单词 | Surfers | ||||||||||||||
释义 | Surfers
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 冲浪者,网上冲浪者,浏览者 1. An Internet library aimed to be accessible to surfers around the world is now on line, with its formal inauguration in Paris on Tuesday. 一个旨在为世界各地冲浪者提供方便的网上图书馆目前已上线,该图书馆于周二在巴黎完成其正式落成典礼。 www.suiniyi.com 2. But on the Internet, advertisers are increasingly choosing where to place their ads based on how much sites know about Web surfers. 但是在因特网上,广告商们将广告放在哪里越来越取决于有多少网站对网络冲浪者的了解。 www.bing.com 3. Experienced riders will like this surf place. When it's going off, it would be more than just a gnarly ride for surfers. 冲浪老手们会喜欢上这个冲浪的地方。不过,如果再过一点儿,那可就远不是冲浪那么好玩的事情了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Couch surfers tend to see themselves as part of a tribe; unlike two people hooking up at a bar, they meet under an altruistic premise. 沙发冲浪者视自己为一个部落的成员。不像在酒吧里面邂逅的两个人,他们在利他主义的前提下相遇。 www.bing.com 5. Dan: Well, I feel bad about what happened at Surfers Paradise. I'm trying to make up. 丹:噢,对过去发生的事情我感到很抱歉,现在我正试着弥补以前的过失。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The problem was that most of AOL's page views were being generated by the firm's subscribers rather than by random internet surfers. 但问题是,大多AOL的网页访问量都是由其订阅用户贡献的,而不是那些随机的互联网冲浪者。 www.ecocn.org 7. Social networking sites are guilty pleasure shared by an astonishingly high number of "silver surfers" , research has found. 研究发现,有相当多的“银发网友”认为社交网站带给他们“有罪恶感的快乐”。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. Apart from meeting large groups of surfers , you might also be able to meet some world celebrities during your time. 在此之间,你除了会碰到不少冲浪爱好者,也可能有机会和世界级明星碰面哦! dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Traders are like surfers, trying to catch good waves, only their beach is rocky, not sandy. 交易者就像冲浪者,都想找到最好的波浪,但是他们的沙滩全是石头,不是沙子。 www.leson6666.com 10. Yesterday, when Premier Wen Jiabao chatted with internet surfers, he already mentioned this point. 昨天,温家宝总理在和网友交流时,已经说到这一点。 club.topsage.com 1. Surfers visiting the island should be extremely happy with the weather conditions, no matter what time of the year they do it. 访问该岛冲浪者应与天气条件非常高兴,不管什么时候,今年他们这样做。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Three young surfers swam out to him and brought him to shore. He wanted to reward them, and asked what they would like. 三个年轻的冲浪者把他就上了岸。他想要感谢他们,就问他们想要什么。 en.chinabroadcast.cn 3. And when surfers are out waiting for waves, you probably wonder, if you've never been out there, what are they doing? 当冲浪爱好者们在海边等浪来的时候要是你从没去过那里你可能会好奇,他们都怎么消磨时间呢? www.ted.com 4. Other than a few dedicated surfers, the dolphins were the only creatures visible in the bay. 除了少数几个专注的冲浪者,海豚是海湾里唯一看得见的生物。 www.bing.com 5. As the sun appears on the horizon, 1 a few stoked surfers paddle out through the waves. 太阳刚从地平线升起,几个跃跃欲试的冲浪好手便涉浪划出。 www.hicoo.net 6. Most of the surfers spend at least $125 a day so you should expect to pay for such an experience. 大多数的浏览者花费至少125美元的日子,所以你应该期望支付这样的体验。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. THE outcry over internet firms' habit of surreptitiously tracking web surfers' activities has clearly resonated inside the White House. 互联网公司喜欢偷偷跟踪用户上网活动,这一嗜好引发的高声抗议,显然在白宫内产生了共鸣。 bbs.ecocn.org 8. Then, as the sun goes down, the surfers come ashore and the party starts. 然而到了日落时分,当冲浪者们聚到岸边来时,派对就开始了。 www.bing.com 9. In Canada, website crackshackormansion. com invites web surfers to tell the difference between a drugs den and a $1m Vancouver home. 在加拿大,crackshackormansion.com邀请网民们描述毒窟和一套100万美元温哥华住宅之间的差别。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Surfers enjoyed the waves off Panama City Beach this weekend, and families jumped in the water to take a break from the heat. 冲浪的人本周末在享受巴拿马城滨海的海浪,人家全家人都跳进海水里在暑热中清凉一下。 www.ttxyy.com 1. For decades, surfers have made the pilgrimage to Hawaii, paying homage to its golden beaches and bowing before its world-class waves. 好几十年来,冲浪爱好者都慕名来到夏威夷,他们对夏威夷的黄金海岸致敬,并拜倒在它的世界级巨浪之下。 www.hjenglish.com 2. Even people who consider themselves "light surfers" would be surprised if shown the actual number of hours they loiter on the web. 甚至那些自认为是“轻度网迷”的人在得知自己虚度在网上的真实时间时也会大吃一惊。 www.elanso.com 3. While comments often read more like rants, they serve as an excellent barometer of the issues Web surfers are most interested in. 虽然阅读评论如山呼海啸,但是这些评论确是网上冲浪者所关注问题的晴雨表。 www.bing.com 4. AOL estimates that just over half of its unique monthly visitors are subscribers, rather than surfers with no other connection to the firm. AOL估计在其独立的每月访问者中,除了与公司毫无联系的浏览者外,只有超过一半是其订户。 www.ecocn.org 5. In the region, Opera was able to determine which sites are being accessed the most by web surfers. 在这个地区,Opera可以决定那个网站会成为上网者最常访问的站点。 www.bing.com 6. Maybe only surfers in California will buy it but at least it'll be a sale! 大概只有那些加州的冲浪者们会去买之款车了,不过至少,它将来会面市的! www.bing.com 7. Because monetary policy cannot get apparent results in a short time, the effectiveness of monetary policy surfers from suspicion. 由于货币政策治理流动性过剩短期效果不明显,货币政策调控宏观经济的能力及有效性遭到怀疑。 www.13191.com 8. Along with several spots, can admire the point-by-point ceased on oahu's southern coast surfers. 沿途设有好几个景点,可逐点停歇观赏在欧胡岛南部海岸的冲浪者。 en.cnxianzai.com 9. Engineers are developing a new type of Internet connection that could carry so much data so quickly it might surprise even Net surfers. 工程师正发展一种新型的互联网连接,这种连接可以很快地传输大量的数据,这些数据可能甚至令网络。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. College graduates are 16 times as likely to be Internet surfers at home as are those with only elementary ? school education. 大学毕业的人与只受过小学教育的人相比在家上网数相差16倍。 www.ebigear.com 1. The Gold Coast is known as a surfers ' paradise3 with over 42 kilometers of sandy beaches, crystal-clear water, and great waves. 黄金海岸拥有超过42公里的沙滩、清澈见底的海水及滔天巨浪,使它成为冲浪者的天堂。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The technology was designed for use in combat zones but now will help protect swimmers, surfers and fishermen off the coast of Queensland. 这种科技原本是设计在战场上使用的,但是现在将帮助保护游泳、冲浪者以及在昆士兰海岸外的渔民。 www.bing.com 3. We took advantage of the beached surfers whining about the placid waves and wind surfed through the clear blue water uninterrupted. 我们趁著冲浪客困坐沙滩,抱怨海浪太平静的机会,在不受打扰的情况下,以风帆徜徉在湛蓝清澈的海水上。 udn.com 4. Mineral-rich Western Australia has been drawing law firms like the region's Margaret River draws surfers. 矿产资源丰富的西澳大利亚州像当地的玛格丽特河吸引冲浪者一样吸引律师事务所。 www.fatisia.com 5. IS IT a worrying invasion of privacy for web surfers, or a lucrative new business model for online advertising? 网络冲浪者忧虑其隐私是不是一种错觉,或者是网络广告的新型获利商业对象? boboan79.blog.163.com 6. In the U. S. and Europe, web surfers are leaning forward, one hand on the mouse and the other on the keyboard, typing and mousing equally. 在欧美,上网者身体靠前,一只手放在鼠标上,一只手放在键盘上。打字和点击的概率差不多。 www.bing.com 7. And you see surfers, people who see this happening, and in some sense build it into a supply chain, which is a very curious one. 你还会遇到很多的冲浪者,他们看到你的计划有趣就会在半路加入,你也可以把这样的人士纳入你的供应链。 www.bing.com 8. Here, Gill Adams, one of the organisers of Silver Surfers' Day, gives her top ten reasons why all older people should get connected. 在这里,“银发网上冲浪者”活动的组织者之一吉尔·亚当斯给出了她的老年人应该上网的十大理由。 www.bing.com 9. Two-thirds of Chinese have never been online and nearly half of China's Web surfers are under 25. 三分之二的中国人从来没有上过网,约一半的上网者年龄在25岁以下。 dongxi.net 10. Search data is increasingly used to custom-tailor display advertisements for Web surfers. 搜索数据正越来越多地被使用在针对性的网络展示广告上。 cn.reuters.com 1. Tofino on Vancouver Island's west coast is a favourite with surfers and close to the Pacific Rim Natural Park. 温哥华岛西岸的托菲诺很受冲浪爱好者欢迎,离环太平洋自然公园也很近。 www.i21st.cn 2. He says the interaction between tourists and local surfers is not competitive like in many popular surfing destinations. 他说在这里,游客和当地冲浪手之间的互动不如其它其他热门冲浪目的地那样具有竞争性。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. As all these programmers compete with one another to make faster, more stable, and more intuitive browsers, we Web surfers keep winning. 所有这些的程序员们为了制造出更快更稳定以及更人性化的浏览器而互相竞争,我们作为互联网的用户则不断收益。 www.bing.com 4. EXAMPLE: Champion surfers are attracted to the gnarly surf along the eastern Australian coast. 澳大利亚东海岸的惊涛骇浪吸引着一流的冲浪好手。 www.fortunechina.com 5. Beginning and advanced Web surfers alike rely on links to navigate around the Web. 无论上网新手还是高水品的网上冲浪者都依靠链接在Web上导航。 www.ibm.com 6. The Ron Jon Surfpark in Orlando, due to open early in 2007, claims to be the first built specifically for surfers and bodyboarders. 奥兰多的罗?乔恩冲浪公园,定于2007年初开放,宣称是第一个专门为冲浪运动员和冲浪运动修建的公园。 www.ecocn.org 7. Cranky is search engine designed for Web surfers over the age of 50. Cranky是专门为50岁以上的上网者设计的。 www.bing.com 8. A number of private companies have created specialized applications allowing Web surfers to access Twitter. 很多私人公司研发了专门应用软件,以使网络用户能访问Twitter。 cn.reuters.com 9. I didn't realise there was a world of silver surfers, as they call us, out there waiting to get in touch. 我也从未意识到,原来还存在有一个银发冲浪健将们(正如他们称呼我们的那样)的世界。在那里,大家都希望能彼此相识。 www.bing.com 10. Yet, some live for interacting with its unpredictable motions; they are surfers. 冲浪者就是同海洋不可预知的运动进行交互。 www.ibm.com 1. Playing games is the most common on-line activity for young people. There is NO evangelistic content in Chinese suitable for teen surfers . 网络线上游戏是年轻人上网最常进行的消遣活动,但网路游戏中没有任何福音内容来接触年轻人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Also, for the first time, surfers were able to dream of one day going inside a wave's tube and doing a complete loop. 同时冲浪者们第一次可以实现在浪管里翻腾的梦想。或者说,他们在考虑在浪里上下来回翻腾。 www.en400.com:8080 3. Fish boards currently are popular among surfers of average ability and work best in surf conditions that are not too treacherous. 目前,在技能平平的冲浪者那里,在不太危险的冲浪条件下,颇受欢迎。 www.spph.com.cn 4. Second, in the post-portal era, the first landing points for Internet surfers have begun to show diversification. 第二,在后门户时代,网民上网的第一着陆点已经开始不断多样化。 www.kekenet.com 5. Yet judging by the stories I've heard from fellow couch surfers, the no-hook-up rule is broken all the time. 然而,从我在沙发冲浪朋友那儿听到的故事来看,这个无约会的规矩经常被人打破。 www.bing.com 6. The plethora of free flesh available on "tube sites" , where surfers watch and upload online video clips, has disrupted old business models. 大量冒出的新兴“视频分享网站”让人们观赏及上传视频文件,严重干扰了旧有的商业模式。 www.ecocn.org 7. Those die-hard surfers, they'll go in the water any time of the year! 那些死忠的冲浪爱好者,他们一年到头什么时候都下海逐浪! blog.sina.com.cn 8. "Shark" is a word which frightens swimmers and surfers all over the world. “鲨鱼”是一个令全世界的游泳爱好者及滑浪爱好者惊悚的词。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Impressions, clicks, and here are all free, "free to shout" only by surfers to the user's messages, telephone charges, long. 展示,被点击和浏览全部免费,“自由呼”只按浏览者给用户的留言,电话时长收费。 www.tonke.cn 10. Like champion surfers, large international design firms are riding the crest of a wave for all it is worth. 就像冲浪运动的冠军们一样,大型国际设计公司乘风破浪,向理想迈进,为价值献身。 www.bing.com 1. Messages like that startled Chinese Web surfers, long accustomed to the authorities' Internet blockades. 这样的消息让一般的中国网民感到吃惊,长久以来他们习惯于官方对互联网的封锁。 dongxi.net 2. The town, world-famous for its surf, bustles with surfers and tanned shoppers who fill its shops, bars and restaurants. 塔玛林度是世界知名的冲浪圣地,冲浪者与晒成古铜色的顾客挤满了商店、酒吧和餐厅。 pro.lihpao.com 3. during that time , snowboarding appealed initially to a small group of surfers , skateboarders , and backcountry enthusiasts. 那时候,单板滑雪吸引了一小批冲浪、滑板和越野的狂热爱好者。 www.ichacha.net 4. But, first, a report about a famous American vehicle used by soldiers and surfers. 但是,首先,关于一个著名的美国士兵和冲浪者使用的车辆报告。 www.englishtang.com 5. However, little knew that it's a great place for surfers, too. 然而,很少有人知道,它是一个冲浪的好地方,太。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Training mode is available. 4 surfers are available to choose, and you can customize colour of your surf board. 游戏具有训练模式。有4个冲浪者可供选择,同时你可以设定你的冲浪板颜色。 java.moffy.com 7. Accurate testing of the impact of page content on performance and the quality perceived by web surfers. 以最终用户的感知质量的角度,测试网页内容对网页整体性能的影响。 www.ip-label.net 8. Surfers could use these credits in the website's virtual store and buy more credits when they were running low. 上网者可以在其积分将用尽的时候用这些点数在网站的虚拟商店购买。 www.suiniyi.com 9. Skidmark the mouse rides a wave on a custom surf board at Surfers Paradise in Queensland, Australia. 澳大利亚昆士兰州,冲浪者天堂---一只逃鼠在特制的冲浪板上享受惊险的刺激。 www.bing.com 10. So far, this team has identified 500, 000 safe websites, still images and videos suitable for junior web surfers. 迄今为止,该团队已识别出适合孩子们网上冲浪的50万个安全网站、静态图像和视频。每个网站的内容都根据年龄组分门别类。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The event at Burleigh Heads in Queensland state featured 80 surfers from Australia and the United States. 另外,这项比赛吸引了来自澳大利亚和美国的共80名冲浪好手参加。 gb.cri.cn 2. These incompatibilities between browsers are as big a headache for developers as they are for Web surfers, some professionals say. 一些专业人员说,浏览器之间不兼容的问题,让开发者和浏览者都很头痛。 dream4ever.org 3. Meanwhile, about 60-percent of surfers admit to being concerned that their online behavior may affect their professional or personal lives. 同时,60%的上网者确信,他们的网络行为或多或少影响工作和私生活。 www.hjenglish.com 4. Surfers can line up again and again to block the ferry and other harbingers of the future. But change is as inevitable as the tide. 冲浪者纵然可以一而再,再而三地排队阻拦客轮和其它将来会出现的入侵者,但夏威夷的变革如同它的海潮一样,无可回避。 www.ecocn.org 5. Jamy warns there is a risk that kite-surfers can be arrested for crossing private property to reach the water. Jamy警告说,对于风筝滑行者来说如果为了飞行到水面而越过私人的地方会有被逮捕的危险。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. But it surfers from inversion of the converted bit stream and low conversion rate caused by long fiber ring cavity. 但是,输出的转换光脉冲与信号光极性相反,光纤环形长腔的存在导致其转换速率比较低。 www.fabiao.net 7. The court noted that Zango was fined $3 million in 2006 for deceiving web surfers into installing its pop-up software. 美国法院曾在2006年判决Zango因为欺骗网民安装弹出广告软件而罚款三百万美元。 www.bing.com 8. It will be interesting to see how many Chinese web surfers download this beta software. 有多少中国用户会下载这个版本呢,这是很有意思的事情。 www.bing.com 9. Check out some pictures I made this morning. Look at some of the best local surfers in action at one of the best spots of the Island. 请看我今天早上拍的照片。看到一些最好本地冲浪者在海南其中一个最好的冲浪地点。 www.surfinghainan.com 10. Surfers are flocking to Hawaii where the surf is kicking up some massive waves. 由于那里的排岸浪产生了一些巨大的海浪,冲浪爱好者正在纷纷涌向夏威夷。 www.51mokao.com 1. With viruses and trojans, surfers are suspicious of demands to install software. 在病毒和木马程序肆虐的网络上,网民们会对安装软件的要求充满猜疑。 www.ibm.com 2. The best surfers often have speciality long boards that they can use on particular types of surf to obtain, hopefully, the best results. 在特定的冲浪比赛中,冲浪高手们常会使用特制的长板以期获得最好的成绩。 www.spph.com.cn 3. Pickled the Movie, a surf flick by Billabong USA featuring 8 world-class surfers, 8 exotic countries, 1 total wannabe and a jar of pickles. 腌渍的电影,由比拉邦美国具有8项世界级的冲浪者,8异国他乡,一总想当冲浪轻弹和泡菜罐子。 movingshop.org 4. And also the waves there are very high, so Waikiki attracts large numbers of travelers and surfers every year. 那儿的浪也很高,所以每年怀基基都吸引大量的游客跟冲浪爱好者。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 5. boys ". Serious surfers are much stronger and thinner than beach boys. They" . 真正的冲浪运动员要比沙滩冲浪小伙儿强壮得多,瘦得多。他们。 yxlt8.cn 6. And if there are seals or surfers, dogs with Frisbees, shorebirds or tide pools, even sailboats in the distance, even that gets set aside. 但是,如果有海豹或冲浪者,接飞盘的小狗,海鸟或蓄潮池,甚至远方的帆船,你连书都不需要。 www.bing.com 7. Surfers were the victims of slightly more than half of the incidents reported in 2010, nearly 51 percent of the cases. 在2010年报告的鲨鱼攻击事件中,冲浪者被鲨鱼攻击的几率要高出一半,将近51%。 www.bing.com 8. The shapeless sheepskin boots were first spotted on the 1970s-era Australian surfers who wore them for post-surf warmth. 二十世纪七十年代,澳大利亚冲浪运动员为了在冲浪结束后保暖,成为了最早穿这种形状奇怪的羊皮靴的人。 www.24en.com 9. Gold Coast Tour including visit to Surfers Paradise shops and beaches. 著名黄金海岸游览,包括欣赏冲浪表演、感受海滩美丽风光。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. It is a good place for swimming and surfing . That's why many surfers all over the world go there to take part in surfing competition. 那是一个游泳跟冲浪的好地方,这就是为什么世界各地这么多的冲浪爱好者去那参加冲浪比赛的原因。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 1. It is a good place for swimming and surfing . That's why many surfers all over the world go there to take part in surfing competition. 那是一个游泳跟冲浪的好地方,这就是为什么世界各地这么多的冲浪爱好者去那参加冲浪比赛的原因。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Surfers look for a good spot at Bondi Beach. 冲浪者寻找在邦迪海滩一个好的地点。 word.hcbus.com 3. It threw up road blocks, error messages, and way too many pop-up windows for web surfers. 它给web冲浪者扔下路障、错误信息还有太多的弹出窗口。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Two surfers in wetsuits were already wading into the blue Mediterranean with their boards. 有两名穿着泳衣的冲浪者已经带着冲浪板投身到蓝色地中海的怀抱里。 www.bing.com 5. The palm trees, surfers and redwoods are still there. So is Disneyland. 棕榈树、冲浪者和红杉林一如往昔,迪斯尼乐园依然无异。 www.ecocn.org 6. The Internet's extraordinarygrowth has been fueled by the limitless vistas the Web offers surfers, bloggers and downloaders. 正因为网络为冲浪者、博客以及下载者提供了无限的远景,互联网才得以超常发展。 www.bing.com 7. it is dangerous to go into the water but the surfers took no notice. 在水里游泳是很危险的,可是他们没有注意到。 www.mdaxue.com 8. When Web surfers arrive at those sites and click on those ads, Google and Yahoo! 当有上网者进入这些网址并点击了这些广告,Google和yahoo! www.bing.com 9. It is a bid that is sure to win over hardened web surfers who browse websites in a variety of languages that is the most interesting update. 它的叫价之处是一定能把浏览各种语言网站的坚定的网站浏览者争取过来,这是让人最感兴趣的更新。 www.transcn.org 10. Serious surfers are much stronger and thinner than beach boys. 冲浪运动员要比沙滩小伙儿强壮得多,瘦得多。 tr.bab.la 1. The bulk of Egyptian internet surfers use only five providers. 埃及大部分网民使用的提供商只有五个。 www.ecocn.org 2. Two young surfers, one ofEuropean and the other of Chinese background, head for the beach with their surfboards tucked under their arms. 两位年轻的冲浪者,其中欧洲和其他的中国人的背景,头部为沙滩与冲浪板藏下武器。 bbs.service.sina.com.cn 3. Surfers wade into the water in the early morning at Bondi Beach in Sydney, August 12, 2003. 清晨,冲浪者漫步在悉尼邦迪海滩。 www.bing.com 4. In the 1966 surfing cult movie The Endless Summer, two American surfers came to the Ngor village area of Senegal. 1966年,在一部推崇冲浪运动的电影《无尽的夏天》中,两名美国冲浪者来到了塞内加尔的小村内加尔。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. without question , the best surfers in the world . 毫无疑问的,世界上最好的冲浪选手 www.ichacha.net 6. among these surfers _is_ his uncle . 这些冲浪者之一是他叔叔。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. Once Again we will find away to make surfers smile and enjoy the illustrations, without use of violence, profanity or racist expressions. 我们再次找到了使网民享有笑容和插图,没有使用暴力,不雅或种族主义的表现。 cartoon.chinadaily.com.cn 8. There are numerous legends and stories about courageous local surfers. 有关于勇敢的当地冲浪者的传说和故事。 www.ttxyy.com 9. Gold Coast, surfers paradise. The house for the rich and famous. 黄金海岸,冲浪者天堂,富有和著名人们的房子。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The WikiLeaks website that is attracting millions of fascinated viewers this week appears to unavailable to Chinese web surfers. 中国的网民看来无法登陆这个星期吸引了数百万访民的维基揭秘网站。 kantianya.com 1. No matter what the weather is like , you can always find surfers out riding the waves. 无论天气如何,你总是会发现冲浪者正在破浪滑行。 www.rr365.com 2. Though Joe Jansen now avoids the area, a handful of other surfers met Endris there. 虽然现在JoeJansen避开那片区域,Endris还是在那里遇到了少量的冲浪者。 www.bing.com 3. These are the best formats because surfers are accustomed to them. Anything off these norms is liable to confuse. 用户已经习惯了这种格式,其它格式可能会迷惑用户,导致用户会退出网站。 www.w3pop.com 4. That was my second visit to the Gold Coast, a surfers' paradise. 这是我第二次来到黄金海岸,这个被誉为冲浪者的天堂。 www.lunwenbang.cn 5. very high. No matter what the weather is like, you can always find surfers out. 非常高。不管天气怎样,你总会发现冲浪。 yxlt8.cn 6. There are many surfers surfing in the sea. 海里有很多冲浪者在冲浪。 www.163en.com 7. Surfers would load their boards onto cars and hit the road3 in search of big waves. 远征活动的冲浪者会将冲浪板装上车,然后启程寻找有大浪的地方。 learning.sohu.com 8. Bakhoum and surf-camp operator Philippe Apack are taking surfers by boat from the island to the shore. 用小船带着冲浪者往返于小岛与海岸之间。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. Notice the wave is actually higher than a person? That why it is surfers paradise. 注意实际上波浪高于人?那是冲浪者天堂。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Surfers on main beach, heading out. 沙滩上正准备出发的冲浪者。 www.kekenet.com 1. Some 80, 000 Egyptian web-surfers signed up, pledging to march on the streets to voice demands for reform. 大约有8万埃及网民要求参与,并保证将上街游行示威,呼吁改革。 www.ecocn.org 2. mine did , in tahiti , when it came to the world of professional women surfers. 我就是这样,那是在塔希提,在我走进职业女子冲浪运动员的世界时。 www.ichacha.net 3. Hawaii is a paradise for surfers. 夏威夷是划水者的天堂。 bbs.exam8.com 4. The water here is warmer than the Atlantic and draws swimmers and surfers in droves. 这里的海水比大西洋的要温暖得多,游泳者和冲浪者蜂拥而至。 blog.qq.com 5. In a typical month, surfers plunk down $640, 000. 通常每个月网络赌徒们在此扔下640,000美元。 www.ywhc.net 6. If you've never been to California, you probably associate it with Hollywood and surfers. 要是你没去过加利福尼亚,一提到加州,你很可能会想到好莱坞和冲浪手。 www.bing.com 7. While the first Hawaiian surfers may have ridden their long boards on their stomachs, we know that they soon started standing on the board. 最早的夏威夷冲浪者是把肚子贴在长板上前进的,我们现在知道他们第二步才站起来的。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. We can invite 100 Internet surfers to try it for free and post their opinion online. 我们可以徵求100位网友免费试用,并在线上发表心得。 www.taipeitimes.com 9. I also want to apologize. I was really stupid at Surfers Paradise. I'm sorry. 我也想跟你道歉,在「冲浪者天堂」的时候我真的很笨。对不起。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Surfers ride the waves on the Ice channel in the English Garden in Munich, southern Germany, on Thursday, July 8, 2010. 冲浪者乘坐在慕尼黑的英国花园,德国南部,星期四,2010年7月8日冰通道的波澜。 08062788.blog.163.com 1. Researchers gave over 100, 000 web surfers a free online IQ test. 研究人员对100,000名上网者进行了智商测试。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 2. There is a big difference between serious surfers and the socalled "beach boys" . 真正的冲浪运动员和所谓的“沙滩冲浪小伙儿”之间差别很大。 www.qeto.com 3. The study has followed nearly 300 surfers whose relationship has been initiated on the Internet. 这项研究调查了将近300个在网上交友的受访者。 www.bing.com 4. There is a big difference between serious surfers and the so-called "beach boys" 正式的冲浪者与所谓的“海滩少年”区别很大。 www.xabest.com 5. The study found that surfers look first at article text (92% of the time) and briefs (82% of the time), and thirdly at photos. 研究发现,网站访问者首先阅读文字内容(92%的时间),其次阅读摘要(82%的时间),最后浏览相片。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. divers have been attacked , but not nearly with the same frequency as , for example , swimmers and surfers. 潜水者与例如游泳者、冲浪运动员相比,被鲨鱼袭击的频率远非一样。 www.ichacha.net 7. On one Chinese Web site, Internet surfers rated Lin the most popular athlete, with 1, 851 votes. 在一家中国网站上,网友们选林丹为最著名的体育明星,他共获得1,851张选票。 www.bing.com 8. Surfers, for example, know this incredibly. 举例来说,冲浪的人十分了解这一情况。 www.ted.com 9. According to you, Web surfers me more and more isolated, and they spend less time with their families, creating a tense family relationship. 根据你的观点,网迷会变得越来越孤立,并且很少与朋友在一起,还会形成紧张的家庭关系。 wenwen.soso.com 10. In China, the home internet surfers accounts for 74. 1% of all internet surfers and will for more in the future by statistics of CNNIC. 据CNNIC统计资料显示,我国目前在家上网的网民占网民总数的74.1%,而且这一数字呈上升趋势。 www.13191.com 1. Web surfers, on the other hand, have short attention spans. 网络冲浪者在另一方面有“短暂注意力跨度”。 blog.donews.com 2. In China, for example, free instant-messaging service QQ is the main way many Web surfers keep in touch. 例如中国的免费IM软件——QQ,就是网民进行沟通联络的主要方式。 www.bing.com 3. Surfers, this is your final wave! 选手们现在是最后一浪! www.engxue.com 4. At Shek O a group of surfers went into the water after the red flag was hoisted 在Shek,一队冲浪的人在红旗挂起之后下水。 www.tingroom.com 5. Q: Is it legal that Google redirects Web surfers from mainland to Hong Kong? 问:谷歌将搜索服务由中国内地转至香港是否符合中国法律? www.fmprc.gov.cn 6. Surfers are always easy meals for sharks 冲浪者往往是鲨鱼唾手可得的美餐 blog.sina.com.cn 7. 100 Best Surf Spots in the World: The World's Best Breaks for Surfers in Search of the Perfect Wave (Paperback) 100全球最佳冲浪景点:世界上最好的在完美的海浪(平装)搜索冲浪休息 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Sydney, Gold Coast, Surfers Paradise 悉尼,黄金海岸,滑浪者天堂 wenku.baidu.com 9. Clinical application of instraite gel on the surfers burns 清得佳凝胶在烧伤创面中的临床应用 scholar.ilib.cn 10. a hotbed for freshwater surfers 一个淡水冲浪的温床 www.ichacha.net |
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