单词 | the blade | ||||||||||||||
释义 | the blade
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 刀,刀刃报,刀锋 1. Because the blades are more than 200 feet long, he said, the tip of the blade would spin much faster than the hub. 因为这些扇叶有200多英尺长,他说,扇叶的尖部要比底部转的快很多很多。 www.bing.com 2. He held the holder by the river and can't see the dazzling gleam of the blade anymore. There was no more fire sparks falling into the water. 他握着刀柄在小河边,再也看不到刀锋的寒光了,再也没有火星落到水中。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. I had to look up from there to see the top of the101-story World Financial Center, which tapers like the blade of a putty knife. 我从那里看向世界金融中心这个高达101层的大楼时,这些尖角就像是油灰刀的刀刃。 www.bing.com 4. If it has a good conservation, and no polish, the blade should be covered with an oxidation layer, and beautiful pattern. 如果保存形态好,没有打磨,则剑身应泛淡淡的氧化层,同时也可以让我们一窥美丽的花纹。 hfsword.com 5. Well, he just held up his hands like this, see? And the blade cut right through the ropes. 好吧,他只是像这样抬起手,看?然后大力刚好切断绳子.。 qac.yappr.cn 6. The blade is random pattern damascus and I have to say that Steve managed to "randomly" produce quite a mesmerizing effect. 刀刃是大马士革的,但我认为史堤夫设法“随意的”的制造了一种眩目的催眠效果。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. If this is welcomed with a stab in the back, you'll know how much harder to push the blade in return. 如果背后中伤似的背叛是叫人快乐的话,你会发现把刀片拔出会有多痛苦。 big5.cri.cn 8. He shows Michael the blade he took from T-Bag and tells Michael that if he had been ten seconds later, Abruzzi would have been dead. C-Note将他从T-Bag那拿来的尖刀给Michael看,并说如果他当时行动迟了10秒,Abruzzi已经死了。 www.bing.com 9. It cuts straight through the flesh. Let's get some idea of how much it bites. If I put the blade in its mouth. . . 它能直接切断肌肉。让我们看看它能咬多深。如果我把刀放到它嘴中… www.yappr.cn 10. For a moment the flashing crimson curve of the blade was a second moon against the sky, an old, red crescent moon. 片刻之间,这利刃划出的猩红色曲线,就如同另一个月亮,在夜空中闪烁,那是一个古老的、红色的新月。 blog.jianghu.taobao.com 1. With the blade of her fork she presses down, punctures, gashes, saws, seesaws, slices into a plump, glistening pasta packet. 她用银叉的锐侧按胤压,刺破,又割又锯,把光润的意大利面食分成小块。 www.wowenda.com 2. Only the hilt and a few centimeters of the blade protrude from the rock in the shape of a Cross. 这把剑只有剑柄和几厘米的剑身露在岩石的外面,露出的部分形成一个十字架形。 news.xinhuanet.com 3. Equipped with a layer of soft leather will be wrapped with the blade, the more easy-to-bending. 仿似一层软皮组织将刀身包起,更加便于弯曲成形。 www.bing.com 4. These exposed surface diamonds make the blade ready to cut right out of the box. 这些暴露地表钻石作准备削减右刃出箱。 www.cc-bi.com 5. The results of calculation indicate that the blade frictional torques have a magnitude equal to that of the driving torques. 计算表明作用于叶片上的粘性摩擦阻力矩的大小具有与驱动力矩相同的数量级。 www.usstjournal-ss.com 6. Grab the end of the blade and stretch it out to expose the metal clip. 抓住刀片末端并将其伸展,露出金属架。 www.bing.com 7. The blade continues to work as its cutting action is taken over by the next layer of diamonds that are interspersed throughout the segment . 叶片继续担任其切割行动是交由下次有钻石层夹杂在整个环节。 www.bing.com 8. Urduuk withdrew the blade and lifted it to the sky, watching as it seemed to drink in the blood of the fallen chieftain. 乌尔都克从尸体上拔出剑举向天空,看着它,这剑似乎正在痛饮这死去酋长的鲜血。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Of course, money also can't blind disorderly investment, used the money on the blade in to see the biggest returns. 当然,有钱也不能盲目乱投资,把钱用在刀刃上才能见到最大质的回报。 www.82g.com.cn 10. If you touch the blade, your body naturally absorbs some of that charge, sending a signal to the saw to stop. 如果你接触到锯齿,你的身体自然吸收一些电能,这就给电锯发出信号使之停止工作。 www.24en.com 1. Also, the hair collecting material can be formed into the form of the blade without any support other than a rod for mounting the fabric. 而且,可将毛发收集材料形成为除了用于安装织物的杆以外没有任何支撑体的桨叶的形式。 ip.com 2. The opening increases in width as the opening extends proximally along the length of the blade. 所述开口的宽度随着该开口沿锯片长度向近侧延伸而增大。 ip.com 3. The handle of a hammer, the blade of a cold chisel, and the antennae of a pair of pincers were visible, protruding from the man's pocket. 从那老人的衣袋里,露出一段铁锈的柄、一把钝口凿和一把取钉钳的两个把手。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. paraphrase : mishaps , as knives , can be both beneficial and hurtful . it depends on which side we grasp , the blade or the handle. 不幸象刀子一样对我们有益或伤害,这取决于我们如何对待:是抓住了刀刃、还是刀柄。 www.ichacha.net 5. The blade is further formed to have an opening between at least two of the teeth that extends proximally rearward. 锯片被进一步形成为具有位于至少两个齿之间并向着近侧向后延伸的开口。 ip.com 6. If the blade is really dull, use the course grit stone first, then switch to a fine grit stone. 如果刀片真的很钝了,要先使用粗粒度的磨石,然后再换用细粒度的磨石。 tieba.baidu.com 7. Tom(taking it out): But what have you been doing with it? The blade's all twisted! Have you been using it to open tins? 汤姆(拿出小刀):可你用这刀子干什么来着?刃都卷了!你用它开罐头了吧? www.suiniyi.com 8. In the meantime, Mouse scrambled into Bear's canoe and chewed a deep cut in the handle of her paddle close to the blade. 同时,老鼠偷偷地溜到小舟上在船桨边啃了一个大洞。 www.bing.com 9. Then she pressed the blade to the skin and made her incision, straight down the center of the abdomen. 然后她在伤者腹部中心位置的皮肤上下刀,划开一道。 www.bing.com 10. As Deng Guida pushed her on to a sofa, she lashed out with the blade. 邓贵大把她按倒在沙发上,她就用刀刃猛刺。 www.bing.com 1. Use this knife to chop, slice and mince; the side of the blade can be used for crushing garlic and some spices. 厨师刀可以用于剁碎、切片或切碎物体,刀片侧面可以用于压碎大蒜和其他东西。 www.bing.com 2. positions with the top hand as the blade goes deep. At the exit, the bottom hand should. 当桨刃下水时头部和上臂转换位置。当结束时,下臂应该在臀部。 djlc.5d6d.com 3. For BladeCenter-E, check the blade compatibility matrix listed below in the Resources section to see if your environment is supported. (对于BladeCenter-E,请查阅参考资料中的blade兼容性表格,了解是否支持您的环境)。 www.ibm.com 4. Foreign debt no longer hangs over Brazil like the blade of a guillotine. 外债不再是悬在巴西头上的断头台的刀铡。 www.ecocn.org 5. The results show that the total pressure loss coefficient decreased gradually with the slot position closer to the blade trailing edge. 结果表明:随着缝隙位置从叶片前缘向叶片尾缘的移动,汽流总压损失系数逐渐减小。 www.caesv.cn 6. I dare not say the blade was in Ming dynasty, but that copper was at least to mid Ming dynasty. 剑刃一刃不敢随便说是明的,那个铜至少可以到明中期。 hfsword.com 7. Remove the cap to take out the blade with care. The cut condiments shall be put into a pan or bowl directly. 打开盖子,注意小心取出刀片,将切完的材料直接放入锅或碗中。 www.kuaiyilin.com 8. He put the tip of the blade into Gus's shirt and then made an arc with his arm, as though cutting a circle. 他把尖刀伸进格斯的衬衫,随手用胳膊划了个弧圈,仿佛要圆圆地剐下一块肉来。 9. A thin metal plate or strip, as the bit of a key or the blade of a saw. 金属薄条片金属薄条板或片,如钥匙齿或锯片 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Since the gear shaper cutter rake face for the cone surface, the lateral edge of the blade to form a certain angle. 由于插齿表面的锥形前刀面铣刀,刀片的外侧边缘,形成一定角度。 www.qiyeku.com 1. or, in the case of a knife having a mechanism to lock the blade in place when open, longer than three inches in the university. 或者说,一把刀打开的时候在适当位置有固定刀刃的机械装置,在大学内长度超过三英寸。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Kratos slowly makes his way toward the Blade of Olympus, so weak that he can't even so much as swing his blades. 奎托斯缓慢的接近奥林匹斯之剑,他是如此的虚弱甚至不能挥动双刃。眼前的一切让斯巴达战士们惊呆了。 tieba.baidu.com 3. Used for a period of time, the blade should be replaced. 使用一段时间后,应更换刀片。 www.app17.com 4. Leonus did not answer, but instead remained stoic. He once again held the blade up towards the ocean. 莱昂纳斯仍然无动于衷,没有回答。他再次举起剑,指向大海。 bbs.ngacn.cc 5. When the blade-like strength wire online squeegee, coarse sand the surface has a similar blade or blades of the nature of tear over. 当刮刀用辛在丝网上刮印时,粗劣的暗不天具有近似砂纸的本质,刮刀刀刃的磨损在所不免。 www.bing.com 6. It is considered a great honor to use the blade, though it is called upon only in times of great trouble. 使用这把刀会带来无比的荣耀,只有在危难来临的时候,人们才会拿起这把宝刀。 h6.baiyou100.com 7. The blade is actually manufactured in the form of a dish that will straighten when the blade is rotated at optimum speed. 叶片是制造方式,将巩固一碟是轮流当叶片优化速度。 www.cc-bi.com 8. Suddenly, a coil of rope slid into the blade, which like a bomb exploded in his mind. 突然一圈绳索滑到螺旋桨上,他的脑子里犹如一个炸弹轰地炸开了。 www.bing.com 9. Blade protection must be strong enough to avoid that the blade can cut through. 刀片保护膜必须足够坚固以避免刀片断裂。 www.cntcd.com 10. and a removable cover, surrounding the blade and creating a chamber for spices or food product to be ground or chopped. 以及可移动的盖子,环绕刀片并且形成用于待研磨或剁碎的调味品或食品的腔。 ip.com 1. The blade is very easy to locate, all blades are locked fast and continuously by compressed air. 刀片非常容易定位,通过压缩空气快速、连续同时锁紧所有大片。 www.pack.cn 2. And I stopped the blade, slicing the air as I pushed him away, letting him fall back to the street. 我停下手里的刀,在空中挥了几下又把他推开。 www.bing.com 3. When the third appeared, he thrust at it with the knife, only to feel the blade snap as the fish rolled. 当第三次出现时,他把推力与刀,只觉得刀片插到的鱼推出。 tieba.baidu.com 4. The racket may be of any size, shape or weight but the blade shall be flat and rigid. 球拍的大小,形状和重量不限。但底板应平整、坚硬。 wenku.baidu.com 5. The blade appears to be stainless steel, indicating that it is of recent manufacture and then empowered by someone. 刀锋似乎是不锈钢,说明了刀其实是最近才出产的,然后被某人赋予了神奇的力量。 www.bing.com 6. Hydraulic torque converter of the blade design is to determine and influence important parameters of converter performance. 液力变矩器叶栅的设计是决定与影响变矩器性能的重要参数。 www.13191.com 7. But once the blade is in the field it is up to the cutting operator to apply a blade to the job-at-hand in a profitable manner. 但一旦刀片是在外地,是由刀切割操作适用于求职者在手在有利可图的方式。 www.cc-bi.com 8. From the blade a blinding purple light exploded . It emitted a beam that shot across the ocean to Kalimdor, off the west coast. 从剑刃上爆出了一道炫目的紫光。它凝成一束穿过海洋,射向位于西岸的卡利姆多。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. "Wyatt, " I began as patiently as I could, "Do you see this? " I held up the blade. "Do you know what this is? " “怀亚特,”我尽可能耐心地开始问话,“你看见这个了吗?”我拿起那半边剪刀,“你知道这是什么吗?” www.joyen.net 10. Spring riding off the evening with a cold and ruthless blockade bedazzled, your smile and wait, feeling the blade drawn. 黄昏踏落春色,用冷漠无情封锁了你的笑容和痴痴等待,情之刃划下。 enwaimao.cn 1. The electric motor drives the endless chain of the blade to work around the periphery of the guide board. 电机带动带动刀片的循环链围绕导板外周运转。 ip.com 2. The mind has to be still, and you have to maintain just the right amount of pressure constantly as you sharpen the blade. 心必须静止。磨刃时你还必须维持那股恰到好处的压力。 www.dhammatalks.org 3. Japanese blade which is just taken a comparison with the blade above has no inscriptions or numbers on body. 日本刀条只是与上面刀条对比的,刀身并无铭文或编号。 hfsword.com 4. Once the blade is cutting well, the speed can be increased to optimize life of the diamond blade. 一旦切割刀是好,速度可提高到优化生活钻石刀片。 www.cc-bi.com 5. The bolster, as the transition from the blade to the handle is called, is forged. 的支持,作为过渡到刀片的处理被称为是伪造的。 hi.baidu.com 6. After years of factory in the blade design, manufacture, has accumulated rich experience. 我厂经过十年的磨练,在锯片设计、制造方面积累了丰富的经验。 www.3-dao.com.cn 7. Blue Ogre Brew: This item now gives an error message when you attempt to use it outside of the Blade's Edge Plateaus. 蓝色人魔醚酒:现在在刀锋山高原之外的地方使用此物品会受到一条错误信息。 www.jukuu.com 8. The blade servers reduce complexity, improve systems management, and increase energy efficiency while driving down total cost of ownership. IBM刀片服务器降低复杂性、改进系统管理、提高能源效率,同时降低总体拥有成本。 www.ibm.com 9. These markings appear on all models on the narrow side of the stick shaft either near the top of the stick or near the blade. 这些标识出现在所有类型的棒轴的狭窄一边,靠近球棒的顶部或靠近叶片。 db.21food.cn 10. As the blade begins to cut, a small wear-flat develops and a bond tail develops behind the diamond. 由于叶片开始削减,磨损小坪的发展和发展债券尾巴后面钻石。 www.cc-bi.com 1. the surface temperature of the blade of the cutting knife is maintained lower than 40 DEG C. 所述切割刀刀口的表面温度保持在40℃以下; ip.com 2. Likewise, I could take the same action if I needed to update the Blade's firmware. 如果需要更新Blade的固件,也可以采用相同的方法。 www.ibm.com 3. Sampler keep clean, do not be coated in the blade part of the anti-rust oil. 经常保持取样器清洁,不用时应在刀刃部分涂防锈油。 www.app17.com 4. In that vividly depicted scene, Amy was pinned against the wall for 20 minutes, the blade pressed to her throat. 在那个记忆深刻的场景里,她被钉在墙上足有20分钟,刀锋压在她喉咙上。 www.tianya.cn 5. UPDATE: I just received an e-mail from John Glenn, who claims that he is no longer working with Travis Wright on the Blade Runner sequel. 最新消息:我刚刚收到约翰格兰恩的来信,他在信中表示他已经不和查维斯赖特一起编写《银翼杀手》的续集了。 www.elanso.com 6. The old man reversed the oar and put the blade between the shark's jaws to open them. 老人把桨颠倒过来,把桨片插向鲨鱼的上下额之间,撬开它们。 www.bing.com 7. If energy is not focused at the blade, we end up with a dull knife, with lowered cutting power - weaker knife. 如果能量不是集中在刀刃上,那么我们看到的就是一把钝刀,切割力差--就是一把差刀。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. It did all our hearts good to see him spit in his hand, knit his brows, and make the blade sing through the air. 看到他朝手心唾了一口口水,眉头一皱,将刀在空中“霍霍”挥舞了几下,我们打心眼里感到高兴。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. I've come here to writhe upon the blade of my sorrow, to live the thousand deaths by the ancient right of Kings. 我来此好在痛苦的锋刃上自我惩罚,以古代国王的权力去经历无数死亡。 www.bn13.com 10. The blade reclining rail shall be produced from a standard rail profile and the osculating part of the blade shall be processed suitably. 尖轨倾斜轨应按照标准的钢轨断面生产,且与尖轨接触部分要做适当处理。 wenku.baidu.com 1. On the other side, the blade thrust increases a little with two oscillations during a rotation period due to the wing presence. 机翼的存在导致单片桨叶拉力略微增大,并在一个旋转周期内出现两次波动。 hkxb.buaa.edu.cn 2. the blade when blade should be vertical, magnetroheological blade in parallel with the work table and adjust to a certain height. 裁刀下落时裁刀应与工作台垂直,裁刀的刀刃应与工作台平行并将其调整至一定高度。 www.bing.com 3. with a small blade deformation, the blade deformation has little influences on aerodynamic damping. 在小振幅下,气动阻尼基本与叶片振幅无关。 www.jasp.com.cn 4. What if the blade could be made of a thin metal strip? 要是用薄钢皮做刀片情况会是怎样? www.bing.com 5. Its automatic lubricating system will not produce either heat or sparks on the blade and material to be cut. 其自动润滑系统不会在刀口或待切割材料上产生热度或火花。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. One of the huge advantages of the blade server for cloud computing use is bandwidth speed improvement. 对于云计算来说,刀片服务器的主要优点之一是提高了带宽速度。 www.ibm.com 7. Proper tensioning allows the blade to remain flexible enough to bend slightly under the cutting pressure and snap back into position. 适当拉紧使叶片保持灵活稍微弯曲切削压力下折断放回位置。 www.cc-bi.com 8. Thus, the more focused the energy is at the blade, the sharper the knife, the higher the cutting power, and the stronger the knife. 因此,刀刃上的能量越是集中,刀就越锋利、就有越强的切割能力、就越是一把利刀; bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. the treatment of coilia peak, quenched with the blade of the knife as the soft and hard coilia peak, is frequently described as soft. 刀峰经淬火处理的刀由于刀身软,刀峰硬,通常被称为软刀。 www.bing.com 10. Tashi certainly understood what would happen, but looking at the blade on Drolma's neck, he had no choice. Slowly, he put down his knife. 扎西当然明白,可是看着卓玛脖子上的钢刀,他别无选择。在两条豺狼得意的注视下,他慢慢放下了手中的武器…… blog.sina.com.cn 1. Tashi certainly understood what would happen, but looking at the blade on Drolma's neck, he had no choice. Slowly, he put down his knife. 扎西当然明白,可是看着卓玛脖子上的钢刀,他别无选择。在两条豺狼得意的注视下,他慢慢放下了手中的武器…… blog.sina.com.cn 2. Zeus : With your godly power drained into the blade it will have the strength to destroy all who defy the Gods. 宙斯:伴随你的神力输入剑中,你将拥有摧毁一切反对神的事物的力量。 bbs.zyyi.net 3. The blade will need a harder bond with undercut protection to cut green concrete and a softer bond for cured concrete. 该刀片将需要保护的削弱难以债券削减绿色混凝土和水泥固化软的债券。 www.cfli.cn 4. QUARITCH pushes the knife down inexorably, until Jake is pinned against a rock, the blade now inches from his throat. 夸里奇无情地将刀向下压去,直到杰克被钉在一块岩石上动弹不得。现在利刃离杰克的喉咙仅有一寸之遥。 www.bing.com 5. Today's diamonds are more likely to embed, not fracture, into the bond and increase the smooth bearing surface of the blade. 今天的钻石更容易嵌入,不断裂,入关键表面光滑,增加叶片。 www.cc-bi.com 6. The leading product traumatology department meets the blade for the national traditional Chinese medicine protection product. 主导产品伤科接骨片为国家中药保护产品。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. To remove the feet, find the ankle, insert the blade of a sharp knife into the joint, and press down hard. 去除脚的方法是,找到鸟的膝部关节,用锋利的刀子用力往下切断。 www.doyouhike.net 8. Then further study is stretched out of the blade extruder energy consumption , based on the experimental and neural network model . 在实验和神经网络模型基础上对叶片挤出机的能耗特性的变化规律作进一步的研究。 www.fabiao.net 9. To slice, tip the cutting knife up on an angle, to use the far end (away from you) of the blade. 对于切片而言,先把刀的一端抬起,成三角形,然后用离你较远的那一段的刀刃来切菜。 www.xcn-chinese.com 10. Uses a new type impeller made of plastic or high-quality aluminum alloy, the former to the blade . 叶轮采用新型塑料或优质铝合金制成,前向式叶片。 www.xxdoc.com 1. Mary's face was all nicked up with the dull edge of the blade. 玛丽的脸被钝刀片划得到处是伤。 it.bab.la 2. The increased shear conditions around the blade are beneficial for mixing a cohesive API. 增加剪切条件,周围的叶片有利于混合一个有凝聚力的空气污染指数。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. The static characteristics of the blade subjected to different loads are analyzed, obtains the stress and displacement variation rule. 计算了叶片在不同工作载荷下的静态特性,得到了其应力分布和变形规律。 www.fabiao.net 4. The blade slashed through three of his four chins in a spray of bright red blood. 血花四溅,剑刃削掉了他四分之三的下巴。 www.cndkc.net 5. The operator should examine the segments on the diamond blade with a loupe to find out why the blade is not cutting. 经营者应在审查环节,以钻石刀刃缘找出为何有不切。 www.cc-bi.com 6. Like the blade of a knife, so sharp, so sweet. 你的心如同一把刀的刃尖,锋利得让人喜爱。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Under drought stress for the test material, the thickness of the blade thinned with a decline in soil moisture. 2. 在干旱胁迫下,各供试马蹄金材料的叶片厚度均随土壤含水量的下降而变薄。 paper.pet2008.cn 8. Leonus called forth to Ulthruvilikh. The blade stopped its motions and returned to its master's hand. 莱昂纳斯召唤着乌斯如维利卡。刀刃停止了运动回到了主人的手中。 bbs.ngacn.cc 9. He snapped the little lock with the blade of his stiletto. 他用短剑刀口迅速将锁撬开。 es.bab.la 10. In this approach, you're going to take the blade chassis and cluster the server environments across multiple hardware platforms. 这种方法,你要去刀片式服务器机箱,并跨多个硬件平台群集服务器环境。 technet.microsoft.com 1. Atlas : The Blade of Olympus? I have not heard that name in many years. Since. . . since the end of the Great War! 阿特拉斯:奥林巴斯之剑…我已经多年没有听过这个名字了,自从…自从圣战结束之后… bbs.zyyi.net 2. In October of 1939, possible suffering from extreme fatigue, he accidentally cut his left hand with the blade of his scalpel. 1939年,也许是极度疲劳的缘故,他意外地被他的解剖刀片割破了左手。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. His face was all nicked up with the dull edge of the blade. 他的脸上全是钝刀片割的疤痕。 www.hotdic.com 4. the first time the proofing, be sure to put the blade angle, viscidity, innovative ink lsatis do verbose logging. 在第一次打样时,一定给把刮刀角度、油不朱粘度、油不朱配比怠工不详纪录。 www.bing.com 5. So efficient is the blade, that it does not radiate heat unless it comes into contact with something. 高效的剑刃不会释放热量,除非与物体接触。 www.starwarschina.com 6. Inner arc and carry arc of the blade have been tested by the model in processing steam turbine blade. 汽轮机叶片制造中,叶片叶型的内弧、背弧形状通常是使用样板来检验的。 terms.shengwuquan.com 7. The blade of a gas turbine fractured and the unit stopped unnaturally in a refinery. 某炼化厂烟气轮机一动叶片断裂引起停机事故。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Rinse the blade and repeat on the next section to avoid trapping debris under the blade that could scratch the glass. 用水将刀片重新干净,然后移到另一片区,防止刀片下可以刮伤玻璃的碎片。 www.bing.com 9. " Can't we dig it out? " I asked after I hit it full speed with the lawn mower, breaking the blade. “我们不能把它挖出来吗?”当我在石头上撞断了全速运转的割草机的刀片后,我问道。 iask.sina.com.cn 10. Using a razor knife, slide the blade between the windshield glass and the inboard edge of the reveal molding. 使用剃须刀,在挡风玻璃与侧嵌条的内板边缘之间滑动刀口。 it.bab.la 1. Then the Outside Diameter of the blade is again measured very exactly, to determine Diameter Loss. 再次精确测量刀片的外径长度,以测定外径的降低。 www.tianya.cn 2. The academic topic is why the blade of the spade is still sharp after decades' decay. 学术题目是铁铲的刀刃在十年的腐坏之后仍然是锋利的的原因。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The cooling effect can also be obtained by providing the cold source components on the blade cover of the electric fan product. 在电风扇产品的叶片罩上设置冷源部件同样有降温效果。 ip.com 4. A drive assembly associated with the motor imparts effective cutting motion to a blade on the blade carrier. 驱动组件,其与该马达相关联并安装为能够将有效切割运动传递至该刀架; ip.com 5. Larvae to harm the bud and buds and leaves are adhesion, food, near the blade, against the fruit can also killed into the speckled. 幼虫为害花芽和叶芽,并吐丝粘合叶片,在内食害,靠近叶片的果实亦能被害成斑点状。 www.ahzklk.com 6. The main blade sharpness depends on the angle of the blade wear hydrogenion of simple hearted degrees, and the quality of the sword. 刮刀的尖锐度主给取决于刀刃磨损的角度和溶液的清洁度以及刀的质度。 www.bing.com 7. How the blade after the operation wants to you just can let it cicatrization quickly? 手术后的刀口要怎么样才可以让它愈合的快点?。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. At this point, you should adjust the blade angle or pressure or even replace the blade. 这时,答调动刮刀角度或不张力,甚至调换刀片。 www.bing.com 9. The 11-year-old boy's scalp had been slashed. The blade of a Stanley knife was found nearby. 十一岁男孩的头皮已经被割破,警方在附近发现了一把Stanley牌的短刀。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Elias grasped the hilt, lifting the blade out of the coffin in one smooth movement. Elias抓住了剑柄,将剑从棺材盒子里举了起来,动作十分潇洒流畅。 blog.jianghu.taobao.com 1. Like removing the blade guard on your table saw, it increases the risk of an accident. 就像去除了桌上型锯床的保护套,它将增加事故风险。 www.ibm.com 2. When tip clearance is considered, cooling air ejected from the tip holes can cool the leading edge and middle part of the blade tip. 在考虑叶顶间隙的情况下,从叶尖孔喷出的冷气能对叶尖前缘和叶尖中部区域进行有效的冷却。 soso.361xs.com 3. The operator should not put excessive pressure on the blade by pushing, jamming, or twisting the blade into the cut. 经营不应过分推压叶片、干扰和扭曲叶片入不同凡响。 www.cc-bi.com 4. It will be around the same size as the Blade's Edge arena but have several unique features. 达拉然竞技场的大小跟刀锋山竞技场差不多,但是也有一些其独一无二的特征。 wow.tgbus.com 5. The blade stopped just inches from the priest, so they let him go, thinking it was a miracle. 铡刀在离牧师几寸远的地方停下了,他们认为是奇迹,就放他走了。 www.58en.com 6. Apply plenty of the blade sealing varnish evenly over the blade surface. 适用很多均匀地在片表面上封上清漆的片。 www.sundns.org 7. Nobby and fine! Could you post the pic of blade and stalk? Which steel is the blade used to forge? Thanks. 华丽,精致!能否贴上刃部茎部图?刃以何钢锻造?先致谢意。 hfsword.com 8. eg. The blade of this knife is so dull that it will not cut a radish. 这把刀的刀刃太钝,不能切萝卜。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. The effects of turbomachinery blade bow and sweep on aerodynamic loading distribution of the blade are investigated. 研究叶轮机叶片的弯扭及掠形等因素对叶片气动负荷分布的影响。 www.jasp.com.cn 10. the first time the proofing, be sure to put the blade angle, innovative ink lsatis do detailed records. 在第一次打样时,一定给把刮刀角度,油不朱配比怠工不详的纪录。 www.bing.com 1. Roman swords had a short, flat Blade and a hilt distinct from the Blade . 罗马军刀刀刃短而平,刀柄明显区别于刀刃。 www.jukuu.com 2. "Better yet, " squeaked Mouse, "I'll chew a deep cut in the bear's paddle near the blade, so it will take her even longer to canoe across. " 还有呢,“老鼠吱吱地说,”我会在船桨边儿上啃个大口子。让她花更长时间。 www.bing.com 3. A low velocity zone exists at the middle of the passages near the suction side of the blade. 小流量工况始终存在一个低速区,位于叶槽进出口之间,靠近吸力侧。 www.magsci.net 4. Heavy reinforcing with rebar also tends to slow the blade and make it wear faster. 重型加强与钢筋也就会减缓刀片,使其磨损更快。 www.cfli.cn 5. Looks nice. Could you post some picture of the blade. BTW, was there any influence between Damascus sword and Chinese sword. Thanks. 东西看起来不错,能不能贴点细部照片。另外请教外国朋友。大马士革和中国刀剑有没有互相影响的地方。谢谢。 www.hfsword.com 6. Using the tip as a pivot, raise and lower the blade in a chopping motion, moving it from side to side to mince everything evenly. 以刀背的顶端为轴,上下移动刀刃,从一边慢慢移到另一边,然后把菜很均匀地切碎。 www.xcn-chinese.com 7. The rear bolster can be transported at the extreme rear of the trailer, with the blade extending 10 m behind it. 风机叶片延伸至其后十米时,就可移动拖车尾端的后横梁。 www.frponline.com.cn 8. The results show that the resonance frequency of the blade increases with the increase of normal load. 计算结果表明:系统的共振频率随正压力的增大而增大; www.ceps.com.tw 9. The larger the blade pressure roller and the greater friction between the blade-like, easily damaged Roller blade and. 刮刀压力越大,版辊与刮刀之间的摩擦力越大,容易损坏刮刀和版辊。 www.bing.com 10. a screwdriver with a spiral in the handle so the blade rotates with downward pressure on the handle. 手柄上有螺旋可以使刃片有向下的压力旋转的螺丝起子。 www.hotdic.com 1. The blade server market segment is still in its early stages. 刀锋伺服器市场细分仍然处于初期阶段。 www.1x1y.com.cn 2. If you get impatient and try to speed things up, you'll ruin the sharpness, the straightness of the blade. 如果你失去耐心,一味图快,就会破坏刀锋的锐利和平直。 read.goodweb.cn 3. It cut deep: the edge of the blade reached to the back of his throat. 这一砍砍得极深,锋刃已经触及到喉部后侧。 www.ecocn.org 4. the driving of the blade is realized by the DC motor; the control characteristic is more stable due to linear control. 桨叶的驱动由直流电机实现,由于是线性控制,控制特性较稳定。 www.dianzi518.com 5. Business card printing line marks appear in, a version is, and second, the blade is not sharp. 制卡洋呈现线痕时,一是变不败版伤,二是刮刀不尖锐。 www.bing.com 6. The foil is a thrusting weapon with no cutting edge. The epee is the duelling sword. The blade is stiffer. The sabre is the heavy and rigid. 花剑是刺戳用兵器,它没有劈杀用的剑刃;重剑是决斗用剑,剑体比花剑坚硬;佩剑重而坚硬。 www.kuenglish.info 7. To avoid costly rework, it's important to lay out your network design before implementing a complex network within the blade chassis. 为了避免返工,在刀片服务器机架中实现复杂的网络之前,一定要完成网络设计。 www.ibm.com 8. You'd jiggle away on the blade for hours before they discovered you were dead. 在他们发现你已经死了之前,你最好花几个小时想办法把刀子从身体内给取出来。 www.douban.com 9. Nice forging shape. I think the blade is in Ming dynasty, but for the fittings I agree with other brothers, in Qing dynasty. 此刀锻造形制具佳,我看条子是明的,但装同意其他弟兄的意见,清。 hfsword.com 10. In addition to pressure distribution, the normal velocity profile and wall friction coefficient are calculated along the blade surface. 结果包括叶片表面的压力分布、叶片表面法向的速度分布以及表面摩擦系数。 www.usstjournal-ss.com 1. besides , the blade contacts and handling were better simulated too due to the reduced blade thickness. 而且兵刃相交及挥舞也由于厚度减少而能模拟得更真实。 www.ichacha.net 2. generated the discrete points'three-dimensional coordinates of the blade surface finally. 最终生成了叶片表面各离散点三维坐标。 www.13191.com 3. He is Oscar Pistorius, known as the Blade Runner, because he runs on "blades. " 他是奥斯卡二世,被称为转轮叶片,因为他“刀片”。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The blade design provides a solid response when cutting, yet also allows a small amount of flex to aid defensive techniques. 而刃的设计在斩的时候不单只易于传达力量,也有少量的弹性以解防守技术上的需要。 dipankara.com 5. Ventilation device includes fan frame, blade and driving mechanism. The blade wheel and driving mechanism are all set in fan frame. 通风装置包括扇框、叶轮以及驱动机构,叶轮与驱动机构均容设于扇框内,且驱动机构与叶轮连结并驱动叶轮转动。 ip.com 6. It took me some effort to pull the blade back out, it was stuck to his bone. 把刀拔出来倒是费了我许些力气,几乎卡在了骨头上。 hi.baidu.com 7. The operator should make slow and even contact between the blade and the material to be cut. 采石应缓慢,甚至刀片和接触的材料是不同凡响。 www.cc-bi.com 8. When the blade sank into his neck, Hugh screamed out that it was you, Magicka, who killed my lord. 当刀刃陷进他的颈项,修突然尖叫出来,说是你,法师,是你杀死了我们的主公。 www.cndkc.net 9. Better yet once the saw blade has stopped use a piece of scrap or a push stick to move the waste away from the blade. 更安全的方法是,在电锯停转后,用一根棍子或一块废铁去清理刀片旁的碎屑。 www.goodbyyou.cn 10. Platform friction damper is an effective measure to reduce the blade vibration in gas turbine. 因此,它是叶轮机械中一种非常简单有效的减振措施。 www.jasp.com.cn 1. Wipe the blade on the clean towel in your front pocket or wipe it across the scrubber to remove dirt and excess water. 用前附袋的干净毛巾擦擦刷子或者在洗涤器上擦擦刷子,把污垢和多余的水弄掉。 www.bing.com 2. The conclusion of this study show that vortex shedding exist in the separate flow on the blade surface. 研究结果显示,叶片表面并不是“死水区”,而是存在一定规律的旋涡脱落。 www.keyanjijin.cn 3. The onset of the blade-based industry in Eastern Eurasia corresponds to the period of the Middle to the Upper Paleolithic transition. 欧亚大陆东部地区石叶工业的形成与这一地区旧石器时代中期向晚期过渡相对应。 www.sinoss.net 4. During turbine working, the blade bears strong wind load, air erosion, shock load by minute rough granules, or impact by ultraviolet. 风力机在工作过程中,风机叶片要承受强大的风载荷、气体冲刷、砂石粒子冲击、紫外线照射等外界作用。 lib.cqvip.com 5. In helicopter mode, exhaust gases will pass through channels in the two-blade rotor before exiting through vents in the blade tips. 在直升机模式,废气会通过渠道在两转子叶片在退出之前,通过通风口,在刀片的秘诀。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The cooling of the blade 16 causes ambient wind air to be cooled which has useful effects as will be described. 冷却叶片16风的原因周围的空气冷却,其中有有益的效果会加以说明。 www.tech-domain.com 7. Special tip: the blade Department should on cardboard, the blade does not come across any hard. 特别提示:刀条处应垫上薄纸板,刀刃不能碰到任何坚硬物。 www.bing.com 8. CFD is currently research hotspot in the wind power field, it gets more and more widely application in the blade design. CFD技术是目前风力机领域的研究热点,在风力机叶片设计中也获得越来越广泛的应用。 cesmedia.cn 9. A thin, sharpened side, as of the blade of a cutting instrument. 一种薄而锋利的侧边,如切割用具的刀锋 zhidao.baidu.com 10. In this paper, the blade-cutting mechanism was designed in details, and the balance of the mechanism was checked and analyzed. 文中提出了裁刀切割机构的具体设计方案,并对机构的平衡做了校核和分析。 www.boshuo.net 1. His anger to get off before the blade to a designated sleeper pulpy , a typical small-scale terrorist activities. 气得他下车前用刀片把卧铺划了个稀烂,典型的小型恐怖活动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The fire, its for light, for the blade, with my name of ur calling you help, Alan. 其为火,其为光,其为刃,吾以吾之名呼唤你的帮助,艾伦。 www.onlylz.com 3. It is only when you cannot feel the blade that you will have cause to fear. 到你感觉不到利刃的时候你就该怕了。 www.cndkc.net 4. Internal cooling system is essential for reducing the blade temperature and controlling the thermal stress. 燃气轮机透平设计中,内部冷却是降低动静叶表面温度,减小热应力的必要手段。 oaps.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn 5. Noncontact measuring of high speed rotating blade vibration is the most promising technology in the blade vibration measuring. 高速旋转叶片振动的非接触测量是叶片振动测量中极具发展前景的技术。 www.dictall.com 6. For the elliptic cylindrical surface which is the trunk of the blade, the geodesic and non-geodesic differential equations are deduced. 并针对叶片主干部分的椭圆柱面,分别推导其测地线和非测地线的微分方程式。 www.dictall.com 7. The first switch in the chassis is normally located in the upper left of the blade chassis, just below the power plug. 机架中的第一个交换机通常放在刀片服务器机架的左上方,就在电源插头的下面。 www.ibm.com 8. France's Bouygues Telecom will also sell the new Android phone as the 'Blade, ' the ZTE spokeswoman said. 中兴通讯这位女发言人说,法国移动通讯运营商布伊格电信公司(BouyguesTelecom)也将销售这款新型Android手机,名为“刀片”(Blade)。 c.wsj.com 9. By improving the hydraulic system of pultrusion equipment, the quality of the blade is increased significantly. 通过对拉挤机液压系统的改进,使玻璃钢叶片的质量得到了显著提高。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Alternatively, an elastomeric material can be coated onto the blade or form the blade itself. 可替代地,可将弹性材料涂在桨叶上或形成桨叶本身。 ip.com 1. To clean the shaver, press down the blade frame, release button to disassemble the blade frame. 清洁时,按住刀锋框架,按下按钮把刀锋框架拆除。 www.hnwmxy.com:8000 2. air jets in upper cutting blade assembly keep tacky materials from adhering to the blade during and after cutting action. 切刀上部的气嘴可有效防止粘性物质在裁切过程中的粘刀现象。 www.imediaconnection.com.cn 3. All of these actions can put undue stress on the blade and can cause metal fatigue. 所有这些行动可以把不必要的压力,并可能导致叶片金属疲劳。 www.cc-bi.com 4. Finally, NURBS surface is fitted by point cloud of the blade and the cylinder surfaces are fitted by point cloud of gauges. 最后,分别拟合叶片点云和量规点云为NURBS曲面和圆柱体曲面。 www.opticsjournal.net 5. This thesis aims at developing a model and calculation method of rigidity, strength and vibration of the blade. 本文目的就是要建立一套适合于水轮机转轮叶片刚强度与振动的分析模型和计算方法。 word.hcbus.com 6. When using knives, should the blade down, the index finger ridge cut by the knife. 在使用刀时,应刀刃向下、食指按在刀脊上切割。 www.worlduc.com 7. It is shown that the blade bow, twist and leading edge sweep are effective in adjusting the loading distribution on the blade surface. 分析结果表明,叶轮机叶片的弯扭和前缘掠形对叶片的负荷分布有重要的调节作用。 www.jasp.com.cn 8. The main blade and the blade angle secant angle precision instrument by the visual display. 主锯片及割线锯片倾角由精密角度仪直观显示。 www.qy6.com 9. An ax having a hammer face opposite the blade, used to slaughter cattle. 屠斧一端有刃一端有锤面的斧子,用来屠宰牲畜 dict.ebigear.com 10. Increasing spindle speed makes the diamond blade cut harder, decreasing the spindle speed makes the blade cut faster. 提高转速使金刚石刀片切割难度,降低主轴转速使刀片切割速度更快。 www.cfli.cn 1. In the air blower and the blade carrier installs air noise reduce and absorption material , the movement noise is lower than 75 decibels . 风机风箱、风刀室内安装降噪音、吸音材料,运行噪音低于75分贝。 www.bing.com 2. Due to the blade of the knife and reduce the friction of edges, so that the knife itself durable last very long. 由于刀锋与纸边的摩擦力减少,使刀本身更加耐用长久。 www.bing.com 3. Gently picked up the blade, alignment, tighten the bolt hole. 轻轻拿起刀片,对准螺孔,拧紧螺栓。 www.bing.com 4. The operator only changing the blade will not be exposed to the cutting tool. 操作者只有在更换刀片时才会接触到刀具。 www.bing.com 5. Remember to push down with your leg while you pull up on the blade sharply! 请记住,你的腿推与拉下来,而你的刀片大幅上升! tieba.baidu.com 6. Can anybody see the blade on the end of that needle? 有人能看见这根针头上的刀刃吗? www.ted.com 7. check the blade grinds as above . daggers are often challenging in this regard. 如同上面折叠刀介绍的方法检查刃口打磨。短剑在刃磨方面比较有挑战性。 www.ichacha.net 8. Soft strickle refers to the blade from a longer distance support blade, the effect is the tone in low relief into the fog. 软刮是指刮刀离支撑刀片距离较长点,效果是色调平缓,易产生灰雾。 www.bing.com 9. This example, with the simplified blade marking "V" above the serial number, 38647, identifies the blade supplier as Victorinox. 这个例子,认同简化的“V”上面的序列号,38647,标志着作为瑞士军刀刀片刀片供应商。 www.knifriend.com 10. Ancient shape, really not bad, at least in early Qing dynasty, how long is the blade? 姿形古朴,真正不错,我看至迟清早了。刃长多少? hfsword.com 1. The large rubber pad protects fingers and the palm from the blade and provides a soft, secure platform to work against. 大型橡胶垫保护手指和手掌从刀片,并提供一个软的,安全的平台,帮助打击。 www.6m.com 2. It is pity that I can only see the sharp point and the blade of the sword. 可惜即便是补发的照片也只能管窥其刀尖和刃身。 hfsword.com 3. The blade is ok, pity it's rusted a bit heavily. Wonder how thick? 刀条应该没问题,可惜锈蚀重了点,不知厚度如何? hfsword.com 4. Undercutting is a condition in which the steel core of the blade wears faster than the diamond segments. 削弱的一种状况,其中叶片钢的核心速度比戴钻石段。 www.cfli.cn 5. Steel in the knife body-side surface of the high-precision machining precision knife block to ensure that accurate positioning of the blade. 在刀体的钢制端面上精确加工的高精度刀座可确保刀片的精确定位。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The blade servers have their own processors, memory, operating systems, and perhaps additional storage. 这些刀片服务器拥有自己的处理器、内存、操作系统、也许还有额外的存储器。 www.ibm.com 7. It is important to understand how to pair the Ethernet interfaces on the blade and the switches within the chassis. 一定要了解刀片服务器上的以太网接口和机架中的交换机的配对方式。 www.ibm.com 8. Loading calculation is significant for the blade strength analysis. 风力机叶片所受载荷是强度分析的关键。 lib.cqvip.com 9. Changing meridional shape and blade angle can have large effects on the blade loading distribution. 叶轮进口尺寸相同的情况下,子午形面和叶片角的变化对叶片负荷分布有较大影响。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Many Jedi fell beneath the blade of his lightsaber. 很多绝地倒在他的光剑下。 starwarsfans.cn 1. This blade will be packed by sand paper is ok! The blade is cloud veins, steel mouth is quite rigid! 哈哈!马哥说笑了!这个条子我只用砂纸就行了!条子是卷云花纹的,钢口很硬! dictsearch.appspot.com 2. E. g: He got the incurable disease. The doctor believes he is hopeless. He himself also throw the handle after the blade . 例句:他得了绝症,医生说希望很小,他自己也破罐子破摔。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. in order to maintain the blade of the sword, archives record with a vertical extent of the die to timely replacement blade. 要保持刀刃的锋利,建立档案,记录每块模切版的使用情况,以便及时更换刀片。 www.bing.com 4. The pulse laser can be widely used in the blade precision processing and maintenance of power plants such as steam turbines. 脉冲激光可广泛运用于汽轮机等动力设备叶片的精细加工与维修。 www.chemyq.com 5. Blade twist is important because a propeller moves at much greater speed at the blade tips than at the center hub. 桨叶扭转非常重要,因为桨叶叶梢的旋转速度远高于桨叶的中心。 frponline.com.cn 6. Wait for intangible and fear, then once again sought by the blade, and swinging personae name! 我等因无形而恐惧,于是再一次挥下手中的刀刃,以假面为名! zhidao.baidu.com 7. Not intact, the blade is OK but dredged . The grip in Soviet Russia period has gold gilding carved flowers and hook and ax. 不完整,条子还行还未开过刃,苏联时期的刀柄有鎏金的刻花和镰刀斧头。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. To map a storage partition to the blade, you need the WWN (world wide name) of the SAS daughter card. 为了把存储分区映射到blade,需要SAS子卡的WWN(worldwidename)。 www.ibm.com 9. Disasters are like knife. fastening on knife handle makes it serve for us, however, holding the blade will hurt our hands. 1灾难就像刀子,握住刀柄就可以为我们服务,拿住刀刃则会割破手。 bbs.putclub.com 10. Or make the blade as close to the plate to make the plates and air contact area minimize. 或使刮刀尽不定挨近印版,使印版与氛围的隔绝面积尽度减小。 www.bing.com 1. The blade shall be manufactured as a flexible blade. 尖轨应生产出来后应具有很大的弹性。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 2. It prevents fingers from touching the blade and acts as a shield when cutting. 它可防止手指触摸刀片和行为当作盾牌当切割。 hi.baidu.com 3. Non-cut red-hot steel and hardness of the material over the blade. 严禁切烧红的钢筋及超过刀刃硬度的材料。 www.jianhuw.com 4. Exert pressure on the load by considering the centrifugal force, gravity and the flow field generated on the blade. 考虑离心力、重力及流场对叶片产生的水压力对叶片施加载荷。 www.13191.com 5. The study involves the distribution of total pressure loss factor, outlet gas flow static pressure and Mach number along the blade height. 应用数值计算的方法,比较研究了某型导叶叶片不同周向弯曲对叶栅流动性能的影响,结果包括总压损失 系数、出口气流静压、马赫数沿叶高分布。 www.dictall.com 6. the working voltage of the whole control unit is increased so the blade can turn fast and safely. 提高整个控制组件的工作电压,使桨叶的转动速度更快,安全性更好。 www.hgpf114.com 7. At first it may seem like nothing is happening, but over time the blade does get sharper and sharper. 起初像是什麽也没有发生,然而慢慢地,刀刃就会越来越锋利。 www.dhammatalks.org 8. If the design speed is not achieved, the blade will tend to wander as cutting begins. 如果没有达到设计速度,由于切割刀将趋于诧开始。 www.cc-bi.com 9. The blade is wootz. Here is a picture I forgot to put on. The funny thing is, that the knuckle guard can be screwed off. 是乌兹。这是一张我忘记放上来的图片。有趣的是,护手的关节是可以拧下来的。 hfsword.com 10. To properly leverage all six switches in the chassis, the blade requires six Ethernet interfaces. 为了适当地利用机架中的所有6个交换机,刀片服务器需要6个以太网接口。 www.ibm.com 1. From all this one might think that deaths by the blade were becoming more common. 从这些案件中人们或许会认为死于刀刃的人越来越多。 www.ecocn.org 2. In order to increase the production efficiency, the blade forgings are usually made by the hammer within one stroke using screw press. 为了提高生产效率,一般要求在螺旋压力机上一次锻造成形。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. For the process of composite materials for the blade in wind turbine production, the mould of blade plays an important role. 在大型风力机复合材料叶片的生产过程中,模具起着至关重要的作用。 lib.cqvip.com 4. Squeegee hardness, size and shape of the blade-like, define the curvature of the squeegee, flexility and stress. 胶刮的不不硬量、尺寸和刮刀轮廓不决了胶刮的笔直性、柔韧性和不张辛。 www.bing.com 5. Large aggregate makes the blade cut slower, while smaller aggregate makes the blade cut faster. 大型聚合使刀片切割速度较慢,而较小的聚合使刀片切割速度更快。 www.cfli.cn 6. The blade is mounted on the spindle of the wall saw. 叶片是装在墙上看到主轴。 www.cc-bi.com 7. Especially, the employed blade surface setting method is that letting the blade thickness be distributed as a triple spline function. 新发展了令叶片的厚度按三次样条函数沿流向分布的一种设计思想,得到了比较理想的叶片。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. First, in the subsystem, the blade was optimized according to genetic algorithm with the meridional channel remained constant. 首先,在子系统内保持子午流道形状不变,利用遗传算法对叶片进行优化。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The blade is after mid Qing dynasty from the body. 看剑体断剑刃为清中以后。 hfsword.com 10. And on their wedding night, the bridegroom need to use the blade, cutting tool it open so that you can enter into the bride's body. 而在新婚之夜,新郎需要用刀片利器把它切割开,这样才可以进入到新娘的体内。 blog.163.com |
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