单词 | the bridge | ||||||||||||||
释义 | the bridge
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 桥,金门大桥,桥梁 1. She hopped out of bed and found that the bridge on her favorite castle had been broken in the night, and it took her forever to fix it. 她腾的从床上跳下来,发现城堡的桥,在夜里断了。那可是她最喜欢的城堡啊,她怎么也修不好它。 wenku.baidu.com 2. The dog walked on to the bridge, and looked into the water. He could see another dog with a big bone in his mouth. 这只狗走到桥上,望水里面看,他看见另一只狗嘴里咬著一跟大骨头。 bbs.tingroom.com 3. Unlike the truck driver, he did not take up riding a bicycle. Nevertheless, he stayed near the bridge. He liked fishing. 与卡车司机不同,他没有开始骑车运动,但他也没远离大桥,他喜欢钓鱼。 www.tingclass.com 4. What he really wanted was to dive off the bridge, smash through the ice and sink down to the bottom to freeze there like a dead fish. 他真想一下子跳下去,头朝下,砸破了冰,沉下去,像个死鱼似的冻在冰里。 dict.wenguo.com 5. As he got there, he took his stand at one end of the bridge and waited. 他到了那儿以后,便站在桥的一头等着。 6. And yet the audience on the other side of the bridge seems to be having fun. 但是,数字之桥另一侧的受众似乎正乐在其中。 www.putclub.com 7. My mind suddenly seized upon the notion that this was a Saturday the busiest day on the bridge and here we sat. 我的大脑突然被一个念头攫住了,那就是这天是周六,桥上最忙的日子,我们却在这里坐着。 www.bing.com 8. Over the past thirty years, I returned home with his head is frosted, the first essential is to see the bridge. 三十多年过去,我带着满头霜花回到故乡,第一紧要的便是去看望小桥。 wenwen.soso.com 9. It was a plea to just sort of stand there at the bridge regardless of what happened. 这有点儿像是一种请求:无论发生什么,都请留在桥上。 www.ftchinese.com 10. He made a dive from the bridge to save the child who had fallen into the river. 他从桥上跳进水里去抢救落水儿童。 www.tingroom.com 1. The bridge spans over Qiantang River, as if it is a magnificent rainbow. 大桥如飞虹,跨钱塘江两岸,颇为壮观。 www.sinobanknote.com 2. Next day he tried the other end of the bridge, but it was just the same. 第二天,他在桥的另一头试试,但是还是一个样儿。 3. Then, the guy on the television closed his eyes and threw himself off the bridge. The second guy hands the first guy the money. 然后电视里那个人闭上眼睛跳了下去。第二个小伙子递给第一个小伙子十块钱。 bbs.city.tianya.cn 4. There before my eyes the bridge shimmered and disappeared as if it had never been visible in the first place. 在我眼前,大桥若隐若现直至消失,好像一开始它就隐形了一样。 www.bing.com 5. If he were alive, he might have finished his scientific researches on the bridge-building three years ago. 如果他现在还活着,他可能三年前就完成了他的桥梁建筑科研工作了。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. A pair of thin spectacles rested upon the bridge of his nose, giving him the look of a middle-aged professor. 一副细窄的眼镜挂在鼻梁上,看上去像是一位中年教授。 bbs.kidfanschannel.net 7. How much did it cost to build the bridge? 建这座桥花费了多少钱? edu.sina.com.cn 8. Rats by the thousands are at his heels, and as he sees the waterfront at the bottom of the hill, he panics and starts to run for the bridge. 上千只老鼠紧跟着他,当他看见山脚下有一个码头区,惊慌以极,他开始朝着船桥跑去。 bbs.chinajavaworld.com 9. The bridge and the road at the junction of the corner, half a spider webs from bridge emerged, not to see the spider. 桥与路交界的角落,有半个蜘蛛网从桥板下露出来,看不到蜘蛛。 www.bing.com 10. Just as the men clear the bridge, they're spotted by the SUV. The officer at the wheel demands that they stop, but the men run on. 团伙刚跨过大桥就被警方发现了。车上的警察叫他们停住,但他们继续跑着。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Still, Roebling continued to direct the construction from his home near the bridge. 罗柏林仍然继续指挥建桥,他的家就在桥附近。 www.qiuyang.com 2. Stroll for a while, I feel a little tired, they sat on the bridge to see Square. 逛了刹那,我觉得有点累了,便坐在桥上看广场。 www.lostonline.cn 3. After the steel stopped falling he was still alive and he raised his head and looked across the bridge. 钢铁碎片落定之后,他还活着,他抬头望对面的桥。 4. Heavy rain delayed the work, which meant the bridge would not be ready to carry tanks for another day. 暴雨延误了他们的速度,这意味着桥梁在第二天才能通过坦克。 www.showxiu.com 5. The next day, the bridge reopened with strict limits on the number of pedestrians, but it began to shake again. 第二天,千年桥重新开放,并严格限定了行人的数量,但是摇晃再次发生。 www.bing.com 6. People are throwing themselves off the bridge at the rate of two a month, which makes it the most popular place in the world for suicides. 每个月就有两人从这座桥上跳下,它也因此成为世界上最有名的自杀场所。 www.ecocn.org 7. Brown finally agreed to let the train pass over the bridge and continue on to Baltimore. The train left at sunrise. 布朗最终同意让火车通过大桥继续开往巴尔的摩,这列火车在天亮时离开了哈珀斯镇。 www.bing.com 8. Her friends pushed the boat off down the river and ran across the fields to get round to the bridge. 她的朋友把小船推下河之后穿过原野跑向小桥的另一端。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. I stopped on the bridge and leaned over the railings, gazing, unseeing, into the water, trying to get a grip on myself. 我在桥上停步,凭栏俯视流水,茫然罔觉,想使自己镇定下来。 10. When he looked up and looked under the bridge in the distance, that piece of wheat field from time to time flashed a cluster of pale fire. 这时他抬头望了一下桥下的远处,那一片麦场上不时闪现出一簇淡淡的火光。 www.bing.com 1. By the end of the evening two eyebrows have appeared, and a little flesh around the bridge of my nose. 晚上结束工作的时候,两道眉毛画出来了,鼻梁周围有点肉。 www.ecocn.org 2. The dog came to a stream. There was a narrow bridge across it. The dog walked on to the bridge, and looked into the water. 这只狗来到一条溪流边。有一座窄窄的桥跨在上面。这只狗走到桥上,望水里面看。 www.englishok.com.cn 3. He was about to ask for another translation when the bridge screens were filled with the horror of the Pursuer plunging down at them. 他还想再问一遍这词的翻译的时候,舰桥的屏幕上突然出现了追击者扑向他们的恐怖画面。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Wheat straw had an idea, said: "The Let me lying on the stream, you can be the same as the bridge from me to go in the past. " 麦草灵机一动,说:“让我横躺在小溪上,你们可以像过桥一样从我身上走过去。” www.qingsongxuexi.com 5. The bridge of the 17th century seems to be tiny from such a distance but. . . 远远看去,这座17世纪建造的桥是那么小,但是…… www.bing.com 6. Houses sprung up on both sides of the bridge and stood until it was pulled down in 1831, making way for a more elegant, classic structure. 住宅如雨后春笋般冒出来两岸的桥梁,站在直到推倒在1831年,使道路更加优雅,经典的结构。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 7. a bridge gives a better sense of scale on the ship It is advised to place the bridge on the top and near the back of the ship. 舰桥能赋予船身以更好的比例感。建议把舰桥置于船后半部分的顶部。 www.infinity-game.com 8. Only a picket post half a mile out, on the railroad, and a single sentinel at this end of the bridge. 只在半英里以外有一个警戒哨,位于铁道线上,桥的这一端有一名哨兵把守。 www.bing.com 9. Or on the road to the bridge , it broke a few days as if the sky, heavy rain many days like that. 还是去祁家桥的路上,那几天天空像破了似的,瓢泼大雨一下就是好多天。 www.ok06.com 10. For a year student association President, period, I tried to serve for you and set up schools and students of the bridge. 做了一年学生会主席,期间,我努力地为大家服务,搭建起学校和学生的桥梁。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. One of two ways: dance a spiral with the "bridge" on the turn out of the center or dance a formal maze and the same maneuver on the turns. 两种方式中的一种:在中央外面的转弯上跳出“桥梁”的螺旋形,或者在转弯处跳出一种形式上的迷宫和相同的动作。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. When the bridge tender noticed the vehicle, it was lowered, and the woman was able to leave after questioning. 大桥管理员发现这辆汽车后把桥降下,那位妇女接受询问后离开,云云。 www.xcar.com.cn 3. As different in shape, suspension bridge cables tend to stretch all the points of the pillars of the bridge tends to squeeze everywhere. 由于在形状上的不同,悬索桥的缆绳的各点都趋向拉伸而拱桥的支柱的各处都趋于挤压。 www.docin.com 4. And he began to think about those improvements as the captain hurried him to the bridge. 沃尔夫充满热情地说。队长催促着他们尽快去舰桥的时候,他开始考虑那些“改进”的事情。 bbs.rtucn.com 5. Faith was no longer a goal for me to reach. It became the bridge I must cross daily to see God's goodness and live worry-free. 信心不再是我要达到的目标。它成为我每天必经的桥梁,通过它我才知道神的良善,并且毫无恐惧地生活。 www.douban.com 6. The next day, with a push of a telegraph button in the White House, President Franklin Roosevelt opened the bridge to cars, too. 隔天,法兰克林?罗斯福在白宫按下启动钮,金门大桥正式开放让汽车通行。 www.putclub.com 7. For 13 years Washington tapped out his instructions with his finger on his wife's arm, until the bridge was finally completed. 十三年的时间,华盛顿.罗布林就是用他的手指拍打妻子的胳膊指挥着工程,直到大桥最后建成。 www.bing.com 8. The bridge containing the designated port for a given segment is referred to as the designated bridge for that segment. 在特定网段含有指定端口的网桥被认为是该网段segment的指定网桥。 www.myope.cn 9. Sincerely two words for you to set up a mutual trust between the bridge. 真诚二字会为你们之间架起一道彼此信任的桥梁。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. We walked across the bridge and looked through the cracks between the planks at the high- flowing river . 我们走过大桥,在哗哗流淌的河边,透过木板的缝隙窥视。 www.bing.com 1. The donkey walked on the bridge but stumbled and fell into the river. He got up and felt very happy. There was no salt in his bags. 驴走上桥时被绊倒掉入了河中,但它显得很高兴,因为袋子里的盐全没了。 iask.sina.com.cn 2. Eventually, B&B had to be nationalised. Crawshaw, however, had left the bridge a few weeks earlier as a result of heart problems. 最终,B&B不得不被国有化。而在宣布该决定的几周前,Crawshaw,由于所谓的心脏问题离开B&B。 www.bing.com 3. After crossing the ditch where the bridge used to be, my chest began to tighten and my heart began to race. 在路过那座桥以前所在的河道时,我的胸膛开始变紧,并且心跳开始加速。 gb.cri.cn 4. He said that he'd been visited on the bridge by a foreign psychiatrist who asked him if he might draw a picture of whatever came to mind. 他说,曾经有外国精神病专家来桥上找过他,问他能不能画一幅图,画下那一刻出现在他脑海里的东西。 www.bing.com 5. When I stood on the bridge, three (up to five) vehicles started to move back and forth in front of me before long. 我站在桥上才一会儿,就有三、五辆车开始在我面前开来开去了。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. He said he'd raced up to the top of the Bridge on faith, but he hadn't gotten what he expected. 他说他已经迅速升至了信仰之桥的最高处,但是他没有得到他所期望的东西。 www.bing.com 7. With a leap and a bound, the bridge bank is well-capitalised and capable of raising new funds to lend out to good projects. 这样一来,桥银行变得资本充裕,有能力筹集新的资金,向优质项目提供贷款。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Mr. Chen appeared to have a very strict routine on the bridge no matter if it was snowing blowing or broiling heat. 不管刮风,下雪,还是大热天,老陈在桥上做的事情几乎一成不变。 www.bing.com 9. Quickly he crossed the bridge. Of course he did not notice a certain stone railing was eyeing him all the while. 他行色匆匆,很快地走过石桥,当然,男人不会发觉有一块石头正目不转睛地望着她。 www.italki.com 10. At last the bus stopped. Tony could see a river and an old bridge. A small road ran across the bridge, through the field and over a hill. 最后车停了下来。托尼看到一条小河和一座老旧的桥。一条小路越过小桥,穿过田野,延伸至一座小山丘的另一边。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. His wife helped him a great deal. She studied all about bridges and about mathematics, and she went to the bridge daily. 他的妻子帮了他很大的忙,她学习了建桥和数学的知识。 www.qiuyang.com 2. It has a span of4260 feet. The bridge is so long that the shape of the earth had to be taken into account by its designer. 桥的跨度有4,260英尺。桥梁很长,所以它的设计师不得不考虑地球的形状。 www.websaru.com 3. A lady walking over the bridge downstream looked up to see him at water level hanging onto a rock. 有位女士在经过下游的一座桥时,抬头一看,才发现那个男孩在水面上紧抱一块岩石。 www.showxiu.com 4. Or in the trees, crooked trees, rocks, fishing near the bridge piles, which is often a gathering place to fish. 或在树旁、歪树下、石、桥桩附近垂钓,这些常是鱼儿集聚的地方。 www.xiami360.com 5. The man was much taller than Robin. And he had better build, too. Still Robin did not plan to let man cross the bridge before him. 那个人比罗宾高出了许多,身材也比罗宾魁梧。不过罗宾仍然不打算让这个人先过桥。 bbs.ew.com.cn 6. He would let them pet the skunks and the raccoon and talk to the myna bird; and yet they never crossed the bridge without being invited. 他会让他们把臭鼬和浣熊当宠物来玩,跟八哥说话;而且(那时)他们从不会在得到邀请前过桥。) www.bing.com 7. For Bridge Commissioner Gustav Lindenthal there was an obvious solution: a high-speed moving walkway across the bridge. 在大桥的管理者GustavLindenthal看来,这里有一种明显的解决方案:一条穿过大桥的快速移动人行道。 www.bing.com 8. As Peyton Farquhar fell straight downward through the bridge he lost consciousness and was as one already dead. 当法科尔越过桥直直向下坠落,他不但失去意识且呈现半生不死的状态。 www.zftrans.com 9. When he looked askance at me, superciliousness gushed from his eyes down the bridge of his nose and then off the corners of his mouth. 他斜视着你,他那高傲的眼光从鼻梁经过嘴角而后往下流着。 www.jukuu.com 10. " Happy, Mingo looking for you? " Third, manage the wind tangled hair, to the bridge Yu lit his cigarette. “虎哥,明哥找你什么事啊?”三小,理了理风吹乱的头发,给桥宇点了根烟。 www.bing.com 1. We anticipated the enemy would try to cross the river, so we decided to destroy the bridge. 我们预料到敌人会通过这条河,所以我们决定把桥摧毁。 www.veryen.org 2. If He builds the bridge a rod ahead, it would not be a bridge of faith. That which is of sight is not of faith. 如果祂先替我们建筑好了,那就不能称作“信心的桥梁”了,眼见的不能算作信心。 www.ebigear.com 3. Someone fell out of the passenger side and scrambled under the bridge and crawled into a ball . . . just hoping for survival, I suppose. 有些人从桥上掉下来之后爬到桥下缩成一团,我想他们只是想活下去。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. We saw the most obvious sights and then with nothing better to do I decided to go and try and find the bridge out of town across the river. 道路泥泞不堪,也没什么其它事好做,我决定出去找找城外河上的桥。 www.ycwb.com 5. Turn left at the next corner and then go through the bridge, and you will see the bank on your left. 然后在下一个街口左转,穿过桥继续走,你会看见银行在你的左边。你不要错过它。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Two days after it had opened, with the source of the wobble still a mystery, the bridge was closed for an indefinite period. 在千年桥开放两天后,它又被无限期关闭,而致使它摇晃的原因仍然是一个谜。 www.bing.com 7. After the cinematic, make the usual rounds of the ship, then get back to the Bridge for the next mission selection via the Star Map. 之后,两回合的船时,通常就回到斯坦福桥为下一个任务选择通过星图。 www.bing.com 8. Please do not worry about it any more. It is all water under the bridge. 请不要再担心这件事了,都过去了。 mms.sohu.com 9. While girl students could do nothing but standing on the bridge, looking away from them casually, in their monotone but neat dress. 女学生只能站在桥上,身穿整齐素色的衣裙,漫不经心地转脸远望。 read.guanhuaju.com 10. At the beginning of the bridge tournament, we were the under dogs and nobody thought we were going to win. 桥牌赛一开始,我们不被看好,没有人认为我们会赢。 bbs.ifensi.com 1. Some of the bridge players started screaming (even after the woman explained the mouse was food for her son's snake). 一些桥牌玩家开始惊叫(甚至在她解释完说老鼠是他儿子养的老鼠的食物)。 www.bing.com 2. You know, not to let anybody cross the bridge. 您知道的,就是不任何人通过那桥。 www.langmanzg.com 3. Around 7pm, as a cold rain fell steadily on the bridge, police loaded the last of the last of the marchers into a half-empty city bus. 大约到了下午7:00,寒冷的雨滴落在了桥上,警察把最后一个被逮捕的游行者装进一辆空着的城市公交车。 www.bing.com 4. If I was a stepping stone in the middle of the bridge, he would bump into me and I can touch him! 如果我被铺在桥的正中,就能碰到他、摸他一下了! www.italki.com 5. There is no stronger symbol of knowledge and wisdom than a pair of spectacles resting on the bridge of your nose. 没有比鼻梁上架上副眼镜更能显示知识与智慧了! www.bing.com 6. This strip is one of the only available bearing points from which to support the bridge in the congested urban context. 这条是唯一可用的轴承点的支持,在拥挤的市区范围内的桥梁之一。 www.zhongsou.net 7. In this example, the bridge is only built between PHP and Java, allowing the PHP code to call Java objects. 在上例中,桥接只建于PHP和Java之间,使得PHP代码可以调用Java对象。 www.infoq.com 8. The little boy was glad to see a ship was just passing under the bridge . 那个小男孩高兴地看到一条船刚好正从桥底下通过。 www.9116998.cn 9. A few minutes later, a train from the west arrived at Harpers Ferry. The wounded guard warned the train men of the danger at the bridge. 几分钟后,一列从西开过来的火车到达了哈珀斯,这名受伤的看守警告列车员,桥上危险。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The results showed that the bridge has good aerodynamic stability which might be a reference fur design of the same bridge type. 结果表明,该桥具有较好的抗风稳定性,并对同类型桥梁的设计有一定指导作用。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. With feedback remote sensing, you connect extra sense wires to the point where the excitation voltage wires connect to the bridge circuit. 遥感与反馈,你连多余的意义在线路电压电线连接,激发桥电路。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Not until the dramatic end does the obsessive Nicholson recognize the folly of assisting the enemy in war and destroy the bridge. 直到戏剧的最后执着的尼科尔森才意识到在战争中帮助敌人是多么愚蠢,然后毁掉了这座桥。 www.bing.com 3. We had left the bridge for lunch and he had insisted that I drink with him. 我们是离开大桥后来这里吃午饭的。他坚持要我和他喝酒。 www.bing.com 4. Even after his incredulous reaction to O. T. III, he continued to "move up" the Bridge. 甚至在对OT三产生怀疑之后,他仍继续在“完全自由之桥”上“提升”。 www.bing.com 5. They pulled him from the hotel and took him to the bridge over the river. 他们将他从旅馆中拖了出来,并将他带到了大桥上。 www.bing.com 6. You might have taken the trouble to tell us that the bridge was down! 你是早该费一下神告诉我们桥已经放下来的! goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Next, listen to it with your focus of attention in your Third Eye (Ajna), located between your eyes at the bridge of your nose. 接着,再听它并将你们的注意力焦点放在你们的第三眼(眉心轮),其位于你们鼻梁之上的双眼之间。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The bridge will be open to the traffic in a week or two. 这大桥一两周后就能通车。 school.ecp.com.cn 9. Yes. Some of the ship 's systems are obviously still operating XEV: I don't know , this must be the bridge. 是的。很明显这艘飞船的系统还在运行中。我不清楚,这一定是桥接器了。 www.bing.com 10. The sentinels, facing the banks of the stream, might have been statues to adorn the bridge. 两名岗哨面向河岸,宛如两尊装点在桥头的石像。 www.bing.com 1. And whenever I pass by this sort of valley by train, I can't help thinking of the bridge. 在我外出的旅途中,每当火车通过这类山谷时,也定然会浮现。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Like the bridge, too, it would be light but strong and could be extended if necessary. 这种框架和桥梁一样,分量轻强度大,在必要时可以往上延伸。 www.netfm.com.cn 3. Simply use the container_setup. sh script (see the Download section) to set up the bridge on which container network devices will talk. 仅需使用container_setup.sh脚本(参见下载小节)设置网桥(bridge),容器网络设备将在此进行对话。 www.ibm.com 4. b. If the company is interested in maximizing profit, should it build the bridge? What would be its profit or loss? 如果公司关心利润最大化,它应该建桥吗?它的利润或亏损是多少? blog.sina.com.cn 5. A year later, at the spring championships in Detroit, Mr Cayne was again holding his own at the bridge table. 一年后,在底特律的春季锦标赛上,凯恩再次在桥牌桌上证明了自己。 www.ftchinese.com 6. In lieu of repairs, the bridge will be torn down in the coming year and replaced with a rail-free bridge. 取代维修的方法是拆除旧桥,并于明年新建一座不通火车的新桥。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Modern architects have analyzed his design and say that, if the bridge had been built, it would have supported even today's heavy traffic. 现代的设计师分析过他的设计并且说,如果这座桥已经建造,那么即使今曰它依然能够承受现在的交通负担。 bbs.mcfc2006.com 8. You could give him a shove, and he will fall over the bridge onto the track right in the way of the trolley car. 你可以推他一把,他会倒在车轨上,刚好能够停住那辆车。 www.jiaoyou8.com 9. Out of the promenade, across the bridge, ran over the grass, across the stone steps, we came across. 走出长廊,穿过小桥,奔过草地,跃上石阶,我们来到了对岸。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. For illustration purposes, let's take a look at the bridge code generated for a simple COM API example. 为了展示这个过程,让我们来看一看为一个简单的COMAPI示例生成的桥代码。 www.ibm.com 1. He seemed so alone standing there; even his wife and daughter knew little of his life on the bridge. 他站在那儿,显得那么孤单;甚至他的妻子和女儿都对他在桥上的生活知之甚少。 www.bing.com 2. Boating Bibo above to see Lei Feng afterglow, Sudi Chunxiao, as well as snow Retention of the bridge. 荡舟碧波之上,看雷锋夕照,苏堤春晓,还有留着残雪的断桥。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The editorial said the bridge collapse raised particularly troubling questions. 编辑说,天桥的倒塌导致了非常麻烦的问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. He retired to Los Angeles and died less than a year after finishing work on the bridge. 退休后,他去了洛杉矶,在完成这座桥的工程后不到一年就去世了。 www.hkc.edu.cn 5. With its stocky towers and delicate webs of steel cables, the bridge is still regarded as an architectural marvel. 其健壮塔形和微妙的钢索,大桥仍被视为一个建筑奇迹。 forum.home.news.cn 6. Impression, zhuge liang can't tear is only the last when qi mountain in the north of the bridge was Wei instead of sima yi ambush plan. 印象中,诸葛亮看不破的就只有最后一次出祁山时在北原渭桥竟反而中了司马懿的伏击计。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. However, the assembled Chinese tour groups, who are normally allowed to walk to the halfway point, had to stop at the bridge's entrance. 不过,来自中国的旅游团过去通常被允许走到桥的中间点,现在却不得不在桥头止步。 www.ftchinese.com 8. A pair of wires connected to the printed circuit board connect the bridge rectifier to a power supply. 一对连接到印刷电路板上的导线把桥式整流电路与电源相连。 www.bing.com 9. The destination address of the frame is checked against the bridge table to see if its entry is present. 讯框的目的地位址对照桥接表作检查,看看是否有它的记录存在。 www.showxiu.com 10. The acting form of the load at the joint of the bridge is discussed through a photoelasticity experiment. 通过光弹性实验,分析机器人桥架连接处的受力形式。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Now he was on the bridge, hunched over on the bicycle pedaling steadily. He could see the dark, churning water far below. 现在他在桥上,弯著腰稳定的踩著脚踏车踏板。他可以看到黑暗中,下面很远的地方有滚动的河水。 www.easeparts.com 2. He that cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he must pass himself for every man has needed to be forgiven. 一个人不能够宽容别人,就如同自己毁掉自己必须通过的那座桥,因为每个人都需要别人的宽容。 bbs.5i5i.cn 3. Local sources said the bridge in Tieli, a city in Heilongjiang province, had been built in 1973 but repaired as recently as 1997. 来自本地的消息说,在黑龙江省铁力的这座桥梁建于1973年,最近的维修在1997年。 www.bing.com 4. You may only walk part way across the bridge inhuman form but the soul who has moved over is able to meet you half way. 在人类形态,你们只能涉足这桥的一部分,但是跨越这桥的灵魂有办法在你们跨越桥的途中和你们相遇。 apps.hi.baidu.com 5. So I got off the bus, and instead of going over the bridge I went along the other side of the bank. 所以我下了公共汽车,没有过桥,而是沿着堤岸的另一边走。 www.bing.com 6. Using this code is simply a matter of matching the name of the bridge that you configured in the Flex application. 使用这段代码只需要匹配在Flex应用程序中配置的桥接的名称。 www.ibm.com 7. It said the bridge should extend from the little island to San Francisco. 它说的桥梁,应该从延伸到旧金山的小岛屿。 www.maynet.cn 8. Have I got this right ? You want me to jump off the bridge and onto a moving train ? Never ! 我没弄错吧?你让我从桥上跳下来,跳到行驶的火车上?没门儿! www.bing.com 9. Do you mean to say you have come up to London from the country and stood all this time on the bridge, just because of an idle dream? “你是说,你从乡下到伦敦来,一直站在这桥上,就因为做了一个荒唐的梦?” 10. Parts of the achievements of study have been applied to real bridge work, and give some advices to the optimum design of the bridge tower. 研究的部分成果已应用于实桥结构,对主塔结构的优化设计起到了一定的指导作用。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Ahead of him he saw a bridge, and at the bridge stood the soldiers firing. 他前面是一座桥,桥旁站着的另外一些士兵在射击。 www.showxiu.com 2. Washington Roebling began to work with the same interest and energy as his father. There were many problems in building the bridge. 华盛顿·罗柏林带着与他父亲一样的兴趣和精力开始投入工作。 news.koolearn.com 3. They even found Ichabod's old hat in the dust near the bridge. But they did not find Ichabod. 他们甚至在桥边发现了爱查宝德的旧帽子。 english.31931.cn 4. The bridge to be demolished lies in downtown area of the city with complex environment, Safe demolition is the key factor to be considered. 待拆的桥梁位于城市闹区,环境复杂,拆除安全是首要考虑的因素。 lib.cqvip.com 5. The captain had a Russian girlfriend, and, every time we stopped, she plunged off the bridge like a gannet. 船长有一位俄国女友,每次停船时她像鹅一样从船桥上扑下来。 www.bing.com 6. The name of the remote queue definition must match one of the bridge queues defined on the gateway. 远程队列定义的名称必须匹配于网关上定义的一个网桥队列。 www.ibm.com 7. Not far away from the bridge was a six-storied building. To its right was a second-hand bookstore. 离桥不远有一座六层楼房,楼房的右面是一家旧书店。 www.nmhrjy.com 8. Since the relationship has been hurt, in extreme cases you might even say the bridge has been burned between you and your friend. 因为这种关系已经被伤害,在极端的情况下你可能甚至会说你和你的朋友之间的友谊之桥已经轰然倒塌。 www.kekenet.com 9. Forty yards downstream from the bridge, one of the lines had caught Buckingham around the hips. 在桥下游40码的地方,救生艇的一条绳子缠在了白金汉姆的臀部上。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The research of the high mound construction method becomes the issue to which the bridge workers pay great attention. 高墩施工方法的研究成为桥梁建筑工作者十分关注的问题。 www.mrsta.com 1. With the bridge above the river and the willow trees on the bank, the scene was picturesque. 再加上河面上的小桥,河岸边的柳树,简直就是一幅画儿。 i.myechinese.com 2. the first fish. One of them got a bite on his line and got so excited that he fell off the bridge. 其中有个人的有鱼上钩了,他由于太兴奋,掉到桥下面去了。 bbs.24en.com 3. In the case of the large bond trader, the bridge has narrowed to the size of a thin wire. 对这个大量交易债券的交易者来说,桥面已经窄到了一根铁丝的程度。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. If that still need to praise and description of the fall, it would be difficult passage across the bridge project. 如果说秋天仍需要赞美和描写,那将是一段文字桥梁难以跨越的工程。 enwaimao.cn 5. A sea captain when he stands upon the bridge, or looks out from his deck-house, thinks much about God and about the world. 每当船长站在舰桥,或是在船舱里远眺时,他往往会想起上帝和世界。 www.bing.com 6. The most popular Yunnanese dish goes by the quaint name of Crossing the Bridge Noodles. The name has its origins in a popular tale. 最有名得滇菜要数“过桥米线”了,听起来名字很古怪,这名字来源于一个广为人知的故事。 www.bangbenw.com 7. The problem is that the bridge is often unusable afterwards. 问题是,这种桥往往在震后不能再用了。 www.ecocn.org 8. After international public bidding, the bridge is designed to be a two-layer structure, completely separating pedestrians and vehicles. 经过向全球公开招标,营盘东路浏阳河大桥设计确定为“类双层”人车完全分离、分行。 3us.enghunan.gov.cn 9. So Les took the needle from his family's record player and stuck it in the bridge of his guitar, then wired it into another radio speaker. 所以Les取下家中唱机的针头,固定在吉他的桥部分,然后通过电线连接到另一台扬声器。 www.bing.com 10. The flow of traffic would be at least 10, 000 vehicles a day when the bridge starts operation. 大桥开始运作后,每日流量估计最少达一万架次。 www.crazyenglish.org 1. inform the prince that i have burnt the bridge , said the colonel , in a cheerful and triumphant tone. “请禀告公爵,我把桥烧了。”上校愉快而洋洋得意地说道。 www.ichacha.net 2. When I sat at the bridge, the wind too strong to open my eyes. 当我坐在桥上的时候,因为风太大以至与我睁不开眼睛。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Speeding up the construction of the Bridge is a great action of recreating new phase of opening-up and reform. 加快杭州湾跨海大桥建设,正是再创改革开放新局面的巨擘手笔。 big5.xinhuanet.com 4. As the limousine rolled across the bridge to the sandbar, Kevin tried to smell the ocean. All he got was car leather and exhaust. 当豪华大奔过了桥向沙洲奔去的时候,凯文呼吸着海洋。他闻到的是汽车的胶皮味和废气味。 www.preferpoker3.com 5. Bloggs came off the wall and hit the man with the weighted handkerchief. The blow caught him accurately on the bridge of the nose. 布洛格斯离开墙,用那手帕包狠狠地向那人打去,不偏不斜,正中他的鼻梁。 6. They use their own music to tell people: Yunnan is not only cross the bridge noodle and elephants, as well as the standard HEAVY METAL! ! ! 他们用自己的音乐告诉人们:云南不只有过桥米线和大象,还有标准的HEAVYMETAL!!! midiweb.rockinchina.com 7. In one of the videos, an official uses a bullhorn to warn the crowd. Marchers can be seen chanting, "Take the bridge. " 在其中的一个视频里,一名警员使用扩音器警告抗议人群,游行者们则高喊口号“拿下布鲁克林桥”。 www.bing.com 8. After the bridge, we are led into the last set of choruses, where we modulate suddenly and the whole song jumps up a major third in key. 在这个桥段后,我们来到了最后一组副歌,此时忽然出现变调,整首歌提升了一个降三小度音阶。 tianan8420.blog.163.com 9. I began to sketch out the ground, the buildings and the bridge, keeping the drawing and lines as references. 我开始勾画出地面,建筑和桥,保持草图和线作为参考。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. But as he looked the structure of the bridge was still spidery and fine in the mist that hung over the stream. 但在他看来,笼罩在河上的迷雾使那座桥的模样显得像蜘蛛网般细巧。 dict.veduchina.com 1. To finance the bridge, lots along the roadway were rented out to merchants, especially butchers and tanners, to hawk their wares. 为集资重建,路边的地段出租给商家,尤其是屠夫和皮匠,给他们兜售商品。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The bridge at Medicine Bow is shaky, and would not bear the weight of the train. 梅迪西弯的大桥已经在摇晃,经受不起火车的重压了。 www.tdict.com 3. B. I stood for a while on the bridge and looked back. 我在桥上站了一会儿,向后看去。 www.ecp.com.cn 4. For a time it seemed he could be the bridge that could reunite the Cubans in music. 今后一个时期,他似乎可以大桥能够团聚,古巴人的音乐。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. I planned to get off at the Bridge Station for a visit , but I found myself landed at an entirely new one . 我本打算在大桥站下车玩玩,可我下车一看,却到了一个完全。 6. He took a dreadful chance, flying under the bridge that way. 他冒着可怕的危险从桥下飞过。 engnet.jiangnan.edu.cn 7. assuming that the prestress force is constant throughout the length of the bridge. 假设预应力力量是永恒的整个长度的桥梁。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 8. People in memory of his wife at home section, simply called the broken bridge above the bridge at home. 人们为纪念段家夫妇,便把这断桥称为段家桥。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Clashes around the bridge seem to work in favor of the guerrillas. 在天桥周围的冲突对游击队是有利的。 www.lkong.net 10. i am going to try to tough it out because this really wonderful. we have got the bridge, the water. 我会试着弄清楚搞明白,因为这的确很奇妙,这里有桥和水流。 iask.sina.com.cn 1. Having been weakened by successive storms, the bridge was no longer safe. 这座桥接二连三地遭到暴风雨的袭击后,己经不安全了。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. When we got to the bridge, the bridge had been swiped away by the hurricane. 当我们要过桥时,发现桥已经被飓风吹走了。 blog.sina.com.tw 3. The bridge is to be completed in half a year. 这座桥梁拟于半年内竣工。 youngchinese.blog.163.com 4. "He formed the bridge between the literary and music worlds. " Who was the late cultural giant Kuo Pao Kun referring to in this statement? “他在文学界和音乐界之间搭建桥梁。”这是新加坡已故文化巨人郭宝崑对谁的评语? blog.sina.com.cn 5. Adorning the bridge of her nose are Chalcactan marks of illumination, testament to her spirituality. 装饰在她鼻梁上的是查拉克塔的启明印记,证明了她的精神力。 tieba.baidu.com 6. To use multiple bridge queues where the bridge queue name is not the same as the real WebSphere MQ queue name, aliases must be used. 当网桥队列名称与真实的WebSphereMQ队列名称不同时,要使用多个网桥队列,就必须使用别名。 www.ibm.com 7. The Olympics, you are like the bridge of the rainbow, linking people from different parts with the same dream. We Follow Your Dream! 奥运,你就像一座彩虹桥,架起了不同世界人们共同的梦想,我们追随你的梦! cn.qikan.com 8. The pair of lovers were leaning over the bridge, looking into the water. 那对情侣俯身在桥上看着(桥下的)流水。 dict.veduchina.com 9. Weakened by successive storms , the bridge was no longer safe . 连续的暴雨使桥身受损,这座桥已不再安全。 www.bing.com 10. Crossing the bridge, first we cycle around the river promenade, which is still not developed, only little street food restaurants. 过了桥,我们沿着河滨大道骑行,这里正在修建中,只有几间小吃店。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. A cable-stayed bridge design should take into consideration the harmonious relationship between the bridge and its ambient environment. 在斜拉设计中,需要考虑桥梁与周围环境相协调。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. In Agouza, families with young children in tow marched into clouds of tear gas, toward the bridge over the Nile that led to Tahrir Square. 在Agouza,各个家庭都带着小孩在催泪瓦斯笼罩的大街上游行,向尼罗河上通往解放广场的大桥行进。 c.wsj.com 3. Here, it was spanned by a two-mile iron structure known as the Bridge of Friendship. 而在这里,河面上架着两英里长的钢铁大桥,名为“友谊桥”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. They were all racing toward aid workers who were delivering rice when the bridge collapsed. 大桥倒塌时这些难民正在争先恐后涌向分发大米的援助工作人员。 bbs.putclub.com 5. The material for building the bridge must be very strong so that it may not break in use. 为使桥梁不致在使用中断裂,建造桥梁的材料强度必须非常高。 www.24en.com 6. Hardware Nulling Compensation The third method, like the software compensation method, does not affect the bridge directly. 硬件零点补偿第三种方法与软件补偿法相似,并不直接影响电桥。 tech.plantsoft.com 7. The bridge was painted a dull green color. Under any other circumstances I probably would have found it ugly. 这座桥被油漆成暗绿色,在其他任何情况下我或许会发现它很难看。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. That contrasts with another potential approach: making the bridge structures large enough, and rigid enough, to resist movement. 这与另一种潜在的方法形成了对比:把这座大桥造的足够大,而且足够刚性以抵抗摇动。 www.bing.com 9. The official results showed excessive lead time of the incident on the bridge deck officers shaking, causing panic, triggering a stampede. 官方公布的调查结果显示,事发时桥上人员过多导致桥身晃动,造成恐慌,从而引发踩踏事件。 www.englishtang.com 10. Unfortunately, ah, and his cross was cut off before a large portion of the long and can not made the bridge to help him across the gully! 只可惜啊,他的十字架之前已经被砍掉了长长的一大截,根本无法做成桥帮助他跨越沟壑! blog.163.com 1. The bridge itself is located outside of Hohenwarthe near the city of Magdeburg and is known locally as the Wasserstrassenkreuz Magdeburg. 水桥位于马格德堡附近的霍恩沃特城外,被当地人亲切地称为“马格德堡水路十字路口”。 www.cnconfucius.org 2. Near the bridge was an old cottage. 在桥的附近有一幢古老的小茅舍。 www.kekenet.com 3. I wish to incarnate, stone by five hundred years wind and rain, five hundred years, from the bridge for you. 我愿化身石桥,愿受五百年风吹,五百年日晒,五百年雨打,只为你从桥上走过。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. the girders were all fabricated and shipped from columbus , ohio to the bridge site by rail and truck. 所有主梁都是在俄亥俄州的哥伦布市制造并由火车和卡车运到桥的现场。 www.ichacha.net 5. Across the bridge of her nose ran an adorable little line of freckles. 鼻梁上长着一排惹人心疼的小雀斑。 www.enmajor.com 6. "We want to be the bridge, one of many bridges, between Western and alternative medicine, " she says. “我们想成为一个桥梁,千千万万个桥梁之一,架起西医和另类医学沟通桥梁。”她说。 www.bing.com 7. Examples of remote applications that invoked services with the bridge include a test tool and a telephony device management application. 有些远程应用程序会调用带有桥接的服务,这样的例子包括测试工具和语音设备管理应用程序。 www.ibm.com 8. Universal gear transmission is located between the bridge and drive to the output of power transmission drives can be spread to the bridge. 万向传动装置位于变速器和驱动桥之间,将变速器输出的动力传至驱动桥。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 9. However, because only the top of the vehicle is likely to impact on the bridge, a substantial reduction factor applies. 然而,因为只有顶部的车辆可能影响因素的桥梁,大幅减少。 www.52mb.info 10. construct They constructed the bridge in a year . 建这座桥花了多少钱?。 www.bing.com 1. Can't you see? Every step I have taken since I was that child on the bridge has bring myself closer to you. 你难道没看见从我还是那个桥上的小女孩儿至今我走过的每一步都是为了让自己靠你更近。 www.gone-by.com 2. High protective net is set up to prevent people jumping into the sea on both sides of the bridge . 大桥的过道两旁有高高的防护网,防止有人跳海。 blog.163.com 3. At an other hard, it is possible that people can not to replace the transportation vehicle to arrive other shore directly across the bridge. 也可以说,桥梁就是水上道路,它使人们可以不更换交通工具而直接到达彼岸。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Please return the cash, delicious friends across the bridge is so authentic rice vermicelli, Russia! ! ! ! ! 请好友返现金,美味飘过桥米线,就是这么的地道俄! www.fc0531.com 5. Bridge structural dynamic response is one of an important issue in the bridge structure Kinetics. 桥梁结构动力响应是桥梁结构动力学研究中的一项重要课题。 www.fabiao.net 6. The motorist enjoys an unobstructed view of the natural scenery as he drives across the bridge. 汽车驾驶员在开车过桥时,可以一览无余地观赏自然风光。 tr.bab.la 7. He remained Frank Lampard's near-permanent partner in the centre and was our fourth most used player in his first season at The Bridge. 他在球场中央始终和弗兰克·兰帕德保持犄角之势,在斯坦福桥的首个赛季里,他是切尔西出场次数第四多的球员。 www.chelsea.net.cn 8. The bridge is so long that the shape of the earth have to been taken into account. 这座桥太长了以至于不得不考虑地表的形状。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. They were envisioned as the bridge to a more open, liberal, Western-friendly China. 他们被想想成为通往更加开放、自由、与西方友好的中国的桥梁。 www.bing.com 10. I was wandering the collapse of foreign land, home of the hearts of the total surging river, like a dream always see the bridge arch. 我在飘泊他乡的崩,心中总涌动着故乡的河水,梦中总看到弓样的小桥。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Just as we got to the bridge it blew up. 我们刚到桥头,桥就炸掉了。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. The cost of all this technology was around $1m, less than 1% of the $234m it cost to build the bridge. 这些技术装备的总花费约为100万美元,还不到桥梁建造总费用2.34亿美元的百分之一。 bbs.ecocn.org 3. Under normal circumstances, the bridge queue names reflect the name of the WebSphere MQ destination queue. 在通常情况下,网桥队列名称反映了WebSphereMQ目的地队列的名称。 www.ibm.com 4. The early destruction of bridge deck pavement greatly reduce the service life of the bridge. 桥面铺装层的早期破坏大大的降低了桥梁的使用寿命。 www.lw23.com 5. The boys did not follow the boat, because the bridge was very low. 男孩们没有再随船而行,因为这座桥太低了。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 6. The sound emerges from the f-holes, a pair of elegantly curled slits either side of the bridge. 声音从F孔出来,F孔是琴马两边一对雅致地卷起的狭缝。 www.ecocn.org 7. As being the bridge of data transmission, the reliability of communication network directly affect the reliability of the system. 通讯网络作为数据传输的桥梁,其可靠性直接影响着系统整体运行的可靠性。 www.fabiao.net 8. Main cable is one of the important components of suspension bridge, its shape has a critical influence on the bridge. 悬索桥主缆是悬索桥主要的构件之一,它的线形对全桥有着至关重要的影响。 www.fabiao.net 9. The destruction of the bridge checked the enemy's advance. 桥梁毁坏阻止了敌人的前进。 dict.hjenglish.com 10. For a long time, the board said the scholar, can be called the bridge. 良久,书生说道,此膳可称为过桥米线。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. The construction monitoring of a cable-stayed bridge structure is indispensable in course of construction of the bridge. 在斜拉桥的施工过程中,对结构的施工监控是必不可少的。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. He stands on the southern end of the bridge, wearing sunglasses and a cap to block the hot sun. 他站在大桥南端,戴著墨镜和一顶帽子抵抗?阳。 fanyi.kancaimi.cn 3. They agreed to fight on the bridge, and that the one who first fell into the river would be the loser. 他们同意斗争的桥梁,而且第一个谁落入河将是输家。 wenwen.soso.com 4. The research on turbulence characteristics around the bridge piers is good for the research of local scour on the bridge pier. 桥墩冲刷是造成桥梁破坏失事的重要原因,对于桥墩周围水流脉动特性的研究有助于对桥墩局部冲刷的研究。 www.fabiao.net 5. The Meridian Heading Repeater with its large vacuum fluorescent display offers clear visibility anywhere on the bridge. 子午线指向中继器与其大真空荧光显示器可以保证在剑桥上的任何地方,读数都清晰可见。 www.etiri.com.cn 6. Recently, my mother and I took a ride to the area, and noticed that the road is now paved and the bridge that was there is gone. 最近,妈妈和我一同乘著马车又回到了这个地方,注意到先前的路面被铺装一新,而原先在那儿的那座桥也没了。 big5.cri.cn 7. You can expand the proxy Java file to see which interface you can use through the bridge. 您可以展开代理的Java文件,查看可以通过桥使用哪个接口。 www.ibm.com 8. I chose to leave through the border checkpoint on the bridge. 我决定通过桥上的边境检查站过去。 blog.zol.com.cn 9. Shiqu is a matter of the poor, by the bridge on the northwest mountains of soil Yam, the bridge also Yan. 石渠之事既穷,上由桥西北下土山之阴,民又桥焉。 study-abroad-web.com 10. his car was out of control and went down the bridge. 他的车失控,掉下了大桥。 bbs.ebigear.com 1. The teacher had a hand in picking who would be the next president of the bridge club. 老师插手干预下一任桥艺社的社长人选。 www.360abc.com 2. The police are continuing with the investigation into the cause of the bridge disaster. 警方仍在进一步调查桥的坍塌事件。 wenku.baidu.com 3. Get off the boat at Tower Bridge. There you can see the Tower of London next to the bridge. 在塔桥下船后,你能看见伦敦塔,它就在塔桥的旁边。 www.5ykj.com 4. Then, prognosticates the residual life of the bridge system through the reliability index. 然后,根据目标可靠度,对桥梁体系的寿命做出初步预测。 www.boshuo.net 5. The result shows that the main factors affecting the ultimate capacity are the local deformation and instability of the bridge. 结果表明,桥梁局部变形失稳是影响整体极限承载力的重要因素。 www.showxiu.com 6. You do not ask, "Will the bridge survive a strong gust of wind? " 你不要问:“这座桥是否经受得住狂风?” www.ftchinese.com 7. The analysis results that the stress distribution at the anchorage zone of the bridge modeled by different models are very similar. 计算结果表明,试验模型能够较好地反映实桥索梁锚固区的受力特性。 www.boshuo.net 8. The breath becomes the link, or the bridge that allows awareness to move from its usual location in the mind, to the body. 在这里,呼吸作为一个桥梁,将意识从它通常所在的位置——大脑移到身体内部。 www.bing.com 9. Not only used for transportation purposes, the bridge was also constructed to show an beyond extraordinary scenery. 现在这个大桥不仅是交通设施,更是一个令人欣赏惊奇风景的胜地。 www.bing.com 10. Following the line of the bridge was easy enough, but accurately guessing the distance she had swum was impossible. 沿着桥游泳是很简单,但要准确地猜测已经游了多少距离却不可能。 www.soenglish.com.cn 1. The test showed that: in each test state, the harmful vortex-induced vibration has not been found in the main beams and the bridge towers. 试验结果表明:在试验的各状态下,主梁及桥塔均未发现有害的涡激振动。 www.fabiao.net 2. The children are running over the bridge. 孩子们正在从桥上跑过。 www.801english.com 3. Unfortunately, it made him sound like a Texan on the bridge of the Titanic. 遗憾的是,这让他看起来像站在泰坦尼克号驾驶台上的德州人。 www.ftchinese.com 4. In these cases, you deploy the bridge in the form of an Eclipse plug-in, along with the Common plug-in that hosts the RJCB runtime. 在这些情况下,可以用Eclipse插件的形式部署桥,把它和容纳RJCB运行时的公共插件放在一起。 www-128.ibm.com 5. Giant cables are under stupendous strain as the great roadway of the bridge whips about like some fluttering ribbon. 巨大的绳索经受着强大的压力,大桥路面被吹得如同舞动的飘带。 www.zftrans.com 6. The money they spent on the bridge across the Changjiang River ran into one billion yuan. 他们在那座横跨长江的大桥上花的钱达十亿人民币。 beike.dangzhi.com 7. But Dongtan has been put on hold indefinitely and, save for the bridge-tunnel and a wind farm, close to nothing has been built. 然而,东滩已被搁置。除了桥梁、隧道和风力发电厂,附近几乎没有什么建筑。 www.bing.com 8. Sidwell, though, has some tough choices to make if he does opt for a lucrative move to the Bridge. 可是,假如西德维尔真的打算选择有利地转会到切尔西,他便需要面对一些顽强的竞争。 bbs.qieerxi.com 9. The experimental study of thruster plasma discharge parameters on the bridge of the impact of high-frequency radiation. 实验研究推力器放电参数对等离子体桥区高频辐射的影响。 www.boshuo.net 10. Deciding to stay for a night nearby, Jamey set about forming a project to photograph the bridge as it's put together step-by-step. 杰米打算在附近停留一夜。他开始准备大桥拍摄计划,来点滴记录大桥的合龙。 www.bing.com |
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