have been suspended from trading in the U. S. amid accusations of fraud and mismanagement. 十多个中国公司因受到诈骗和管理不善的指控,被迫暂停了美国的股票交易。 www.bing.com 4. Execution of the order shall be suspended during the time of reconsideration. 复议期间停止裁定的执行。 www.chinalawedu.com 5. Interleaved transactions refer to a situation when one transaction is suspended in order for another transaction to be executed. 交叉事务是指为执行另一事务而暂停一个事务的情况。 www.ibm.com 6. Thebiggest unknown is whether humans are even capable of entering a state of suspended animation. 最大的一个未知是,我们甚至不知道人类是否能够进入休眠状态。 www.bing.com 7. Others have suspended redemptions, citing a desire to use existing cash for new opportunities rather than repaying investors. 其它基金则暂停赎回,理由是希望把现有资金用于新的投资机会,而不是偿还投资者。 www.ftchinese.com 8. A common galvanometer consists of a light coil of wire suspended from a metallic ribbon Between the poles of a permanent magnet. 最普通的电流计包括一个小线圈,悬挂在永磁铁两极之间的金属带上。 www.jukuu.com 9. Local authorities have urged all shipping boats to return to harbor. Ferry services have been suspended out of safety concerns. 当地政府要求所有运输船返回港口。轮渡业务因安全考虑目前已暂停。 www.kekenet.com 10. On January 26th, the company suspended sales of 8 of its top-selling vehicles in the United States, its largest market. 1月26日,丰田暂停生产在其最大的市场美国很畅销的8种车型。 voa.hjenglish.com 1. Distressed loan: Loan on which repayment of interest and principal has been severely delayed or completely suspended. 还本付息有困难的贷款:指还本付息严重拖延或完全停止的贷款。 dict.ebigear.com 2. Vertical suspended sintering furnace with a production of small, sintering deformation rate of over 95% of the benefits, but complex. 笔直悬挂烧结炉具有烧结变形小,不败品率达95%以上的弊端,但摆设驳杂。 www.bing.com 3. The company had suspended the two fund managers, Kevin Chang and Wilson Wong, late last month and started an investigation. 两名基金经理分别是张国炜(KevinChang)和黄良文(WilsonWong)。富达国际在上月下旬将两人停职,并启动调查。 cn.wsj.com 4. Article 44 During the time of legal proceedings, execution of the specific administrative act shall not be suspended. 第四十四条诉讼期间,不停止具体行政行为的执行。 www.ebigear.com 5. Coyote of the "Road Runner" cartoons, who runs off the cliff and finds himself suspended in air before dropping to the valley floor. Coyote笔下的卡通“公路奔跑者”,直到冲下悬崖才发现自己悬在空中,即将坠落谷底。 www.bing.com 6. At least 6 officials and workers at local animal quarantine stations have been fired or suspended from duty, it said. 至少6个当地动物检疫局的官员和员工已经被开除或者停职。 www.gelievable.com 7. To remain suspended within or on the surface of a fluid without sinking. 浮,漂:保持悬在流体的表层内或表面上的状态而不沉下去。 www.fane.cn 8. On 24 September, John McCain suspended his campaign and went to Washington, proclaiming that it was time to put aside party differences. 9月24日,参议员麦凯恩暂停他的竞选前往华盛顿,宣布是时候抛开党派的分歧。 www.bing.com 9. He said: "Three points suspended is not inconsiderable and it will be a deterrent. " 他说道:“三分的缓期处罚不是微不足道的,而是一种威慑。” dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The photographic session had to be suspended until Mr Ali had consulted his Muslim spiritual leader on the propriety of the pose. 于是拍摄工作不得不暂停,等待阿里先生请教他的穆斯林精神导师摆这个造型是否合适。 blog.ecocn.org 1. Suspended equipments on the lower chord level of the roof truss exceed those of any other hangars in China both in numbers and in weights. 屋盖下弦布置悬挂设备的数量和吊重均为国内机库之首位。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Food shipments from four prefectures around the Fukushima nuclear power plant have been suspended. 福岛核电站附近的四个县的食品运输已经叫停。 www.bing.com 3. Its shares have been suspended since 8 June as it finalises a tie-up with its local rival Shanghai Airlines. 东航的股票自今年6月8日停牌,进行和本地竞争对手上海航空的合并事项。 www.bing.com 4. Accordingly, at the request of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a number of clinical trials with tanezumab have been suspended. 因此,应美国食品和药物管理局要求,已暂停了许多的临床试验。 www.pet2008.cn 5. Gao received a suspended sentence in December for a charge of "subversion" in a trial that fell short of international fair-trial standards. 高智晟在12月的一个庭审中,因“颠覆国家政权罪”被判处缓刑,该审判的经过未及国际公平审判的标准。 www.hrw.org 6. When a suspend request fails, all suspended devices are resumed and the system continues to run. 当一个暂停请求失败,所有的暂停的设备被恢复,系统继续运行。 linux.chinaunix.net 7. While suspended in the air, it will not be able to attack any units, and will be vulnerable to attack from any units that can hit air. 但是悬浮在空中时,它是不能攻击任何单位的,而且在任何对空单位的攻击面前都显得十分脆弱。 bbs.plu.cn 8. Checks to see if continuous replication has been suspended for any storage groups on the clustered mailbox server. 将检查群集邮箱服务器上是否有任何存储组的连续复制被挂起。 technet.microsoft.com 9. Students will be suspended from school if they cut classes adding up to six weeks within the whole semester. 学生在一个学期内,缺课累计超过六星期的课时者,应作休学处理,办理休学手续。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. But those proceedings have been suspended for a month while prosecution and defence grapple with the latest allegations. 控辩双方在最新审理过程中激烈周旋,诉讼已进行了一个月,至今悬而未决。 www.ecocn.org 1. Suspended in the still -- waiting promise of a future built around a woman and the few things you can love and hold . 等待那尚未实现的承诺,等待那建筑在一个女子身边,建筑在你所能爱,所能拥有的事物周围的未来。 www.bing.com 2. Chen Dandan spends his days suspended hundreds of feet above downtown Shanghai, building one of the city's newest skyscrapers. 每天,陈旦旦都在市中心数百英尺的高处工作,建造一幢新的摩天楼。 www.bing.com 3. during the crisis , the constitution was suspended , ie people did not have their normal civil rights. 在危机期间,曾暂时停止实行宪法(人民不能正常地享有公民权利)。 www.ichacha.net 4. However, taking into account affordability as well as social harmony, and can be suspended or gradually slightly increased energy prices. 但考虑到承受能力以及社会和谐,可以暂缓或逐步小幅提高能源价格。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Can clear a room of a price policy will not change, just change the price of nuclear policy, may be suspended . 可以明确的是一房一价政策不会改变,有改变的只是核价政策,可能会暂停实施。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Our centre channel speakers are designed to be suspended from the wall, and have the same depth as a flat-screen TV. 我们中间的那个喇叭是用来悬挂在墙上的,它和平面电视一样长。 www.xinheaudio.com 7. Pressurisation should be suspended at intervals on the way up to the test pressure to allow time for inspection to find leaks . 在达到测试压力之前的增压过程中应有间歇暂停时间,以便进行检查,以发现有无泄漏。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. In December he was suspended as chairman, following a conviction for his involvement in the bankruptcy of a property group. 12月身为主席的杰龙齐由于被牵涉进一家地产公司破产案,被暂停职务。 www.ecocn.org 9. The invention relates to a long-span suspended ceiling structure of an underground plant and a construction technology thereof. 本发明涉及一种大跨度地下厂房的吊顶结构及其施工工艺。 ip.com 10. Workers^ and employers^ organizations shall not be liable to be dissolved or suspended by administrative authority. 工人组织和雇主组织不应受到行政当局的解散和中止。 www.lawyee.com 1. Win or lose in Game 5, Anthony at least temporarily suspended all the noise surrounding his losing postseason ways. 不管能不能赢下第5场比赛,安东尼至少都已经暂时平息了那些对他季后赛输球不断表示不满的声音。 www.bing.com 2. By nightfall, as hopes for finding more survivors began to fade, Turkey suspended the search until Monday. 天黑后,由于很难找到更多的幸存者,土耳其将搜寻工作推迟至于下星期一继续进行。 wenku.baidu.com 3. It is of important significance to determine suspended substance in monitoring water and wastewater. 在水和废水的监测过程中,测定悬浮物的含量具有重要的意义。 www.chemyq.com 4. APPLE CONTRACTOR Foxconn has said that it has suspended a security official after the death of a Chinese worker. 一名中国员工死亡后,苹果公司承包商富士康说一名安全官员已被停职。 www.bing.com 5. MSNBC has dropped his television show and CBS radio has suspended him for two weeks. MSNBC停掉了他的电视节目,CBS电台也已勒令他停播了2周。 www.ecocn.org 6. At the moment the construction project has been suspended, after warming in March next year, researchers will explore here. 目前这里的施工项目已经暂停,明年3月气候转暖后研究人员将对这里进行发掘。 www.englishtang.com 7. Another former insurance agent was jailed for four months, suspended for two years, for his minor role in the insurance fraud . 另一名前保险经纪亦因参与有关勾当,被判入狱四个月,缓刑两年。 www.bing.com 8. For replication to be started after the database is mounted, the copy must not be suspended for replay or copying. 为了在装入数据库之后启动复制,不得挂起副本的重播或复制。 technet.microsoft.com 9. In recent months, it reduced the hours of its free cafeteria service and suspended the traditional afternoon tea in its New York office. 最近数月,谷歌在纽约的部门减少了免费餐厅服务时间,暂停了传统的下午茶点服务。 www.ebigear.com 10. Hopkins itself concluded that the review board did not do all it could to protect the volunteers, and suspended all 10 of Togias's studies. 霍普金斯大学自己做出的结论是复核委员会没有尽全力保护好自愿者,并且中止了Togias多达十项的所有研究项目。 www.hjenglish.com |
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