单词 | traffic | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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第三人称单数:traffics 现在分词:trafficking 过去式:trafficked adj. n. heavy traffic,through traffic,busy traffic,local traffic,fast traffic v. n. reduce traffic,stop traffic,carry traffic,block traffic,direct traffic traffic 显示所有例句
例句释义: 路上行驶的车辆,交通,航行,运输,以…作交易,出卖,买卖 1. Perhaps somewhere there will be opportunity to start over, but traffic is often no such luck. 或许在某个地方还会有重新来过的机会,然而交通事故往往没有这样的好运。 www.xiami360.com 2. Somebody would try to get a little bit ahead, then somebody else would see that and get angry, and pretty soon, you're back to LA traffic. 有些人想方设法在更前面,其他人看到了就会生气,不一会儿,又会回到洛杉矶交通的状态。 www.putclub.com 3. The driver pulled up to the curb and the traffic cop told him that he had been doing ninety-eight-a really breakneck speed. 司机将车驶上路缘,交通警察告诉他刚才行车车速达九十八公里猁猁一个极危险的车速。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Trolley cars, telegraph poles, sidewalks, lamp-posts, and any other structures capable of blocking traffic would become obsolete. 有轨电车、电线杆、人行道、路灯柱、以及其他妨碍交通的结构都将成为过去式。 www.bing.com 5. It also found that such fires produce as much carbon dioxide in a few weeks as California's motor vehicle traffic does in a year. 这项研究还发现,这样的森林大火,几个星期产生的二氧化炭,相当加州交通运输工具一年的排放量。大家来修改。 www.unsv.com 6. Traffic slowed a bit, then the post made it to the bottom of Delicious Popular after three hours. 流量的增长有点慢,接着三个小时以后这篇文章进入了到热门美味书签页面的底部。 www.bing.com 7. Also, a train strike had been paralyzing traffic for about a week, with only few trains in service here and there. 而且,火车员工的罢工也导致交通瘫痪一周,只有很少几辆运行。 english.31931.cn 8. Olympic contingency measures, but the newspaper said the traffic plan had been completed. 北京官方未公布奥运紧急预案,但这份报纸说,交通计划已经完成。 9. Once you are ready to take on more traffic or need fault tolerance, you can graduate your application to the main Heroku platform. 当准备好处理更大的通信量或者需要容错能力时,可以把应用程序转移到主Heroku平台。 www.ibm.com 10. It's depressing when you can't get out of a traffic jam. Especially when it happens on your only way home. 被困在车阵中动弹不得真让人不爽。尤其那是你回家唯一的路的时候。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. Luci Johnson liked to race ahead of agents in her car, trying to lose them in traffic. 露西·约翰逊喜欢开着自己的车跑在特工前头,试图在车流中甩开他们。 www.joyen.net 2. However, in January Bagle reappeared out of nowhere, and one variant of this worm was the most widespread malicious program in mail traffic. 但是,1月份Bagle没有再出现,它的一个变种在邮件传输中是传播最广泛的恶意程序。 blog.163.com 3. Rather than concentrating on the actual product he was trying to sell, he thought of a way to pull in traffic through a different window. 而非专注于他的实际产品推销、他想起了一个办法,通过不同的交通抠窗口。 www.liyingfei.com 4. It must be textured for traction, embedded with heating elements for melting away ice and snow, and able to survive years of traffic. 该玻璃必须具有浮凸结构以产生附着摩擦力,内嵌加热元件以融化冰雪,而且可以承载数年的交通量。 www.bing.com 5. Apply that to the jerk-in-traffic example, and it's easy to see how you can start rewriting the scenario to a happier outcome. 把这应用在路上的白痴这个例子上,很容易就能看到你怎么开始将这个故事重写成一个更快乐的情节。 www.hxen.com 6. i need 10, 000 traffic per month. tell me how much you will charge for that. 我需要每月10,000流量。告诉我你有多么会收取的。 www.bing.com 7. Heavy traffic on the turnpike; stopped oncoming traffic to let the children cross. 收费高速公路上交通繁忙;中断迎面而来的车流让孩子们过街。 cb.kingsoft.com 8. If the site was not the tens of thousands of traffic, then the webmaster is best not to put such vulgar pop with the kind of advertisement! 如果站点得流量不是成千上万,那么站长最好是不要投放像是弹窗跟低俗这类广告! www.82g.com.cn 9. Key phrases and sentences So the traffic situation in London is a little better than in Beijing? 重要的短语和句子这么说伦敦的交通状况要比北京好一些了? yy.china-b.com 10. In a bus stop, road traffic flow is often delayed by bus. 公交站点的运行往往影响道路交通流畅通与否。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. said in a telephone interview that the traffic got a little better once he finally made it off the highway. 龙杰说,当他最终把车开出高速路之后,交通状况就好一点了。 www.iamlk.cn 2. The company is situated next to Wando deep highway, traffic convenience, we are with you ideal for the best! 公司地处莞深公路旁,交通方便,是我们与您联系最好的理想之地!!! www.tonke.cn 3. A traffic sign marks the beginning of a hard shoulder and a thick solid white line marks the edge. 路肩的起点有交通标志说明,路肩边缘同时髹有粗白。 www.td.gov.hk 4. To a visitor, the signs that say, in large block letters, OBEY TRAFFIC RULES come across as a bit of black humor . 对游客来说,偶然碰见的那些牌子用大写字母标明“OBEYTRAFFICRULES(遵守交通规则)”有点像是黑色幽默。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. but I have to call you to help me, since I am blocking the traffic in a major intersection. I am making a traffic jam now. 没有,我不得不给你打电话是因为我堵住了一个主要路口的交通,我正在引起一个交通阻塞。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Fred exclaimed as he and my husband, Tom, realized what had been causing traffic to creep down the busy five-lane road. 弗烈德高声呐喊著,当时他和我先生汤姆正在交通繁忙的五线车道上,目睹导致该处交通瘫痪的原因。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 7. In a report to Congress on Wednesday, the U. S. -China Economic and Security Review Commission expressed concern over the traffic rerouting. 周三,在给国会的报告中,美中经济与安全审查委员会表示了对流量重定向事件的关注。 dongxi.net 8. Oblivious to the traffic, or to me as I overtook them, for encouragement she sang him classic melody. 就在四周流动的车辆还有我忽略他们时,她为了给自己的丈夫加油打气,哼起了一段经典的旋律。 www.bing.com 9. He kept turning his head to look at me when the headlights from oncoming traffic lit the cab's interior. 我从眼缝中瞄了他一眼,对面车辆的车前灯照亮驾驶室时,他还在扭头看着我。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. A few days ago, there was a heavy snow. I believe that most people's memory must be full of the bad traffic condition. 前些日子的一场大雪,大多数人的记忆中一定是糟糕的交通状况。 bbs.depv.org 1. Measures have been taken to relieve the city of its traffic jam, but the problem is not likely to be solved in a short time. 为缓解交通阻塞已采取了不少措施,然而这个问题并非马上能解决。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Often appears kangaroo map the road in Australia, it is often near the Kangaroo said, especially pay attention to traffic at night. 袋鼠图还经常出现在澳大利亚公路上,那是表示附近常有袋鼠出现,特别是夜间行车要注意。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. In addition, since the OSC is typically not designed to carry revenue generating traffic, the OSC may not always be operational. 此外,由于通常不将OSC设计成携带产生通信量的收入,所以OSC可能未必是可操作的。 word.hcbus.com 4. LastPass reported last month that it had noticed some odd behavior in its network traffic logs and might have suffered an online break-in. LastPass上个月报告说,它已经在其网络流量记录中注意到一些奇怪的行为,而且有可能遭到黑客的网络攻击。 dongxi.net 5. He said it came as the country prepared to experience what he called the largest wave of aviation traffic in its history. 他说,随着该国准备来体验他所谓的航空交通在其历史上最大的波浪。 bbs.5i5i.cn 6. Of course , in a high traffic server this solution will never work as you can expect more than one incoming request at a time . 当然,在一台流量很大的服务器上,这种解决方案永远不会像您期望的那样工作,即一次分派多个传入的请求。 www.bing.com 7. Timing is often overlooked by bloggers that are targeting social media traffic. 很多只关心社会媒体流量的部落客都忽略了时间安排。 www.elanso.com 8. Initial investigation showed that the poor visibility should be blamed, said the county traffic police. 这个县的交通警察表示,最初的调查显示,应该归咎于能见度太差。 www.transcn.org 9. Goren said that the airline has seen a "positive trend" since the disputes broke out in terms of traffic to AA. com. Goren指出美国航空已经看到了“良好的发展趋势”,因为自从这场纷争爆发后,AA.com的流量大增。 www.bing.com 10. It contains a number of useful packages that make it easy to do things like generate traffic reports and accelerate PHP content. 包含很多有用的软件包,可以简化诸如生成流量报告和加速PHP内容之类的任务。 www.ibm.com 1. More traffic to a blog may be nice, but if your goal is to build subscribers traffic is just a KPI. 博客有更多流量或许不错,但是如果你的目标是逐渐增加订户流量,那这目标流量只是一个关键绩效指标。 www.bing.com 2. It was one of the main arteries which conveyed the traffic of the City to the north and west. 那是市区通向西北的一条交通大动脉。 3. When you think about air traffic control, the image of men and women in the tower of an airport probably comes to mind. 人们一提起空中交通管制人员,就会自然而然的想起在机场地面指挥中心中的工作人员。 blog.163.com 4. Jean: Sorry, but I would have been here earlier if I had not been trapped in a traffic jam. 对不起。要不是碰上交通堵塞的话,我早就该到了。 www.hxen.com 5. If the objective is for promotion, the question is: How much of that traffic is worthwhile? 如果是为了促销,那么多少流量才值得去做? www.ftchinese.com 6. You know, back home in London, we also have bad traffic jams. 你知道吗,在我的老家伦敦,我们也常有交通堵塞的状况。 am774.bjradio.com.cn 7. Since the first two techniques do not require prioritization of traffic, they are not worthy of a discussion on traffic bottlenecks. 由于前两种技术不需要按流量的优先级进行处理,所以我们将不在有关流量瓶颈的问题中讨论它们。 www.ibm.com 8. At the bottom of the hour, we're going to hear from the former head of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. 而在最后,我们将听到美国国家公路交通安全管理局前负责人的言论。 www.bing.com 9. In fact, if the traffic is not too large, then generate or not generate HTML file did not seem to affect the horse god. 其实,如果访问量不是很大得话,生成或不生成HTML文件好像没神马影响。 www.82g.com.cn 10. As well as steering, he would have to take account of the platoon's impact on other traffic when changing lanes or turning. 除了掌好方向盘,他还将考虑到来自交通状态的影响,诸如换车道、转弯等。 www.ecocn.org 1. A few days ago, a traffic warden was beaten by a group of lawyers for stopping a lawyer's motorcycle for a traffic violation on The Mall. 几天前,一名交通督导员因阻止一名在TheMall地区违规交通的律师,而被一群律师殴打。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 2. In saline city whole traffic carries a system in, dividing railroad to carry is blank outside, other types of transportation is all ready. 在盐城市整个交通运输系统中,除铁路运输是空白外,其它运输形式齐全。 zhaiyao.ckzl.net 3. Despite tough traffic restrictions imposed a week ago to help reduce pollution. visibility was a half-mile in parts of the city. 尽管一周前出台了旨在帮助降低污染的交通管制,在城市中一些地区能见度只有半英里。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. The G-Men also found a hard drive. On it was an address book with website URLs, as well as the user's web traffic history. 执法官员同时找到一个硬盘,其中有记录了网页链接的地址簿,并有用户上网活动历史记录。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. However, this does not always happen. Traffic police are sometimes very polite. 如果他没给你罚款单就放你走,蒜泥走运,然而,情况并不都是这样,交通警察优势也很客气。 tieba.baidu.com 6. Find them mainly at a four corner crossing when the traffic is usually not heavy enough to require a traffic light. 找到它们主要是在四个角落时,过境交通通常不会重到需要红绿灯。 bbs.jysq.net 7. Each phrase of a typical fight profile is monitored by an air traffic control facility with its own group of controllers. 正常情况下,飞行过程图中的每一个阶段都被空中交通管制机构的管制员监控。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Service Broker also makes it easy to scale your application up or down to accommodate the amount of traffic the application receives. 还可以轻松缩放应用程序,以容纳应用程序接收的通信流量。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Hold your horses! I'll tell you in a minute. Let me catch my breach. I just got here and I told you traffic was terrible. 耐心地等一下!待会儿就告诉你。让我先缓口气。我刚到这儿,而且我告诉你了,交通阻塞。 www.tingroom.com 10. It's sunny here in London, and even a small traffic accident that has happened to Julia and me, won't be able to spoil our spring mood. 伦敦阳光普照,但是,茱莉亚和我出了一次小车祸,但是这并未影响到我们良好的心情。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 1. It had pulled up alongside her car at a traffic light, and she could see someone crying out for help and banging on the back window. 在打交通灯时,那辆车就停在她的车旁边,她可以看到车内有人哭叫求助,磕碰在车后窗上。 www.bing.com 2. They argue that nowadays traffic is much heavier than before. There is often a traffic jam especially in rush hours. 他们说如今交通比过去拥挤的多,尤其是在交通高峰期。 www.hxen.com 3. With so few people, Tiree lacks traffic, street lights, and the sort of background noise you get used to in urban places. 由于人口极少,泰里无甚车流交通可言,这里没什么交通灯,也没有你在城市里习惯了的那种噪音。 www.joyen.net 4. For the better promotion its containerized traffic's development, Ningbo Port must carry on the long-term plan to its future development. 为了更好的促进其集装箱运输的发展,宁波港需对其未来的发展进行长远规划。 www.fabiao.net 5. If I could sit here on Saturday and complain about traffic I would race and that would be fine for me. 如果我周四会坐在这里抱怨交通,我就能比赛了,那样对我来说是一件好事。 f1.sports.sohu.com 6. Her to determine what the reason is because not too early to call a taxi, road traffic congestion. 她之所以要确定一下,是因为太早不好叫出租车,马路上交通拥挤。 wenwen.soso.com 7. is caught up in fighting that he has no role in. Bullets, roadblocks, bonfires, traffic n army soldiers everywhere. 困在与自己无关的冲突里,四处都是子弹、路障、大火、塞车与军人,我现在想家了。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 8. This was not always easy to achieve, especially in built-up areas where few traffic-free corridors remained. 这个目标的实现并不轻易,尤其是在仅有少量剩余自由行驶廊道的建成区。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. However, the large influx of people did not cause traffic jams or other problems, as Hangzhou had prepared well for this. 杭州对此早就做好了准备,所以大量的人流并没造成交通拥堵或其他问题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. CHINA tends to do everything a bit bigger than the rest of the world, including traffic jams. 中国想要做的每件事都比世界上其它国家要大一点点,包括交通堵塞。 www.ecocn.org 1. There was traffic roaring in the background. He was sitting, he said, on a dune overlooking the Pacific Coast Highway. 从电话里可以听到车辆呼啸的声音,他说他正坐在一座沙丘上,看着太平洋海岸公路。 www.elanso.com 2. If you approach a red light and a traffic officer directs you to go through the intersection without stopping, what should you do? 如果在红灯时交通警指示你穿过十字路口,你应如何? grove.ufl.edu 3. The narrow passage means that even in the 13th century it was easy to impede the flow of traffic. 狭窄的河道意味着,即使是在13世纪,阻断交通也是容易的。 www.ftchinese.com 4. I'm an air traffic controller now, you know. 你知道,现在我是航空交通控制员。 www.8875.org 5. 'We are working to improve our user experience, so the traffic will increase in the long term, ' he said. 但长远来看,我们正在致力于改善用户体验,将来的流量应能有所增长。 www.enfamily.cn 6. The Cannon halted rush-hour traffic as it rattled the windows of every car and skyscraper for blocks around. 几个街区内的汽车玻璃和大楼窗户都战栗作响,正值高峰期的交通一度中断。 dongxi.net 7. As the traffic begins to move, fumes can be reduced in just a few seconds. 当车辆开动的时候,汽车尾气在几秒内就会减少。 www.blogcn.com 8. Most bloggers would love to get more traffic with social media, regardless of how much they're getting now. 不管他们的现状如何,大多数部落客都希望自己在社会媒体上得到更多关注。 www.elanso.com 9. The new Center is located in an ideal place in the downtown area, away from traffic congestion and near several vegetarian restaurants. 新的小中心位于市区一处很理想的地点,远离交通繁忙地区,却又邻近一些素食餐馆。 sm2000.org 10. He said the two most attractive assets available to increase web traffic were Facebook and YouTube. 他表示,在增加网站访问量方面,两项最吸引人的资产就是Facebook和YouTube。 www.ftchinese.com 1. We've talked to his enemies and looked at court records. The only dirt we found is two traffic tickets for speeding. 我们向他的仇人打听,查看了法庭档案,但是找到的只是两张超速驾驶的交通罚单。 www.hxen.com 2. You've no idea how much traffic there was tonight. 你难以想像今晚的交通有多拥挤。 www.hjenglish.com 3. City officials said the cameras would take the burden off the traffic agents and allow focusing their time on something more important. 纽约政府称,此举可以减轻交警负担,使他们能去做更重要的事。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 4. Here, the pace of the city is dictated by the boat traffic on the canal. Soon your heartbeat slows and you settle to a new rhythm. 在这里,城市的步伐是由运河里的交通船决定的,很快你自己的心跳也会变慢了,自然就适应了这里的节奏。 www.bing.com 5. In a city with booming industry, land is precious and cannot be extravagantly used for traffic. 工业飞速发展的城市里,土地资源非常宝贵,不能任意地用于交通。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Traffic: Referred to underground city, there was no reason not mentioned Montreal's subway and its unique features. 交通:提到地下城,就不能不提到蒙特利尔的地铁和它独一无二的特点。 www.elanso.com 7. You will want to find detours around the construction zones so you do not get caught up in the heavy traffic. 必要的时候你就可以在建筑区里绕行,这样你就不会被困在堵车大军里了。 www.bing.com 8. The reason why she was late for the exam was that she got stuck in a traffic jam. 她考试迟到的原因是遇上了塞车。 anypkk.anyp.cn 9. The baby's family pleaded on local traffic broadcasts for the return of the child, saying they would not prosecute for car theft. 婴儿的家人在当地的交通广播中恳求盗车者归还婴儿,说他们保证对窃贼不再追究。 www.bing.com 10. On the night when a famous tenor was to perform, the packed house was told he would not be able to attend due to traffic. 在那个晚上,一个著名男高音歌唱家本来有节目,人们在拥挤的房子等待却被告知,因交通状况他不能来表演。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. The new Center is located in an ideal place in the downtown area, away from traffic congestion and near several vegetarian restaurants. 新的小中心位于市区一处很理想的地点,远离交通繁忙地区,却又邻近一些素食餐馆。 sm2000.org 2. He said the two most attractive assets available to increase web traffic were Facebook and YouTube. 他表示,在增加网站访问量方面,两项最吸引人的资产就是Facebook和YouTube。 www.ftchinese.com 3. OK, one day, he was on his way home. He saw the traffic lights red. But he wanted to go home quickly to do something important. 有一天,在他回家的路上,他看见红灯亮了,但是他想赶回家干一件重要的事情。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. There's quite a bit of traffic now, including a very healthy population of tour buses. 现在的交通流量很大,其中包括大量充足的旅游巴士。 app.fortunechina.com 5. We've talked to his enemies and looked at court records. The only dirt we found is two traffic tickets for speeding. 我们向他的仇人打听,查看了法庭档案,但是找到的只是两张超速驾驶的交通罚单。 www.hxen.com 6. You've no idea how much traffic there was tonight. 你难以想像今晚的交通有多拥挤。 www.hjenglish.com 7. City officials said the cameras would take the burden off the traffic agents and allow focusing their time on something more important. 纽约政府称,此举可以减轻交警负担,使他们能去做更重要的事。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 8. Here, the pace of the city is dictated by the boat traffic on the canal. Soon your heartbeat slows and you settle to a new rhythm. 在这里,城市的步伐是由运河里的交通船决定的,很快你自己的心跳也会变慢了,自然就适应了这里的节奏。 www.bing.com 9. In a city with booming industry, land is precious and cannot be extravagantly used for traffic. 工业飞速发展的城市里,土地资源非常宝贵,不能任意地用于交通。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Traffic: Referred to underground city, there was no reason not mentioned Montreal's subway and its unique features. 交通:提到地下城,就不能不提到蒙特利尔的地铁和它独一无二的特点。 www.elanso.com 1. City officials said the cameras would take the burden off the traffic agents and allow focusing their time on something more important. 纽约政府称,此举可以减轻交警负担,使他们能去做更重要的事。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 2. Here, the pace of the city is dictated by the boat traffic on the canal. Soon your heartbeat slows and you settle to a new rhythm. 在这里,城市的步伐是由运河里的交通船决定的,很快你自己的心跳也会变慢了,自然就适应了这里的节奏。 www.bing.com 3. In a city with booming industry, land is precious and cannot be extravagantly used for traffic. 工业飞速发展的城市里,土地资源非常宝贵,不能任意地用于交通。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Traffic: Referred to underground city, there was no reason not mentioned Montreal's subway and its unique features. 交通:提到地下城,就不能不提到蒙特利尔的地铁和它独一无二的特点。 www.elanso.com 5. You will want to find detours around the construction zones so you do not get caught up in the heavy traffic. 必要的时候你就可以在建筑区里绕行,这样你就不会被困在堵车大军里了。 www.bing.com 6. The reason why she was late for the exam was that she got stuck in a traffic jam. 她考试迟到的原因是遇上了塞车。 anypkk.anyp.cn 7. The baby's family pleaded on local traffic broadcasts for the return of the child, saying they would not prosecute for car theft. 婴儿的家人在当地的交通广播中恳求盗车者归还婴儿,说他们保证对窃贼不再追究。 www.bing.com 8. On the night when a famous tenor was to perform, the packed house was told he would not be able to attend due to traffic. 在那个晚上,一个著名男高音歌唱家本来有节目,人们在拥挤的房子等待却被告知,因交通状况他不能来表演。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Standing at the outside edge of the vehicle will make it easier for you to see any traffic, and for drivers to see you. 在该辆车的外侧站立,可较易看见来往的车辆,也可以让驾驶人轻易看见你。 www.td.gov.hk 10. The shop, the advertisement, traffic, all that commerce which constitutes the body of our world, was gone. 商店、广告、交通、所有构成我们这个世界主体的一切商业贸易都没有了。 www.exams.cn 1. On the night when a famous tenor was to perform, the packed house was told he would not be able to attend due to traffic. 在那个晚上,一个著名男高音歌唱家本来有节目,人们在拥挤的房子等待却被告知,因交通状况他不能来表演。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Standing at the outside edge of the vehicle will make it easier for you to see any traffic, and for drivers to see you. 在该辆车的外侧站立,可较易看见来往的车辆,也可以让驾驶人轻易看见你。 www.td.gov.hk 3. The shop, the advertisement, traffic, all that commerce which constitutes the body of our world, was gone. 商店、广告、交通、所有构成我们这个世界主体的一切商业贸易都没有了。 www.exams.cn 4. This game intends to put you into the hot-seat of an air traffic controller. AirTrafficController这个游戏旨于将你放置到飞机交通控制器的位置上。 www.ganxisky.cn 5. In EJB development, the Session Facade pattern is often used to minimize network traffic and ensure transaction consistency. 在EJB开发中,会话虚包(SessionFacade)模式常被用来使网络流量最小化和确保事务一致性。 www.ibm.com 6. At this point, that the subject of public concern and a major traffic accident case to a satisfactory solution. 至此,这起备受社会和市民关注的重大交通事故案得到圆满解决。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. With an 18. 9% increase, Africa was the only region to see premium traffic rise. 唯一见证“两舱”出行上升的是非洲,增幅18. www.ecocn.org 8. How much worse might the overall traffic situation get in China? 中国总体交通状况恶化的程度能有多糟? chinese.wsj.com 9. The second piece of advice I'll give is to not get caught up in finding the big incoming link that will bring a rush of traffic. 我给出的建议的第二条是不要急于寻找太多的新链接,虽然这可以使流量突然增加。 www.bing.com 10. Traffic noise assessment and prediction system has been used in Huizhou, and get a favorable efficient. 交通噪声评价和预测系统已应用于惠州市交通噪声污染现状评价及预测,并取得了良好的效果。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. How much worse might the overall traffic situation get in China? 中国总体交通状况恶化的程度能有多糟? chinese.wsj.com 2. The second piece of advice I'll give is to not get caught up in finding the big incoming link that will bring a rush of traffic. 我给出的建议的第二条是不要急于寻找太多的新链接,虽然这可以使流量突然增加。 www.bing.com 3. Traffic noise assessment and prediction system has been used in Huizhou, and get a favorable efficient. 交通噪声评价和预测系统已应用于惠州市交通噪声污染现状评价及预测,并取得了良好的效果。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. It is also timesaving if you think about how much time you would use in traffic jams and finding a parking. 想像一下,当你坐公交遇上交通拥塞,或者开车花很长时间找停车场,骑自行车是多么的省时。 ycdtb.dayoo.com 5. Even with a flurry of online traffic, retailers appeared to pull off Cyber Monday without a glitch. 不过零售商们还是经受住了在线星期一的流量冲击。 www.bing.com 6. e. g. She's only six , but she's still old enough to know better than to run out into the traffic. 她只有六岁,可已经足以知道不该跑到车流里去。 www.englishdata.cn 7. No one seems to know how Tanzania's main port will hit its target of a tenfold increase in goods traffic by 2030. 看起来没有人知道坦桑尼亚的主要港口如何在2030年达到其十倍的货运增长目标。 www.ecocn.org 8. The company was founded in 1995, was one is engaged in the international goods traffic agency business specially the Specialized company. 公司成立于1995年,是一家专门从事国际货物运输代理业务的专业公司。 www.19zhan.com 9. Guess what he did for a living-he was an air traffic controller! 猜猜他是以何职业为生,他是一个空中交通管制员! blog.sina.com.cn 10. The peak of the total amount of bacteria in the air of Huangshi is in the shopping-traffic-mixed quarter in autumn and spring. 黄石市空气微生物菌落数的高峰出现在商业交通混合区的秋季和春季。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. The peak of the total amount of bacteria in the air of Huangshi is in the shopping-traffic-mixed quarter in autumn and spring. 黄石市空气微生物菌落数的高峰出现在商业交通混合区的秋季和春季。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. While admitting that the ad has helped drive traffic to his Taobao store, Mr. Liu denied that he's trying to create media hype. 刘世杰承认该广告提升了其淘宝店的流量,但他否认这是试图进行媒体炒作。 chinese.wsj.com 3. She's an Evanston liberal-reformer type, and I really doubt she'd traffic in that sort of thing. 她是个典型的[埃文斯顿]自由派改革者,并且我也对她[为此事而进行的交易]感到怀疑。 www.bing.com 4. Mr. Kuo added that music search was profitable but had never been a source of major traffic. Kuo先生补充说音乐搜索是盈利的但从来没有成为主要的流量源。 kk.dongxi.net 5. On top of that, traffic was horrendous, I almost ran out of gas AND I forgot my riding boots. 除此之外,交通状态非常差,我几乎是飞过去的,而且我忘带了骑马靴。 www.bing.com 6. Quite a few pedestrians and cyclists behave as if there were no traffic rules at all . 无视交通规则的行人和自行车一族大有人在。 www.kuaiyilin.com 7. The test result shows that this algorithm can be used for traffic warning to a certain extent to reduce traffic accidents. 测试表明,本文所提算法能够在一定程度上对交通事故进行提前预警,对于减少和避免交通事故发生具有重要意义。 airiti.com 8. In london, the traffic never seems to stop, and people always seem to be in a hurry. 在伦敦,交通似乎永不停止,人们似乎总是来去匆匆。 www.hotdic.com 9. Unfortunately the taxi got stuck in a traffic jam, and by the time I got to Waterloo, the train had just gone. 不幸的是,出租车遇到了交通阻塞,等我到滑铁卢的时候,火车刚好离开。 www.crazyenglish.org 10. Sorry to be late. I was caught up in a traffic jam. Am I the last guest to arrive? 对不起我迟到了。真不巧赶上了一场交通拥堵。我是最后一个到的吗? www.kekenet.com 1. Sorry to be late. I was caught up in a traffic jam. Am I the last guest to arrive? 对不起我迟到了。真不巧赶上了一场交通拥堵。我是最后一个到的吗? www.kekenet.com 2. Navigating the world while in a traffic jam or at a boring meeting is possible with one movement of your finger. 堵车的时候、无聊的会议上,你大可用一根手指来一次环球旅行。 www.bing.com 3. On the train, to be assured of your driving experience and practical skills of municipal traffic regulations. 上车,放心去体验你的驾驶技能和实际的都市交通规则。 xa111.com 4. Beijing is going to do something about the heavy traffic. It's going to put up signs that say: Thank you for not driving. 北京要对拥堵的交通做些什么了,它竖起标牌写这:感谢您不开车。 blog.163.com 5. Overall unique visitors - how much traffic does your community generate? 全部独立访客——你的社群产生了多少流量? www.bing.com 6. Over a third of respondents said the economy is their main concern. It used to be traffic. 调查显示,超过三分之一的受访者表示他们最关心的问题的经济,而不是之前的交通。 www.ecocn.org 7. He said protesters would not block traffic Capitol, they will coordinate with the police, no one will use rallies to incite unrest. 他说,示威者不会封堵国会大厦的交通,他们会与警方协调,不会有人会利用集会煽动动乱。 www.englishtang.com 8. People seem to have though up every solution to the traffic problem except staying at home. 人们似乎想出每种交通问题的解决方案,就是没想到待在家里。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Here most of the streets are narrow, and traffic is often very slow. 这里的大多数街道都很狭窄,交通往往十分缓慢。 www.zftrans.com 10. It's been a hard day today. First I was one hour late. You know the traffic is really bad. And then I got yelled at by my boss. 今天是很艰难的一天。首先我迟到一个钟头。你知道的,交通真的很糟糕。然后我老板冲着我发火。 www.hxen.com 1. It's been a hard day today. First I was one hour late. You know the traffic is really bad. And then I got yelled at by my boss. 今天是很艰难的一天。首先我迟到一个钟头。你知道的,交通真的很糟糕。然后我老板冲着我发火。 www.hxen.com 2. Flashing at the crossroads and traffic lights, is vividly shown in the traffic lights PLC practical application of the system. 在十字路口红绿灯闪亮及车辆通行,十分形象地显示出了PLC在交通灯系统中的实际应用。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. This is not the only case: many countries in Europe began to stop the traffic lights on the streets. 无独有偶,欧洲国家也开始计划逐渐取消街道红绿灯。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. Trying to sell ad space without traffic can be very difficult and will most likely not produce much revenue. 试着在没有通信量的前提下做广告将会非常困难,并且将很可能没有收入。 www.elanso.com 5. considered the fact that 92% of the American population is stuck in traffic for an hour and a half a day. 罚款问题前,从来没想到这样一个事实:每天都有92%的美国人要在路上花费一个半小时; www.nexoncn.com 6. Therefore, a flexible means of load assignment to multiple parallel traffic trunks carrying traffic between a pair of nodes is require. 要实现这一过程,就必须要设计一种能够对多条并行的流量主干灵活地进行负载分配的技术。 www.fabiao.net 7. The approval of an air traffic control unit shall be obtained for a civil aircraft to conduct flight activities in a controlled airspace. 第七十四条民用航空器在管制空域内进行飞行活动,应当取得空中交通管制单位的许可。 www.chinalawedu.com 8. Traffic cases not listed in 13. Above may also be referred to the Police if the University deems it necessary. 凡未列入上述第13.条之交通事项,大学将酌情向警方举报。 www.cuhk.edu.hk 9. Those targets had not been on the radar screen of the air traffic controller who approved the departure, Higgins said. Higgins说这些目标没有显示在航空管理中心的雷达上,因此他们批准了飞机起飞。 www.bing.com 10. They decided that he could best see it and avoid traffic by jumping out of a plane, so they took him up and all prepared to parachute. 为了为加利福尼亚人最充分地展现跳伞,并且不能对交通造成干扰,伞兵们决定带着他一起上空跳伞。 www.oktranslation.com 1. They decided that he could best see it and avoid traffic by jumping out of a plane, so they took him up and all prepared to parachute. 为了为加利福尼亚人最充分地展现跳伞,并且不能对交通造成干扰,伞兵们决定带着他一起上空跳伞。 www.oktranslation.com 2. However, as this side of the passing traffic, not the slightest bit of nostalgia, never stops along to go in a hurry. 然而时间,就像这身边的飞驰而过的车流,没有半点留恋,从未停歇一直向前匆匆而去。 www.bing.com 3. As an affiliate you will have or build a web site that generates traffic and then "refer" part of that traffic to a partner company. 作为联属机构或您将建立一个网站,产生流量,接着又“是指”的一部分,交通合作伙伴公司。 103993044.lingd.net 4. Therefore, fast detection of any violating source is one of the most important characteristics of a good traffic policer . 所以快速检测出违约信元是一个好的业务量控制器的最重要的性能之一。 www.showxiu.com 5. Nearly every driver who passed during several recent traffic sessions smiled, seemingly thrilled to see that Du Du was there and in charge. 几乎每个司机在经过最近几个交通高峰时期时都是微笑的,似乎是因为他们兴奋地看见杜杜在那儿,而且很好的控制着局面。 www.bing.com 6. This feature consists of a set of tools for traffic generation, samples, and snippets to help speed IMS application development. 这个特性由一套流量产生工具,样本,以及帮助加速IMS应用软件开发的程序片段构成。 www.ibm.com 7. But illegal music accounts for a significant amount of traffic to Baidu and, until now, Google has not been able to compete. 不过,非法音乐占据了百度的大量流量,但到目前为止,谷歌还不能与之竞争。 www.bing.com 8. The Friendship Bridge is able to carry road and rail cargo, but there is not much traffic at the moment. 该友谊大桥能够承载公路运输和铁路集装箱运输,但在此时并没有太大的货运量。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. How much traffic and bandwidth amount will be expected at peak traffic times? 在高峰流量期间,需要多少流量和带宽量? www.ibm.com 10. In an air traffic system that operates near capacity, any delays in one region tend to spread like ripples and trigger delays elsewhere. 在一个接近饱和状态的空中交通系统中,某一区域的任何延误都会像波浪一样传播并触发其它区域的航班延误。 www.bing.com 1. In an air traffic system that operates near capacity, any delays in one region tend to spread like ripples and trigger delays elsewhere. 在一个接近饱和状态的空中交通系统中,某一区域的任何延误都会像波浪一样传播并触发其它区域的航班延误。 www.bing.com 2. The police asked her to give an accurate account of the traffic accident. 警察让她正确无误地讲述那次车祸。 bbs.edu-edu.com.cn 3. My therapist looks up to the clouds. They calm her down in traffic or whenever she feels anxious. 我的治疗专家抬起头看着天空的云,这样做可以让他在繁忙的交通中或她感到不安的时候平静下来。 www.bing.com 4. And there was an air traffic into and out of London's Hitthrough airport was delayed. 飞出和飞往伦敦黑斯罗夫飞机场的航班已被延迟。 www.tingroom.com 5. Another way to get a handle on the increase is to look at the average mobile broadband connection and how much data traffic it uses. 这个增长数据也可以通过每月平均移动宽带连接数量和他们的数据流量看出。 www.bing.com 6. Traffic is all the moving cars, buses, trucks and motorcycles that go along the roads. 交通量是所有在路上行使的轿车,客车,卡车和摩托车(的总和) dictsearch.appspot.com 7. When traffic is moving slowly in queues, you may move to a lane on your left only in order to turn left or to park. 交通挤塞行车缓慢时,驾驶人为了转左或泊车,可驶入左边行车。 www.td.gov.hk 8. Therefore, Venice is the city street waterways, the city no cars and bicycles, and no traffic lights, the ship is the only city transport. 因此,威尼斯水道是城市的马路,市内没有汽车和自行车,也没有交通指挥灯,船是市内唯一的交通工具。 thecenterofthenet.com 9. Okay, I'll admit, the Stern Review on Traffic Jams doesn't sound like the sort of thing to keep you awake at night. 我承认,《斯特恩报告》关于交通拥堵的论述,听起来并不是让你夜不能寐。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Sometimes I'm stuck in traffic for 45 minutes! But, as you know, the company requires all employees to be at work by nine A. M. sharp. Fay表示理解,说自己有时也会stuckintrafficfor45minutes,有时路上会堵45分钟,可是公司要求员工九点准时到办公室。 www.bing.com 1. One senior US official said there was "no doubt" that China was monitoring e-mail traffic on unclassified government networks. 一位美国高级官员表示,“毫无疑问”,中国在监控非保密政府网络上的电邮流量。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Ron Connolly sometimes had to function on four hours of sleep or less when he worked as an air traffic controller. 在做飞行塔台控制员的时候,RonConnolly有时要在只有四小时甚至更少的睡眠时间下工作。 www.bing.com 3. uh, as I was trying to help this girl stay out of traffic. 我当时设法帮一个女孩不被车撞到。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Cars honked behind him. The mahout turned and gesticulated at him with his iron rod. A passerby yelled at him not to block traffic. 身后响起了汽车喇叭声,看象人也用小铁棒向他比划着,一个过路人更对他吼着让他不要妨碍交通。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. In Tampa, a whole elevated highway that ran past the venue was closed to all traffic for a week. 在坦帕,因穿过会场,一整条高架公路管制封闭长达一周。 www.ecocn.org 6. Over the next hour, I received more texts: She was having trouble hailing a cab; she found a cab; the cab was stuck in traffic. 接下来的一个小时里,我收到了更多的短信:她打车遇到了麻烦;打到了车;遇上堵车了。 c.wsj.com 7. Numerous fishing traffic, including the unlit ones may be met while en route, hence vigilant look out to be maintained at all times. 航路上可能会有大量的渔船,包括不点灯的渔船,航行中必须时刻保持警惕和谨慎的了望。 www.67786.com 8. 'I had to ignore traffic signs and turn on the siren, ' he said. 'It was a bit risky, but I tried my best. ' 他说,我不得不一路闯红灯,还打开了警笛。这有点危险,但我尽力了。 www.bing.com 9. A statistical process section performs a temporal statistical process on the result of the traffic monitoring using a clock and a memory. 统计处理单元利用时钟和存储器对所述业务监视的结果执行暂态统计处理。 www.bing.com 10. I would have arrived much earlier if I had not been caught in the traffic. 要不是交通堵塞,我本会来得早一些。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. In London, cars have to drive a bit more slowly than in New York, because there is a little more traffic. 在伦敦,汽车因为交通会比在纽约开的慢一些。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Why did not the air traffic controllers issued a warning to a sudden strike? 空管人员为什么没有发出警告就突然罢工了? www.englishtang.com 3. Unexpected bursts of traffic are no longer an issue with cloud computing, and downtime is all but eliminated. 因为云计算,通信的突发意外也不再是问题,当机时间也几乎消除。 www.bing.com 4. But the real kings of these roads are the hordes of commuter motorcycles that swarm in and out of the choking traffic at daredevil speed. 但是以魔鬼速度在拥塞的交通中穿梭的大批摩托可谓是真正的道路之王。 bbs.ecocn.org 5. Experts have pointed out that traffic safety knowledge to understand, comply with the rules of the road accident injuries can be avoided. 有专家指出,懂得交通安全知识,遵守交通规则的意外伤害事故是可以避免的。 terms.shengwuquan.com 6. Having been delayed by heavy traffic, she found it important for her to arrive on time. 由于交通堵塞的耽搁,她觉得不可能按时到达了。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Training in aviation management may qualify you to supervise an air traffic control operation, an airport, or an aircraft carrier. 航空管理培训要求你能监督空中交通管制运作,一个机场,或一架航母。 college.strong-study.com 8. Don't you think it is a waste for you to have lost your four year's hardworking as an graduate of air traffic e control major? 您不觉得这是对空中交通管制专业的您四年努力学习的一种铺张么? abems.com 9. If consumption of the total amount of calculation issue for a year, so traffic mileage the calculation issue must also is one year. 如果消耗总量的计算期为一年,那么行车里程的计算期必须也是一年。 www.jjb2c.com 10. Spending two hours a day in gridlock traffic is enough to drive even the most Zen commuter up the wall. 每天花两个小时的时间在拥挤的交通中,都足够让最慢的交通工具爬上墙了。 www.bing.com 1. Since Brian David was injured in a traffic accident decades ago, he found conventional wheelchairs to be a real pain. 生活必需品是发明之母。自从20年前,BrianDavid在一次车祸中受伤后,他发现传统的轮椅真是太不实用了。 club.topsage.com 2. She told NBCnewsNews she was shocked to discover that her husband was the victim of the accident that had caused all that traffic. 她告诉国家广播公司,当她发现丈夫就是造成那里交通拥堵的事故的受害者时,她惊呆了。 voa.hjenglish.com 3. However, slow traffic system has not been established, the traffic safety of vulnerable groups also did not receive sufficient attention. 然而慢行交通系统一直没有建立起来,交通弱势群体的安全问题也没有得到足够的重视。 paper.pet2008.cn 4. I saw the traffic jams and wondered if it's possible to make buses high up in the air as well. 当我在路上遇见堵车,就会想是不是可以让公交车也在空中运行。 www.bing.com 5. There was panic when she got held up in London traffic. 伦敦糟糕的交通让我们真担心她赶不回来。 www.bing.com 6. Little signs can show your traffic, like comments, subscriptions or reaching the front page of a site like StumbleUpon. 小的迹象可以表现出你的流量,多得像StumbleUpon公司网站的首页那样的流量。 www.bing.com 7. The plane gave no warning either over the radio to air-traffic controllers or to its passengers that trouble was afoot. 飞机降落之前机组人员并没有通过无线电通知交通管理中心和乘客,提醒人们危险迫在眉睫。 www.ecocn.org 8. Thats partly because weekend traffic is usually lighter, and also because heavy thunderstorms cleared the air. 部分原因在于周末的交通流量本来就比较小,而且几场暴雨改善了北京的空气质量。 www.tvsou.com 9. The only answer they considered for a performance issue was to add more horsepower or more nodes and distribute traffic equally across them. 他们以为解决性能问题的唯一方法是添加更多的处理能力或更多的节点,并在节点之间均匀地分布流量。 www.ibm.com 10. If the portion of traffic that requires encryption is relatively small, carving out a separate class of service for it might be appropriate. 如果需要加密的流量部分相对较小,则为其划出单独的服务分类也许是适当的。 www.ibm.com 1. As if that wasn't ambitious enough, they also wanted to slice up the traffic on this network. 如果这个设想看起来还不是足够的野心勃勃的话,他们还要求把这个网络上的通讯分割开来。 dict.kekenet.com 2. Once you're on the same network segment, you're almost always able to see all traffic addressed to the machine of interest. 一旦您位于相同的网段上,几乎总能看见流向目标机器的所有信息包。 www.ibm.com 3. My wife and I raced out of Philadelphia as if fleeting a pestilence, only to run into dense shore-bound traffic. 我和妻子像逃避瘟疫一样风驰电掣般驶出费城,结果却陷入前往海滨的稠密拥挤的车流之中。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 4. these have been used to justify levies on cigarettes , alcohol and even traffic congestion. 这一手法已经用来调整对烟酒甚至交通拥塞的征税。 www.ichacha.net 5. The traffic jam in this narrow road is usually during the peak hours, and sometimes has to wait for a long time before able to get out. 在繁忙时间该处面对交通堵塞通,有时要等待很长的时间才能通车。 dapsabah.org 6. He fell into a deep hole, which had actually been clearly marked as "DANGEROUS" by various signs, traffic cones, and yellow police tape. 他陷入了深孔,这实际上已明确为“危险”的种种迹象,交通圆筒和黄色警示带标记。 www.en400.com:8080 7. Are streets without traffic signs conceivable? Seven cities and regions in Europe are giving it a try -- with good results. 如果道路上不设交通标志是否方便?七个欧洲城市正在做这样的尝试——收效不错。 www.way2english.com 8. How much has your traffic or readership grown? 博客流量和固定读者增长了多少? www.elanso.com 9. Easy to ride, this punchy four-stroke single has a full five speed gearbox to keep you ahead of the traffic, wherever you're going. 易搭、本贴四冲程单已全部提前五速变速箱把你的交通你要去哪里。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The traffic snarls and logistical nightmares that had been feared by police and city officials had not materialized. 之前警察和市政府担心的交通堵塞和后勤供给不足问题并没有出现。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Fortunately, 8 seconds is plenty of time for a shot like this, as long as you begin the exposure when the traffic is moving. 幸运的是,对于这张照片来说,8秒钟显得太充足了,只要你在车辆开始流动的同时按下快门进行曝光。 item.feedsky.com 2. Assuming that there is at least one functioning traffic manager in a cluster, all traffic IP addresses remain reachable. 假设集群中至少有一个正常工作的流量管理器,则可以访问所有流量IP地址。 www.ibm.com 3. trying to get into a small parking space fouled up traffic. 一辆试图开进小停车场的大卡车把交通阻塞了。 www.jukuu.com 4. She told NBC News she was shocked to discover that her husband was the victim of the accident that had caused all that traffic. 她告诉NBC新闻社,她发现她丈夫是所有事故的受害者感到很震惊。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. Police spokesman said the air traffic control departments ground 7: 30 local time around the aircraft lost contact with. 警方发言人称,地面空管部门在当地时间上午7点30分左右与飞机失去联系。 www.englishtang.com 6. National police spokesman Iskandar Hasan said: "The suspected cause of the accident was a mistake in the traffic management system. " 印尼警察发言人IskandarHasan说:“事故原因怀疑是交通管理系统发生了错误。” www.bing.com 7. But he noted that this year, Delta did not see the expected traffic increase for the month. 但他同时也指出,达美航空这个月并没看到预期的客流量上升。 www.bing.com 8. The policeman stopped the oncoming traffic to let the children cross. 警察中断迎面而来的车流让孩子们过街。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. "I started reading this book one year ago - after my son died in a traffic accident, " he said. 他说:“我一年前就开始读这本书,那是在我的儿子因车祸去世的时候。” www.krishna.com.cn 10. But there's no provision for an air traffic controller to call in fatigued. 但是却没有条款来保障控制员的疲惫程度。 www.bing.com 1. Knowing that the devices are functioning properly ensures that they are available and ready to process this traffic. 了解设备是否运行正常可确保它们是可用的并能够处理此流量。 www.ibm.com 2. A: Sorry for being late again. You know, I ran into a traffic jam. 对不起,我又迟到了。要知道我碰上交通堵塞了。 www.rrting.com 3. For the average traffic accident, whether qualitative or punishment, are relatively clear and easy to operate. 对于一般的交通肇事行为,无论从定性还是量刑来看,都是相对明确和易于操作的。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 4. The question is how much traffic do you need to be relevant to an advertiser? 问题是你要多大的流量才能和广告商靠得上? select.yeeyan.org 5. There used to be a lot of traffic accidents at the bottleneck of the road before it was taken place by the highway cloverleaf junction. 在现在这座立交桥取代原来那个瓶颈般的路口之前,这里的交通事故频繁发生。 www.yuloo.com 6. A proxy server that accepts connection requests from anyone anywhere and forwards the traffic as if it has originated from the local hosts. 一种代理服务器,可以接受来自任意人员以及任意位置的连接请求,并按照源于本地主机的通信方式来转发通信。 technet.microsoft.com 7. The experiment proved that the approach in this paper can detected the road traffic incident accurately, it had best practical value. 实验证明,本文的方法可以准确地检测出道路上的交通事件,具有很好的实用价值。 www.fabiao.net 8. The problem wAS, AS the Internet grew, the public points became overburdened and traffic slowed at these bottlenecks. 问题是,随着因特网的发展,这些公共对等汇接点变得负担过重,网上数据传送在这些瓶颈处变慢。 dict.ebigear.com 9. Initially, I used to get very upset and frustrated with the traffic but then I realized I can use this time to be very productive. 起初,我常常因为阻塞的交通而失望和沮丧,但随后我意识到我可以使这段时间过的很有成效。 www.bing.com 10. It was expected to check in with air traffic controllers at a. m. GMT but did not do so, the Brazilian air force said in a statement. 巴西空军在一份声明中说,原本应该在格林尼治时间早上3:20分与空中交通管制的负责人进行联系的,但是飞机却没有再联系空中交通管协站。 www.bing.com 1. When she appeared in traffic court, she asked the judge for immediate attention to her case as she was due to be back in class. 她到了交通法庭后,要求法官先处理她的案子,因为她要赶回去上课。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. The first time Lonsdale received a message, Bill Collins was unable to decipher it. There was no indicator group in the traffic. 朗斯代尔第一次接收信息时,比尔柯林斯未能将其破译出来,因为这份电讯中没有密码指标组。 3. It is one of Europe's busiest waterways, a formidable conduit that handles millions of tonnes of traffic a year. 作为全欧洲最为繁忙的水上运输通道之一,每年通过莱茵河运送的各种货物总量多达数百万吨。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. As developed as the world has become, it is still possible for one volcano in Iceland to stop all air traffic in and out of Europe. 尽管现在世界如此发达,但是冰岛的一座火山仍然有可能阻碍欧洲内外的全部交通。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Urban traffic info cards are available at the Front Desk, you can put down the plate number of the taxi you take on the card. 酒店总服务台上放有市区路线提醒卡,您在选择出租车,可以将车号记录在提醒卡上。 www.tianya.cn 6. He said the evolution of the "pay-per-click" economy has put the emphasis on reader traffic and financial return, not journalism. 他说,“点击付费”经济的演化已经将重点放在读者的交易和财政回报上了,而不是新闻本身之上。 news.dxy.cn 7. The side facing towards the ocean is the northern area, and a road with a row of condominiums and heavy traffic run by its side. 其中,面向大海的一面为南,它位于一排排列整齐的公寓之中;一侧为车流拥挤的公路。 www.dooland.com 8. An air traffic controller noticed on his rader screen that the two planes were too close to each other. 一名空中交通控制员从他的雷达屏幕上观察到这两架飞机互相靠得太近。 iask.sina.com.cn 9. They said the railway was to be opened to traffic on May Day. 他们说这条铁路将在五一节通车。 wenku.baidu.com 10. All Web sites should be ready to handle traffic several orders of magnitude greater than normal load. 所有Web站点都应该准备好处理比普通负载高几个数量级的通信量。 www.ibm.com |
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