单词 | told-you-so | ||||||||||||
释义 | told-you-so
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 早说过,告诉过你了,告诉过你会这样 1. Once upon a time, I told you so, just that you do not understand, that if the bitter and helpless. 很久以前,我告诉过你的,只是你不知道,如果痛苦和无助。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Mr. Obama is treating his return to Cooper Union as something of a triumphal homecoming, with a touch of 'I told you so' in the speech. 奥巴马把自己重返库柏联盟学院当作是一次“凯旋式的故地重游”,演讲中有“我告诉过你”这样的意味。 c.wsj.com 3. dear, I do not know if you mind if I told you so, I'm sorry I did not control my own feelings, these days I too want you. 亲爱的,我不知道我告诉你以后你是这样想的,很抱歉我不能控制住自己的情绪,这些天我太想你了。 www.tianya.cn 4. Since the recession set in, the left has not been able to play what should have been its electoral trump card: "We told you so. " 直到经济开始衰退,左派都没能亮出本应属于他们的竞选王牌——“我们早就告诉过你们的。” www.bing.com 5. They take a sly pleasure in the failure of others , and they are always ready to say ' I told you so ' . 他们对别人的失败幸灾乐祸,总找机会讽刺别人:“看吧,我早警告过你了!” www.bing.com 6. My mother, who never recalled anything but trouble, and was sure the worst was yet to come, would be saying, I told you so, all day long. 我的母亲——她永远只记得苦难,并坚信未来会变得更糟——会整天说,我早就这么告诉你了。 www.bing.com 7. You know Mimi, as I've told you so many times, I'll tell you when you're a bit older. 你知道,咪咪,我告诉很多次了,等你再长大一些,我会告诉你的。 82cc.huabianxia.com 8. 'Now, I told you so, ' said the spy, casting a reproachful look at his sister; 'if any trouble comes of this, it's your doing. ' “你看,我早告诉过你不是,”密探抱怨地望了他姐姐一眼,“我要是出了事就是你害的。” dict.veduchina.com 9. Each dot removes one value. The fourth dot found that there was no value left on the stack to send to the terminal, and it told you so. 每一个点移走一个数。第四个点找不到堆栈上还有任何数,所以它告诉你有错误。 www.cnfig.org 10. Britain was right to shun the euro, Mr Osborne said, but "I told you so" does not "amount to an economic policy" . 奥斯本先生说:英国回避欧元区的做法是正确的,但是“我早就告诉过你”不是“相当于经济政策”。 www.bing.com 1. After you survive a series of nail-biting experiences that turn out to be nothing to worry about, your mind will say, "See I told you so. " 当你从一系列最初束手无策、后来又发现没什么可担心的经历中解脱出来后,你的脑海中会说:“看见没?我就说过会这样。” www.bing.com 2. I should not have told you so much, but it is the only way I could stop myself from throwing myself at your feet and beg your favour. 我不应该告诉你这么多,但那是唯一能让我阻止自己不立刻向你求爱的方法。 tieba.baidu.com 3. I'm not here to say "I told you so" , you know why I'm here. 我不是来抱怨“我早就告诉你了”你知道我为什么来这里 blog.sina.com.cn 4. I told you so. . . What's the matter, Linda? 琳达,我告诉过你…发生了什么事? www.kekenet.com 5. But Harry really did get beat up after class before he found out he was famous, so we would expect a little I-told-you-so vitriol. 我们都知道罗恩私底下非常自以为是,但是当哈利发现自己名声显赫的事实之前确实在课下被同学痛打了一顿,我们可以预料到罗恩有些幸灾乐祸。 dongxi.net 6. Meanwhile, New Yorkers are trying not to say "I told you so" now that financial problems have spread worldwide. 与此同时,随着金融问题已蔓延到全世界,纽约人尽量忍着不说“我早就告诉你”这样的话。 www.ftchinese.com 7. I don't want to say I told you so, but that was just not the girl for you. 我不想马后炮,但那女孩不适合你。 aegeans.blueidea.com 8. And why should you think it would rain unless the barometer told you so? 为什么晴雨表说下雨,你就坚信不疑呢? www.bing.com 9. It will be all over the papers, big disaster, and people will say: 'There, I told you so, everything should be done in San Francisco. 所有报纸都会刊登,说这是大灾难。而且人们会说:‘怎么样,我早就告诉过你,什么事都得在旧金山干。’ www.xici.net 10. New research on vegetables and aging gives mothers another reason to say "I told you so. " 新近对蔬菜和衰老的关系所做的研究让母亲们更有理由说“我早就告诉过你了”。 www.zftrans.com 1. No one likes to hear "I told you so" too often! 没有人喜欢总是听到“Itoldyouso”这句话! www.kekenet.com 2. When it comes to the present turbulence, a select band of analysts is entitled to say: "We told you so. " 谈到现在的市场动荡,只有少数分析家有资格说:“我早就告诉过你。” www.ftchinese.com 3. Because you let me make my mistake and never once said " I told you so " . 因为你允许我犯自己的错误,而从没有一次说:“让我告诉你怎么做”。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. I hate to say I told you so but I have been saying this since graduating in 1972! 我讨厌说我告诉了你们这些,但是我从1972年毕业后就一直在说这些! www.cowinfo.com 5. That will be the manner of my exit, and when it takes place, remember I told you so. 我会那样寿终正寝的。如果这事发生了,请注意我曾经嘱咐过你。 www.jukuu.com 6. I detect a hint of I-told-you-so smugness about some of the gloomy advance commentary on Copenhagen. 在一些有关哥本哈根会议的悲观先期评论中,我嗅到了一丝“我早就说过了”的自命不凡感。 www.ftchinese.com 7. He loves to say ` I told you so ! ' when things go wrong. 只要一出事他就爱说‘我早就跟你说过吧! www.ebigear.com 8. To all those (mainly in dubai) who told me I was nuts moving to #doha all those years ago. . . don't make me say "I told you so" 给所有(多半在杜拜)在我好几年前搬来杜哈时说我是神经病的人……我不用再跟你们说“我就说吧” zh.globalvoicesonline.org 9. Mikey: Now, before you get up on a whole "I told you so" rant, tell me one thing. . . WHAT'RE WE GONNA DO FOR POWER NOW? ! 米开朗琪罗:等等,在你开始诸如“我早告诉你了……”之类的长篇大论之前,我只想知道一件事……我们现在怎么弄到电力?! dictsearch.appspot.com 10. For not saying: "I told you so" , when she could have uttered these words dozens of times? 感激她没有说“我告诉过你”在本来唠叨很多次的时候? bbs.24en.com 1. You have. Yes, there was something in that; I told you so from the first, you may remember. 你听到过!不错,这话也有道理;我开头就告诉过你,你可能还记得。 www.hjenglish.com 2. She turns to my dad and says'I told you so. You owe me$20'. My parents bet on my sexuality. 然后她转过来对着我爸爸,说“我告诉你了,你欠我20美金”,他们俩在打赌我的性取向。 bbs.open.com.cn 3. I don't know what I told you but I know I told you so! 我不知道我告诉你了什么,但是我知道我这样告诉过你! bulo.yeshj.com 4. Well, I hate to say "I told you so. " 我不想说“我早说过”。 www.kekenet.com 5. WOULD YOU TELL ME YOU LOVE ME IF I TOLD YOU SO. 您会告诉我您爱我如果我如此告诉了您。请你看看加上标点符号? www.xici.net 6. And if she were alive today, she'd tell us both: " I told you so. " 如果她还活着,一定会对我们两个说:‘我说的对吧。’ hi.baidu.com 7. I hate to say I told you so. . . 我不想再说,我已经警告过你了。 gamequote.appspot.com 8. I don't want to say I told you so, but. . . - then don't. 我不想说我早警告过你,但是….-他们没有怎么样 www.tingroom.com 9. I never told you, So nice to meet you. 我从来没有告诉过你,所以见到你很高兴。 tieba.baidu.com 10. Republicans issued I-told-you-so press releases. 共和党发布“我告诉过你”新闻稿。 www.bing.com 1. Subj: I'd say I told you so if it didn't sound so smug. 主题:我不想显得太得意,不然我一定会说——我不是早告诉你了么! www.bing.com 2. I told you so. I got in trouble for lying. 因为撒谎,我闯祸了。 cenhome.html.533.net 3. Couples with kids who kept saying "I told you so" 有孩子的夫妻,他们不停地说:“我早就告诉过你的”; www.bing.com 4. I told you so. You asked for it. 我早就告诉你了,你活该。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. If the world goes to hell, gold bugs will say: "I told you so. " 如果世界成为地狱,黄金热徒们会说:被我说中了吧。 www.bing.com 6. I thought you'd say, "I told you so. " 我原以为你会说,“我早就告诉过你了。” wenwen.soso.com 7. Didn't I tell you? Yes sir! I told you so! 难道我没有告诉过你吗?好吧,我现在告诉你! bulo.yeshj.com 8. Father: I told you so. She's hit that lamp-post . 父亲:我刚才说了吧。她撞到电线杆上了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. No, you don't. You love saying "I told you so. " 不,你想说。你就爱说“我早说过”。 www.kekenet.com 10. I thought you'd say, "I told you so. " But you didn't. 我以为你会说,“我告诉过你会这样。”但是你没有。 bbs.24en.com 1. I told you so. ' Jill answered. “我早就告诉过你了,”吉尔答道。 2. "See told you so" your brain says. 你的脑海老是在说:“看吧,早就告诉过你了。” www.bing.com 3. 'Told you so, didn't I? ' observed the Rat to the Mole. “瞧,我早就跟你说过不是?”河鼠对鼹鼠说。 www.bing.com 4. But whatever happens, I will never say 'I told you so. 但是,不管发生任何事,我将永远不会说‘我就说’这话。 www.elanso.com 5. It's too late for "I told you so. " 现在说「我已经告诉你」已经太晚了。 yam.nnmtv.com 6. Both say, "I told you so" . 他们都说:“我早告诉你了。” www.ftchinese.com 7. I told you so! It won't work. 你看吧!这行不通的。 www.tingroom.com 8. See I told you (so). 我老早就告诉过你了。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. and I have told you so. 已经如实地告诉了你。 www.bing.com 10. I told you so, don't say I didn't warn you. 别说我没警告过你。 www.59edu.com 1. "We told you so. " “我们跟你说过会这样。” www.ftchinese.com 2. I told you so. You shouldn't lie. 我早说过吧,你不该撒谎。 www.wwenglish.com 3. So here it is: I told you so. 因此我要说:我早说过会这样了。 www.bing.com 4. Well , I told you so, didn't I ? 我不正是这样对你说的吗? 5. I done told you so. 我已这样告诉过你了。 6. B: I told you so. 我告诉过你吧。 www.kekenet.com 7. I have told you so over and over again. 我跟你这样说过多少遍了。 www.cnread.net 8. Now if we fail, they can say 'I told you so'. 现在的情况是,如果我失败了,他们会扬言‘我告诉过你的’。 www.ecocn.org 9. Is this when you say "I told you so" ? 你是不是又要说“我告诉过你”了? www.tingclass.net 10. I hate to tell you but I told you so 我讨厌告诉你但我还是说了 zhidao.baidu.com 1. I really hate to say it but I told you so 我真的很讨厌说太多废话但我还是要告诉你 q.sohu.com 2. I know I said I told you so 我知道的都告诉你了 zhidao.baidu.com 3. I told you so . You know that 我告诉过你,你是知道的 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Hate to say I told you so 很讨厌说我曾经告诉你 wenwen.soso.com 5. and i told you so 所以我告诉你 zhidao.baidu.com 6. you see, i told you so 你看,我早告诉过你 bbs.ebigear.com 7. when you've given up given up i won't say ya told you so 当你放弃的时候,放弃的时候,我不会说年轻人也这么说。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. yes I've loved you well I told you so 是的,我已深爱你,因此我这样告诉你 wenwen.soso.com 9. Remember I told you so 别忘了,我曾说过 wenwen.soso.com 10. Would you say I told you so 你会不会说我早就告诉过你会这样 www.e-say.com.cn 1. I should have told you so 我本应当这么告诉你 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Yo momma told you so 你妈妈告诉过你 zhidao.baidu.com 3. like i told you so 像我跟你说的那样 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Oh, I told you so 唉,我告诉过你会这样 www.e-say.com.cn 5. " i told you so , " my brother gloated “我早跟你说了吧,”弟弟得意了。 www.ichacha.net |
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