单词 | topological |
释义 | 例句释义: 〔数〕拓扑,拓扑学的,拓朴,拓扑缺陷 1. The objective of this paper is to generalize the concept of fuzzy sets from a real space to a topological space. 本文目的是将模糊集概念从实数空间推广至拓朴空间。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Such a thread is an algorithmic realization of an odd line, which is the only topological defect in glass or amorphous condensed matter. 这样一个线程是一个算法实现奇数行,这是唯一的拓扑缺陷的玻璃或非晶凝聚态。 www.syyxw.com 3. Eg. A circuit can be considered to have a topological (or graph) view, consisting of a labeled set of nodes and a labeled set of edges. 我们可以用一种拓扑图来描述电路,它由一组带标记的节点和一组带标记的边组成。 club.topsage.com 4. Clustering, originating from the small-world concept, is often measured by the clustering coefficient-a macroscopic topological metric. 聚团性是复杂网络的一个重要特性,它源于小世界网络模型,通常都用聚集系数来衡量。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. The invention relates to a method and a device of a topological diagram of an internal sensor of a computer. 一种计算机内部传感器拓扑图示的方法及装置; ip.com 6. The algorithm works because if a vertex has no successors, it must be the last one in the topological ordering. 算法能够执行是因为,如果一个顶点没有后继,那么它肯定是拓扑序列中的最后一个。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. In the condition of radial-oriented gravity, the surface-shape of the topological structure also meets the requirements of the design. 在径向重力工况下,拓扑优化结构也能满足面形要求。 www.opticsjournal.net 8. The purpose of this paper is to give a topological view to the spatial clustering focusing on density based clustering with its variations. 本文针对基于密度的空间聚类及其变种提出了拓扑的概念。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Polyhedral links are the structure model of these biomolecules, and reflect their topological properties in a degree. 多面体链环是这些生物体的结构模型,在一定程度上,反映了生物分子的一些拓扑性质。 www.fabiao.net 10. In their approach the delicate quantum states depend on what are known as topological properties of a physical system. 在这个新办法里,脆弱的量子状态所依赖的是物理系统的拓扑性质。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 1. This method is able to locate any section of drainage network directly and operate the topological relationship effectively. 这种编码方法能够实现任意河段的直接定位和高效的拓扑关系运算。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. In this paper, firstly the concept of generalized convex set-valued map is defined in ordered linear topological spaces. 在序线性拓扑空间中定义了广义凸集值映射。 www.dictall.com 3. Topological properties of higher dimensional spaces are analyzed and a standard graphic method to express such spaces is deduced. 分析高维空间的拓扑特性,并给出高维空间的标准作图法则。 www.dictall.com 4. A major goal of investigation is to unveil how the topological structures of networks influences the dynamical processes on them. 研究复杂网络的一个主要目的是了解拓扑结构对发生在网络中的动力学过程的影响。 www.say666.com 5. The topological optimization method was used to solve the lightweight design problems of components and parts in automatic weapons. 引入结构拓扑优化方法,解决自动武器零部件减重设计问题。 lib.cqvip.com 6. You realize that there is no topological analogy between the two ways of knotting the rings of string I showed you. 你体会到,并没有任何地形上的类比,在我教你们的这两种解开结的办法。 springhero.wordpress.com 7. Then based on the point-set theory, a qualitative model about spatiotemporal topological relations between moving objects i. 时空拓扑关系是移动对象时空特性研究的一个重要内容。 www.dictall.com 8. Differential topological characteristics of the small signal stability region (SSSR) in power systems are tentatively studied in this paper. 对电力系统小扰动稳定域的微分拓扑学性质进行了初步探讨。 www.dictall.com 9. The design of the body frame topologic structure is presented, using FEM-based topological optimization technique. 利用基于有限元法的拓扑优化技术设计车身大骨架的拓扑结构。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. A quantitative relationship between the separation factor and the bonded-phase molecular topological index for fullerenes is established. 建立了富烯勒的分离因子与键合相分子拓扑指数间的定量关系。 terms.shengwuquan.com 1. But the creation of topological forms capable of reconfiguration, like those produced by nature, has proven more challenging. 但是,能够重新配置拓扑形式像自然生产的,已经证明了创造更具挑战性。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. As the indispensable premise, setting up the topological relations of spatial objects also need to expand. 作为必要前提的空间目标拓扑关系的建立也成为急需扩展的方向。 epub.cnki.net 3. Here we investigate the transition between QSH and normal insulating phases under topological deformations of a two-dimensional lattice. 这里我们研究了在二维格点的拓扑变化之下从量子自旋霍尔相到普通绝缘相的转变。 www.bing.com 4. Describing topological relationships between large amounts of metabolites, the metabolic networks are abstract, high-dimensional data. 描述众多代谢物之间的拓扑关系的代谢网络,是抽象的高维数据。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Measure; measurable, topological, vector, probabilistic. 度量;数量、拓扑、矢量、概率值; old.blog.edu.cn 6. It is only required that the second space is partly ordered topological space and B(D) possess the relatively compactness. 只要求第二空间是半序拓扑空间,B(D)是相对紧集,所得结果推广了近期相关结论。 www.dictall.com 7. Besides, the paper gets also several equivalent conditions for an interval map with positive topological entropy. 此外还得到了区间映射有正拓扑熵的几个等价条件。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. The simulated network topological properties by the model shows a rather good agreement with our empirical investigated conclusions. 由此模型进行数值模拟得到的网络拓扑统计性质与实证结果基本符合。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Small perturbations do not change a topological property. 微小的扰动并不会改变物体的拓扑性质。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 10. The crossed cube is a variant of the hypercube, and it has better recursive structure, graph parameters and topological properties. 交叉立方体是超立方体的一个变种,具有良好的图参数、拓扑性质和结构递归性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. For a map of compact metric space, topological entropy density is defined for infinite topological entropy. 在度量空间上,对于拓朴熵为无穷大的映射补充定义拓朴熵密度。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. The structural descriptors utilized are the topological connectivity indexes. 结构描述是利用拓扑连接索引。 syyxw.com 3. Called topological insulators, these materials conduct electricity by harnessing a quantum-mechanical property of electrons called spin. 该物质被称为拓扑绝缘体,通过一种带量子机制特性的叫做自旋的电子来导电。 www.suiniyi.com 4. This essay puts forward a topological model to solve such a problem of existence. 这篇论文提出了一个拓扑学的模型,以期解决这样一个分工的存在问题。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Considering the determined probability difference as a cutting off barrier, the net topological structure has been readjusted. 以确定的概率差为截断壁垒,调整网络拓扑结构。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. A lifting oil cylinder support with floating support structure was designed by the topological optimization technology. 通过拓扑优化设计了自卸车浮动式支撑结构的举升缸支座; www.agro-csam.org 7. Topological data are needed for such procedures as color filling (and photo texture) of vertical areas and for data search. 地志资料是需要一些步骤的,如垂直面积的彩色填充(和相片材质)是为了资料搜寻。 8. An expansive flow and its corresponding symbolic suspension flow have the same topological pressure. 可扩流及其在局部横截上所诱导的符号扭扩流具有相同的拓扑压。 www.dictall.com 9. And the line-line topological relationships were deduced based on that of line segments. 该方法在平面扫描计算的同时利用四交模型计算线段间的拓扑关系; www.ceps.com.tw 10. Secondly, the thesis expounds the algorithm automatically to the topological relation transaction after the map-sheet concatenation. 二是对图幅拼接后拓扑关系处理提出了自动构建算法。 www.fabiao.net 1. This essay first probes into the topological structure of the enterprise IP telephone network and its three popular systems. 该文先探讨了企业IP电话网原理拓扑结构及其三种流行的体系结构; kns50.chkd.cnki.net 2. The result may have potential application in measuring the topological charge of a vortex beam. 这一现象有望测量涡旋光束的拓扑电荷数。 www.opticsjournal.net 3. in chapter three , we study the topological entropy of the set of divergence points. 在第三章中,我们主要研究了分叉点集合的拓扑熵。 www.ichacha.net 4. Graph symmetry theory de-scribes the equivalence relationship on topological structure between graph objects (vertices and edges). 图对称理论刻画了网络中的对象(顶点和边)之间在拓扑结构上的等价关系。 www.fabiao.net 5. It is shown that there always exists an optical vortex at the center of the beams and the topological charge is conserved. 结果表明,高阶贝塞尔-高斯脉冲光束经光阑衍射后,中心光涡旋始终存在,拓扑电荷守恒。 www.dictall.com 6. Mathematically, dislocations are a type of topological defect, sometimes called a soliton. 数学上,位错属于一种拓扑缺陷,有时称为“孤立子”或“孤子”。 www.douban.com 7. Simple expressions for the topological density of the two-periodic nets are found empirically. 为两个拓扑密度简单的表达式周期蚊帐发现实证。 www.syyxw.com 8. "Topological insulator" is an odd name for a wonder conductor. 显然“拓扑绝缘体”对这种神奇导体来说是个奇怪的的名字。 www.suiniyi.com 9. Based on the model, the recycling process search is carried out with the Agent technique, to form the feasible process topological graph. 根据图论,对拓扑工艺图进行分析,结合回收实践,得到可行的回收工艺路线。 epub.cnki.net 10. Fortunately, the thermal generation process is suppressed at the low temperature at which a topological computer would operate. 幸运的是,拓扑量子电脑运作所需的温度极低,在此低温下,热扰动受到抑制。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 1. Moreover, the constructive process of logistic topological map and the flow of edit are also described in detail. 此外,还详细描述了逻辑拓扑的形成过程及方法以及对拓扑编辑的管理流程。 www.lw23.com 2. This paper presents an adjacency matrix method for identifying topological symmetry to planar kinematic chains with multiple joints. 提出了基于结构特征的含复铰和高副平面运动链的分类方法。 www.dictall.com 3. The difference between a topological and standard sort is shown in Listing 2 (you can download happybirthday. txt from Resources). 拓扑排序和标准sort之间的差别如清单2所示(您可以从参考资料下载happybirthday.txt)。 www.ibm.com 4. Two- and three-dimensional Euclidean spaces are metric spaces, as are inner product spaces, vector spaces, and certain topological spaces. 二维和三维的欧几里德空间是度量空间。另外,内乘空间、向量空间以及某些拓扑空间等也都是度量空间。 tr.bab.la 5. In a topological quantum computer, the qubits may be represented by groups of anyons. 在拓扑量子电脑中,代表量子位元的是一群群的任意子。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 6. It is suitable for the topological optimal design of the frame structure, especially for the re analysis of the local optimal design. 该方法适用于刚架结构拓扑优化设计(特别是局部优化设计)的重分析。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. The rules for judging the local topological relationships based on that of line segments are set up. 建立根据直线段拓扑关系推断局部拓扑关系的基本规则; www.ceps.com.tw 8. Density contours are adopted to interpret the topological optimization result and continuous contour thus obtained. 拓扑优化密度云图输出方式得到光滑的轮廓边界。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The size of the hollow core of vortex beam has close relationship with the topological charge. 涡旋光束的空心大小与光束的拓扑荷数有密切关系。 dx.doi.org 10. This provided complementary evidence to the "topological perception theory" . 这从侧面为视觉拓扑性质优先加工提供了补充证据。 www.fabiao.net 1. Conclusions: There were susceptible age interval and topological sites for large intestine carcinoma. Most of them were adenomatous . 结论:大肠癌的发生具有明显的好发年龄及好发部位,且多数为腺癌。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The topological chain model to describe the whole topological relationships by local topological relationships is given. 给出由局部拓扑关系组合描述线目标间全局拓扑关系的拓扑链模型; www.ceps.com.tw 3. The device comprises: acquisition module for service topological path and acquisition module for service quality data. 所述装置包括:业务拓扑路径获取模块和业务质量数据获取模块。 www.jianzhu668.com 4. If the site of topological structure skeleton, so the article is absolutely is the soul of the site and flesh and blood. 如果站点的拓扑结构是骨架,那么文章绝对是站点的灵魂和血肉。 www.82g.com.cn 5. After detailed analysis and discussion, the completeness of topological relations between lines and bodies is proved. 经过详细分析与讨论,证明了这些拓扑关系具有完备性。 cjig.cn 6. Issue on equivalency of topological relations between geographical objects in different scales is discussed in this paper. 本文主要讨论不同尺度下地理目标之间拓扑关系的等价性问题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. In Chapter II, the quantum chemistry theory, the topological analysis of electron density and the relevant dynamics theory are summarized. 第二章介绍了现代量子化学基本理论、量子拓扑学原理及动力学的相关理论。 www.fabiao.net 8. Our results also show that the three topological parameters will be destroyed by the thermal fluctuations at the same finite temperature. 另外,这三种序参量都在相同的有限温度下被热力学涨落所破坏。 physics.zju.edu.cn 9. On uniformly continuous function space U(G), Equivalence of invariant mean and topological invariant mean is showed by two methods. 设G为局部紧群,在一致连续函数空间U(G)上,用两种方法证明左不变平均和拓扑左不变的等价性。 www.dictall.com 10. Topological relationship among polygons is reconstructed to modify and Boolean operation. 重建三角面片间的拓扑关系,便于了模型的更改及布尔运算; www.ceps.com.tw 1. This paper refines the existing algorithm via assuming occurrence frequency of topological relation. 本文通过设定拓扑关系的出现率,对现有的决策树生成算法进行了改进。 www.fabiao.net 2. There is a simple way of associating a topological space with a graph. 有一种把一个拓扑空间同一个图联系起来的简单的方式。 www.bing.com 3. As previously mentioned, a topological quantum computer braids world lines by swapping the positions of particles. 前面提过,拓扑量子电脑藉由交换粒子的位置,来把粒子的世界线缠成绞辫。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 4. The topological optimization designing method of claspers binding mechanism was introduced. 介绍了钉扣机构的拓扑优化设计方法。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. The relationship between topological entropy and distributional chaos is discussed here. 研究了树上一般连续映射的熵与分布混沌的关系。 www.dictall.com 6. In these topological spaces, it usually adopts Euclidean distance to measure similarity between objects. 在这些拓扑空间中,数据对象的相似性一般由欧式距离来度量。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. The global topological structure of the homogeneous biquadratic systems is discussed and their coefficient conditions are given. 讨论了一类齐四次系统的全局结构,并给出了它们的系数条件。 www.dictall.com 8. In this paper, some relations between stochastic and topological properties of dynamical systems are studied. 本文讨论了动力系统的统计性质和动力性质的某些关系。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. First, base on the graphics theory, tree type topological structure and none-tree type mechanical systems are analyzed. 本文首先运用图论方法,分析了树型和非树型机械系统的拓扑图构成。 www.fabiao.net 10. Without discussing them in detail, here are two additional topological themes. 下面提供了两个其他拓扑主题,我们不再对它们进行详细讨论。 www.ibm.com 1. Now we name this quantum phase transition without broken symmetry as topological quantum phase transition. 我们现在称这种不伴随对称性变化的相变为拓扑量子相变。 physics.zju.edu.cn 2. Topological configuration and character are provided in this paper in details. as well as simulation and experim. . . 本文详细说明了这种变换器的拓扑结构和特点,并给出了计算机仿真结果和实验结果。 epub.cnki.net 3. Many natural and man-made networks are complex networks, which have complex topological structures and many nodes. 许多自然和人造的网络都属于复杂网络,它们具有复杂的招朴结构和大量的节点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The algorithm to be able adapt topological changes and sh. . . 该算法可适应拓扑变化且是分布式的。 epub.cnki.net 5. The model marks off primitive permissions according to organization chart. It implements the setup of roles by the topological collection. 模型根据组织机构图划分出原子权限,借助拓扑集合完成角色的设置。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. In preface, we introduced some basic concepts of multifractal analysis and topological entropy. 在前言部分,我们主要介绍了重分形分析和熵的一些基本知识。 7. As compared with structure parameter optimization, the topological optimization is more sensitive to load and finite element grid's density. 相对于结构参数优化,拓扑优化结果对载荷情况和网格密度等更为敏感; www.ceps.com.tw 8. analysis after the topological simplification of distribution system. 简化后的拓扑分析配电系统。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. In point set topological theory, open set and neighborhood are the basic concept. 在点集拓扑理论中,开集、邻域等是最基本的概念。 tech.zidian8.com 10. It is a very important problem to control this change, and to maintain topological consistency in more abstract levels. 如何在更抽象的层次上维护空间拓扑关系的一致性,就是一个非常重要的问题。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. In point set topological theory, open set and neighborhood are the basic concept. 在点集拓扑理论中,开集、邻域等是最基本的概念。 tech.zidian8.com 2. It is a very important problem to control this change, and to maintain topological consistency in more abstract levels. 如何在更抽象的层次上维护空间拓扑关系的一致性,就是一个非常重要的问题。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. In this paper, a new series of separation axioms on L-topological are introduced, their relationship are investigated. 在L-拓扑空间中,针对子集的情形给出了一套新的分离公理,研究了它们之间的关系。 www.dictall.com 4. A bus model is adopted by the networks topological structure of the system. 系统网络拓扑结构采用总线型; www.vipcn.com 5. Defines the bound operation differ from the thesis [ 5 ] and applies the method to build up the topological space . 本文定义了不同于文[5]的边界运算,并应用这种方法建立了拓扑空间。 www.bing.com 6. In fact, these properties are preserved under topological conjugacy and provide a method to classify dynamical systems. 实际上,不可分解和可分解等性质都是拓扑共轭不变的,所以提供了一种动力系统的拓扑分类方法。 www.13191.com 7. For physicists, the interest in topological insulators does not end with their spintronic promise. 但物理学家对拓扑绝缘体的兴趣并没有止于电子自旋。 www.suiniyi.com 8. And the important aspect is to find the suitable topological order parameters and study their behaviors. 而寻找合适的拓扑序参量,研究其临界行为是了解拓扑量子相变一个重要的方面。 physics.zju.edu.cn 9. It is applicable to polygon soups - models which contain no adjacency information, and obey no topological constraints. 它作用于不包括邻接信息的多边形模型,并且服从非拓扑约束。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. According to the topological rule of plant and morphological change of organs, the morphological models of plant could be built up. 依据植株拓扑变化规则及器官形态变化,建立植物形态发生模型。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. According to the topological rule of plant and morphological change of organs, the morphological models of plant could be built up. 依据植株拓扑变化规则及器官形态变化,建立植物形态发生模型。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. LIDAR can create a topological map of the fields and reveals the slopes and sun exposure of the farm land. 激光雷达可以创建一个拓扑图的领域,揭示了斜坡和阳光照射的农场土地。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. In this paper, we discuss the global topological structure of the homogeneous cubic systems, and give their coefficient conditions. 本文讨论了一类齐三次系统的全局结构,并给出了它们的系数条件。 www.dictall.com 4. The problem of naming and identifying topological entities becomes a serious problem with feature technology. 拓扑元素的命名与辨别是特征技术中存在的一个困难和待解决的问题。 www.dictall.com 5. Each link-state router takes a copy of the LSA and updates its link-state, or topological database. 每个链路状态路由器得到一个LSA的复本且更新它的链路状态或拓朴资料库。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The implement approach on I- DEAS of re analysis methods for topological modifications of structures has been discussed. 介绍了结构拓扑修改重分析方法在I-DEAS软件中的实现方法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Topological optimization of the continuum structure with stress constraints . Journal of Beijing University of Technology. 应力约束下连续体结构拓扑优化。北京工业大学学报。 www.bing.com 8. Then we generalized the result: the genus of F equals zero if only the topological graph of F is special simple. 然后将得以推广,只要的图是特殊简单的,就有曲面的亏格为零。 www.59165.net 9. These topological insulators are band insulators with large spin-orbit interactions and exhibit the quantum spin-Hall (QSH) effect. 这些绝缘体是具有强自旋轨道相互作用的能带绝缘体,并显示出量子自旋霍尔效应。 www.bing.com 10. proceeding real-time updating for the topological graph according to the change of topological information. 步骤四,网管根据所述拓扑信息的变化实时更新所述拓扑图。 www.bing.com 1. Method based on topological distance was used to further reduce computation. 使用了基于拓扑距离的方法进一步减少数值积分算法的计算量。 www.dictall.com 2. A topology frame was presented for decrible the topological relationships between complicated objects. 给出了矿山复杂对象间拓扑关系描述的拓扑学框架。 www.fabiao.net 3. Many topological spaces with abstract convexity structure are all FC-spaces. 许多具有抽象凸结构的拓扑空间都是FC-空间。 www.dictall.com 4. In the fifth chapter, related theories of FEA topological optimization and parametrical optimization are studied. 第五章:分析了有限元拓扑优化与参数优化方法。 www.fabiao.net 5. A new method for structural static re analysis of topological modifications was presented. 提出了一种新的结构拓扑修改静态重分析方法。 xuebao.jlu.edu.cn 6. In the topological order, there is something I have noticed, but it is really a problem: that the myths make very little of it. 从地形学的层次来说,我曾经注意到有某件事情,但这确实是一个问题:神话并不很看重床。 springhero.wordpress.com 7. finding service quality data of the service topological path according to the service topological path. 根据所述业务拓扑路径,找到所述业务拓扑路径的业务质量数据。 www.jianzhu668.com 8. According to CIM, the paper has designed the geometric property, electric property and topological property of equipment elements. 根据CIM模型,分别对设备图元的几何属性、电气属性和拓扑属性进行设计。 www.fabiao.net 9. The topological relation on the space data in the GIS has the important meaning to the space analysis to the data processing. GIS中空间数据的拓扑关系,对数据处理和空间分析具有重要的意义。 www.fabiao.net 10. The final step is to extend the table(s) that shall have their data organized according to the topological information of the geometries. 最后一步是扩展表,使表根据几何图形的拓扑信息组织数据。 www.ibm.com 1. It is shown that both the turbulent atmosphere and topological charges will influence the beam propagation. 研究结果表明,湍流扰动强弱及拓扑荷数的大小都会影响光束的传输特性。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Based on the proposed conception of human inhabitation environment, this thesis proposes the topological elements of human settlement. 基于人类聚居环境概念,提出聚居社区的拓扑元素。 www.ilib.cn 3. In chapter 1, some preliminary knowledge in topological dynamical system and ergodic theory which will be used in this paper are reviewed. 在第1章中,我们介绍了本文涉及到的拓扑动力系统和遍历理论的一些基本概念与结论。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. A improved method of the M-P inverse topological variation method was presented. 对前期研究中提出的广义逆拓扑变化理论作了进一步研究。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Scene recognition is a key problem in mobile robot topological navigation. 场景识别是移动机器人实现拓扑导航的关键。 cjig.cn 6. AimTo study the notions of topological subalgebras, topological ideals and topological homomorphisms in topological BCI-algebras. 目的为研究拓扑BCI代数的拓扑子代数、拓扑理想和拓扑同态的概念。 www.dictall.com 7. Duality principle is a powerful tool for the analysis of topological structure of power electronic circuits. 对偶原理是分析电力电子电路拓扑结构的有力工具。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The outer caustics are topological spheres whereas the inner caustics are rings. 外焦散的拓扑领域内,而腐蚀是戒指。 www.syyxw.com 9. Afterwards, it picks up candidate regions of plates according to topological characteristics and color features. 然后利用车牌本身的拓扑特征和颜色特征进行判别,提取候选区域。 cjig.cn 10. The Topological masking tool will help us a lot to shape and add volume to the breasts of the model. 拓扑蒙板工具有助于我们给模型的胸部塑型及增加体积。 destalk.net 1. A new algorithm for finding the critical paths is proposed by using coding graph and without topological sort. 通过定义节点编码图概念,提出一种不需要拓扑排序的求解关键路径的新算法。 www.dictall.com 2. Using the simplified model, only 4 groups of intersection relations need to be analyzed to get the actual topological relation. 利用简化后的9交模型,仅需分析4组相交关系即可得出实际拓扑关系。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. A new topological optimization method of dynamic continuum structures is presented based on nodal independent design variables. 提出基于节点独立变量的连续体结构动态拓扑优化方法。 www.dictall.com 4. The definition and theorems on unascertained continuous function between two unascertained topological spaces are introduced. 给出二未确知拓扑空间中的未确知连续函数的定义及定理。 www.dictall.com 5. It only remained to find a material that fitted the description of a topological insulator in reality. 下面该做的就是如何在现实中找到一种符合以上所有对拓扑绝缘体的描述的物质。 www.suiniyi.com 6. Topological sorting is another operation that can be modeled with graphs. 拓扑排序是可以用图模拟的另一种操作。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. These topological facts are for us extremely favourable to image something, which is what is at stake. 对于我们而言,这些地形学的事实,相当有利于用来描绘,某件岌岌可危的东西。 springhero.wordpress.com 8. Topological properties of complex networks rise from their intrinsic growth mechanics. 复杂网络的拓扑特征源于其内在的演化生成机制。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. In Charpter 3, the notions of entropy sequences and entropy sets are introduced both in topological and measure-theoretical situations. 我们提出了熵序列和极大熵集的概念(既包括拓扑动力系统的情形也包扩遍历论的情形); www.fabiao.net 10. secondly, partition the network to form topological island. 划分子系统,形成拓扑岛。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Brown trajectory of the particles that fractal dimension is 2, much higher than its topological dimension 1. 这种布朗粒子轨迹的分维是2,大大高于它的拓扑维数1。 www.93ta.com 2. Usually the fractal dimension of F (defined in some way) is greater than its topological dimension. 以某种方式定义的分形集合的分形维数通常是大于它的拓扑维数。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. In practice, the method can meet the topological need for network of all scales . 实际应用中,该方法可以满足各种规模及接线方式下的网络拓扑要求。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Lattice nets have one vertex in the topological unit cell. 在网格的拓扑晶胞一个顶点。 www.syyxw.com 5. Topological optimization of continuum structure based on probability is a new important task in the field of engineering research today. 基于概率的连续体结构的拓扑优化设计是目前结构工程研究领域中的一个重要的崭新课题。 www.fabiao.net 6. However, the three topological parameters are not ideal order parameters according to the definition. 但是,根据序参量的定义,这三种序参量都不是最佳的序参量。 physics.zju.edu.cn 7. Topological Methods in Algebraic Geometry 3rd ed. 代数几何中的拓扑方法第3版。 www.bing.com 8. The locally twisted cube is a newly topological structure of network. 局部扭曲立方体是一种新型的网络拓扑结构。 www.dictall.com 9. In order to simplify topological sort, this paper used orthogonal list as the storage structure of AOV diagram. 为了拓扑排序的简便性起见,使用了十字链表作为AOV有向图的存储结构。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. A new system for structural search based on a high selectivity topological index EAID is proposed. 描述以高选择性拓扑指数EAID为基础构建的结构检索系统。 www.chemyq.com 1. Because the topological model is built on the CIM definition, it can exchange information whit other platforms freely. 基于CIM定义网络拓扑模型,可以顺利实现不同平台间的信息交换。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. This is done by using a topological sort algorithm on the graph. 这通过图表中的拓扑排序算法实现。 www.ibm.com 3. It is this topological transition, made possible only by the priming action of the chaperone that drives subunit assembly into the fiber. 正是这种拓扑转型,才有可能取得的启动行动伴侣驱动亚基组装成纤维。 www.syyxw.com 4. New Topological Index of Bond Parameter Applied to the Correlated Study of the Physicochemical Properties of Lanthanide 用于镧系元素理化性质相关性研究的新的键参数拓扑指数 ilib.cn 5. A Topological Graph Simplifying Model to Determine the Name Annotate Referencing Line of Hard Polygons 硬多边形名称注记定位线确定的拓扑图形化简模型研究 scholar.ilib.cn 6. New Topological Index of Bond Parameter Applied to the Correlate Study of the Properties of Hydrogen Acid 用于氢酸强度性质研究的新的键参数拓扑指数 www.ilib.cn 7. A Novel Topological Index mQ for Several Physical and Chemical Parameters and Biological Toxicity Study of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons 拓扑指数mQ用于多环芳烃的几种理化参数及毒性的研究 www.ilib.cn 8. Several Nature of Weak Consistent Facet Topological Space 弱一致凸线性拓扑空间的几个性质 service.ilib.cn 9. The Inhomogeneous HMM with General Topological Structure and Its Application in Language Identification between Mandarin and English 一般拓扑结构的非齐次隐含马尔科夫模型及其在中、英文语种辨识中的应用 www.ilib.cn 10. Drawing the Intersection Line of Two Quadric by the Method of Ellipse Arc Projection and Topological Transformation 椭圆投射和拓扑变换解两曲面相贯线 ilib.cn 1. The Quantitative Structure-Property Relationships Between the Topological Indices of Molecular Tree and pKa Values of Carboxylic Acids 分子树拓扑指数与羧酸化合物pKa值的定量构效关系 www.ilib.cn 2. Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship of Substituted Aromatics with Autocorrelation Topological Index 自相关拓扑指数与取代芳烃生物活性的定量关系 service.ilib.cn 3. Quantitive Relationship of a New Connectivity Topological Index and Toxicity for Halogenated Benzene 一种新的连接性拓扑指数与卤代苯毒性的定量关系 scholar.ilib.cn 4. The basic principles of heuristic queue notation and its applications in calculation of matrix and topological index for topological graphs 直观队列命名法的基本原理及其在矩阵与拓扑指数计算中的应用 www.ilib.cn 5. Cone Efficient Subdifferential and Its Existence of Set-Valued Mapping in Topological Vector Spaces 拓扑向量空间集值映射的锥有效次微分及其存在性 service.ilib.cn 6. Analysis on signal peptides and trails-membrane topological structure showed that the phycobiliprotein belonged to intracellular protein; 对该蛋白信号肽和跨膜结构域分析表明,其属于胞内蛋白; d.wanfangdata.com.cn 7. Topological Sensitivity Method for the Optimal Placement of Unconstrained Damping Materials under Dynamic Response Constraints 动响应约束下阻尼材料配置优化的拓扑敏度法 service.ilib.cn 8. The Topological Index mF of Electronegativity and Its Calculation of Physical and Chemical Properties of Inorganic Compounds 电负性拓扑指数mF及其对无机物理化性质的预测 www.ilib.cn 9. Research of Resolving Scheme and Topological Form of Distributing Electric Power Automatization Monitor Control System in Oil Field 油田分布式电力自动化监控系统解决方案及拓扑结构研究 service.ilib.cn 10. Topological Characteristics of the Small Signal Stability Region with Degenerate Hopf Bifurcation 与退化Hopf分岔有关的小扰动稳定域拓扑性质 scholar.ilib.cn 1. Study of topological structure optimization of transmission networks 传输网网络拓扑结构优化的研究 service.ilib.cn 2. Quantitative structure-activity relationship of the aromatic matter in food using autocorrelation topological index 食品香味物质自相关拓扑指数与理化性质的定量关系 www.ilib.cn 3. A New Method for Calculation Valence Delta of Heteroatoms in Molecular Valence Connectivity Topological Index and Its Application 分子价连接性指数中杂原子价点价计算新方法及应用 scholar.ilib.cn 4. Connectedness of Efficient Solution Set of Multiobjective Optimization with Cone Quasiconvex Mapping in Topological Spaces 拓扑空间中锥拟凸映射多目标优化问题有效解集的连通性 ilib.cn 5. Corresponding relations between DNA fingerprinting topological structure and species composition of plankton community in Dongting Lake 洞庭湖浮游生物群落DNA指纹拓扑结构与物种组成对应关系 www.ilib.cn 6. QSPR Models of Thermodynamic Properties of Alkenes with Principal Quantum Number Topological Index and Its Converse Index 主量子数拓扑指数及其逆指数与烯烃热力学性质的定量关系 www.ilib.cn 7. Multivariate Linear Regression Analysis of the Element Bonding Parameter Topological Index of the Lanthanides and Properties 键参数拓扑指数与镧系元素物性的多元分析 www.ilib.cn 8. Predicting the Thermodynamic Properties for Alkanes with the Autocorrelation Topological Index of Atomic characteristic 用原子特征自相关拓扑指数预测链烷烃的热力学性质 service.ilib.cn 9. Topological Optimization Analysis of Two-dimensional Continuum Thin Plate Structure 二维连续体薄板结构的拓扑优化分析 www.ilib.cn 10. Molecular Topological Research on Physicochemical Properties of Unsaturated Hydrocarbons 不饱和烃理化性质的分子拓扑研究 ilib.cn 1. Topological Optimization for Frame of a Heavy Special Vehicle 重型专用车车架的离散拓扑优化 ilib.cn 2. Topological Optimization of Placements of the Piezoelectric Actuator of Intelligent Structures 智能结构压电执行器位置的拓扑优化 www.ilib.cn 3. Exist-null combination method for the topological optimization of plane continuum structure under multi-loading case with stress constraint 平面连续体多工况应力约束下结构拓扑优化的有无复合体方法 www.ilib.cn 4. Connectivity Index and Converse Index for Topological Study of Refractive Index of Single Alcohol 连接性指数及其逆指数对一元醇折光指数的拓扑研究 service.ilib.cn 5. The Topological Index mB of Valence Electron Average Orbit Energy and Its Calculation for Acid Strength of Inorganic Hydrides 价电子轨道平均能量连接性指数mB及对无机氢化物酸性的预测 www.ilib.cn 6. Relationship Between Stability and Topological Properties of Two-dimensional Foam 二维泡沫稳定性与拓扑学性质的关系研究 www.ilib.cn 7. Studies on connectivity between bonding parameter topological index calculation of the thermal decomposition temperature of some sulfates 键参数拓扑指数和硫酸盐热分解温度的计算 www.ilib.cn 8. Correlation Studies Between the Molecular Topological Index and Boiling Point for Haloalkanes 分子拓扑指数与饱和卤代烃沸点的相关性研究 scholar.ilib.cn 9. Topological Optimization Analysis of Continuum Structure With Displacement Constraints 位移约束下连续体结构拓扑优化分析 www.ilib.cn 10. Two Equivalent Forms and a Generalization of KKM Theorem on Topological Ordered Spaces 序拓扑空间中KKM引理的两个等价形式和一个推广 www.ilib.cn 1. Topological description of the configuration of a thin elastic rod with superlarge deformation 超大变形弹性细杆几何形态的拓扑描述 www.ilib.cn 2. Computerized sketching of topological graphs of kinematic chains and obtaining of characteristic representations 运动链拓扑图绘制及特征描述获取的计算机实现 www.ilib.cn 3. Correlative between Autocorrelation Topological Index of Molecular Tree and Thermodynamic Properties for Alkyl Halides 分子树拓扑指数与卤代烷热力学性质的相关关系 service.ilib.cn 4. Application of Subspace Comparison Method in Studying the Relationship Between Topological Block Variables and Variable Selection 子空间比较法研究拓扑块的变量关系及变量选择 www.ilib.cn 5. Spatial Reasoning Combining Topological and Cardinal Directional Relation Information 基于结合空间拓扑和方向关系信息的空间推理 www.ilib.cn 6. Study on Topological Relations Progressive Transformation in Graphical Simplification 在图形简化中面状目标间拓扑关系渐进式转换的研究 www.ilib.cn 7. An Algorithm of Automatic Creation of Topological Relation and Its Application of Fast Color Fill between Contours 等值线自动建立拓扑关系算法与快速填充应用 service.ilib.cn 8. Using Topological Molecular Method for Predicting Ionization Potential of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon 分子拓扑学方法估算多环芳香烃类化合物的电离能 www.ilib.cn 9. finding service topological path corresponding to the service user used according the scene information; 根据所述场景信息,找到所述用户使用所述业务对应的业务拓扑路径; www.jianzhu668.com 10. Topological Forecast of Environmental Hazards in Xinjiang Line of New Eurasian Continental Bridge 新亚欧大陆桥新疆段环境灾害的灰色拓扑预测 www.ilib.cn 1. Signification and Application of a Novel Molecular Topological Index 一种新的分子拓扑指数的意义及应用 www.ilib.cn 2. Topological Optimization Analysis of Three Dimensional Continuum Structure with Stress Constraints 应力约束下三维连续体结构拓扑优化分析 scholar.ilib.cn 3. Static-Vibrational Design of a Bonnet With frame Topological Optimization 机罩采用框架拓朴优化法的静力学-振动设计 www.simwe.com 4. Study of Plane Topological Relationship of underground Workings 井下巷道平面拓扑关系研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Study of Topological Homoeomorphism on Architectural Form 建筑形态的拓扑同胚演化 service.ilib.cn 6. Some parametric non-compact KKM theorems with applications to economic equilibrium problem in topological spaces without linear structure 不具线性结构拓扑空间中参数型非紧KKM定理及其在经济平衡问题上的应用 scholar.ilib.cn 7. Vector variational inequality and set-valued optimization in a locally convex topological vector space 局部凸拓扑向量空间中的向量变分不等式与集值优化 service.ilib.cn 8. Is A few information topological indices for mark on properties of alkyl benzene compounds 一个表征烷基苯类化合物性质的信息拓扑指数 service.ilib.cn 9. Relationship between Atom Valence Shell Electron Quantum Topological Indices and Electronegativity of Elements 原子价壳层电子量子拓扑指数与元素电负性的关系 scholar.ilib.cn 10. The uniformly continuous and equicontinuity on topological group and their nonstandard characteristics 拓扑群上的一致与等度连续的非标准特征及其应用 service.ilib.cn 1. On-line Compact Topological Design of Feedforward Networks Using Local Extended Kalman Filter Algorithm and Periodic Activation Function 用局域卡尔曼滤波算法和周期函数在线优化前馈网络的拓扑结构 www.ilib.cn 2. SpatialRelatorDetermines topological (spatial) relationships between sets of features 确定要素之间的拓扑(空间)关系 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Describing and Computing Model of the Topological Relation in Spherical Surface Quaternary Triangular Mesh 球面四元三角网的基本拓扑关系描述和计算 www.ilib.cn 4. Prediction of Gas Chromatography Retention Index of Sulfides by the Method of Novel Molecular Connectivity Index and Topological Index 改进的分子连接性和拓扑指数方法预测硫醚的气相色谱保留指数 service.ilib.cn 5. A Topological Study on the Relationship Between Gas Chromatographic Retention Indices of Alcohols and Their Molecular Structures 醇类化合物气相色谱保留指数与分子结构关系的拓扑研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Research on Correlation Between Chemical Bond Parameter Topological Index and Lattice Energy and Standard Heat of Formation Alkaline Halides 键参数拓扑指数与碱金属卤化物的晶格能及标准生成焓的相关性 www.ilib.cn 7. Autocorrelation Topological Research of the First Ionization Potentials for Haloalkanes 卤代烷第一电离能的自相关拓扑研究 service.ilib.cn 8. Exploring the Symbolization Function of the Topological Structure on the Residential Type 探索道路拓扑结构对住宅类型的表征作用 www.ccabbs.com.cn 9. The Hilbert Formula and Its Composite Formula on the Topological Product of Cylindrical and Half- Place Domain 圆柱和上半平面域拓扑积的Hilbert反转公式和合成公式 www.ilib.cn 10. A Method for Topological Optimization of Structures with Discrete Variables under Dynamic Stress and Displacement Constraints 具有动应力和动位移约束的离散变量结构拓扑优化设计方法 scholar.ilib.cn 1. Modified Group Dyeing Index for Topological Study of Refractive Index of Ketones and Ethers 修正的基团染色指数用于酮和醚类化合物折射率的拓扑研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Positive Almost Periodic Solutions of the Infectious Diseases Model Equation and Methods of the Topological Degree 广义传染病方程的正概周期解与拓扑度方法 service.ilib.cn 3. Topological optimization of planar continuous bodied structure and reconstruction of optimized results 平面连续体结构拓扑优化及结果重构 www.ilib.cn 4. Coincidence Theorems Involving Admissible Set-Valued Mappings and Their Applications in Topological Spaces 拓扑空间中涉及容许集值映象的叠合定理及应用 scholar.ilib.cn 5. Topological Degree Theory for Weakly Continuous Mappings and Its Applications 弱连续映射的拓扑度理论及其应用 service.ilib.cn 6. Study on the Ionic Connectivity Topological Index of Polarization Power and its Applications 离子极化力连接性拓扑指数的应用 service.ilib.cn 7. Topological comprehensive evaluation model and its application for topic selection in graduation dean 毕业设计选题的可拓综合评价模型及其应用 www.ilib.cn 8. An Efficient Method for the Retrieval of Objects by Topological Relations on Magnanimous Remote Sensing Raster Image DataBase 一种遥感栅格数据库检索高效的拓扑查询方法 www.ilib.cn 9. The Relationship between Water Solubility and Partition Coefficient of Aliphatic Alcohols and Topological Indices 脂肪醇的溶解度、分配系数与拓扑指数的相关性 service.ilib.cn 10. The topological index of valence electron shell and calculation of physical and chemical properties of the lanthanide 价电子层拓扑指数及其对镧系元素理化性质的预测 service.ilib.cn 1. The Topological Analysis of a Small Actor Collaboration Network 一个小型演员合作网的拓扑性质分析 scholar.ilib.cn 2. Topological optimization of three -dimensional elastic continuum with stress constraints 受应力约束的三维弹性体的拓扑优化 ilib.cn 3. A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for the Topological Expansion of a Network 网络结构拓扑扩展的混合遗传算法 www.ilib.cn 4. Rapid Topological Searching-based Intersection Algorithm of Triangulated Networks 一种基于拓扑搜索的三角网求交算法 www.ilib.cn 5. Obtaining and stability analysis of spherical topological vesicles with complex configurations 球形拓扑中复杂形状生物膜泡的获得及其稳定性分析 www.ilib.cn 6. Optimization on Automatic Topological Relation Generating Algorithm with Data Partition Method 利用分区思路优化拓扑关系自动生成算法 www.ilib.cn 7. An Algorithm of Topological Sequencing for Weighted Directed Graph and Its Application 一种有向权图的拓扑排序算法及其应用 www.ilib.cn 8. GIS Topological Arithmetic of the Building Position in Subsidence Area 采动建筑物在沉陷区内位置的GIS拓扑算法 www.ilib.cn 9. Interaction between optical vortices carrying opposite topological charges 带有相反拓扑指数的光学涡流间相互作用研究 service.ilib.cn 10. Study on the Quantitative Relationship between Topological Index and Chromatographic Retention Index of Alkanes 拓扑指数与烷烃色谱保留指数的定量相关研究 www.ilib.cn 1. The algorithm to judge the point based on the topological mapping being in stick polygon 点集在凸多边形内外判断算法的拓扑映射方法 service.ilib.cn 2. Current Situation and Prospect of the Topological Structure and Control Strategy for Three-phase PWM Rectifiers 三相PWM整流器及其控制策略的现状及展望 ilib.cn 3. Analysis of valley topological structure and its computerization 流域拓扑结构分析与计算机实现 www.ilib.cn 4. Analysis of the Structural Topological Characteristics and the Mobility of Compliant Mechanisms 柔性机构的结构拓扑特征及其自由度分析 service.ilib.cn 5. Modeling Gas Chromatographic Retention Indices of Oxygen-containing Compounds by Novel Atom-type Topological Indices 新型原子类型拓扑指数模拟含氧化合物气相色谱保留指数 service.ilib.cn 6. The average attracting energy topological index mP of valence electron and its application 价电子平均吸引能拓扑指数mP及其应用 www.ilib.cn 7. The Research on Heterogeneity Communication of Computing Grid and Network Topological Structure Mechanism 计算网格系统异构环境通讯和网络拓扑结构发现机制的研究 www.ilib.cn 8. Existence of the Asymptotic Periodic Point in the Topological Dynamics System 拓扑动力系统中渐近周期点的存在性 www.ilib.cn 9. The correlation between thermodynamic properties and molecular topological indexes of alkanes 分子拓扑指数与链烷烃热力学性质的关系 service.ilib.cn 10. Correlation Study on Structures and Activities (Toxicity) of Chlorophenols with Topological Indices 应用拓扑指数研究氯代苯酚化合物结构与活(毒)性的相关性 service.ilib.cn |
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