单词 | business registration |
释义 | 例句释义: 商业登记,工商登记,商业登记证书,商业注册 1. The company requires would-be vendors to provide business-registration documents to set up storefronts on the site. 该公司要求潜在卖家提供工商注册文件才能在其网站上开设网店。 c.wsj.com 2. Applicant must also be able to pay the required business registration fee and levy over the Internet. 申请人亦必须能够透过互联网支付需缴交的商业登记费及徵费。 www.ird.gov.hk 3. The Business Registration Office must be notified of any admission or retirement of partners within 1 month of such change. 任何合夥人的加入或退出,必须于更替后的1个月内通知商业登记署。 www.ird.gov.hk 4. Authorized person of a Limited Company holding a valid Certificate of Incorporation. Business Registration Certificate will not be accepted. 持有以公司注册证开立的有限公司所指定及授权的人士,商业登记证不会被接纳。 www.esd.gov.hk 5. the photocopies of Business Registration Certificate, registration materials or other relevant documents designated by the BOFT; and. 公司登记证明文件、商业登记证明文件影本或其他经贸易局指定之相关文件。 www.cntranslators.com 6. Therefore, the explanation of legal nature about business registration cannot be academic but economical. 因此,对商事登记法律性质的解释不应是学术的,而应是经济的。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. The valid business registration certificate with payment receipt line should also be returned for amendment and replacement. 请将有收费机印的有效商业登记证一并交回,以供修订及更换。 www.ird.gov.hk 8. Development work to upgrade the imaging and document management system for Business Registration applications continued during the year. 此外,有关商业登记申请书图像及文件管理系统的提升工作,去年继续进行。 www.ird.gov.hk 9. As the Business Registration Certificate Number is different for every year, every bill must be registered before payment is made. 由于每年的商业登记证号码均不相同,所以必须在付款前先行登记每张帐单。 www.ird.gov.hk 10. Function by inputting your Job Order No. And Business Registration Certificate Number. After that, you may use your linked vacancy to. 输入你的空缺之空缺编号及商业登记号码,将你的空缺连结到你的用户纪录。 www.jobs.gov.hk 1. To make an application, you are required to input the business registration number of the target business. 在作出申请时,你需输入查询对象的商业登记号码。 www.ird.gov.hk 2. In his Budget Speech this afternoon, the Financial Secretary proposed to waive Business Registration fees for one year. 在今日下午发表的财政预算案演词中,财政司司长建议豁免商业登记费一年。 www.ird.gov.hk 3. For new businesses, the application must be made not later than 1 month after applying for the business registration. 如是属新开业务,则申请应在提交商业登记申请后1个月内递交。 www.ird.gov.hk 4. Documentation of company registration and documentation of business registration. 二公司登记证明文件及商业登记证明文件。 www.cntranslators.com 5. The designer address shall be deemed as its business registration address when provide applications. 设计单位属地以其报名时提供的企业工商注册地址为依据进行确定。 stoneboy.com 6. Shanghai is offering PE firms new looser business registration requirements, fund raising parameters and tax obligations. 上海正在放宽对私人资本运营公司在业务登记、融资参数以及纳税义务方面的要求。 www.bing.com 7. A copy of your Business Registration or Certificate of Incorporation. 商业登记证或公司注册证明文件副本。 www.americanexpress.com 8. As a budgetary measure to reduce the operating cost of business, the business registration fee was waived in 2002- 03 . 至03年度财政预算案建议免收商业登记费一年,以减轻营商人士的经营成本。 www.bing.com 9. Government documents supporting the applicant for business registration . 政府批复的企业注册文件。 www.bing.com 10. Kaneohe is China's most professional and business registration services consultancy services company. 欧西是中国最专业的注册服务机构及商务顾问服务公司。 www.tonke.cn 1. We need original Business Registration to Inland Revenue Department to change the company address. 我们需要税务部门营业登记的原始记录来修改公司地址。 iask.sina.com.cn 2. With a PPS account, you can pay business registration demand note with a tone phone. 开妥户口后,你可以用音频电话缴交商业登记费。 www.ird.gov.hk 3. Please attach photocopy of business registration certificate. 请附上商业登记证副本。 www.csmie.com 4. The Department maintains an efficient business registration system. 本局维持一个有效率的商业登记制度。 www.ird.gov.hk 5. A receipted duplicate Business Registration Certificate will be posted to your business address soon afterwards. 本局很快便会将一份已收费的商业登记证复本寄往你的业务地址。 www.ird.gov.hk 6. a copy of the Business Registration Certificate of the restaurant. 食肆的商业登记证副本。 www.fehd.gov.hk 7. do leave a good feedback on business registration and standardize personnel management system of enterprises. 做好请假出差的登记和反馈,规范企业的人事管理制度。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. The Notarized Tax & Business Registration documents. 经过公证的商业、税务登记文件。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Except for stamp duty, tax or business registration fee paid before mid-night on the payment due date will be taken as made on the same day. 于到期日午夜前缴交的税款及商业登记费,会被视作当天的交易。这不适用于印花税。 www.ird.gov.hk 10. Your latest Income Tax Demand Note or Company Business Registration Certificate and the latest Tax Return. 阁下最近之薪俸税单或公司商业登记证及最近之税单。 www.8wen.com 1. The Department aims to maintain an efficient business registration system. 本局致力维持有效率的商业登记制度。 www.ird.gov.hk 2. Business Registration Number Enquiry is a free service to all persons. 查询商业登记号码是一项免费的服务。 www.ird.gov.hk 3. a copy of Business Registration Certificate for the corporation. 公司商业登记证的副本。 www.fehd.gov.hk 4. Article 87 Enterprises shall, within 30 days of completing business registration, complete tax registration with the local tax authorities. 第八十七条企业在办理工商登记后三十日内,应当向当地税务机关办理税务登记。 www.bing.com 5. They will be given credit extensions, tax breaks, business registration and information consulting. 他们享受延迟信贷、减税、营业挂号以及信息咨询的待遇。 www.suiniyi.com 6. Please send in your cheque with the business registration certificate. 请把商业登记证连同支票邮寄回本局。 www.ird.gov.hk 7. Copy of Business Registration Certificate. 商業登記證副本。 wenku.baidu.com 8. Please attach a copy of Business Registration Certificate. 请附上商业登记证副本。请附上商业登记证副本。 wenku.baidu.com 9. Shanghai RSD Business Registration Co. , LTD. 上海誉胜企业登记代理有限公司。 www.yushengsh.com 10. Is it necessary for us to notify the Business Registration Office of our new address as well? 我们是否需要另外通知商业登记署有关更改地址呢? www.ird.gov.hk 1. The 16-digit Business Registration Certificate Number. 16位数字的商业登记证号码。 www.ird.gov.hk 2. QB Business Registration Agency Ltd. 企办登记注册代理事务所有限公司。 www.bjall.com 3. Please submit a copy of HK Business Registration Cert. 请提交商业登记证副本。 www.for-vip.net 4. For example you through the business registration fee or registration fee after a certain amount of advertising costs? 比如您是通过商人注册收取注册费用还是以后收取一定的广告费用? wenwen.soso.com 5. After you have identified a record, the name of the business and its business registration number will be displayed. 在你认定了某一记录后,有关商号的业务名称及商业登记号码便会在画面展示。 www.ird.gov.hk 6. The waiver of business registration fee had brought the number of new registrations in 2002-03 up by 25, 924. 豁免徵收商业登记费带来积极的效应,在2002至03年度新登记的业务较上年度显著增加25,924宗。 www.ird.gov.hk 7. You have the obligation to apply for business registration. 你须为业务申请商业登记。 www.ird.gov.hk 8. Business registration applies to every business in Hong Kong and application should be made within one month of business commencement. 所有在本港经营的业务,均须在开业后一个月内办理商业登记。 www.gov.hk 9. Took out a Business Registration Certificate but business not yet commenced, or the business has no activity during the whole year 领取了商业登记证但至今仍未开业,或独资业务全年并无运作 www.ird.gov.hk 10. Section A2 - Copy of the Business Registration Certificate and Copy of Hong Kong Identity Card of the authorized person. 商业登记证和获授权人士香港身分证的副本。 www.info.gov.hk 1. Section A2: Copy of the Business Registration, copy of Hong Kong Identity Card of the authorized person. 商业登记证、获授权人士的香港身分证副本。 www.info.gov.hk 2. You should have notified the Business Registration Office of the change in ownership of your business. Upon receipt of this information, 你应该把股权的变动通知商业登记署,本局在收到通知后, www.ird.gov.hk 3. Extracts of any information on the register maintained by the Business Registration Office 商业登记署保存的登记册内任何资料的摘录 www.ird.gov.hk 4. (Interim) Measures on The Administration of The Business Registration for The Export of Guided Missiles And Related Items And Technologies 导弹相关物项和技术出口经营登记(暂行)管理办法 www.for68.com 5. Including Business Registration, Corporation Code, Opening Bank Accounting, Foreign Exchange Registration and Tax Registration, Working Visa 包括办理登记证,刻章,企业代码、银行开户、外汇登记、税务登记、工作签证 www.house-tj.com 6. business registration number of the relevant business undertaking 有关的商业经营的商业登记号码。 www.ichacha.net 7. If your business address has changed but the Business Registration Office has not been advised, you should also complete the form 如果你的业务地址已经更改而又未有通知商业登记署,你应同时填妥 www.ird.gov.hk 8. The Validity and Responsibility of the Business Registration Institution 企业登记制度的效力与责任 www.ilib.cn 9. Business License Organization Code Certificate Business Registration 营业执照组织机构代码证商业登记证 wenku.baidu.com 10. active business registration number of active business registration 持有商业登记证的商户数目 www.ichacha.net 1. Business Registration Certificate Levy to be increased 增加商业登记证徵费 www.ird.gov.hk 2. Flaws of the Legislation of Business Registration and Its Improvement 我国商事登记立法的不足与完善 www.ilib.cn 3. Application procedures for Business Registration documents 商业登记资料申请程序 www.ichacha.net 4. i. i. Business registration certificates of both Chinese and Foreign parties (photocopies); 中、外双方各自的登记注册证明(复印件); blog.sina.com.cn 5. Apply Business Registration Certificate and to pay the Business Registration fees on behalf of Party A; 申请税务局商业登记,代付登记年费; www.hkfff.net 6. Copies of Business Registration Certificate and Certificate of Incorporation 商业登记及有限公司注册证明影印本 www.hillviewgolf.com 7. the business registration document of the parent company; 母公司的商业登记文件; www.lawyee.net 8. Valid certificate of incorporation and business registration 有效的公司注册证明和商业登记证 www.wgdrealestate.com.cn 9. business registration documents confirming the business owner's name and the date when the business started trading 企业注册文件,以确认企业所有者的姓名及企业开业日期 wenku.baidu.com 10. notification of change of business registration particulars 通知更改商业登记资料 www.ichacha.net 1. Apart from Business Registration Apart from Business Registration 商业登记以外的应注意事项 www.ird.gov.hk 2. one copy of the Business Registration Certificate; 商业登记证副本乙份; www.docin.com 3. Business Registration - Notification of Change of Partners 商业登记合伙人变更通知书 www.ird.gov.hk 4. Business Registration Number Enquiry Services 查询商业登记号码服务 www.ird.gov.hk 5. Copy of the Business Registration Certificate (if any) 商业登记证副本(如有) www.wenkoo.cn 6. i. i. Business registration certificates of both Chinese and Foreign parties 外双方各自的登记注册证明(复印件); en.eol.cn 7. a copy of Business Registration Certificate of the partnership; 合夥的商业登记证副本; www.quanwen.com.cn 8. Request for Business Registration Application Forms 索取商业登记申请表格 www.ird.gov.hk 9. Notarized copy of the business registration 公司注册证明公证 www.kuhong.com 10. Application system for Business Registration 商业登记申请系统 www.ird.gov.hk 1. Copy of the valid Business Registration Certificate 有效商业登记证副本 www.ird.gov.hk 2. Date of Establishment of Company: Business Registration No: Total No. Of Employees 开业日期:注册登记号码:员工总数 www.chinaszma.com 3. Issued within 2 working days of receipt of properly completed applications. Failure to apply for Business Registration on time 新证在收到填妥的申请表后的2个工作日内发出 www.ird.gov.hk 4. A photocopy of the Business Registration; 商業登記的影印副本一份; wenku.baidu.com 5. The processing time for updating change of business registration particulars are as follows 更改商业登记资料的处理时间如下 www.ird.gov.hk 6. Lower the fee for business registration certificates; 调低商业登记费; www.travel.com.hk 7. You can apply for exemption from payment of business registration fee and levy if the 不超过以下限额,可申请豁免缴付商业登记费及徵费 www.ird.gov.hk 8. Shroffing hours of Business Registration Office are 商业登记署收款时间 www.ird.gov.hk 9. business registration fee reduction regulation 2006 2006年商业登记调低费用规例 www.ichacha.net 10. QC Business Registration Agency Office 助兴咨询服务公司全程登记注册代理事务所 www.bjall.com 1. Payment of Tax Bills, Business Registration Fee or Stamp Duty 缴交税款或商业登记费或印花税 www.ird.gov.hk 2. business registration fee paid before mid - night on the payment due date will be regarded as made on the same day 于到期日午夜前缴交的商业登记费,会被视作当天的交易。 www.ichacha.net 3. tax or business registration fee paid before mid - night on the payment due date will be regarded as made on time 于到期日午夜前缴交的税款及商业登记费,会被视作准时交妥。 www.ichacha.net 4. On Legal Essence of Business Registration 论商业登记的法律性质 www.ilib.cn 5. Business Registration Fee waived for one year 免收商业登记费一年 www.budget.gov.hk 6. Waive business registration fee for one year 免收商业登记证费用一年 www.ichacha.net 7. For Business Registration Fee only 只限缴交商业登记费 www.ird.gov.hk 8. Any organization holding a business registration in Hong Kong can apply for E-Stamp Account by completing 任何持有香港商业登记的机构,均可填写表格 www.ird.gov.hk 9. In case the applicant is an unlimited company, please submit copy of Hong Kong Business Registration Certificate; 如申请人为无限公司,请提交香港商业登记证副本; www.td.gov.hk |
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