单词 | the ban | ||||
释义 | the ban
例句释义: 禁令,禁止朝下 1. Republicans could focus on the fact she's never been a judge and has a history of opposing the ban on gay people serving in the military. 共和党人可能会紧紧抓住她从来未担任过法官和反对同性恋在军中服役的禁令这两点。 www.hxen.com 2. Following the ban, however, his training operation was taken over by his wife and a brother. 然而在此禁令颁布后,王德显的训练工作由妻子和兄弟接替。 www.ftchinese.com 3. His coach later said he would urge Phelps not to compete internationally until the ban takes effect next year. 他的教练随后表示,他将敦促菲尔普斯不再参加国际比赛,直到明年禁令生效。 www.tingclass.com 4. Some, though, think the ban on for-profit firms setting up free schools might have to be lifted. 然而有一些人认为应该解除禁止一些营利性企业建立免费学校的规定。 www.ecocn.org 5. The committee also said the ban "did not amount to prohibited discrimination. " “委员会还说这”不算是禁止性歧视。 www.jukuu.com 6. Then there was the ban on short selling (borrowing a share and selling it, to profit when its share price goes down) in financial stocks. 随后,美国政府出台了针对金融类股的卖空(售出借入的股票,以便在股价下跌时获利)禁令。 www.ftchinese.com 7. He said the company didn't just start importing cigars to get around the ban on flavored cigarettes. 他说,该公司并不是刚刚开始进口雪茄,以绕过加香卷烟禁令的。 www.tobaccochina.com 8. Since the ban, the horn of water buffalo has been used as a substitute, but it is not considered as effective. 由于禁令的出台,人们只得退而求其次,选择水牛角作为犀角的替代品,但是它被认为没有犀角那么有效。 www.bing.com 9. When the ban came into force at midnight, correspondents said there was a moment's silence, before the square erupted in cheers. 当午夜禁令开始执行的时候,记者说那一刻非常宁静,之后广场爆发出欢呼声。 www.bing.com 10. Other people interviewed simply said the ban was a silly anachronism and should be dropped forthwith. 被采访的其他人简短地说禁令不合时宜,应该立即废除。 www.bing.com 1. It said the ban was part of an amendment to a law on child protection being considered by the National People's Congress. 这项禁令是人大正考虑通过的儿童保护法案之部分修正条文。 www.taipeitimes.com 2. Geron was able to ask for permission, and the FDA was able to grant it, because the ban does not apply to privately financed research. Geron能申请这项申请,并且FDA能批准它,是因为这项禁令没有禁止私人基金资助研究。 www.bing.com 3. There was no such drop in two neighboring areas, and researchers believe it's a clear sign the ban was responsible. 发病率在居民区却没有很明显降低,研究者相信这是奏效的,很负责。 bbs.putclub.com 4. The ban was not upheld because Anelka had not been notified of his call-up in sufficient time. 那次禁令未被实行,因为Anelka被没有被及时的通知到他进入国家队的消息。 bbs.qieerxi.com 5. Many snake charmers have continued to work clandestinely since the ban, despite the threat of up to three years in jail. 许多耍蛇人自禁令颁布以来,不顾蹲三年监狱的危险,继续秘密地工作着。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. He said the ban curtails freedom of choice for an age group considered mature enough to make many other important decisions. 他说,这项禁令限制了一个年龄层的选择自由,这个年龄层的人被认为足够成熟,可以在其它方面做出重要决定。 www.bing.com 7. Officials said the ban was temporary and access to the site would be restored once the images were removed. 官方称,此次屏蔽只是暂时行为,一旦这些图片被移除,将会恢复访问。 www.bing.com 8. Lifting of the ban have been six or seven years now, and the whole society's attitude to the fireworks, there has been a subtle change. 如今解禁已经六七年了,全社会对烟花爆竹的态度,又有了微妙变化。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Now, the City Council, which had rejected the ban two years ago, is saying it might suspend the ban. The reason? Money. 现在,市议会表态说他们可能暂缓施行这条禁令,而他们两年前也曾经拒绝过同样的禁令。原因何在?钱。 www.bing.com 10. Although no one was lighting up, some, like this customer, believe it's only a matter of time before the ban becomes unworkable. 尽管没有人点烟,但像这位顾客一样相信禁烟令的失败只是个时间问题。 voa.hjenglish.com 1. Fortunately, three days before we were due to leave, the ban on inessential travel to Luxor was lifted. 幸运的是在我们出发前三天,禁止前往卢克索“非必要旅行”的禁令取消了。 www.bing.com 2. The ban strikes at the heart of the business model for big audit groups and goes much further than expected in restructuring the industry. 这一禁令击中了大型审计集团业务模式的要害,在该行业改革方面的力度远远超出了预期水平。 www.ftchinese.com 3. One of the draft energy bills floating around the Senate this year even proposed removing the ban on government purchases of tar-sands oil. 今年在参议院众多能源议案的草案中,盛传有一项能源草案甚至建议政府废除购买焦油沙的禁令。 www.ecocn.org 4. The ban will not apply to existing WHO staff or those on temporary contracts who apply for permanent jobs for the next two years. 此项禁令将不适用于世卫组织现有雇员,或者那些签订临时合同并在未来两年申请长期工作的人。 music.5dww.net 5. Incorrect disposal of chewing gum on chairs, tables, floors and on the door sensors of the new metro system led to the ban. 在桌椅上,地板上和新地铁线路的传感器上乱吐口香糖的现象是导致此禁令的原因。 www.elanso.com 6. But a prominent rights group says the ban was quickly violated when at least two firms sent more women abroad on Monday. 不过,当地一个维权组织说,洪森签署这项法令之后,尚且没有立竿见影,因为就在星期一,至少有两家雇佣公司照样把一些妇女送往了国外。 www.voanews.com.cn 7. Although the ban is often flouted, particularly at street stalls and small shops, it is widely praised for helping to change attitudes. 尽管人们往往无视这个禁令的存在,尤其是在街边的小店铺里,但是,因为它有助于改变人们的环保意识而受到广泛的赞扬。 www.bing.com 8. Ministers must eventually grapple with the question of whether to lift the ban on free schools being run for profit. 部长们最终必须抉择是否取消禁止自由学校以盈利为目的来运行的法令。 www.ecocn.org 9. Randy Clark, an attorney with the Iowa DNR said the ban would go into effect three years after its approval for existing soybean fields. 衣阿华州自然资源部律师兰迪?克拉克说,就现有豆田而言,该禁令可能会在批准后三年生效。 www.asaimchina.org 10. All the ban did was delay by a few weeks what turned into one of the biggest stock market crashes in history. 卖空禁令所做的,就是把历史上最大规模股市崩盘之一的时间推后了几周。 www.ftchinese.com 1. China lifted the ban a few months later but complained that America had not. 几个月后中国取消了此禁令,但指责美国没有取消禁令。 www.bing.com 2. It was not known how the ban would affect the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics, which have been planned in secret. 目前还不知道,这条禁令将对奥运会的开幕式和闭幕式产生怎样的影响,这些均是秘密准备的。 club.learning.sohu.com 3. In fact, the general repair of the pipeline are the best use out over the tail, the ban on the boom. 其实一般修复的输送管都最好用在外接管尾部,禁止用在臂架上。 blog.163.com 4. Tenzin Tsundue, one of the march leaders, said they had not decided whether to defy the ban. 腾津。村杜,游行的领导者之一表示,他们还没决定是否要挑战这项禁令。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 5. During the first few days of the ban, the frequency of plastics bag usage in other areas also decreased, but it soon returned to normal. 而且,在禁令实行的最初几天也减少了塑料袋在其它区域出现的频率。但很快又恢复了原状。 www.chinadialogue.net 6. Mr Putin did not indicate when he would lift the ban. 他并没有声明何时解除禁令。 www.bing.com 7. Hello, taller than I still high, I was under the ban in front of me not wearing high-heeled shoes of woman, you must also be happy. 你好,个子比我还高,所以我在这项禁令在我面前不穿高跟鞋的女人,你也一定要快乐。 wenwen.soso.com 8. When the ban was introduced he said his "primary objective" was to make money in all markets. 当禁令开始实施时他说,他的“首要目标”是在所有的市场上赚钱。 www.bing.com 9. The ban was just lifted recently, and the first concert after that took place in Shanghai last night. 昨晚是阿梅解禁后首次在上海举行演唱会,依然以性感挂帅,一袭开胸装令全场尖叫。 anitamui.bravepages.com 10. Extending the ban would affect South Korean exports of products such as automobiles and semiconductors to the U. S. , Lee said the same day. 李明博在同一天表示,延长牛肉进口禁令将影响韩国对美国的汽车和半导体产品的出口。 www.bing.com 1. Futures prices for wheat had begun to fall even before the ban, in anticipation of a bountiful spring harvest. 因为春季丰收的原因,其实在禁令发布之前,小麦价格就已开始下滑了。 www.ecocn.org 2. George Thomas, the school's head teacher, said the ban was necessary because some girls' skirts were impractical as well as immodest . 乔治·托马斯校长说:“禁止女生穿裙子上学很有必要,因为有的女生穿的裙子太离谱,而且很不庄重。” dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Some commentators suggested that the ban might be a rebuff to China for its close relationship with Pakistan. 有些评论员认为,印度的禁令可能是印度对中国与巴基斯坦亲密关系的一种粗暴回应。 www.bing.com 4. The 800-student college called for the ban to see how the technology affects the lives of students and faculty. 该校本月初实施了这项禁令,以验证社交媒体如何影响学生及教职工的生活。 cn.reuters.com 5. Research published on June 9th shows that, since the ban, fewer people have been admitted to hospital with symptoms of a heart attack. 6月9日发表的研究报告显示,自禁烟以来,有心脏病症状的住院者减少了。 www.ecocn.org 6. And some legal scholars have said the ban reflects an attitude of discrimination by the majority against weaker people. 一些法律学者说禁止反映了大众歧视弱者的态度。 bbs.newacad.com 7. The ban by Indonesia, its biggest supplier, led to a surge in the price of sand, used in both concrete and land-reclamation. 新加坡最大的供应商印尼禁止沙子的出口,导致的沙价格的极速上涨,这些沙子可用于混泥土或农垦。 www.ecocn.org 8. The ban comes at a time when Chinese polysilicon companies are ramping up production, despite an oversupply of the key solar component. 当前中国多晶硅企业在该材料供应过剩的情况下仍大幅提高产量,政府在此背景下出台了进口禁令。 cn.reuters.com 9. The lifting of the ban is only a small dent in Syria's wide-reaching controls on freedom of expression. 禁令的解除只是叙利亚广泛控制言论自由下的一个小缺口。 www.ecocn.org 10. Revellers swigged champagne, beer, spirits and cocktails ahead of the ban which came into force at midnight. 饮酒狂欢者豪饮香槟,啤酒,烈酒和鸡尾酒,在禁令生效前的午夜。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. After the ban was lifted, the heart attack rate increased to its former level. 就在禁令失效之后,该数字又恢复到原先水平。 dongxi.net 2. Public security is not the only justification for the ban, of course. 当然,公共安全不是禁令唯一的辩护词。 www.bing.com 3. The Scottish MP welcomed the ban, and said it should act as a wake-up call to advertisers, urging them to "get back to reality. " 来自苏格兰的议员对这个封禁表示支持,他说是应该叫那些化妆品广告主醒醒了,让他们回到现实中来。 www.hxen.com 4. As fundamental factors were behind the rise in prices, the ban did not stop food costs rising. 由于价格上涨的原因是基本面因素,上述禁令未能阻止食品成本上升。 www.ftchinese.com 5. the commercials produced before the ban are already beginning to lose their effectiveness , " complains procter & gamble ' s guajardo" . 宝洁的瓜哈尔多抱怨说,“在禁令颁布前制作的广告已经开始失去有效性了。” www.ichacha.net 6. As for women's rights, an official loosening of the ban against the mixing of the sexes in public places has not been widely implemented. 官方对于禁止女性出现在有男性的公共场合这一禁令有所放松,但这一女性权利并没有得到广泛执行; www.ecocn.org 7. One of the organizations affected by the ban is the U. N. refugee agency, UNHCR. 受到索马里青年党禁令影响的其中一家援助机构是联合国难民署。 bbs.ftgoal.com 8. Going to see the river man Going to tell him all I can About the ban On feeling free. 去看看河之子去告诉他我能做的事。 news.cottonfazenda.com 9. But while it is possible to sympathise with the Russian predicament, the ban is counterproductive. 虽然俄罗斯的困境可能令人同情,但禁令会起到适得其反的效果。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The WTO found that the ban was a legitimate approach on the basis that it was aimed at reducing smoking among young people. 世贸组织发现,该禁令旨在降低年轻人的吸烟率,是合法的途径。 www.tobaccochina.com 1. Los Angeles officials said the ban will allow the region to reduce plastic bag waste by half. 洛杉矶官员称,这项禁令将使该地区废弃塑料袋减少一半。 www.englishtang.com 2. Japanese government insiders say the nation could be propelled into the top ranks of arms manufacturers as the ban loosens further. 日本政府知情人士称,随着禁令逐步放松,日本也将向世界顶级军备制造商宝座发起冲击。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. But the ban just seems to make some people more determined to own these rare animals. 但是这项禁令似乎使一些人拥有这些稀有动物的决心变得更加坚决。 www.bing.com 4. The US IT company yesterday called for the ban as part of a complaint with the International Trade Commission, the US trade regulator. IBM昨日向美国贸易监管机构——美国国际贸易委员会(InternationalTradeCommission)进行了投诉,并呼吁实施禁令。 www.ftchinese.com 5. There is still no freedom of speech, the ban on political parties has not been lifted, and constitutionalism is violated everywhere. 然而言论不自由,党禁未开放,一切犹是反宪政之行为。 www.1stenglish.com 6. The unions knew the ban put an end to their efforts and settled in October for a 5 cent pay cut and went back to work. 劳工公会意识到此禁令为他们的努力画上了句点,并在同年10月份以削减5美分的决定妥协并返回工厂继续工作。 www.bing.com 7. Despite fears from some quarters of a possible police crackdown, the government has suggested it would not enforce the ban. 尽管担心可能会发生的警察镇压,政府已经表示不会强制执行这条禁令。 www.bing.com 8. The ban will apply only in Germany, whereas most short-selling happens in London. 这条禁令只在德国实施,但是大多数短期抛售发生在伦敦。 www.bing.com 9. The person will then be prevented from returning for 48 hours, and the court could extend the ban for up to four weeks. 施暴者将在48小时之内禁止回家,并且法庭可以将禁止时间延长至四个星期。 voa.hjenglish.com 10. The ban means all Commonwealth aid will be cut off; it is only the second full suspension in the body's history. 这一决定意味着英联邦将不再向斐济提供任何帮助。斐济成为该组织历史上第二个被完全解除资格的国家。 www.ecocn.org 1. Kenyan officials believe that even a partial lifting of the ban would encourages poaching on the African continent as a whole. 肯尼亚政府认为,即使是对象牙出口数量的部分升级也会在整个非洲大陆范围内鼓励偷猎分子。 www.bing.com 2. But the ban, seen as an attempt to suppress an embarrassment, has backfired gloriously. 这个禁令被视为企图隐瞒窘局,但却取得了有趣的适得其反的效果。 www.ecocn.org 3. The American Congress may go on to lift the ban on travel to Cuba by other Americans, and perhaps liberalise some trade. 美国国会可能会进一步解除其他美国人到古巴旅游的禁令,而且或许会放开对某些贸易活动的限制。 www.ecocn.org 4. Finally achieved ChengLong blessing, sincere, both the two shop store, forcing the enemy until after the ban, released QiaoGuoRui man. 最后取得福盛隆、德诚号两家铺店连保后,才迫使敌人解禁,释放了乔国瑞老先生。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The ban also means the two Americans sometimes have to be creative in how they describe their projects on documents. 这项禁令也意味着,这两个美国人有时候在文件中描述他们的工程项目时,必须发挥点创造性。 cn.reuters.com 6. But easing the ban is a central part of the prosecutors case against the party and its leaders. 但是放宽禁令是检察官对这个党及其领导人提出的诉讼的中心内容。 www.kekenet.com 7. Says he would repeal the ban that prevents the U. S. from negotiating with drug companies. 他说他将废止一项禁令,该禁令不允许美国与制药公司谈判。 www.bing.com 8. Lifting the ban on GM crops, both in Africa and in Europe, is the policy that could hold down global food prices in the long term. 在非洲和欧洲同时开禁转基因作物,才能长期压低全球粮价。 www.bing.com 9. UEFA confirmed Bayern have the right to appeal the decision within three days of receiving official notification of the ban. 欧足联确认在收到本次处罚官方通知的三天内拜仁有权对此决定进行上诉。 www.bing.com 10. Japan, however, argued against the ban, saying whaling was a long tradition in the country and whale meat a key part of the Japanese diet. 然而日本长期以来一直抵制这条禁令。声称捕鲸是在日本拥有长久历史的一项传统,鲸鱼肉是日本人餐桌上的一个重要组成部分。 www.hjenglish.com 1. In later years the ban was relaxed but the Football League insisted on keeping which matches would be covered a secret until the match day. 在接下来的几年,禁令变得宽松,但是足球协会坚持在比赛当日才公布广播的赛程。 lixiaomin88888888.blog.163.com 2. Fireworks from the ban to the relaxation, not so much a "cultural victory" , rather, the victory of public opinion. 烟花从禁到弛,与其说是“文化胜利”,毋宁说民意的胜利。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Her blog told about her experiences in areas controlled by the Taliban. She and her friends had disobeyed the ban by attending school. 她的博客讲述了她在这片塔利班控制地区的经历。她和她的朋友违反禁令上了学校。 www.tingroom.com 4. Supporters argued the ban was necessary to safeguard the traditional understanding of marriage and to encourage responsible childbearing. 支持者认为这项禁令是必要的,才能维护传统认知的婚姻,并鼓励生儿育女的负责行为。 www.bing.com 5. So we are happy that the EU is open already and removed the ban, it means then that passengers are able to fly direct from Europe. 现在欧盟向我们开放了领空,取消了禁令,这就是说乘客可以直接从欧洲过来,这让我们感到满意。 www.ebigear.com 6. Nearly two out of three Americans support the ban, according to one recent poll, but gulf coast residents are split down the middle. 根据最近的一项民意调查,几乎超出三分之二的美国人支持这项禁令,但海湾沿岸居民却存在分歧。 www.showxiu.com 7. However, according to Ms Chen, the decision to expand abroad predates the ban on domestic fund issuance, which came into force in January. 然而,陈佳铃表示,在证监会禁止华夏发行国内新基金之前,该公司就已决定向海外扩张。上述禁令于今年1月开始生效。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The new regulations do not specify any penalties for smokers who infringe the ban or business owners who let them. 新的禁烟令没有明确对于抽烟者或是那些纵容手下抽烟的老板们应该给予什么样的惩罚。 www.bing.com 9. The Inter-American Court of Human Rights has said the ban is illegal. 美洲人权法庭称,这项禁令是违法的。 www.ecocn.org 10. Since the ban was put in place, EU officials have been striving to remove some food products from the shelves. 自从禁令放在适当的位置,欧盟官员努力从架子去除一些食品。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Breeders are up in arms at the prospect of the ban. 饲养者竭力反对这条禁令。 www.ecocn.org 2. The ban underlines the complex nature of the problem. 该禁令突出了问题的复杂性。 www.who.int 3. Their campaign worked: in 1875, less than two years after it was passed, the ban was lifted. 他们的竞选工作:在1875年,不到两年后获得通过,这项禁令被取消。 www.englishtang.com 4. In particular, the process which has led to the display ban - and the ban itself - does not comply with Better Regulation principles. 特别是,最后导致烟草产品展示禁令出台的程序——以及禁令本身——没有遵守更好的管理原则。 www.tobaccochina.com 5. The ban would shut the door permanently on Japan Tobacco's proposal to invest $100 million into its Indian subsidiary. 这项禁令将永远把日本烟草提议的在其印度子公司中投资1亿美元的大门关上。 www.tobaccochina.com 6. Such a policy would also make the movie ratings system consistent with the ban on tobacco advertising in all other media. 这一政策也使电影分级系统与“禁止烟草广告出现于其他任何媒体”的禁令相一致。 www.kekenet.com 7. The ban followed the suspension of Hong Su Jong by the International Gymnastics Federation for lying about her age. 出台该禁令是由于国际体操联盟怀疑洪淑贞关于她的年龄说谎。 www.tingclass.com 8. Local food security inspectors have also been asked to be vigilant against any possible violations of the ban. 当地食品安全监察人员要警惕任何违反这条禁令的活动。 www.bing.com 9. Recently heard Gillian "lifting of the ban, " beat "Koshihikari treasure box, " preparing for a high-profile comeback. 听闻阿娇“解禁”拍《越光宝盒》,准备高调复出。 www.dota123.com 10. But these steps were all for naught -- Seoul refused to lift the ban. 不过这些努力都付诸东流了——首尔方面拒绝撤销禁令。 dongxi.net 1. The ban is about much more than friendliness to bulls, though it is part of a political game that resembles a bullfight. 这个禁令不仅仅是对头牛的友好,它还是堪比牛头运动的政治角逐的一部分。 www.ecocn.org 2. EFSA and France's own Food Safety Agency have both said the ban on MON810 is unjustified. EFSA和法国的食品安全组织都认为禁止MON810是不合理的。 www.bing.com 3. Mr. Ouattara said in a statement Monday that the ban on exports would be in effect until February 23. 瓦塔拉星期一在一份声明中说,禁止出口的命令一直到2月23号都有效。 www.voa365.com 4. The makers of beads for necklaces and rosaries, who used small furnaces with a lesser risk of starting fires, were exempt from the ban. 当时,使用小的玻璃熔炉,制作项链珠子和念珠,是不受禁令限制的。 www.bing.com 5. The ruling All People's Congress condemned all forms of violence, the police said it would comply with the ban. 执政的全国人民大会党谴责各种形式的暴力行动,表示将遵守警方颁布的禁令。 www.englishtang.com 6. Moral indignation notwithstanding, it is far from certain that the government will be able to enforce the ban. 虽然面临道德的压力,但是还不能肯定政府到底能不能强制实施这样的禁令。 www.ecocn.org 7. Lifting the ban on this offshore exploration would benefit our economy in two important ways. 解禁近海石油勘探在两方面让我们的经济受益。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The ban was brought in by George Bush in 2001 on moral grounds and was a touchstone policy for religious conservatives. 2001年,乔治.布什处于道德伦理方面的考虑下达禁令,此政策成为宗教保守人士的试金石。 www.ecocn.org 9. Local media reported that the presidential staff have now stopped playing golf with the ban likely to spread to other departments. 韩媒称,青瓦台工作人员已纷纷收起高尔夫球杆,高尔夫禁令可能扩散到其它政府部门。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. The ban is a part of a growing movement worldwide to save the shark population. 这项禁令是全球范围日益增长的拯救鲨鱼运动的一部分。 www.24en.com 1. Drive past this sign or drive on the road to which the ban applies. 学习驾驶者不可驶越此标志,或驶入禁止学车的道路。 www.td.gov.hk 2. In 2003, when it was abolished by the Labour government, Mr Cameron voted for only the partial lifting of the ban. 2003年,工党政府在废除此法的投票中,卡梅伦不同意完全废除法令。 www.bing.com 3. In May pollsters for CNN concluded that 78% of Americans would like to see the ban on openly gay soldiers lifted. 在五月,CNN民意调查显示,78%美国人乐于见到废除针对业已公开的同性恋士兵的禁令。 www.ecocn.org 4. Regulatory traffic signs mark the beginning of the ban. 禁令生效地带的起点,有禁制性标志说明。 www.td.gov.hk 5. Smoking also no longer will be allowed at some exterior locations where smoke could waft into open doorways, a violation of the ban. 同时,根据禁烟令,禁止在一些烟雾可能会飘进室内的户外区域吸烟。 news.dxy.cn 6. The ban by Ohio does not directly affect India's software sector, which mostly earns its revenues from large private sector companies. 俄亥俄州的这项禁令对印度软件行业不会产生直接影响,因为印度软件业的大部分收入来自大型私营公司。 www.tingroom.com 7. The most obvious was the ban on a ceiling for food prices until they reached an extraordinary level. 最明显的是,对食品限定的最高价格,是在这些价格达到很惊人的水平时确定的。 tr.bab.la 8. The Defence Department now thinks America's soldiers and sailors "are ready" for the ban to be lifted. 国防部认为现在美国陆海军士兵已经“准备好”解除该禁令了。 www.ecocn.org 9. Managers of restaurants, hotels and the like would be expected to help the government enforce the ban. 饭馆、酒店和类似场所的经理将被要求帮助南昌市政府执行这个“禁烟令”。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Perhaps a state or municipality could try extending the ban to homes, with provisions for studying the results. 也许国家或地区可以以研究结论来制定政策,尝试将禁烟令的范围拓展到家庭。 www.bing.com 1. They were supported by the Don't Touch My Constitution group, which has led protests against the ban. 他们由“别触碰我的宪法”小组支持,导致对禁令的抗议游行。 www.bing.com 2. VAC may not ban you immediately - the cheating violation may have occurred days or even weeks before the ban is apparent on your account. VAC对帐号的禁用可能不是立即生效。作弊行为可能是在您帐号被禁用的几天甚至几周之前发生的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. In the United States, conservationists have faulted the Obama administration as being slow to support the ban. 在美国,生态保护主义者指责奥巴马政府对支持该禁令反应迟钝。 www.bing.com 4. The ban would affect Chinese Americans disproportionately, although Chinese culinary culture would certainly survive. 该禁令将对华裔产生巨大影响,但中国饮食文化的强大适应力将使它顺利渡过难关。 www.common-talk.com 5. That proposal is open to public comment, and it's important that they hear that folks like you and me support lifting the ban. 这个提案向公众公开,并且他们听取公众的意见,正是你和我对解禁的支持对于正式撤消条款起着重要的作用。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. One eighth grader, who preferred not to be named, said he coached a school administrator on avoiding the ban last year. 一个不愿透露姓名的八年级学生说,去年他曾经教一位学校管理员如何逃脱禁令。 www.bing.com 7. When the ban took effect, England was the largest jurisdiction to forbid smoking in enclosed public spaces. 禁令生效时,英格兰是禁止在封闭的公众场合吸烟的最大司法机构。 www.ecocn.org 8. However, the ban on its use in medical experiments appears to be lifting, Dyck noted. 但是,Dyck注意到它在医学试验使用上的禁令似乎正在被废除。 news.dxy.cn 9. Judge Walker struck down the ban Wednesday, saying the law offers no rational basis for outlawing same-sex marriage. 沃克法官星期三推翻了禁止同性婚姻的州法律,说这个法律没有为禁止同性结婚提供合理的根据。 www.360abc.com 10. After balancing the benefits against the costs of assimilation, the autonomous state lifted the ban on interracial marriage. 在对(种族)同化的利弊进行权衡后,该自治州取消了对于不同种族间通婚的禁令。 xiaoyu.8310.blog.163.com 1. But the Irish are among the heaviest drinkers in Europe, and sales fell by a similar amount in 2003, before the ban. 不过爱尔兰是欧洲最能喝酒的国家之一,在禁烟令实行以前的2003年销售量也下降了差不多的数量。 www.ecocn.org 2. The Dutch ambassador was also at Heathrow to make clear his government's opposition to the ban on Mr Wilders entering the UK. 荷兰驻英大使当时也在希思罗机场,并明确表示荷兰政府反对英国拒绝Wilders先生入境的禁令。 www.bing.com 3. The ban on use does not apply to mercury-containing articles that have already been taken into use. 已经付诸使用的含汞产品不在限制之列。 www.intertek-labtest.com.cn 4. In the year and a half before the ban, hospitals had three hundred ninety-nine admissions for heart attacks. 在禁烟令颁布的前一年半里,当地医院确诊了399例心脏病发作病例。 www.unsv.com 5. And AT the beginning of next year, the ban on tobacco advertising will be extended to cover outdoor billboards and cinemas. 从明年开始,将禁止在户外广告板和戏院刊登烟草广告。 dict.ebigear.com 6. Lifting the ban will unleash a flurry of collaborations between scientists who had been barred from working together. 禁令的解除将使那些被阻止在一起工作的科学家们重新走到一起。 news.dxy.cn 7. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said his country will not lift the ban until the EU provides details about the source of the infections. 俄罗斯总理普京称,直到欧盟提供关于传染病来源的详细信息,他的国家才会取消禁令。 www.hxen.com 8. With the aid of the BAN, a home network can effectively collect monitoring information in time for the remote medical monitoring system. 借助BAN,家庭网络可以为远程医疗监护系统及时有效地采集监护信息; cn.qikan.com 9. Dr Fraser said that after the ban was adopted, the atmospheric level of chlorine continued to rise, peaking in 2000. 弗雷泽博士还介绍说,即便在控制使用氟里昂后,大气中的氯含量还是在不断攀升,并在2000年达到了顶峰。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. The ban on motorcycles is designed to achieve a higher efficiency of the city's transport network in line with the white paper. 禁止摩托车在某些街道上行驶是为了与白皮书中建立一个高效的城市交通网络的要求相一致。 bbs.translators.com.cn 1. He broke the rules, but we need to ask why the ban was put there in the first place. 他是破坏了规矩,但是我们首先要弄清楚为什么学校会有这些禁令。 www.bing.com 2. Like most newly independent African states, Niger incorporated the ban into its own constitution. 正如大多数刚独立的非洲国家一样,尼日尔也将禁止奴役写进了国家宪法。 www.ecocn.org 3. But Japan says whale populations have risen sharply since the ban was established. 不过日本代表称禁令颁布以后,鲸的数量急剧增长。 www.jukuu.com 4. But Vietnam stated on June 8 that China's action offends Vietnam's rights and made an unreasonable request of overturning the ban. 对于中方这种正常的休渔举动,越南方面8日却称“侵犯了其权益”,并提出了取消禁令的无理要求。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. So it may seem like madness that there are still reports of sneaky foodies flouting the ban in the city's restaurants and black markets. 尽管如此,在这个城市的餐馆里和黑市上,仍然有人违背禁令,偷偷摸摸出售这种食物,那些人简直疯了。 www.bing.com 6. Fabricius said when he questioned a guard about the ban on toy boats, he was told the toys can potentially frighten fish in the pond. 法布里说,当他询问了关于禁止玩具船一名警卫,他被告知的玩具有可能震慑鱼塘。 www.cnhuu.cn 7. The ban on eating dog and cat meat is part of a larger proposal to toughen laws on animal welfare. 禁食狗肉和猫肉的禁令是一项提议实施强化关于动物权益的更大举措的组成部分。 www.bing.com 8. The third day of the night, both husband and wife feng can lu shu that the ban lu, then die suddenly thought of a word. 第三天的那天晚上,夫妻两人风餐露宿地说了半宿话,忽然想到了一个死字。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 9. But chances of that happening are slim: over 80 percent of voters in Ireland approved the ban, including 61 percent of smokers. 但是这种事发生的几率很小:在爱尔兰,超过80%的投票者赞成这项禁止令,其中包括61%的吸烟者。 www.360doc.com 10. The ban was lifted for a 15-day period to allow the holding of this month's traditional kite-flying festival. 本月,为了能举行一年一度的风筝节,巴政府允许解除禁令15天。 gb.cri.cn 1. In January of this year, the Supreme Court, by the narrowest majority, voted five to four to end the ban. 今年1月份,最高法院以5:4的轻微优势取消了该禁令。 www.bing.com 2. Steelmakers and their brokers are not affected by the ban, a trading executive familiar with matter told the Financial Times. 熟悉此事的一位贸易行业高管对英国《金融时报》表示,钢厂及其执牌代理公司不受这一禁令的影响。 www.ftchinese.com 3. A legislative attempt to overturn the ban failed in the US Senate last month. 一个立法试图推翻这项禁令失败在美国参议院上个月。 www.bing.com 4. Its growth was greatly helped by the ban that China imposed, until recently, on its American rival, PayPal. 它的发展要大大感谢中国对它的竞争对手---美国PayPal的限制,直到最近才解除限制。 www.ecocn.org 5. "When they decide to withdraw the clip, we will withdraw the ban, " he said. 他表示:“等他们决定撤掉这段视频后,我们就会解除禁令。” www.ftchinese.com 6. Beijing had promised to lift the ban within three years of joining the World Trade Organisation in late 2001. 2001年年末,中国做出承诺,在加入WTO后三年内,禁止直销。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. The ban led to a more than 50 jump in wheat prices on the global markets Friday. 这一禁令将星期五全球市场上的小麦价格推高了50%以上。 www.voanews.cn 8. The Indonesian government lobbied strongly for the ban to be lifted. 印尼极力游说,要求取消这项禁令。 www.ttxyy.com 9. The ban was issued two years ago after the International Civil Aviation Authority identified 121 safety problems with Indonesian airlines. 这项禁令两年前发布,在那之前,国际民用航空管理局认定印尼航空公司存在121项安全问题。 www.voanews.cn 10. Members of Guyana's Society Against Sexual Orientation Discrimination have challenged the ban, calling it "archaic" and "colonial" . 圭亚那“反性向歧视协会”认为必须终止这种“过时”以及“富有殖民地色彩”的法规。 www.hjenglish.com 1. The tobacco industry claims the ban will result in at least 550 job losses. 烟草业称,自动售卖机禁令将导致损失至少550个就业岗位。 www.tobaccochina.com 2. But the president's explanation for the ban includes some more serious allegations. 但是,校长解释说,禁止这项活动是因为还有一些更为严肃的指控。 www.bing.com 3. Some Korean tech Web sites had even started to publicly expose famous Koreans who had the gadget in apparent violation of the ban. 一些韩国技术网站甚至开始曝光违规拥有iPad的名人姓甚名谁。 c.wsj.com 4. Xia didn't say how the ban, drafted by the congress, would be enforced. 他没有说明这一由上海人大起草的禁令将如何实施。 iask.sina.com.cn 5. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin announced Thursday that Russia would consider lifting the ban only 'after next year's harvest is gathered. ' 俄罗斯总理普京(VladimirPutin)周四宣布,俄罗斯只有等到“明年作物收获结束后”才会考虑取消出口禁令。 c.wsj.com 6. Officials first announced the ban a day earlier without specifying what punishment violators would face. 相关官员前一天首次宣布了这项禁令,但没有说明违令者将面临何种处罚。 www.bing.com 7. In a nine-year legal campaign, activists had argued that the ban on gay sex was unconstitutional. 在一场长达9年的运动中,参与者已经称反对同性性行为是违宪的。 www.bing.com 8. The ban on rare earth exports to Japan last September is still fresh in Japanese minds. 去年9月中国曾禁止向日本出口稀土,日本民众对此事依然记忆犹新。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Finally, it would lift the ban on foreign companies taking minority stakes in existing securities firms. 最后,中国将取消禁止外资公司持有现有证券公司少数股权的禁令。 www.ftchinese.com 10. but many developers have defied the ban, proceeding with building golf courses and luxury villas without the proper authorization. 但是很多开发商无视禁令,在没有得到许可的情况下,继续建造高尔夫球场及豪华别墅。 ying-wy.blog.163.com 1. The ban on smoking in public places could reduce heart attacks by more than a third in some parts of the world, say researchers. 研究人员表示,在公共场所实行禁烟,可以减少世界上某些地区超过三分之一的心脏病发作次数。 www.bing.com 2. This cheese is widely, but not openly, eaten in Sardinia , even though the ban on it is only enforced sporadically. 这种奶酪尽管只是偶尔被迫禁止,但撒丁岛人仍广泛而非公开的食用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. He was the first to recognise and welcome Dionysus, god of feast and wine, on the The ban land. 在底比斯,是泰瑞西斯第一个认出了宴会神、也是酒神的狄俄尼索斯,并向他表示欢迎。 www.ebigear.com 4. Anyone celebrating Christmas could be fined . The ban lasted 22 years, and even after that, Christmas was a relatively minor event. 任何庆祝圣诞节的都会被罚款。此禁令实施了22年,之后,圣诞节也只是一个相对次要的活动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. In Europe, the authorities are to consider lifting the bans this month, while in the UK a decision on the ban will be taken next month. 在欧洲,各国政府将考虑在本月取消卖空禁令,而英国将在下月就卖空禁令做出决定。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The new rules would have extended the ban to as many as seven months by preventing director trading while results are being tallied. 新的规定通过禁止公司董事在准备业绩公告期间进行股票交易,本将把禁售期最高延长至7个月。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Authorities are debating how better to enforce the ban on sex selective abortions and are re-evaluating existing incentive schemes. 当局正在讨论如何更好地落实禁止选择性堕胎的规定,并重新评估现行的各项激励政策。 www.face21cn.com 8. The ban of a film, along with its cast and crew, months after release is not uncommon in China. 一部电影在上映几个月后,连同其主演和剧组被封杀,在中国也是十分罕见的。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Ideals be damned for the President who vetoed the ban on partial-birth abortions. 总统否决成型胎儿流产禁令才是其受反对的原因。 www.bing.com 10. The ban of advertising so as not to promote smoking propaganda, publicity, sponsorship and promotion, said Vera Luiza da Costae Silva. 她说:广告禁令是为了阻止散播有关吸烟的宣传、公关、赞助和促销,还有一些提高税收和价格的措施。 yy.china-b.com 1. In Mississippi, the legislation passed, but it's not a ban on those drinks, it's a ban of the ban. 在密西西比州,立法通过的并不是对这些饮料的禁令,而是对禁令的禁止。 www.kekenet.com 2. The ban could be temporary or permanent depending solely upon the RSS publisher. 这种禁止既可以是临时性的,也可以是永久性的,它完全取决于RSS发行商。 office.microsoft.com 3. Later, due to various reasons, the ban on private circulation, indigo print was forced to tend to monochrome. 后来由于种种原因,禁令民间流通,夹缬被迫趋向单色。 www.fabiao.net 4. It was not immediately clear whether Ivorian cocoa producers intend to honor the ban. 目前不清楚科特迪瓦的可可制造商是否会遵守这个禁令。 www.voa365.com 5. CPPCC Standing Luxi appeal soon, "the ban on domestic population regroupment established business and production establishments" . 政协委员陆锡蕾呼吁,尽快出台“禁止在住宅等百姓集居地设立企业经营和生产场所”的规定。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. While the ban on swimming is bad news for Labor Day vacationers, the locating and tagging of the great whites is a scientific boon. 虽然禁止游泳对于劳工节度假者是个坏消息,定位和跟踪大白鲨却是一种科学上的恩赐机会。 www.transcn.org 7. He believed that as soon as the ban on recognising degrees from China was lifted, a quota of up to 1, 000 students would come. 他相信一旦解除中国大陆学位的承认禁令,大概有接近1000名的学生会到台湾来。 www.bing.com 8. The ban notwithstanding, Bolivia's roads are choked with unregistered vehicles, which skip road tax or use false number plates. 尽管有禁令,玻利维亚的道路上充满了没有注册登记的车辆,它们逃避道路税或者使用假冒汽车牌照。 www.ecocn.org 9. And despite signals that it was lifting the ban, shipments have not resumed. 尽管有解除禁令的信号,但出货量一直没有恢复。 www.bing.com 10. The ban on public mixing is rooted in tribal customs but became institutionalized as the country urbanized. 公共场所交往的禁令源于部落习俗,但在这个国家已经城市化后,却成为制度。 www.bing.com 1. At her request, Congress lifted the ban on reopening the debt restructuring. 在她的要求下,国会对债务改组重新开放解禁。 www.ecocn.org 2. It led him to support foxhunting and to resume smoking in old age, just to defy the ban. 因此他赞成猎狐,晚年重拾烟蒂,只为挑衅禁令。 www.ecocn.org 3. Smokers who violate the ban will face a 68-dollar fine, while owners who fail to enforce the rule could be hit with a 680-dollar fine. 违反这项法令的吸烟者将被罚款68美元,不执行法令的餐厅老闆有可能被罚680美元。 www.taiyang888.com 4. The ban was put in place on Jan 15, after announcement of the international tourist destination concept had nudged property prices skywards. “两个暂停”是海南于1月15日开始执行的,当时国际旅游岛建设的消息公布后,房地产价格迅猛飙升。 www.bing.com 5. It is reported that the resolution includes two state-owned oil company of Libya thaw assets, lifting the ban on Libyan Airlines flight. 据悉,决议内容包括解冻利比亚两家国营石油公司的资产,解除对利比亚航空公司的飞行禁令。 www.englishtang.com 6. The ban was strengthened in June, after North Korea's isolated regime test-fired ballistic missiles and detonated a nuclear bomb. 自北韩一意孤行进行弹道导弹试验并投放了一枚核弹后,联合国便加强了这项禁止决议的力度。 www.elanso.com 7. After a judge overturned the ban on the documentary, it is now once again on show in Mexico's multiplexes. 在一位法官撤销禁令后,该片重新在墨西哥影院上映。 www.ecocn.org 8. Haven't you seen the ban on the wall that smoking is not allowed here? 你没有看到墙上不准抽烟的禁令吗? car.0437.com.cn 9. But the ban plan from the city's health commissioner, Thomas Farley, won some backing from the council's speaker, Christine Quinn. 然而,该项禁烟计划的制定者城市卫生专员托马斯·法利(ThomasFarley)得到了市政委员会发言人克里斯汀·奎因(ChristineQuinn)的全力支持。 www.bing.com 10. His goal in setting the ban is to get employees 'authentically addressing issues amongst each other, ' he told employees. 他对员工说,下达禁令的目标就是让员工“亲身处理相互之间的问题”。 www.01ielts.com 1. Moreover, the ban on contraception is bound up with broader views of sex that are held by the Church. 其次,教会禁避孕的法令和其对性爱所持其他观点密切相关。 www.bing.com 2. She said Visa hasn't set a timetable for when the ban will start. 她说,禁令何时开始执行还没有时间表。 www.voa365.com 3. A Time plate will indicate the time periods during which the ban applies. 时间牌列明禁令的生效时间。 www.td.gov.hk 4. The ban was overturned in a celebrated decision by a lower court two weeks ago. 两周前,低一级法院的一个著名判决推翻了此禁令。 www.ecocn.org 5. Take a principal justification for the ban: public security. 这个禁令的首要辩护词是:公共安全。 www.bing.com 6. This week, our class will remember the course material to prepare, so there is no opening into the ban. 这个星期,我们班忘记了准备班会材料,所以没有开成班会。 dict.wanyuwang.com 7. Earlier this year, India blocked Chinese toy imports for safety reasons before relaxing the ban for certain products. 今年初,印度以安全原因为由停止进口中国玩具,后来又放宽了对某些产品的禁令。 www.bing.com 8. But supporters say the ban causes skilled personnel to be forced out. 但支持者则认为此项禁令会驱除贤者。 www.bing.com 9. Including the 27-member European Community which Lieberman expects to vote as a bloc in support of the ban. 利伯曼希望欧共体27个成员国会成为一个整体,投票支持这项禁令。 voa.hjenglish.com 10. Under the Bill, operators of theatres, cinemas etc would be obliged to post signs outlawing the ban. 根据该法令,剧院、电影院等场所的经营者必须张贴有关标志,禁止使用手机。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The ban on direct transport across the Strait has had similar effects. 对海峡两岸直航的禁令也起到了类似的效果。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Besides, it was the CHINESE that asked for the ban. Next time, read the entire article to the end. 而且,这次是中国人自己要求取消的,下次看文章仔细点。 942dh.com 3. The ban will be convenient for me: I don't smoke, and I don't like smoky pubs. 这条禁令对我很合适:我不吸烟,也不喜欢烟雾缭绕的酒吧。 www.ftchinese.com 4. But AIDS research pioneers from the Jewish General Hospital and McGill University in Montreal think the ban is outdated. 犹太综合医院和麦吉尔大学艾滋病研究中心的志愿者们认为现行的献血者健康检查标准太过时了。 www.bing.com 5. The ban has extinguished what remained of the feel-good factor attached to the European bail-out. 这项禁令扑灭了欧洲援助计划带来的满足感。 www.ftchinese.com 6. I'm Anderson Cooper, welcome to podcast, the feelings, in facts about lifting the ban on women in combat, aslo the ridiculous . 我是安德森·库珀,欢迎来到播客节目,对于解除禁止女性现身战场这样一种事实的感觉,有些荒诞。 www.bing.com 7. Demonstrations on the street, though relatively small, suggest that the ban has some grassroots support. 街上的一些示威活动,虽然规模相对较小,但也表明该禁令还是得到了一些下层民众的支持。 www.ecocn.org 8. Those who strongly approve of the ban lay too much emphasis on the rights of non-smokers. 那些强烈赞成彻底禁烟的人过分强调了不吸烟者的权利。 learning.sohu.com 9. Supporters of the ban claimed that scrapping it during wartime would damage troop morale. 禁令的支持者声称,战时取消这项政策会损害部队的士气。 www.tingclass.com 10. Dream friendship remind you, I didn't have my after the ban will allow my post reproduced in the water district, thank you for cooperation. 梦幻友情提醒各位版主,以后没有我的容许禁止将我的帖子转载于灌水区,谢谢合作。 bbs.360.cn 1. Release all patriotic and revolutionary political prisoners and lift the ban on political parties. 释放一切爱国的革命的政治犯,开放党禁。 hotdic.com 2. Blogger later reported that the ban was lifted after YouTube removed the 'offensive' video. 之后,部落客通报说YouTube将这些影片移除后,通信部已取消禁令。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 3. Obama called for the repeal of the ban on gays in the military -- the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. 奥巴马呼吁废止军队内禁止同性恋的禁令——“不问,不说”政策。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. However, the ban was lifted after just two months, after Beijing threatened to take the issue to the WTO. 不过,在北京威胁将把这个问题提交世界贸易组织(WHO)后,这一禁令在出台两个月后即被解除。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The ban also applies to games operators as well as music, movies and TV dramas on the Internet. 停止娱乐活动的禁令适用于网络游戏、网络音乐以及网络电视运营商。 www.for68.com 6. While the ban on President Sirleaf was not included in the commission's final report, it is still before parliament. 虽然在瑟利夫总统的禁令是不是该委员会的最后报告中,它仍然是前国会。 www.maynet.cn 7. Tour groups from Hefei to Europe around May 1 have all been postponed or cancelled due to the ban on air travel in these countries. 受禁飞影响,合肥“五一”前后出发的欧洲游旅游团已全部推迟或取消。 bbs.hf365.com 8. But the siren song of liquor-tax revenue proved too tempting for Stalin, who lifted the ban to support the communist autocracy. 但是酒所带来的税收对于斯大林来说就像海妖的歌声一样,诱惑力太大了。为了支撑这个共产主义独裁政体,他取消了禁令。 dongxi.net 9. So the ban on shorting financials helped to prompt investors to short sell these stocks - and pushed their price down. 因此,禁止卖空金融类股有助于促使投资者做空这些股票——压低其股价。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Ilse Aigner, Germany's federal agricultural minister, announced the ban on 14 April, just days before the crop would have been sown. 伊尔莎。艾格纳,德国联邦农业部长,4月14日,即农作物播种前几天,宣布禁播令。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. China's first nuclear power plant in Fukushima, a nuclear crisis in the implementation of the ban. 中国是在福岛第一核电站发生核危机后实施这一禁令的。 www.englishtang.com 2. The ban on beef led to threats in Congress of trade restrictions against Japan. 这项禁令引发了美国国会对日本贸易的制裁威胁。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. "So it seems that the ban is not only protecting non-smokers, it is changing society's idea of what is normal, " said Pell. Pell表示,“看上去,这种禁令不止保护了非吸烟者,也改变了社会观念。” cn.reuters.com 4. There was also concern about the economic effects of the ban on the paper's 2, 000 distribution and sales workers. 也有人担心关闭报社可能带来的经济层面冲击,尤其是报社里2000名送报和销售人员的生计。 mailftp.lihpao.com 5. i hate final exams, hate the endless exams and homework, hate having no resting time, hate the ban of playing computer. 我讨厌期末,讨厌那没完没了的考试,讨厌没一点休息时间,讨厌那么多作业,讨厌不能玩电脑! game.dsyd.cn 6. The ban that prohibits automobiles from whistling enables candidates to have a quiet environment. 汽车禁止鸣笛,使考生有一个安静的环境。 wenwen.soso.com 7. The European Commission denied the accusations, and defended the ban as both appropriate and legal. 欧盟委员会否认了这一指控,并申明这一禁令是适当的、合法的。 www.bing.com 8. "Ban order" has been challenged, before and after 2004, Chengdu, Nanjing and other major cities, opening the ban, "to be limited ban. " “禁放令”一直被挑战,2004年前后,成都、南京等各大城市,放开禁令,“改禁为限”。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Right now defense Secretary Robert Gates on capitol hill discussing lifting the ban on gay serving in the arm forces. 现在国防部长罗伯特·盖茨在国会山商讨解除在军队服役的同性恋的禁令。 www.kekenet.com 10. Russia imposed the ban on August 5, sending the price of the cereal more than 15 per cent higher in two days. 俄罗斯于8月5日颁布了出口禁令,导致谷物价格在两天内上涨15%。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Dimopoulos said many bar and cafe owners claimed to have lost customers to rivals defying the ban. 他说,许多酒吧和咖啡馆业主称,他们的客户都被不遵守禁令的竞争对手抢走了。 www.tobaccochina.com 2. During the ban, heart attack admissions to the local hospital fell by a staggering 40 per cent. 就在禁令生效期间,当地医院的心脏病发病率显著下降了40%。 dongxi.net 3. The administrative department of industry and commerce with the ban "black bars. " 积极配合工商行政管理部门查处取缔“黑网吧”。 www.dw188.com 4. More than two-fifths of Britons now go out to licensed premises to drink less often than before the ban, a Nielsen survey shows. 尼尔森的调查显示,如今,超过五分之二的英国人外出到有许可证的场所喝酒的频率比实施禁令前降低了。 www.tobaccochina.com 5. The ban may help ease increasing public resentment against police power in many areas of life. (尽管如此),这一禁令也许还是有助于缓解公众日益增长的对警察权力的怨愤,而这种怨愤体现在生活的各个方面。 www.bing.com 6. Prime Minister Medvedev says a bill putting the ban in place should be approved quickly. 梅德韦杰夫总理称,应该迅速批准这一禁令的法案。 www.hxen.com 7. The ban was meant to decrease the rapid overfishing of the lake, a major source of food for much of the country. 而这项禁令的目的是为了降低这个湖的快速的过度捕捞成为这个国家的一个主要食物来源。 www.kekenet.com 8. Although the ban was lifted Thursday, the damage has already been inflicted and may not easily be undone. 虽然这条禁令已于周四被取消,但已经造成了伤害,而且可能不大容易恢复。 chinese.wsj.com 9. But government and market officials say the exact date for lifting the ban will depend on market conditions. 但是政府和股市官员说,取消禁令的具体日期要视股票市场具体情况而定。 www.bing.com 10. Still, many traders said they didn't expect the ban on short selling will do anything to stop the fall of bank stocks. 尽管如此,许多交易员说他们认为禁止卖空的指令不会对阻止银行股的下跌起到任何作用。 chinese.wsj.com |
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