单词 | business units | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | business units
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 业务单位,事业单位,经营单位 1. Its mixed bag of business units have propped up the company at different times since the recession. 而其品种繁多的各项投资业务,也使得该企业顺利度过了经济衰退的各个时期。 dongxi.net 2. The company is now run in a more decentralised way around a series of business units, each run by executives with authority to innovate. 该公司目前以更松散的方式管理一系列业务部门,每个部门的管理层都有权进行创新。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Collaboration between semi-autonomous, interconnected business units is often difficult. 在半自治的相互联系的业务单位之间进行协作往往很困难。 www.ibm.com 4. As part of its strategy, the company said it had created three new business units, including one for "mainland development" . 港交所表示,作为其战略的一部分,它已设立三个新业务部门,其中之一就是“内地业务发展组”。 www.ftchinese.com 5. A merger, acquisition, or divestiture of business units may involve merging two or more separate Exchange organizations. 业务单位的合并、收购或资产剥离可能涉及到合并两个或更多独立的Exchange组织。 technet.microsoft.com 6. Individuals will be attached to at least three of our business units with duration ranging from four to six months. 在这项计划下,学士将被派至三个或以上的部门学习,实习时期为四至六个月。 bbs.shufe.edu.cn 7. Maybe you were never allowed to speak to the business units because management preferred to handle those kinds of communications. 也许从来不允许您与业务单位交谈,因为管理层更喜欢处理那些交流。 www.ibm.com 8. Production and business units that do not have such conditions are not allowed to engage in production and business activities. 不具备安全生产条件的,不得从事生产经营活动。 www.falvm.com.cn 9. We are seen as a core function in terms of supplying qualified associates to a variety of business units. 就提供给高素质的员工进入公司各个领域的机会这一点来看,我们可以被看成是一种核心职能。 club.esnai.com 10. Without acceptance from the business units and solid reasoning behind why a process should be changed, your design is at risk for misuse. 如果没有业务单位的认可和更改流程的合理理由,您的设计就有误用风险。 www.ibm.com 1. Article 38 Importers referred to in these Measures shall include business units, consignees and applicants for inspection. 第三十八条本办法所称进口单位,包括经营单位、收货单位和报验单位。 rondeng.blog.163.com 2. Upon completion of the Programme, individuals will be posted to one of our business units. 完成这项计划后,学士们将被委派到我们其一的生意单位。 bbs.shufe.edu.cn 3. The company will also abolish the regional operating structure for its business units in Asia, Europe and South America. 公司还会取消其在亚洲、欧洲和南美的区域经营机构。 www.bing.com 4. The tradeshow setting is also conducive to networking, both among the various businesses and between business units and salespeople. 贸易展览设置也将本着有益于网络、各种业务之间以及业务与销售人员之间的联系。 1718china.org.cn 5. Experience demonstrating a commitment to support business units, markets, and customers with a clear business orientation. 投身支持部门市场和客户,有很明确的商业导向。 www.lietou.com 6. Now, profit-generating business units regard software as a critical part of their infrastructure and competitive advantage. 现在,以产生利润为目的的商业公司,把软件当做他们基础和竞争性优势的关键一部分。 www.ibm.com 7. 8226; Excellent working relationships with other customer service organizations within Cisco and with appropriate business units. 在公司内部和相关商业单位能和其他客户服务机构建立良好的工作关系。 blog.163.com 8. The company is organized into four regional strategic business units globally. 公司在全球由四个商业战略区组成。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Therefore, the present strength of the managers will certainly influence the cost of the expansion of business units within given range. 因此,本实力的经理肯定会影响成本的扩大业务单位在指定范围。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Establish a production center for assembling and testing of various kind of e- cabinets as an in-house supplier to Saurer Business Units . 建立一个生产中心,装配并测试各种类型的电柜,供应给苏拉的各防止事业部。 www.bing.com 1. GOME said two weeks later in a statement that one of its business units had been indicted by the same Beijing court on bribery charges. 两周后,国美电器发表声明称旗下的一个业务部门受到北京同一家法院的贿赂指控。 chinese.wsj.com 2. As a result, senior Goldman staff appear able to scrutinise the operations of other business units with more freedom than at other banks. 因而,与其它银行相比,高盛的高层员工在审视其它业务部门的运作方面似乎有着更多的自由。 www.ftchinese.com 3. In 2006, ABB moved the global headquarters of its robotics division, and its marine, power electronics and metal business units to China. 2006年,ABB把其机器人技术分部、海运、电力电子学和金属商业部门的全球总部转移到了中国。 rayjuhoo.blog.163.com 4. Business units simply cannot build and deploy their own comparably equipped environment for less than what Blue Insight costs. 业务单位无法以低于BlueInsight的成本构建和部署他们自己装备的相同环境。 www.ibm.com 5. These initiatives frequently require the collaboration of multiple business units and an enterprise-level cultural change. 这些活动通常要求多个业务单位之间进行协作,并要求进行企业级的文化变更。 www.ibm.com 6. Regular, consistent contact with business units will help you keep an eye on the future even as you design and build for the present. 即使您目前正在进行设计和构建,与业务单位进行定期、一致的联系也会帮助您密切关注将来。 www.ibm.com 7. The innovation occurring in these Indian captive units is visible only to other business units and is not revealed to end consumers. 要知道,这些大公司研发中心做出的成绩只有公司内部的其它业务单位知道,并不向终端消费者透露。 www.bing.com 8. Various business units of the current nature and type of complex, management is not in place is common. 当前各种经营单位的性质和种类比较复杂,管理不到位的现象比较普遍。 www.xiami360.com 9. C, servers, storage devices, software and services and many other business units, departments and business card printing rate of next year. 服务器、存储设备、软件和服务等诸多业务部门当中,成像与制卡部门明年的业绩增幅最少。 www.bing.com 10. Revenue from subsidiaries or internal corporate groups , divisions or business units engaged exclusively in non- construction activities . 附属机构或集团内部、业务部门从事非工程业务所得收入。 www.bing.com 1. Leaders also participate in periodic Caterpillar management programs providing exposure to peers and challenges facing other business units. 领导人也参与周期性的毛毛虫管理计划提供接触和其他业务部门面临的挑战应该对你有所帮助。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Huang Feng (business units), a communications products company, is approved by the State related to registration of the enterprise sector. 黄培锋(企业单位)是一家通信产品的企业,是经国家相关部门批准注册的企业。 china.alibaba.com 3. Twenty student advocates with outstanding performance were rewarded with summer internships at various Jardines' business units. 二十位表现杰出的学生在暑期内到怡和集团旗下机构实习。 www.mindset.org.hk 4. The company has three major business units anda 50% stake in the Rockwell Scientific Company. 我们公司有三大业务部门,并且拥有罗克维尔科学公司50%的股份。 online.cnielts.com 5. Lead preparation of annual business plan, involve strategy decision of each business units. 制定公司年度预算方案,参与各业务单元战略决策的制定。 www.lietou.com 6. In Linux, group definitions tend to be based more on the resource access required than on business units. 在Linux中,往往是基于所需要的资源访问权限而不是根据业务单位来定义组。 www.ibm.com 7. As a member of Automation Products Water industry marketing team, coordinate with other business units. 作为自动化产品部水行业市场团队的一员,协调与其他产品部门之间的配合; www.jobui.com 8. Business units under Jardines have been very supportive on philanthropic initiatives. 怡和旗下很多业务单位都积极参与公益事业。 www.mindset.org.hk 9. Among projects, it can be between business units and business partners within a value chain in a uniform and conceptually scalable manner. 在项目之间,它可以通过统一的、概念上可升级的方式在价值链内部的业务单元和业务伙伴之间。 www-128.ibm.com 10. Survey technical training requirements and results by communicating with related departments and business units. 与相关部门沟通,了解培训需求,调查培训结果。 www.jobui.com 1. In addition, your new architecture must be fully operational before that agreement expires to avoid problems for business units. 此外,新的体系结构在该协议期满前必须充分运作,以避免经营单位出现问题。 www.ibm.com 2. New acquisitions are often run as separate business units but integrated on the back end for enterprise reporting and other purposes. 新收购的部分经常作为独立的业务单位运行,但在后端进行了集成,用于进行企业报告和其他用途。 www.ibm.com 3. Here is the microeconomic efficiency of the economic benefits of sports, sports that the economic benefits of individual business units. 在这里,体育的经济效益就是微观经济效益,即体育单个经营单位的经济效益。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The Fragrance Division has three business units: Fine Fragrances, Consumer Products and Fragrance Ingredients. 奇华顿日用香精部有三个业务单位,其中有香水,日用消费品与香原料。 job.guolairen.com 5. In the Multiple Geographies and Multiple Business Divisions models, services are generally owned by individual business units. 在“多区域”和“多种业务划分”模型中,服务通常归各个业务单元所有。 www.ibm.com 6. Works with Global Business Units to identify commodity sourcing opportunities in APAC and develop the regional sourcing strategy. 同全球业务部门合作识别亚太地区的采购机会并发展区域采购战略。 www.rencai.net 7. In the depths of the crisis some banks were unaware that different business units were marking the same assets at different prices. 危机的背后是有些银行并未意识到不同的企业对同样的资产标注了不同的价位。 www.ecocn.org 8. The reorganization also spawned two new business units: one that targets mature markets, and another that targets emerging markets. 本次重组还孵化了两大新业务单元:一是定位于成熟市场,一是瞄准新兴市场。 www.bing.com 9. If you haven't met with business units in the last month, you're not helping your organization stay agile. 如果上个月还没有与业务单位会过面,您就没有帮助组织保持敏捷。 www.ibm.com 10. That could include striking a deal with another partner like Time Warner Inc. 's AOL or divesting of smaller business units. 这可能包括与时代华纳(TimeWarnerInc。)旗下美国在线(AOL)等其他合作伙伴达成交易,或剥离规模较小的业务部门。 biz.bossline.com 1. Imagine a multinational company Hot Dog, Inc. that has two business units (divisions) - Buns Research and Sausage Development. 设想有一家名为热狗有限公司的跨国公司,它们有面包研究部和香肠开发部两个业务部门。 www.infoq.com 2. You might consider using different cells for different business units or other organizational units based on risk and trust. 您可以考虑根据风险和信任对不同的业务单位或其他组织单位使用不同的计算单元。 www.ibm.com 3. countermeasure : break the monopoly of government , open business units and import competition system. 对策:打破政府垄断,开放经营主体,引进竞争机制。 www.ichacha.net 4. Running a successful and profitable airline requires close integration between our various business units. 若要成为一间出色及有盈利增长的航空公司,需要各商业部门之间的紧密合作。 www.cathaypacific.com 5. Today business units collaborate more frequently, creating a need for close integration of their applications. 现在,业务部门之间的合作更加频繁,将其各种应用程序进行紧密集成的需求应运而生。 www.ibm.com 6. G: Improve relationship with business units by improved delivery, increased transparency. 通过改进交付和增加透明度,改进与业务部门的关系。 www.ibm.com 7. The company manages all direct customer contact for their Business Units. 公司商务部门的所有与客户的直接接洽均由公司负责。 www.1x1y.com.cn 8. At any time, the expansion of business units that the present managers can obtain is finite. 在任何时间,扩大业务单位,目前的管理人员能够获得是有限的。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. business units can introduce the relevant quality control methods into business applications Based need. 业务部门可以根据需要引进相关的质量控制方法投入到业务应用中。 qk.cams.cma.gov.cn 10. "Franchise contract" refers to two business units of the legal relationship between. “特许权合同”是指两个经营单位之间的法律关系。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Formerly autonomous business units are being integrated to minimize overhead and maximize output. 先前独立的业务部门被整合起来,以缩减管理经费,并使产量最大化。 www.ibm.com 2. Latest Business Ling Yun allocated for various business units to provide a free advertising platform. 最新推出拨云商务铃,为各企业单位提供了免费广告的平台。 www.b2easy.com 3. Users in different business units are interested in different views of the data. 用户所在的业务部门不同,其感兴趣的数据视图也不同。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. In many firms senior managers probably do not even know that business units are using AWS or similar services. 许多公司的高管可能都不一定知道业务部门在使用AWS和其他类似的服务。 www.bing.com 5. At present, many government agencies and business units have taken the scientific and feasible method. 目前许多政府机构及企业单位已经在采取这一科学可行的方法。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. A common understanding of the business strategy and objectives is fundamental for both business units and IT. 对业务策略和目标的普遍理解是业务单位和IT的基础。 www.ibm.com 7. To support Business Units in meeting adverse incident reporting requirements. 在营销单位碰到不良事故报告要求时提供支持。 www.haoqiantu.cn 8. Some business units revealed a positive correlation between happy staff and happy customers. 在一些商业部门,研究结果显示在快乐员工和快乐客户之间存在正向关系。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Verify, on a regular basis, accounts with corresponding business units. 定期完成与相关公司的帐务核对工作; www.cdworking.com 10. Article 39 Production and business units shall arrange funds for the provision of work protection gears and for training in work safety. 第三十九条生产经营单位应当安排用于配备劳动防护用品、进行安全生产培训的经费。 www.bing.com 1. Business units that request or provide services are mutually interdependent. 请求或提供服务的业务单元是相互独立的。 www.ibm.com 2. Centralize business processes across business units. 将业务流程跨业务单位集中。 www.ibm.com 3. Individual strategic business units typically have moderate to low levels of autonomy. 独立的战略业务单元通常没有太多的自治权利。 www.bing.com 4. BYD's problems are not just confined to falling car sales, its other business units have also witnessed a recent slump. 不仅仅是比亚迪公司的汽车业务下降,其公司的其他业务也在上半年遭遇了销量跳水。 www.hjenglish.com 5. Unit Transfer Cost: unit production cost charged by the factory to business units. 单位转移成本:去除营业单位的工厂收费的单位生产成本。 club.china.alibaba.com 6. It utilizes a common enterprise view of strategic data and provides business units more flexibility, control and responsibility. 它利用企业的公共视图,向企业单元提供更大的弹性、控制和响应。 www.itpub.net 7. Both banks have taken steps to close business units that are clearly proprietary in nature. 两家银行都已采取措施关闭明显属于自营性质的业务部门。 www.fortunechina.com 8. Our Flavour Division has four business units: Beverages, Dairy, Savoury and Sweet Goods. 奇华顿食用香精部有四个业务单元,包括饮料,乳制品,咸味和甜味产品。 job.guolairen.com 9. Manage the Business units single or multiple channels in assigned region. 组织和管理团队在中国区域拓展销售渠道。 sh.szhr888.com 10. Cummins Inc. Is organized into four distinct but complementary business units. 康明斯公司由四个既相互独立,又互为补充的事业部组成 www.91bole.com 1. Providing monthly payroll report for different business units. 利用用友人事软件制作每月各事业单位的薪资报告。 www.job956.com 2. Hence, to research the current strategic resources can create value for new business units. 因此,研究当前的战略资源,可以创造价值的新的商业单位。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 3. It would lead to the emergence of many formalisms for each business units. 这必然会导致出现针对各个业务单元的多个体系。 www.infoq.com 4. Business units and the RMIU shall measure market risk on a daily basis, and shall compare and monitor the approved market risk limits. 业务单位与风险管理执行单位应每日衡量市场风险,并与核准之市场风险限额比较与监控。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The SOA COE enforces and promotes these tools and test strategies to the other business units. SOACOE执行并向其他业务单位推广这些工具和测试策略。 www.ibm.com 6. A third layer engages in the nitty-gritty of improving existing products within business units. 第三层对业务部门内部的现有产品进行细节完善。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Now, they make their pitch to executives from marketing departments and other largely non-technical business units. 现在,他们与来自营销部门和其它大型非技术事业部的主管人员直接沟通。 www.bing.com 8. Inside large companies, you have to connect different systems provided by different departments and business units. 在大公司内,你不得不连接由不同部门和业务单位提供的不同系统。 www.infoq.com 9. He created hybrid IT-business managers in the upper ranks of Pfizer's nine business units. 他在辉瑞九级业务单元的较高层级中创造了混合式的IT-业务经理这样的职位。 dongxi.net 10. As of mid 2003 two major applications in different business units are in production using ten Web Services and all four standards. 当中间二千零五不同的商务的主要的申请单位使用十个网络服务和所有的四个标准在生产中之时。 wenwen.soso.com 1. In some organizations, the respective business units recruit entry-level candidates directly. 一些机构的业务部门直接从候选者中招募初级职位的雇员。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. AT&T didn't specify which business units would lose jobs, but its traditional wire-line service has been most affected by the downturn. AT&T并未透露具体将在哪些部门裁员,但其传统的固定电话服务受到本轮经济低迷的影响最大。 www.ebigear.com 3. Organizations can also decide to share environments within discrete and individual business units. 组织也可以决定在离散和单个业务单位中共享环境。 www.ibm.com 4. In this article we noted the importance of integrating business applications across business units and enterprises. 在本文中,我们注意到了跨业务部门和企业集成业务应用程序的重要性。 www.ibm.com 5. Adapts HR programs to meet specific needs of various business units. 调整人力资源计划以适应各种不同业务单元的特殊需求 wenku.baidu.com 6. The grassroots prosecution also set the major business units and integrated support departments based on the above functions. 基层检察机关也基于上述职能设置主要业务部门及综合性辅助部门。 lib.cqvip.com 7. The team set about migrating the identified business units into Blue Insight. 团队开始将已确认的业务单位迁移到BlueInsight中。 www.ibm.com 8. Our company's been organized around business units for some time now. 我们公司以业务单元为组织现在已经有一段时间了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. They are fried in units, not difficult to discover and RFID business units is to stand out. 在被爆炒的个股中不难发现,与RFID业务有关的个股更是异军突起。 www.bing.com 10. Fold your innovation resources into your business units. 把你的创新能力用于你自己的领域。 www.bing.com 1. These teams work to deliver a seamless service to internal business units. 这些专家队伍为公司的业务单位提供全面的支援。 www.icac.org.hk 2. You will usually find much stronger ROI as these standards spread to multiple business units. 随着这些标准推广到多个业务部门,您很快就会发现更高的ROI。 www.ibm.com 3. Under this model, Mr Lee would "mediate between our business units" . 在这种模式下,李在镕将“负责在各个业务部门之间进行协调”。 www.ftchinese.com 4. economic business units and the parties concerned. 经济业务的当事单位和当事人。 www.xiami360.com 5. Modern logistics services should follow the laws of the market, meet the needs of the development of the main business units. 现代后勤服务应遵循市场规律,要适应事业单位主体业务发展的需要。 www.fabiao.net 6. From now on, addition to normal content we will be introducing business units and subsidiaries in succession. 除常规内容外,自本期开始会陆续介绍各主要业务部门和旗下子公司。 beefy.famousnudelady.com 7. SMG, with revenues of Rmb6bn last year, recently announced its plan to spin off several business units and list them in the next two years. 上海文广去年实现收入60亿元人民币。该公司最近宣布,计划在未来两年内将数个业务子公司分拆上市。 www.ftchinese.com 8. how do you ensure that SOA then does not create a new set of silos across business units? 你如何确保SOA不会围绕业务单元创建一组新的筒仓? www.infoq.com 9. Managers are now far more confident about the quality of the numbers they get from their business units. 管理层目前对业务部门收益金额的质量信心倍增。 www.ecocn.org 10. You have multiple business units that have separate schema requirements. 您有多个具有不同架构需求的业务单位。 technet.microsoft.com 1. We envision multiple business units, customers, suppliers and even regulators may have a stake in the optimization of process. 我们可以预见多个业务部门、客户、供应商甚至管理者都参与到流程的优化中。 www.infoq.com 2. They will replace the current business units that focus on specific regions. 他们将替代目前的定位于特殊区域的模式。 www.bing.com 3. Lack of reuse or sharing by multiple business units. 缺乏重用或多个业务部门间的共享。 www.infoq.com 4. In addition, as UPS continues to develop its business, we may buy or sell subsidiaries or business units. 此外,随著UPS继续发展其业务,我们可能购买或出售子公司或业务单位。 www.ups.com 5. As new market opportunities appear, it can reconfigure its core capabilities to create new business units and end products. 当新的市场机会出现时,它可以重新布局其核心能力来产生新的业务单位和终端产品。 dict.bioon.com 6. Making 3 months on going training plan for different business units. 与各事业单位主管共同制定三个月的培训计划。 www.job956.com 7. You have multiple business units that require messaging service isolation. 您有多个要求隔离邮件服务的业务单位。 technet.microsoft.com 8. Article 5 Principal leading members of production and business units are in full charge of work safety of their own units. 第五条生产经营单位的主要负责人对本单位的安全生产工作全面负责。 www.falvm.com.cn 9. Create your groups based on resource access rather than on business units. 应该根据资源访问权限而不是基于业务单位去创建组。 www.ibm.com 10. They reflect a level of consensus among the various organizations within an enterprise, such as business units, IT, and support groups. 可反映企业内各种组织的一致性级别,此类组织包括业务单位、IT和支持团队等。 www.ibm.com 1. You have multiple business units that require data and service isolation. 您有多个要求数据和服务隔离的业务单位。 technet.microsoft.com 2. The reasons are not just technical but cultural; for example, some business units are not used to sharing data. 原因不是技术上而是文化上的;比如一些业务部门还不习惯分享数据。 www.bing.com 3. Bradley, who was tapped earlier this month to lead H-P's strategy in China across business units. 本月早些时候,布拉德利被任命领导惠普在华跨部门的总体战略。 www.bing.com 4. An ESB is by nature pervasive because it can integrate applications across different departments, business units or even business partners. ESB具有渗透性本质,因为它可以跨不同的部门、业务单元甚至业务合作伙伴进行应用程序集成。 www.ibm.com 5. Gas stations and other oil business units can also refer to. 加油站及其他石油经营单位也可参照执行。 www.hblszq.com 6. They had either started increasing their lending to SMEs since last year or set up dedicated business units focusing on the SME loan market. 它们自去年起开始增加对中小企业的贷款,或已成立小组,专责中小企业贷款市场。 www.info.gov.hk 7. By 2012, business units will control at least 40 per cent of the total budget for BI 到2012年,商务部门将控制至少40%的商业智能投资预算。 www.bing.com 8. overall planning and coordination of the relationship between business units, for the various departments to solve specific problems; 统筹规划,协调各业务部门的关系,为各部门解决具体问题; www.606job.com 9. You can reuse the services across internal business units or across the value chains among business partners in a 你可以在内部业务单元之间或者在业务伙伴之间的价值链之间以 www-128.ibm.com 10. The lack of collaboration, understanding, and planning among business units contributes to the following problems within the enterprise 缺乏在业务单元中的协作、理解和计划,导致了以下企业中出现的问题 www-128.ibm.com 1. Cash received from disposal of subsidiary or other operating business units 处置子公司和其他经营单位收到的现金 baike.soso.com 2. Have active and effective communication with Quality Control supporting worldwide, business units and customers; 积极有效的和全球质控团队、公司其他职能部门以及客户进行沟通。 www.jobui.com 3. Coordinate with other business units in the company 与公司其他部门合作 news.job100.com 4. Specifications on sales of business units and compliance management counseling, tracking, and inspection; 对营业单位的规范销售和合规经营进行辅导、追踪、检查; www.job686.com 5. Business goal 1: Facilitate increased communication across teams, business units, and geographies to reduce duplication of effort 企业目标1:促进团队、业务单元和各地理位置之间的通信,减少重复工作 www.ibm.com 6. System should include the following elements: credit business units prior to the observation and assessment of credit; 制度应当包括如下内容:赊销前对业务单位信用进行考察和评估; goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Best Practices of Providing Competitive Intelligence to Business Units 为商业机构提供竞争情报的最佳实践 ci.istis.sh.cn 8. Business Units - State-of-the-art coating technology for any field of application 业务部门-拥有应用领域最先进的镀膜技术 www.leyboldoptics.com 9. Research on Business Promise Planning of Multiple - business Units 多业务单元的业务承诺计划研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Research on Organization Emotion Quotient of Modern Business Units 现代企业组织情商问题研究 www.ilib.cn 1. May hinder coordination among strategic business units 可能妨碍战略业务单位之间的协作 spaces.msn.com 2. Chapter IV Control of Business Units and Self-Employed Silversmiths 第四章对经营单位和个体银匠的管理 www.zftrans.com 3. Can cause conflict among strategic business units 可能引起战略业务单位之间的潜在冲突 spaces.msn.com 4. Business processes cut across silos of business units 业务流程跨越业务单元筒仓(silo) www.ibm.com 5. Wholesale to Production and Business Units 对生产经营单位 www.sztj.sz.js.cn 6. Types of Strategic Business Units 战略业务单位的类型 spaces.msn.com 7. Most business units pursue a mix of objectives 大多数业务单位追求的目标都是一种组合 group.vsharing.com 8. Studies On the Difference of Pension Benefit between Administrative Business Units and Enterprises in China 我国企业与机关事业单位职工养老待遇差距分析 www.ilib.cn 9. charge business units for IT - 3. 1 提供IT服务以向业务单位收费——3.1分 www.infoq.com 10. On the present situation, reformation goals and means of business units in our country 我国事业单位现状、改革目标与途径探析 scholar.ilib.cn |
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