单词 | trade financing |
释义 | 例句释义: 商业资金周转,贸易融资,国际贸易诉讼,贸易融资服务 1. But he has since been able to get the trade financing he needs. 'Bank confidence is stabilizing, ' he said. 但他说,自己后来一直都能找到所需的贸易融资,银行的信心正在持稳。 www.bing.com 2. Inventory financing is a new trade financing produced in this background with the characteristic of a logistics enterprise intervention. 存货质押融资正是在这一背景下产生的一种以物流企业的介入为特点的新型贸易融资方式。 www.zidir.com 3. At present in the foreign exchange loan and international settlement, foreign exchange capital and trade financing remains among the lead. 目前在外汇存存款、国际结算、外汇资金和贸易融资等范畴仍居抢先位置。 www.yxad.com 4. trade finance is another, particularly since the seizure in financial markets impaired private trade financing. 另外一种是贸易融资,特别是当前金融市场的失常造成民间贸易融资的短缺。 club.topsage.com 5. The aid package will include support for trade financing, help for banks, and a boost for infrastructure projects. 这项援助方案将包括贸易资金支持、对银行的帮助以及促进基础设施项目。 www.bing.com 6. The bank is a major provider of trade financing. 该行是贸易融资的主要提供商。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Certainly, being able to tap China's flush banks for trade financing is a draw. 当然,可以向财力雄厚的中资银行寻求贸易融资对贸易商有一定吸引力。 www.bing.com 8. As such, it's consistent with China's desire to participate in the Group of 20's efforts to support trade financing. 同样,这也与中国希望参与二十国集团支撑贸易融资的努力的愿望相一致。 www.ebigear.com 9. Trade between the territory and China has also created demand for loan and trade financing. 香港和中国内地之间的贸易也创造出了对贷款和贸易融资的需求。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Firstly, this paper briefly introduced the trade financing theory under the background of the crisis financial crisis era. 本文起首对后金融危急期间配景及贸易融资理论作扼要先容; www.019w.com 1. Third, the World Bank and regional development banks, with export credit agencies, must offer expanded lines for trade financing. 第三,世界银行(WorldBank)和区域性发展银行,连同各出口信贷机构,必须扩大贸易融资的信用额度。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Subject to specific situations, we are planning to install 10 more consultants that will be of great help to international trade financing. 在条件许可的情况下,准备增设10名对国际贸易融资有较大帮助的顾问。 www.bx263.com 3. We need to also ensure that there will be sufficient trade financing, because trade is shrinking now. 由于贸易萎缩的原因,我们还需确保有足够的贸易融资。 www.bing.com 4. Lack of trade financing has contributed to steep downturn in global trade. 贸易融资缺乏加快了全球贸易急剧下滑速度。 web.worldbank.org 5. The credit crunch has hit hard trade financing for countries in Asia and Africa. 信贷紧缩使得非洲和亚洲许多国家的贸易融资遭受重创。 www.bing.com 6. What are some of the trade financing products available to assist SMEs in growing their business? 有乜野贸易金融系可以帮助中小型商家扩展业务? www.988.com.my 7. Both banks place key focus on trade financing. 两个银行的核心业务是为贸易融资。 www.philembassy-china.org 8. HAS TRADE FINANCING WORKED? 贸易融资措施是否奏效? cn.reuters.com 9. This new infusion of credit will raise their contributions to trade financing for developing countries to $38 billion. 这笔追加信贷将使两国向发展中国家提供的贸易融资提升至380亿美元。 www.america.gov 10. Includes trade financing loans but excludes loans to finance trade not touching Hong Kong. 包括贸易融资贷款,但不包括与香港无关的贸易贷款。 www.info.gov.hk 1. Bank's procedure of trade financing, introducing how banks operate the trade financing business, including confirmation of credit line; 指出企业办理贸易融资难的现状,并从银行和企业的角度分析贸易融资难的原因; www.fabiao.net 2. Design and Implementation of Bank's International Trade Financing System Using Component Technology 银行国际贸易结算系统构件化设计与实现 www.ilib.cn 3. Analysis on structural trade financing and its development 浅析结构性贸易融资及其在中国的发展 www.ilib.cn 4. The Problem and Countermeasure of International Trade Financing Development 发展国际贸易融资的问题和对策 service.ilib.cn 5. Directory of Domestic Banks qualified for International Trade Financing 国内银行具备国际贸易融资的银行名录 www.bx263.com 6. Credit Financing Difficulty of Hi-tech Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Trade Financing 科技型中小企业信贷融资困境与自偿性贸易融资 www.ilib.cn 7. Risk Management in International Trade Financing 论国际贸易融资中的授信管理 ilib.cn 8. Research on the Risk Precaution of International Trade Financing of China's Commercial Bank 我国商业银行国际贸易融资业务风险防范研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Risk Precautions in World Trade Financing for China Commercial Banks 商业银行国际贸易融资业务的风险防范 www.ilib.cn 10. Thinking about Trade Financing Business of Commercial Bank 关于开办贸易融资业务的思考 service.ilib.cn 1. International Trade Financing Means and the Risk Prevention 国际贸易融资方式及其风险防范 ilib.cn 2. Credit risks in international trade financing 浅论国际贸易融资中的信用风险 www.ilib.cn 3. On the Trade Financing of Commercial Bank and the Management 论商业银行贸易融资业务及管理 ilib.cn 4. Structural Trade Financing: to control risks in fact 结构贸易融资:名为融资实为控制贸易风险 www.ilib.cn 5. Trade Financing for Import and Export 进出口贸易融资 www.gzstats.gov.cn 6. There are total 6 factors in both inside and outside of causes to trade financing risk in Bank of China Wuxi Branch; 中行无锡分行贸易融资风险的成因存在内、外两方面各六个因素; www.fabiao.net 7. Analysis on the Trade Financing Problems of SMEs in China under the Post Financial Crisis Era Background 后金融危机时代背景下我国中小企业贸易融资问题研究 zhidao.baidu.com |
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