单词 | teller | ||||||||||||
释义 |
复数:tellers n. cashier,banker,bank clerk teller 显示所有例句
例句释义: 出纳员,出纳机,提款机,计票员,柜员,银行出纳员,银行职员 1. The fortune teller told Jane there was good luck for her just around the corner. 算命的人告诉简说她的好远就在眼前。 home.xdf.cn 2. Then you take this stick to a fortune teller and he tells you what this number means corresponding to what you were thinking of. 然后你要拿着签子去找解签师,他会告诉你你的那个号码对应着你的事情有怎样的结果。 hi.baidu.com 3. And, through the window, I saw the robber approach the teller, pull out a gun, and demand that she hand over all the money from her drawer. 透过窗户我看到那个抢劫犯走向出纳员,拔出一把枪,逼她把抽屉里的所有现金拿出来。 bbs.icchina.org.cn 4. Betty Rogers, a teller at the First National Bank, is explaining the bank's computer system to one of her customers . 第一国民银行的出纳员贝蒂·罗杰斯正在向一位顾客解释银行的计算机系统。 www.putclub.com 5. The good story-teller does not put himself at the center of the story. His presence is often not noticed. 好的说书人并不会让自己变成故事的中心,他们往往隐身幕后。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. He had been making this wish daily from the time he had started work as a teller at the bank. 自从在银行里开始担任出纳员之日起,他就每天都琢磨着要实现这个愿望。 www.bing.com 7. The teller can see how much money is in my checking and savings accounts. 出纳员可以看到我的支票和储蓄账户上还有多少钱。 www.ibm.com 8. C: Well, you know , we have to run a spot check on every teller's cage cash at least once every other month. 康纳:是的,您知道,我们必须至少每隔一个月对每一位出纳员的柜内现金就要进行一次现场检查。 www.mdaxue.com 9. A fortune teller remembers an old prophecy that the son of her erstwhile lover must be bricked up alive in order for the fortress to stand. 一个算命者想起从前的一个预言,那就是必须把她以前情人的儿子砌在墙里城堡才能建好。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. When the bank teller counted the money in her drawer, she came up ten dollars short. 当银行出纳数她抽屉里的钱的时候,她发现少了十美元。 www.hjenglish.com 1. The bank is also looking into retrofitting existing branches and automatic teller machines with wind power or other clean-energy options. 银行还在探讨以风力和其他清洁能源来更新现有的分行和自动提款机。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 2. It is implied by the directive, that there is a business role within the bank called "teller" and that people perform that role. 这个指示暗示银行中有称为“出纳员”的业务角色并有担任这个角色的人。 www.ibm.com 3. The person at the counter is usually referred to as a teller. 柜台工作人员通常被称为出纳。 www.24en.com 4. A small man robbed a bank with a toy gun in broad daylight, and was caught red-handed by a young lady-teller of the bank. 有一个矮小的男人带着玩具枪在光天化日之下抢劫了银行,但是被一位年轻的女出纳员当场抓住。 www.rr365.com 5. All the artifacts associated with the presentation content for the bank teller application are downloaded once during startup time. 与银行出纳员应用程序的表示相关联的所有组件只在启动时下载一次。 www.ibm.com 6. At this point, the teller looked worried. "No, please don't do that, " she said. 这时候,那个出纳员看上去很为难:“不,请别这样,”她说。 www.bing.com 7. Self-service banking products and services, including automated teller machines, continued to be a significant growth driver. 冠亚的增长动力仍主要源自包括自动柜员机等的自助银行产品及服务。 www.t6pr.com 8. He went up to the teller's window and asked to withdraw thousands of dollars of his savings, which the teller handed over in $100 bills. 他径直走到出纳员的窗口前,要求取出自己数千美元的存款,出纳员随后将一摞百元面值的美钞递给了他。 www.bing.com 9. As he scanned the cavernous space, empty save for a few sleepy security guards, his gaze alighted on a row of automated teller machines. 他四下张望着空旷的大厅,那里除了几个昏昏欲睡的保安之外什么也没有,突然,他的目光落在一排自动取款机上。 cn.wsj.com 10. To me, a good story teller, it would be as easy as falling of a l og. 对我来说,讲个故事还不是随手拈来。 wenku.baidu.com 1. He walked into the bank, went up to the bank teller, pointed a gun at her and side, "Give me all the money or I'll shoot. " 抢匪走进银行,径直朝着一名银行出纳员走去,站在一旁用枪指着她的头,说道:“把所有的钱都给我,否则我就开枪了!” wenwen.soso.com 2. A man in Delaware, USA tried to rob a bank by handing a teller a note that said he wanted all the money. 美国德拉威州一名男子试图抢银行,他递给行员纸条,上面写著他要所有的钱。 www.david.com.tw 3. your profession was that of an artist , magician or fortune teller. 您的行业是那艺术家,魔术师或算命者。 www.ichacha.net 4. All you would have to do is to fill out a withdrawal order and present it, along with your passbook, to the teller. 你需要做的事情就是填写取款单,然后将它和存折一起递交给银行出纳员。 koolearn.beelink.com 5. Teller: "How much will your opening deposit be? " 您的开户存款额是多少呢? www.ef.com.cn 6. To deal with this, some villains will even try wearing a trench coat over their costume to make it to the front of the bank teller's line. 为了对付这种情况,坏蛋甚至试过穿着大衣然后在银行等候线前再暴露身份。 www.bing.com 7. After divining, the future-teller told him that it was a sacred turtle for being confronted with trouble; it came to you asking for help. 算命先生经卜卦后告之,这是一名神龟,因为有难,专程托梦来向你求援。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. After I had carelessly finished my bank deal, a voice broke through my mental distractions. The teller was trying to get my attention. 在我漫不经心地处理完银行的事后,一个声音打破了我的走神。那个出纳员试图引起我的注意。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. He is once said to have decided to change the direction of traffic overnight [as a result of a fortune teller]. 耐温大将一度想要决定在一夜之间改变交通灯的方向(这是占卜师的建议)。 www.ecocn.org 10. The fortune-teller predicted that I would marry a woman, who must be younger than me and whose name must be in two characters . 我算过命的,算命先生说这辈子跟我结婚的人年龄一定比我小,名字一定是两个字的。 bbs.netat.net 1. Fortune teller Kang Pan-seok, however, says 2007 is not the super lucky event it's been hyped up to be. 算命先生KangPan-seok说:“2007年并非绝顶地幸运,它被吹得有些离谱了。” www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Monitoring systems in the bank teller, ATM monitoring and security surveillance, the companies provide a full range of technical solutions. 在银行柜员制监控、ATM监控和保安监控等方面,公司提供全面的技术解决方案。 www.haoqiantu.cn 3. This is the true story of a bank robber. But this robber didn't burst into the bank with a gun and grab cash from a frightened teller. 这是一个有关银行劫匪的真实故事,但这名劫匪并没有持枪闯入银行,把出纳员吓得魂不附体,然后抢夺金钱。 www.chinesetodays.org 4. I feel as if the Fortune-teller was coming true, dear Pa, and the fair little man was turning out as was predicted. 我觉得好像那个算命的说的话正在应验,亲爱的爸,那个小好人儿变得跟他预言的一样了。 www.jukuu.com 5. In the case of a teller's cheque, one bank is the drawer and a second bank is the drawee. 在银行柜员支票中,一家银行是出票人,另一家银行是受票人。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The presence of teller and audience, and the immediacy of the moment are not fully captured by any form of technology. 在场的说书人和听众们,还有那瞬间的临场感是无法完全交由科技呈现的。 www.bing.com 7. When the teller wrote her name down on a piece of paper, my daughter said "How do you know my name? " 当银行办事员在填表时写下了我女儿的名字的时候,她槑槑地问,“你是怎么知道我的名字的?” tianyayd.com 8. He got a job as a teller in a local bank, but was dismissed for he by no means lived up to his position. 他在当地银行找到一份当出纳员的工作,但因不称职而被解雇了。 bbs.putclub.com 9. Whereas the financial systems behind automated teller machines (ATMs) used to be considered fast, they're now also-rans. 自动柜员机(ATM)使用的财务系统虽然称得上快,但是现在也落伍了。 www.ibm.com 10. Bank Teller: Sure! How much would you like to deposit into the account? 银行职员:当然!你想要存多少钱到这个帐户中去呢? blog.sina.com.cn 1. In a system for a typical automated teller machine (ATM), one use case would be "Withdraw Cash" and another "Transfer Funds. " 在一个典型的自动取款机(ATM)系统中,一个用例是“取款”,另一个是“转帐”。 www.ibm.com 2. The boy was eating a roll, which he thrust at the teller. The teller smiled and shook his head. 小男孩正在吃一个面包卷,并将面包卷戳向出纳员,出纳员笑着摇了摇头。 www.gjjy.com 3. Eh, 6 years ago some fortune teller said I would get married, it did not materialise and then the year after, they took a shot again. 嗯,6年前,一些算命的预言我会结婚,可惜并没有实现。然而一年后,他们再次作出预言……我的意思并不是我非常享受单身生活,以至于我愿意孤独终老。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The teller considered my answer and called over what must have been a manager. 出纳员想了想我的回答,叫来了一个经理般的人物。 www.bing.com 5. They came to a fortune teller and she just said "Treasure every moment from now on. " and a tear rolled down the fortune teller's cheek. 他们遇到了一位占卜者,她只说了一句“从现在起,珍惜每一分钟”,然后一滴泪珠从占卜者面庞滑落。 www.ryedu.net 6. A would-be robber went up to a teller and , "Any idea how you rob a bank? " 一名抢劫犯走向银行柜员、支吾问道:“你、你知道要怎么抢劫吗?” my.4399.com 7. In 1980, her father introduced her to an acquaintance at Nedcor Bank and she started work as a teller. 1980年,她的父亲通过朋友将她介绍到Nedcor银行工作,起初做出纳。 www.fortunechina.com 8. Three action buttons let the bank teller perform the required bank function. 银行出纳员可以使用三个操作按钮执行所需的银行函数。 www.ibm.com 9. This is the only file that the user of the bank teller application can see in the browser's address bar. 这是银行出纳员应用程序的用户在浏览器的地址栏中能够看到的惟一文件。 www.ibm.com 10. In Louisiana, it is illegal to rob a bank and then shoot at the bank teller with a water pistol. 在美国路易斯安那州,禁止持水枪抢银行并射击银行柜员。 www.bing.com 1. A quick trip to the bank - horror, my favorite bank teller has been moved to another town because she's been too nice with customers. 那天我到了银行突然发现,我最喜欢的出纳员被调到另一个镇上去了,因为她对客户太热情了。 www.elanso.com 2. Lightman considers Teller to be on the whole an evil character, in sharp contrast to his sympathetic portrayals of Einstein and Feynman. 莱特曼书中,泰勒基本上是一个坏蛋,与他对爱因斯坦和费曼的赞同形成鲜明对比。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Cops say the first teller he tried to rob fainted and the next two insisted they had no cash in their drawers. 警察说他企图抢劫的第一个柜员当场晕倒了,后面两个坚持说他们的抽屉里没有现金。 www.bing.com 4. The head teller at a New York City Bank used a computer to steal more than one and a half billion dollars in just four years. 头部出纳员在纽约一家银行利用电脑将偷的钱,要比一个半亿美元在短短四年。 aai8.com 5. File security access control is the core of the bank automatic teller machine security. 文件安全访问控制,是银行自动柜员机安全的核心部分。 www.joca.cn 6. One said that when he was young, a fortune-teller told him that he would have more money than he could count. 一个人说,当他还小的时候,一位算命先生告诉他,他会有数不尽的钱; www.jukuu.com 7. All teller's cash trucks were checked in and out of the cash vault by a senior vault teller. 全体出纳员的现金车进出金库都有一名高级金库出纳员予以检查。 8. I'm not a fortune-teller, but I believe I can bring you happiness and joy. You are my life. You are the whole world for me. 即使我不是占卜师,但我相信我会带给您幸福和快乐,由于您便是我的生命我的所有。 shiwt.com 9. The robber entered the bank and, as cool as a cucumber, handed the teller a note demanding thirty thousand dollars . 那劫匪走进银行,非常冷静的递了一张字条给出纳员,说要三万元。 wenku.baidu.com 10. Some of a bank teller's responsibilities include cashing checks, accepting deposits and loan payments, and processing withdrawals. 银行出纳员的一些职责包括支票兑现、接受存款和贷款付款,以及处理提款服务等。 icecoffeesky.blog.163.com 1. You guessed it. A: Don't tell me she's been listening to the fortune-teller again. 别跟我说她又听算命的话了。 www.hxen.com 2. I was just at the bank. There was this really hot teller. 我刚才去银行有个很辣的行员 www.bing.com 3. This one-time code delivery to the browser is done when the bank teller visits the URL for this application. 这个一次性的代码传递过程发生在银行出纳员访问这个应用程序的URL时。 www.ibm.com 4. He took a job after graduation as a teller at a bank in downtown San Francisco, where he was robbed at gunpoint twice in six months. 毕业后他在三藩市中心的一家银行当出纳,结果在半年里被人用枪顶着抢了两次。 www.bing.com 5. Teller: That's very kind of you. Hey! Wait a minute. Your account is overdrawn . How dare you! 出纳员:你真仁慈。喂!等一下,你的户头透支了,你好大胆呀,竟然骗我! dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Queues to see a teller are often more than an hour long. 在银行排队的时间往往超过了一个小时。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Authorities said a man wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap handed the teller a note demanding money and he got away with some cash. 当局称一个带着太阳镜和棒球帽的男人递给了银行柜员一张纸条,上面写着他要求的钱,然后带着抢来的现金离开了。 www.bing.com 8. Caribou graze on tundra, tinted orange by the sun, somewhere between Nome and Teller on western Alaska's Seward Peninsula. 在阿拉斯加的苏厄德半岛西部的诺母和特勒之间的某处,驯鹿正在橘红色的天空下觅食。 www.cnnas.com 9. says the fortune-teller. "That's what you think. " 算命先生不以为然,“那只是你这么想而已。” hi.nciku.cn 10. The fortune-teller claimed to see her future career through the crystal ball. 算命先生声称通过水晶球看到了她未来的职业生涯。 www.worlduc.com 1. Within a year he was promoted from Teller to assistant cashier. 一年之内他便由出纳员提升为出纳主任助理。 dict.ebigear.com 2. As part of architecture there might be a definition of a "teller" task, but with the new directive the role might need to change. 在架构中可能有“出纳员”任务的定义,但是随着新指示的出现,这个角色可能需要改变。 www.ibm.com 3. Putting together the portrait of Rutherford in Cathcart's book with my own recollections of Teller, I find striking similarities. 把卡斯喀特书中的卢瑟福形象和我记忆中的泰勒形象相比较,我发现两者极为相似。 xz8.2000y.net 4. The Bank teller clicks the Print button on the receipt to print the receipt and give to the payee. 银行出纳员点击收据上打印的收据和给收款人的打印按钮。 www.bing.com 5. Kabul, Afghanistan: A fortune teller listens to a woman as another awaits her turn. Fortune telling was banned under the Taliban regime. 阿富汗,喀布尔:一名算命者在聆听一名妇女的成熟,而另一名妇女则静待一旁。在塔利班政权统治期间,算命是被禁止的。 www.bigjj.org 6. If I make a deposit at an ATM and then go inside the branch and talk to a teller, I want the teller to be aware of the deposit I just made. 如果我在一个ATM机上进行了储蓄操作然后走进支行去问出纳员,我希望他能够知道我刚刚进行的储蓄。 www.ibm.com 7. "We are going to have to go to the automatic teller machine and draw money out to pay salaries by hand. " “我们必须去自动提款机上把钱取出来,手工发放工资。” www.ftchinese.com 8. Instead of standing in line at the bank, we withdraw twenty dollars in as many seconds from an automatic teller machine. 我们用二十秒从自动取款机里取出二十元钱,而不会去银行排队等候。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Your password , just like those associated with bank teller-machine CARDS , should not be a common word or something easily guessed. 你的口令,和银行自动取款卡上的一样,不能是一个平常的词或容易被猜出的词。 dict.ebigear.com 10. The scandal diary -- kept under Barbara's mattress -- naturally reveals as much about the teller as the subject. 这本丑闻日记藏在芭芭拉的床垫下,自然暴露了所有倾诉者关于这个话题的坦白。 club.ssreader.com 1. He often gets money at an ATM (automatic teller machine), and he has done so far two years. 他经常从自动取款机(ATM)取款,他这样做已经有两年了。 www.gszsb.cn 2. Right now my sister is a teller. But she wants to be a bank manager one day. 我姐姐目前担任银行出纳,但是她希望有朝一日能成为经理。 www.wwenglish.com 3. He was such a good listener as every teller would like to have. 他是个善于倾听的人,每个讲演者都希望有象他那样的人。 sh.xinkb.org 4. One of the dictionary definitions of hubris cites Edward Teller (the godfather of modern geoengineering). 字典中狂妄的一个定义引用了EdwardTeller(现代地球工程之父)。 www.bing.com 5. What is to prevent Bank Teller B from keeping all the money left and claiming that it was stolen by Bank Robber A? 什么会阻止银行出纳员B留下剩下的那些钱而宣称都被银行抢劫犯A抢走了呢? www.kekenet.com 6. A fortune-teller flimflammed her out of her savings. 一个算命的将她的积蓄骗光了。 www.hotdic.com 7. So, in some story-teller's eyes a railway station is usually the place where stories may happen. 所以,在一些讲故事的人严重,火车站通常是有故事的地方。 www.hxen.com 8. The Snake would be most content as a teacher, philosopher, writer, psychiatrist, and fortune teller. 蛇年将大部分内容,作为一名教师,哲学家,作家,心理医生,和算命先生。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. He walked slowly up to an open window and handed two manila envelopes to the teller. 他慢慢走近一个营业窗口,递给出纳员两个信封。 www.enbar.net 10. A bank with many teller windows often uses electronic signs to indicate the location of the next free teller. 有许多出纳窗口的银行经常使用电子信号来指示下一个空闲出纳员的位置。 www-128.ibm.com 1. He walked slowly up to an open window and handed two manila envelopes to the teller. 他慢慢走近一个营业窗口,递给出纳员两个信封。 www.enbar.net 2. A bank with many teller windows often uses electronic signs to indicate the location of the next free teller. 有许多出纳窗口的银行经常使用电子信号来指示下一个空闲出纳员的位置。 www-128.ibm.com 3. The robber entered the bank and, as cool as a cucumber, handed the teller a note demanding $30000. 劫匪走进银行,非常冷静地递了一张字条给出纳员,说要3万美金。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. No one can be sure about his future. Future is not what fortune-teller tells you. It is created by yourself. 没有谁能够对未来了如指掌,未来不是靠算命先生那张嘴说出来的,而是靠你自己创造出来的。 hi.baidu.com 5. PINs are most frequently used for automatic teller machines (ATMs). PIN最常用于自动柜员机(ATM)。 technet.microsoft.com 6. Everything, " Giorgadze said. " You see the ATM [automatic teller] machine is broken, they were trying take money from these boxes. 你看,自动提款机被弄坏了,他们正想把那里面的钱抢走。 www.ebigear.com 7. eight The bank teller will validate both the original and the carbon copy . 银行出纳将对原件和复印件进行验证。 www.bing.com 8. Retrieving memory and constructing tellable stories are complex acts that reveal much about the teller's sense of the world. 重拾记忆和创作脍炙人口的故事并不容易,其中会体现出讲述者对于世界的诸多理解。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. I'm a teller at the Bank of New York. How about you? 我在纽约银行当出纳员。你呢? wenku.baidu.com 10. The bank teller used a mechanical counter to count the pennies. 银行出纳员使用机械计数器点硬币。 1. The bank teller used a mechanical counter to count the pennies. 银行出纳员使用机械计数器点硬币。 2. The banker was charged with taking bribes from the bank teller. 银行经理被指控接受出纳员的贿赂 www.exam8.com 3. He listened carefully to the story teller with all his mind. 他全神贯注地聆听那位讲故事之人所讲的故事。 paper.wenweipo.com 4. If Bank Robber A holds up Bank Teller B. . . And if Bank Teller B gives Bank Robber A a certain amount of money. . . 假如强盗甲劫持了银行出纳员乙……假设乙把一定数额的钱交给了甲…… www.24en.com 5. That's how Soetoro-Ng says she and her brother, President Obama, remember their mother - as a great story teller and great role model. 在玛雅和哥哥奥巴马的记忆中,母亲是一位了不起的讲故事人,也是一位伟大的榜样。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 6. The else clause would be modeled by adding another call arrow between the Teller class and the ImproperDepositException. 可以通过在Teller类和ImproperDepositException之间添加另一个调用箭头来为else子句建模。 www.ibm.com 7. But his portrait of Teller shows us mostly the dark side. 但他对泰勒的描写绝大部分集中于黑暗的一面。 xz8.2000y.net 8. Kid requests a deposit slip from teller and fills it out. 小孩从出纳员领取存款单并填写。 www-128.ibm.com 9. As a fortune teller, I can't help but think about this. 作为占卜者,我帮不上忙,只能仔细思索。 bbs.ffsky.com 10. The teller stopped , stunned , and suddenly began to cry . 叙述者停住了,惊呆了,接着突然大哭起来。 www.bing.com 1. It drives home the truth that a fortune teller is only a cheat. 开车回家的路上明白一个道理,讲述幸运的人只是一个大骗子。 www.100yingyu.com 2. It was only when I saw the photos that I realized I looked like a meddlesome gypsy fortune-teller. 直到看见照片,我才意识到自己看上去就像一个擅自闯入的吉普赛算命人。 news.edu5a.com 3. He's exactly like the son of the fortune-teller that stole my tame pheasant. 他和那个算命先生的儿子长得一模一样,那家伙偷了我养得野鸡。 www.examw.com 4. An automatic teller system in which the teller console at each office window can be linked to the computer and the on-line central file. 一种自动的出纳系统,其中,每个营业室的每个窗口的出纳控制台均可以与计算机和联机中心文件相联。 tr.bab.la 5. I filled out the application form and then the teller issued me a passbook. 我先填了一张申请表,然后出纳员给了我一本存折。 www.xdf.cn 6. We were all amused by the story-teller's jokes. 我们都被那个故事员的笑话逗笑了。 en.ruiwen.com 7. Instead of getting your money from a teller in the bank, you get it from a machine. 而不是让你的钱从银行柜员机中,您可以从一台机器。 www.tiantianbt.com 8. The children were amused at the story teller's jokes. 孩子们被故事讲述者的笑话逗乐了。 www.hotdic.com 9. The traveller was an entertaining story teller. 这位旅客是一位有趣的说故事者。 www.jukuu.com 10. The automatic teller machine "ATM" has become a feature of American life of American life . “自动柜员机”已成为美国人生活的特征。 wenwen.soso.com 1. 'And take the Compleat Fortune-Teller to the outhouse, ' Joan continued, rapidly wiping her hands, and donning the garments. “你把这本《算命大全》拿到屋外去,”琼接着说,很快就把手擦干净了,穿上了衣服。 www.hjenglish.com 2. e. g. Consumers are doing more business with banks through automatic teller machines and over the phone, methods that cost banks far less. 消费者更多的通过自动取款机和电话与银行打交道,这些方式大大降低了银行费用。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. The good story-teller tells his story in a way that is simple but can touch the heart of the audience. 好的说书人是能够以深入浅出的方式,打动听众的心灵。 fanyi.kancaimi.cn 4. There we took a number, like at a bakery, and sat for an hour before a teller summoned us. 在银行,我们和在面包房一样取了号,在出纳员叫我们以前,坐等了一个小时。 www.bing.com 5. The bank started her as a teller. 银行起用她当出纳员。 www.powerdict.com 6. the teller. The teller smiles and shakes his head. 这位出纳员微笑着摇了摇头。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. At a village fair, I decided to visit a fortune-teller called Madam Blinks. 在一个乡村集市上,我决定拜访一位称作别林斯基夫人的算命人。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Typical uses of ISO8583 are to define the message format for data exchanged with a point-of-sale device or automated teller machine (ATM). ISO8583的典型用途是为通过零售点设备或自动柜员机(ATM)交换的数据定义消息格式。 www.ibm.com 9. When a fortune-teller look at your palm, she'll tell you how your future will be like. That's a way you place your hope on. 当一个算命人看你的手掌,她会告诉你如何让你的未来会是什么样子。 wenwen.soso.com 10. McDonald's is hiring in management. There is a bank teller shortage and a shortage of actuaries. There is a shortage of insurance agents. 麦当劳在招管理人员,银行缺少前台柜员和精算师,而保险公司缺少保险经济人。 www.bing.com 1. Now I keep a fortune-teller's stall on the side-walk and can scrape three or five dimes a day at best. 现在我在路边摆了个算命坛子,每天最多有三五十美分的收入。 www.bing.com 2. Automated teller machines, though arguably more a technological than financial innovation, are a case in point. 自动柜员机(ATM)就是一个恰当的例子,尽管事实证明,它更大程度上是一种技术创新,而非金融创新。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Future is now, forget the fortune-teller, focus on your goal! 未来就是现在的情景,忘记了个算命的,专注于你的目标! wenwen.soso.com 4. Examples: Travel agency workstations, bank teller workstations, front office workstations. 示例:旅行代理工作站,银行出纳工作站,前端办公室工作站。 www.ibm.com 5. Automatic teller machines are widespread and most are connected to major banks around the world . 全港到处都设有自动柜员机,大部分均连接全球各地的主要银行。 www.bing.com 6. cash register paper roll, roll taxi invoices, automated teller machine paper, tickets , plastic flexible packaging products. 卷装收银纸、出租车卷装发票、自动柜员机纸、门票、塑料软包装产品。 dict.kekenet.com 7. We use touch screens everywhere: tourist kiosks , automatic teller machines, point-of-sale terminals, industrial controls. 触控荧幕的应用非常,例如游客导览系统、自动柜员机、销售点终端机、工业控制系统等。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Her performance as a deceitful fortune-teller in the 1990 film Ghost won her both a Golden Globe and an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. 她在1990年摄制的影片《人鬼情未了》中所扮演的那个骗人的算命婆为她赢得了一项金球奖和一项奥斯卡最佳女配角奖。 www.jukuu.com 9. A small frog goes to a fortune teller and asks if he is gonna meet a young girl. 有一只小青蛙,它去预言家那里询问自己是否会遇到一个年轻的姑娘。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 10. One teller complained that she kept getting odd looks every time she explained it. 一位出纳抱怨到,她总是看到顾客脸上露出奇怪的表情当她解释的时候。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Sometimes the most amusing jokes occur when people least expect the teller to tell a joke. 有时最引人发笑的笑话是在人们最意想不到的时候讲出来的。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 2. After he left, the teller figured out what he had written and called police. 在这名男子离开后,行员才了解他写的东西,就报了警。 www.david.com.tw 3. Some people use this on to others, the day was fortune-teller income, and some even thousands of yuan thousands of yuan. 有的人运用此法上街头给别人算命,一天竟然收入几百元,有的甚至上千元。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Residents commonly hold accounts there or at its subsidiary, Hang Seng Bank, which has an automated teller machine in every subway station. 当地居民普遍拥有汇丰或其子公司恒生银行(HangSengBank)的账户;几乎在每个地铁站都能见到恒生银行的自动柜员机。 www.bing.com 5. The sequence starts at the top left, with the customer sending a message to the teller object. 序列从左上角开始,客户传递一个消息给teller对象。 www.ibm.com 6. The tech angst of many people makes them reluctant to put their trust in automated teller machines. 许多人有技术顾虑,因而不愿使用自动提款机。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 7. Note that the original scenario description specified that the teller hold unapproved deposits . 请注意,最初的方案描述说明出纳员扣留未批准的存款。 www.bing.com 8. The concept of authentication is used whenever you key in your Personal Identification Number (PIN) at an Automated Teller Machine (ATM). 使用认证的概念,每当您在您的个人身份证号码(PIN)锁上在一个自动出纳机机器(ATM)。 blog.tianya.cn 9. These PIN code may be in the back-end automated teller machines and computer data transmission in the process of compromise. 这些PIN码可能是在自动提款机与后端计算机传输数据的过程中外泄。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. When she told her relatives she was going to work in a bank, they had assumed she was going to be a teller. 当她告诉她的亲戚她将来要在银行工作时,他们只是认为她会在银行做个出纳。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Hi. This is Marry Zhang, I'm calling to see if you've made decision yet, concerning the teller position. 你好,我是MarryZhang。我打电话是来了解关于出纳员的位置,你们是否已经做了决定。 www.kekenet.com 2. Note that some of the participants are automated (the Teller) and others are real people. 请注意有些参与者是自动化的(出纳员)而其他则是真人。 www.ibm.com 3. The teller told me to come see you about opening an account. 那位行员叫我来找妳处理开户事宜。 tw.biz.yahoo.com 4. I decided to visit a fortune-teller called, Madam Bellinsky at a village fair. 我决定去在一个乡村集市上一算命先生称,集市。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Until you develop that PHP module, these bank teller functions will not be functional. 在开发这个PHP模块之前,这些银行出纳员函数无法发挥作用。 www.ibm.com 6. When I tell you what the fortune-teller told me , it's really going to make your hair curl! 我跟你讲相命师所告诉我的话时,你准会吓得头发倒卷。 www.bing.com 7. The five-dollar bill that was in my pocket is pigeonholed into a teller drawer. 原本在我皮夹里的这张五美元钞票,将会进入某个出纳员的抽屉。 www.bing.com 8. Our banking is done at automated teller terminals that thank us with mechanical politeness for the transaction. 我们的金融服务完成于自动柜员机旁,完成业务后,它们还会机械地、有礼貌地感谢我们。 blog.shbbs.cn 9. Wandering around a fairgrounds, a man enters a fortune-teller's tent for a laugh. 一个在市场游荡的男子想寻开心,就走进一个算命先生的帐篷里。 hi.nciku.cn 10. Mr Volcker famously said that the most useful financial innovation of the past 30 years was the automated teller machine. 沃克尔有句名言是,过去30年里最有用的金融创新是自动取款机。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Jerry: Sure, it's like robbing a bank: you don't loiter around in front of the teller holding that big bag of money. 杰瑞:是啊。这就像抢银行:你可不会提溜着那一大袋子抢来的钱,在柜员面前晃悠。 yangwenzhan.spaces.live.com 2. I'm just a naughty boy. I'm a joke-teller. 我只是个顽皮的男孩,一个说笑话的人。 www.bing.com 3. So I guess the fortune teller's right. I should have seen just what was there, and not some holy light. 所以我猜这个算命先生是对的。我要看到真正的东西在那儿,而不是一些神圣的光。 www.yappr.cn 4. Customers were let in five at a time, one for each teller on duty. 客户们一次允许进入五人,每人一位值班的柜员。 c.wsj.com 5. Teller: Yes sir, that's not the problem. The problem is you signed it as Mickey Mouse and you are not Mickey Mouse. 出纳员:是的,先生,不是这个问题。问题是你签了米奇老鼠的名字,而你不是米奇老鼠。 www.wwenglish.com 6. We Hate Each Other is not a satisfactory story as I am not a good story teller. Moreover, I am not streetwise enough. 这个故事不能说多令人满意,因为我并不擅长讲故事,而且也缺乏对世情的了解。 www.tianya.cn 7. He writes, "There is a warm, vulnerable, honestly conflicted, idealistic Teller, and there is a maniacal, dangerous, and devious Teller. " 莱特曼承认存在两个泰勒,他写道:“有一个热情、脆弱、矛盾、理想主义的泰勒,还有一个发狂、危险、居心叵测的泰勒。” xz8.2000y.net 8. After Baylor, Mr. Hurd joined NCR, a quiet maker of cash-register equipment and automated teller machines, based in Dayton, Ohio. 从贝勒大学毕业后,赫德加入了NCR公司,一家以生产现金出纳机和自动柜员机为主的低调的公司,总部位于俄亥俄州的代顿市。 www.bing.com 9. And "revelation" is not some kind of trance-like experience you might hear about from a psychic or a fortune teller. 所谓「异象」不是你听说过的那些通灵术士或者算命先生灵魂出窍的经历。 xiaozu.renren.com 10. It can backfire if the teller is trying to build enthusiasm yet doesn't feel it, says Simmons. 西蒙斯说,如果讲述者自己没有感受到激情,却要试图创造激情,可能会适得其反。 www.kekenet.com 1. Tell 10 stories in one week, you are a stories teller; Tell thousands of erotic stories, you are a Lord of obscene. 在一个星期内说10个故事,你是一个讲故事的人,说千万个黄色故事,你就是下流的领主。 www.enfuns.com 2. Teller: I'm afraid not. It has to be a passport or a valid driver's license. 出纳员:不行。需要护照或者有效的驾驶执照。 auction1.taobao.com 3. This invention is a safe and automatic teller machines with the auto ordered doors withdrawals booths. 本发明是一种安全封闭式取款机自动顺序出入串联门取款亭。 ip.com 4. The company had become the third largest NCR automatic teller machine integrators in China, up two notches from the previous year. 公司成为了NCR自动柜员机在中国的第三大集成商,排名较去年攀升两位。 www.t6pr.com 5. You yourself are able to infer your destiny without seeking help from the future teller. 你必须能自行推断命运的好歹,而不需算命师。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Yet the teller handed over a bag full of money. 然而,这个出纳还是将塞满钱的袋子递了出来。 www.bing.com 7. I've had the street fortune-teller tell my fortune---I've got a giant lucky star this year. 我在窑街师傅那里打了个好卦,我今年要走大运啦。 www.zftrans.com 8. The bank teller who is also a long line of the team, although there are disturbing, but everyone together, let me feel at ease. 银行取款的人也排成了长队,虽然有不安,但是和大家在一起,让我安心。 www.ebigear.com 9. Our banking is done at automated teller terminals that thank us with mechanical politeness for transaction. 我们的银行业务在自动柜员机完成,他们用礼貌的语言感谢我们办理业务; beijing.newchannel.org 10. Perhaps a co-worker, a grocery clerk, or bank teller you see often, a neighbor. 这可能是你的同事,一个杂货店老板,你常见到的一个银行职员,又或者是你的邻居。 qzblog.zxmxd.com 1. Note that there's nothing in this use case to prohibit the teller from remembering who Philip is. 请注意在这个用例中没有禁止出纳员记住Philip是谁。 www.ibm.com 2. Morris: I wanted to cash this check from my mother , but the teller told me to bring it here. 莫里斯:我想把我母亲寄给我的这张支票兑现,出纳员让我把支票交到这里。 www.putclub.com 3. You sound like a fortune-teller. In any case, I must send my gratitude to you. 你像是个算命的,不过,还是要谢你的吉言。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Teller: Thank you. This should only be a few minutes. If you would like, there is coffee by those sofas over there. 谢谢。只要几分钟。如果您需要,那边的沙发旁边有咖啡。 www.hxen.com 5. After that, we have a preliminary study for the Changsha city commercial bank satisfaction with the status quo integrated teller. 然后,对长沙市商业银行综合柜员满意度现状进行了初步探讨。 www.fabiao.net 6. The king was in dilemma between killing and saving. Hence he asked the future-teller to do a divination for it. 宋元君在杀与不杀之间拿不定主意,因此他又请算命先生为之卜卦,看应该怎么做? blog.sina.com.cn 7. 21-year-old Langston Robins walked right past a uniformed police officer at the Metropolitan Bank and handed a robbery note to the teller. 在首都大银行21岁的罗宾朗士顿从一名穿制服的警官身边经过把一张抢劫字条递给出纳。 www.bing.com 8. Then Verone hailed a cab to take him to the RBC Bank. Inside, he handed the teller his $1 robbery demand. 然后Verone叫了辆出租车到RBC银行。在银行里,他递给了出纳员一张要求抢劫1美元的条子。 www.bing.com 9. Every story-teller has lines of limitation; certain types of story will always remain his or her best effort. 每一位讲故事的人都有自己的局限,每个人也总有自己最擅长的某个特定的故事类型。 www.bing.com 10. Banks are using Web portals to transform branch banking, including teller and lending processes. 银行使用Web门户来转移分行,包括出纳及贷款流程。 www.ibm.com 1. How effective is RESTRICTION ON AUTOMATED TELLER MACHINES in reducing problem gambling in Macau? 你认为自动提款机限制措施在甚麽程度上能有效减少澳门的病态赌博个案?。 www.my3q.com 2. The new account escapes a minimum balance charge, but customers must pay $20 for using teller services for cash withdrawals and transfers. 新服务不用付低结余月费,但客户每次使用柜员服务提款和转帐要付费二十元。 www.eeso.net 3. This casino is owned by Teller Processing LTD and is currently based in Curacao. 这赌场是拥有特勒加工有限公司,目前在库拉索岛的基础。 word.hcbus.com 4. The fortune teller said she sees a catastrophe in the near future that will end the human race. 算命师说她预测近期会有一个终结全人类的大灾难。 www.zftrans.com 5. At a local bank, Benghazi native Tariq stands in frustration before the teller. Once again, there's a shortage of cash. 在班加西的一个银行,当地人塔利克站在柜台前,他感到很挫折,因为银行又短缺现款了。 www.voanews.cn 6. A role is a named set of principals that have the same privileges with respect to security (such as a teller or a manager). 角色是指在安全性方面具有相同特权的一组命名主体(如出纳或经理)。 technet.microsoft.com 7. Lewis Carroll is absolutely a humorous story teller, liking the Chinese actor of Xiang Sheng. He does not laugh, but makes people laugh. 刘易斯。卡罗尔绝对是一个不苟言笑的逗乐者,类似于中国的相声演员,自己不笑逗得大家笑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The teller then takes the withdrawal slip to a bank officer for approval. 然后出纳员将此取款单交给银行主管人以获得批准。 www.ibm.com 9. Please don't leave me when the automatic teller machine, to a month just to pay. 请你们不要把我当自动取款机一样,到月了只管要工资。 www.bing.com 10. In the film, the old fortune teller told Liz that to lose your balance in love was actually a balance of life. 在电影中,那位掉光牙齿的年老智者对利兹说,在爱中失衡本身就是生活的一种平衡。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. But the teller systems bring to a certain operational risk. 但综合柜员制的推行又带来了一定的操作风险。 www.fabiao.net 2. Standing at the window and writing it out will probably annoy the teller and make the other customers have to wait. 如果站在窗口填写可能会让出纳员恼火,也使得浪费了其他顾客的等待时间。 www.english88.com 3. W; Yes, the cameras are activated by teller's alarm. Actually , the alarm is hidden on the floor near teller's foot. 照相机是由出纳员那里的警报器操纵的,实际上,警报器就藏在靠近出纳员的脚边的地板上, www.hxen.com 4. Bank teller: Will there be anything else for you today? 还有什么需要帮助的吗? www.usaedu.net 5. Jesus Christ was the master story-teller. 耶稣基督是一个讲故事的高手。 blog.163.com 6. Lord Norris, the teller for the bill's supporters, counted the "inordinately fat" Lord Grey as ten votes rather than one. 该法案支持者的唱票人,诺利斯勋爵将“胖子”格雷勋爵的票数以一当十。 www.ecocn.org 7. An elderly man squints at an automated teller machine (ATM) screen and the font size doubles almost instantly. 一位老人在自动提款机屏幕前眯起了眼睛,屏幕上的字号几乎马上放大一倍。 www2.ccw.com.cn 8. Teller A: Sorry sir, please use the next teller. 出纳员甲:对不起先生,请到隔壁柜台。 www.wwenglish.com 9. I used to work as a bank teller. 我过去当过银行的出纳员。 www.hunaner.net 10. Say I go to a teller at my local bank branch and ask about my accounts. 比如我在当地银行支行找到出纳员询问我的账户的事情。 www.ibm.com 1. After checking, the teller told Mr. Juarez the balance in his account. 核查帐目之后,出纳员告诉茱瑞士先生帐户里的余额。 www.qikan120.com 2. A good Chinese story-teller, such as are employed in the tea-shops to attract and retain customers, reminds one of Tennyson's "Brook. " 像受雇于茶馆用来吸引和挽留顾客那样的好的说书艺人,使人想起了尼生[注]的长诗《小溪》。 liuyifeng2050.blog.163.com 3. Teller B: I'm closing. Please use the next teller. 出纳员乙:我正准备下班,请利用下一个柜台。 www.wwenglish.com 4. As the robber was rewriting the note the teller activated a silent alarm. 就在劫匪拿回去重写时,柜员拉响了无声警报器。 putclub.com 5. Introduction: Know the number of bank teller fast percussion figure out is how the training? 知道银行出纳员数量的快速的数字敲击是怎么练出来的么? 4455.cc 6. Desired position : Huaqi Bank, Teller and financial affairs, etc. 求职意向:花旗银行,柜员、财务相关 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The game play with other visit fortune-teller repeatedly, order with the left key of mouse. 游戏玩法与其他连连看相似,用鼠标左键点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Feynman was a member, and Teller, and friends of Gamow. 费曼和伽莫夫的朋友泰勒当时都是团员。 www.ted.com 9. Another Bank, St. Louis, Missouri: Hired as Window Teller and promoted to Vault Teller. 另一家银行,圣路易斯,密苏里州:聘为窗口出纳员,后升为保管库出纳员。 xiaozu.renren.com 10. The PHP file in Listing 2 includes the business logic required for the core bank teller functions. 清单2中的PHP文件包含核心银行出纳员函数所需的业务逻辑。 www.ibm.com 1. Bank Teller: OK, sir. Your account is now open. 银行职员:好了,先生。你的帐户已经开好了。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. You really are my sunshine and a teller by my side. 你是我心中的阳光和指引。 www.zhyjw.com 3. Of course , you 'll notice that there are computer terminals at most teller windows , too. 当然,您会注意到大多数出纳员的窗口也都装有计算机终端, www.bing.com 4. One said that, when he was young, a fortune-teller predicted. 其中一个说,他年轻时,一个替人算命的人曾预言。 www.jukuu.com 5. Ashley: Oh, she's the tall blonde one, near the fortune-teller. 阿什利:哦,她是一个高大的金发女郎,靠近算命先生。 www.tianya.cn 6. Placed a protective cage over the sapling; a bank teller's cage. 在树苗上罩上一个保护栏;银行保护栏把小树砍倒。 cb.kingsoft.com 7. The automated teller machines (ATM) set up at the main public places provide the day-and-night services. 设置在主要公共场所的自动柜员机(ATM)提供日夜服务。 www.51test.net 8. A small frog goes to a fortune teller and asks if he is gonna meet a cdfds. comoung girl. 有一只小青蛙,它去预言家那里询问会遇到年轻的姑娘。 www.cdfds.com 9. Teller: For members, there is a small transaction charge, but it's only 5 dollars per transaction. Any particular denomination? 对于我们的客户来说,有一笔小额的交易费,每笔交易只有5%。请问你有什么特别要求吗? www.oralpractice.com 10. Art has mainly been serving as the cities' public story-teller, to bring euphoria with people. 艺术已成为城市的公共叙事者,并带来了欣快的特徵。 www.teps.com.cn 1. A career as a bank teller is one that sits supportively with family life. 银行柜员的职业很适合家庭生活。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The official explained that he had just had bad news from a fortune- teller. 官员解释说算命先生刚才给他儿子算了个很不好的命。 bbs.atorm.com 3. Rat in a box Window cleaner Fortune teller How to obtain the works, goods, or consultant services ? 风箱里的老鼠扫大街的算命先生怎样去得到你想要的工程、货物或者咨询服务 wenku.baidu.com 4. but when l take a straight job , bank teller , waitressing , whatever. 一旦训练期满,我就准备当银行出纳员。 www.ichacha.net 5. "It's great that people are living longer, " says economist Michael Teller. 人们活得比较久是很好。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. However, like every fictional story teller, not every tale is a winner. 无论怎样,不是每个故事都能吸引人的。 board.musecn.net 7. There is no bland truth-teller to lead the reader by the hand. 这部小说里没有令人乏味的说教者来引导读者的思路。 club.topsage.com 8. 'I'm not a fortune teller, ' Jennifer heard Di Silva say modestly. “我不是星相家,”詹妮弗听到迪·西尔瓦彬彬有礼地说。 english.31931.cn 9. Collect bills from travel services and hand the payment to the teller. 负责与旅行社的结帐工作,收款后交于出纳。 www.6eat.com 10. The diligent teller told a tedious story about the intelligent satellite . 勤奋的出纳讲述了一个关于智能卫星的乏味故事。 kaoyan.hjenglish.com 1. The diligent teller told a tedious story concerning the intelligent sdinedllite. 勤恳的出纳讲述了一个关于智能卫星的有趣故事。 www.jiyibaike.com 2. Examples are bank customers who use an automatic teller machine. 使用自动柜员机的银行客户就是一例。 www.educity.cn 3. So, I went up to the teller and started to exchange the money. And it's true. They really gave me sixty pesos for the dollar. 于是我走向出纳员要求兑换钱,原来是真的。他们真的让我用一块台币换六十披索。 talk.oralpractice.com 4. Bank officer returns the deposit slip to teller, marked as approved. 银行主管人将存款单返回给出纳员,标记为批准。 www-128.ibm.com 5. Teller published his version of the hydrogen bomb story under the title The Work of Many People. 泰勒以《齐心协力》为标题讲述了他眼中的氢弹故事; xz8.2000y.net 6. Unless you're a fortune teller, long-term business planning is a fantasy. 除非你可以预知未来,否则远期的商业规划就是空中楼阁。 www.elanso.com 7. Most banks try to project a friendly and open image . If we use bullet-proof glass or iron bars in front of the teller's cages. 大多数银行都尽量表现出一副友好的、公开的形象。如果我们在出纳员的窗口前装一防弹玻璃或者铁条。 www.putclub.com 8. Marcy started as a bank teller, but now she's a loan officer. 玛西一开始是当银行出纳员,但现在她是贷款员。 www.ebigear.com 9. What did the fortune-teller do after the writer had given her some money? 作者给了算命人一些钱后,算命人做了什么? blog.sina.com.cn 10. Ash meets a shy Natu fortune teller who gets too nervous to perform in front of an audience. 粉煤灰符合害羞自然算命谁得到太紧张进行中观众面前。 vcddvd88.com |
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