单词 | take a photo |
释义 | 例句释义: 拍照,照相,拍照片,拍一张照片 1. He said OK and tried to take a photo on stage, but her camera did not work. . . and he came back to her and sorry. 他就说OK,然后就开始帮忙拍照,不过照相机有些问题…他还特别再跑过去跟她道歉,说对不起。 tieba.baidu.com 2. However, my only wish for him is to get to see him one day and take a photo with him and also ask for a signature. 但是,这种喜欢也只是停留在追星的地步,我顶多会希望自己有天见到他,跟他要一下签名,或者合一张影啊什么的。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Actually, I had a burning desire to take a photo with her, I only stopped myself from asking due to my work. 那一刻,我有强烈想和她合照的冲动,只因碍于工作才强压下去。 hk.myblog.yahoo.com 4. Yew placed the dog down on the surfboard to take a photo, and the scene looked so natural that Yew was inspired to take the next step. 紫杉把狗冲浪板上放下拍照了,和现场看上去是那么自然,红豆杉受到鼓舞,采取下一步行动。 enblogrss.com 5. Ashley kept asking if I wanted to go take a photo with her but I shy leh. 阿什利一直问我要不要过去和燕姿合张影,不过我有点小害羞啦。 zifans.net 6. When they come to a photo shop, the son asks his mother, "Mom, may I ask the photographer to take a photo for me? " 当他们走进一家照相馆时,儿子问妈妈:“妈妈,我可以请摄影师为我照一张相吗?” goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Unveiling the statue, the former US president said he had to take a photo to show his wife to prove he hadn't made the whole thing up. 在揭幕仪式上,这位前总统称,他必须和雕像一起拍张照片,以向妻子证明这件事不是他随口捏造的。 www.englishtang.com 8. "If someone asks you to help take a photo of him, watch out: this is a prime opportunity for thieves. " “如果有人请你帮忙为其拍照,保持警惕:这是小偷下手的最好时机。” www.bing.com 9. To help, just take a photo of every ladybug you see. 只要是将你所看到的每个瓢虫拍一张照片下来,就能有所帮助。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Peng admitted, these shoes are from the Putian manufacturer that sent the new kind of shoes, ready to take a photo of Internet access. 彭某承认,这些鞋子多是从莆田厂商那边寄来的新款样鞋,准备拍照后上网。 news.bangkaow.com 1. How about this, beautiful flowers for beautiful ladies, and take a photo for you for free! 怎么样,买一朵啦…不如这样了,靓女买靓花,免费帮你拍张照! blog.sina.com.cn 2. The Mode property indicates whether the camera capture dialog should be used to take a photo or to record a video. Mode属性指示照相机捕获对话框应该用于拍照还是进行视频录制。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. When you take a photo with your digital camera , the camera stores it as a file on your camera's storage medium . 数码相机拍摄时,会把照片当作文件保存在存储器中。 www.bing.com 4. I had already packed all my equipment in the car but I had to take a photo of this. 我已经把我的全部装备打包在车里了,但我还是要拍下这张照片。 www.bing.com 5. Have them take a photo of your dog every time you say the word YES. 每次你说“YES”的时候就让他给狗拍张照片。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. PM And, you can use volume up to take a photo. Not a proper shutter release, but it'll do. PM,您可以使用音量的上键来拍照。不是一个最好的快门键,但它会很好用 bbs.ebigear.com 7. What I really wanted to do was take a photo with her. 她是如此美丽我真的想和她一起照一张照片。 www.doggiehome.com 8. It was pleasant to take a photo by the side of the Thames in Wandsworth, London. 在伦敦温斯和辅泰晤士河畔留影,一乐也。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. we were supposed to wait for you to take a photo with us , so that's really a pity. 那天是想等你回来的时候和你拍合照的,真的很遗憾。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Sometimes I'll reach for my camera and take a photo of a page in a magazine or book to remember it later. 有时我会拿来照相机对某个杂志或某本书的一页拍张照,以便以后能记起。 www.bing.com 1. She said, "Let's go and see the crocodile. I would like to take a photo of them with my new camera. " “她说,”咱们去看看鳄鱼吧。我想用我的新相机给他们拍张照片。 iask.sina.com.cn 2. A user must be able to take a photo with their mobile device and then use that photo in listing their item. 用户必须能够用他们的移动设备的照片,然后使用该照片在他们的项目清单。 www.bing.com 3. One of fans asked a guy who standing . . . she asked him to take a photo of Sihoo and her friend on stage. 有一个粉丝拜托站在前面的人…帮她跟她朋友一起拍摄她们跟施厚在台上的合照。 tieba.baidu.com 4. Her husband said he could take a photo for me! 她先生就说要帮我拍一张! happy2ya2002.wordpress.com 5. I'm not sure if I have the honor to take a photo with you. 我不知道我有没有这个荣幸和你合个影 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Recently disciple Ben Jing asked me to take a photo of this stove for him. 近来弟子本净要我拍摄一张此炉子的相片给他。 www.yogilin.org 7. so, your enthusiasm must be aroused before you take a photo. Just the person whose sensation is fierce can take a good photo. 所以,摄影是行动前一定要心动,只有感情冲动的人才会激情澎湃,才会灵感迸发,才有可能拍出好照片。 q.sohu.com 8. Keep smiling! Let me take a photo for you. 保持微笑!让我给你拍张照片。 www.jhjedu.com.cn 9. Could you do me a favour to take a photo with me ? 毕老师给我照个相吗? wenku.baidu.com 10. He tried using different cameras, but the screens went blank whenever he tried to take a photo. 他试着用不同的照相机,但是当他想要拍照片的时候,屏幕就变成空白的了。 www.bing.com 1. Animals which were too big or too scary made me feel uncomfortable. So I chose to take a photo with a sloth. 太恐怖和庞大的动物我总觉得不那么友好,就只选树懒留了合影。 i.myechinese.com 2. Let me take a photo of your brother. 让我给你的兄弟照张相。 zxkt.com 3. If a snake bites you, take a photo with your mobile phone! It may save your life. This is the surprising advice of a British cook. 如果有一条蛇咬了你,用手机拍一张它的照片!这也许会挽救你的生命。这是一个英国的厨师令人惊奇的建议。 www.kekenet.com 4. When you take a photo, remember to look up, down and around for a better picture. 拍照时,记住要上下左右看一看,选好景。 www.jukuu.com 5. I'll try to take a photo at my next fitting. 我会试着给我下次试衣拍些照。 savageboy.vip.63dns.com 6. Miley: But we got there in the end. And a lovely man helped us take a photo of the gorge. Here, this one. 麦莉:但我们最终还是抵达山顶啦,还有一个可爱的先生帮我们和峡谷拍了张合影。喏,这张。 www.joyen.net 7. Let me take a photo for you here . 让我在这里为你拍张照吧。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. When they reach their destination, students are required to take a photo and buy a newspaper to prove that they were there. 当学生们抵达目的地时,他们要按照要求照张像,并买张报纸证明他们到此一游。 www.voa365.com 9. List - Give some thought to your item description, and take a photo. Then fill out the Sell Your Item form. 发布-构思好你的产品目录描述,准备好照片。然后填写卖你的产品表格 zhidao.baidu.com 10. The idea is simple: you take a photo of your surroundings and set this photo as your desktop wallpaper. 其想法十分简单:拍一张周围环境的照片,将该照片设置为桌面墙纸。 www.bing.com 1. Take a photo of the moving picture of their dating behaviors so to add one more eternal memory to the mankind. 拍下它们相会时动人的模样,让人间多一些永恒的景象。 tr.bab.la 2. I will try to take a photo of the TV but I am pretty sure the minute line would be in the way. 我试着拍一张电视的照片但是时间条有点挡着了。 apps.hi.baidu.com 3. Marcus : Excuse me, sorry to trouble you. Can you please take a photo of me? 马卡斯:对不起,可以麻烦你帮我拍照吗? www.wwenglish.com 4. Excuse me, may I please take a photo with you? 打扰一下,请问我能和您合张影吗?。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Take a photo of your family, bring it to the class next time and talk about it to your classmates. 给你的家人拍张照片,下次拿到课上来,向同学介绍有关内容。 bd.tjjy.com.cn 6. hi roger, may i take a photo with you please? 我想找费德勒要单独的合影,用敬语怎么说? www.tennis.com.cn 7. Excuse me, could I take a photo with you? 打扰了,我可以和你拍照吗? wenwen.soso.com 8. Let me take a photo of you. 让我给你照张相吧。 bbs.eduol.cn 9. Can we take a photo with you, please? 您能与我们拍张照片吗? zhidao.baidu.com 10. Could I take a photo with you please? 我能和您一起拍张照吗? zhidao.baidu.com 1. excuse me! may i take a photo with you? 不好意思打扰了,我能和你合张影吗 wenwen.soso.com 2. Excuse me, can I take a photo with you? 我可以给你拍照吗?怎么说? wenwen.soso.com 3. May I take a photo with you, please? 我能和你合个影吗? zhidao.baidu.com 4. Thank you! Can I take a photo with you? 谢谢,能拍个照吗? zhidao.baidu.com 5. Could you please take a photo of me? 请在这儿为我照张相。 www.kmmyxx.com 6. When you have made the face, you can take a photo of it, so that you can keep your unusual picture forever. 当你做完这张脸谱时,你可以给它拍张照,这样就可以永远保存你这张不寻常的图画了。 www.jukuu.com 7. I'm always happy when I take the time to observe a tradition, do a family project, spread a little cheer, take a photo. 当花时间去进行一个家庭项目、分享一点愉快,拍一张照片时总会很高兴。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. My daughter grabbed my camera. She wanted to take a photo of "the composite" of colours. 我女儿一手夺过我手中的相机,原来她想抓住眼前的这一片多姿多彩。 www.bing.com 9. Animals, let's take a photo together. Let's make a pose. Let's say 'happy new year' together. 小动物们,大家来摆个造型拍照留念吧!一起说‘新年快乐! wenku.baidu.com 10. Can I take a photo with you ? 我们可以一起拍张照吗?。 www.fzl8.com.cn 1. Through Rome we sail, climbing the Spanish Steps and visiting the Trevi Fountain, where I take a photo. 我们轻快地走遍罗马,爬上西班牙阶梯,参观了许愿池,我在那里照了张相。 www.tingroom.com 2. Do you want me to take a photo of Mount Everest for you? 您需要我帮你拍张珠峰的照片吗? beijing.neworiental.org 3. Use your iPhone to copy an image, take a photo, record a voice memo orjot down a note, and it appears on your computer (and vice versa). 使用iPhone复制图片,拍照,记录声音或者笔记,在你的电脑上也会出现(反之亦然)。 www.bing.com 4. Let everyone take a photo of you in interesting pose. 摆一个有趣的姿势让大家拍照。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. If Yao Ming comes to our hometown, I will take a photo with him. 如果姚明来到我们家乡,我要与他合影。 shahanbin678.blog.163.com 6. Keep the sun behind you when you take a photo . 拍照时要让太阳留在你的身后。 www.jukuu.com 7. My I take a photo with you? 我能与你合照一张吗? sports.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Listen to the recording, and then answer this question : Who can take a photo of Lucy and Flora? 听录音,然后回答问题:谁可以给露西和弗洛拉照相? www.hjenglish.com 9. How can I take your picture if you don't hold still excuse me , could you take a photo for me? 你身子老是动,我怎么给你照像? zhidao.baidu.com 10. Hello, do i have the honour to take a photo with you? 嗨,请问我有没有那个荣幸可以和你照一张像? zhidao.baidu.com 1. One is enough. one photo, please) If don't have one, ( you can take a photo over there? in the snapshot. (请拿出一张照片)如果您没有照片的话,您可以去那边?照相区照一张照片。 www.8875.org 2. You can't go anywhere new without them stopping to take a photo of everything and anything. 如果你想去一个新的地方还不让他们停下来给狂拍烂拍那是不可能的。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. He then asked someone nearby to take a photo of the lovers holding the W. 他们俩拿着字母W,请旁边的人帮他们拍了张照片。 www.hxen.com 4. Fig. 2 The test to take a photo of the mini poster tiger and a stem. The picture was erected and the stem slightly inclined forward. 图2拍摄一个迷你墙画虎和一个小树枝的试验。图画是立着的,树枝稍稍向前倾斜。 url.cn 5. Would you please take a photo with me ? 能和我拍照吗? wenwen.soso.com 6. Please stay still while I take a photo of you. 我给你照相时请别动。 www.syzx.com.cn 7. I cannot even take a photo? 我照张相都不行? sites.google.com 8. Hey, Girl, why don't you take a photo with me and show your boss Buson? 嗨,丫头,你为什么不跟我合照一张然后回去给你上司布桑看呢?。 www.inbook.net 9. I must take a photo with my drillmaster to remember the experience. 我得和教官拍个照,留做纪念! www.24en.com 10. You'd better apply a photoflash if you take a photo in a room. 如果在室内拍照,你最好用一只闪光灯。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Such a well-known man is he that everyone wants to take a photo with him. 他是如此有名的人,人人都想与他合影。 360edu.com 2. May i take a photo for you courtyard? 3我可以拍一张你家的庭院的照片吗?。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Don't move. I'll take a photo of you on the rock. 别动。我给你拍一张在岩石上的照片。 dict.hjenglish.com 4. ll take a photo of her. 我要给她拍照。 wenku.baidu.com 5. I will take a photo of myself but prove that it is me. I will prove this by posing the way you tell me to. 我会照一张我自己的相片并证明那就是我,按照你告诉我的姿势去拍照。 iask.sina.com.cn 6. Take a photo of the Great Wall. 给长城照张照片吧! zhidao.baidu.com 7. e. g. Dare you take a photo of a snake? 你敢给蛇照相吗? wenku.baidu.com 8. Dad: Excuse me, sir. Could you take a photo for us? Just press this button. 爸爸:你好,这位先生。能帮我们拍张照吗?按一下这个键。 www.ebigear.com 9. If a snake bites you, take a photo with your mobile phone! 如果一条蛇咬了你,用手机拍一张照片! www.dlenglish.cn 10. We still have much time left now, let's take a photo, one! Two! Smile! 还有时间,我们来拍照吧。一,二,茄子! www.isorange.com 1. You may take a photo for them casually or draw them, both will be good articles, attractive moving pictures. 随便把它们拍下来,画下来,都是一幅动人的画图。 www.kancaimi.cn 2. Take a photo with a camera. 用照相机拍照。 jspd.ew.com.cn 3. However when we were going to take a photo, a dressily miss threw something by hand. 我们正要拍照却看见一个穿这入时的小姐随手扔东西。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Excuse me, could you take a photo for us? Just press this button. 打扰了,能帮我们拍张照片吗?只要按一下这个键就好了? wenku.baidu.com 5. M: Oh, Yes. It's really worth seeing. I'd like to take a photo. 哦,是的。它确实值得一看。我想在这里照张相。 blog.cersp.com 6. Take a photo on your mobile. 用你的手机拍张照片。 www.hjenglish.com 7. Shall I take a photo of you? 我来帮你拍照好吗? www.bing.com 8. First u say its okay to take a photo and then they raid ur home. 首先你们说拍张照就可以,接着却突然跟到我们家。 club.sohu.com 9. May I take a photo of this school? 我可以拍一张这个学校的照片吗? www.5ykj.com 10. Can I take a photo for you? 请问我可以给你照相么? zhidao.baidu.com 1. May I take a photo for you? 我能为你拍张照吗? sports.zhishi.sohu.com 2. did you take a photo with her? 你跟她合影了吗? talk.oralpractice.com 3. Take a photo of this monkey. 给那只猴子拍一张吧。 vip.book.sina.com.cn 4. Please take a photo of my baby. 请给我的孩子照一张相吧。 wuzengping.blog.163.com 5. They can take a photo when you want, check you in at locations, and gather information on businesses you look at on your way. 有了它,你可以随心所欲地拍照,到达指定地点时会为你办理登记,还会为你搜集沿途看到的商业信息。 gb.cri.cn 6. Can I take a photo of you? 我可以给你照张像吗? 34jxx.com 7. the Museum. Can I take a photo for this? 我能照这个么? wenku.baidu.com 8. You can take a photo but you cannot climb this wall! 你可以在此拍照,然而你不能爬上城墙! zhishi.sohu.com 9. Can you and me take a photo? 我可以和你合影一张照片吗? wenwen.soso.com 10. Excuse me! Could you take a photo for me and my wife? 对不起!您可以给我和我太太照张相吗? bjd.com.cn 1. They stood together to take a photo. 他们站在一起照了一张相。 2. Everything's fine, why don't you take a photo? 好好儿的,你怎么不拍了? blog.sina.com.cn 3. Excuse me, would you mind to take a photo for us? 请问你可以帮我们照张相吗? zhidao.baidu.com 4. Could you please take a photo with us? 我们可以合影吗? wenwen.soso.com 5. Obviously, if you take a photo camera in your hands on 4th of July it is about picturing fireworks. 如果你在7月4号手里拿着相机,那么你一定少不了拍上几张焰火照片。 www.bing.com 6. Could you take a photo for me here? 你可以帮我在这拍张照片吗? qun.51.com 7. Can you take a photo with me? 你可不可以跟我拍张照? wenwen.soso.com 8. For example, Amazon's app lets people scan bar codes, speak into the phone or take a photo of an item to search for products. 例如亚马逊的应用程序可以让人们扫描图书的条形码,语音识别和图片搜索需要的图书产品。 www.bing.com 9. Maybe it's because I am so beautiful. Maybe the bird wants to take a photo with me. 也许是因为我很漂亮,也许是因为那只鸟想跟我一起照相。 bgy.gd.cn 10. Come on. Let's take a photo together. 来。我们一起照张相吧! zhidao.baidu.com 1. Don't move. m take a photo Ol you on the rock. 别动。我给你揎一张在岩石上的照片。 msky365.com 2. Could you please take a photo for us? 请问您能帮我们照张相吗? www.hjenglish.com 3. Would you please take a photo for us? 您能帮我们拍张照片吗?。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Why don't we stop here and take a photo? 咱们为什么不在这儿停一下,拍张照片呢? school.ecp.com.cn 5. Can we take a photo together? 我们可以和你合影一张照片吗? wenwen.soso.com 6. Flora : And you can take a photo of us! 弗洛拉:你可以给我们拍张照片! www.hjenglish.com 7. Let's take a photo together! 让我们一起来拍张照片吧! www.bing.com 8. Yes, please take a photo for us. 是的,请帮我们照张像。 9. Could you take a photo of us? 你能为我们拍张照片吗? edu.kz-school.net 10. Yes, yes. You are real. Can I take a photo? I will put it on the newspaper. 是的,是的。你是真老虎。我可以拍个照吗?我要把它放到报纸上去。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Could you take a photo for us? 你能帮我们拍照吗吗? wenwen.soso.com 2. Look at the huge playbill in the park, children and adults come to take a photo continuously. 看那公园里宏大地海报雕像前,不时地有小孩或年夜人过来摄影纪念。 wenwen.rz598.com 3. Users can also go directly to the camera even when the phone is locked and take a photo within 1. 1 seconds. 另外,即便手机处于锁定状态,用户也可以直接使用摄像头并在1.1秒内拍摄一张照片。 cn.wsj.com 4. Janet: Can you help us take a photo? 你可以帮我们照一张照片吗? www.ebigear.com 5. Do you mind if take a photo of your shop. 我能拍一张您店的照片吗? zhidao.baidu.com 6. Take a photo of sb. 给某人照相。 www.lbqz.com 7. Can you please take a photo for us? 你可以帮我们拍张照片吗? blog.hjenglish.com 8. I want to take a photo with you. 我想和你照张相 bbs.wps2005.com 9. If a snake bites you, take a photo with yourmobile phone! It maysave your life. 如果一条蛇咬了你,请用你的手机拍下它的照片!这可以挽救你的生命。 www.tingroom.com 10. will you please take a photo for me? 你能给我照张相吗?。 wenba.ddmap.com 1. Do you want to take a photo with my fish hawk? 你想同渔鹰照张相吗? a.travel.21cn.com:8080 2. Can you take a photo for us? 可以帮我们照相吗? zhidao.baidu.com 3. Would you like to take a photo with me ? 你能和我一起拍张照片吗?。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Do you mind we take a photo together? 你介意我们一起合个影么? blog.sina.com.cn 5. We can take a photo together! 我们可以在一起照一张相嘛。 www.7781.org 6. I want to take a photo of you two. 我想给你们两个照张相 wenwen.soso.com 7. Would you like take a photo here? 你想在这照张相吗? goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Let me take a photo with you 我给你照张相吧 www.sailboy.cn 9. take a photo of his father 给他的爸爸照了一张照片 wenku.baidu.com 10. The Chinese yuan: friends take a photo in front of a sculpture of a one-hundred yuan banknote in Beijing 中国元:一群人在北京的一座百元人民币纸币雕塑前留影 www.bing.com 1. there are several ducks in rice fields which are running, I immediately take a photo 在稻田里奔跑着一批鸭子,于是我马上拍摄了这张照片。 www.bing.com 2. take a photo of a snowman 给雪人照相 wenku.baidu.com 3. take a photo of two birds 照两只鸟的像 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Take a photo with the leaders of SISU 与院领导合影 www.sisu.edu.cn 5. take a photo of sth 照一张..的照片 wenku.baidu.com |
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