单词 | business unit |
释义 | 例句释义: 营业单位,业务单元,业务单位,事业单位 1. It might be necessary to provide experts to support the specific needs of a particular business unit or development project. 可能需要提供专家,以支持特定业务单元或者开发项目的特定需要。 www.ibm.com 2. When was the last time you sat down with your business unit contacts? 您上次与业务单位联系人面谈是在什么时候? www.ibm.com 3. A former colleague told me that the general manager of our business unit quited. In fact, he was fired. The direct reason is seeking bribes. 一位以前的同事告诉我我们的事业部老总辞职了。实际上,是被炒鱿鱼了。因为索贿。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. As you know, business unit sales like this are crucial to A. I. G. 's effort to repay the American taxpayer. 就像你所知道的,出售这样的业务部门对AIG回报美国纳税人是至关重要的。 www.bing.com 5. The importance of each primary activity depends on the product or service the business unit provides and to which customers it sells. 上述的初级商业活动的重要性取决于商家提供什么产品给顾客和他们的目标顾客是什么。 iask.sina.com.cn 6. The headquarter of the company will be in Wuhan, Hubei Province. A central hub of operation will be set up for each business unit . 其总部将设于湖北省武汉市,每一个业务部门将分别设有一个核心运营基地。 www.jukuu.com 7. The access and security classifications may be assigned in consultation with the business unit to which the records belong. 可经由与档案所属的营运单位的协商,来进行存取与安全分类的分派。 www.infodoc.com.tw:8080 8. The business unit is one of the few suppliers to operate along the entire value chain, from raw material to finished acrylic. 本业务部是能提供涵盖从原材料到成品压克力的整个价值链的为数不多的供应商之一。 www.plexiglas.de 9. As strategic partner with CFO to build up the company as an efficient and effective e-business unit. 作为战略性伙伴与CFO共同将公司建成一个高效、高能的一个电子商务单位。 www.0571hr.com.cn 10. Configure a basic structure for the Self Service Portal in the form of a business unit, infrastructure, service and service roles. 配置自我服务门户的业务部门、基础设施、服务和服务角色形式的基本结构。 technet.microsoft.com 1. DECIDING to sell a business unit or subsidiary can be one of the hardest decisions chief executives have to make. 对于任何一个首席执行官,做出出售其商业部门或者子公司的决定都是非常艰难的。 www.ecocn.org 2. No individual or business unit can let its own priorities supersede those of the Company. 个体或营业单位无法让它自己的优先权代替那些公司。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Any new management would have to make sure it reassumes full ownership of such a critically important business unit. 任何一个新的领导都会确保对这一异常重要资产的完全掌控。 www.bing.com 4. Hunt groups are used to efficiently distribute calls into or out of a given business unit . 使用智能寻线可以有效地将呼叫转接进或转接出给定的业务单位。 www.bing.com 5. This encounter inspired me to start an internship at the Business Unit Electronic Brake Systems (EBS) of the Chassis and Safety Division. 之后我有幸获得了一个在电子制动系统(EBS)业务单元实习的机会。 campus.chinahr.com 6. To foster a sense of community at work, his business unit has raised relief funds for a creative-arts public school in New Orleans. 为了在工作中培养团队精神,他所在的子公司为新奥尔良的一家创造艺术公立学校建立了援助基金。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Bringing in a foreign investor to help develop the business unit will raise additional capital for Huawei's expansion plans. 引入外国投资者帮助发展这家业务子公司将为华为的扩张计划带来额外的资金。 news.139shop.com 8. Her title was business-unit general manager, even though there was no business unit. 虽然公司里没有业务部,她的职称是业务部总经理。 gecanhui.com 9. The work for this contract will be accomplished by the company's Night Vision Systems Inc. business unit in Allentown, Pa. 根据合同,将由DRS技术公司的夜视系统分部来进行这项工作。 www.etiri.com.cn 10. In a brokered ESB, each business unit is responsible for the governance, life cycle, and management of its own ESB. 在代理ESB中,各个业务单元负责在其生命周期内控制和管理自己的ESB。 www.ibm.com 1. The Company has sole and absolute discretion to calculate corporate and business unit financial performance for Plan purposes. 公司可全权决定计算公司和业务单位的财政业绩以作计划之用。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Each business unit has a diversity manager who implements these strategies and works closely with the company's Diversity Network. 每个部门由一个管理者负责实施多元文化的战略决策并与公司的多元文化网络密切协作。 www.cyol.net 3. These special components are a managed, governed set of enterprise assets that are funded at the enterprise or the business unit level. 这些特殊的组件是企业和业务单元级支持的企业资产的受管理和控制的集合。 www-128.ibm.com 4. In certain circumstances, records are transferred out of the custody or ownership of the organization or business unit that created them. 在特定情况之下,档案的保管权与所有权,会由建立档案的组织或营运单位中被移转出去。 www.infodoc.com.tw:8080 5. The other activities in its value chain would be similar to those for a product manufacturing business unit . 在他的其他价值链的活动应该相近与那些产品生产的商业单元。 iask.sina.com.cn 6. WACKER silicon business unit generated for over a year earlier: 86. 5 (130. 7 million euros less than) over a year and last quarter value. 瓦克多晶硅业务部门的EBITDA为86.5(上年同期:130.7)百万欧元,低于上年和上个季度数值。 www.bing.com 7. The head of a business unit shall be responsible for all risk management matters in the unit under management. 业务单位主管总承其所属单位的全部风险管理事宜。 www.cntranslators.com 8. The processes pertaining to each organizational (business) unit are grouped in the diagram into a corresponding swim-lane. 与每个组织(业务)单位有关的流程在图中被分配一个相应的泳道线。 www.ibm.com 9. Analyze business unit actuals, budgets and long-range plans to understand key performance drivers. 分析业务部门的实际财务状况、预算和长期计划,了解他们主要的业绩驱动; www.shjob.cn 10. Companies by the main components of the Product Business Unit and Project Department of the two departments to operate independently. 公司主要构成部分由产品事业部和工程项目部两部门独立运作。 www.b2b128.cn 1. Tyco Electronics (Shanghai) Co, Ltd. includes Fiber Optics Business Unit (Shanghai), Power System and a Trading Company. 泰科电子上海有限由光纤事业部,电源系统和一个贸易组成。 job.guolairen.com 2. Such adoption does not mean the services used only in a business unit cannot easily be expanded to the enterprise level. 这样用并不意味着现在只用在某个业务部门中的服务不能方便地扩展到企业级。 www.infoq.com 3. The business unit being acquired includes products, technology, development engineering, marketing, sales, and distribution. 这次的并购包括了产品、技术、开发工程、市场、销售以及分配。 www.etiri.com.cn 4. Higher still is the business unit level, which corresponds to a line of business that addresses a specific market sector. 更高的级别是业务单元级,对应于特定市场部分。 www.ibm.com 5. When that doesn't work, IT will bring it to the business unit to work out a change of process, he says. 如果这一招不管用,IT部门会将问题反映给业务部门,想想如何改动流程。 bbs.translators.com.cn 6. Business Unit Empowerment is a growing strategy in organizations that strive to lower the cost of developing information systems. BusinessUnitEmpowerment是一种正在发展的策略,其目的是降低开发信息系统的费用。 www.ibm.com 7. Volvo Mobility Systems, the company's new business unit, is actively involved in this effort. 沃尔沃机动性系统,公司的新营业单位,积极涉及这次努力。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. Benchmarking is a way of determining how well a business unit or organisation is performing compared with other units elsewhere. 当把一个企业单位或组织同其它单位相比较时,标杆分析是确定它业绩好坏的一种方法。 www.ecocn.org 9. The vertical axis of the MACS matrix measures a corporation's relative ability to extract value from each business unit in its portfolio. MACS矩阵的垂直轴测量一个公司的相关能力在它的档案中从每商务单位吸取价值。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The training itself is well designed for the individuals and monitored by the sponsoring store, Business Unit and Human Resource department. 所有培训将针对每个人的情况精心设计,并由相关商场和人力资源部监管。 talent.xuancai.com 1. He'd overseen marketing for a global business unit while at Dolby and had previously worked for a company headquartered in Sweden. 他在杜比实验室以及以前为总部位于瑞典的一家公司工作时,无意中了解到全球业务经营单位的市场。 www.bing.com 2. The Overseas Business Unit of Sany Group opens its arms to welcome talents from all over the world. 此次主要是三一重工海外事业部希望引进国际人才以充实国际化团队。 www.yingjiesheng.com 3. Design heads reported directly to the president of each business unit. 设计负责人直接向每个业务部门的总裁汇报工作。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 4. Without a central registry, each business unit must define and meet commitments for services provided to other divisions. 如果没有中央注册中心,则每个业务单元都必须定义和符合向其他部门提供的服务承诺。 www.ibm.com 5. Business unit Ilim East includes Bratsk and Ust -Ilimsk Branches of Ilim Group, as well as regional logging companies and service companies. 业务单位伊利姆地区包括布拉茨克和乌斯季伊利姆斯克分支伊利姆集团,以及区域伐木公司和服务公司。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The production or business unit shall conduct overall coordination and management among the contractors or leases in respect of work safety. 生产经营单位对承包单位、承租单位的安全生产工作统一协调、管理。 www.bing.com 7. This system not only can be used for civil servants, and can also be used for each business unit. 该系统既可以用于政府机关招聘公务员,也可用于各事业单位招聘。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Very large deployments might add a third hierarchical-level ESB per business unit to mediate service requests local to that unit. 非常大的部署可能对每个业务单元增加第三层级的ESB,以便将服务请求中转到该单元。 www.ibm.com 9. "We support Flash as well, " said Alberto Torres, chief of Nokia's solutions business unit. 诺基亚解决方案业务部门负责人AlbertoTorres说:“我们也支持Flash。” cn.reuters.com 10. Previously, he worked at Lotus for seven years, most recently as a Senior Manager in Lotus Worldwide Business Partner business unit. 在此之前,他在Domino工作了7年,最近才成为LotusWorldwideBusinessPartner业务部门的高级经理。 www.ibm.com 1. Overnight, we went from an organisation preoccupied with gathering news to a business unit preoccupied with ad revenue and ratings. 一夜之间,我们从专业的新闻组织变成了只注重广告收益和收视率的商业单位。 movie.douban.com 2. Providing sales analysis reports to the company or individual business unit according to internal and external data. Requirements: 1. 根据各种内部和外部数据制作销售分析辅助报表,向公司或各个业务单元提供他们所需的各种分析数据; 0755.zp.com 3. Group Management can divide into the headquarters to the business unit's governance and management control system. 集团管理分为集团总部对业务单元的治理问题和管理控制体系问题。 www.13191.com 4. Quanta has transformed its OLPC project team into a new business unit . 广达电脑已将其OLPC项目小组转变为一个新的业务部门。 www.bing.com 5. They were dragged down by worse-than-expected bad debts in its small business unit that spooked investors. 该行小企业部门的坏账情况要比预期的更糟糕,引起投资者的不安,拖累了该行股价。 www.ftchinese.com 6. "We had a lot of BI strategies; it was essentially 'roll your own' within business unit within geography, " he says. 他说:“我们拥有很多BI战略,但它们都在按地理分布的业务单位之内‘各自为阵’”。 www.ibm.com 7. Conduct technical seminars and respond to technical and commercial inquiries with limited support from Business Unit Engineering staff. 开展技术研讨会,回应技术和商业咨询。 jobs.zhaopin.com 8. Promote and support Operational Excellence and professionalism with the business unit QA functions. 以质量专业人员的能力,推动并支持优良运作的进行。 www.gao8dou.com 9. "This is an old plant, " says Miro F. Suga, director, Stamping Business Unit, Vehicle Operations, Ford Motor Company. MiroF.Suga说:“这是一个老厂”,Suga是福特汽车公司冲压业务主管。 www.bing.com 10. Marcel Parent is a program manager in the Microsoft Project Business Unit, and has been with Microsoft for two years. MarcelParent是MicrosoftProjectBusinessUnit的程序经理,已经在Microsoft工作了两年。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Shigeru Fujii, Corporate Senior Vice President, President, Electronic Devices Business Unit Fujitsu Limited. 藤井滋,富士通集团全球高级副总裁,电子元器件事业部总裁。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. In the business unit personnel recruitment system, the configuration of human resource market mechanism is the realization form. 在事业单位实行人员聘用制度,是市场机制配置人力资源的实现形式。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Work with the business unit on requirements for manufacturing and worldwide distribution of medical devices. 在医疗设备生产及全球范围内销售要求方面,与业务部门合作。 www.job20.com 4. At an enterprise or business unit level , information- sharing requirements naturally become more sophisticated . 在企业或企业单位级别,对信息共享的要求自然变得更加复杂。 www.bing.com 5. Implement the Business Unit Customer Service programs and projects in accordance with stated requirements. 按照总部既定要求,落实客服业务单元项目。 www.lietou.com 6. The best strategy blends a direction-setting enterprise blueprint and business unit and domain blueprints. 最好的策略是将导向明确的企业蓝图与业务单元和领域的蓝图综合起来。 www.infoq.com 7. Lesser allegations would be left to the affected business unit to investigate. 其余指控将交由涉案业务部门自行调查。 www.bing.com 8. The opportunity seldom includes, asking each business unit to seize the opportunity, this activity at 10 end by the end of the month. 机会不常有,请各位企事业单位把握机会,本活动在10月底结束。 www.diytrade.com 9. Northrop Grumman's Information Systems business unit will lead the work to sustain and modernize classified enterprise IT services for DHS. 诺斯罗普·格鲁门公司的信息系统业务部门将领导这份工作,为国土安全部机密环境信息服务提供维护和现代化工作。 www.etiri.com.cn 10. Gallus will incorporate the folding carton business in a separate business unit based in Weiden, Germany. 鸡将结合在一个单独的业务魏登的单位,德国,折叠纸盒业务。 www.a1pak.net.cn 1. The process also helped TI gain consensus quickly on the divestiture of a financially successful business unit that didn't fit the strategy. 这个过程也有助于公司在是否取缔不符合战略但财政创收的商业部门问题上,快速达成意见的统一。 www.bing.com 2. The Plastic Packaging Business Unit produces standardized system packaging for pharmaceutics. 塑料包装事业部生产用于制药,包装标准化体系。 bzxw.512121.com 3. Manage supply situations for the business unit, inventory value and inventory turnover. 管理业务部门供应形势,库存资金和库存周转次数。 www.lietou.com 4. The business unit often knows its busy periods , but it might not appreciate their impact on system resources . 业务单元常常知道它在哪些时期比较忙,但是可能并不理解这些时期对系统资源的影响。 www.bing.com 5. The Business Unit Consumer Goods is Asia's leading full service marketing provider and high volume logistics specialist. 事业单位“消费品”是亚洲领先的完全服务营销提供商和大容量物流专家。 www.findgs.com 6. Frequently communicates with Global Business Unit staff to ensure the common processes are in place and desired results are delivered. 经常和全球业务部门进行联系以确保正常工作衔接和期望目标的达成。 www.rencai.net 7. Each business unit was required to earn a shareholder value-added profit margin of 20% on average over the business cycle. 每种业务须在商业周期内赚取平均20%的股东增值利润。 www.ecocn.org 8. Define the infrastructure required by a particular business unit or development project. 定义特定业务单元或者开发项目所需要的基础。 www.ibm.com 9. This facilitated even more recognition of business unit autonomy within the final structure. 这甚至促进了在最终结构中进一步认可业务单位的自主权。 www.ibm.com 10. This Division comprises Gerresheimer Wilden GmbH and the Business Unit of Gerresheimer Plastic Packaging. 该司包括格雷斯海默威尔顿公司与格雷斯海默塑料包装业务部门。 bzxw.512121.com 1. Analyze current Market Situation in cooperation with the Business Unit and colleagues from the R&D Centers in Germany. 与德国总部研发中心和自动化驱动部的同事们进行充分合作,对当前市场形势进行分析。 www.hunt007.com 2. We sincerely welcome large business unit & person to talk over business by mail or telephone! 热忱欢迎广大企事业单位及个人来电、来涵洽谈业务,期待与您的合作! www.xici.net 3. Refine the adoption plan to reflect the specific needs of the business unit or development project. 定义采用计划,以反映业务单元或者开发项目的特定需要。 www.ibm.com 4. Contact appropriate Sauer-Danfoss Business Unit product technical sources to obtain information on product characteristics. 联系萨澳-丹佛斯的相关业务部门产品技术资源获得产品特征的信息。 search51job.online.tj.cn 5. Q: How can we improve delivery, transparency and communication on progress toward goals with business unit counterparts? 我们如何能改进交付和增加透明度,以及与业务部门在目标进展上的沟通? www.ibm.com 6. Each business unit has control over how it provides the services within its own organization. 每个业务单元都能够控制在自己的组织内部如何提供服务。 www-128.ibm.com 7. where she built a highly decentralized marketing organization with dedicated marketing teams in each business unit. 任内期间,她重整庞大的市场推广部门,分拆成每个业务部门均拥有针对该专业的推广团队。 special.id-china.com.cn 8. Trading company is the business unit obtaining commissions from manufacturer. They cooperate and fight with each other for benefit. “商家”指赚取制造商代理佣金的商业单位,商家与厂家为了利益的获取而和而斗。 www.1x1y.com.cn 9. Relationships with business unit counterparts become more open, engaging, and productive. 同业务单元副本的关系变得更加开放、动人和有生产力。 www.ibm.com 10. The IT executive will typically be a CIO reporting to a business unit. IT执行管理层典型地是报告给一个业务部分的CIO。 www.ibm.com 1. Perform internal process and product audits as needed. Work with Quality Manager and Business Unit to prepare for third party audits. 根据需要进行内部程序及产品审核。与质量经理和业务部门合作,编制第三方审核用报告; www.job20.com 2. For example, you could revise enablement materials to accommodate the process defined for that business unit or development project. 例如,您可以定制启动材料,以适应业务单元或者开发项目定义的进程。 www.ibm.com 3. But the big test is whether each business unit can maintain strong performance over an entire business cycle, Mr Lane maintains. 但Lane先生认为严峻的考验是每项业务能否在整个商业周期保持强劲的经营表现。 www.ecocn.org 4. As such it is imperative that you click on the button below and select the Business unit that you belong to. 因此您必须点击相应的按扭来选择您所属的业务机构。 www.19lou.com 5. make statistics of available data of each HR affair and form HR work report according to the basic data formed by each business unit. 根据各个业务单元形成的基础数据,统计各项HR业务的完成数据形成人力资源工作报告。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 6. The data mart may or may not be on the same business unit enterprise strateg server or location as the data warehouse. 数据集市企业集市弹性和数据仓库不一定在同一台服务器和同一位置。 www.cto360.com 7. Process metrics may be further supported at the business unit level. 可能会根据业务范围级别来进一步完善处理方法。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Do you know many companies that have a different telephone system for each business unit? 你知道许多公司里不同业务部门有不同的电话系统吗? www.infoq.com 9. In that background, "Go outside" strategy become the new profit growth point of Body Welding and Assembly Business unit of C Company. 在这样一个时代背景下,“走出去”战略成为C公司汽车焊装事业部未来新的利润增长点。 www.fabiao.net 10. Provisions in the Act also impose penalties on any person, business unit or institution breaching the prohibition laws. 规定在该法还施加惩罚的任何人,业务部门或机构违反法律的禁止。 jgdmj.a1pak.com 1. Jim Ransome: I'll speak to WebEx, because that's the business unit that I represent at Cisco. JimRansome:我来谈谈WebEx吧,因为这是我在思科所供职的业务部门。 www.infoq.com 2. Ltd. is a professional in computer repair, network set up, business unit IT outsourcing computer technology services company. 北京星宇科技有限公司是一家专业从事电脑维修、网络组建,企业单位IT外包的计算机技术服务公司。 www.good2.com 3. Contact appropriate Sauer-Danfoss Business Unit service sources to obtain inerrorformation on service sales business. 联系合适的萨澳-丹佛斯业务部门服务资源获取销售服务信息。 www.021so.com 4. Each business unit, comprehensive, has achieved good co-front-runner business performance. 公司各事业单元全面发力,齐头并进,均取得良好的经营业绩。 www.cwzyc.com 5. They are: parent, core resource unit, shared service unit, project unit, business unit, sub-business, business function and overlay unit. 这8个部门是:总部、核心资源部、共同服务部、项目部、业务部、次要业务部、业务职能部和覆盖部。 www.fzfanyi.com 6. Ensure service requests are value adding and aligned with the business, unit and team goals. 确保服务需求能够增值,并符合业务部门、单位和团队的目标。 www.gao8dou.com 7. New Jersey-based LSI will become a division of Pro Mach's Identification and Tracking Business Unit. 新泽西州的LSI将成为临马赫的识别和跟踪业务部门分工。 www.a1pak.net.cn 8. The duration of all filing shall comply with local requirements and be approved by the Business Unit CFO. 的时间,所有申报应遵守当地的规定和批准的业务单位的CFO。 iask.sina.com.cn 9. General Dynamics Armament and Technical Products is a business unit of General Dynamics (NYSE: GD). 通用动力装备技术产品公司是通用动力公司的业务部门。 www.etiri.com.cn 10. General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems is a business unit of General Dynamics. 通用动力先进信息系统公司是通用动力公司业务部门。 www.etiri.com.cn 1. Groups can be nested to model the relation between a team, a business unit and the whole company. 组可以被内嵌到在团队、商业单元和整个公司的关系模型。 blog.csdn.net 2. To initiate effective sales strategies to assist the business unit gain market share. 制定有效的销售策略,获得市场销售份额。 www.weldchina.com 3. At present, Corporation F Business Unit C mainly takes the advanced agile manufacturing pattern. 目前,F集团C事业处主要采用先进的敏捷制造生产模式。 www.13191.com 4. Now National Starch Personal Care is part of AkzoNobel Surfactants business unit. 现在国民淀粉个人护理加入了阿克苏。诺贝尔表面活性剂的业务。 www.yingjiesheng.com 5. The business scope of engineering division "Plant Design" , Barmag, Business Unit of Saurer GmbH & Co. KG. is presented. 前言:介绍了德国苏拉集团巴马格公司“装置设计”工程分部的业务范围。 www.chemyq.com 6. The individual business unit is the business entity for which economic data are needed. 个体商业单位是经济数据所需要的商业实体。 wenwen.soso.com 7. was coded as the firm (corporation), business unit (SBU), or plant (site). 被编码了作为企业(公司),营业单位(SBU),或者植物(站点)。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 8. Develop reports and graphs to evaluate the business unit performance. 生成相关报表及数据,以评估业务绩效。 www.o-hr.cn 9. The five SIBS shipsets were awarded to Northrop Grumman's Maritime Systems business unit under a U. S. Navy fixed-price contract. 诺斯罗普格鲁门公司海上系统业务部门根据美国海军的一份固定价格合同提供这5套SIBS系统。 www.etiri.com.cn 10. Porter's book also identifies the importance of examining where the strategic business unit fits within its industry. 波特的书还指出了研究如何将战略性业务融入其行业的重要性。 iask.sina.com.cn 1. Standard Hours cannot exceed Maximum Standard Hours on Business Unit HR Defaults record. “标准时数”不能超过“业务单位人力资源默认值”记录中的“最大标准时数”。 yeebang.com 2. All my company and the establishment of supply and demand relations business unit. 凡是与我公司建立供需关系的企业单位。 g15.baidu.com 3. There may also be departmental or business unit-specific code that spans applications, such as maybe a security solution. 可能还有一些部门的或者业务单元特殊代码存在于应用软件中,比如可能是一个安全解决方案。 www.ibm.com 4. Hans' team is slated to build a computerized system for the Research business unit of Applied Genetics. 该团队要为AppliedGenetics的Research业务部门构建一套计算机系统。 www.infoq.com 5. Small town on outskirts of Detroit (USA). Location of ST s North American Automotive Business Unit. 底特律(美国)边界的一个小城,ST的北美汽车业务部就在此地。 hi.baidu.com 6. Martin Fowler sets the stage for problems that face any multi-business-unit SOA infrastructure. MartinFowler设置了一个任何多业务单元SOA基础设施都可能遇到问题的场景。 www.infoq.com 7. Foreign currency is any currency a business unit uses for doing business other than its base currency. 外币是业务单位开展业务时使用的非本位币的任何货币。 yeebang.com 8. Eka Chemicals is a business unit within the chemicals division of Akzo Nobel, a Fortune 500 company. 依卡化学品公司是世界500强阿克苏诺贝尔公司的分支机构。 www.o-hr.cn 9. Identify project opportunities within site or across business unit. 发现现场或营运中的项目机会。 jobs.zhaopin.com 10. 14 organization, group, business enterprise, the business unit should implement the following fire fight safety rule. 第十四条机关,团体,企业,事业单位应当履行下列消防安全规则。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Was formally established in 1994, the International Business Unit, specializing in foreign affairs. 1994年正式成立国际业务部,专门负责境外事务。 www.5yhua.org 2. makes plasma screens in-house and has kept both panel and TV manufacturing under one business unit. 对手LG电子(066570.KS:行情)自行生产电浆营幕,其面板与电视制造均属于同一个企业部门。 cn.reuters.com 3. Vice President and Strategic Business Unit Manager Eugene Wu will lead the region for Greif. 副总裁和战略业务部经理吴文将导致该地区的悲痛。 www.512121.com 4. Exceptions require the approval of all affected business unit leaders and the worldwide process design leader. 例外需要得到所有受影响的业务单位负责人和全球流程设计负责人的批准。 www.ibm.com 5. Manage communication between Business Unit and Key Accounts. 管理营业单位与重点客户的沟通; blog.sina.com.cn 6. Is a business unit of geographic information to provide better service. 六是为地理信息企业单位提供更好的服务。 g15.baidu.com 7. Providing related technical service to other business unit. 为其他部门提供相应的技术服务。 www.51job.com 8. Business unit autonomy also guided decisions on staffing issues. 业务自治单位还指导员工方面的决策。 www.ibm.com 9. Under the network security business unit, division bar, system integration business. 下设网络安全事业部、条码事业部、系统集成事业部。 www.showxiu.com 10. Assign the business unit & sales target to every salesman. 分配销售员业务区域和销售任务。 www.haoqiantu.cn 1. Select the correct class or subclass for the employee's business unit. 选择员工业务单位的正确类别或子类。 yeebang.com 2. HR management in Business Unit and provide professional HR support according to demand and business of department. 负责业务线人力资源管理,根据部门的业务需求提供专业的人力资源支持。 www.job592.com 3. It was born through integration between the former Shanghai Bell and Alcatel's key business unit in China. 它是由原上海贝尔转股改制后,与阿尔卡特在华主要业务合并而成。 caefi.mofcom.gov.cn 4. A start-up or new business unit is fertile ground to adapt an agile development method. 新公司或新的业务单位是适应敏捷开发方法的肥沃土壤。 www.ibm.com 5. In the Group's total investment in that nearly two-thirds is Wacker silicon business unit. 在集团的总投资额中,有近三分之二是在瓦克多晶硅业务部门。 www.bing.com 6. The CSO needs to measure and document security across every business unit in order to meet stringent government and industry standards. 公司CSO需要检测并记录各个业务单元之间的信息安全水平,以满足严格的政府与行业标准。 www.en-ch.com 7. Instead, SOA has been mainly seen in departmental or single business unit settings. 相反,SOA主要被视为是部门或单个业务单元的设置。 www.infoq.com 8. It's not exactly agile to wait until a business unit says "Jump! " before you help out. 在实现帮助之前等待业务单位的认可,这并不是真正的敏捷。 www.ibm.com 9. The third part mainly presents the domestic appliances industry and the domestic appliances business unit in PH company. 第三部分的主要内容是本论文的研究对象——小家电行业及PH公司小家电部的概况; www.fabiao.net 10. As remarked above, the CSFs are different in each business unit, which lead to different requirement on the firm's core competencies. 至于说上述情况,不同的国别服务框架是在每一个业务部门,从而导致不同的要求,该公司的核心竞争力。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. While the focus is on reflective and protective layers there, the business unit of 'Web' specializes in the treatment of flexible materials. 除了反射与防护膜系,处理柔性材料(卷绕镀膜)也是该事业部的技术重点。 www.leyboldoptics.com 2. Search by the job function , business unit or location that match your interests . 请根据个人感兴趣,选择相关工作职能、业务领域和职位。 www.bing.com 3. A business unit of America Packaging Council. 美国聚苯乙烯包装协会的一个商业体。 www.worldeps.com 4. Most industrial research labs work only with their business unit partners to bring their innovations ideas to market, he notes. 不少行业研究实验室与其业务部门合作,把他们的创新想法带到市场上。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Based on the business unit that you selected, select the department that is responsible for maintaining the training program. 根据所选的业务单位,选择负责维护培训计划的部门。 yeebang.com 6. Thus the business unit in Q3 2009 significantly improved profitability. 从而该业务部门在2009年第3季度明显改善了收益率。 www.bing.com 7. Information management responsibilities exist at the level of the individual manager and business unit at the same time. 各级别的管理者和业务单元同时都有责任管理信息。 www.bing.com 8. This may help her business unit repay the development costs of the service. 这可以帮助她所在的业务单位补偿服务的开发成本。 www.ibm.com 9. If you have a country leader and a business unit leader in that country who have the same responsibilities, who has the final say? 如果在该国家设立了具有相同职责的国家负责人和业务单位负责人,谁具有最终的权力呢? www.ibm.com 10. The business unit achieved sales of EUR 966 million in fiscal 2006. 在2006年财政年度里,本业务部的销售额达到9亿6600万欧元。 www.plexiglas.de 1. It is absolutely common to have a candidate interviewed by more than half of the people in the business unit before an offer is made. 因此,一位应聘者在拿到聘用书之前被部门里几乎一半以上的员工面试是不足为奇的。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. This is the next big business unit for them. 这会是他们下一个业务重心。 g15.baidu.com 3. Global business unit support is required; as such ability to converse in English and Mandarin is important. 与全球各业务单元进行通力合作,要求有良好的英文能力。 jobs.zhaopin.com 4. For example, a CIO may want to drive innovation, contain costs, and improve communication with business unit counterparts. 例如,CIO想要驱动创新,包括成本和业务单元之间的沟通。 www.ibm.com 5. In September, I went to hkg again for the organization development plan of one business unit. 九月份的时候再次来到香港,做其中一个业务部门的组织发展计划。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. on the other hand, the development and growth of the new business unit may enhance the corporation's core competencies. 另一方面,发展和增长的新的业务部门可能会提高公司的核心竞争力。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Article 85 Any production or business unit that commits one of the following acts shall be ordered to set it right within a time limit; 第八十五条生产经营单位有下列行为之一的,责令限期改正; www.bing.com 8. At the business unit level , strategic planning covers the business mission ; SWOT analysis ; goal , strategy , and program formulation ; 在业务部门层面,战略规划涵盖了企业使命,SWOT分析,目标,战略和方案的制定; wenwen.soso.com 9. Regular communication with the business unit financial analysis of the situation, maintaining good communication; 与业务部门定期交流财务分析状况,保持良好沟通; jobs.zhaopin.com 10. The acquisition complements the Emerson business unit's established measurement brands that include Rosemount, Micro Motion, Daniel 这次收购是艾默生已建立起来的计量商标,包括 blog.gkong.com 1. Senior Vice President, Print and Classic Publishing Solutions Business Unit Managing Director, India Research and Development 印刷与经典出版解决方案事业部高级副总裁,印度研发中心常务董事 www.adobe.com 2. Annual Revenue of the company or Business Unit 公司或事业单位年营业总额 wenku.baidu.com 3. Customer account, Business Unit sales and acquisition reporting, acquisition market share reporting; 对客户、事业部销售信息的收集报告,获取市场份额报告。 www.job592.com 4. Senior Vice President, Print and Classic Publishing Business Unit, and Managing Director, India Research and Development 印刷与经典出版事业部高级副总裁,印度研发中心常务董事 www.adobe.com 5. Power Electronics Business Unit, Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive Research Institute 株洲电力机车研究所电力电子事业部 www.zesem.com 6. Wireless Communications Business Unit is dedicating in providing following solutions and services 目前无线通信部主要从事以下几方面业务 wuxian.shanghaitelecom.com.cn 7. About Financial Control Pattern of Forestry Business Unit under Forestry Classified Management 试论林业分类经营条件下林业经营单位的财务管理模式 www.ilib.cn 8. A competent business unit shall perform the following functions and responsibilities of supervision and administration; 第二十条业务主管单位履行下列监督管理职责 www.lawyer86.com 9. At the business unit level , strategic planning covers the business mission ; 事业单位层、战略规划所涵盖的经营宗旨; wenwen.soso.com 10. Responsible for business unit sales and market share planning for business unit Thermal Systems, region Europe; 负责为热能系统制定欧洲区销售及市场份额计划; www.job592.com 1. Marketing Strategy; Continental; Sensor; Local Brand; Business Unit; 营销对策;大陆汽车电子;传感器;自主品牌; www.zidir.com 2. Responsible for business unit sales and market share planning for business unit Wiper Systems, region Europe; 负责雨刮系统事业部制定欧洲区销售及市场份额计划; www.52jobw.com 3. Profits from sale, disposal of a business unit or investment 出售、处置部门或投资单位所得收益 new.wuxi.gov.cn 4. Attendance and participation at Business Unit and departmental meetings 出席和参加业务及部门会议 www.cfjob.com.cn 5. Senior Vice President, Enterprise and Developer Solutions Business Unit 企业及开发商解决方案事业部高级副总裁 www.adobe.com 6. relationship between company and business unit and marketing strategy; 公司、业务单位与营销战略的关系; www.fsddb.com 7. senior vice president and chief software architect , platform business unit 高级副总裁兼平台事业部首席软件架构师 www.ichacha.net 8. Senior Vice President, Knowledge Worker Solutions Business Unit 知识工作者解决方案事业部高级副总裁 www.adobe.com 9. Studies in Core Competence Management under Strategic Business Unit Regime 对事业部体制下企业核心能力管理问题的探讨 www.ilib.cn 10. The Business Unit Keep Accountancy's Information from Losing True Measure 事业单位防止会计信息失真的措施 service.ilib.cn 1. Work with training department and business unit to develop customer training plan; 协同培训部分及业务部开发制定客户培训计划; www.job956.com 2. business unit fills in order, the Finance Department will immediately receive a sum of students'payment; 业务部填写了订单,财务部会立刻出现一笔应收款; www.bing.com 3. The most updated Organizational Chart of the business unit 经营单位最新的组织架构图 wenku.baidu.com 4. Zhuzhou CSR Times Electric Co. , Ltd. - Power Electronics Business Unit 株洲南车时代电气股份有限公司电力电子事业部 www.ep-c.cn 5. Work out and organize to implement the marketing programme of this business unit; 制订并组织实施本业务单元的销售方案; www.gao8dou.com 6. On the one hand, the corporation's core competencies may offer strong support for the new business unit; 一方面,该公司的核心能力,可以提供强大的支持新的业务部门; goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. The integrated business unit mentioned in the Measures should meet the following conditions: 第四十八条本办法所称完整经营实体,应当符合下列条件: www.bing.com 8. the approval document of the competent business unit; 业务主管单位的批准文件; yingyucihui.scientrans.com 9. Production of low-temperature Business Unit Command Center 低温事业本部生产指挥中心 wenku.baidu.com 10. Make the appropriate sales strategy for business unit and assist in making appropriate sales plan; 制定事业部及各子公司相应的销售策略,并协助制定相应的销售计划; www.rencai.net 1. Assistant manager of the business unit 业务部经理助理= zhidao.baidu.com 2. Business Development Manager Of Media Business Unit 媒体事业部业务拓展经理 searchjob.chinahr.com 3. Management on perfecting welfare fund and welfare fee in business unit 谈完善事业单位福利基金、福利费管理 www.ilib.cn 4. Organization of corporation and business unit 公司与事业部型组织 cwqu.3322.org 5. Tracy Hopkins, vice president of CSR's consumer business unit said CSR公司消费者业务部(consumerbusinessunit)的副主席特雷西·霍普金斯说 www.elanso.com 6. TCL Home Networking Business Unit TCL Home Networking BU TCL 家庭网络事业部TCL家庭网络事业部 wenku.baidu.com 7. Mobile Device Display Business Unit 及行动装置显示器事业单位 cn.busytrade.com 8. Plan the budget and personnel for business unit 是否负责规划部门的人事及预算 wenku.baidu.com 9. On the models of exit of strategic business unit 战略业务单元退出模型研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Sales Manager Of Media Business Unit 媒体事业部销售经理 searchjob.chinahr.com 1. Vice President of Business Unit 业务部副经理= zhidao.baidu.com 2. Assistant to Head of Business Unit 业务部门经理助理 www.zzbole.com 3. OCBU optics component business unit 光學元件事業處 wenku.baidu.com 4. After graduation she went to Shenzhen to begin a career in business Unit 毕业之后她去深圳开始了她的商业生涯。 wenku.baidu.com 5. HONG KONG TELECOM CSL LIMITED Mobile Business Unit Customer Repair Services 香港电讯CSL有限公司流动通讯业务的服务中心及客户关注中心 www.hkbmi.com |
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