单词 | buster |
释义 |
复数:busters 例句释义: 称呼不喜欢的男子,遏制者,破坏者,巴斯特,暴风高达,克星 1. One of my earliest memories in World War II Belgrade, where I grew up, was going to see a Buster Keaton film. 我在我长大的地方,贝尔格莱德,最早的记忆之一,便是去看一场巴斯特基顿的电影。 www.bing.com 2. No more, no less. A perfect stress buster for the moment and for all the moments of my life. 就这一句,在那时以及之后的生活里成了我对抗压力最好的方法。 www.zftrans.com 3. Kirilenko won't get old with the Jazz. . . be prepared to have him in a big trade buster next season. 基里连科不会随着爵士终老的。准备好明年把他放在一宗大交易里交易出去吧。 club.sohu.com 4. Facts prove that it has never been anything beautiful fresh flowers or Mozzie buster, he is just an ordinary names were not even weeds. 事实证明它从来就不是什么美丽的花或清新的驱蚊草,他不过就是一株普通得连名字也没有的野草。 www.bing.com 5. E. T. built his own communicator out of the fuzz buster, some hobby pins, a knife and fork, and the UHF tuner from the TV set. . . E. T. 用那个策念头、一些曲别针、一把刀子和一把叉子,另有一架电视天线等东西,建起了他本身的通信装配。 sundaren.com 6. "For me, getting enough sleep, eating right and exercising reduce my stress levels. And a really good workout is a great stress buster. " “对于我来说,充足的睡眠,健康的饮食以及锻炼身体可以帮助我减压。有效的锻炼是一种很好的减压方式。” www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Bears can go 100 straight days without being disturbed. I got to get a dust buster. 熊可以连续100天不受打扰。我必须买一个除尘器。 www.yappr.cn 8. Oldest employee: Fire me, buster, and I'll hit you with an age discrimination suit so fast it'll make your head spin. 年长雇员:“老兄,解雇我吧,我会告你年龄歧视,肯定会搞得你晕头转向。” www.xue90.cn 9. The Massive Ordnance Penetrator, an American bunker-buster scheduled for deployment at the end of the year, weighs 15 times as much. 巨型钻地弹是美国计划年底部署的掩体炸弹,重量是它的15倍。 www.ecocn.org 10. She has also performed in THE SUN(2005) directed by Alexander SOKUROV and Rob MARSHALL's block buster MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA. 她还出演过亚历山大·索科洛夫2005年导演的《太阳》和罗伯·马歇尔的票房大片《艺妓回忆录》。 enjoy.eastday.com 1. Working as a spy can be a real marriage-buster. 一个特工妻子可以说是一个婚姻破坏者。 www.bing.com 2. Individually, each of these trends is a potential civilization buster. 个别而言,这些趋势中的每一个都是潜在的文明毁灭者。 www.bing.com 3. Popularly Positioned Products, an established strategy for developing markets, has also come as a useful recession-buster. 针对发展中市场的大众化定位产品(PopularlyPositionedProducts)策略,也成为有用的抗衰退工具。 www.ftchinese.com 4. "My boys now call me Mum, the Myth Buster! " she said. 我的儿子们现在叫我‘戳穿谎言的妈妈’。 www.meiguoliyu.com 5. Whatever the bunker-buster's destructive power, the next generation of bombs will dwarf it. 无论这种“堡垒终结者”的破坏力有多大,下一代炸弹都会令其相形见绌。 www.ecocn.org 6. But whenever I'd complain, my mother would just give me one of those looks and she'd say, "This is no picnic for me either, buster. " 每当我埋怨的时候,我妈总会用同一副表情看着我说:“小鬼,你以为教你我就很轻松?” blog.sina.com.cn 7. Then what do we eat, Buster? We have to go out for food. Or else, we'll starve to death. 我们吃什么,巴斯特?我们必须出去寻找食物,不然,我们会饿死的。 www.bing.com 8. Hi! -Hah! Bee! -Then there was a dust buster, a toupee, a life raft exploded. . . 嗨!-啊!蜜蜂!-然后一个吸尘器,一顶假发,一个救生筏爆炸了… www.yappr.cn 9. Jim is a responsible pet owner. Whenever he takes Buster for a walk, he always cleans up after him. 吉姆是负责的饲主,每次带巴斯特去散步,一定会随后清乾净巴斯特制造的废物。 blog.66wz.com 10. His nicknames, namely the 'Embargo Buster' and 'Merchant of Death', were coined by former British Foreign Office minister, Peter Hain . 他的外号,也就是“禁运破坏神”和“死亡商人”,是由英国前外交大臣皮特·海恩起的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Yet, on screen, he is irresistible, with the wistful innocence of great screen comedians like Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton. 然而象查理·卓别林、巴斯特·基顿那样,他那充满渴望的天真的银幕形象是无可匹敌的。 2. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: the brain is the ultimate category buster. 我以前说过,现在再强调一遍:大脑是最终的类别破坏者。 www.bing.com 3. Looking for a challenging puzzle? Exercise your brain with Leaf Buster. 寻找一个挑战性的难题吗?与叶老兄行使你的大脑。 www.jukuu.com 4. Discover the (mostly) handmade web site of French filmmaker, Jacques Tati, a comedic genius often compared with Buster Keaton. 探索(大部分)的法国导演手工制作的网站,雅克塔蒂,往往比一个喜剧天才与巴斯特基顿。 movingshop.org 5. The U. S. has already created small "bunker-buster" nukes that can penetrate underground targets. 美国已经制造了能够打击地下目标的小型“碉堡克星”核弹。 www.bing.com 6. He appointed as his education "chancellor" Joel Klein, a former top trust-buster at the federal Department of Justice. 他任命联邦司法部前最高反托拉斯官员约尔?克莱因为其教育“大臣”。 www.ecocn.org 7. The policeman was known as a drug buster. 这位警察被称作毒贩克星。 dict.hjenglish.com 8. Budget-buster Another wedding-favor choice that has become a favorite is a silver-plated bottle stopper, says Ying. 财政预算案杀手又是一个婚礼,有利于选择,已成为一个最喜欢的是镀银瓶塞,说应。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Buster: Well girls are always doing that, you shouldn't worry too much. 巴斯特:啊,女人总是这样的,你不必太过介意。 www.51test.net 10. Buster: Well next time you take her out, why don't you call her on your mobile yourself? 巴斯特:那么,下次你邀她外出,何不用行动电话跟她交谈? www.51test.net 1. Hey, aren't you going to say goodbye to Buster? 嘿你不和巴斯特说再见吗? www.tingroom.com 2. China's self-appointed science fraud buster was assaulted yesterday afternoon in Beijing. 中国自告奋勇的科教界打假人士昨天下午在北京遭到歹徒袭击。 www.bing.com 3. Aim for 20 minutes of exercise, walking or running daily. It is a great stress buster and makes you much healthier and improves your mood. 将目标定在每天20分钟的锻炼,可以是步行或跑步。锻炼是一个压力大克星,让你能大大地感觉健康,从而让你的情绪变好。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. After his early breakfast, Mr Emmons holds Buster, carries brooms and mops and walks from house to house. 在他早期的早餐,他埃蒙斯持有巴斯特基,携带扫帚和拖把和各行各业挨家挨户。 wenda.tianya.cn 5. Get the rest of your things. - Ok Buster. 拿上你剩下的东西吧-好了巴斯特 www.tingroom.com 6. I'll have the special, with a Buddy- buster cola, please. 我要点特餐加一杯好夥伴可乐。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Chloe calls Buster into the house and locks Dane outside. He runs over to the window and shouts, 'Dad said Buster's a hunting dog. ' 可儿把巴斯特唤进了屋里,把丹尼锁在外面。他跑道窗户前,大叫:“爸爸说巴斯特是一只猎狗” bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. His firm makes a bunker- buster which weighs about as much as a small car. 他们公司制造了一种重量约与一部小型汽车相当的掩体炸弹。 dict.kekenet.com 9. V4 Missiles are the perfect base buster, doing a high amount of explosive damage, with high area of effect. V4导弹是完美的拆基地武器,它可以在大范围内造成大量的爆破伤害。 a.kk55.net 10. She had the same reaction as when I suggested we go to Dave &Buster's restaurant and video arcade for our anniversary. "Fine, " she sighed. 我问茱莉是否同意我作开颅实验,她的反应和我问她是否要去Dave&Buster餐厅以及是否要去为我们结婚纪念日录像时一样:好吧,她叹息道。 www.bing.com 1. Vodka is considered as a stress buster by alcoholics. 伏特加被酒鬼们认为是有效的减压器。 dongxi.net 2. So a recall for a Ford or aRenault, while a pain, is like taking Buster to the vet. 福特或者雷诺车被召回,感觉就像带调皮捣蛋的宠物去看兽医。 www.bing.com 3. "Titanic" was the biggest block-buster movie of 1997. 《铁达尼号》是1997年最有影响力的大制作电影。 www.jysls.com 4. Dust Buster removes powder from containers exterior. 除尘机把粉尘从容器外部去除。 www.pmmichina.org 5. And if your time together consists of some laughs, even better since humor is a wonderful stress-buster. 如果你们在一起的时光充满着笑声,甚至更大型的,因为幽默是减压的极好方法。 www.hxen.com 6. I've made my fortune on the ability. . . to perfect women's bodies with Butt-Buster workout. 我是通过这个能力赚钱的,。。。就是用Butt-Buster让女人的身体变的完美。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The American people called this trust-busting. And they called Theodore Roosevelt the trust-buster. 美国人称这为解散托拉斯,把西奥多.罗斯福称之为解散托拉斯的人。 www.bing.com 8. My family had a pot of very beautiful Mozzie buster. 我家有一盆非常漂亮的驱蚊草。 www.tradeask.com 9. Mr. Toby: Well, uh. . . I would like to, but I am too old. So how about you, Buster? You are young and strong. 托比先生:这样,嗯……我是很想去,可是我太老了。所以,你去怎么样,巴斯特?你又年轻又强壮。 www.bing.com 10. Instead of repellent fragrances, the Mosquito Buster app uses sound to keep mosquitoes away. 不同于那些令人不悦的花露水,“驱蚊先生”使用声音赶走蚊子。 www.bing.com 1. Yoga is a popular stress- buster in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta. 瑜伽在印尼首都雅加达是广受欢迎的纾压方法。 dict.kekenet.com 2. It impacts with the force of a 38-kilotomb bomb. That is three times the yield of the city buster dropped on Hiroshima back on Earth. 当它撞击时造成的能量当量于3.8万吨的炸弹。也就是三倍于地球上爆炸的那个广岛原子弹的三倍当量。 game.ali213.net 3. Coca Cola is an excellent rust buster. 可口可乐是铁锈的“天敌”。 www.bing.com 4. Then the farmer hollered, "Pull, Buster, pull. " Buddy didn't respond. 于是农民叫喊:“拉啊,巴斯蒂,拉啊”巴蒂没有反应。 bbs.hxen.com 5. and then bam , spanky was out , just like buster douglas. 然后救出斯班吉,就象巴斯特。道格拉斯。 www.ichacha.net 6. I c great't catch what you buster. 我听不太明确你说的话。 www.chinafreecall.com 7. This tactic is the simple head on onslaught that is specialized for huge battles and specifically "base buster" roles. 这种战术就是容易的迎面冲击,专门适合大型战斗,尤其是【攻城】游戏人物角色。 www.ux98.com 8. Chloe opens her book and pats her lap for Buster to jump up. 可儿打开她的书,轻拍自己的膝盖,让巴斯特跳上来。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Guess what, Buster Brown? It's made from copper. 捣蛋鬼,猜猜这是什么?这可是铜做的 blog.sina.com.cn 10. oh , no , you don ' t , buster . you ' re the hero. 哦,不,不是的,老兄你是英雄。 www.ichacha.net 1. PMR is used as a stress buster, as well as helping sleep. 渐进式肌肉放松训练用于克服压力,对睡眠也很有帮助。 www.bing.com 2. Buster Simcus, the world's fattest man, has offered new advice for Donna Simpson. 巴特,世界上最胖的男人,给唐娜辛普森提出了一些新的建议。 xiyunfan.blog.163.com 3. Make with the beers, buster! 伙计,拿啤酒来! wenwen.soso.com 4. Stress is a known memory buster. 我们知道,压力是占用记忆的大块头。 www.bing.com 5. And I am a rut buster, I'm going to bust your rut. 而我则是一个成规破坏者,我要破坏你的成规。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. Well once we invade and make it our own, you'll hear plenty about it, buster. 等我们入侵并占为己有以后,你就会听得多了,老兄。 www.bing.com 7. Take the Blok-Buster game (iTunes URL) for example, a Tetris-inspired game that involves clearing similarly-colored blocks from the screen. 以Blok-Buster游戏为例,这款受俄罗斯方块启发制作的游行在屏幕上含有有类似颜色的方块。 www.bing.com 8. What one thing is your sure fire bad mood buster? 哪个是你确保消除心情不好的灵药呢? m.yeeyan.org 9. Research shows that spending time in nature is a, well, natural stress buster. So find ways to spend time outside every day. 研究显示花些时间同大自然接触是一个很好的、天然的压力克星,所以每天花些时间做做户外活动。 www.bing.com 10. F: Our family had a fair-sized garden back home in the States, and I always found gardening to be a real stress-buster. 6 弗洛拉:我们家在美国时有个很大的花园,我一直都认为做园艺能缓解压力。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. you want another piece of me ? - all right , buster 还想要我其他部分吗?-够了,你这混蛋 www.ichacha.net 2. The final missing piece, the real paradigm-buster, is this: a gas station on orbit. 最后一点,真正能扭转乾坤的是:太空轨道加油站。 www.ted.com 3. you , buster because you hit the ball by this 你这个浑球,你是这样打的 www.ichacha.net 4. A great conflict buster - during a fight you don't act defensively or punish your partner and are quick to forgive; 一个很棒的冲突调解人-在冲突中,你不会自我保护,也不会惩罚伴侣,而是很快地宽恕对方。 www.bing.com 5. Research on tissue culture and callus induction of Mozzie buster 驱蚊草组织培养及其愈伤组织诱导研究 www.ilib.cn 6. humor , jake , junior , buster , humor . come on 幽默,杰克,年轻人小子,幽默。 www.ichacha.net 7. Tiny Toon Adventures - Buster's Hidden Treasure 宾尼兔大冒险之隐藏的宝藏 www.nokiabbs.com 8. Tests on the Efficacy of Mozzie buster to Repel Mosquitoes 蚊净香草驱蚊效果试验研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Rapid propagation of Mozzie buster 蚊净香草快速繁殖研究 www.ilib.cn 10. The Tissue Culture Studies of Mozzie buster 蚊净香草组织培养技术研究 www.ilib.cn 1. We're at war stupid buster, theres no peace or harmony 让我们战翻那些笨蛋,这里没有和平和平静… zhidao.baidu.com 2. Tissue Culture of Mozzie buster in Vitro 驱蚊草的组织培养 www.ilib.cn 3. Here's a myth buster, however: 不过,不论怎么样这有个神话破坏者: www.bing.com |
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