单词 | business life | ||||||||||||||
释义 | business life
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 商务生涯,商务生活,商业生活 1. They bristled a little when discussing non-governmental organisations but appeared to regard them as a fact of business life. 在讨论非政府组织时,他们有些恼怒,但他们似乎把这些组织视为商业生活现实的一部分。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Xiaoyan: I think London is just as modern as Shanghai. Do you think business life in Shanghai is the same as in London? 不会吧,你真这么想?我觉得伦敦和上海一样现。你认为在上海的商务生活与伦敦差不多吗? www.jlsrtvu.com 3. The only stumbling block you face seems to be if you plan on mixing your business life with your personal, or love life. Do you? 你面临的唯一绊倒你的障碍就是你试图将自己的工作生活与私人生活或爱情生活混在一起,不是吗? blog.sina.com.cn 4. In poor countries the focus of political and business life is often rent-seeking rather than wealth creation. 在贫穷国家,政治及商业生活的重点往往是寻租,而非创造财富。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Another approach is for a woman to use her family name in her business life but her husband's name in her personal life. 另外还有一种方式,她们在工作中使用娘家姓,而在私人生活中使用夫姓。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. You appear to be working on at least one big dream that you have been hoping to materialize, either in your personal or business life. 这个月你会致力于去实现至少一个的伟大梦想,可能是职业上的或者是个人生活上的,都有可能。 blog.163.com 7. Even so, it is very easy to get into a business-life-threatening situation because of a big customer that goes broke. 即便如此,一个大客户的破产也很容易使你陷入危及企业生命的形势。 www.bing.com 8. Yet the reality of business life is all but absent from American films. 然而,这一巨大的现实却在美国电影中缺席。 www.kekenet.com 9. He told me that I was a womanish sentimentalist, and would never do for business life. 他说我象娘儿们一样感情用事,说我绝对不适于经营事业。 10. Business life in Shanghai is the same as in London. 上海的商务生活和伦敦的一样。 bbs.battlecn.net 1. Three year's business life has made him a very sophisticated man. 他经商三年,现在已变得非常老练了。 wenku.baidu.com 2. A PaaS application developer controls all the applications found in a full business life cycle for the platform. PaaS的应用程序开发人员控制平台上处于一个完整业务生命周期中的所有应用程序。 www.ibm.com 3. Conferences are one of the greatest mysteries of business life. 会议是商务生涯中最令人不解的事物之一。 www.ftchinese.com 4. There's been drama in her business life as well. 在梅隆的商业活动中也不乏戏剧性的事件。 chinese.wsj.com 5. ASK John Chambers, the boss of Cisco, about the formative experience of his business life and he mentions his time at Wang Laboratories. 有人问思科老板约翰?钱伯斯,什么经历影响了他的商务生涯,他提到在王安实验室的日子。 bbs.ecocn.org 6. financial strategy; business life cycle; fund-raising strategy; investing strategy; profit-distributing strategy. 财务战略;企业生命周期;筹资战略;投资战略;收益分配战略。 cnlunwen.net 7. High stress is a main feature of the business life of the executives. 压力大是商业主管人生活的一大特征。 www.hjenglish.com 8. They should not be lazy and distracted by insignificant trifles because this is a very important stage in their business life. 蝎子们不能偷懒或因一些小事分心,因为在他们的事业生涯中,这是一个非常重要的阶段。 www.bing.com 9. If you and your spouse are business partners you already know how hard it is to juggle family life and business life. 如果你和你的配偶是生意上的伙伴,并且你已经清楚经营家庭和生意是多么的辛苦的一件事。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 10. How do you think the Internet is influencing business life in your country? 在你的国家中,你认为互联网对商务生活产生了怎样的影响? club.topsage.com 1. Business life was disrupted in the US financial centre, with the release of company results and economic data delayed. 飓风中断了美国金融中心的商业活动,许多公司财报和经济数据被推迟发布。 www.ftchinese.com 2. We look forward to the future with confidence, business is business life of the project, which is a law that will never change. 我们期待着未来充满信心,企业是商业生活的项目,这是一项规则,将永远不会改变。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. He displayed aggressiveness and grandeur in his private and business life. 他在私生活和业务方面都表现得雄心勃勃和讲究排场。 4. They also reinforce awareness of the unpredictability of business life. 现实案例还强化了学生对商业不可预测性的认识。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The central role of information in business life has made two other much neglected leadership tasks more urgent. 在商业生活中资讯的中心地位使得其他两项过于忽视的领导任务更加紧要。 www.bing.com 6. These and larger databases have become increasingly important in business life . 小型及稍大的数据库在商业领域中占有越来越重要的地位。 net.sxtcm.com 7. Mr Yamamoto believes the dominant role of large corporations in business life is weakening. 山本孝文相信,商界大型公司的主导地位正在削弱。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Many of us are able to confront people and issues in our business life appropriately. 我们中许多人都能够正当地去对峙别人、对峙工作中的问题。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. As an intern, you can get to know Puratos - and business life in general - whilst you complete your studies. 实习生在完成学习的同时可以了解焙乐道以及焙乐道的总体业务。 en.puratos.com.cn 10. As an entrepreneur, your personal life and business life are interconnected. 作为一个创业者,你的个人生活和商务活动紧密相连。 www.bing.com 1. Anderson came to green passions relatively late in his business life. 安德森来到了他的生意相对晚年绿色激情。 www.englishtang.com 2. Yes, my social life is simply a continuation of my business life. 是,我的社交活动只是工作的延续。 www.bing.com 3. The brothers' ability to disrupt business life is greatly diminished. 工人兄弟们干扰企业运作的能力已经大为降低。 www.ftchinese.com 4. You don't know business life, leading a company and to operate a company is not very easy. 你不懂商务上的事情,运作和领导一个公司远没有你想像的容易。 www.xiaoshuoydw.com 5. The return in business life is profit, but the return in philanthropy is something else. 做生意的回报是利润,但做慈善的回报则是别的。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The impact of computers on our economic and business life has indeed been immense. 电脑给我们的经济和贸易生活带来的影响是巨大的。 wenwen.soso.com 7. One of his favorite answers, he added, was, 'Are you talking about my business life or my personal life? ' 他还说,他最喜欢的答案之一便是:“你在谈我的职业生活还是私人生活?” chinese.wsj.com 8. This fear is part of the natural order of business life, and there is good reason for it. 这种恐惧是商业生活自然规律的一部分,而且是有充分理由的。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Next, ask yourself the same question about your business life. 其次,对于你的事业,也采用同样的问题。 www.bing.com 10. We view it through pretty much the same equation as our business life. 我们基本上是用做生意的眼光看待办慈善事业。 www.ftchinese.com 1. It becomes also a land where there are no lawyers in business life, as there are no logicians in philosophy. 这里的事业生活中没有律师,而哲学生活中也没有逻辑家。 edu.21cn.com 2. His personal life is easier now but his business life is harder. 他的个人生活如今很安逸,但公司生意却越来越难做。 www.ftchinese.com 3. But, love them or loathe them, they are an unavoidable fixture in business life. 但不论好恶,电话会议已成为商界生活中一项无可避免的固定成分。 www.ftchinese.com 4. What would you consider the three most significant accomplishments in your business life? 在职业生活中,你认为自己最大的三项成就是什么? www.neworiental.org 5. Other people's problems sometimes are easier than one's own, both in human life and business life. 其他人的问题有时比自己的问题简单,在常人生活与商业生活中都是如此。 www.xici.net 6. Since your personal life and business life are linked, an unexpected reward is that you'll discover new ways to grow your busi-ness. 由于你的私生活和工作是相互联系的,意外的收获会让你发现如何将事业发展的更好的新方法。 www.bing.com 7. That's business life, that's the adult society. 这就是商品世界,成人的社会。 www.xiaoshuoydw.com 8. Yet the Chinese government is involved in much of business life. 然而在大多数商业生活中可以寻觅到中国政府的身影。 www.ecocn.org 9. His disdain for City types extends to many other aspects of business life. 他对金融城作风的蔑视也延伸到其商业生活的许多其它方面。 www.ftchinese.com 10. This work is teaching me important lessons I need to personally integrate at this time in my business life. 这份工作正教授现阶段工作生涯中我必须学会的重要知识。 www.bing.com 1. Cloud companies are taking more and more attention in consumer and business life. 云计算公司日益受到消费者和业界的关注。 www.bing.com 2. It will make your business life much easier if you plan in advance how to get the needed capital and follow your plan. 如果你提前计划好如何得到必要的资本,你的创业就会容易很多。 www.hjenglish.com 3. I know the pace of business life has increased, but this is speedy work by anyone's standards. 我知道商界生活的节奏已经加快,但无论以何种标准衡量,这都算得上是神速之举。 www.ftchinese.com 4. He wasalways guided by his principles of honesty and fair play in his business life (他在业务上素来遵循其诚实公正原则); blog.hjenglish.com 5. The Laws of Simplicity (Simplicity: Design, Technology, Business, Life) 简洁性法则(简洁性:设计、科技、商业和生活) blog.sina.com.cn 6. Your social development as Colleagues; and Your business life to come; 作为职员的你的社会发展,你的商业生涯 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Desktop Wallpaper of Humorous Business Life 办公生活幽默插画 www.wallcoo.com 8. Study on Business Life Structure Analysis Method 企业寿命结构分析方法研究 www.ilib.cn 9. The Management Logic of Business Life Model 企业生命模型的管理学逻辑 www.ilib.cn 10. Analysis on Financial Management Goal Based on Business Life Cycle 基于企业生命周期的财务管理目标分析 ilib.cn 1. Perfect Phrases for ESL Everday Business Life-Part 2 Small Talk 商务英语口语对话-美国工作生存手册-第二部分:闲聊 www.bing.com |
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