单词 | to install | ||||||||
释义 | to install
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 安装,设置,包含安装程序 1. As your trusted temperature partner, Emerson delivers factory-tested, ready-to-install temperature assemblies. 作为您值得信赖的合作伙伴温度,艾默生提供工厂测试,准备安装的组件温度。 www.gyzdhw.com 2. It shows that new type of new heating system is more convenient to install and is able to be effectively reduce the building load. 表明新型的模块式地板辐射采暖系统具有安装更加方便,可以有效的减轻建筑荷载等优点。 lib.cqvip.com 3. the container, we are ready to install into the last remaining product, and then install other products, so that the container fil led. 这次集装箱,我们准备把上次剩余的产品装进去,然后再装其他的产品,让集装箱装满。 baike.china.alibaba.com 4. In contrast to the clumsiness of many XML toolkits I encounter, ElementTree should take you just a few minutes to install and begin to use. 与我使用过的许多笨拙的XML工具包相比,ElementTree只需几分钟即可安装好并开始使用。 www.ibm.com 5. If you already have one of these libraries present on your computer, you do not need to install this documentation update. 如果您的电脑上已经有这些程式库中的任何一版,就不需要再安装此一文件更新。 www.microsoft.com 6. These actuators are easy to install by mounting near the fuel system and direct connecting to the fuel control rod or lever. 这些驱动器是易于安装,由安装附近的燃油系统和直接连接到燃油控制杆或杠杆。 www.genset.hk 7. QUnit is very easy to get started with, as you only need to include two files in a html page, no need to install and build anything. QUnit很容易学习,你只需在html页面中包含两个文件,不需要安装或者构建任何其他东西。 www.infoq.com 8. The strong point of this system is: lows cost, precise measuring, stable working, and easy to install and maintain. 该系统具有成本低廉、计量准确、工作稳定可靠和系统安装维护方便等特点。 www.fabiao.net 9. It needs to be easy to install, no technical stuff, pretty much a simple upload to my server will do nicely. 它需要易于安装,没有技术的东西,几乎一个简单的上传到我的服务器会很好。 www.bing.com 10. You need to be careful if you try to install a copy of the JDK or SDK from a backup into a directory different from the default location. 在您试图将JDK或SDK的副本从备份安装到缺省位置上的另一个目录中时,需要格外小心。 www.ibm.com 1. Users who are in the habit of installing software only with root privileges might find it a bit weird having to install things without them. 那些习惯只使用root特权来安装软件的用户可能会发现没有root特权之后安装软件变得有点怪异。 www.ibm.com 2. The Java WSDP is not a product, but rather a reference implementation of web services standards in a convenient, easy-to-install package. JavaWSDP并不是一个产品,而更倾向于是Web服务标准的参考实现,它是一个方便的、易于安装的包。 www.ibm.com 3. Its easy-to-install software eliminates image distortion and makes it compatible with virtually any digital recorder. 这个易于安装的软件消除了图像失真,使其兼容几乎所有的数码录像机。 www.21csp.com.cn 4. Identify the contents, easy to install security use, coating convenience, Tu difficult after falling out of production and high efficiency. 识别内容多,便于安全安装使用,涂敷方便,涂后不易脱落,生产效率高。 zhishi.sohu.com 5. If you want to install more than one product at a time, the products must be able to share a package group. 如果要同时安装多个产品,那么那些产品必须能够共享软件包组。 download.boulder.ibm.com 6. The command-line command that you use to do this depends on the update that you are trying to install. 此操作所用的命令行命令取决于您要安装的更新。 support.microsoft.com 7. By all accounts, he has clashed repeatedly with senior army officers, riling them by trying to install his own loyalists in senior posts. 据说,他信与高级军官们冲突不断,他试图通过在高级职位上安插自己的心腹来削弱他们的力量。 www.ecocn.org 8. At this point we are ready to install the seat sling to the seat frame. 在这一点上,我们正在准备安装座位吊索的座架。 www.tech-domain.com 9. The system Mr. Murdock persuaded his mother to install is called GrandCare, produced by a company of the same name based in West Bend, Wis. 默多克先生说服他的母亲安装的系统叫Grandcare系统。该系统是由位于威斯康星洲的西本德德同名公司生产的。 www.bing.com 10. The company plans to install its first device later this year in a US shopping centre, with a UK site to follow soon after. 该公司计划在今年将这一装置首先应用于一家美国的购物中心,随后再用于英国。 www.bing.com 1. To install critical Windows updates or to verify that all critical updates are installed on your computer, visit Microsoft Windows Update. 要安装Windows重要更新或验证计算机上是否已安装所有重要更新,请访问MicrosoftWindowsUpdate。 office.microsoft.com 2. I literally have had people ask me to install solar on the north side of a 150-foot hill, in a small clearing between trees. 毫不夸张地说,有人请我在一座150英尺高的山北坡上装太阳能装置,在一片很小的树木间空隙处。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. This is all that is required to install the plug-in, but you will need to stop and restart Eclipse for the new plug-in to be recognized. 这就是安装插件所需的全部操作,但您将需要停止并重新启动Eclipse,以便能识别这个新的插件。 www-128.ibm.com 4. These cube shelves are easy to install in a few minutes, come with all hardware. 这些立方体的货架上,便于安装在数分钟后,来与所有的硬件产品。 cn.tradekey.com 5. Now available for Party tent structures, this new and easy to handle integrated glass or solid walling system is fast and simple to install. 现在的派对帐篷结构,这种新的,易于集成处理的玻璃或固体墙系统提供快捷,易于安装。 www.jiameng.com 6. Many distributions make it easy to install a basic selection of development tools and libraries in a single operation. 很多发行版可以很容易地在一次操作中安装一个开发工具和库的基本选项。 www.ibm.com 7. Commercially manufactured routers are easy to install, reasonably priced, and available for hard-wired or wireless networks. 商用路由器易于安装,价格合理,适用于有线或无线网络。 www.bing.com 8. To make sure that your computer is ready to install these updates, you must first install all important updates for your computer. 为了确保您的计算机可以安装这些更新,必须先为计算机安装所有重要更新。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 9. Most of the gadgets listed here are available through the Extensions Gallery we covered previously, so they are easy to install. 这里列出的小工具大部分都可通过我们上面提到过的扩展库找到,所以它们很容易安装。 www.bing.com 10. Compact, easy to move, easy to install and can reduce the project cost, without the construction of pumping stations. 结构紧凑,移动方便,安装简单,可减少工程造价,无需建造泵房。 product.ch.gongchang.com 1. This makes it easy to install, even on sites where you can't access the system directories or compile your own code. 这使得其更容易安装,即使在您无法访问系统目录或编译自己的代码的站点上。 www.ibm.com 2. Once the configure script completes, we're ready to install the tools and generate a patch for your current kernel. 配置脚本完成后,我们就可以准备安装这些工具并生成当前内核的补丁了。 www.ibm.com 3. In addition, the oxyhydrogen system is designed to allow for self-installation, proving to be as easy to install as your car stereo. 另外,氢氧系统的设计使您能够自行安装,就像安装汽车音响一样容易。 www.yappr.cn 4. You should not download nor to install this software as long as you did not read and did not accept the Conditions of use of the software. 在浏览和接受使用条件前,您不得下载或安装此软件。 www.supinfo.com 5. The filters can be supplied either as individual filters or as ready-to-install offline units complete with optional motor and pump units. 该过滤器可以提供不论作为个别的过滤器或可直接安装可选的电机和水泵机组完全脱机单位。 shyingzhe.com 6. You will not be able to create, delete, or resize partitions on this disk, but you may be able to install to existing partitions there. 您将不能在这个磁盘上创建、删除或调整分区的大小,但是您可以在已存在的分区上安装系统。 translations.launchpad.net 7. Dryer factory as a whole, the overall transport, simply lifting in place, positioning is very easy to install. 干燥机整体出厂,整体运输,只需吊装就位,安装定位非常容易。 www.hnce.com.cn 8. Now that you've created the deployment plan for your DB2 datasource, you're ready to install it. 现在已经为DB2数据源创建了部署计划并准备安装它。 www.ibm.com 9. This can be especially useful when trying to install another version of the BSM. 这在尝试安装其他版本的BSM时会特别有用。 www.ibm.com 10. The properties of high frequency hydraulic shaking table are high speed, easy to install and having huge force in low frequency. 电液伺服振动台的特点是低频时推力大、响应速度快、重量轻、易安装等等。 www.boshuo.net 1. Stop the server, restart it to refresh the plug-ins, and then stop it again to be ready to install the new connector. 关闭服务器,重启它以刷新插件,然后再次将其关闭以为安装新连接器做好准备。 www.ibm.com 2. Lotus Sametime warns you if the plug-in you are trying to install is signed and verified as shown in figure 10. 如图10所示,LotusSametime会警告您,您试图安装的插件是否已签名和验证。 www.ibm.com 3. Lijit is a combined search and statistics package for your blog rolled in to a widget that's easy to install. Lijit是一个联合搜索和统计工具包,它将你的博客打包成易于安装的小工具。 www.bing.com 4. Easy to install, simply mount the mirror in front of your TV, either in a frame or directly into the wall. 易于安装,简单安装镜子前面,你的电视,有的在一个框,或直接到墙上。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Office Update automatically detects Office and prompts you to install updates and service packs that bring Office programs up-to-date. OfficeUpdate会自动检测Office,并提示您安装使Office程序保持最新的更新和ServicePack。 www.microsoft.com 6. But it also won't allow her to install umpteen news and weather gadgets that start up on boot and slow her computer to a crawl. 它不让她装随机启动的会拖慢系统速度的新闻和天气的小插件。 www.bing.com 7. Direct Data Connectivity -- Native drivers are easy to install, configure, and optimize without straining system resources. 直接的数据连接――本地的驱动能简单的安装,配置和优化,而不会使系统资源变得紧张。 dict.bioon.com 8. Services that depend on a group can run if, after attempting to install all members of a group, at least one member of the group is running. 如果依赖于某个组的服务在尝试安装该组的所有成员后,该组至少有一个成员运行,则该服务便可以运行。 technet.microsoft.com 9. Construction of convenience: easy to install and maintain, with tiles the same installation procedures, construction cost and time savings. 施工方便:方便安装和维护,同瓷砖一样的安装工序,节约施工成本和时间。 www.tonke.cn 10. The question was, how much did it cost to install a new telephone in Bangladesh? 问题是,在孟加拉安装一部新电话的成本是多少? www.ted.com 1. The right pane prompts for the name of the virtual host on which to install the module and asks if the JSPs should be precompiled. 右边窗格提示输入要安装模块的虚拟主机的名称并询问是否应该对JSP预编译。 www.ibm.com 2. Variable Angle adjustment from the structure, the axial flow pump impeller with enormous wheels, easy to install adjustable angle blade. 变角调节从构造来看,轴流泵叶轮具有巨大的轮毂,便于安装可调角度的叶片。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. If you would still like to use the side yard as a pathway, it is possible to install a little pathway made from stone. 如果你还想用一个院子一侧通路、有可能安装了一个小石头通路。 actuafreearticles.com 4. The Pluto Web site doesn't explain how to install Pluto on Geronimo, but doing so is possible with a bit of tweaking. PlutoWeb站点并未解释如何在Geronimo上安装Pluto,但是可以对安装方法做一些调整。 www.ibm.com 5. PPM has no history, options are hard to set, help scrolls off the screen, and the default is to install modules ignoring dependencies. PPM没有历史记录,难以设置选项,帮助会滚出屏幕并且缺省方式是忽略相关性而安装。 www-128.ibm.com 6. Easy to install - Can be installed in or beside openings. Hardware included for mounting onto different surfaces. 便于安装,可以安装在门口或一旁,安装包括的一些五金器具用于不同的表面。 www.mychemy.com 7. Integrated Design of lighting and electricity , easy to install , stable and high quality for illumination. 灯具、电器一体化设计,安装更方便,灯光稳定,照明质量高。 www.bestb2b.com 8. One of: Before buying, did not consider to install, after buying, discover both neither is beautiful, use no-go also. 之一:购前没考虑安装,买后发现既不美观,使用也不方便。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. There does not seem to be sufficient memory available to install additional crypto components. 看来没有足够的内存用于安装额外的密码处理组件。 translations.launchpad.net 10. The extinguishing equipment can be placed directly in the protected areas, it is mobile, easy to install. 可直接放置于防护区内,具有可移动,方便安装的特点。 info.b2b168.com 1. TCPDF does this without requiring any extra libraries, making it easy to install as part of your existing PHP web site. TCPDF无需额外的库就能执行此操作,并使其作为您现有PHP网站的一部分易于安装。 www.ibm.com 2. When you receive confirmation that the system is ready to install, click Next. 当你接受确认时,系统准备安装,单击下一步。 www.bing.com 3. If (as is the case at the time of this writing) the latest version of SQLObject is less than 1. 0, there is nothing to install. 如果(在本文编写时情况就是如此)SQLObject的最新版本小于1.0,那么这会什么也不安装。 www.ibm.com 4. The biggest problem for people using floppy disks to install Debian seems to be floppy disk reliability. 对于用软盘安装Debian的人来说,他们遇到的最大的问题很可能是软盘的可靠性。 debian.fr 5. Optionally, if you use a popular UNIX variant, you can likely find pre-built binaries ready to install on your distribution. 另外,如果使用流行的UNIX版本,很可能会找到预先构建好的二进制版本,可以把它直接安装在您的系统上。 www.ibm.com 6. Easy to install with a complete selection of standard 45o degree and 90o degree curves, as well as custom curves and turntables. 易于安装一个标准的45度和90度度度曲线完整的选择,以及自定义曲线和转盘。 bbs.canjiren.net 7. The client application must be easy to install and customize, and add new handheld devices onto. 客户机应用程序必须易于安装和定制,并且易于添加上新的手持设备。 www.ibm.com 8. Both sites automatically detect Office and prompt you to install updates and service packs that bring Office programs up to date. 这两个网站会自动检测Office,并提示您安装使Office程序保持最新的更新和ServicePack。 www.microsoft.com 9. Someone with remote access to the administrative interface of a VoIP system would also be able to install firmware to record conversations. 一些通过远程接入VoIP系统管理界面的黑客还可以安装防火墙来记录谈话内容。 www.bing.com 10. I recommend that you read the file before trying to install the sample because some of the samples have unusual installation requirements. 我建议安装前先读这个文件,因为有些示例的安装需要特定条件。 blog.xdnice.com 1. Have the ability to install, repair, and maintain plant and equipment in two or more maintenance specialties. 具备在两个以上维修专业领域中能进行安装、修理工厂的机器设备的能力。 www.xindianli.com 2. Props are not allowed to take time for you to install the props Battle Royale, Kidd did not get the cheap. 不准带道具也没有时间给你安装道具的大逃杀,基德占不了丝毫便宜。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. It's easy to install: You don't need to be a Web application guru to get Tapestry up and running. 易于安装:不需要是Web应用程序高手,就可以让Tapestry启动并运行。 www.ibm.com 4. The Tories would like to install elected police commissioners, but are squabbling internally about how much power to give them. 保守党方面希望可以选举警察署长,但是对于应该赋予署长多少权利,内部又争论纷纷。 www.ecocn.org 5. When you are ready to continue, click Click here to install the system, as shown in Figure 14. 准备好继续之后,单击Clickheretoinstallthesystem,如图14所示。 www.ibm.com 6. The water filter is made of cast iron, cast steel, brass and stainless steel with small figure. It is indurate and easy to install. 本过滤器系列产品由铸铁、铸钢、黄铜、不锈钢等材质制成,具有体形小、安装方便、坚固耐用。 word.hcbus.com 7. And the finished product door still unable to install, every door to home after all, sometimes need adjust size can finish all day. 而且送来的成品木门还不能即时安装,每套门运到家中后都需要现场调整尺寸,有时一整天都不能完工。 www.tjwktr.com 8. This focus has allowed DSC to establish a worldwide reputation for innovative security products that are easy to install, service and use. 这个追求使得DSC取得了提供容易安装、维护和使用的保安产品的世界性的声誉。 baike.baidu.com 9. BP is trying to install a dome over the leaking well withhopes of funneling a substantial portion of the oil onto a tanker above. BP公司试着给漏油井安装一个圆顶,希望能将大部分的原油引入上面的油轮。 www.bing.com 10. If your dependencies are up to date, you may also be able to install SSHFS with the simple command apt-get install sshfs. 如果您依赖的代码是最新的,还可能能够用apt-getinstallsshfs命令安装SSHFS。 www.ibm.com 1. Zend Core for IBM is a seamless, out-of-the-box, easy to install and support PHP development and production environment. ZendCoreforIBM是一种无缝集成、开箱即用、易于安装并且支持PHP的开发和生产环境。 www-128.ibm.com 2. And if your setup is different, it should be easy to install the core applications needed to run any of these tools. 即使您的系统采用不同的设置,安装运行这些工具所需的核心应用程序应该也很容易。 www.ibm.com 3. I am not very clever with computers and sometimes get into a muddle when trying to install new programmes. 我对电脑并不是很在行,有时安装新程序时会不知所措。 learning.sohu.com 4. It boasts a solid graphical environment, powerful compilers and debugging environments, easy-to-install packages, and numerous applications. 它引以为傲的有一个坚实的图形环境,强大的编译器和调试环境,易于安装的软件包,以及无数的应用程序。 www.ibm.com 5. Use Altiris software virtualization to install all of your programs into a virtual layer that does not affect the registry or system files. 使用Altiris来在一个虚拟的层面虚拟化安装你的所有软件,而不影响你的系统注册表。 blog.163.com 6. It in the next few days, a production line of Italian leather in a company to install new plants in place. 在未来几天内,在一个公司的意大利皮革生产线安装到位的新工厂。 www.qiyeku.com 7. Available on all big tent structures, our lightweight integrated ABS solid walling system is quick and easy to install. 适用于所有大帐篷结构,我们的轻质墙体系统集成的ABS的固体快捷,易于安装。 www.jiameng.com 8. These economical, fully-heated, air aspirator driven assemblies come complete and ready to install. 经济、充分加热、空气吸驱动组件非常完整并随时都可进行安装。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 9. Unless they already subscribe to many feeds, visitors are not much more likely to sign up for a new service than to install new software. 除非访问者已订阅了许多提要,否则他们注册一个新服务的可能性不会比安装一个新软件高。 www.ibm.com 10. Analytic Applications are pre-designed, ready-to-install, decision sup-port applications. 分析应用是预设计、预安装、决策支持应用。 www.cto360.com 1. Available on all big tent structures, our lightweight integrated glass walling system is quick and easy to install. 适用于所有大帐篷结构,我们的玻璃墙系统集成轻巧快捷且易于安装。 www.jiameng.com 2. You will need to be able to install a shopping cart theme on each site which is very easy to install and configures. 您需要能够安装在每个站点上,非常容易安装和配置一个购物车的主题。 www.bing.com 3. "They have to install servers in India, " Mr Pillai told reporters in New Delhi on Wednesday, adding that "this applies to all" . “他们必须在印度安装服务器”,皮莱周三在新德里(NewDelhi)向记者表示,并补充说,“所有(提供商)都必须这样做”。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Building constructors in Ji Nan and Qingdao have found our product easy to install and very attractive in appearance. 济南与青岛的建筑商,大多认为我公司产品易于安装,且外观颇具吸引力。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Extract the ZIP file you downloaded and run the install. sh script to install the programs referred to in the remainder of this article. 解压缩所下载的这个ZIP文件并运行install.sh脚本来安装本文剩余部分引用到的这些程序。 www.ibm.com 6. If the above command completes without any "FAILED" lines, then you're ready to install the user-space tools. 如果上述命令完成时没有任何带有“FAILED”的行,那么就可以准备安装用户磁盘空间工具了。 www.ibm.com 7. With this working successfully you are now ready to install and run the PHP code of the polling system. 如果这次测试能够正常运行,那么现在就可以安装和运行投票系统的PHP代码了。 www.ibm.com 8. Finally, the Server must be started so it is ready to install and start the application. 最后,必须启动服务器,准备好安装和启动应用程序。 www.ibm.com 9. Since I tend to install it a lot in different environments, I wrote a script to do it. 因为我经常需要在不同的环境中安装,所以为此编写了一个脚本。 www.ibm.com 10. Once you've found a package you want to install, tick the box next to its icon. 或者您可能想尝试用一个新软件来替换已经安装好的程序。 wiki.ubuntu.org.cn 1. The exact action you take depends on the specific combination of products you are trying to install. 你需要采取的具体行动依赖于你准备安装的产品组合的具体情况。 www.ibm.com 2. This site will detect your Office installation and prompt you to install exactly what you need to be completely updated. 此站点将检测您的Office安装,并提示您只安装需要完全更新的更新程序。 www.microsoft.com 3. Now you are ready to move on to the next section where you will learn how to install Optim Development Studio into that same package group. 现在,可以进入下一节,学习如何把OptimDevelopmentStudio安装到相同的包组中。 www.ibm.com 4. WebSphere DMZ Secure Proxy Server is installed separately, and provides a way for you to install and run a proxy server in the DMZ. WebSphereDMZSecureProxyServer是独立安装的,因此提供了一种方法使您能够在DMZ中安装和运行代理服务器。 www.ibm.com 5. Those servers are basically ready-to-install server products and are ready to deploy apps instantly. 本质上,那些服务器“安装就绪型”服务器产品,支持立即部署应用程序。 www.ibm.com 6. When he was 23 his mother died, and he came home, an extremely handsome young man, to install himself boisterously at Newstead Abbey. 当他二十三岁时,他的母亲去世了。他成为一个非常漂亮的青年,回到了家里,兴高采烈地在纽斯台德寺院安顿了下来。 dict.ebigear.com 7. Use this to look at the item that failed to update, or to find the component or DLL that failed to install. 相同。使用它查看无法更新的项,或查找无法安装的组件或DLL。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. The number of new projects targeting HFC emissions is falling as developers run out of factories in which to install the cleaning equipment. 针对氢氟烃排放的新项目数量正在减少,因为可供安装清洁设备的工厂已所剩无几。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Save water, time, and money by upgrading to one of Sloan's easy to install retrofit products. 请采用美国仕龙安装简捷的用于更新的产品,节水,省时,省钱! www.h6688.com 10. Note that some versions may require you to install an Over-The-Air enabling patch called "Install Before Phone Software" first. 请注意,有些版本可能要求您安装了超补丁空气,使所谓的“软件安装在手机”第一。 bbs.dospy.com 1. To install, pick your favourite, download it, then extract it tour home folder, then run 'Conky' to see it on your desktop. 安装后,找你喜欢的主题,下载它,然后在主文件夹中解压,接着终端运行Conky就可以在桌面看到它 www.bing.com 2. They are easy to install and require no roof penetrations, yet they are very resistant to wind up-lift and other harsh weather conditions. 产品便于安装,满足屋面防漏的要求,并且能够抵抗强风和其他恶劣的天气环境。 www.42828.com 3. Ready to bear huge losses, and aggressive racing in heavy machinery to install the deadly weapons. 准备承受巨大的损失,侵略性的赛车和在重型机械上安装的致命武器。 www.fishjava.com 4. The GECO S100 is an easy-to-install, low maintenance, and expandable solution for natural gas engines. 该gecoS100的是一个易于安装,维修低,且可扩展的解决方案,天然气发动机。 dajiao.net 5. Log in with a user account that has the same privileges as the account that was used to install the packages to be uninstalled. 使用与用来安装要卸载的软件包的帐户具有相同特权的用户帐户来登录。 download.boulder.ibm.com 6. ClickOnce may have detected the update in the background, but will prompt you to install the bits on the next activation. ClickOnce可能已在后台检测到更新,但将在下次激活时提示您安装。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Opening the system could allow people to install other operating systems on their console and play homemade games, he said. 打开系统可以使人们能够安装在他们的游戏机和游戏国产游戏与其他作业系统,他说。 bbs.pczilla.net 8. You can set Windows to automatically install important and recommended updates, or to install important updates only. 可以将Windows设置为自动安装重要更新和推荐的更新,或者仅安装重要更新。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 9. Grsync is just a front end, so it doesn't include rsync: You will have to install that on your own first. Grsync只是一个前端,所以它不包含rsync:您必须先自行安装rsync。 www.ibm.com 10. Select the desired tools and click Install, just as you would to install product plug-ins as described earlier. 选择所需的工具,并单击Install,就像前面安装产品插件一样。 www.ibm.com 1. The pneumatic valve V-compact, compact and lightweight, easy to install, easy to maintain. 气动V型球阀结构紧凑,小巧轻盈,安装方便,维护简便。 www.jd37.com 2. Only the structural design is reasonable and convenient to install the extent of the superiority shown is for all to see. 仅就其结构设计的合理性和安装的便捷程度所表现出的优越性更是有目共睹。 www.showxiu.com 3. It's a great return on investment: The utility is already written, freely downloadable, easy to install and use, and saves time and effort. 这个工具值得我们去使用和研究:这个实用工具已经编写完成,并且可以免费地下载,它易于安装和使用,可以节省大量的时间和精力。 www.ibm.com 4. Because the aerators are floating type, so they can adapt to the water surface up and down. and easy to install and maintenance. 表曝机选用浮动式高速表曝机,可适应水面起落,安装简单,维护方便。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. It seems as though I'll have to install a new plate, but made out of chrome this time. 看来似乎我要再给你安个假牙托了,不过这次是铬做的。 www.bing.com 6. After completing an initial build of a VM's operating system, one of the first tasks is to install the integration components. 在完成了初始的VM操作系统的创建后,最开始任务之一就是安装集成组件。 www.bing.com 7. Some allow you to install and uninstall only one time; they want you to pay an additional price for a new installation. 有些人则会允许用户只能安装和卸载一次;他们希望用户为新的安装支付额外的费用。 www.ibm.com 8. 4 when you first log onto the bank on the net, the page will prompt you to install security controls, must click on install. 在你首次登录网上银行时,页面会提示你安装安全控件,必须点击安装。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. JMeter was easy to install and of medium complexity to learn (see the next lesson learned). JMeter易于安装并且具有中等的认识复杂度(请参阅下一条经验)。 www.ibm.com 10. Since the SA account is only accessible when you choose to install using Windows Authentication, the SA password need never be revealed. 由于只有在您选择使用Windows身份验证进行安装时,SA帐户才可以访问,所以SA密码永远不需要显示。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. The operation of the operation light, reliable, easy to install. 运转操作轻便,工作可靠,安装使用方便。 shop.ebdoor.com 2. Allows you to install and uninstall server resources by executing the installer components of a specified assembly. 允许通过执行指定程序集的安装程序组件,安装和卸载服务器资源。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The Knife Hooks are easy to install, simply screw the hooks into the wall and you'll have a very funny way to hang your clothes. 它安装简易,只要用螺丝将挂钩固定在墙上就行。然后,把你的衣服挂上,心情会爽到爆。 www.bing.com 4. Customers can pay a monthly fee to get rid of the advertisements or to install the application on iPhones and other mobile devices. 客户可以按月付费移除广告,也可以安装在iPhone或其它移动电话上。 www.ecocn.org 5. When the script in Listing 5 has run, you'll have a single directory that contains all the "ready-to-install" modules for a given platform. 运行清单5中的脚本后,您会拥有一个目录,该目录中包含给定平台的所有“准备安装”模块。 www.ibm.com 6. Droplight is pensile on the ceiling, absorbing dome light is to install what go up in the ceiling, they are to use do integral illume. 吊灯是悬挂在天花板上的,吸顶灯是安装在天花板上的,它们都是用做整体照明。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Some would wish to install a new strongman and wait for him to create the conditions for a secular democracy. 有些人希望出现一个新的铁腕人物,并期待他能创建一个长期的民主制度。 www.ecocn.org 8. When a firm decides to install a computer, the cost of the hardware may only be half the total cost . 当一个工厂决定装配一台计算机时,硬件成本只占总成本的一半。 www.jukuu.com 9. Such fine blanking process simplifies die structure, easy to make and to install, and also has low cost. 这种精冲方法,模具结构简单,易于制造和安装,成本低。 www.chemyq.com 10. More realistic, in the short-term, is to install an internationally respected American at the bank. 在短期更实际的做法是,在世行重新任命一个广受尊敬的美国人。 www.ecocn.org 1. ASP is simple to install , easy to operate , while the advantages of strong second development is the best choice to users . ASP具有安装简单、操作方便、同时可二次开发性强等优点,是使用者最佳的选择。 www.bing.com 2. From small or simple to large, heavy duty or complex, our housings are easy to install and maintain. 从小型或简单到大,重型或复杂的,我们的外罩是易于安装和维护。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Yesterday, when I wrote about the new Android music player, I promised a longer look at it once I had the time to install and play with it. 昨天,写了篇介绍Android新音乐播放程序的文章,我答应一旦有时间安装、玩转它,就再写篇深度点评。 www.bing.com 4. The virtual disk should be large enough for the guest operating system as well as the software you wish to install in it. 虚拟盘应该大到足以装下外来操作系统以及您想在其上安装的软件。 www.ibm.com 5. "Long hair" brand pumps for its high quality, a clean, easy to install, service improving. “浪发”牌系列泵类以其品质优良、造型新颖、便于安装,售后服务日臻完善。 www.tonke.cn 6. It's also wise to think in terms of simple habits, not incredibly complicated ones. Simple habits are easier to install and maintain. 排除那些复杂得难以置信的习惯,而根据那些简单的习惯来计划也是可取的,简单的习惯更容易养成和保持。 www.bing.com 7. Easy to install and to use it gives quality to improve airport communication and reliability. 该系统易于安装,操作简便,能够有效提高机场内的沟通质量及其可靠性。 www.chinatranslation.net 8. Fan house adopt new design, light weight, elegant appearance, easy to install. 外壳设计轻盈,重量轻、美观大方、易于安装; www.trippers.cn 9. For the first situation, you will have to call sqlj. remove_jar first before you call sqlj. install_jar to install the JAR file again. 对于第一种情况,必须先调用sqlj.remove_jar,然后再调用sqlj.install_jar来再次安装JAR文件。 www.ibm.com 10. The merge module is then no longer required to install these components and the merge module does not need to be accessible to a user. 然后合并模块不再需要安装这些组件的合并模块不需要用户访问。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. My next port of call was to install K9 for my non-Gmail needs, but I noticed an icon for Gmail and Email in the system settings. 我的下一个需求就是为我的非Gmail需求安装K9,而我注意到在系统设置处有Gmail与Email的一个图标。 www.bing.com 2. Product Description: This product is rugged: Super hard, easy to install. 产品介绍:本产品坚固无比:超级坚硬,极易安装。 www.chinaqp.net 3. I wasn't easily able to install wxPython on any of my systems, but the results should be similar. 我无法很容易地在我任何一个系统上安装wxPython,但我想结果应该是相似的。 www.ibm.com 4. Now that the storage device is set up, you can set up your server to get ready to install Linux on the SAN. 现在已经设置好了存储设备,您可以设置服务器,准备在SAN上安装Linux。 www.ibm.com 5. I developed the company's new, electronic loadometer decoder, do not need to install in loadometer on. 我公司新研制的,电子地磅解码器,无需安装于地磅上。 www.showxiu.com 6. If your attempt to install the software results in an error message, you will have to resolve the problem manually. 如果在尝试安装软件时引发一条错误消息,您将必须手动解决该问题。 www.ibm.com 7. Outside of this, it's quite easy to install and configure. 除此之外,coLinux的安装和配置非常容易。 www.ibm.com 8. And PowerMeter is free, easy to use and available to anyone worldwide to install. 能量计是一个免费软件,操作简单,而且提供给世界各地的人安装。 ng.trends.com.cn 9. June 1972, 5 people were sneaked into the Democratic National Committee offices and arrested for trying to install listening devices. 1972年6月,5人因潜入民主党全国委员会办公室并试图安装窃听器而被捕。 www.englishtang.com 10. First, AIX allows you to install software in one of two states: applied or committed. 首先,AIX允许以两种状态之一安装软件:应用状态(applied)或提交状态(committed)。 www.ibm.com 1. This summer is so hot that we are going to install an air-conditioner. 这个夏天太热了,我们打算安装一台空调。 vod.swjtu.edu.cn 2. To install individual components or to specify where files are installed, click Advanced. 若要安装个别的组件或指定文件的安装位置,请单击“高级”。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. To be protected against this problem, it is only necessary to install this update on Microsoft Exchange 2003 front end servers. 要防止出现此类问题,只需在MicrosoftExchange2003前端服务器上安装此更新即可。 www.microsoft.com 4. This server must be a different physical computer from the one that you will use to install the main part of this sample. 此服务器必须是安装本示例主要部分的物理计算机之外的物理计算机。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Add the function to install thousands of scripts to improve appearance of your Firefox. 收藏者说明该插件可以让你的浏览器安装数百个改善外观的脚本。 addons.mozilla.org 6. If you do not care about how the Perl script works and just want to install it, skip to the next section. 如果您不关心这个Perl脚本的工作原理,只想安装它,请跳到下一节。 www.ibm.com 7. It is a group of the steering wheel to install into a certain amount of static geometry and size of the parameter values. 它是一组把转向轮安装成一定的静态几何角度和尺寸的参数值。 wenwen.soso.com 8. L-wrapped version of the system in practice proved himself, now, the first batch of customers have decided to install A. 自动换版系统在实际生产中证明了自己,现在,第一批客户已经决定安装A。 www.bing.com 9. I encourage you to install your own instance of memcached and start playing around with it. 我鼓励您安装自己的memcached实例并开始尝试使用它。 www.ibm.com 10. When you are ready to install the download file, double-click the file to launch the installation wizard. 准备安装时,返回保存该文件的文件夹,然后双击该文件启动安装向导。 www.microsoft.com 1. rational construction, easy to install and control. 结构合理,安装灵活,操作简便。 blog.china.alibaba.com 2. The wizard is now ready to install PHP. 向导准备安装PHP了。 www.bing.com 3. The cylinder loads mutual lock safety device; the cylinder unable to install, if the switch has not turned off, and on the "on" position. 气瓶装入互锁安全装置;开关未关旋钮处于开的位置气瓶将无法安装。 www.shengyidi.com 4. The other is to install via "Steam" , which requires you to be online when you first install the game. 另一个选择是通过“STEAM”来安装,需要你第一次安装游戏时在线。 www.infogame.cn 5. You could always choose, package by package, what you want to install on your new machine. 您可以逐个选择哪些需要安装到您的新系统上。 debian.fr 6. If you are not able to install IIS locally on your development environment, you can develop your application using a shared IIS Web server. 如果无法在开发环境中本地安装IIS,则可以使用共享IISWeb服务器开发应用程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Easy to install, fast to build support for the PHP virtual host environment. 简易安装、快速搭建支持虚拟主机的PHP环境。 www.pudn.com 8. The wizard found a duplicate of the hardware you selected to install! 向导发现系统上已有您要安装的硬件! angel.w15.5tom.cn 9. When the wizard prompts you to choose the features to install, remember to install the Administrator component as shown in figure 3. 当向导提示选择要安装的特性时,要安装图3所示的Administrator组件。 www.ibm.com 10. After choosing to install ODA, the rest of the screens follow the same pattern as already shown in this article. 选择安装ODA之后,其他屏幕符合本文中已经展示的模式。 www.ibm.com 1. The next step was to decide which variant of Linux to install on the system. 下一步是决定要在系统上安装哪种Linux分发版。 www-128.ibm.com 2. Extremely convenient: Reasonable structure makes easy the light box easy to install, to hang, to change picture or maintain. 超方便—灯箱结构合理,无论是初装,挂墙,或是更换图片和维护都十分方便。 www.ty-display.com 3. no basis for installation of forms, easy to install and repair the machine. 无基础安装形式,便于机器的安装和检修。 www.chem960.com 4. A fight has already broken out over whether it has the right to install its own antennae in roof spaces being rented by its larger rivals. 伊利亚特公司是否有权在那三家更大的对手公司租用的房顶空间安装它自己的天线,这个问题已经爆发了一场争斗。 bbs.ecocn.org 5. The setup wizard is ready to install the Directory Service Client. 安装向导准备好安装目录服务客户。 www.drados.com 6. Features: slide smooth, easy to install, very durable. 特点:具有滑动平顺,安装便捷,十分耐用。 www.bm2088.com 7. Follow this procedure to install the viewer in the administrator context without having to log out of your current session . 按照此过程在管理员上下文中安装查看器,无需注销当前会话。 www.bing.com 8. Automatic Updates: When new security threats are discovered, we will alert you and prompt you to install the latest update. 自动更新:当有新的安全漏洞被发现时,我们将会提示你安装最近的更新。 www.wanmeiclub.com 9. You are now ready to install the AIX operating system into your logical partition. 现在您可以开始将AIX操作系统安装到您的逻辑分区中了。 www.ibm.com 10. These darkroom vents are easy to install in both old and new construction. 这些暗室通风孔在新老建筑中安装都很简单。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 1. Now you are ready to install some application services, and tie the Dojo client into them. 您现在已经准备好安装一些应用程序服务,并将Dojo客户端与它们连接起来。 www.ibm.com 2. The first time you print an HTML report, the report server prompts you to install an ActiveX control used for printing. 首次打印HTML报表时,报表服务器会提示您安装用于打印的ActiveX控件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Today, I was trying to convince my parents to install a new program on our computer. They said I couldn't until I got better grades. 今天我跟爸妈说要在电脑上装个软件,他们说你考试考好一点再装。 www.bucter.com 4. After you've installed everything off the CDs, the getting started guide directs you to install service packs off the first CD. 安装完CD上的一切内容后,开始指南将引导您安装第一张CD上的服务程序包。 www.ibm.com 5. The next screen prompts you to enter the server drive and folder where you want to install the RIS files. 下一屏幕提示您输入希望安装RIS文件的服务器驱动器和文件夹。 support.microsoft.com 6. Easy to install and process and without any chemical additive. 便于加工安装,不含任何添加剂。 china.nowec.com 7. Perhaps the best browser-based tip is to install Gears, which will enable you to take Google Reader offline. 也许最好的基于浏览器的建议就是安装GoogleGears,其将可以使你离线阅读GoogleReader。 www.bing.com 8. Precise in-built roller. Non - slipping. Easy to install. 精密内置式的蜗杆蜗轮技术,不易打滑,装拆方便。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. easy to install hard to dismount , high security. 安装容易,不能由机外拆卸,保全性高。 www.ichacha.net 10. The chosen applications and the sources you are going to install from are not the only factor for security. 选择的应用程序以及安装所使用的源代码并不是安全性的惟一因素。 www-128.ibm.com 1. Via the standard pressure connection it is possible to install the temperature switch into your process easily. 通过标准的工艺接口便可以很容易的把温度开关安装上去。 tecsis.de 2. Press Enter to indicate that you do not wish to install additional products. 按下Enter表示您不希望安装其他的产品。 www.ibm.com 3. The AQUA server will be turned off to install more RAM in it. We expect the downtime to be very short. AQUA服务器将会停机,以便安装更多的内存。希望停机时间不长。 www.equn.com 4. The wizard then allows you to choose between the option to update the plug-ins currently installed and the option to install new plug-ins. 然后,向导让您选择是更新当前已经安装的插件,还是安装新插件。 www.ibm.com 5. One of the effective solutions to the suppression of noise radiation from the water piping system is to install silencers . 在水管路系统中,安装水消声器是降低管路系统辐射噪声有效方法之一。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. To install an extension, you simply click on the hyperlink for the extension, which is usually labeled "extension_name. crx. " 要安装一个扩展,你只需点击扩展的相应超链接即可,这类链接的标记形式为“扩展名.crx”。 www.bing.com 7. I found a new driver for my sound card, but I'm not sure how to install it. 已找到声卡的新驱动程序,但不确定如何安装。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 8. My husband decided to install a light switch in our master bedroom. Cutting into the wall, he discovered a stash of bottles and boxes. 老公要在我们的主浴室里装一个电灯开关,在墙上凿了个洞之后,他发现了一堆隐藏的瓶瓶鑵鑵。 www.bing.com 9. Everything is automated in such a way that you can use a single command at the HMC to install the new LPAR. 使用这种方式自动化所有内容,这样在HMC上使用一个命令就可以安装新的LPAR。 www.ibm.com 10. Apply a little oil to rust-proof and easy to install. 再涂上极少机油,即可防锈又便于安设垫衬。 www.bing.com 1. Power networks that are so undersized that most new apartments are only able to install small if any, air conditioning systems. 供电网电压不足,很多新入住的公寓只能安装小空调。 www.hwkzg.com 2. In a worldwide organization, it is not pragmatic to send out a technician to install software updates. 在全球化机构中,派遣一名技术人员去安装软件更新是不切实际的。 www.ibm.com 3. Should be easy to install, configure, and run. 应该很容易安装、配置及运行。 www.ibm.com 4. Each set of battery is supplied with a schematic illustration. User shall follow it to install the battery. 每组电池都相应提供一张指示图,安装时必须严格按图操作。 plentybattery.com.cn 5. In 1916, President Wilson for the goddess of the night to install the lighting system is immortal and presided over the ceremony. The U. 1916年,威尔逊总统为女神像安装了昼夜不灭的照明系统并主持了竣工仪式。 news.zhishi.sohu.com 6. In this scenario, the trust decision is deferred to the end user, and a temporary certificate would be sufficient to install a solution. 在这个情况下,信任决策会交给使用者,而只要用暂存凭证就足以安装方案。 technet.microsoft.com 7. Just as the HMC can be used to activate an existing LPAR, it can also be used to install an operating system on a new LPAR. 就像HMC可用于激活现有的LPAR一样,它也可用于在一个新的LPAR上安装操作系统。 www.ibm.com 8. For example, if you are trying to install new software on a remote server, wget can be a real life-saver. 例如,如果要在远程服务器上安装新软件,wget确实可以节省时间。 www.ibm.com 9. That's because flexible products are inherently very light, in addition to being quick and easy to install. 因为可卷曲的产品除了安装起来快速便捷之外,必然非常轻。 www.bing.com 10. However, both database servers are easy to install. 不过,两种数据库服务器都很容易安装。 www-128.ibm.com 1. Now that you know a little more about what the transformation does and doesn't do, it's time to install it and use it in an example. 既然您知道了更多关于转换所支持的以及不支持的条件,这时就应该安装它并使用在案例中。 www.ibm.com 2. This year at least four Russian regions expressed their willingness to install statues of Stalin on their streets. 今年,至少有四个俄罗斯州表达了他们愿意在街道上树立斯大林雕塑。 www.bing.com 3. When they install Lotus Notes 8. 5, users see three options in the Ready to Install the Program page of the installation wizard. 在LotusNotes8.5安装过程中,最终用户在“Readytoinstalltheprogram”安装向导窗口中可以看见三个选项。默认都为选中。 www.ibm.com 4. Only a river boat, the boat is too small to install under the farmer and his thing. 河边只有一条一船,由于船太小,只能装下农夫和他的一样东西。 www.pudn.com 5. The key you are trying to install will expire before the expiration date of the active key . 您试图安装的授权许可文件将要在激活后不久过期。 www.bing.com 6. The dust - precipipitator's shell is all-steel structure, so must according to strictly design chart to install and acceptance. 本除尘器为全钢结构外壳,因此必须严格按照设计图纸安装与验收。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The amount of space required can be less if you do not intend to install all of the available features. 如果不想安装所有的可用特性,需要的空间可以少一些。 www.ibm.com 8. Most versions take just a few minutes to install. 大多数规格的架子只需几分钟就可以完成安装。 www.bing.com 9. To install, unpack it to any folder of your choice, which I'll refer to as eclipse_home in this article. 安装的时候将其解压到选定的文件夹,本文中用eclipse_home表示。 www.ibm.com 10. Now you're ready to install and run the order processing sample. 现在您已经可以安装并运行订单处理示例。 www.ibm.com 1. If you are using a public computer that does not allow you to install software, this program will still allow you to use Chrome. 如果您使用的是公共计算机,不允许你安装软件,那么这个软件依然可以不用安装使用。 www.bing.com 2. Easy to install and uninstall on bikes and electric bikes. 可在自行车、电动车上任意安装拆卸使用。 shanghai.liebiao.com 3. The last step is to install the Apache Abdera package (see Resources for download), used to make the APP easier to use. 最后一步,安装ApacheAbdera程序包(参见参考资料获得下载链接),这个程序可以使APP易于使用。 www.ibm.com 4. Besides, it has no need of increasing radiating device, and the whole installation is easy to install. 不用增设散热装置,使整机便于安装和维修。 ip.com 5. Banks have blamed customers for falling victim to the scams and failing to install up-to-date antivirus software. 银行责怪他们的客户们掉入诈骗陷阱并且没有安装最新版防病毒软件。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 6. The steps to install Facelets are easy to follow. 安装Facelets的步骤很容易。 www-128.ibm.com 7. Microsoft has its own billion-dollar deal with Chinese computer giant Lenovo to install the Windows operating system in its computers. 而微软公司则与中国电脑巨人联想集团签署了10亿美元的软件采购协议,为联想全线产品预装WINDOWS正版系统。 www.crazyenglish.org 8. WSCC is a free, portable program that allows you to install, update, execute and organize the utilities from various system utility suites. 超级跑车会简介是一个自由,便携式程序,允许您安装,更新,执行和组织各种系统工具套件的工具。 www.jisuxz.com 9. Easy to install and Insuring high efficiency. 安装方便,效率高。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The easiest way to set up a development environment is to install a recent version of one of the Linux distributions. 设置开发环境的最简便方法是安装一种Linux分发版的新近版本。 www-128.ibm.com 1. As a war file RPC would have to install Tomcat at each client site and configure the WAR for deployment. 对于WAR文件,RPC必须在每个客户站点上安装Tomcat,并且为WAR部署。 www.infoq.com 2. Visitors don't need to install any device to be able to easily use the Orange provides wireless bar code technology. 游客无需安装任何设备,便能轻松地使用Orange提供的无线条码技术。 www.bing.com 3. While it is possible to install XFS using these pre-rolled, official releases, I don't recommend this approach. 虽然通过使用这些预先编译好的官方发行版来安装XFS是可能的,但是我不推荐这种方法。 www.ibm.com 4. Ideally , try to install such software on all other server and client systems that have to interact with the domain controllers . 理想情况下,应设法在必须与域控制器交互的所有其他服务器和客户端系统上安装这种软件。 www.bing.com 5. Windows Update automatically detects Windows SharePoint Services and prompts you to install updates and service packs. WindowsUpdate会自动检测WindowsSharePointServices并提示您安装更新和ServicePack。 www.microsoft.com 6. After you've deployed the DB2 datasource, you're ready to install the application. 在部署DB2数据源之后,就准备安装应用程序。 www.ibm.com 7. I explained the conceptual basis of Shale and showed you how to install and set it up in your development environment. 文中介绍了Shale的理论基础并为您演示了如何安装和设置开发环境。 www.ibm.com 8. Just last week, the White House announced plans to install solar panels on the roof of the building. 就在上周,白宫宣布计划将这种太阳板放置到建筑顶上。 www.bing.com 9. In the office it made a lot of sense, but there's no way Laurie would have allowed me to install it in the house. 在办公室中使用是非常明智的,但在家中要安装萝莉肯定不会同意的。 www.bing.com 10. Once you know which components you want to use, you can run Setup to install them. 了解要使用的组件后,可以运行安装程序安装这些组件。 technet.microsoft.com |
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