单词 | business-like |
释义 | 例句释义: 有条不紊的,商业化,商业化的,高效有序 1. Money is real serious business like church in, and I'm like the money preacher, yeh, the money preacher, got that? 金钱就像祈祷一样,是非常严肃的事情,不错,我就是一个守财奴,是的,就是一个守财奴,你还不知道吗? blog.sina.com.cn 2. In the last few years, IBM has begun to open its foundries - and its research - to outside business like never before. 在最近几年中,IBM逐渐向外界开始开放自己的制造工厂和研发中心,这在以前是从未有过的事情。 www-128.ibm.com 3. Step one is to brainstorm a list of words and phrases you think someone would type into a search engine looking for a business like yours. 首先,列举出你认为用户可能在搜索引擎中键入的单词和短语(在搜索同类性质的网站时)。 cn.9iquzhou.com 4. McDonald's so much a global business like this, I think, from 1955 to the present, McDonald's is able to "century-old" , but our enterprise? 麦当劳这么大的一家全球企业尚且如此,我想,从1955年到现在,麦当劳是可以做到“百年老店”的,但是我们的企业呢? www.xiami360.com 5. If I had majored in business, like my dad wanted me to, I would have slept through all my classes, or just quit school out of frustration. 如果我听从父亲的意见,选择了商学,我应该会在课上睡觉,或者因受挫而退学。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Which is why a little woman of your background woulda had a hands full, trying to run a big business like that. 这就是为啥像你这么一个家庭背景的小女人想要做这么大的生意的时候,非得忙得团团转。 www.hjenglish.com 7. After all, insurance is a long-term savings business like banking. And banking tends to be highly protected in Asia. 毕竟,保险业是一种与银行业相同的长期储蓄业务,而银行业在亚洲往往受到严格保护。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Mining-gold is a business, like any other, but differing from most in that the price of its product is fixed by law, inexorably. 金矿开采也是一项商业活动,只不过它与其他商业活动存在区别,即其产品实行法律强制规定的固定价格。 www.fortunechina.com 9. They walk around with this funny face and chin tucked under trying to look business-like. 他们在机场里走来走去,表情古怪,缩着下巴,还装出若无其事的样子。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. In a service business like a hotel or restaurant, customers not only come in contact with employees but with other customers as well. 在服务业务,如酒店或餐厅,客户不仅接触到与其他客户及员工。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Focusing on taking a midfield player out of business like this will give the opponent one (1) extra potential opportunity. 侧重于让一个中场球员不参与进攻,这样一来可能会给对手一个额外的进攻机会。 www.dsws.cn 2. Essentially, it means acting in a polite, business-like manner through the entire hiring process, whether or not you actually hire us. 从本质上来说,就是在面试的过程中保持一种礼貌的、商务式的态度,而不是根据最终是否会雇用我们来区别对待。 www.51ielts.com 3. So we had no idea what we were doing, we also have forgot that you haven't actually made money from business like this. 所以我们并不知道当时在做什么,我们也忘了,自己并没有从中赚到什么钱。 open.163.com 4. Run your business like a business. While other sellers may be keeping less-than-bankers' hours, you need to focus and work, says Jensen. 认真经营你的生意Jensen说,当其他的销售者并不是花很多时间在直销上的时候,你需要专注地工作。 www.bing.com 5. When starting a business like this you can expect to outlay several thousand dollars on computers and office furnishings. 当你建立这样的一个企业时,预计你要在计算机和办公设备上花费几千美元。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. I will return to work as she turns better, and she will start a small business like a canteen. 她好转时我再回去工作,而她就开始做生意,比如开个餐厅什么的 bbs.ebigear.com 7. So it is a business-like communication, before the England games by Newcastle, to let the FA know of the club's concerns. 所以这是一次非常有必要的通信,在英格兰比赛之前致信英足总,可以让他们事先了解纽卡的心意。 bbs.myowen.net 8. To be back there and to take care of business, like I was able to do with the second Jermain Taylor fight, that's going to mean a lot to me. 返回那里操起业务,就像我能够在第二次与杰明泰勒的比赛一样,那对我意义重大。 bbs.quanji.net 9. Start the email with a greeting to help create a friendly but business-like tone. 以问候来开始邮件有助带出一个友好而不失商务的语气。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. It's a term that you will hear more from someone who works in the apartment business, like a manager, or someone who works in real estate. 这个词汇你更可能从在公寓项目经理或者是房地产工作的人口中听到。 www.remword.cn 1. The United States on Thursday characterized its first day of exploratory talks with North Korea as "serious and business-like. " 美国星期四和北韩的第一天试探性会谈被形容为“严肃认真而且就事论事”。 www.bing.com 2. How your Chinese do business like this? ! You just wanna your customer lose money! I just want express a word: F-U-C-K! 你们中国人就是这样做生意的?你们只会让客户亏钱。我只想说一个词 club.chinaren.com 3. As he went spruce and business -like through the streets of Wingsburg , he sometimes stopped and turned quickly about . 当他衣冠楚楚煞有介事地在温士堡街上行走时,他时常停步,迅速转过身来。 www.bing.com 4. He added, "It's hilarious to talk about traditional Web business like it's been going on for centuries, but it's last century. " 他还说,“我们说到传统的网络商业模式,好像它有几百年了一样,那是很可笑的。那不过是上个世纪的事。” cn.nytimes.com 5. At that time, around the whole 1990s, stowaway is a prosperous business, "like a trend, " he said. 整个90年代,张学凯的家乡福建长乐,偷渡是一个很旺的行业,是潮流。 bbs.cx36588.com 6. The hotel has a young and contemporary feel to it, not too formal or business-like. 这个酒店有一种很年轻和很现代的感觉,并不是很正式或很商务化。 www.taskcn.com 7. For a small business like theirs, the first priority is to respect the royal family and Kate's wishes. 对于像他们这样的小企业,尊重皇室和凯特的意愿是第一要务。 www.fortunechina.com 8. I'm looking for a very personable, business-like, trusting, and high quality voice. 我要找一个非常平易近人,公事公办,信任和高品质的声音。 www.bing.com 9. How would you react if your boss{of the opposite sex}started taking a more than business-like interest in you? 你将怎样回应如果你的老板{异性}开始带多于象生意一样的对你的兴趣吗? wenwen.soso.com 10. That's $1, 400 an hour! This place is definitely a cash cow. I wish I owned a business like this. 嗯~,我也希望自己能有这样一个会赚钱的摇钱树呢。 www.taiyang888.com 1. For her part in this conversation, Rowling used "business-like, " "brisk" and "impatiently" to describe Hermione's manner. 在这段对话中赫敏的部分,罗琳用了“有事情忙的样子”“活泼”和“不耐烦”去描绘赫敏的态度。 www.hoolee8.com 2. Madoff ran his business like a club and would throw out investors who asked too many questions. 麦道夫经营他的生意就像一个俱乐部,他会把那些问太多问题的投资人都扔出去。 www.bing.com 3. He had no experience managing a hardware business like some of H-P's biggest units. 他并没有管理惠普旗下一些最大子公司等硬件公司的经验。 cn.wsj.com 4. It's not, in my opinion, a business like any other. 我认为,这个行业不象其他行当。 www.bing.com 5. THE Suharto clan infected Indonesian business like a pandemic virus. 苏哈托家族如同一种极具破坏力的流行性病毒侵染了整个印度尼西亚经济体系。 www.ecocn.org 6. I will be glad to invest the money into lucrative business like Real Estate, Hotel management etc. 我将是高兴投资金钱入象房地产,旅馆管理等的赚钱的事务。 wenwen.soso.com 7. "Not exactly, Fred, " replied the imperturbable Richard, continuing to write with a business-like air. “不完全是那么回事,福来德,”沉住气的理查边说边一本正经地继续写着。 tr.bab.la 8. The sillier the market's behavior, the greater the opportunity for the business-like investor. 股市的行为越愚蠢,有条不紊的投资者面对的机会就越大。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. In addition, many writers believe that the full-block arrangement provides an attractive, business-like appearance. 另外,许多作者认为这种排版更能体现一种具有商业魅力的外表。 www.24en.com 10. The restaurant business, like many other businesses, is in the doldrums. 餐饮业如同许多其它行业一样一片萧条。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. "I want to set up my own business like before but, because I've got no money, I have to save up before I can do that, " he said. 他说:“我想如从前那样拥有自己的企业,但因为没有钱,我不得不在开工厂之前多多攒钱。” blog.sina.com.cn 2. The NBA is a business like any other. 而NBA和任何商业都是一样的。 236492801.qzone.qq.com 3. These were leaders of medium sized business , like Home Food Processing and Cannery , a seller of palm oil and spices . 有很多中等大小企业的领导,比如家庭食品加工罐头公司,是棕榈油和香料的销售商。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Liabilities are obligations of the business, like bills you have yet to pay, money you have borrowed from a bank or investors. 负债呢,是指你生意中所欠下的东西,比如还没有支付的账单,从银行或投资者手中借下的款项。 www.bing.com 5. A business like that, therefore, might well have sold for the value of its net tangible assets, or for $18 million. 这样一个业务,完全有可能因其净有形资产而以1800万美元卖出。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. I use Mondays to do various task that are important to my business - like accounting. 我会用周一一天的时间,做各式各样、对我事业而言重要的事情,比如清算帐目。 www.elanso.com 7. The creation of appropriate national strategies encourages the systematic, business-like use of intellectual property in the market place. 制定适当的国家战略会鼓励市场系统地、有效率地使用知识产权。 www.wipo.int 8. He hung his hat on a peg and flung himself into his seat with business-like alacrity . 他把帽子挂在钉子上,一本正经地边忙边坐到他的座位上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. In a business like this you can make a lot of money, but you can also lose your shirt. 做这样一笔生意,你可能一夜暴富,也可能倾家荡产。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Coca-Cola is not what the non-American thinks of asa typical U. S. business, like steel or automobiles. 可口可乐并不是其他国家的人们印象中的那种典型的美国企业,比如钢铁或汽车。 www.bing.com 1. Make sure you have records of the contact person's details: name, email, telephone & remember business-like as always. Always keep records. 确定你有联系人的资料:姓名、电子邮件、电话,并且像做生意一样保存这个联系方式。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. When I walked into his office and introduced myself, Barbieri was cordial but business-like. 当我走进巴比里的办公室进行自我介绍的时候,他的态度非常热情,却打着官腔。 www.bing.com 3. We deployed in utilities and railroads because we cannot find enough business like See's. 我们进入公用事业和铁路是应为我们找不到足够多像喜事糖果这样的生意。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. All rooms are furnished to the same business like standard, not luxe but smart and clean. 所有的房间都是商务型装修,不奢华,但时尚整洁。 word.hcbus.com 5. You know things are bad in Japan when they're doing business like the despicable Chinese. 你要知道,当日本开始像卑劣的中国那样做生意的时候,事情就变得很糟糕了。 www.ltaaa.com 6. "I left Savannah a month after I was attacked, " said Catherine, matching Rizzoli's business like tone. “遇袭后一个月,我就离开了萨凡纳。”柯瑟琳也用一副公事公办的语气答道。 www.bing.com 7. So having an open-ended business like we do It really benefited us there. 向我们一样拥有无限制的业务,这确实使我们受益。 open.163.com 8. So if you . . . want to do business, you have to learn to play business like a man, in a way. 因此,如果你……想经商,在某种程度上,你必须学会像男人那样做生意。 www.ftchinese.com 9. But in the global knowledge economy, such 'core' funding has often given way to more business-like relationships. 但是在全球知识经济中,这样的“核心”资助常常为更像商业的伙伴关系让路。 www.scidev.net 10. That may sound cold and business-like, but it was actually a lot of fun. 那听起来很残酷,很商业化,但我确实获得很多乐趣。 www.bing.com 1. When you purchase a business, like YouTube, for more than it's "book value" you must record the difference as Goodwill. 当你购买了一家企业,比如Youtube,买价超出它的“账面价值”的差异部分你就必须记录下来作为商誉。 www.bing.com 2. admire her business-like approach to everything she does. 我钦佩她坚持自己观点的态度。 dict.nvyo.cn 3. It's very enterprising of them to start up a business like that. 他们那样去开创生意是很有魄力的。 www.for68.com 4. I'm interested in the idea of developing a business like yours. 我对贵公司开拓业务的理念很感兴趣。 bbs.enfamily.cn 5. Investing is most intelligent when it is most business like. 最智慧的投资是以商业角度来看的投资。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Nobody does business like that any more. 现在没人再像那样开展业务了。 www.ftchinese.com 7. With business like that, Xue became rich in a short time. 因为生意兴隆,薛庆观很快就发了财。 www.ebudhano.cn 8. There's no business like Internet business. 什么行业也比不上网络业。 wgyxy.hutc.zj.cn 9. I think she's very business-like, ambitious and controlling. 我觉得她是哪种很商务人士的样子,充满野心,控制欲又强。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. There's no business like show business. 娱乐行业没有业务。 www.55doc.com 1. "In a business like ours you have a choice: you retreat into doing local business or you embrace it [globalisation]. " 他表示:“在我们这样的公司,你可以做出选择——要么退却到只做本土业务,要么参与(全球化)。” www.ftchinese.com 2. The way to complain is to act business like and important . 投诉(抱怨?)的方式方法是很重要的。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. This is the electronic commerce essential problem, because the online and offline business like business. 这是电子商务首要解决的问题,因为在线生意和线下生意一样。 www.82g.com.cn 4. Are you doing business like this? 有你这样做生意的吗? www.hxen.com 5. For example, in business, like investment banking. 比如,金融投资。 www.ebigear.com 6. The rightness weak have mercy heart and sympathy, to oneself have much of self-confidence, excel organization business, like to have order; 对弱者有慈悲心及同情心,对自己很有自信,擅长组织事务,喜欢有秩序; blog.sina.com.cn 7. 'cuz they be all up in my business like a wendy interview 因为他们会像采访一样不停追踪我 wenwen.soso.com 8. There's No Business Like Show Business Reprise 无与伦比的演出行业重复 www.baike.com |
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